TOLEDO/DETROIT SALES: 419-870-2797 • 313-729-4435 Since 1989. www. l a p r FREE! TOLEDO: TINTA CON SABOR DETROIT CLEVELAND • LORAIN Ohio & Michigan’s Oldest & Largest Latino Weekly CLEVELAND 216-688-9045 Classified? Email
[email protected] 28 de diciembre, 2018 Weekly/Semanal 16 páginas Vol. 64, No. 17 ¡FELIZ NAVIDAD Y PROSPERO AÑO NUEVO! CALL TODAY! Adrianne 419-870-2797 or email El Corazón de México Ballet Folklorico will be performing again this
[email protected] year as part of The Toledo Museum of Art's 'Great Art Escape' festivities at the Peristyle, starting at 2:00PM on Friday, December 28, 2018. Check out TMA's additional events at Luly Del Real, p. 4 Bored? Go to Página 2 La Prensa December 28, 2018 ‘A moral disaster’: AP reveals scope of migrant As number of kids detained soared, so did kids’ program accusations of sexual abuse by gov’t agents By GARANCE BURKE and MARTHA MENDOZA, Associated Press By ASTRID GALVAN, Associated Press 19 XII 18 (AP): Decades through,” said Cecilio Ramirez The kids in these programs after the U.S. stopped institu- Castaneda range in age from toddlers to PHOENIX, 19 XII 18 (AP): where. The policies of Donald facility overseen by the Of- , a Salvadoran who Trump’s administration, in- tionalizing kids because large was separated from his 12-year- 17. The vast majority crossed The number of children be- fice of Refugee Resettlement, and crowded orphanages were old son, Omar, when they were the border without their par- ing held in immigrant shel- cluding extended background even for attorneys represent- causing lasting trauma, it is ents, but some were separated ters has soared over the past checks and deportation refer- ing the kids.