Last refresh : 11/01/2010


Partner's Partner's Partner's Country of Amount short category Subject of the grant Contract Code nationality operation Contract name code

ACF - FRA FRANCE NGO An assessment of the needs prevailing in Papua, Indonesia. ECHO/IDN/210/2003/02008 INDONESIA 55.600

ACF - FRA FRANCE NGO Approvisionnement en eau pour la population des Gonaïves touchée par la tempête tropicale "Jeanne" ECHO/HTI/BUD/2004/06002 HAITI 282.913

Emergency assessment and assistance to vulnerable, IDP and returnee communities to improve the household living ACF - FRA FRANCE NGO conditions increase food security and nutrition surveillance in Upper Nile. ECHO/SDN/BUD/2004/01013 SUDAN 640.000

ACF - FRA FRANCE NGO Emergency assistance for war-affected populations in Liberia ECHO/-WF/BUD/2004/01025 LIBERIA 735.200

ACF - FRA FRANCE NGO Emergency nutrition and food security intervention in war affected areas of western Ivory Coast. ECHO/-WF/BUD/2004/01003 COTE D'IVOIRE 472.705

ACF - FRA FRANCE NGO Emergency nutrition and Water/Sanitation assistance for war affected populations in Bong and Lofa counties ECHO/-WF/BUD/2004/01043 LIBERIA 350.000

ACF - FRA FRANCE NGO Emergency programme in Northern Uganda. ECHO/UGA/EDF/2004/01006 UGANDA 930.000

ACF - FRA FRANCE NGO Emergency water accessibility improvement for conflict affected population in Darfur State. ECHO/SDN/BUD/2004/03012 SUDAN 586.303

ACF - FRA FRANCE NGO Emergency water project in Liberian refugee camps around Bo and Kenema ECHO/-WF/BUD/2004/01020 SIERRA LEONE 75.004

ACF - FRA FRANCE NGO Emergency water supply and animal health surveillance programme. ECHO/ETH/EDF/2004/01002 ETHIOPIA 292.659

ACF - FRA FRANCE NGO Emergency water supply and food security interventions in Warder and Korahai, Somali region. ECHO/ETH/EDF/2004/02001 ETHIOPIA 774.570

ACF - FRA FRANCE NGO Flood disaster preparedness and mitigation in Kampong Cham province ECHO/DIP/BUD/2004/03002 CAMBODIA 220.000

ACF - FRA FRANCE NGO Food security, water and sanitation support to vulnerable households in conflict-affected and remote areas ECHO/-SA/BUD/2004/01004 SRI LANKA 640.000

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ACF - FRA FRANCE NGO Health, nutrition and food security programme in South Central Somalia. ECHO/SOM/BUD/2004/01006 SOMALIA 999.320

ACF - FRA FRANCE NGO Improving the livelihood of vulnerable populations through Water and Sanitation Program in Kyauktaw, Mrauk'U and Mimbya ECHO/MMR/BUD/2004/01003 MYANMAR 370.000 Townships East Rakhine State)

ACF - FRA FRANCE NGO Integrated approach programme on food security and nutritional activities in Ulaan Baatar city and Bayan Ulgii province ECHO/MNG/BUD/2004/01001 MONGOLIA 500.000

ACF - FRA FRANCE NGO Integrated approach programme on food security, drinking water supply, environmental sanitation, health education/hygiene ECHO/-AS/BUD/2004/01001 AFGHANISTAN 530.000 promotion, and community approach.

ACF - FRA FRANCE NGO Integrated approach programme on nutrition, health education and child care practices ECHO/-AS/BUD/2004/01002 AFGHANISTAN 635.000

ACF - FRA FRANCE NGO Nutrition and health programme in Unity State, Wau surroundings and Lafon district. ECHO/SDN/BUD/2004/01017 SUDAN 531.041

ACF - FRA FRANCE NGO Nutrition assistance to children under five and women suffering from acute malnutrition in Northern Rakhine State. ECHO/MMR/210/2003/02002 MYANMAR 800.000

ACF - FRA FRANCE NGO Programme de nutrition dans les zones de santé d'Uvira, Lemera, Nundu et Fizi ECHO/COD/BUD/2004/01029 CONGO, DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF 550.000

ACF - FRA FRANCE NGO Programme d'évaluation nutritionnelle dans six zones réparties sur l'ensemble du territoire d'Haiti ECHO/HTI/BUD/2004/04003 HAITI 184.432

ACF - FRA FRANCE NGO Programme intégré de prévention et de lutte contre la malnutrition dans les provinces de Kayanza, Ngozi et Ruyigi ECHO/BDI/BUD/2004/01019 BURUNDI 840.000

ACF - FRA FRANCE NGO Programme nutritionnel curatif dans le territoire de Shabundo ECHO/COD/BUD/2004/01033 CONGO, DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF 358.962

ACF - FRA FRANCE NGO Programme nutrtionnel sur les zones de santé d'Uvira, Lemera, Nundu et Fizi (phase de consolidation) ECHO/COD/BUD/2004/01049 CONGO, DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF 436.560

ACF - FRA FRANCE NGO Réhabilitation d'urgence du réseau d'approvisionnement en eau potable "Cacao" pour la ville de Port-de-Paix. ECHO/HTI/BUD/2004/04013 HAITI 370.338

ACF - FRA FRANCE NGO Support to household economy for vulnerable population in Chechnya and in Ingushetia through distribution of food and non ECHO/RUS/BUD/2004/02001 RUSSIA 1.225.000 food items and small scale Income Generating activities

ACF - FRA FRANCE NGO Support to immediate food security and agricultural recovery in conflict-affected areas of western Ivory Coast ECHO/-WF/BUD/2004/01034 COTE D'IVOIRE 186.720

Water and sanitation assistance to the Chechen Population in displaced camps of Ingushetia and in Chechen socio-medical ACF - FRA FRANCE NGO institutions. ECHO/RUS/BUD/2004/02004 RUSSIA 270.000

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ACF-UK UNITED KINGDOMNGO Improving Treatment, Prevention and Detection of malnutrition among children under 5 years old in Khatlon Province ECHO/TJK/BUD/2004/01009 TAJIKISTAN 880.000

ACF-UK UNITED KINGDOMNGO To increase access to potable water and decrease risks of water born diseases for vulnerable populations in rural areas ECHO/ZWE/BUD/2004/01011 ZIMBABWE 720.751

ACF-UK UNITED KINGDOMNGO To provide safe water and improve sanitation conditions of vulnerable populations living in remotest areas of North-East ECHO/KHM/210/2003/02006 CAMBODIA 320.000 Cambodia

ACH- ESP SPAIN NGO Aide humanitaire pour la population déplacée récemment dans le département de Putumayo, Colombie ECHO/COL/210/2003/01014 COLOMBIA 110.391

ACH- ESP SPAIN NGO Aide humanitaire pour la population directement affectée par le conflit sur la Côte Atlantique et dans le Putumayo Colombien. ECHO/-SM/BUD/2004/01001 COLOMBIA 585.000

ACH- ESP SPAIN NGO Assistance and reception of the population fleeing the border countries conflicts and host communities directly affected. ECHO/-WF/BUD/2004/01006 GUINEA 800.000

ACH- ESP SPAIN NGO Disaster reduction project in 2 municipalities of San Marcos Department ECHO/DIP/BUD/2004/02008 GUATEMALA 390.000

ACH- ESP SPAIN NGO Food for Work programme to enhance the food security of the most vulnerable households from Abkhazia area and ECHO/GEO/BUD/2004/01003 GEORGIA 100.000 Samegrelo-Upper Svaneti Region

ACH- ESP SPAIN NGO Food security programme to improve the living conditions of vulnerable men and women from Abkhazia,Samagrelo and ECHO/GEO/BUD/2004/01007 GEORGIA 500.000 Upper-Svanetia regions, Western Georgia

ACH- ESP SPAIN NGO Health, nutrition and water/sanitation programme in Caconda municipality ECHO/AGO/BUD/2004/01011 ANGOLA 604.614

Humanitarian nutrition and food security programme in Ganda, Caconda and Chipindo municipalities for population affected by ACH- ESP SPAIN NGO the recent rainfalls, Benguela and Huila provinces. ECHO/AGO/EDF/2004/01001 ANGOLA 410.977

ACH- ESP SPAIN NGO Improvement of the access to the basic needs for the most vulnerable families affected by the last Intifadah ECHO/-ME/BUD/2004/01003 PALESTINIAN TERRITORY, OCCUPIED 850.000

ACH- ESP SPAIN NGO Improving the financial, tendering and procurement practices on Humanitarian Aid ECHO/ADM/BUD/2004/01303 N/A 92.069

ACH- ESP SPAIN NGO Provision of emergency water and sanitation services and facilities and improved nutritional surveillance intervention for ECHO/IRN/BUD/2004/01001 IRAN 500.000 vulnerable earthquake-affected families in Bam and surrounding villages, Kerman province.

Support to the returnees' population affected by the 2003 conflict in Liguasan Marsh (Maguindanao and North Cotabato ACH- ESP SPAIN NGO Provinces ECHO/PHL/BUD/2004/01002 PHILIPPINES 250.000

ACH- ESP SPAIN NGO Understanding the vulnerability factors of the populations in Pagalungan, Datu Montawal and Pikit Municipalities, in Mindanao. ECHO/PHL/210/2003/02002 PHILIPPINES 75.000

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ACP SPAIN NGO Urgences médicales à Al Hoceimas ECHO/MAR/BUD/2004/01005 MOROCCO 200.000

ACSUR - MADRIDSPAIN NGO Strengthening of the local capacities for prevention, mitigation and assistance of disasters in the municipality of Dipilto ECHO/DIP/BUD/2004/02012 NICARAGUA 318.000

ACTED FRANCE NGO Emergency rehabilitation and support to the displaced and returnee populations in Bunyakiri ECHO/COD/BUD/2004/01019 CONGO, DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF 260.000

ACTED FRANCE NGO Emergency road rehabilitation Uvira-Baraka-Fizi ECHO/COD/BUD/2004/01037 CONGO, DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF 885.500

ACTED FRANCE NGO Integrated Emergency Operation in Maniema and South Kivu ECHO/COD/BUD/2004/01013 CONGO, DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF 840.000

ACTED FRANCE NGO Integrated water and sanitation and malaria prevention programme based on community participation ECHO/TJK/BUD/2004/01005 TAJIKISTAN 690.000

ACTED FRANCE NGO Meeting the emergency needs of vulnerable populations in Afghanistan ECHO/-AS/BUD/2004/01003 AFGHANISTAN 2.000.000

ACTED FRANCE NGO Opération de soutien d'urgence en faveur des populations victimes du conflit dans la région du Pool ECHO/COG/210/2003/02003 CONGO 475.000

ACTED FRANCE NGO Opération de soutien d'urgence en faveur des retournés de Panji, Maniema ECHO/COD/BUD/2004/01045 CONGO, DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF 835.000

ACTED FRANCE NGO Opération d'urgence pour le désenclavement économique des populations victimes du conflit dans la région du Pool ECHO/COG/EDF/2004/01004 CONGO 462.326

ACTED FRANCE NGO Prevention of Water-Borne Diseases outbreak in Dushanbe and its surrounding areas ECHO/TJK/BUD/2004/02002 TAJIKISTAN 25.000

ACTIONAID UNITED KINGDOMNGO Emergency relief and rehabilitation for the floods victims of Assam & Bihar ECHO/-SA/BUD/2004/02004 INDIA 440.000

ACTIONAID UNITED KINGDOMNGO Emergency Response for the flood victims in Kurigram and Jamalpur districts 2004 ECHO/-SA/BUD/2004/02002 BANGLADESH 1.034.216

ACTIONAID UNITED KINGDOMNGO Establishing partnership for disaster preparedness (PPDP) against the risk of flooding and earthquake in Bangladesh 2004. ECHO/TPS/219/2003/03002 BANGLADESH 236.998

Pilot project on Community based disaster risk reduction management in Actionaid's three long-term programme locations in ACTIONAID UNITED KINGDOMNGO Vietnam ECHO/DIP/BUD/2004/03008 VIET NAM 392.911

Psychosocial counselling and livelihood support to violence affected people in Kashmir with special emphasis on women and ACTIONAID UNITED KINGDOMNGO children ECHO/IND/BUD/2004/01002 INDIA 244.514

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ADRA - DEU GERMANY NGO ADRA Ryongchon hospital reconstruction project ECHO/PRK/BUD/2004/03003 KOREA, REPUBLIC OF 240.866

ADRA - DEU GERMANY NGO Emergency primary health care in Cuale Massango, Malange province ECHO/AGO/BUD/2004/01010 ANGOLA 397.997

ADRA - DEU GERMANY NGO Food and livestock security in Zavkhan Province, Mongolia ECHO/MNG/BUD/2004/01002 MONGOLIA 300.000

ADRA - DK DENMARK NGO Water access capacity building in West Darfur ECHO/SDN/BUD/2004/03006 SUDAN 745.382

AGA KHAN UNITED KINGDOMNGO Drinking water supply and sanitation project in Central and North Eastern Afghanistan ECHO/-AS/BUD/2004/01004 AFGHANISTAN 420.000

AGA KHAN UNITED KINGDOMNGO Fostering disaster-resilient Communities in isolated mountain environments - Phase II ECHO/DIP/BUD/2004/01006 TAJIKISTAN 348.216

AGA KHAN UNITED KINGDOMNGO Rural water supply for Gorno Badakhshan autonomous oblast ECHO/TJK/BUD/2004/01003 TAJIKISTAN 117.000

ALISEI ITALY NGO Aide humanitaire en faveur des populations de la région du Pool, République du Congo (Brazzaville). ECHO/COG/210/2003/02005 CONGO 300.000

ALISEI ITALY NGO Basic assistance for the recently forcefully displaced population and other vulnerable groups, victims of the conflict in ECHO/-SM/BUD/2004/01011 COLOMBIA 329.700 Magdalena District

Construction of basic mechanisms to create a disaster prevention, preparedness and mitigation culture in the Amazon region of ALISEI ITALY NGO Pando, Bolivia ECHO/TPS/219/2003/04007 BOLIVIA 443.183

ALISEI ITALY NGO Extension et consolidation des actions sanitaires dans les zones de santé de Kalémie et de Kabimba ECHO/COD/BUD/2004/01024 CONGO, DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF 788.483

ALISEI ITALY NGO From traditional passive resistance to resilience: reinforcement of institutional and communities disaster prevention and ECHO/DIP/BUD/2004/02007 HONDURAS 400.000 preparedness in the Honduran Mosquitia (Gracias a Dios District, Municipalities of Puerto Lempira and Villeda Morales)

ALISEI ITALY NGO Rehabilitation and training to provide dignified living conditions to vulnerable children in Tbilisi and IDP families in Rustavi ECHO/GEO/BUD/2004/01001 GEORGIA 500.000

AMI - FRA FRANCE NGO Aide humanitaire en faveur des populations des townships de Dala, de Bathidaung et des districts de Mong Pawk et Wein Kao, ECHO/MMR/BUD/2004/01002 MYANMAR 1.250.000 au Myanmar

AMI - FRA FRANCE NGO Aide médicale d'urgence en faveur des populations haïtiennes ECHO/HTI/BUD/2004/04004 HAITI 190.000

AMI - FRA FRANCE NGO Aide médicale en faveur des populations de 48 aires de santé dans la Province du Sud Kivu ECHO/COD/BUD/2004/01002 CONGO, DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF 1.999.999

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Bridge funding for support to 8 Basic / Comprehensive Health Centres and 102 Community Health Workers in Samangan and AMI - FRA FRANCE NGO Parwan provinces ECHO/-AS/BUD/2004/01007 AFGHANISTAN 300.000

AMI - FRA FRANCE NGO Emergency health assistance in rural areas for the populations affected by war in South Darfur. ECHO/SDN/EDF/2004/01005 SUDAN 475.000

AMI - FRA FRANCE NGO Restoration of blood transfusion services. ECHO/IRQ/210/2003/06001 685.000

ASIA ITALY NGO Water & Sanitation intervention in flood-affected areas of Sichuan Province. ECHO/CHN/210/2003/02002 CHINA 340.000

Amélioration des conditions de vie des populations du district de Mindouli, dans la région du Pool à travers la distribution de ATLAS FRANCE NGO matériaux de construction et réhabilitation d'urgence des centres de santé ECHO/COG/210/2003/02001 CONGO 426.213

ATLAS FRANCE NGO Appui aux populations déplacées d'Ituri à Bunia et appui à leur réinsertion dans les communautés d'origine. ECHO/COD/210/2003/02005 CONGO, DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF 531.141

AVSI ITALY NGO Continued emergency assistance to war-affected population in Northern ECHO/UGA/BUD/2004/01004 UGANDA 2.499.980

AVSI ITALY NGO Post-conflict assistance to population. ECHO/SDN/BUD/2004/01003 SUDAN 670.000

AVSI ITALY NGO Soutien à 7200 familles à risque d'insécurité alimentaire dans les territoires de Rutshuru, Masisi et Walikale ECHO/COD/BUD/2004/01012 CONGO, DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF 230.485

CAFOD UNITED KINGDOMNGO Communities affected by Tungurahua, mitigating the risk of living near an active volcano. ECHO/TPS/219/2003/04002 ECUADOR 372.062

CAM FRANCE NGO Accès aux soins de santé primaire dans les districts de Goma Tsé Tsé et Mayama ECHO/COG/EDF/2004/01001 CONGO 332.389

CAM FRANCE NGO Humanitarian aid to health structures in Surkhet District ECHO/NPL/BUD/2004/02003 NEPAL 715.059

CAM FRANCE NGO Humanitarian aid to primary health structures in Western Surkhet District ECHO/NPL/210/2003/02003 NEPAL 270.000

CAM FRANCE NGO Programme d'urgence pour l'accès aux soins de santé primaire dans les districts de santé de Ngoma Tsé Tsé et de Mayama, ECHO/COG/210/2003/02002 CONGO 246.870 région du Pool.

