March 14, 1991 the Other Press 1 I · ~:~::: , :: :' : ''':. : , 11 AIDS Education Piece Causes Controversy called The Muse after perpetuate the problem," she "It's totally amazing -­ of Winnipeg - have reprinted Memorial's student council said said. they've blown it all out of the article in support of The HALIFAX (CUP) -- The it would establish a publishing Biology and Women's proportion. On TV, we were put Muse. mass media have "missed the board to oversee the paper's Studies professor Joan Scott said ahead of the Gulf War and a Papers running the boat" in the brouhaha over a editorial content. The Royal the university should support possible outbreak of controversial article have been safer-sex article[ublished in a Newfoundland Constabulary's the article. meningitis," she said. harrassed by their student Newfoundlan student statement that it would launch "Art May is only exciting Kinsman cited the backlash councils. The Uniter's editorial newspaper, say the paper's an investigation made The homophobia on the campus over the gay-positive article as staff were asked to hand in their supporters. Globe and Mail's national when he should be squelching an example of attempts by resignations last week. The Cord "It's really unfortunate the edition. In St. John's, The it," she said. government, religious groups at Wilfred Laurier University in media pounced on this and Sunday Express advised the "At cinemas, we are exposed and the mass media to suppress Waterloo, Ontario, had their defined it immediately as being lesbian and gay communities to to an avalanche of movies that information about safe sex. locks changed and their paper about offunding people - rather "take care not to lose , sight of are graphic, explicit and full of 'The reality is, you have to shut down by student council than as a health education their longer-term social goals." coercive sex and violence decide whether you're going to after running the article. And the issue," said Kinsman, a Gary "What long-term goal are against women. The allow HIV to spread because of Dal Gazette at Dalhousie sociology professor at Memorial they referring to -- that we (gay /lesbian) supplement is your 'moral' perspective, or University in Halifax has had University who has done should book funeral parlors?" completely free of coercive sex," whether you're going to copies o( the issue containing extensive research on AIDS asked Padraic Brake, the gay Scott said. seriously grapple with explicit the article taken off the stands, education issues. rights activist who co-wrote the May retracted his linkage of education," said Kinsman. and are facing threats of closure. The February 15 article, controversial article. tuition fee hikes and the "Hopefully, more people The Other Press is called "A gay men's guide to Brake, a student at "pornographic" article the next will realize we have to deal with autonomous and cannot be shut erotic safer sex," was part of the Memorial, said explicit, day. this issue, even though it may down by the DCSS. annual lesbian and gay gay-positive education has been Muse editor Dawn Mitchell offend a few people. In many The Link at Concordia supplement published by The proven effective in study after ways, this is a health University and The Varsity at Muse at Memorial University in said that despite the news study. He said the article was a conference, none of the "zillions" emergency," he said. the University of Toronto plan St. John's. It used explicit "replication of safe-sex material The Muse is one of about a to follow suit next week. language and erotic scenarios to of journalists pestering Muse used in other North American staff members seem to care dozen university newspapers in Members of The Muse staff show gay men how to enjoy sex cities," based on the guidelines Canada which publish annual have yet to hear anything from while reducing the risk of about AIDS education - the of the Canadian AIDS Society. point of the article in the first lesbian and gay supplements. So the police. spreading HIV -- the virus The national umbrella far, at least three of these- the thought to cause AIDS. It was place. Their interests: "shock group's booklet on safe-sex value, the police investigation, Other Press, the Ubyssey at the 110U: tiN arlku in question ha accompanied by a suggestive Oft education urges that "a variety the (student council) and May's University of British Columbia, lrun ,.,m.. W,forneryone's benefit, graphic taken from a pamphlet page 4 of tiN •l'l'kmmt. of specifically tailored terms be comments." and the Uniter at the University on oral sex produced by the used for the many different AIDS Committee of Toronto. needs of people, in their own Kinsman said the media's erotic vocabularies." Gay Soldier Takes Forces To Court fasCination with the various "It wasn't meant to negative reactions to the article sensationalize, nor to shock br lhephen Hendrie The group has received base where I work have come in - rather than its intent - has $25,000 in federal funding to anyone. It was to communicate MONTREAL(CUP)- Every and told me they support me." created a "hysterical" directly to gay men in the cloud has a lavender lining. help develop human rights Among the military atmosphere which could stifle language that they use," said While the Canadian Forces cases under the Court members who dropped by crucial discussion about AIDS Challenges Program, a federal Brake, who estimates there are have been off playing soldier in Dwyer's desk were some gay education. government fund