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[email protected] 28 January 2016 Mr Ian Comfort Chief Executive Officer Academies Enterprise Trust Kilnfield House Station Approach Hockley SS5 4HS Dear Mr Comfort Focused inspection of AET academies Following the focused inspections of seven of the schools in the Academies Enterprise Trust (‘AET’ or ‘the Trust’) in November 2015, and the subsequent follow- up visit by Her Majesty’s Inspectors, I am writing on behalf of Her Majesty’s Chief Inspector of Education, Children’s Services and Skills to confirm the findings. Thank you for your cooperation during the visit by Her Majesty’s Inspectors (HMI) John Daniell, Stephen McMullan and Paul Tomkow on 24 and 25 November 2015. We particularly appreciate the time taken to prepare the visit programme. Please pass on my thanks to your staff and other stakeholders who kindly gave up their time to meet our inspectors. A focused inspection of a sample of the Trust’s academies was last carried out in June 2014. The findings from the latest sample of focused inspections and a wider consideration of the Trust’s overall performance are set out below. Summary of main findings . After operating for nearly eight years, the Trust is failing too many pupils. Almost 40% of the pupils attend AET primary academies that do not provide a good standard of education. It is even worse in secondary, where 47% of pupils attend academies that are less than good.