CAM FRANCE NGO Support programme to health structures in the governorate of Ninevah ECHO/IRQ/210/2003/06023 IRAQ 1.430.000

CARE - AUT AUSTRIA NGO Community based psychological education project for vulnerable youth (phase III) ECHO/RUS/210/2003/01024 RUSSIA 230.500

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CARE - AUT AUSTRIA NGO Community Based Psychosocial Education Project for Vulnerable Youth (Phase IV) ECHO/RUS/BUD/2004/01022 RUSSIA 250.000

CARE - AUT AUSTRIA NGO Emergency Assistance for Impoverished Households to Improve Food Security in Villages Affected by “the Wall” ECHO/-ME/BUD/2004/01037 PALESTINIAN TERRITORY, OCCUPIED 900.000

CARE - AUT AUSTRIA NGO Humanitarian assistance to the vulnerable communities of Far-western and Mid-western Districts of Nepal ECHO/NPL/BUD/2004/02002 NEPAL 370.941

CARE - AUT AUSTRIA NGO Integrated Community Service Project for Refugees in Al Ruwayshed and Al Karama Refugee Camps, Phase II ECHO/-ME/BUD/2004/01023 JORDAN 138.103

CARE - AUT AUSTRIA NGO Prévention des violences sexuelles et prise en charge communautaire des victimes de violences sexuelles ECHO/BDI/BUD/2004/01014 BURUNDI 184.633

CARE - AUT AUSTRIA NGO Timor Leste community managed food banks for a disaster preparedness project ECHO/DIP/BUD/2004/03004 EAST TIMOR 280.000

CARE - AUT AUSTRIA NGO Timor Leste Emergency Assistance to disaster affected communities to mitigate anutriaional disaster Project (TEAM-P) Phase ECHO/-XA/BUD/2004/01004 INDONESIA 785.451 II

CARE - DEU GERMANY NGO Banteay Ampil Mine Risk Reduction and Water Supply Project ECHO/KHM/210/2003/02007 CAMBODIA 300.000

CARE - DEU GERMANY NGO Emergency rehabilitation of Schools in Central and Southern Iraq ECHO/IRQ/210/2003/06021 IRAQ 1.097.560

Getting prepared: enhancing community based disaster preparedness and coping capacity in vulnerable communities of Binh CARE - DEU GERMANY NGO Dinh Province ECHO/DIP/BUD/2004/03009 VIET NAM 230.000

CARE - DEU GERMANY NGO Relief Assistance for Mullaitivu District, Wanni Region ECHO/-SA/BUD/2004/01009 SRI LANKA 302.300

CARE - DEU GERMANY NGO Remote area disaster preparedness and response project (RADPRP) ECHO/DIP/BUD/2004/03006 LAOS 203.435

CARE - DEU GERMANY NGO Rural water, sanitation and health education in the Northwest of Cambodia ECHO/KHM/BUD/2004/01003 CAMBODIA 616.265

CARE - FR FRANCE NGO Appui au système de soins de santé primaire au sud du Maniema ECHO/COD/BUD/2004/01032 CONGO, DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF 1.660.162

CARE - FR FRANCE NGO Assistance d'urgence aux populations de retour dans le territoire de Kibombo ECHO/COD/BUD/2004/01042 CONGO, DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF 239.192

Consolidation et amélioration des conditions de vies et des relations entre les réfugiés soudanais des camps de Iridimi, Milé, CARE - FR FRANCE NGO Touloum, Amenabak/Mader et des populations Tchadiennes des villages environs ECHO/TCD/EDF/2004/02006 CHAD 355.000

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CARE - FR FRANCE NGO Early Warning Systems in Communities around Cerro Negro Volcano Complex: Strengthening Response Capacities ECHO/DIP/BUD/2004/02001 NICARAGUA 350.000

CARE - FR FRANCE NGO Emergency Project for ensuring the food security of vulnerable families at great risk in Puno, through the recovery and the ECHO/PER/BUD/2004/01007 PERU 103.600 preservation of livestock in high-altitude Andean communities

CARE - FR FRANCE NGO Emergency Response to Devastating Floods ECHO/HTI/BUD/2004/06001 HAITI 600.000

CARE - FR FRANCE NGO Emergency water supply and conservation in rural areas impoverished by "the wall" ECHO/-ME/BUD/2004/01039 PALESTINIAN TERRITORY, OCCUPIED 899.752

CARE - FR FRANCE NGO Jiboa Basin Early Warning Systems (JIBEWS) ECHO/DIP/BUD/2004/02009 EL SALVADOR 260.264

CARE - FR FRANCE NGO Opération d'urgence en faveur des victimes de "Gafilo" ECHO/MDG/BUD/2004/01003 MADAGASCAR 897.730

CARE NEDERLANDNETHERLANDS (FORMER DRA)NGO Bi-national project to strengthen and integrate coping capacity in prevention and management of flood risks in Aguas Verdes ECHO/TPS/219/2003/04010 ECUADOR 360.000 (Tumbes, Peru) and Huaquillas (El Oro, Ecuador) - FOCADES BINATIONAL

CARE NEDERLANDNETHERLANDS (FORMER DRA)NGO DIRECT (Direct Innovative Recovery of Emergency-affected communities on Timor) ECHO/IDN/210/2003/02004 INDONESIA 350.000

CARE NEDERLANDNETHERLANDS (FORMER DRA)NGO MUTIARA, Mitigation of Unresolved Tensions through Increased Agricultural Recovery Assistance project ECHO/-XA/BUD/2004/01002 INDONESIA 311.146

CARE NEDERLANDNETHERLANDS (FORMER DRA)NGO PEACE (Protection of emergency affected Communities' legal entitlement) project ECHO/IDN/210/2003/02009 INDONESIA 230.593

CARE NEDERLANDNETHERLANDS (FORMER DRA)NGO Preparedness action plan Tajikistan, year 2 (DipacT-2) ECHO/DIP/BUD/2004/01008 TAJIKISTAN 260.000

CARE NEDERLANDNETHERLANDS (FORMER DRA)NGO Strengthening of initiatives in Peat Areas to increase preparedness for disasters (SIAP) project ECHO/DIP/BUD/2004/03005 INDONESIA 550.000

CARE NEDERLANDNETHERLANDS (FORMER DRA)NGO Strengthening of local capacity for mitigation of damage caused by recurrent drought in the Bolivian Chaco area ECHO/TPS/219/2003/04005 BOLIVIA 285.873

CARE - UK UNITED KINGDOMNGO Emergency household livelihood security project for Upper Nile. ECHO/SDN/BUD/2004/01011 SUDAN 700.000

CARE - UK UNITED KINGDOMNGO Flight operations for humanitarian assistance(Flofa 4) ECHO/-AS/BUD/2004/01008 AFGHANISTAN 2.169.530

CARE - UK UNITED KINGDOMNGO Integrated water supply and sub health centre rehabilitation ECHO/IRQ/210/2003/06012 IRAQ 1.000.000

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CARE - UK UNITED KINGDOMNGO Unity State emergency health project. ECHO/SDN/BUD/2004/01002 SUDAN 478.828

CARE - UK UNITED KINGDOMNGO Winter Income Support and Health (WISH) Phase II ECHO/-AS/BUD/2004/01009 AFGHANISTAN 1.000.000

CARITAS - AUT AUSTRIA NGO Health and Community for elderly Palestinian refugees in Lebanon ECHO/-ME/BUD/2004/01022 LEBANON 319.309

CARITAS - AUT AUSTRIA NGO Preparedness and relief for the disaster affected communities. ECHO/TPS/219/2003/03008 NEPAL 396.928

CARITAS - BEL BELGIUM NGO Appui médical dans les zones de santé de Bena Leka, Bobozo, Dekese, Kakenge, Katende, Lubunga, Mueka et Mushenge ECHO/COD/BUD/2004/01025 CONGO, DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF 848.569

CARITAS - DEU GERMANY NGO Access to employment, health and drinking water in post-drought North-Uruzgan ECHO/-AS/BUD/2004/01010 AFGHANISTAN 400.000

CARITAS - DEU GERMANY NGO Drought relief and drinking water supply in Day Kundi ECHO/-AS/BUD/2004/01011 AFGHANISTAN 450.000

CARITAS - DEU GERMANY NGO Projet de distribution de non-vivres et de foires aux semences pour les populations déplacées et vulnérables du Burundi ECHO/BDI/BUD/2004/01017 BURUNDI 1.000.000

CARITAS - DEU GERMANY NGO Projet de distributions de non-vivre (NFI) pour les populations déplacées du Burundi ECHO/BDI/210/2003/01033 BURUNDI 322.281

CARITAS - ESP SPAIN NGO Humanitarian Aid for displaced population and for blocked communities in the departments of Meta and Huila. ECHO/-SM/BUD/2004/01002 COLOMBIA 350.000

CARITAS - ESP SPAIN NGO Primary health care in Lunda Norte. ECHO/AGO/BUD/2004/01007 ANGOLA 244.226

CARITAS - FRA FRANCE NGO Aide d'urgence aux populations victimes des cyclones Elita et Gafilo à madagascar ECHO/MDG/BUD/2004/01005 MADAGASCAR 86.939

CARITAS - FRA FRANCE NGO Assistance for medical care to injured and seriously ill IDPs or Chechnya inhabitants ECHO/RUS/BUD/2004/02005 RUSSIA 285.000

CARITAS - FRA FRANCE NGO Relief programme for the resettlement of IDPs, Returnees and vulnerable people in Jaffna, Kilinochi and Mullaitivu districts ECHO/-SA/BUD/2004/01006 SRI LANKA 350.000

CESVI ITALY NGO Assistance to drought affected population in improving water availability for human and livestock consumption. ECHO/ERI/BUD/2004/01001 ERITREA 305.997

CESVI ITALY NGO Assistance to IDPs from Ituri in selected camps along the Beni-Luna road ECHO/COD/210/2003/02007 CONGO, DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF 282.512

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CESVI ITALY NGO Community based activities. Support to unemployed workers - phase II ECHO/-ME/BUD/2004/01004 PALESTINIAN TERRITORY, OCCUPIED 500.000

CESVI ITALY NGO Emergency project in support to livestock farmers of South Amercian camélidos affected by the freezes in the highland of ECHO/PER/BUD/2004/01003 PERU 322.000 Arequipa and Moquegua

CESVI ITALY NGO Humanitarian Aid to rural victims of earthquake in Al Hoceima Province - Morocco ECHO/MAR/BUD/2004/01006 MOROCCO 125.000

CESVI ITALY NGO Improvement of the hygienic conditions of IDPs in Apac District ECHO/UGA/BUD/2004/01003 UGANDA 801.062

CESVI ITALY NGO Provision of sustainable safe drinking water for the Palestinian refugees of the Nahr El Bared unofficial camp. ECHO/-ME/BUD/2004/01021 LEBANON 741.969

Rehabilitation of primary schools in Al-Zubair district ( governorate) and water supply system of the health facilities in CESVI ITALY NGO Qal'at Saleh, Missan governorate ECHO/IRQ/210/2003/06017 IRAQ 692.000

CESVI ITALY NGO Strengthening of health services in Pangyo County and Wonsan Provincial Hospital ECHO/PRK/BUD/2004/01009 KOREA, DEMOCRATIC PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC286.000 OF

CESVI ITALY NGO Support to the sustainable safe drinking water supply system for vulnerable population of the Vahdat, Somoniyon (RRS oblast) ECHO/TJK/BUD/2004/01001 TAJIKISTAN 450.000 and Istarafshan (Sughd oblast)

CESVI ITALY NGO Water and Sanitation intervention in Anbyon ECHO/PRK/BUD/2004/04002 KOREA, DEMOCRATIC PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC450.000 OF

CINS ITALY NGO Emergency food security support to IDP in Lira and Apac Districts. ECHO/UGA/EDF/2004/02002 UGANDA 620.000

Strengthening of PHC services, focussed on the promotion of a safe motherhood, in rural areas of Taiz and Hodeida CINS ITALY NGO Governorates ECHO/YEM/210/2003/01001 YEMEN 505.821

CISP ITALY NGO Completion and extension of the Rehabilitation of the drinking water infrastructure in gathering Tyr area ECHO/-ME/BUD/2004/01006 LEBANON 755.000

CISP ITALY NGO Disaster preparedness in vulnerable communities of Prinzapolka and Bambana River Basin. ECHO/DIP/BUD/2004/02005 NICARAGUA 184.765

CISP ITALY NGO Emergency food aid to alleviate the food insecurity of Bedouin communities in Jenin, Nablus, Jericho, Ramallah, Jerusalem, ECHO/-ME/BUD/2004/01010 PALESTINIAN TERRITORY, OCCUPIED 600.000 Bethlehem and Hebron, West Bank, Palestine

CISP ITALY NGO Humanitarian Aid to Displaced People due to domestic armed conflict in the Departments of Antioquia and Caldas, Colombia ECHO/-SM/BUD/2004/01003 COLOMBIA 300.000

Humanitarian Aid to Displaced Populations by the domestic armed conflict in the Departments of Arauca and Norte de CISP ITALY NGO Santander, Colombia. ECHO/-SM/BUD/2004/01017 COLOMBIA 360.000

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Local/Municipal Strengthening for Disaster Preparedness and Management of Risks from Disasters in the Department of CISP ITALY NGO Gracias a Dios ECHO/DIP/BUD/2004/02004 HONDURAS 400.000

CISP ITALY NGO Mobile emergency radio communication system for villages and rural areas isolated by closures in West Bank and Gaza Strip ECHO/-ME/BUD/2004/01005 PALESTINIAN TERRITORY, OCCUPIED 500.000

CISP ITALY NGO Reducing flood risk vulnerability in two homogenous pilot areas of the Ecuadorian coastal region in order to formulate a ECHO/TPS/219/2003/04004 ECUADOR 495.064 sustainable institutional coordination model for disaster prevention and relief

CISV ITALY NGO Projet d'urgence pour la réhabilitation des infrastructures hydrauliques et assainissement dans la province de Karusi et à ECHO/BDI/BUD/2004/01010 BURUNDI 267.590 Mabanda en province de Makamba - Burundi

CONCERN WORLDWIDEIRELAND NGO Anseba emergency nutrition and water supply programme. ECHO/ERI/BUD/2004/01004 ERITREA 198.870

CONCERN WORLDWIDEIRELAND NGO Assistance to rural health facilities in Pukchang County. ECHO/PRK/BUD/2004/01006 KOREA, DEMOCRATIC PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC212.905 OF

CONCERN WORLDWIDEIRELAND NGO Emergency community-based therapeutic cae for severely malnourished children in Kalu and Dessie Zuria Woredas, South ECHO/ETH/EDF/2004/01001 ETHIOPIA 190.957 Wollo provinces

CONCERN WORLDWIDEIRELAND NGO Emergency water and sanitation project (EWASP) ECHO/UGA/BUD/2004/01001 UGANDA 1.149.170

CONCERN WORLDWIDEIRELAND NGO Security management support for INGOs in Balochistan ECHO/TPS/210/2003/18010 PAKISTAN 50.000

Supporting and maintaining the environmental health needs in Maimu I, II and EJ Yancy camps and their host communities, CONCERN WORLDWIDEIRELAND NGO Bong county - Liberia. ECHO/-WF/BUD/2004/01010 LIBERIA 486.940

CONCERN WORLDWIDEIRELAND NGO Water and Sanitation Project, Hoichang and Dokchon Counties, South Pyongan Province ECHO/PRK/BUD/2004/04003 KOREA, DEMOCRATIC PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC450.000 OF

CONCERN WORLDWIDEIRELAND NGO Water and Sanitation Project, Hoichang and Pukchang, Counties, South Pyongan Province ECHO/PRK/210/2003/02007 KOREA, DEMOCRATIC PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC70.000 OF

COOPI ITALY NGO Community Based Activities in Qalqiliya, Nablus and Jenin District ECHO/-ME/BUD/2004/01001 PALESTINIAN TERRITORY, OCCUPIED 800.000

COOPI ITALY NGO Continued emergency assistance to war-affected population in northern Uganda. ECHO/UGA/EDF/2004/01004 UGANDA 1.020.000

COOPI ITALY NGO Emergency assistance in food security and water sector for IDPs and WAPs in Mellit locality, El Fashir province, North Darfur. ECHO/SDN/EDF/2004/01006 SUDAN 601.309

COOPI ITALY NGO Emergency livelihood assistance programme to vulnerable pastoralist populations in North Pibor County. ECHO/SDN/BUD/2004/01007 SUDAN 360.979

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Improvement of the living conditions of vulnerable people from rural areas in Nimruz Province through a water and sanitation COOPI ITALY NGO intervention ECHO/TPS/210/2003/13006 AFGHANISTAN 300.000

COOPI ITALY NGO Pastoral and agro-pastoral assistance programme for southern Somalia ECHO/SOM/BUD/2004/01004 SOMALIA 1.450.000

COOPI ITALY NGO Programme médico-nutritionnel d'urgence dans la Province de Maniema ECHO/COD/BUD/2004/01028 CONGO, DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF 469.976

COOPI ITALY NGO Programme medico-nutritionnel d'urgence dans la province d'Ituri ECHO/COD/BUD/2004/01017 CONGO, DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF 1.965.688

COOPI ITALY NGO Programme médico nutritionnel et sécurité alimentaire d'urgence dans le Maniema ECHO/COD/BUD/2004/01048 CONGO, DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF 600.000

COOPI ITALY NGO Programme nutritionnel d'urgence au Nord Katanga ECHO/COD/BUD/2004/01039 CONGO, DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF 309.973

COOPI ITALY NGO Projet de renforcement des mesures de lutte contre l'hépatite E dans le district du Dar Sila ECHO/-WF/BUD/2004/02007 CHAD 228.295

COOPI ITALY NGO Projet d'urgence sanitaire dans les préfectures de l'Ouham et Ouham-Pendé -phase B ECHO/CAF/EDF/2004/01001 CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC 470.000

COOPI ITALY NGO Réduction de la mortalité évitable des populations des ZS de Bosobolo, Boende, Bokungo et Ikela ECHO/COD/BUD/2004/01006 CONGO, DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF 1.950.000

COOPI ITALY NGO Reduction of vulnerability to natural hazards in Baba and Vinces Cantons, Los Rios Province ECHO/TPS/219/2003/04009 ECUADOR 392.507

COOPI ITALY NGO Rehabilitation and Restoration of Health Units and Maternal and Child Healthcare services ECHO/YEM/210/2003/01004 YEMEN 326.000

COOPI ITALY NGO Sanitation Activities in Refugees Gatherings in Southern Lebanon ECHO/-ME/BUD/2004/01007 LEBANON 1.018.103

CORDAID NETHERLANDS NGO Appui d'urgence à la province sanitaire de Makamba - Burundi ECHO/BDI/BUD/2004/01012 BURUNDI 528.459

COSV - MILAN ITALY NGO Development of integrated project and financial management tools in conformity with the 2003 FPA ECHO/ADM/BUD/2004/01302 N/A 99.926

COSV - MILAN ITALY NGO Emergency primary health care activities in favour of war affected people in Western Darfur. ECHO/SDN/EDF/2004/01007 SUDAN 441.114

COSV - MILAN ITALY NGO Strengthening of health activities in Upper Nile ECHO/SDN/BUD/2004/01008 SUDAN 750.000

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COSV - MILAN ITALY NGO Support of rural communities in the Hwange Lupane and Nkayi districts, Matabeleland North Province ECHO/ZWE/BUD/2004/01001 ZIMBABWE 600.000

COSV - MILAN ITALY NGO Support to Children's Hospital ECHO/IRQ/210/2003/06022 IRAQ 331.000

CRIC ITALY NGO Socio-educational support to the children of Rafah and Khan Younis ECHO/-ME/BUD/2004/01036 PALESTINIAN TERRITORY, OCCUPIED 400.000

CRIC ITALY NGO Water and agriculture assistance to the Palestinian rural families resident in Beit Hanoun, North Gaza Strip ECHO/-ME/BUD/2004/02001 PALESTINIAN TERRITORY, OCCUPIED 499.935

CROIX-ROUGE -BELGIUM BEL NGO Zambezi river flooding ECHO/TPS/210/2003/12035 NAMIBIA 155.792

CROIX-ROUGE -GERMANY DEU NGO Basic health care support of the people affected by the earthquake in Bam. ECHO/IRN/BUD/2004/01005 IRAN 152.200

CROIX-ROUGE -GERMANY DEU NGO Earthquake region in el Hoceima Province ECHO/MAR/BUD/2004/01001 MOROCCO 175.000

CROIX-ROUGE -GERMANY DEU NGO Food aid and related support to targeted, drought affected households and chronically sick people in Berea District ECHO/-SF/BUD/2004/01002 LESOTHO 700.000

CROIX-ROUGE -DENMARK DNK NGO A model for Community-based disaster risk reduction in Cambodia ECHO/DIP/BUD/2004/03003 CAMBODIA 234.123

CROIX-ROUGE -DENMARK DNK NGO Community based risk reduction (CBRR) ECHO/DIP/BUD/2004/03007 INDONESIA 341.927



CROIX-ROUGE -DENMARK DNK NGO Improvement of living conditions, health and dignity of vulnerable IDP households in Kitgum and Pader Districts. ECHO/UGA/EDF/2004/01002 UGANDA 1.130.000

CROIX-ROUGE -DENMARK DNK NGO Integrated emergency food and social relief to HIV/AIDS infectes and affected household ECHO/ZWE/BUD/2004/01005 ZIMBABWE 2.616.257

CROIX-ROUGE -DENMARK DNK NGO Psychosocial support programme for survivors of the Bam earthquake. ECHO/IRN/BUD/2004/01002 IRAN 278.000

CROIX-ROUGE -DENMARK DNK NGO The Palestinian Autonomous & Occupied Territories: School based psychosocial support to children affected by armed conflict ECHO/-ME/BUD/2004/01024 PALESTINIAN TERRITORY, OCCUPIED 270.000

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Aide humanitaire d'urgence aux populations sinistrées par la tempête tropicale Jeanne dans le département du Nort-ouest et CROIX-ROUGE -SPAIN ESP NGO Artibonite ECHO/HTI/BUD/2004/05004 HAITI 147.531

CROIX-ROUGE -SPAIN ESP NGO Aide humanitaire d'urgence aux populations sinistrées par le séisme à Al Hoceima: matériels de première nécessité et appui ECHO/MAR/BUD/2004/01002 MOROCCO 150.000 aux structures de santé de base des zones sinistrées

CROIX-ROUGE -SPAIN ESP NGO Appui médical à la zone de santé de Kalonda-Est ECHO/COD/BUD/2004/01044 CONGO, DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF 298.406

CROIX-ROUGE -SPAIN ESP NGO Community based disaster risk management ECHO/DIP/BUD/2004/03014 VIET NAM 220.000

CROIX-ROUGE -SPAIN ESP NGO Emergency Assistance to Congolese & Burundian refugees ECHO/TZA/BUD/2004/01001 TANZANIA 2.700.000

CROIX-ROUGE -SPAIN ESP NGO Emergency Assistance to the Victims of the Typhoons in the Philippines. ECHO/PHL/BUD/2004/02004 PHILIPPINES 390.000

CROIX-ROUGE -SPAIN ESP NGO Humanitarian assistance to isolated or blocked rural communities, displaced populations and at risk of displacement due to the ECHO/-SM/BUD/2004/01015 COLOMBIA 250.000 armed conflict in the Departments of Antioquia and Bolivar.