established in and lesbian colleagues, still in over 2,000 lesbians and ~r men the Persian Gulf Corporal to facilitate legal challenges "This is a brilliant among students, staf and Derrick Dwyer ~ frozen 1985 the closet, who confided in him. illustration of how the based on the Charter of Human Les McAfee said Dwyer will homophobia in society is faculty at Memorial. . in his position as an Rights. On Feb. 18, supporters of administrative clerk in a supply need support as the legal preventing us from doing the The Muse held a press unit at a Montreal base. McAfee said the timing was process becomes more intense. effective safe-sex and AIDS i great for Dwyer. confere~ in an effort to focus ! He's been in Umbo since he The army is expected to mount a education we have to do." "A similar case fell through strong opposition, for fear that a the med1a s gaze on the health decided three years ago to llfnft Kinsman said angle of the tory. · hiding the fact that he's ,av~r out west when another gay victory for Dwyer would mean community-based AIDS groups "Mr Ma to have lost o-.1 soldier gave up. He was worn de facto Charter prohibition of in New York, San Francisco, · · Y f The military reacted to out after five years of battling discrimination based on sexual Toronto and Vancouver have slght of ~ e act that Dwyer's admission of 15 the mill . It didn't take long orientation. This would be a been highly successful in pol?ography h imagery houioeexuality dwing a routine lor r's case to be accepted significant victory for the gay which presents a 1\ subject · check by __..u.. e his security reducing rates of HIV al 0 b'ect ~ use of · ---a by t e Court Challenges rights movement in Canada. "It transmission among men- but as a ~xu .. ~ or w·.. ~a~.o dearanCeandteJUnghimtoquit. Program." would also be significant theV1ewer,. sa1d Theresa ~., Dwyerdeddedto&ght.Hewent only by using the approach representmg the St . .J'i hn s public with his stcry, and the Dwyer has already gone because the military is arguing it taken by the article in The Muse. Status of Women Counc1l. media attention~ to have rough the internal military is out of the realm of human To work, the message must be w 1 h 'd Ma •....,._. process, the equivalent of a rights legislation, and out of the explicit, gay- and sex-positive, as sal Y was hisaecurityclearancereinltated to throw up a smokescreen. federal tribunal stage, and realm of charter legislation, says actually show people how to "This article -- and the But he remaiDs stuck is struck out. The next step is the McAfee. have safe sex and use language accompanying photograph __ Federal Court of Appeal. 'They feel exempt because appropriate to the community it depicts a sexuality which is job a clerk. Dwyer he's 'We'll probably be in court they're national security. Part of is aimed at. bein discriminated gainst in early spring," said Dwyer their argument is that gays and mutually pleasurable and becau of his sexual ''This is the type of work that entered in to freely, not one -.a from his Montreal apartment. lesbians would be outrageous to sueceed s. This lS· w hat works ' " linked to violence, humiliation orientati .... he' king the The 33-year-old native of Belle morale, and destroy 'd Ki military to sal nsman. or ridicule," she said. Island, Nfld., spoke pensively effectiveness in the armed Af ter t h e supp1 ement Robin Whitaker, a Enter E about the years of living with his forces. It's very similar to the · 1 'd t Gays an Lesbians appeared ' Memona ~resl en Memori'al student and former secret, dealing with an arguments used to keep women ' Everywhere), an Ottawa-based Arthur MaY told the t · J0 hn s Muse editor, said the article has intransigent commanding out of the forces 20 years ago. E venmg· T e 1egram the a r ti' c1 e been used by some people as an reoup designed to help gays and officer, and steeling himself for a Just replace women with gay, was " pornograp h'1c " an d excuse to gay-bash. esbians through the legal longer, more intense legal battle. and it's the same argument." suggested the Feb. 15 edition "AIDS is the issue here and process. "I've been getting a lot of If he wins his case, Dwyer could raise tuition fees by hiding the fact that people are "Corporal Dwyer called us support. My parents support me knows there will still be hurting alumni donations. sexually active and the ways two years ago. He didn't know 100 per cent. Most of the military discrimination, but he doesn't Newspapers and radio shows ill nl what to do anymore," said Les and civilian personnel at the think it will just be a paper 0 from as far away as Montreal they are sexually active w. Y McAfue, president of EGALE. victory. "It will open the doors for Little Sisters Bookstore Sues Canada Customs Over Erotic Material other homosexuals to be open in by Graham cameron form of censorship," BCCLA expression under the Canadian will be a central element of the the forces, and for those outside president Philip Bryden said Charter of Rights. BCCLA and Little Sisters case, to openly apply for positions VANCOUVER (CUP) Canada Customs regularly The present system, he said, according to Bryden. with the forces." Citing a long history of seizes books destined for Little is based on an unacceptable "In the way that they're McAfee said court cases are unwarranted discrimination Sisters. "reverse onus procedure." In applied, there is a only one item on the gay agenda. against importing gay and Bryden, who teaches law at most cases the onus is on the discrimination against