o NILES HERALD-SPECTATORf $1.50 Thursday, April 23,2015 nilesheraldspectator.com NEWS 'Don'tyouforget aboutme, D207 staff finds original copy of 'The Breakfast Club' script. Page 6 GErn IMAGES Gun shop case to be decided Ruling expected in May for Nues gun shop -- lawsuit.Page 6 - - e.'. e.'t - --- = = SPORTS - 'c3 ° -- A good ? -- - -- --- :. start a- "- Niles North err.. * J. ga1ie Nina - _.4 - -.- -- _1 '- Yonan. left, has posted five shutouts in her .-o first seven JENNIFER JOHNSON/PIONEER PRESS games this season.Page 53 A first draft of "The Breakfast Club" script was discovered recently while Maine Township High School District 207 staff was GEOFF SCHEEPER/ cleaning out filing cabinets. The movie was filmed at the shuttered Maine North High School in the spring of 1984. PIONEER PRESS VEHICLE LOAN RATES AS LOW AS 1.74% APR' SO-frTLO91I SB1IN Is NOI)4O 0959 cømn4s.R.c.*I iflItfl - s* H* ns .LSIO 'a 1)lI4N1 5T0-31O1LSTC8CCTO [ o ]TSHNdd I-V31 :5>d 33 Ndd*TLO91IWt,#!gs H')() '5ALiijk-.,,, 2 SHOUT OUT NILES HERALD- SPECTATOR nilesheraldspectator.com Drashti Rami, mother and singer Drashti Rami ofDes Plaines is a Bob Fleck, Publisher/General Manager big fan of the Village Creamery in Niles (8000 N. Waukegan Road) John Puterbaugh, Editor where she answered a few ques- 312-222-3331;
[email protected] tions for Pioneer Press. Her par- Jill McDermoft, Vice President of Advertising ents live in Skokie and she decided 224-500-2419;
[email protected] to drive to Niles as part of her shopping excursion with her Local News Editor: MAILING ADDRESS mother-in-law Jasmit.