The Pierpoint--Pierpont Family of Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia
3.2,1973 «do g,£¢1.Jz,A.£.q/Lg, ,,.,/;,,+.<2. 4€.w¢,,¢.;c.{ ’?“"“" 507 c0.».;,,,¢,J/~ fl“'¢JL-«J-.YYLo. v 73a0o.&—.~,...»,,.+3..a;..; 59- ‘Hum; u«,x,a.2.{~AJ.:.x,...:.,,;.a4»a:z¢.4z««G!,)éo»;>‘f;} :<Am«,1«—r.\u. P4»,.'.~J J1aAw'...» a.t«c,..J.3r ‘ (.>t,,,..,..¢). A».aao,u,.,¢,.;,a47,,¢c,4.»v,. Yn"-4''80‘ P. Htcgaw-a»\J a2M..A».;.. ,-:J».3,-,..;..,, -.7330? nzuqbu The 1Hierpninf~Iflierpnnf iflamilg of flnargland —*‘Virginia ‘West ")9irca'mia 929.2 9 RF TH P NT-PIERPONT FAMILY OF MARYLAN ‘ 19 Nl MCPL llllllilil ll WWI |W|ll|il\HlHJilillllllh llllll i 3 0000 00159763 6_ copvauenr SEPTEMBER 1955 MID-CHNTINENT PIIBLII‘. LIBRARY PREFACE After several years of careful research of such records as were available this record of the Virginia-Maryland branch of the Pier ponts is presented to the members of that branch and to those of the public who may BE interested in acquiring such knowledge as is contained therein. I desire to register my deep appreciation to Mrs. Pierrepont Moflatt of New York City for her permission to use the data pub lished BY R. Burnham Moffatt, in his work entitled, “ Pierrepont Genealogies from Norman Times, which contains a most painstak ing account of the family on the other side of the Atlantic. His work is among the standard volumes of genealogies in the Library of Congress. The early data of the family on this side of the Atlantic has been culled from the voluminous records found in the records of Anne Arundel County, Maryland, and from the records of the Friends Meeting of Maryland and Virginia.
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