those "Once we get a couple of lesbian literature, the B.C. Ovil the University of British Crown to prove guilt, but in who want to read gay and victories in the human rights Liberties Association and Columbia, recognizes that these actions it up to defendants lesbian literature and this is a area, we'll move on to another Vancouver's Little Sisters under Canadian custom tariff to prove materials are not violation of the equality phase - educating the public bookstore have filed a co-action laws, books that are obscene obscene. provisions of the Charter," he that gays and lesbians exist as lawsuit against Canada may be seized. But he argues Challenging this said. legitimate individuals, and Customs. that the way the laws are applied "assumption of guilt" bias of the families." Labelling the restriction of violates a person's rig~t to free Canada Customs regulations written material as the "purest 2 How Do I ·T But I knew that it was time I can still remember the day to share it with them, I could not The letter would never I walked through that door, my be myself, and continue to live finished, and never sent. mind had a million excuses the false life that others wanted send them the letter running through it. forme. the biggest and the 'Why did I have to tell them I'm ready to grow and do cop-out. But where, how, anyways. They don't need to everything that I've kept inside when would I tell ? know. Do they? Later, I can tell that's me. But who is the real book that I had read them later." me? All those years of hiding coming out, had said to and lying have left me with an sure that I didn't build up empty void. situation too much. I Am I still the same person everything to be just right. that I knew, Would my parents next couple of days were still love me? But, I finally just trying to decide just realized to myself that I hadn't it was that I could tell The attempt to portray the changed, and if they really loved first it was going to experience of being a Lesbian me, that their love for me could restaurant, good food from an insider's point of view not simply be tossed aside. It pleasant atmosphere. But as well as discuss some of the was me that they cared for. told them there, then oppression has presented more would all be worried of the sorrows than the joy of Dear Mom and Dad, keeping our voices down, being a lesbian. Hopefully, it's I hope'that this letter will help maybe not even talk. clear that the sorrows need not you to understand that I love you Plan#2 be there, since they're the result both dearly, and that I wouldn't do Using food as a of interaction with a damn anything to hurt you. theme was a great idea. hostile environment. When I was younger you block and a half away is a Understandably, some A taught me not to steal, to be fair, take out chicken place, so people may ask 'Why come out, ~ and to be honest. So now I must be went and bought a if it's so much trouble?" And (9/h honest with you ... I'm gay. chicken, some potato well they might ask. But then, ~ 'h plastic forks - the whole why continue to be of Asian ~ J descent, to have blue eyes, or to '~ be Black? Because it's natural. ~~ ~· Why try to conform to some ~... Homosexuality I non-Gay image when it's an q.h impossible affront to integrity in ~' How many times have you the first place? It's unnatural for read or heard somebody mutter the words that homosexuality is us. And the unhappy Most of all, I suppose, from consequences of such efforts not just sex? Every time I hear the list that could be drawn of this phrase being espoused by have been a part of our struggle the pleasures of being a Lesbian, to come to terms with ourselves. so called liberal minded I like being able to be myself, to individuals who are either very But, what is so wonderful respect differences in people, gay positve or . are gay about being a lesbian? It's and to look on the human world themselves,! get very angry. impossible to generalize. I like with a sense of compassion. knowing that women are It's not easy to be a Gay potential love partners rather person in our society today, than competitors or enemies. I though it's easier than it was a mirrors like walking down the street and decade or two ago. Once you Just as exchanging a glance and a smile realize you're Gay, you know with another Lesbian, and out of that you're in for plenty of pain other in a acknowledging that we are and struggle. You face manner, related and we know it. I like the discrimination and prejudice camp humor that we have happiness from people who supposedly a joyful o developed as a means of love you. The emotional spotlighting the insanity of most Bisexual pressures can be enormous. But same em10tl

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TPOH Continued from page 11. Blue Eyed Soul hear how good of a singer Lease Savage Love Romantic Stanwick is when they did a This play should have been People who want to experience Comes To Vancouver cover of "Material Girl." mandatory viewing for anyone love are introduced to all the Another item of interest was in love, who was in love or pitfalls as well as the marvellous one of the other covers they foolish enough to want to be in aspects. Pleasing and melodic, Pop's they had fulfilled this promise performed that evening. 