CROIX-ROUGE -SPAIN ESP NGO Improvement of sanitary, hygiene and environmental conditions of the people and displaced population victims of the ECHO/IRN/BUD/2004/01009 IRAN 500.000 earthquake in Bam.

CROIX-ROUGE -SPAIN ESP NGO Second phase of the disaster preparedness and response system in Sinnar, White and Blue Nile States and extension of the ECHO/SDN/BUD/2004/01019 SUDAN 529.978 system to Gezira, North Kordofan and Upper (Renk Area) States.

CROIX-ROUGE -SPAIN ESP NGO Strengthening of local and regional disaster prevention, preparedness and response capacities in the Department of Riseralda ECHO/TPS/219/2003/04012 COLOMBIA 226.929

CROIX-ROUGE -SPAIN ESP NGO Supplying safe drinking water to the tropical Jeanne storm affected people. ECHO/DOM/BUD/2004/01002 DOMINICAN REPUBLIC 149.955

CROIX-ROUGE -SPAIN ESP NGO Water and sanitation intervention for the emergency in Darfur. ECHO/SDN/BUD/2004/02010 SUDAN 645.979

CROIX-ROUGE -FINLAND FIN NGO ERU field hospital for Bam. ECHO/IRN/BUD/2004/01003 IRAN 1.774.049

CROIX-ROUGE -FINLAND FIN NGO Food aid to vulnerable people in Hhohho ECHO/-SF/BUD/2004/01001 SWAZILAND 635.908

Improved health services and operations by securing regular primary health care to selected and isolated populations, and CROIX-ROUGE -FINLAND FIN NGO addressing the need for coordination ECHO/-ME/BUD/2004/01015 PALESTINIAN TERRITORY, OCCUPIED 352.774

CROIX-ROUGE -FINLAND FIN NGO Supplementary feeding assistance to the most vulnerable population in Dushanbe. ECHO/TJK/BUD/2004/01010 TAJIKISTAN 700.000

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Aide d'urgence aux sinistrés du séisme d'Al Hoceima : matériels de premières nécessité et appui aux structures de santé de CROIX-ROUGE -FRANCE FRA NGO base des zones sinistrées ECHO/MAR/BUD/2004/01003 MOROCCO 175.000

CROIX-ROUGE -FRANCE FRA NGO Amélioration des conditions sanitaires et d'hygiène dans la province d'Oddar Meanchey ECHO/KHM/210/2003/02002 CAMBODIA 198.175

CROIX-ROUGE -FRANCE FRA NGO Amélioration du service ambulancier de la croix rouge haitienne pour les populations victimes de violences, de catastrophes ECHO/HTI/BUD/2004/03001 HAITI 363.356 naturelles et d'accidents

CROIX-ROUGE -FRANCE FRA NGO Appui au retour du système de santé publique dans les communautés isolées par le conflit interne dans le département de ECHO/-SM/BUD/2004/01012 COLOMBIA 300.000 Nariño

Assistance d'urgence aux familles sinistrées à la suite du passage de la tempête tropicale Jeanne dans la région du haut CROIX-ROUGE -FRANCE FRA NGO artibonite ECHO/HTI/BUD/2004/05001 HAITI 516.469

CROIX-ROUGE -FRANCE FRA NGO Post emergency housing rehabilitation and disaster mitigation program, for the grenadian people affected by Hurricane Ivan ECHO/GRD/BUD/2004/01001 GRENADA 815.899

CROIX-ROUGE -FRANCE FRA NGO Projet de gestion de cases de santé communautaire dans la région ouest de Côte d'Ivoire ECHO/-WF/BUD/2004/01019 COTE D'IVOIRE 217.445

CROIX-ROUGE -FRANCE FRA NGO Sanitation, hygiene and environmental improvement for people affected by the earthquake (26/12/2003) in Bam. ECHO/IRN/BUD/2004/01004 IRAN 272.657

CROIX-ROUGE -ITALY ITA NGO Psychosocial assistance center in Bam. ECHO/IRN/BUD/2004/01013 IRAN 260.010

CROIX-ROUGE -NETHERLANDS NLD NGO Assistance to the PRCS Emergency Communication ECHO/TPS/210/2003/16011 PALESTINIAN TERRITORY, OCCUPIED 330.000

CROIX-ROUGE -NETHERLANDS NLD NGO Community and organisational disaster preparedness programme for southwest Kyrgyzstan ECHO/DIP/BUD/2004/01001 KYRGYSTAN 150.000

CROIX-ROUGE -NETHERLANDS NLD NGO DPRK Water and Sanitation and Health Promotion project ECHO/PRK/BUD/2004/04004 KOREA, DEMOCRATIC PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC1.443.756 OF

CROIX-ROUGE -NETHERLANDS NLD NGO Enhancing disaster preparedness and response capacity of the RCST and communities in Tajikistan ECHO/DIP/BUD/2004/01007 TAJIKISTAN 180.000

CROIX-ROUGE -NETHERLANDS NLD NGO Improvement of health services in Tajikistan through the supply of essential drugs to health facilities, the training of health staff ECHO/TJK/BUD/2004/01008 TAJIKISTAN 400.000 and health prevention through CBFA.

CROIX-ROUGE -NETHERLANDS NLD NGO Improving living conditions for victims of the conflict in Caquetá and Choco ECHO/-SM/BUD/2004/01005 COLOMBIA 540.000

CROIX-ROUGE -NETHERLANDS NLD NGO Kassala health initiative. ECHO/SDN/BUD/2004/01024 SUDAN 330.000

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CROIX-ROUGE -NETHERLANDS NLD NGO Support to the PRCS/L secondary health care system in Lebanon ECHO/-ME/BUD/2004/01019 LEBANON 843.004

CROIX-ROUGE -NETHERLANDS NLD NGO To provide emergency assistance to the residents of Dushanbe city affected in mid-July 2004 by land slide and floods ECHO/TJK/BUD/2004/02004 TAJIKISTAN 75.000

CUAMM ITALY NGO Restarting hospital care in Maquela do Zombo ECHO/AGO/BUD/2004/01008 ANGOLA 525.274

DANCHURCHAIDDENMARK - DNK NGO Community based disaster preparedness and mitigation project (CBDPMP) in Cambodia ECHO/DIP/BUD/2004/03001 CAMBODIA 425.000

Community capacity-building and local initiatives for disaster preparedness in disaster prone areas in the Brahmaputra river DANCHURCHAIDDENMARK - DNK NGO basin in India and Bangladesh. ECHO/TPS/219/2003/03001 BANGLADESH 332.000

DANCHURCHAIDDENMARK - DNK NGO DCA Humanitarian Mine Action (HMA) in Makamba ECHO/BDI/BUD/2004/01021 BURUNDI 500.818

DANCHURCHAIDDENMARK - DNK NGO Humanitarian aid for 1800 flood affected families in two districts of North west Bangladesh ECHO/BGD/BUD/2004/02001 BANGLADESH 369.698

DANCHURCHAIDDENMARK - DNK NGO Humanitarian assistance to Tamil refugees in India ECHO/-SA/BUD/2004/01001 INDIA 375.000

DANCHURCHAIDDENMARK - DNK NGO Psycho-social relief to Palestinian refugee children in Lebanon ECHO/-ME/BUD/2004/01025 LEBANON 332.000

DANCHURCHAIDDENMARK - DNK NGO Water and sanitation crisis response in Darfur. ECHO/SDN/EDF/2004/01001 SUDAN 750.000

DIA FRANCE NGO Emergency assistance for water supply in Al Gorafy and Al Zukeriah, district of Al Mokha (Taiz Governorate) ECHO/YEM/210/2003/01003 YEMEN 387.250

DIAKONIE GERMANY NGO "Our futur is today" Preventing the recruitment for war of displaced youngsters from rural areas of Caquetá and Cundinamarca. ECHO/-SM/BUD/2004/01004 COLOMBIA 200.000


DRC DENMARK NGO Advocacy and humanitarian assistance to non-ID refugees in Lebanon ECHO/-ME/BUD/2004/01027 LEBANON 149.979

DRC DENMARK NGO Capacity building of multi skilled EOD teams ECHO/IRQ/210/2003/06007 IRAQ 559.954

DRC DENMARK NGO Emergency rehabilitation of collective centres at Tskhaltubo district ECHO/GEO/BUD/2004/01002 GEORGIA 210.000

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DRC DENMARK NGO Food Relief Aid Project for IDP's and vulnerable groups in the Republic of Chechnya and IDP's in Daghestan. ECHO/RUS/210/2003/02010 RUSSIA 3.170.000

DRC DENMARK NGO Food Relief Aid Project for vulnerable groups in the Republic of Chechnya and IDPs in Dagestan ECHO/RUS/BUD/2004/01021 RUSSIA 3.700.000

DRC DENMARK NGO Humanitarian aid in favour of the people of Timor Leste and Indonesia victims of natural disasters or affected by internal conflict ECHO/-XA/BUD/2004/01003 INDONESIA 249.359

DRC DENMARK NGO Protection information and advocacy for IDPs, Returnees and resettlers in North Sulawesi and North Maluku, following ECHO/IDN/210/2003/02006 INDONESIA 105.296 termination of official IDP status.

DRC DENMARK NGO Provision for safe drinking water and sanitation to rural communities in western Afghanistan affected by drought ECHO/-AS/BUD/2004/01005 AFGHANISTAN 500.000

DRC DENMARK NGO Provision of safe drinking water and sanitation to rural communities in Western Afghanistan ECHO/-AS/BUD/2004/01012 AFGHANISTAN 550.000

DRC DENMARK NGO Temporary living spaces and shelter repair ECHO/RUS/BUD/2004/01012 RUSSIA 289.740

DRC DENMARK NGO Transition programme for assistance to returning IDPs and refugees. ECHO/AGO/BUD/2004/01005 ANGOLA 700.000

DRC DENMARK NGO Transition programme for support to resettlement of IDP's and refugees ECHO/TPS/210/2003/12034 ANGOLA 436.560

DRC DENMARK NGO Winter preparedness assistance to vulnerable groups in Chechnya ECHO/RUS/BUD/2004/02003 RUSSIA 500.000

DWF FRANCE NGO Reduction of material and economic vulnerability of families and communities caused by natural disasters in Central Viet Nam ECHO/DIP/BUD/2004/03011 VIET NAM 356.065

EMDH FRANCE NGO Emergency response to civilians and displaced in conflict zone ECHO/IRQ/210/2003/06019 IRAQ 180.000

EMDH FRANCE NGO Projet d'appui, d'assistance et de soutien aux centres d'apprentissage - orphelins, enfants des rues, enfants en conflit avec la ECHO/MMR/BUD/2004/01001 MYANMAR 200.000 loi

EUROPEAN PERSPECTIVEGREECE NGO Rehabilitation of primary schools in Kirkuk, Iraq ECHO/IRQ/210/2003/06013 IRAQ 510.000

FAO ITALY UN Afghan NGO Security Office ECHO/TPS/210/2003/13007 AFGHANISTAN 400.000

FAO ITALY UN Agriculture based livehood recovery support in resettlement areas of West Timor ECHO/IDN/210/2003/02007 INDONESIA 222.111

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FAO ITALY UN Amélioration de la sécurité alimentaire de 59 500 ménages affectés par les conflits armés ECHO/COD/BUD/2004/01043 CONGO, DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF 989.017

FAO ITALY UN Assistance to household food security (livestock and coordination) in southern Sudan - OLS southern sector. ECHO/SDN/EDF/2004/01003 SUDAN 247.972

FAO ITALY UN Emergency assistance for the rehabilitation of agri-based livelihoods of recently resettled IDP families in the districts of ECHO/-SA/BUD/2004/01010 SRI LANKA 300.000 Kilinochchi, Mullaitivu and Trincomalee, North East Province, Sri Lanka

FAO ITALY UN Emergency assistance to smallholder vulnerable families through the provision of agricultural inputs and the coordination and ECHO/ZWE/BUD/2004/01003 ZIMBABWE 1.420.050 monitoring of emergency agricultural interventions.

Fournitures d'urgence d'intrants agricoles aux ménages ruraux, déplacés et rapatriés en phase de retour et aux familles des FAO ITALY UN communautés d'accueil extrêmement vulnérabilisées par le conflit pour les saisons agricoles 2005A et 2005B ECHO/BDI/BUD/2004/01015 BURUNDI 917.110

FAO ITALY UN Immediate emergency assistance (agricultural and livestock) to conflict affected households in the Darfur States. ECHO/SDN/BUD/2004/03001 SUDAN 434.000

FAO ITALY UN Improved food security for IDPs and the rural poor through the provision of agricultural inputs for households farming. ECHO/RUS/210/2003/02008 RUSSIA 350.000

FAO ITALY UN Provision of agricultural inputs to food-insecure, war-affected and internally displaced households and to educational facilities ECHO/RUS/BUD/2004/02006 RUSSIA 700.000 (schools and kindergartens) in Chechnya and Ingushetia

FAO ITALY UN Réhabilitation du système d'irrigation des périmètres de Pont Gaudin et Mapou (Basse Plaine de Gonaïves) ECHO/HTI/BUD/2004/06005 HAITI 341.330

FINNCHURCHAIDFINLAND NGO Non Food assistance in Urus-Martan district, Chechnya ECHO/RUS/BUD/2004/01019 RUSSIA 200.000

GCIDS GREECE NGO Emergency water and sanitation project in Tulkarem and Qualqilya districts, West Bank ECHO/-ME/BUD/2004/02002 PALESTINIAN TERRITORY, OCCUPIED 500.000

GERMAN AGROGERMANY ACTION NGO Community-based disaster management project ECHO/DIP/BUD/2004/01009 TAJIKISTAN 300.285

GERMAN AGROGERMANY ACTION NGO Community Resource Management Programme ECHO/TJK/BUD/2004/01015 TAJIKISTAN 770.000

GERMAN AGROGERMANY ACTION NGO Construction and rehabilitation of drinking water sources and health and hygiene education ECHO/-AS/BUD/2004/01013 AFGHANISTAN 819.976

GERMAN AGROGERMANY ACTION NGO Food distribution and accompanying measures in favour of IDPs, returnees and other vulnerable families in Ituri District ECHO/COD/BUD/2004/01010 CONGO, DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF 1.907.325

Mainstreaming the use of the "Do no Harm" approach and "Joined Principles of Operation" into Humanitarian Operations in the GERMAN AGROGERMANY ACTION NGO Liberian Crisis ECHO/-WF/BUD/2004/01026 LIBERIA 102.000

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Mesures de réhabilitation en matière d'eau potable et agriculture pourles victimes du Cyclone Jeanne à Ennery, Département GERMAN AGROGERMANY ACTION NGO d'Artibonite. ECHO/HTI/BUD/2004/06003 HAITI 170.870

GERMAN AGROGERMANY ACTION NGO Provision of safe drinking water ECHO/LBR/EDF/2004/01001 LIBERIA 400.000

GERMAN AGROGERMANY ACTION NGO Rehabilitation of roads and social infrastructure in support of returnees and host communities in Ituri ECHO/COD/210/2003/02002 CONGO, DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF 1.393.248

GERMAN AGROGERMANY ACTION NGO Rehabilitation of social infrastructures for returnees in South Lubero ECHO/COD/BUD/2004/01011 CONGO, DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF 533.598

GERMAN AGROGERMANY ACTION NGO Rehabilitation of social institutions damaged by the train accident in Ryongchon County, North Pyong'an Province ECHO/PRK/BUD/2004/03004 KOREA, DEMOCRATIC PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC364.174 OF

GERMAN AGROGERMANY ACTION NGO Rehabilitation of the Water Supply and Sanitation in the Town of Kujang and surrounding Areas ECHO/PRK/BUD/2004/04005 KOREA, DEMOCRATIC PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC714.038 OF

GERMAN AGROGERMANY ACTION NGO Rural water supply project ECHO/ZWE/BUD/2004/01007 ZIMBABWE 1.506.870

GERMAN AGROGERMANY ACTION NGO Rural water supply project for ethnic minorities in Rattanakiri province ECHO/KHM/BUD/2004/01001 CAMBODIA 357.000

GERMAN AGROGERMANY ACTION NGO Start support for resettling IDPs in the Wanni, North Sri Lanka ECHO/-SA/BUD/2004/01005 SRI LANKA 600.000

GERMAN AGROGERMANY ACTION NGO Strengthening of Risk Management Capacities in the Rio Negro and Estero River Basins ECHO/DIP/BUD/2004/02003 NICARAGUA 313.502

