ORGANISATION FOR THE PROHIBITION OF CHEMICAL WEAPONS Dirutor-Ctntral OPCW The lf<lgue, 18 December 2014 ?014 OEC 2 3 Johan de \V ittl.>"n 31 1./()!)(Jill)5480/14 I q--- II 8 J--i 2517 JR The Ha)!U< !:....... ...��4._�·; i/� ..,.. !.: t l t•l;_ �� Tht' Nethnbnds o:F 'i llc ;,t.Q.l;J:.:ut)'.GE.NERAI. Tdcphone:+ 31(0)704103702/o-t ht: + 31 (o)jo 410 37 91. E-mail: ahmct.uzumcu(t!)opcw.urg Excellency, I have the honour to transmit to you the Third Report of the Organisation t()r the Prohibition of I Chemical Weapons Fact-Finding Mission in Syria. As you know the Mission was mandated to J I establish the !acts surrounding allegations of the usc of toxic chemicals, reportedly chlorine, f()r I hostile purposes in the Syrian Arab Republic. I This repoti will be circulated today in ·nlC I !ague to States Parties to the Chemical Weapons Convention. IIY. Mr Ban K i-tn0l)l1 Sccrdary-Gcncral ol"the United Nations United Nations llcadquartcrs New York l:>rs(olf/vof ORGANISATION FOR THE PROHIBITION OF CHEMICAL WEAPONS Dirutor-General OPCW The Hague, 18 December 2014 Johan de Witdaan 32 1./0DG/195480/14 2517 )R The Hague The Netherlands Telephone: + 31 ( o )70 416 37 02/04 Fax:+ 31 (0)70 416 37 92 E-mail:
[email protected] Excellency, I have the honour to transmit to you the Third Report of the Organisation for the Prohibiti on of Chemical Weapons Fact-Finding Mission in Syria.