'Now love. The large cast explore most successful duo, Hall and The distractions were the with "Kiss on my List'' and "Did let's play some real rock!" Berg nearly every emotion known in only drawbacks to the Oates are coming to Vancouver. it in a Minute". Extremely shouted as they burst into romance. Watching the play is Known for such hits as "One on performance. People entering successful, they performed at 'Wasn't that a Party." That was like looking through a photo and exiting through a clanky One", ''Private Eyes" and "Out of the concert of the eighties, Live almost as good as when I saw of emotions and the effect Touch", they are currently door during the performance Aid. While also contributing to Sting do "Home on the Range." is more prominent for those that were annoying but were unable touring in support of their new "Sun City" the famous Like I said it was a good have already experienced love. album Change of Season. So far to mar the overall performance. anti-apartheid composition. show but not exactly flawless. Savage Love successfully this album has sprung two hits And in a show of true During one of the new songs, a -,'So Oose" and ':Don't Hold Back related romantic relationships to acceptance by soul musicians, ballad yet, there was an Savage Love the audience and the end was Your Love." they performed at the legendary explosion. Berg was trying to Written by Sam Shepard + Joseph Chaikin powerfully moving. Hall and Oates Apollo Theatre with their keep singing but he was also Directed by Christine Menzies Ed's note. and unRbashed plug-­ Queen Elizabeth Theatre heroes, two of the original laughing. When the song was Ughtlng by Kirsten Smith Since you'TJe all missed this fine play, Aprll12, 1991 reviewed by Nell Art why don't you watch Black Comedy, preview by Krista Solie Temptations, Eddie Kendricks finally over he yelled "What the and Dave Ruffin. hell was that?" Still laughing he see story in this issue. Don't miss out. Daryl Hall and John Oates Also watch for The Bacchae, coming Now in the nineties, Hall explained that they had ~his soon. have been together since the late and Oates still continue to be wonderful idea of usmg sixties. First playing folk, they superstars. They are trying a flashbombs to liven up their gradually melded this interest, unique twist on this tour, as it is acoustic set it was too bad that plus rock and soul into their completely acoustical. No theywentoffin the wrong song. distinctive sound. During the lound thunderous guitar solos Other unintentional funny mid-seventies they had become during this tour, but instead an bits were Berg forgetting the Continued from page four of the LGB Supplement potential superstarts with their emphasis on their strong lyrics to both "Beautiful White" hits "She's Gone" and "Sara harmonizing in the intimate and "I'm an Adult Now." The crushes on some of the guys. this subject. That is why 1 have Smile'. By th_e ~a!lY Eigh~es setting of the Queen Elizabeth first time he had to get a prompt What I did was suppress my been able to put my thoughts Theatre. from Stanwick. The second time urges. I went out with some down on paper. Also because I girls only for appearances. They want to change things. I should he forgot the middle of a verse never knew, and usually the be able have a relationship with and just yelled out "Oh you relationship ended in disaster; anyone I want, regardless of know how it goes!" for both of us. gender. And I should be able to Today, I am a little more do so without being afraid of comfortable with myself and discrimination, or violence or Primal rejection by my peers. We aro:Jooking for leaders .. - . ~ .... ·_:,· __ '.'·~.~- .,.:.~::_: -~; .. cray . ,,_.... ~.-~(!· .., ,t~~~ W§;A·. ~~·., ... ··~4 . ,., · '

The Band is coming to town--finally. Do you have the Knowledge The band was supposed to be here way back in January, but the massive amounts of snow that was dumped on our fair city but not the vehicle? prevented them from getting here. Now the long wait is over and the band is blowing into town to infuse the gentile surroundings of the Q.E.with the power of the . Do you want a part-time career. The Seattle based bluesman has played with all the greats, The Robert Cray Band from the legendary Muddy Waters, and B.B. King to the late-great Stevie Ray Vaughn, that could become full·time? ' ' Sp::::- with whom he shared the stage --0~<--~ ~ - c4 with during his last gig. S-<.... KUNG-i="U ( The Robert Crey Band NOW AVAILABLE Featuring The Mephls Horns Queen Elizabeth Theatre i=" O?. MEN AND WOt-iC:N SUn. March 17th MORE INFO CALl. Be&ina MII'CII 4ltl previewed by: Haroon A. Khan Man + 7:00 pm Immediate wedS- income Like Vaughn and Eric ROOM 1313 Clapton. Cray is a guitar hero. 1S""i L~SS,:)N FR=:E who plays in his own inimitable style. He plays primal Delta potential, no ceiling! Blues with the emotional intensity of Robert Johnson, mixing it with the unmistakable groove that his band adds, resulting in a potent brew that explodes when playing live. If you are a young motivated pers~n The band is also toLiring with , who promise to fuel the show with its own brand of trademark horns, complementing the smoking who wants to control your future, guitar virtuosity of Cray. Need Help Wrltlnc l!aii.Ye7 Expect choice cuts from want to be llble to hand In a "Strong Persuader", his F1m Cl... Paper? breakthrough album, and the I "- a BA In ~lah from UBC, and can help edit your eSSII)Ie newer "Don't Be Afraid Of The to meet the demands of a Dark" and "". university marklnc system. TUtort..c also available. So stroll on down the the Please call Felzal at Q.E. for a night of the blues that 645-0991(Pager)· only The Robert Cray Band can LIM messact and l'llone nwnber. deliver. ------~ 14 the Other Press March 14, 1991