GERMAN AGROGERMANY ACTION NGO Support for Emergency Food supplies and Farm Inputs in the Aurora District. ECHO/PHL/BUD/2004/02002 PHILIPPINES 189.208

GOAL IRELAND NGO Emergency Agricultural and Nutritional Support Programme ECHO/ZWE/BUD/2004/01013 ZIMBABWE 564.346

GOAL IRELAND NGO Emergency humanitarian assistance to population of Kutum province, North Darfur ECHO/SDN/210/2003/02004 SUDAN 500.000

GOAL IRELAND NGO Emergency public health interventions amongst conflict-affected populations in Pader District, Northern Uganda. ECHO/UGA/BUD/2004/01005 UGANDA 549.768

GOAL IRELAND NGO PHC programme in Manono, Mulongo and Kiambi health districts ECHO/COD/BUD/2004/01020 CONGO, DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF 1.036.491

GOAL IRELAND NGO Water and sanitation intervention as part of overall public health strategy in Twic and Abyei Counties and Funj region ECHO/SDN/BUD/2004/01014 SUDAN 342.241

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GOAL IRELAND NGO Winter assistance to vulnerable communities. ECHO/TPS/210/2003/18003 AFGHANISTAN 500.000

GVC ITALY NGO Improvement of secondary water resources and collection systems in the Hebron district. ECHO/-ME/BUD/2004/01008 PALESTINIAN TERRITORY, OCCUPIED 900.000

GVC ITALY NGO Projet d'amélioration des conditions hygiéniques et nutritionnelles des élèves sahraouis du collège scolaire "9 juin" ECHO/DZA/BUD/2004/01005 ALGERIA 220.000

GVC ITALY NGO Projet d'urgence en appui au réseau sanitaire/nutritionnel des secteurs sanitaires de Isale et Kabezi ECHO/BDI/BUD/2004/01003 BURUNDI 975.642

Récupération productive de la population d'alpagas affectée par le phénomène de froid dans la Province GVC ITALY NGO d'Antabamba-Apurímac ECHO/PER/BUD/2004/01002 PERU 430.000

GVC ITALY NGO Urgent medical relief support in Malanje and Kwanza Norte. ECHO/AGO/BUD/2004/01012 ANGOLA 355.000

HALO TRUST UNITED KINGDOMNGO Emergency demining in Cuando Cubango province. ECHO/AGO/BUD/2004/01014 ANGOLA 159.244

HALO TRUST UNITED KINGDOMNGO Mine Clearance Project ECHO/LKA/210/2003/02001 SRI LANKA 600.000

HAMMER FORUMGERMANY NGO Extended basic health care in Chechnya ECHO/RUS/210/2003/02007 RUSSIA 470.000

HAMMER FORUMGERMANY NGO Extended basic health care in Chechnya ECHO/RUS/BUD/2004/01017 RUSSIA 685.000

HANDICAP (BEL)BELGIUM NGO A new physical rehabilitation centre for Kandahar ECHO/-AS/BUD/2004/01006 AFGHANISTAN 210.000

HANDICAP (BEL)BELGIUM NGO Humanitarian assistance and rehabilitation in favour of leprosy victims in villages affected by Typhoons and/or flooding in South ECHO/CHN/210/2003/02004 CHINA 410.000 China

HANDICAP (BEL)BELGIUM NGO Humanitarian Mine/UXO Risk Reduction in North-West Cambodia ECHO/KHM/210/2003/02001 CAMBODIA 270.000

HANDICAP (BEL)BELGIUM NGO Prise en charge kinésithérapeutique des patients de l'hôpital de Bouaké ECHO/-WF/BUD/2004/01041 COTE D'IVOIRE 118.059

HANDICAP (BEL)BELGIUM NGO Support to services and structures for disabled persons ECHO/PRK/BUD/2004/01001 KOREA, DEMOCRATIC PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC500.000 OF

Assistance immédiate aux personnes handicapées et blessées de la Communauté de Bam à la suite du tremblement de terre HANDICAP (FR)FRANCE NGO du 26 décembre 2003. ECHO/IRN/BUD/2004/01012 IRAN 206.510

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HANDICAP (FR)FRANCE NGO Assistance to People with Disabilities and Prevention on Mine Risk for refugees in the camps along the Thai-Burmese border ECHO/THA/BUD/2004/01003 THAILAND 250.000

HANDICAP (FR)FRANCE NGO Batticaloa Physical Rehabilitation Centre ECHO/LKA/210/2003/02005 SRI LANKA 100.000

HANDICAP (FR)FRANCE NGO Explosive remnants of war (ERW) clearance - ECHO/IRQ/210/2003/06020 IRAQ 446.000

HANDICAP (FR)FRANCE NGO Outreach medical community program for physically disabled patients in the Middle Zone and Khan Younis in Gaza Strip. ECHO/-ME/BUD/2004/01014 PALESTINIAN TERRITORY, OCCUPIED 309.808

HANDICAP (FR)FRANCE NGO Projet pilote de santé mentale auprès des enfants et adolescents palestiniens réfugiés au Liban ECHO/TPS/210/2003/08019 LEBANON 166.243

HANDICAP (FR)FRANCE NGO Support Palestinian disabled children and elderly persons in Lebanese Refugee Camps ECHO/TPS/210/2003/08021 LEBANON 145.000

HANDICAP (FR)FRANCE NGO Support to people with disabilities (PWD) in Chechnya ECHO/RUS/BUD/2004/01018 RUSSIA 410.000

HEALTH NET TPONETHERLANDS NGO Rapid appraisal of Geographical Malaria Risk in Afghanistan, Phase II ECHO/-AS/BUD/2004/01015 AFGHANISTAN 275.000

HEALTH NET TPONETHERLANDS NGO Strengthening of integrated leishmaniasis prevention and control ECHO/-AS/BUD/2004/01016 AFGHANISTAN 695.000

HEALTH UNLIMITEDUNITED KINGDOMNGO Access to Adequate Water and Sanitation for Vulnerable and Isolated Indigenous Communities ECHO/KHM/BUD/2004/01007 CAMBODIA 270.383

Improvement of living conditions and sustainable livelihood recovery in Murghab district by provision of appropriate access to HELP GERMANY NGO potable water, improvement of roads to provide all-year access to food supply and trade to surrounding regions ECHO/-AS/BUD/2004/01014 AFGHANISTAN 1.300.000

HELP GERMANY NGO Provision of Non-food items to IDP's in Ingushetia and war affected people in Chechnya ECHO/RUS/BUD/2004/01013 RUSSIA 1.200.000

HELP GERMANY NGO Seed distribution, dip rehabilitation, livestock dipping programme for very insecure population ECHO/ZWE/BUD/2004/01006 ZIMBABWE 749.742

HELPAGE INTERNATIONALUNITED KINGDOM - UK NGO Improving access for older people and other vulnerable groups to essential primary health services in targeted Health Centres ECHO/IRQ/210/2003/06030 IRAQ 329.000 in the central

HELPAGE INTERNATIONALUNITED KINGDOM - UK NGO Support of war-affected communities and marginalised older people in rural and isolated aeas in Southern Sudan. ECHO/SDN/BUD/2004/01026 SUDAN 456.762

HILFSWERK AUSTRIAAUSTRIA NGO A participatory approach for the formation of Disaster-Resistant Communities in Central Asia - Phase II ECHO/DIP/BUD/2004/01005 TAJIKISTAN 250.000

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IAS (SWE) SWEDEN NGO Water intervention in Jonglei State, Southern Sudan. ECHO/SDN/BUD/2004/01033 SUDAN 387.340

ICCO NETHERLANDS NGO Food and cooking fuel to refugees from Burma ECHO/THA/BUD/2004/01001 THAILAND 3.500.000

ICMC SWITZERLAND NGO Advice and legal protection assistance for Afghans and care of extremely vulnerable individuals in Balochistan ECHO/-AS/BUD/2004/01017 PAKISTAN 535.000

ICRC-CICR SWITZERLAND IO Assistance and protection ECHO/HTI/BUD/2004/03002 HAITI 800.000

ICRC-CICR SWITZERLAND IO Assistance to victims of violence and climatic hazard ECHO/SOM/BUD/2004/01003 SOMALIA 4.000.000

ICRC-CICR SWITZERLAND IO Humanitarian Assistance to displaced persons in Colombia ECHO/-SM/BUD/2004/01010 COLOMBIA 2.500.000

ICRC-CICR SWITZERLAND IO ICRC air transport ECHO/TPS/210/2003/18006 AFGHANISTAN 1.170.000

ICRC-CICR SWITZERLAND IO ICRC assistance in Ivory Coast ECHO/-WF/BUD/2004/01030 COTE D'IVOIRE 400.000

ICRC-CICR SWITZERLAND IO ICRC assistance programme ECHO/LBR/EDF/2004/01004 LIBERIA 1.000.000

ICRC-CICR SWITZERLAND IO ICRC assistance programme in the Northern Caucasus ECHO/RUS/BUD/2004/02007 RUSSIA 800.000

ICRC-CICR SWITZERLAND IO ICRC assistance programmes in the Northern Caucasus ECHO/RUS/210/2003/02011 RUSSIA 1.700.000

ICRC-CICR SWITZERLAND IO ICRC assistance to residents in Chechnya ECHO/RUS/BUD/2004/01023 RUSSIA 1.000.000

ICRC-CICR SWITZERLAND IO ICRC economic assistance programme in Georgia ECHO/GEO/BUD/2004/01005 GEORGIA 1.500.000


ICRC-CICR SWITZERLAND IO ICRC Protection activities in Afghanistan ECHO/-AS/BUD/2004/01018 AFGHANISTAN 1.000.000

ICRC-CICR SWITZERLAND IO ICRC Protection activities in AFGHANISTAN. ECHO/TPS/210/2003/18005 AFGHANISTAN 1.200.000

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ICRC-CICR SWITZERLAND IO ICRC Protection activities in Nepal ECHO/NPL/210/2003/02001 NEPAL 1.150.000


ICRC-CICR SWITZERLAND IO ICRC Sudan health programme. ECHO/SDN/EDF/2004/01004 SUDAN 1.000.000

ICRC-CICR SWITZERLAND IO Non-food assistance in Sudan ECHO/SDN/210/2003/02002 SUDAN 500.000

ICRC-CICR SWITZERLAND IO Protection activities ECHO/BDI/BUD/2004/01001 BURUNDI 450.000

ICRC-CICR SWITZERLAND IO Protection activities ECHO/SDN/BUD/2004/01016 SUDAN 1.000.000

ICRC-CICR SWITZERLAND IO Protection activities including water and sanitation in Myanmar. ECHO/MMR/210/2003/02001 MYANMAR 1.000.000

ICRC-CICR SWITZERLAND IO Protection activities in Jammu and Kashmir ECHO/IND/BUD/2004/01001 INDIA 1.000.000

ICRC-CICR SWITZERLAND IO Protection and assistance. ECHO/UGA/EDF/2004/02001 UGANDA 6.000.000

ICRC-CICR SWITZERLAND IO Protection and IHL Promotion in Iraq ECHO/IRQ/210/2003/06031 IRAQ 3.000.000

ICRC-CICR SWITZERLAND IO Protection and medical programmes. ECHO/ETH/210/2003/01001 ETHIOPIA 2.000.000

ICRC-CICR SWITZERLAND IO Support to ICRC Protection Activities ECHO/THM/210/2003/01001 N/A 10.000.000

ICRC-CICR SWITZERLAND IO Water and habitat / sanitation activities ECHO/-WF/BUD/2004/01028 GUINEA 420.000

IFRC-FICR SWITZERLAND IO Construction of Toilets, Water Supplies with Community Health Education for Rural Families affected by Flooding in Guangxi ECHO/CHN/210/2003/02001 CHINA 999.915 Zhuang Nationality Autonomous Region and Hunan Province

Disaster preparedness capacity building, awareness raising and knowledge sharing in selected Red Crescent Branches and IFRC-FICR SWITZERLAND IO linked communities ECHO/DIP/BUD/2004/01002 UZBEKISTAN 161.500

IFRC-FICR SWITZERLAND IO Disaster preparedness program. ECHO/TPS/219/2003/03006 BANGLADESH 220.000

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IFRC-FICR SWITZERLAND IO Earthquake and Tsunami in the bay of Bengal ECHO/-AS/BUD/2004/03001 SRI LANKA 3.000.000

IFRC-FICR SWITZERLAND IO Emergency Relief and Rehabilitation Program for floods victims ECHO/-SA/BUD/2004/02001 BANGLADESH 1.350.340

IFRC-FICR SWITZERLAND IO Haiti emergency telecommunications project ECHO/HTI/BUD/2004/04001 HAITI 300.000

IFRC-FICR SWITZERLAND IO Haiti floods ECHO/HTI/BUD/2004/01001 HAITI 121.225

IFRC-FICR SWITZERLAND IO Hurricane Ivan emergency response ECHO/JAM/EDF/2004/01001 JAMAICA 594.013

IFRC-FICR SWITZERLAND IO Hurricane Ivan Emergency Response ECHO/-CR/BUD/2004/02003 GRENADA 842.000

IFRC-FICR SWITZERLAND IO Hurricane Jeanne ECHO/BHS/BUD/2004/01001 BAHAMAS 305.398

IFRC-FICR SWITZERLAND IO Hurricanes Charley and Ivan Emergency Response ECHO/CUB/BUD/2004/01002 CUBA 300.000

IFRC-FICR SWITZERLAND IO Iran drought : support to Afghan refugees ECHO/-AS/BUD/2004/01045 IRAN 150.000

IFRC-FICR SWITZERLAND IO Revised appeal no. 13/04 Dominican republic and Haiti: floods ECHO/-CR/BUD/2004/01003 HAITI 600.000

IFRC-FICR SWITZERLAND IO Support to the Sudanese refugees in Chad, Tréjine Camp ECHO/TCD/EDF/2004/02002 CHAD 800.000

INITIATIVE DEVELOPPEMENTFRANCE NGO Aide humanitaire d'urgence pour la population de la commune d'Ennery et de la 1ère section rurale de Gonaïves sinistrés par le ECHO/HTI/BUD/2004/06004 HAITI 580.617 passage du cyclone Jeanne.

INITIATIVE DEVELOPPEMENTFRANCE NGO Aide médicale d'urgence aux groupes vulnérables du Far West ECHO/HTI/BUD/2004/04006 HAITI 190.390

INTERMON SPAIN NGO Humanitarian response to the flood affected population in the Municipality of Jimani ECHO/-CR/BUD/2004/01005 DOMINICAN REPUBLIC 205.533

INTERSOS ITALY NGO Emergency sanitation activities in favour of war affected people in Western Darfur. ECHO/SDN/BUD/2004/03005 SUDAN 795.920

Emergency sanitation response to the hepatitis E outbreak in the Sudanese refugee camps and in the hosting communities in INTERSOS ITALY NGO the Southern-Eastern Ouaddaï Region ECHO/TCD/EDF/2004/02004 CHAD 556.454

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Emergency water and food security assistance in favour of Sudanese refugees and vulnerable hosting communities in the INTERSOS ITALY NGO Southern-Eastern Ouadaï Region ECHO/TCD/BUD/2004/01003 CHAD 336.683

INTERSOS ITALY NGO Faryab improvement of resettlement environment (F.I.R.E) ECHO/-AS/BUD/2004/01019 AFGHANISTAN 600.000

INTERSOS ITALY NGO WISH : Water Improvement in South Helmand ECHO/-AS/BUD/2004/01043 AFGHANISTAN 500.000

IOM SWITZERLAND IO Community Based Disaster Risk Reduction with Earthquake Safer Construction Practices ECHO/DIP/BUD/2004/01004 TAJIKISTAN 299.999

IOM SWITZERLAND IO Emergency Humanitarian Assistance to mobile and vulnerable populations ECHO/ZWE/BUD/2004/01010 ZIMBABWE 400.000

IOM SWITZERLAND IO Gestion du CATD de Guiglo et promotion du dialogue intercommunautaire devant déboucher sur le retour des déplacés ECHO/-WF/BUD/2004/01033 COTE D'IVOIRE 342.054

IOM SWITZERLAND IO Health Rehabilitation Project for Iraq ECHO/IRQ/210/2003/06015 IRAQ 963.200

IOM SWITZERLAND IO Humanitarian Aid to Internally Displaced Populations in Iraq ECHO/IRQ/210/2003/06018 IRAQ 2.299.856

IOM SWITZERLAND IO Humanitarian protection needs assessment for IDP's, their dependents and conflict-affected communities in Nanggroe Aceh ECHO/IDN/210/2003/02003 INDONESIA 200.000 Darusallam

IOM SWITZERLAND IO IOM Security Upgrades for re-entry into Iraq ECHO/IRQ/210/2003/06024 IRAQ 969.192

IOM SWITZERLAND IO Land Rehabilitation and Capacity Building Support to Internally Displaced Madurese. ECHO/IDN/210/2003/01005 INDONESIA 119.000

IOM SWITZERLAND IO Phase 2: strengthening humanitarian protection and reconciliation through institution building expansion project ECHO/IDN/210/2003/02002 INDONESIA 211.000

IOM SWITZERLAND IO Sustainable resettlement, reintegration and livelihood development of IDPs ECHO/-SA/BUD/2004/01008 SRI LANKA 300.000

IOM SWITZERLAND IO Transport and logistics assistance for repatriating Angolan refugees. ECHO/NAM/EDF/2004/01001 NAMIBIA 1.000.000

IOM SWITZERLAND IO Transport and logistics assistance to Angolan national returning from Zambia. ECHO/ZMB/EDF/2004/01001 ZAMBIA 2.000.000

IRC - UK UNITED KINGDOMNGO Afghan NGO Security Office ECHO/TPS/210/2003/04051 AFGHANISTAN 200.000

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IRC - UK UNITED KINGDOMNGO Afghan Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) security office (ANSO) ECHO/-AS/BUD/2004/01021 AFGHANISTAN 850.000

IRC - UK UNITED KINGDOMNGO Capacity building support to the district health management team in Kenema ECHO/-WF/BUD/2004/01013 SIERRA LEONE 350.000

IRC - UK UNITED KINGDOMNGO Comprehensive emergency public health intervention, Greater Bahr El Ghazal and Kassala States. ECHO/SDN/BUD/2004/01022 SUDAN 651.281

IRC - UK UNITED KINGDOMNGO Durable solutions assistance for vulnerable Afghan refugees in Pakistan ECHO/-AS/BUD/2004/01022 PAKISTAN 485.000

IRC - UK UNITED KINGDOMNGO Emergency environmental health intervention for Sudanese refugees and local population in Northeaster Chad ECHO/TCD/BUD/2004/01006 CHAD 274.137

IRC - UK UNITED KINGDOMNGO Emergency humanitarian response in North Darfur. ECHO/SDN/BUD/2004/02001 SUDAN 603.478

IRC - UK UNITED KINGDOMNGO Emergency primary health care (PHC) and environmental health assistance program in Montserrado County ECHO/-WF/BUD/2004/01017 LIBERIA 677.122

IRC - UK UNITED KINGDOMNGO Emergency shelter water and sanitation assistance to returnees and vulnerable community mambers in Paktia province ECHO/-AS/BUD/2004/01020 AFGHANISTAN 400.000

IRC - UK UNITED KINGDOMNGO Emergency water supply intervention in Debub region. ECHO/ERI/BUD/2004/01002 ERITREA 253.327

