Global Overview

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Global Overview GLOBAL OVERVIEW Al Dahra Agriculture has grown over the past decade to become a global leader in the forage and roughage cultivation and processing industry. Through widespread global investments, it has established a premier market position, offering a large spectrum of forage products catered for the needs of dairy farms and cattle growers. Al Dahra group currently produces more than 2 million metric tons of forage per annum. Al Dahra Agriculture is distinguished by various attributes: First and foremost, it has an impressive geographic footprint with established presence in the United States of America, Europe, Africa and the Middle East. The global network of operations allows the group to provide undisrupted forage supply to customers all year round, hence mitigating climate change risks and other trade related risks. In addition, it maintains a strategic stock reserve of about 250,000 metric tons with constant rotation. On the other hand, the group has been recognized by industry experts and customers alike to offer the highest quality products available on the market. It is committed to apply the most stringent quality control measures at each stage of the supply chain to ensure feed safety. Hence, a rigorous global quality management framework is implemented across the entire product cycle starting from the selection of raw material and seeds, the sourcing of fertilizers and pesticides, the application of best practices at the farms and factories level and following through logistics management and after sales service. In addition, the group has invested in acquiring and implementing the latest farming and irrigation technologies and forage processing machinery. Furthermore, the group has invested in building global logistics capabilities as it believes that a robust supply chain is integral to its business. It manages and operates an excellent storage, inland transportation and sea freight network, ensuring the preservation of its products to the highest quality standards and ensuring excellent control at each stage of the supply chain. This integrated investment approach results in a direct benefit to the end consumer, guaranteeing the best products at competitive prices. Last but not the least, the group is a pioneer in developing, processing and supplying new product formulations. Product innovation remains a key pillar in the group’s growth strategy with a lot of attention given at the development of new bi-products and adjacent products that meet customer needs. Being at the forefront of forage innovation is undoubtedly a differentiating attribute of the group. Al Dahra Agriculture achievements to-date in the forage growing and processing business have been tremendous. Al Dahra Agriculture and its subsidiaries remain committed to further grow and diversify in the forage industry in the years to come. GLOBAL F ORAFORAGE GSUPPE SUPPLY CHLAIY NCHAIN USA West EUROPE Coast Lérida MIDDLE EAST Zaragoza Ellensburg Mirpur Khas East Spain Coast Italy Stockton ASIA Wilmington Goldsboro Egypt Pakistan East Oweinat Sudan UAE AFRICA SOUTH AMERICA Namibia Continents AL Dahra Selling Entity Durban AUSTRALIA Production Facilities South Export Trade Lanes Africa KEY TARGET MARKETS Asia: China, Japan, Korea, Vietnam, Taiwan, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, India, Other Asian Countries. Europe: Turkey, Spain, France, Cyprus, Portugal, Greece, Denmark, Malta, Other European Countries. Middle East: Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Oman, Qatar, Kuwait, Lebanon, Jordan, Other Middle Eastern Countries. Africa: Morocco, Libya, Tunisia, Mauritania, Gambia, Senegal, Other African Countires. GROUP ANNUAL FORAGE CULTIVATION CAPACITY The group cultivates about 390,000MT of different forage varieties and grasses on a wide portfolio of owned and leased farming lands: Al Dahra ACX Global (USA): 60,000MT; Al Dahra Fagavi (Spain): 160,000MT; Al Dahra Egypt: 120,000MT; Al Dahra Pakistan: 50,000MT. GROUP ANNUAL FORAGE PRODUCTION AND PROCESSING CAPACITY The group produces and processes about 1,2 million MT of forage and grasses across 10 production fa- cilities and plants: Al Dahra ACX Global (USA): 70,000MT, Al Dahra Fagavi (Spain): 370,000MT; Al Dahra Egypt: 120,000MT; Al Dahra South Africa: 60,000MT. GROUP ANNUAL FORAGE AND ROUGHAGE SOURCING CAPACITY The group is involved in sourcing approximately 400,000MT of different forage and roughage products from the international market; Al Dahra Bio Agri (Italy): 400,000MT. AL DAHRA ACX GLOBAL Al Dahra ACX Global is a leader in the United States forage and roughage industry with more than 35 years of innovation and industry leadership. It has maintained a top international markets exporter position for decades. In May 2012, it was awarded the presidential “E” Award for Exports by the US Department of Commerce, representing by far the highest recognition any US entity may receive for making significant contribution to the expansion of US exports. Al Dahra ACX Global processing facilities are strategically located in prime US hay-growing areas of both the West Coast and East Coast, close to the major sea ports. It operates four production facilities out of Ellensburg Washington in the Pacific Northwest, Stockton California in the Pacific Widwest and Wilmington California in the Pacific Southwest. In addition, it offers premium and standard grades of alfalfa, timothy hay, sudangrass, oat hay and various other hays and straws. In 2012, Al Dahra ACX Global started its own cultivation and farming projects on owned land in the Imperial Valley and continues to invest in growing its farming lands portfolio. The main features that set Al Dahra ACX Global apart from its industry peers are: steady supply of a wide spectrum of product categories and quality range as per individual customer needs strong presence in strategically-located forage growing areas application of stringent quality control standards and inspections across all production processes industry-leading machinery, storage facilities and transport operations ensuring sustained export quality real time online tracking of customer orders and scheduled deliveries The Ellensburg, Washington division is located in the Pacific Northwest (PNW) in the State of Washington on the water-rich farming community of the Columbia Basin. It processes and exports over 200,000 MT of hay per annum for delivery to all Far East, Southeast, and Middle East markets. Product lines include premium and standard grades of alfalfa hay, timothy hay, Sudangrass, rye hay, and other grass hay and straw products from Washington, Idaho, Montana, and eastern Oregon. Shipping ports include the Port of Seattle and the Port of Tacoma. The Stockton, California division is located in the Pacific Midwest (PMW) region along the farm belt of the Sacramento / San Joaquin Delta. It processes and exports over 200,000 MT of hay per annum for delivery to all markets. Product lines include premium and standard grades of alfalfa hay, sudangrass, oat hay, timothy hay, and other grass hay and straw products from California, Nevada, and Southern Oregon. Stockton division is home to ACX’s famous TRUESWEET® sudangrass which is very popular in Japan. All Stockton products are exported through the Port of Oakland. The Wilmington, California division is located in the Pacific Southwest (PSW) immediately outside the Port of Los Angeles and the Port of Long Beach along the “Over-Weight Container Corridor”. This allows it to export 200,000 MT of hay products from California, Arizona, Idaho, Utah, Colorado, and New Mexico in maximum weighted containers. Product lines include alfalfa, sudangrass, bermuda grass, klein grass, and other grass hay and straw products. The Goldsboro, North Carolina division is the first and only major export hay processing facility on the eastern seaboard of the United States. It processes and exports up to 100,000 MT of bermuda grass and other grass hay and straw products produced on farms in the immediate surrounding area. Products are delivered to Middle East and European markets through the Port of Norfolk Virginia. AL DAHRA FAGAVI Al Dahra Fagavi was formed following the acquisition and integration of various players in the forage processing industry in Spain, including the Gaset Group. As a result, Al Dahra Fagavi is considered today as the largest forage producer in Spain and the leader in the forage industry in Europe. Al Dahra Fagavi is specialized in the production, international marketing and distribution of multiple forage varieties in the form of bales (alfalfa, alfalfa mix, rye grass, fescue) and pellets (alfa pellets, and high fibre pellets). Its annual production capacity currently exceeds 370,000 metric tons. As part of its cultivation strategy, the company ensures the selection of geographically favourable land such as the Ebro Valley area which is characterised by excellent irrigation conditions suitable for growing forage. Across various parts of Spain, about 8,600 hectares of land are currently cultivated. In addition, the company ensures a healthy cultivation portfolio equally split amongst long-term land leasing contracts and local farmer supply contracts. Al Dahra Fagavi owns and operates six production factories located in Ivars, Vila-sana, Linyola, Bujaraloz, Bellvís and Torregrossa, whilst the Head Office is located in Fondarella, in the province of Catalonia. All production facilities operate to very high quality standards and are ISO 9001 certified. The key attributes that differentiate Al Dahra Fagavi in the forage industry are: selecting and processing
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