Maryland Historical Magazine, 1960, Volume 55, Issue No. 4
MARYLAND HISTORICAL MAGAZINE VOL. 55, No. 4 DECEMBER, i960 CONTENTS PAGE George Calvert: His Yorkshire Boyhood ]ames W. Foster 261 Constitutional Reform and Election Statistics in Maryland, 1790-1812 /. R. Vole 275 The Causes of the Maryland Revolution of 1689 Michael G. Kammen 293 Old Quaker Burying Ground, "West River /. Reaney Kelly 334 John Ferdinand Dalziel Smith: Loyalist Harold Hancock 346 Sidelights 359 Letter of Francis Scott Key ed. by Franklin R. Mullaly Excerpts from Two Pinkney Letter Books ed. by Dorothy Brown Reviews of Recent Books 371 Cappon, ed.. The Adams-Jefferson Letters: The Complete Corre- spondence between Thomas Jefferson and Abigail and John Adams, by Charles A. Barker Labaree, ed., The Papers of Benjamin Franklin, by Curtis Carroll Davis Hall, Benjamin Franklin and Polly Baker: The History of a Literary Deception, by Ellen Hart Smith Hamilton, Braddock's Defeat: The Journal of Captain Cholmelefs Batman, ... by Milton W. Hamilton Sears, George Washington and the French Revolution, by Ellen Hart Smith Parham, ed., ATy Odyssey: Experiences of a Young Refugee from Two Revolutions ... by Frank F. White, Jr. Powers, ed., The Maryland Postal History Catalog . ., by H. Findlay French Gray et al, The Historian's Handbook: A Key to the Study and Writing of History, by Frank F. White, Jr. Ferguson and Ferguson, The Piscataway Indians of Southern Maryland, by Frederic Matthew Stiner Notes and Queries 380 Contributors 383 Annual Subscription to the Magazine, $4.00. Each issue $1.00. The Magazine assumes no responsibility for statements or opinions expressed in its pages. Richard Walsh, Editor C. A. Porter Hopkins, Asst.
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