IRC - UK UNITED KINGDOMNGO Environmental Health Interventions for Sudanese refugees and local communities in North-Eastern Chad ECHO/TCD/EDF/2004/02005 CHAD 271.137

IRC - UK UNITED KINGDOMNGO Environmental health project ECHO/BDI/BUD/2004/01002 BURUNDI 1.191.382

IRC - UK UNITED KINGDOMNGO Primary health Care in North Katanga ECHO/COD/BUD/2004/01027 CONGO, DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF 961.885

IRC - UK UNITED KINGDOMNGO Psychosocial support and skills development in Ingushetia and Chechnya ECHO/RUS/210/2003/02006 RUSSIA 180.000

IRC - UK UNITED KINGDOMNGO Psychosocial support and skills development in Ingushetia and Chechnya ECHO/RUS/BUD/2004/01016 RUSSIA 256.000

IRC - UK UNITED KINGDOMNGO Shelter assistance to vulnerable people in the Chechen Republic ECHO/RUS/BUD/2004/02002 RUSSIA 200.000

IRC - UK UNITED KINGDOMNGO Water, sanitation and shelter assistance to the internally displaced persons in the Republic of Ingushetia ECHO/RUS/BUD/2004/01015 RUSSIA 500.000

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IRC - UK UNITED KINGDOMNGO Water, sanitation and shelter assistance to the internally displaced persons in the Republic of Ingushetia, Russian Federation ECHO/RUS/BUD/2004/02010 RUSSIA 500.000

ISLAMIC RELIEFUNITED KINGDOMNGO Rehabilitation of primary schools in Iraq ECHO/IRQ/210/2003/06027 IRAQ 683.764

LVIA ITALY NGO Réponse d'urgence aux besoins en eau potable, assainissement et sécurité alimentaire en provinces de Ruyigi et Rutana ECHO/BDI/BUD/2004/01009 BURUNDI 574.200

MADERA-FR FRANCE NGO Emergency cash payment in return for snow clearing, irrigation assets rehabilitation and wild range species seeds collection in ECHO/-AS/BUD/2004/01029 AFGHANISTAN 550.000 Behsud I and II districts

MADERA-FR FRANCE NGO Emergency food aid and cash payment in return for road assets rehabilitation in Taywara and Pasaband districts ECHO/-AS/BUD/2004/01023 AFGHANISTAN 500.000

MAG - UK UNITED KINGDOMNGO Emergency Mine Action, Vanni Region ECHO/LKA/210/2003/02002 SRI LANKA 400.000

MAG - UK UNITED KINGDOMNGO Emergency UXO clearance, Khammoune province ECHO/LAO/210/2003/01004 LAOS 127.995

MAG - UK UNITED KINGDOMNGO Humanitarian mine action - Northern Iraq ECHO/IRQ/210/2003/06011 IRAQ 430.990

MAG - UK UNITED KINGDOMNGO Mine action support to repatriation and resettlement. ECHO/AGO/BUD/2004/01006 ANGOLA 170.000

MAG - UK UNITED KINGDOMNGO Provision of a humanitarian mine action service (PUC) ECHO/COD/BUD/2004/01047 CONGO, DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF 465.856

MAG - UK UNITED KINGDOMNGO Support to CARE Wat-San project in Sala Kraov District ECHO/KHM/BUD/2004/01002 CAMBODIA 170.000

MAG - UK UNITED KINGDOMNGO UXO Casualty Reduction in Three Districts of Battambang Province ECHO/KHM/210/2003/02004 CAMBODIA 179.539

MALTESER HILFSDIENSTGERMANY NGO Aide médicale et psycho-sociale dans le Sud Kivu ECHO/COD/BUD/2004/01022 CONGO, DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF 1.390.740

MALTESER HILFSDIENSTGERMANY NGO Health Project for Karen and Burmese Refugees along the thai-Burma/Myanmar Border ECHO/THA/210/2003/02002 THAILAND 900.000

MALTESER HILFSDIENSTGERMANY NGO Programme de nutrition et de sécurité alimentaire dans le Sud Kivu ECHO/COD/BUD/2004/01021 CONGO, DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF 949.996

MALTESER HILFSDIENSTGERMANY NGO Reduction of morbidity and mortality due to malaria & diarrhoeal diseases in Wa Special Region II (WSRII), Eastern Shan State ECHO/MMR/BUD/2004/01006 MYANMAR 425.000

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MALTESER HILFSDIENSTGERMANY NGO Specific disease control and prevention of major killer diseases (sleeping sickness and tuberculosis). ECHO/SDN/BUD/2004/01030 SUDAN 669.375

MALTESER HILFSDIENSTGERMANY NGO Strengthening of Primary Health Care Services at community level in Northern Mungdaw, Northern Rakhine State (NRS) ECHO/MMR/210/2003/02003 MYANMAR 200.000

MDM - FRA FRANCE NGO Accès aux soins et à l'eau potable pour les populations civiles de la zone de conflit des municipalités de Murindo et Bojaya, ECHO/-SM/BUD/2004/01006 COLOMBIA 320.000 Medio Atrato,

MDM - FRA FRANCE NGO Aide à la santé reproductive en Mingrélie (Districts de Zougdidi, Tsalendjikha et Chkhorotsku) ECHO/GEO/BUD/2004/01004 GEORGIA 540.000

MDM - FRA FRANCE NGO Aide médicale à la zone de santé de Kongolo ECHO/COD/BUD/2004/01023 CONGO, DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF 485.000

MDM - FRA FRANCE NGO Aide médicale d'urgence en faveur des populations iraniennes du séisme de la ville de Bam et sa région. ECHO/IRN/BUD/2004/01007 IRAN 320.000

MDM - FRA FRANCE NGO Emergency medical aid for displaced civilian population in South Darfur. ECHO/SDN/BUD/2004/02008 SUDAN 650.000

MDM - FRA FRANCE NGO Medical aid to the civil population of the Chaghcharan and Taiwara districts - Ghor Province ECHO/-AS/BUD/2004/01025 AFGHANISTAN 320.700

MDM - FRA FRANCE NGO Prise en charge médicale de victimes des inondations à Gonaïves ECHO/HTI/BUD/2004/05002 HAITI 100.000

MDM - FRA FRANCE NGO Programme d'accès aux soins pour les populations civiles affectées par la crise politico-militaire dans la zone de Séguéla. ECHO/-WF/BUD/2004/01001 COTE D'IVOIRE 537.410

MDM - FRA FRANCE NGO Programme of access to primary health care for the civilian population of Bong and Margibi counties ECHO/-WF/BUD/2004/01016 LIBERIA 480.000

MDM - FRA FRANCE NGO Programme sanitaire d'urgence suite au cyclone Gafilo dans la sous-préfecture de Maroentsetra ECHO/MDG/BUD/2004/01004 MADAGASCAR 250.000

MDM - FRA FRANCE NGO Support to surgical care, primary and secondary health care in Chechnya ECHO/RUS/BUD/2004/01004 RUSSIA 900.000

MDM - FRA FRANCE NGO To improve maternal and child health in the Municipalities of Bailundo and Mungo (Angola- Province of Huambo) ECHO/AGO/BUD/2004/01016 ANGOLA 389.000

Emergency support of the health centers in the province of Boumerdes, including rehabilitation work and provision of essential MDM - GRC GREECE NGO medical equipment and consumable ECHO/DZA/210/2003/03003 ALGERIA 200.000

MEDAIR UK UNITED KINGDOMNGO Access to basic healthcare and response to epidemics ECHO/COD/BUD/2004/01026 CONGO, DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF 1.570.000

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MEDAIR UK UNITED KINGDOMNGO Emergency health and NFI response to the needs of vulnerable households affected by displacement in North-East Uganda ECHO/UGA/210/2003/02003 UGANDA 518.079

MEDAIR UK UNITED KINGDOMNGO Gafilo Cyclone Emergency Programme ECHO/MDG/BUD/2004/01002 MADAGASCAR 360.000

MEDAIR UK UNITED KINGDOMNGO Income support and training programme for vulnerable urban families, Kabul ECHO/-AS/BUD/2004/01027 AFGHANISTAN 550.000

MEDAIR UK UNITED KINGDOMNGO Life saving health programmes in Upper Nile and Jonglei. ECHO/SDN/BUD/2004/01031 SUDAN 848.270

MEDAIR UK UNITED KINGDOMNGO Rural rehabilitation. Targeted assistance to vulnerable communities in Hazarajat and Badakhshan ECHO/-AS/BUD/2004/01026 AFGHANISTAN 450.000

MEDICO INTERNATIONALGERMANY NGO Meeting the health needs of areas affected by the wall and continuous closures ECHO/-ME/BUD/2004/01016 PALESTINIAN TERRITORY, OCCUPIED 399.966

MEDICO INTERNATIONALGERMANY NGO Soutien aux réfugiés sahraouis par la fourniture de médicaments et de matériel médical ECHO/DZA/210/2003/01004 ALGERIA 649.215

MEDICUS MUNDISPAIN - ESP NGO Projet de renforcement des capacités locales pour la préparation et prévention face aux catastrophes naturelles dans ECHO/TPS/219/2003/04011 BOLIVIA 296.496 l'extrémité sud de Potosi

MERCY CORPS UNITEDSCOTLAND KINGDOMNGO Immediate sanitation for Bam City and satellite villages. ECHO/IRN/BUD/2004/01006 IRAN 252.766

MERCY CORPS UNITEDSCOTLAND KINGDOMNGO Strengthening Regional Cooperation for a Community-based Approach to Disaster Preparedness in the Ferghana Valley ECHO/DIP/BUD/2004/01010 TAJIKISTAN 250.000

MERCY CORPS UNITEDSCOTLAND KINGDOMNGO Upper Rasht Valley Community Water Project ECHO/TJK/BUD/2004/01011 TAJIKISTAN 299.989

MERCY CORPS UNITEDSCOTLAND KINGDOMNGO Water resource management and conservation in host communities ECHO/-AS/BUD/2004/01024 PAKISTAN 700.000

MERLIN UNITED KINGDOMNGO Community action for preparedness: engaging local actors to reduce the consequences of disaster ECHO/DIP/BUD/2004/01003 TAJIKISTAN 300.000

MERLIN UNITED KINGDOMNGO Emergency response to contamination of urban water supply, Dushanbe ECHO/TJK/BUD/2004/02001 TAJIKISTAN 200.000

MERLIN UNITED KINGDOMNGO Emergency support to improve access to primary health care in the West Bank of the Occupied Palestinian Territories ECHO/-ME/BUD/2004/01012 PALESTINIAN TERRITORY, OCCUPIED 700.000

MERLIN UNITED KINGDOMNGO Health assistance to war-affected populations in Kasai Oriental ECHO/COD/BUD/2004/01003 CONGO, DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF 499.997

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MERLIN UNITED KINGDOMNGO Health support to Magwi County. ECHO/SDN/BUD/2004/01009 SUDAN 561.140

MERLIN UNITED KINGDOMNGO Infectious disease prevention and control ECHO/TJK/BUD/2004/01006 TAJIKISTAN 373.000

MERLIN UNITED KINGDOMNGO Malaria Control Project, Chin State, Myanmar ECHO/MMR/BUD/2004/01007 MYANMAR 440.000

MERLIN UNITED KINGDOMNGO Provision of health care to local and displaced populations in Buchanan and surrounding areas, Grand Bassa County ECHO/-WF/BUD/2004/01012 LIBERIA 875.038

MERLIN UNITED KINGDOMNGO Provision of Primary Health Care Service to the refugee population in Largo camp and Blama way station ECHO/-WF/BUD/2004/01032 SIERRA LEONE 89.420

MERLIN UNITED KINGDOMNGO Strengthening healthcare delivery in Magwi County, South Sudan. ECHO/SDN/EDF/2004/01002 SUDAN 255.000

MISSION OST - DNKDENMARK NGO Improved access to health, education and market resources through road infrastructure, and to improved hygiene and ECHO/-AS/BUD/2004/01028 AFGHANISTAN 1.000.000 sanitation knowledge and practice in Chaal District of Takhar Province

MISSION OST - DNKDENMARK NGO Sustainable Food Security Improvement in Eastern Khatlon, 2004-2005 ECHO/TJK/BUD/2004/01014 TAJIKISTAN 513.000

MOVIMONDO ITALY NGO Assistance to local population and training of public health staff in Southern municipalities of Kuando Kubango. ECHO/AGO/BUD/2004/01018 ANGOLA 57.000

MOVIMONDO ITALY NGO Community-based actions to link relief and rehabilitation by strengthening local governance in war affected areas ECHO/PHL/BUD/2004/01003 PHILIPPINES 200.000

MOVIMONDO ITALY NGO Food Security Aid to the People Affected by the Floods in Bajo Yuna ECHO/-CR/BUD/2004/01006 DOMINICAN REPUBLIC 426.229

MOVIMONDO ITALY NGO Raising natural disaster knowledge and response capacity of local communities in Taluka Rapar, Kutch District, State of Gurajat ECHO/TPS/219/2003/03005 INDIA 175.000

MOVIMONDO ITALY NGO Strengthening of services provided by Primary Health Care Centres (PHCC) and increasing of awareness on transmissible and ECHO/IRQ/210/2003/06006 IRAQ 550.000 non transmissible diseases for the marginalized population in Baghdad and Babylon Governorates.

MOVIMONDO ITALY NGO Support to EVIs returnees and IDPs in Jaffna and Ampara Districts through restoration of basic conditions in the agricultural, ECHO/-SA/BUD/2004/01007 SRI LANKA 500.000 self sufficiency and water sectors

MOVIMONDO ITALY NGO Support to returnee communities in Maguindanao and North Cotabato ECHO/PHL/210/2003/02003 PHILIPPINES 182.506

MOVIMONDO ITALY NGO Support to the rural and sub-urban communities in the North East Region, affected by the tropicl storm Jeanne ECHO/DOM/BUD/2004/01001 DOMINICAN REPUBLIC 350.426

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MOVIMONDO ITALY NGO Support to vulnerable and marginalized Palestinian refugees in North camp ECHO/TPS/210/2003/08020 LEBANON 232.190

MOVIMONDO ITALY NGO Sustainable preparation and mitigation activities in the most vulnerable communities of León (León Dept.) ECHO/DIP/BUD/2004/02013 NICARAGUA 400.000

MPDL SPAIN NGO Assistance to disabled people living in Palestinian Refugee Camps in North and South of Lebanon ECHO/-ME/BUD/2004/01018 LEBANON 250.000

MPDL SPAIN NGO Attention to IDPs and victims of the conflict in the South of Cesar, Colombia. ECHO/-SM/BUD/2004/01016 COLOMBIA 475.000

MPDL SPAIN NGO Community based disaster preparedness in Coastal Andhra Pradesh. ECHO/TPS/219/2003/03003 INDIA 300.000

MPDL SPAIN NGO Distribution d'articles de première nécessité aux populations affectées par le tremblement de terre à Al Hoceima ECHO/MAR/BUD/2004/01004 MOROCCO 150.000

MPDL SPAIN NGO Improvement in the health status of the people living in shelters with zinc roofs in Mohajareen area, Nahr el Bared camp, ECHO/-ME/BUD/2004/02007 LEBANON 350.000 Lebanon

MPDL SPAIN NGO Strengthening the local capacity to prevent disasters and respond to emergencies vulnerable communities within Callejón de ECHO/TPS/219/2003/04003 PERU 385.134 Huaylas, Department of Ancash

MSF - BEL BELGIUM NGO Aide médicale d'urgence aux réfugiés soudanais dans le nord-est du Tchad. ECHO/TCD/BUD/2004/01002 CHAD 700.000

MSF - BEL BELGIUM NGO Aide médicale et psychologique d'urgence aux populations victimes des inondations ECHO/-CR/BUD/2004/01001 HAITI 125.712

MSF - BEL BELGIUM NGO Assistance médicale et nutritionnelle aux populations de la région de Man ECHO/-WF/BUD/2004/01002 COTE D'IVOIRE 761.935

MSF - BEL BELGIUM NGO Assistance to IDP's from Chechnya in Ingushetia ECHO/RUS/BUD/2004/01001 RUSSIA 375.000

MSF - BEL BELGIUM NGO Assistance to IDPs from Chechnya in Ingushetia ECHO/RUS/210/2003/02012 RUSSIA 112.982

MSF - BEL BELGIUM NGO Emergency health assistance for the resident and displaced population of Kebkabiya town, Kebkabiya locality and other ECHO/SDN/BUD/2004/03009 SUDAN 702.030 displaced sites in North Darfur State.

MSF - BEL BELGIUM NGO Emergency medical assistance in Zwedru (Grand Gedeh County) ECHO/TPS/210/2003/14017 LIBERIA 275.000

MSF - BEL BELGIUM NGO Emergency medical assistance to Ambon ECHO/-XA/BUD/2004/01001 INDONESIA 188.000

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MSF - BEL BELGIUM NGO Health care support to returning, resettling and resident populations in Moxico province ECHO/AGO/BUD/2004/01002 ANGOLA 800.000

MSF - BEL BELGIUM NGO Inervention médicale d'urgence pour l'accès aux soins des populations à Port au Prince et à Saint Marc ECHO/HTI/BUD/2004/03003 HAITI 365.621

MSF - BEL BELGIUM NGO Integrated community water supply and hygiene promotion programme for health projects in Bahr El Ghazal and Upper Nile. ECHO/SDN/BUD/2004/01010 SUDAN 310.000

MSF - BEL BELGIUM NGO Medical assistance to displaced and resident population of Monrovia city ECHO/-WF/BUD/2004/01011 LIBERIA 700.000

MSF - BEL BELGIUM NGO Mise en place d'une équipe d'évaluation et d'intervention rapide ECHO/HTI/BUD/2004/04008 HAITI 69.943


MSF - BEL BELGIUM NGO Programme médical dans la province de Karuzi, accès aux soins dans dix centres de santé et l'hôpital de référence de Buhiga ECHO/BDI/BUD/2004/01013 BURUNDI 580.000

MSF - BEL BELGIUM NGO Réduction de la mortalité et de la morbidité des cas de choléra au Tchad ECHO/-WF/BUD/2004/02003 CHAD 168.991

MSF - BEL BELGIUM NGO Renforcement de l'accès aux soins de santé primaire de qualité dans certaines aires de santé Equateur ECHO/COD/BUD/2004/01018 CONGO, DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF 2.400.000

MSF - BEL BELGIUM NGO Support to health care system, water and sanitation, epidemiological surveillance and emergency preparedness, Luau. ECHO/AGO/210/2003/02002 ANGOLA 350.000

MSF - CHE SWITZERLAND NGO Appui au système de santé, secteur sanitaire de Rwibaga, province de Bujumbura rural ECHO/BDI/BUD/2004/01023 BURUNDI 200.000

MSF - CHE SWITZERLAND NGO Damot Gale pilot ACT implementation project in Wollayita region. ECHO/ETH/EDF/2004/02003 ETHIOPIA 370.000

MSF - CHE SWITZERLAND NGO Emergency medio-nutritional intervention in West Darfur. ECHO/SDN/BUD/2004/02009 SUDAN 750.000

MSF - CHE SWITZERLAND NGO Malaria Control Programme in Dawei & Myeik Districts, Thanitaryi Division, Union of Myanmar ECHO/MMR/BUD/2004/01005 MYANMAR 300.000

MSF - CHE SWITZERLAND NGO Management of primary and secondary level health structures in Monrovia for the displaced and resident population ECHO/-WF/BUD/2004/01014 LIBERIA 600.000

Management of primary and secondary level health structures in southern Nimba for the displaced, refugees and resident MSF - CHE SWITZERLAND NGO population ECHO/LBR/EDF/2004/01009 LIBERIA 300.000

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MSF - CHE SWITZERLAND NGO Outpatient and inpatient health centre in Dinsor. ECHO/SOM/BUD/2004/01005 SOMALIA 350.000

MSF - CHE SWITZERLAND NGO Programme d'assistance médicale et nutritionnelle aux réfugiés libériens du Camp de Lainé ECHO/-WF/BUD/2004/01005 GUINEA 500.000

MSF - ESP SPAIN NGO Emergency assistance to displaced and vulnerable population in Darfur. ECHO/SDN/BUD/2004/03008 SUDAN 750.000

MSF - ESP SPAIN NGO Primary health care and mother and child health in Yaqshid District, Mogadishu North. ECHO/SOM/BUD/2004/02001 SOMALIA 425.000

MSF - FRA FRANCE NGO Amélioration de l'offre de soins dans la province de Makamba. ECHO/BDI/BUD/2004/01006 BURUNDI 463.000

MSF - FRA FRANCE NGO Assistance médico-nutritionnelle à la population de la zone de Kitenge ECHO/COD/BUD/2004/01031 CONGO, DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF 206.296

MSF - FRA FRANCE NGO Assistance to IDPs and insecurity affected local population in Teso region. ECHO/UGA/EDF/2004/01003 UGANDA 1.000.000

MSF - FRA FRANCE NGO Emergency assistance to Adré District Hospital ECHO/TCD/BUD/2004/01004 CHAD 250.000

MSF - FRA FRANCE NGO Emergency hospital and OPD for displaced people and resident population in Monrovia, out of the national Cost Recovery ECHO/-WF/BUD/2004/01018 LIBERIA 800.000 System.

MSF - FRA FRANCE NGO Emergency humanitarian assistance to IDPs in Darfur. ECHO/SDN/BUD/2004/02004 SUDAN 1.500.000

MSF - FRA FRANCE NGO Emergency humanitarian assistance to internal displaced population in Darfur ECHO/SDN/210/2003/02003 SUDAN 500.000

MSF - FRA FRANCE NGO Emergency intervention against measles ECHO/-WF/BUD/2004/02001 NIGER 100.000

MSF - FRA FRANCE NGO Emergency malaria project, East Wollega ECHO/ETH/210/2002/01010 ETHIOPIA 207.000

MSF - FRA FRANCE NGO Emergency medical intervention against hemorrhagic fever in Yambio. ECHO/SDN/BUD/2004/01028 SUDAN 75.000

MSF - FRA FRANCE NGO Emergency response to cholera outbreak ECHO/-WF/BUD/2004/02005 GUINEA 61.992

MSF - FRA FRANCE NGO Emergency response to cholera outbreak ECHO/-WF/BUD/2004/02006 SIERRA LEONE 100.000

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MSF - FRA FRANCE NGO Emergency response to cyclone Gafilo ECHO/MDG/BUD/2004/01001 MADAGASCAR 400.000

MSF - FRA FRANCE NGO Health assistance in the Mid Western region. ECHO/NPL/210/2003/02002 NEPAL 317.000

MSF - FRA FRANCE NGO Health Project for Displaced Persons living on the Thailand-Myanmar Border ECHO/THA/BUD/2004/01002 THAILAND 900.000

MSF - FRA FRANCE NGO Medical and psychological humanitarian intervention for the population of Dashte-Barchi area and surroundings in Kabul ECHO/-AS/BUD/2004/01030 AFGHANISTAN 295.000

MSF - FRA FRANCE NGO Mother and Childcare and Primary Health Care in Ingushetia and Chechnya ECHO/RUS/BUD/2004/01003 RUSSIA 350.000

MSF - FRA FRANCE NGO Primary health care in the Kolahun and Foya Districts - Lofa County ECHO/-WF/BUD/2004/01023 LIBERIA 200.000

MSF - FRA FRANCE NGO Prise en charge des malnutris sévères et modérés dans les ZS de Kayna ECHO/COD/BUD/2004/01030 CONGO, DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF 505.076

MSF - FRA FRANCE NGO Prise en charge en urgence de malnourris sévères et modérés dans les zones de Kayna et Lubero ECHO/COD/BUD/2004/01014 CONGO, DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF 153.190

MSF - FRA FRANCE NGO Programme d'assistance médicale à la population de Bouaké. ECHO/-WF/BUD/2004/01008 COTE D'IVOIRE 840.000

MSF - FRA FRANCE NGO Programme d'assistance médicale aux populations déplacées et vulnérables de Guiglo ECHO/-WF/BUD/2004/01037 COTE D'IVOIRE 142.000

MSF - FRA FRANCE NGO Urgence médicale district de Mindouli ECHO/COG/210/2003/02004 CONGO 300.000

MSF - FRA FRANCE NGO Urgence médicale district de Mindouli ECHO/COG/EDF/2004/01002 CONGO 190.000

MSF - LUX LUXEMBURG NGO Prise en charge d'une épidémie de choléra au Mali ECHO/MLI/210/2003/01001 MALI 343.540

MSF - NLD NETHERLANDS NGO Basic and Primary healthcare in the Pool region ECHO/COG/EDF/2004/01003 CONGO 300.000

MSF - NLD NETHERLANDS NGO Basic health and hospital care in Shabunda ECHO/COD/BUD/2004/01009 CONGO, DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF 600.000

MSF - NLD NETHERLANDS NGO Basic health care and nutrition for conflict affected population of West and South Darfur ECHO/SDN/BUD/2004/02006 SUDAN 1.500.000

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MSF - NLD NETHERLANDS NGO Basic health care (BHC) and emergency preparedness (EPREP). ECHO/SOM/BUD/2004/01002 SOMALIA 600.000

MSF - NLD NETHERLANDS NGO Basic health care, Western Côte d'Ivoire - Danané ECHO/-WF/BUD/2004/01007 COTE D'IVOIRE 455.000

MSF - NLD NETHERLANDS NGO Chechnya primary health care support programme ECHO/RUS/BUD/2004/01002 RUSSIA 500.000

MSF - NLD NETHERLANDS NGO Emergency refugee relief operation - eastern Chad ECHO/TCD/210/2003/01003 CHAD 400.000

MSF - NLD NETHERLANDS NGO Emergency refugee relief operation - Eastern Chad ECHO/TCD/BUD/2004/01007 CHAD 258.000

MSF - NLD NETHERLANDS NGO Integrated healthcare in Mussende and Xa-Muteba ECHO/AGO/BUD/2004/01015 ANGOLA 300.000

MSF - NLD NETHERLANDS NGO Malakal basic health care in Upper Nile ECHO/SDN/BUD/2004/01015 SUDAN 800.000

MSF - NLD NETHERLANDS NGO Malaria and Kala Azar intervention in Mycadra/Midre GenetAmhara region. ECHO/ETH/EDF/2004/02002 ETHIOPIA 540.000

MSF - NLD NETHERLANDS NGO Malaria Treatment Programme, Northern Rakhine State ECHO/MMR/BUD/2004/01004 MYANMAR 360.000

MSF - NLD NETHERLANDS NGO Medical support program, Kalikot District ECHO/NPL/BUD/2004/02001 NEPAL 250.000

MSF - NLD NETHERLANDS NGO Nimba County Health Programme ECHO/LBR/EDF/2004/01006 LIBERIA 350.000

MSF - NLD NETHERLANDS NGO Nutritional and medical emergency relief operations in Lira. ECHO/UGA/BUD/2004/01002 UGANDA 1.000.000

MSF - NLD NETHERLANDS NGO Primary and secondary healthcare and emergency nutrition in Walikale ECHO/COD/BUD/2004/01008 CONGO, DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF 677.054

MSF - NLD NETHERLANDS NGO Refugee camps for Afghan refugees: Basic Health Care and Nutrition ECHO/-AS/BUD/2004/01032 PAKISTAN 1.000.000

MSF - NLD NETHERLANDS NGO Shasho hospital, Kurram agency ECHO/-AS/BUD/2004/01031 PAKISTAN 300.000

MSF - NLD NETHERLANDS NGO Support to Basic Healthcare with special attention to victims of sexual violence in the Moso Region, Ruyigi Province ECHO/BDI/BUD/2004/01011 BURUNDI 400.000

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NORWEGIAN PEOPLE'SNORWAY AID NGO Facilitate access for vulnerable populations in Northern Malanje province. ECHO/AGO/210/2003/02003 ANGOLA 343.939

NORWEGIAN PEOPLE'SNORWAY AID NGO Facilitation of access for vulnerable population in the Northern Malange. ECHO/AGO/BUD/2004/01013 ANGOLA 450.009

NORWEGIAN PEOPLE'SNORWAY AID NGO Mine Action Assistance Programme for the Vanni Region ECHO/LKA/210/2003/02003 SRI LANKA 600.000

NORWEGIAN REFUGEENORWAY COUNCILNGO Creating conditions for return in Huila, Kuando Kubango, Huambo, Bié, Uige and Zaire provinces. ECHO/TPS/210/2003/12030 ANGOLA 451.848

NORWEGIAN REFUGEENORWAY COUNCILNGO Information and legal aid to Afghan Refugees, IDPs and Returnees. ECHO/TPS/210/2003/18008 PAKISTAN 1.000.000

NORWEGIAN REFUGEENORWAY COUNCILNGO Project to improve conditions for returnees in accordance with MINOPS in 10 provinces of Angola. ECHO/AGO/BUD/2004/01017 ANGOLA 700.000

OCHA SWITZERLAND UN Area co-ordination in Greater Darfur - Western Sudan. ECHO/SDN/BUD/2004/03004 SUDAN 1.000.000

OCHA SWITZERLAND UN Coordination of humanitarian action and assistance in Eastern and Southern Burundi ECHO/BDI/BUD/2004/01004 BURUNDI 255.700

OCHA SWITZERLAND UN Coordination of humanitarian activities. ECHO/AGO/BUD/2004/01001 ANGOLA 445.606

OCHA SWITZERLAND UN Coordination of humanitarian operations. ECHO/SDN/210/2003/01036 SUDAN 267.500

OCHA SWITZERLAND UN Enhancing coordination among all aid agencies and with the host government ECHO/RUS/BUD/2004/01011 RUSSIA 220.000

OCHA SWITZERLAND UN Humanitarian coordination for Northern and Eastern ECHO/UGA/EDF/2003/01003 UGANDA 385.000

OCHA SWITZERLAND UN Humanitarian coordination in the occupied Palestinian territory ECHO/TPS/210/2003/16007 PALESTINIAN TERRITORY, OCCUPIED 1.000.000

OCHA SWITZERLAND UN Humanitarian Situation Room. ECHO/-SM/BUD/2004/01014 COLOMBIA 152.000

OCHA SWITZERLAND UN Promotion et coordination de l'action humanitaire dans les régions du Nord de la Côte d'Ivoire ECHO/-WF/BUD/2004/01031 COTE D'IVOIRE 253.055

Provision of vehicles in support of humanitarian operations implemented in response to the crisis in Greater Darfur - Western OCHA SWITZERLAND UN Sudan. ECHO/SDN/BUD/2004/03010 SUDAN 2.500.000

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OCHA SWITZERLAND UN Sharing of good practices and promotion of community preparedness concepts ECHO/ADM/BUD/2004/01305 N/A 360.000

OCHA SWITZERLAND UN Support for Humanitarian Information Center ECHO/TPS/210/2003/14013 LIBERIA 350.000

OCHA SWITZERLAND UN Support to and enhancement of humanitarian information systems essential to the coordination of humanitarian assistance. ECHO/THM/BUD/2004/01001 NEUTRALZONE 4.000.000

OCHA SWITZERLAND UN Support to humanitarian and post-conflict coordination in Republic of Congo ECHO/COG/210/2003/02006 CONGO 250.000

OCHA SWITZERLAND UN Support to humanitarian coordination in Haiti ECHO/HTI/BUD/2004/03004 HAITI 271.023

Technical workshops to support the preparatory work for the elaboration of the UN Humanitarian Civil-Military Coordination OCHA SWITZERLAND UN (CMCoord) Field Handbook ECHO/ADM/BUD/2004/01306 N/A 143.918

OCKENDEN INTERNATIONALUNITED KINGDOM (OI)NGO Provision of assistance to reintegrating returnees and vulnerable host communities in western Afghanistan ECHO/-AS/BUD/2004/01033 AFGHANISTAN 500.000

OIKOS PORTUGAL NGO Emergency Project for the Apurímac and Ayacucho zones affected by a cold wave and snowstorm: Mitigation of needs and ECHO/PER/BUD/2004/01005 PERU 295.000 capacity building for disasters management

OXFAM - UK UNITED KINGDOMNGO Community Based Disaster Risk Management Project. ECHO/TPS/219/2003/03007 BANGLADESH 220.000

OXFAM - UK UNITED KINGDOMNGO Disaster Preparedness in Vulnerable Communities in Rio Coco, Nicaragua ECHO/DIP/BUD/2004/02002 NICARAGUA 340.000

OXFAM - UK UNITED KINGDOMNGO Emergency Flood Response in Northern Haiti ECHO/HTI/BUD/2004/01002 HAITI 280.000

OXFAM - UK UNITED KINGDOMNGO Emergency Food Security and Livelihoods Recovery ECHO/GRD/BUD/2004/01002 GRENADA 684.100

OXFAM - UK UNITED KINGDOMNGO Emergency public health response for typhoon affected populations in Infanta and General Nakar Municipalities, Quezon ECHO/PHL/BUD/2004/02003 PHILIPPINES 190.000 Province

OXFAM - UK UNITED KINGDOMNGO Emergency relief operation, floods 2004 ECHO/-SA/BUD/2004/02003 BANGLADESH 510.000

OXFAM - UK UNITED KINGDOMNGO Emergency response to floods in south Eastern Haiti ECHO/-CR/BUD/2004/01004 HAITI 600.000

OXFAM - UK UNITED KINGDOMNGO Emergency Response to Hurricane Ivan ECHO/JAM/EDF/2004/01003 JAMAICA 285.000

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OXFAM - UK UNITED KINGDOMNGO Emergency response to Tropical Storm Jeanne in Gonaïves ECHO/HTI/BUD/2004/05003 HAITI 736.000

OXFAM - UK UNITED KINGDOMNGO Emergency water programme for Debub zone. ECHO/ERI/BUD/2004/01003 ERITREA 240.959

OXFAM - UK UNITED KINGDOMNGO Emergency water supply, sanitation, hygiene and vector control and emergency preparedness and response coordination. ECHO/SDN/BUD/2004/01029 SUDAN 643.947

OXFAM - UK UNITED KINGDOMNGO Ensuring humanitarian protection and direct humanitarian support in 3 municipalities in CMR ECHO/PHL/BUD/2004/01001 PHILIPPINES 260.000

OXFAM - UK UNITED KINGDOMNGO Financial Management Capacity Building for Humanitarian Agencies ECHO/ADM/BUD/2004/01304 N/A 105.000

OXFAM - UK UNITED KINGDOMNGO Humanitarian Aid for Andean Highland Communities Affected by Severe Cold in Southern Peru ECHO/PER/BUD/2004/01006 PERU 111.300

OXFAM - UK UNITED KINGDOMNGO Humanitarian assistance to conflict-affected people in Kitgum and Pader Districts. ECHO/UGA/EDF/2004/01001 UGANDA 1.300.000

OXFAM - UK UNITED KINGDOMNGO Humanitarian assistance to flood affected communities in Assam and Bihar in East India ECHO/-SA/BUD/2004/02005 INDIA 560.000

OXFAM - UK UNITED KINGDOMNGO Humanitarian PUblic Health Intervention: mobile response ECHO/TPS/210/2003/12033 ANGOLA 735.407

OXFAM - UK UNITED KINGDOMNGO Humanitarian response in Northern Haiti ECHO/HTI/BUD/2004/04007 HAITI 754.125

OXFAM - UK UNITED KINGDOMNGO Humanitarian response to conflict affected people in Darfur. ECHO/SDN/BUD/2004/02003 SUDAN 1.100.000

OXFAM - UK UNITED KINGDOMNGO Humanitarian support and strengthening protection for current and returned IDPs in Three High-risk municipalities in Cnetral ECHO/PHL/210/2003/02001 PHILIPPINES 242.349 Mindanao Region, Philippines.

OXFAM - UK UNITED KINGDOMNGO Hurricane Ivan emergency response ECHO/-CR/BUD/2004/02004 GRENADA 400.000

OXFAM - UK UNITED KINGDOMNGO Improving public health status of conflict-affected populations in Bunia and surrounding areas. ECHO/COD/BUD/2004/01015 CONGO, DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF 694.011

Preparedness and Prevention in Andean highland communities affected by droughts, ground frosts and other hazards in four OXFAM - UK UNITED KINGDOMNGO districts of moquegua and Arequipa regions, Peru ECHO/TPS/219/2003/04006 PERU 261.753

Promoting informed decision making by protection of and durable solutions for East Timorese refugees currently displaced in OXFAM - UK UNITED KINGDOMNGO NTT Province. ECHO/IDN/210/2003/02001 INDONESIA 410.000

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OXFAM - UK UNITED KINGDOMNGO Public health intervention for IDPs and host communities in peri-urban Monrovia ECHO/-WF/BUD/2004/01021 LIBERIA 410.320

OXFAM - UK UNITED KINGDOMNGO Southern Hazarajat humanitarian programme 2004/2005 ECHO/-AS/BUD/2004/01034 AFGHANISTAN 710.000

OXFAM - UK UNITED KINGDOMNGO Support to the Secretariat of the Association of the International Development Agencies (AIDA) ECHO/-ME/BUD/2004/01032 PALESTINIAN TERRITORY, OCCUPIED 115.337

OXFAM - UK UNITED KINGDOMNGO Water, Sanitation and Health Promotion in Eastern Khatlon ECHO/TJK/BUD/2004/01002 TAJIKISTAN 290.000

OXFAM - UK UNITED KINGDOMNGO Water, sanitation, hygiene promotion and vector control for refugees in 3 camps in Chad ECHO/TCD/EDF/2004/02003 CHAD 402.039

OXFAM - UK UNITED KINGDOMNGO West Bank Water, Sanitation and Institutional Development Intervention ECHO/-ME/BUD/2004/01017 PALESTINIAN TERRITORY, OCCUPIED 1.800.000

PAHO UNITED STATES OFUN AMERICA Creation of a Central American Disaster Information Network ECHO/DIP/BUD/2004/02010 GUATEMALA 350.000

PAHO UNITED STATES OFUN AMERICA Developing a health training program to prepare for volcanic eruptions in Colombia and Ecuador. ECHO/TPS/219/2003/04001 COLOMBIA 206.000

PAHO UNITED STATES OFUN AMERICA Emergency Rehabilitation of CAMEP Water System in Port au prince ECHO/HTI/BUD/2004/04005 HAITI 584.819

PAHO UNITED STATES OFUN AMERICA Health Response to Hurricane Frances and Jeanne ECHO/BHS/BUD/2004/01002 BAHAMAS 174.602

PAHO UNITED STATES OFUN AMERICA Health response to Hurricane Ivan ECHO/-CR/BUD/2004/02002 GRENADA 214.000

PAHO UNITED STATES OFUN AMERICA Health Response to Hurricane Ivan ECHO/JAM/EDF/2004/01004 JAMAICA 150.000

PAHO UNITED STATES OFUN AMERICA Strengthening the emergency surveillance system in Haiti ECHO/HTI/BUD/2004/04002 HAITI 306.127

PEOPLE IN NEEDCZECH REPUBLICNGO Improvement of living conditions in Chechnya via partial rehabilitation of selected homes ECHO/RUS/BUD/2004/02012 RUSSIA 90.000

Improvement of the educational process in Chechnya via the creation of psychosocial centres, child-friendly spaces for PEOPLE IN NEEDCZECH REPUBLICNGO extracurricular activities and minor rehabilitation of school facilities. ECHO/RUS/BUD/2004/01010 RUSSIA 400.000

PEOPLE IN NEEDCZECH REPUBLICNGO Support of permanent reintegration of returnees in western-Dehi, Northern Afghanistan. ECHO/-AS/BUD/2004/01035 AFGHANISTAN 600.000

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PMU INTERLIFESWEDEN NGO Gynaecological and medical treatment to female victims of violence in South Kivu province ECHO/COD/BUD/2004/01001 CONGO, DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF 660.000

POLISH HUMANITARIANPOLAND ORGANISATIONNGO Improvement of the environmental sanitation conditions in Grozny and other parts of Chechnya ECHO/RUS/BUD/2004/01006 RUSSIA 345.000

POLISH HUMANITARIANPOLAND ORGANISATIONNGO Improvement of the environmental sanitation conditions in Grozny and other parts of Chechnya ECHO/RUS/BUD/2004/02009 RUSSIA 400.000

PREMIERE URGENCEFRANCE NGO Activités génératrices de revenus et sécurité alimentaire auprès des populations réfugiées ECHO/-WF/BUD/2004/01004 GUINEA 282.727

PREMIERE URGENCEFRANCE NGO Aide au retour des déplacés de guerre d'Ituri ECHO/COD/210/2003/02004 CONGO, DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF 733.489

Appui d'urgence aux réfugiés soudanais et aux communautés tchadiennes hôtes en période de soudure et saison des pluies, PREMIERE URGENCEFRANCE NGO Sud Est du Ouaddaï, Tchad. ECHO/TCD/BUD/2004/01001 CHAD 680.865

PREMIERE URGENCEFRANCE NGO Food distribution and complementary food assistance to IDP camps in Liberia ECHO/-WF/BUD/2004/01015 LIBERIA 336.248

PREMIERE URGENCEFRANCE NGO Humanitarian aid in favour of the vulnerable population affected by the conflict in Iraq ECHO/IRQ/210/2003/06002 IRAQ 2.000.000

PREMIERE URGENCEFRANCE NGO Professional and animal kits distribution program in Nablus and Jenin districts ECHO/-ME/BUD/2004/01031 PALESTINIAN TERRITORY, OCCUPIED 499.583

PREMIERE URGENCEFRANCE NGO Programme de relance agricole pour l'amélioration de la sécurité alimentaire à Sukhumi - Abkhazie ECHO/GEO/BUD/2004/01006 GEORGIA 340.000

PREMIERE URGENCEFRANCE NGO Réhabilitation et soutien de la production d'injectables intraveineux ECHO/PRK/BUD/2004/01004 KOREA, DEMOCRATIC PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC900.000 OF

PREMIERE URGENCEFRANCE NGO Support to the populations the most affected by the Israeli "security" wall in Qalqilya district ECHO/TPS/210/2003/16013 PALESTINIAN TERRITORY, OCCUPIED 195.000

PSF - FRA/CLERMONT-FERRANDFRANCE NGO Appui au système d'approvisionnement et à la gestion des médicaments essentiels dans les départements du Nord et du Sud ECHO/HTI/BUD/2004/04010 HAITI 323.976 d'Haïti

PSF - FRA/CLERMONT-FERRANDFRANCE NGO Appui médical et sanitaire aux ZS de Lubao, Kabinda et Kalonda ECHO/COD/BUD/2004/01004 CONGO, DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF 999.703

PSF - FRA/CLERMONT-FERRANDFRANCE NGO Ensuring sustainable pharmaceutical access to vulnerable population in selected primary and secondary health care facilities ECHO/TJK/BUD/2004/01004 TAJIKISTAN 1.817.000

PSF - FRA/CLERMONT-FERRANDFRANCE NGO Pharmaceutical supply, training and technical advise for medical and veterinary agencies in South Sudan. ECHO/SDN/BUD/2004/01020 SUDAN 1.324.627

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PSF - FRA/CLERMONT-FERRANDFRANCE NGO Rationalisation of drug use amongst the communities of the remote Stung Treng Province ECHO/KHM/210/2003/01003 CAMBODIA 263.644

SAVE THE CHILDRENNETHERLANDS - NLD NGO Community-based Management of childhood illness ECHO/-ME/BUD/2004/01009 PALESTINIAN TERRITORY, OCCUPIED 400.000

SAVE THE CHILDRENNETHERLANDS - NLD NGO Emergency health, nutrition and protection intervention in West Darfur. ECHO/SDN/EDF/2004/01008 SUDAN 702.578

SAVE THE CHILDRENUNITED - UK KINGDOMNGO Assistance humanitaire aux Enfants et Familles affectés par le Conflit armé à l'Ouest de la Côte d'Ivoire ECHO/-WF/BUD/2004/01038 COTE D'IVOIRE 260.942

SAVE THE CHILDRENUNITED - UK KINGDOMNGO Bam earthquake : emergency assistance to health services and child protection. ECHO/IRN/BUD/2004/01008 IRAN 340.000

SAVE THE CHILDRENUNITED - UK KINGDOMNGO Community based emergency preparedness and vulnerability reduction programme ECHO/TPS/219/2003/03009 INDIA 238.667

SAVE THE CHILDRENUNITED - UK KINGDOMNGO Continued strengthening of community capacity in child-focused disaster preparedness and response ECHO/DIP/BUD/2004/03010 VIET NAM 230.000

SAVE THE CHILDRENUNITED - UK KINGDOMNGO Emergency protection and reintegration of spontaneously demobilized children associated with Armed Forces (CAAF) and ECHO/-WF/BUD/2004/01022 LIBERIA 225.289 other vulnerable children

SAVE THE CHILDRENUNITED - UK KINGDOMNGO Fuyang Flood Rehabilitation project in China ECHO/CHN/210/2003/02003 CHINA 250.000

SAVE THE CHILDRENUNITED - UK KINGDOMNGO General programme assessment Province of Papua ECHO/IDN/210/2003/02005 INDONESIA 54.952

SAVE THE CHILDRENUNITED - UK KINGDOMNGO Humanitarian Aviation Support Services for Iraq ECHO/IRQ/210/2003/06032 IRAQ 1.095.000

SAVE THE CHILDRENUNITED - UK KINGDOMNGO Immediate response to the impact of Hurricane Ivan ECHO/JAM/EDF/2004/01002 JAMAICA 156.240

SAVE THE CHILDRENUNITED - UK KINGDOMNGO Improved access to quality basic primary health care in Tanchon County, South Hamgyong Province ECHO/PRK/210/2003/01010 KOREA, DEMOCRATIC PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC169.830 OF

SAVE THE CHILDRENUNITED - UK KINGDOMNGO Improving primary health care access and quality in South Hamgyong and North Pyongan Provinces ECHO/PRK/BUD/2004/01008 KOREA, DEMOCRATIC PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC799.190 OF

SAVE THE CHILDRENUNITED - UK KINGDOMNGO Liberia Emergency Response ECHO/TPS/210/2003/14014 LIBERIA 542.865

Livestock recovery activities in vulnerable communities of Tacna, Puno and Cusco affected by extreme cold weather conditions, SAVE THE CHILDRENUNITED - UK KINGDOMNGO Peru 2004 ECHO/PER/BUD/2004/01004 PERU 342.500

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Provision of health services to IDPs and host population in the vicinity of the IDP camps in Bhar El Ghazal and South Darfur, in SAVE THE CHILDRENUNITED - UK KINGDOMNGO the context of a chronic emergency. ECHO/SDN/BUD/2004/01005 SUDAN 418.256

SAVE THE CHILDRENUNITED - UK KINGDOMNGO Provision of preventatitve health and shelter items (PHSI), health and hygiene promotion services and food security inputs in ECHO/SDN/BUD/2004/01012 SUDAN 1.094.610 Central and Western Upper Nile and Bahr el Ghazal regions


SAVE THE CHILDRENUNITED - UK KINGDOMNGO Support to primary health care, including reproductive and sexual health care, to children and their families affected by conflict ECHO/LBR/EDF/2004/01002 LIBERIA 199.999 and recovering post conflict in Bomi and Gbarpolu counties

SAVE THE CHILDRENUNITED - UK KINGDOMNGO Support to the reinstallation of vulnerable families affected by the recent conflict in South Kivu ECHO/COD/BUD/2004/01041 CONGO, DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF 131.797

SAVE THE CHILDRENUNITED - UK KINGDOMNGO Support to vulnerable groups (as part of the Angola Child Reintegration Programme). ECHO/AGO/210/2003/02001 ANGOLA 205.406

SAVE THE CHILDRENUNITED - UK KINGDOMNGO Support to working children in Kabul and Balkh ECHO/TPS/210/2003/18011 AFGHANISTAN 100.000

SAVE THE CHILDRENUNITED - UK KINGDOMNGO Support to working children, Kandahar ECHO/-AS/BUD/2004/01036 AFGHANISTAN 250.000

SECOURS POPULAIREFRANCE - FR NGO Improving access to specialized healthcare and quality treatment to the civilian victims of the conflict in Northern Caucasus ECHO/RUS/210/2003/02009 RUSSIA 265.000

SI SPAIN NGO Humanitarian assistance to internally displaced people (IDPs) in the Southwestern Pacific coast of Colombia ECHO/-SM/BUD/2004/01009 COLOMBIA 275.000

SI SPAIN NGO Support Saharan refugee's complementary food production ECHO/DZA/BUD/2004/01004 ALGERIA 900.000

SOLIDARITES FRANCE NGO Eau et assainissement pour l'aide au retour des populations déplacées de l'Ituri ECHO/COD/210/2003/02006 CONGO, DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF 319.000

SOLIDARITES FRANCE NGO Eau, hygiène et assainissement au Burundi dans les provinces de Bujumbura rurale, Gitega, Bururi et Cankuzo ECHO/BDI/BUD/2004/01005 BURUNDI 668.557

SOLIDARITES FRANCE NGO Emergency response for vulnerable population of Darfur: food, NFI, water and sanitation ECHO/SDN/BUD/2004/02007 SUDAN 956.000

SOLIDARITES FRANCE NGO Emergency water programme in Mungo and Mussende municipalities ECHO/AGO/BUD/2004/01009 ANGOLA 600.000

SOLIDARITES FRANCE NGO Nutrition et sécurité alimentaire dans les ZS de Kalemie et de Kongolo ECHO/COD/BUD/2004/01038 CONGO, DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF 492.458

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SOLIDARITES FRANCE NGO Program for emergency access to potable water, sanitation and hygiene promotion ECHO/-WF/BUD/2004/01042 LIBERIA 300.000

SOLIDARITES FRANCE NGO Programme d'urgence d'accès à l'eau potable et de promotion de la santé communautaire - Comté de Grand Bassa - Liberia ECHO/-WF/BUD/2004/01009 LIBERIA 350.000

SOLIDARITES FRANCE NGO Programme nutritionnel - zones de santé de Kalémie et de Kongolo ECHO/COD/210/2003/01053 CONGO, DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF 586.000

SOLIDARITES FRANCE NGO Reduction of water-born diseases frequency/incidence notably for children through integrated project in remote areas forgotten ECHO/-AS/BUD/2004/01037 AFGHANISTAN 445.000 by aid community and Central government.

SOLIDARITES FRANCE NGO Rehabilitation of water distribution networks in Qadisiyah governorate ECHO/IRQ/210/2003/06009 IRAQ 500.000

SOLIDARITES FRANCE NGO Sécurité alimentaire en province de Muramvya ECHO/BDI/BUD/2004/01018 BURUNDI 145.806

SOLIDARITES FRANCE NGO Support to vulnerable population of Bamyan province during winter time through labour intensive work and facilitation of access ECHO/-AS/BUD/2004/01046 AFGHANISTAN 383.770 thanks to snow clearance and road rehabilitation activities.

TEARFUND - UKUNITED KINGDOMNGO Child focused services, water and sanitation programme. ECHO/-AS/BUD/2004/01039 AFGHANISTAN 350.000

TEARFUND - UKUNITED KINGDOMNGO Emergency nutrition and CHE coordination ECHO/SDN/BUD/2004/01006 SUDAN 459.925

TEARFUND - UKUNITED KINGDOMNGO Integration of Curative and Preventive Nutrition Programme ECHO/BDI/BUD/2004/01007 BURUNDI 234.497

TEARFUND - UKUNITED KINGDOMNGO Northern Upper Nile State Chronic emergency assistance. ECHO/SDN/BUD/2004/01025 SUDAN 577.117

TEARFUND - UKUNITED KINGDOMNGO Support to vulnerable families through increased community capacity ECHO/COD/BUD/2004/01036 CONGO, DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF 815.956

TERRE DES HOMMESSWITZERLAND - CHE NGO Projet d'appui à la prise en charge de la malnutrition aigüe sévère dans le département du Sud ECHO/HTI/BUD/2004/04011 HAITI 75.320

TERRE DES HOMMESSWITZERLAND - CHE NGO Reducing prevalence of malnutrition and iron deficiency anemia among children aged 0 to 59 months from the poorest ECHO/-ME/BUD/2004/01038 PALESTINIAN TERRITORY, OCCUPIED 500.000 population of the governates of the Gaza Strip

TERRE DES HOMMESSWITZERLAND - CHE NGO Sanitation for the children in the streets of Kabul ECHO/-AS/BUD/2004/01038 AFGHANISTAN 70.000

TERRE DES HOMMESITALY (TDH) - ITA NGO Community Water Supply and improvement of health structures in 19 villages in the Dry Zone (Yenanchaung, Central Burma) ECHO/-AS/BUD/2004/02001 MYANMAR 320.000

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TERRE DES HOMMESITALY (TDH) - ITA NGO Emergency relief aid for flood affected families in Dhaka City Slums ECHO/BGD/BUD/2004/02004 BANGLADESH 128.000

TERRE DES HOMMESITALY (TDH) - ITA NGO Improving health services during transition time from emergency to mid-term recovery in Governorate ECHO/IRQ/210/2003/06014 IRAQ 523.144

TERRE DES HOMMESITALY (TDH) - ITA NGO Nirapad Sthan (Safe place): Disaster Preparedness through community participation, awareness and mitigation. ECHO/TPS/219/2003/03010 BANGLADESH 150.000

TERRE DES HOMMESITALY (TDH) - ITA NGO Reducing prevalence of IDA and malnutrition among children below 5 years old in the Southern Hebron Governorate - Yatta, ECHO/-ME/BUD/2004/01013 PALESTINIAN TERRITORY, OCCUPIED 897.000 as-Sumu'a, adh-Dhahirieh, and Ramadin areas - West Bank (Phase 3)

TERRE DES HOMMESITALY (TDH) - ITA NGO Rehabilitation Community Project on five schools, Al Bataween, Baghdad ECHO/IRQ/210/2003/06010 IRAQ 610.000

Alimentation en eau potable et amélioration des conditions sanitaires dans le Wadi Masila, gouvernorat de Al Mahra et de TRIANGLE FRANCE NGO l'Hadramaout ECHO/YEM/210/2003/01002 YEMEN 388.000

TRIANGLE FRANCE NGO Assistance d'urgence aux personnes déplacées de el Geneina, ouest Darfour ECHO/SDN/BUD/2004/02005 SUDAN 294.056

TRIANGLE FRANCE NGO Emergency sewer network rehabilitation and sanitation for urban poorest, Baghdad area ECHO/IRQ/210/2003/06005 IRAQ 890.000

TRIANGLE FRANCE NGO Support to old age people in DPR of Korea ECHO/PRK/BUD/2004/01005 KOREA, DEMOCRATIC PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC310.000 OF

TRIANGLE FRANCE NGO Water and Sanitation Project in Munchon County ECHO/PRK/BUD/2004/04001 KOREA, DEMOCRATIC PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC500.000 OF

Early Warning System Netwerk for Floods and Landslides in the river Aguan watershed (REDSAT -Aguan), Honduras, Central TROCAIRE IRELAND NGO America ECHO/DIP/BUD/2004/02006 HONDURAS 363.610

TSF, FRANCE FRANCE NGO Support en télécommunications satellitaires ECHO/-CR/BUD/2004/01002 HAITI 29.998

TSF, FRANCE FRANCE NGO Support en télécommunications satellitaires pour des opérations d'urgence humanitaire ECHO/-CR/BUD/2004/02001 GRENADA 33.555

TSF, FRANCE FRANCE NGO Support en télécommunications satellitaires pour des opérations d'urgence humanitaire ECHO/PHL/BUD/2004/02001 PHILIPPINES 30.174

UNDP-PNUD BELGIUM UN DIPECHO Disaster Preparedness in Cuba ECHO/TPS/219/2003/02011 CUBA 34.769

UNDP-PNUD BELGIUM UN Emergency procurement of security and protection equipment, materials and services ECHO/IRQ/210/2003/06025 IRAQ 1.924.471

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Mitigation of consequences brought by hurricanes Charley and Ivan to the affected population of Havana City, Havana and UNDP-PNUD BELGIUM UN Pinar del Rio provinces ECHO/CUB/BUD/2004/01001 CUBA 700.000

UNDP-PNUD BELGIUM UN Pilot community-based disaster risk reduction in North Eastern mountain areas ECHO/TPS/219/2003/03004 INDIA 230.000

UNDP-PNUD BELGIUM UN Security awareness induction training for Iraq ECHO/IRQ/210/2003/06004 IRAQ 775.552

UNDP-PNUD BELGIUM UN Support to the Office of the Humanitarian Co-ordinator's Humanitarian Support Team ECHO/ZWE/BUD/2004/01012 ZIMBABWE 276.071

Systemisation and dissemination of best practices on disaster preparedness and local level risk management in the Andean UNDP-PNUD BELGIUM UN Region ECHO/TPS/219/2003/04008 ECUADOR 275.000

UNDP input into: emergency rehabilitation of rural water supply systems, sanitation facilities and hygiene promotion through UNDP-PNUD BELGIUM UN schools in Khatlon Region, Tajikistan ECHO/TJK/BUD/2004/01012 TAJIKISTAN 270.000

UNDP-PNUD BELGIUM UN United Nations Emergency disaster Management Coordination Project ECHO/TJK/BUD/2004/02003 TAJIKISTAN 50.000

UNDP-PNUD BELGIUM UN United Nations Humanitarian response programme, Mahalchari Upazila of Khagrachari Hill District, Chittagong Hill Tracts ECHO/BGD/BUD/2004/01001 BANGLADESH 762.472

UNFPA UNITED STATES OFUN AMERICA Strengthening emergency obstetric care in the oPt ECHO/TPS/210/2003/16012 PALESTINIAN TERRITORY, OCCUPIED 500.000

UNHCR BELGIUM UN Assistance to returnees and IDPs in Afghanistan ECHO/-AS/BUD/2004/01040 AFGHANISTAN 6.000.000

UNHCR BELGIUM UN Camps consolidation /relocation of Afghan refugees and assistance to new camps in Pakistan ECHO/-AS/BUD/2004/01042 PAKISTAN 1.700.000

UNHCR BELGIUM UN Care and maintenance assistance for refugees in Western Tanzania ECHO/TZA/BUD/2004/01002 TANZANIA 11.300.000

UNHCR BELGIUM UN Combined shelter and disease control assistance for Liberian refugees ECHO/-WF/BUD/2004/01029 SIERRA LEONE 146.398

UNHCR BELGIUM UN Emergency assistance and protection of Sudanese Refugees in Eastern Chad ECHO/TCD/BUD/2004/01005 CHAD 1.500.000

UNHCR BELGIUM UN Facilitation du rapatriement volontaire des réfugiés libériens dans les camps de la Guinée ECHO/-WF/BUD/2004/01036 GUINEA 650.000

UNHCR BELGIUM UN Improve sahraoui women hygienic conditions ECHO/DZA/BUD/2004/01001 ALGERIA 257.838

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UNHCR BELGIUM UN Improve water access for saharian refugees ECHO/DZA/BUD/2004/01002 ALGERIA 942.162

UNHCR BELGIUM UN National protection and durable solutions for internally displaced persons ECHO/-SA/BUD/2004/01002 SRI LANKA 1.240.000

UNHCR BELGIUM UN Program of assistance to Liberian returnees and IDPs ECHO/LBR/EDF/2004/01003 LIBERIA 1.000.000

UNHCR BELGIUM UN Protection activities in the North Caucasus ECHO/RUS/BUD/2004/01009 RUSSIA 979.000

UNHCR BELGIUM UN Protection activities related to the repatriation of Afghan Refugees ECHO/-AS/BUD/2004/01041 IRAN 750.000

UNHCR BELGIUM UN Protection and Local Integration of Refugees in Ecuador ECHO/-SM/BUD/2004/01013 ECUADOR 600.000

UNHCR BELGIUM UN Provision of primary health care services for refugees in Largo Camp and Blama Way Station ECHO/-WF/BUD/2004/01044 SIERRA LEONE 44.442

UNHCR BELGIUM UN Repatriation and reintegration of Liberian returnees and internally displaced persons ECHO/-WF/BUD/2004/01024 LIBERIA 1.000.000

UNICEF BELGIUM UN A Disarmament, Demobilisation and Reintegration Programme for Children Involved in Armed Conflict in the Philippines ECHO/PHL/BUD/2004/01004 PHILIPPINES 140.000

UNICEF BELGIUM UN Care for highly vulnerable children through neighbourhood care points (NCP's) ECHO/-SF/BUD/2004/01003 SWAZILAND 500.000

Community Safe Water Supply and Environmental Sanitation through the Seth Koma Programme (Community Action for Child UNICEF BELGIUM UN Rights Programme) ECHO/KHM/BUD/2004/01005 CAMBODIA 500.000

UNICEF BELGIUM UN Contribute to the reduction of maternal mortality ECHO/HTI/BUD/2004/04009 HAITI 627.047

UNICEF BELGIUM UN Contrôle de la malaria au Burundi ECHO/BDI/210/2003/01034 BURUNDI 604.000

UNICEF BELGIUM UN Contrôle de l'épidémie de méningite dans les provinces de Ngozi, Kayanza et Kirundo ECHO/BDI/BUD/2004/01022 BURUNDI 451.733

UNICEF BELGIUM UN Data Collection On The Impact Of Armed-Conflict On Children : Displacement And Recruitment of Children ECHO/THM/210/2003/03001 N/A 996.000

UNICEF BELGIUM UN Emergency assistance to population affected by conflict in Blue Nile, Unity and North Darfur States. ECHO/SDN/BUD/2004/01018 SUDAN 1.254.454

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Emergency humanitarian assistance for the protection and education of displaced and conflict-affected children in the Northern UNICEF BELGIUM UN Caucasus ECHO/RUS/BUD/2004/01008 RUSSIA 500.000

UNICEF BELGIUM UN Emergency humanitarian assistance in the field of water and sanitation for the conflict-affected resident population in Grozny, ECHO/RUS/BUD/2004/01005 RUSSIA 548.000 Chechnya and IDPs in Ingushetia

UNICEF BELGIUM UN Emergency measles campaign in North/South/West Darfurs States. ECHO/SDN/BUD/2004/03003 SUDAN 500.000

UNICEF BELGIUM UN Emergency Non Food Items for Darfur IDPs. ECHO/SDN/BUD/2004/02002 SUDAN 2.000.000

Emergency obstetric care (management of complications of pregnancy and labour) targeting women in the Governorates of UNICEF BELGIUM UN Al-Mahara, Hodeida and Al-Dhale ECHO/YEM/210/2003/01005 YEMEN 380.000

UNICEF BELGIUM UN Emergency preparedness and response programme for Ituri ECHO/COD/210/2003/02003 CONGO, DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF 1.330.402

UNICEF BELGIUM UN Emergency rehabilitation of primary schools in Iraq ECHO/IRQ/210/2003/06016 IRAQ 3.435.000

UNICEF BELGIUM UN Emergency Rehabilitation of Rural Water Supply Systems, Sanitation Facilities and Hygiene Promotion through Schools in ECHO/TJK/BUD/2004/01013 TAJIKISTAN 180.000 Khatlon Region

UNICEF BELGIUM UN Emergency support to communities affected by drought in the Central regions of Northern Somalia. ECHO/SOM/210/2003/03002 SOMALIA 798.147

UNICEF BELGIUM UN Emergency support to strengthen health and nutritional services for children and women in twelve provinces/cities ECHO/PRK/BUD/2004/01010 KOREA, DEMOCRATIC PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC1.800.000 OF

Emergency Water and Sanitation Rehabilitation in Hyesan City, Ryanggang Province, and Hwaeryong City, North Hamgyong UNICEF BELGIUM UN Province ECHO/PRK/210/2003/02006 KOREA, DEMOCRATIC PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC1.300.000 OF

UNICEF BELGIUM UN Increasing Access and Use of Safe Water and Sanitation through the Seth Koma Programme ECHO/KHM/210/2003/02005 CAMBODIA 318.000

UNICEF BELGIUM UN Institutional support for water and Environmental sanitation in Liberia and Mass Measles Campaign Activities in Grand Bassa ECHO/TPS/210/2003/14016 LIBERIA 700.000 County

UNICEF BELGIUM UN Integrated Emergency Support to Water Supply and Sanitation, Health and Nutrition ECHO/PRK/BUD/2004/04007 KOREA, DEMOCRATIC PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC2.150.000 OF

Mine Risk Education and Community-Based Rehabilitation for children and women affected by armed conflict in the North of Sri UNICEF BELGIUM UN Lanka ECHO/LKA/210/2003/02004 SRI LANKA 300.000

UNICEF BELGIUM UN Mine risk education/reduction for conflict-affected children and general population of Chechnya and IDPs in Ingushetia ECHO/RUS/BUD/2004/01007 RUSSIA 150.000

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UNICEF BELGIUM UN Mitigating the impact of the Humanitarian crisis on vulnerable children and women ECHO/ZWE/BUD/2004/01009 ZIMBABWE 2.496.500

UNICEF BELGIUM UN Multi-sectoral humanitarian support to refugee children and women in camps of Western Tanzania ECHO/TZA/BUD/2004/01003 TANZANIA 800.000

UNICEF BELGIUM UN Post-disaster restoration of care and educational services for young children in Ryongchon County ECHO/PRK/BUD/2004/03002 KOREA, DEMOCRATIC PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC215.000 OF

UNICEF BELGIUM UN Programme d'UNICEF pour 2004 au Burundi comprenant l'Education, le traitement du paludisme, programme élargi de ECHO/BDI/BUD/2004/01020 BURUNDI 2.100.000 vaccination, Psychosocial, Eau et assainissement

UNICEF BELGIUM UN Promoting Child Survival in Cambodia: Contributing to International Goals in Child Survival ECHO/KHM/BUD/2004/01004 CAMBODIA 500.000

UNICEF BELGIUM UN Psycho-social support for children affected by the Bam earthquake. ECHO/IRN/BUD/2004/01010 IRAN 990.000

UNICEF BELGIUM UN Reinforcing the protection of children affected by armed conflict in the countries of the Mano River Union (Liberia, Sierra Leone ECHO/-WF/BUD/2004/01035 COUNTRY NOT SPECIFIED 398.000 and Guinea) and Côte d'Ivoire

UNICEF BELGIUM UN Response to the Kenya drought emergency 2004-2005. ECHO/KEN/EDF/2004/01002 KENYA 500.000

UNICEF BELGIUM UN Security and safety for UNICEF Operations in Iraq - Phase One ECHO/IRQ/210/2003/06003 IRAQ 1.200.000

Strengthening UNICEFs capacities to effectively deliver on its Commitments for Children in Emergencies in the area of child UNICEF BELGIUM UN protection. ECHO/THM/BUD/2004/05001 N/A 2.000.000

UNICEF BELGIUM UN Strengthen the EPI cold chain system in Liberia ECHO/LBR/EDF/2004/01005 LIBERIA 175.000

UNICEF BELGIUM UN Support for routine EPI and supplementary immunisation activities in emergency areas. ECHO/SOM/BUD/2004/01001 SOMALIA 600.680

UNICEF BELGIUM UN Support to and enhancement of preparedness and response capacities to humanitarian crises affecting, in particular women ECHO/THM/BUD/2004/04001 N/A 5.430.000 and children.

UNICEF BELGIUM UN Support to OLS Security Operations in Southern Sudan. ECHO/SDN/BUD/2004/01023 SUDAN 600.000

UNICEF BELGIUM UN Synchronized National Immunization Days (NIDs for Polio Eradication ECHO/-WF/BUD/2004/01040 LIBERIA 400.000

UNICEF BELGIUM UN Water, sanitation and hygiene in Central and Southern Somalia. ECHO/SOM/210/2003/02004 SOMALIA 650.000

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UN PONTE PERITALY NGO Emergency rehabilitation of 2 water treatment plants (WTP) in . ECHO/IRQ/210/2003/06008 IRAQ 298.000

UN PONTE PERITALY NGO Full rehabilitation of 12 schools in poor areas of Baghdad ECHO/IRQ/210/2003/06028 IRAQ 943.490

UN PONTE PERITALY NGO Provision of general and security coordination to NGOs working for Iraq. ECHO/IRQ/210/2003/06029 IRAQ 1.180.000

UNRWA PALESTINIAN TERRITORY,UN OCCUPIED2004 summer activities for school children in the West Bank ECHO/-ME/BUD/2004/01026 PALESTINIAN TERRITORY, OCCUPIED 208.500



UNRWA PALESTINIAN TERRITORY,UN OCCUPIEDEmergency Employment Generation project in 19 refugee camps in the West Bank ECHO/-ME/BUD/2004/01030 PALESTINIAN TERRITORY, OCCUPIED 1.251.000



UNRWA PALESTINIAN TERRITORY,UN OCCUPIEDEmergency selective cash assistance, emergency relief non-food items & repairs ECHO/PSE/BUD/2004/02001 PALESTINIAN TERRITORY, OCCUPIED 1.350.000

UNRWA PALESTINIAN TERRITORY,UN OCCUPIEDEmergency selective cash assistance programme (relocation fees) ECHO/PSE/BUD/2004/01001 PALESTINIAN TERRITORY, OCCUPIED 850.000


UNRWA PALESTINIAN TERRITORY,UN OCCUPIEDImplementation of a comprehensive solid waste management system in Nahr El Bared and Beddawi Camps, improvement of ECHO/TPS/210/2003/16014 LEBANON 1.420.000 the drainage system, and provision of a water reservoir to nine schools in Narh El Bared Camp

VSF - BE BELGIUM NGO Food security interventions to vulnerable households through veterinary support, disease prevention, asset saving and ECHO/SDN/BUD/2004/01004 SUDAN 1.090.500 restocking.

Emergency assistance to vulnerable groups in DPRK - food aid to victims of Ryongchon train disaster (WFP Emergency WFP-PAM BELGIUM UN Operation 10141.2) ECHO/PRK/BUD/2004/03001 KOREA, DEMOCRATIC PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC428.937 OF

WFP-PAM BELGIUM UN Emergency food assistance to victims of conflict in the Palestinian Territories - supplementary feeding ECHO/TPS/210/2003/16009 PALESTINIAN TERRITORY, OCCUPIED 1.500.000

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WFP-PAM BELGIUM UN Emergency food assistance to vulnerable households in the North Caucasus ECHO/RUS/BUD/2004/03001 RUSSIA 2.000.000

WFP-PAM BELGIUM UN Emergency operation (EMOP) assistance to flood-affected people in Bangladesh ECHO/BGD/BUD/2004/02002 BANGLADESH 581.000

WFP-PAM BELGIUM UN Emergency provision of CSB and sugar for nutrition activities ECHO/BDI/BUD/2004/01016 BURUNDI 970.540

WFP-PAM BELGIUM UN EMOP 10339.0: Food assistance to the population affected by war in Darfur. ECHO/SDN/BUD/2004/04001 SUDAN 10.000.000

Food Aid for Relief and Recovery in the Great Lakes Region: Emergency provision of Maize and Pulses for WFP activities in WFP-PAM BELGIUM UN Burundi ECHO/BDI/BUD/2004/01025 BURUNDI 756.033

WFP-PAM BELGIUM UN Food aid to Western Saharan refugees in Algeria, PRRO 10172 ECHO/DZA/BUD/2004/01003 ALGERIA 5.500.000

WFP-PAM BELGIUM UN Food assistance to Bhutanese refugees in Nepal ECHO/NPL/BUD/2004/01001 NEPAL 2.000.000

WFP-PAM BELGIUM UN Nutritional status of IDP and host population ECHO/-SM/BUD/2004/01007 COLOMBIA 156.000

WFP-PAM BELGIUM UN Passenger aircraft service in Liberia, Ivory Coast, Guinea, Sierra Leone ECHO/TPS/210/2003/14012 LIBERIA 433.000

WFP-PAM BELGIUM UN Passenger air service for humanitarian staff. ECHO/SDN/BUD/2004/01032 SUDAN 600.000

Passenger air transport services for the humanitarian community and project for logistics services to the humanitarian WFP-PAM BELGIUM UN community in Angola. ECHO/AGO/BUD/2004/01004 ANGOLA 800.000

WFP-PAM BELGIUM UN School feeding and emergency food assistance to vulnerable households in the North Caucasus ECHO/RUS/BUD/2004/01014 RUSSIA 1.800.000

WFP-PAM BELGIUM UN SO 10371.0: Logistics augmentation in support of EMOP 10339.0 - Darfur. ECHO/SDN/BUD/2004/04002 SUDAN 5.000.000

WFP-PAM BELGIUM UN Support to the Palestinian population affected by the conflict through the provision of food aid, including delivery through food ECHO/-ME/BUD/2004/01040 PALESTINIAN TERRITORY, OCCUPIED 1.700.000 for work and food for training initiatives (EMOP 10190.2)

Support to the Palestinian population affected by the conflict through the provision of food aid including delivery to Bedouins WFP-PAM BELGIUM UN through food for work and food to for training initiatives (EMOP 10190.2) ECHO/-ME/BUD/2004/02004 PALESTINIAN TERRITORY, OCCUPIED 500.000

WFP-PAM BELGIUM UN Support to WFP Capacities in Assessing Emergency Needs. ECHO/THM/BUD/2004/03001 N/A 4.500.000

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WFP-PAM BELGIUM UN WFP Air Support Service for the West Africa Coastal Region ECHO/-WF/BUD/2004/01039 NEUTRALZONE 100.000

WHO BELGIUM UN Alert and response operations: yellow fever and meningitis outbreaks ECHO/-WF/BUD/2004/02002 BURKINA FASO 139.846

WHO BELGIUM UN Cholera outbreak response ECHO/MLI/210/2003/01002 MALI 141.000

WHO BELGIUM UN Emergency preparedness and response contingency action plan for cholera ECHO/ZWE/210/2003/01016 ZIMBABWE 480.402

WHO BELGIUM UN Emergency support for Kala-Azar control activities in South Sudan. ECHO/SDN/BUD/2004/01001 SUDAN 150.000

WHO BELGIUM UN Facilitation of health sector coordination for humanitarian programmes and the transition to development ECHO/COD/BUD/2004/01040 CONGO, DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF 260.839

WHO BELGIUM UN Improving access to quality essential health services at the community level in DPRK ECHO/PRK/BUD/2004/01003 KOREA, DEMOCRATIC PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC1.127.553 OF

WHO BELGIUM UN Outbreak rapid field assessments ECHO/-WF/BUD/2004/02004 COUNTRY NOT SPECIFIED 80.000

WHO BELGIUM UN Protecting the health of people affected by conflict and displacement in Greater Darfur. ECHO/SDN/BUD/2004/03002 SUDAN 500.000

WHO BELGIUM UN Support and enhancement of humanitarian response to health aspects of crises. ECHO/THM/BUD/2004/02001 N/A 3.500.000

WHO BELGIUM UN Support to the Referral System in Two Provinces and Strenghtening of the Coordination Mechanism ECHO/BDI/BUD/2004/01024 BURUNDI 192.600

WORLD VISION GERMANYDEU NGO Bam earthquake response - emergency sanitation. ECHO/IRN/BUD/2004/01011 IRAN 351.600

WORLD VISION GERMANYDEU NGO Emergency assistance to returning IDPs in South Kivu ECHO/COD/BUD/2004/01034 CONGO, DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF 124.405

WORLD VISION GERMANYDEU NGO Emergency health and nutrition programme for IDPs and host communities in Oicha, Mutwanga and Beni Districts, North Kivu ECHO/COD/BUD/2004/01046 CONGO, DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF 442.984

WORLD VISION GERMANYDEU NGO Emergency income generation through land reclamation ECHO/-ME/BUD/2004/01034 PALESTINIAN TERRITORY, OCCUPIED 379.968

WORLD VISION GERMANYDEU NGO Emergency nutrition ECHO/TPS/210/2003/14015 LIBERIA 146.840

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WORLD VISION GERMANYDEU NGO Emergency water and sanitation programme. ECHO/ZWE/BUD/2004/01004 ZIMBABWE 1.189.080

WORLD VISION GERMANYDEU NGO Food security program, cash for work water projects for drought and earthquake affected communities in western Afghanistan ECHO/-AS/BUD/2004/01047 AFGHANISTAN 500.000

WORLD VISION GERMANYDEU NGO Health and nutrition programme in Oicha, Mutwanga and Beni districts ECHO/COD/BUD/2004/01035 CONGO, DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF 493.873

WORLD VISION GERMANYDEU NGO Relief items for Southern Sudan. ECHO/SDN/BUD/2004/01021 SUDAN 541.638

WORLD VISION UNITED- UK KINGDOMNGO Emergency Agricultural Support Programme ECHO/ZWE/BUD/2004/01008 ZIMBABWE 1.275.028

WORLD VISION UNITED- UK KINGDOMNGO Emergency blanket supplementary feeding programme in Eastern Chad. ECHO/TCD/EDF/2004/02001 CHAD 534.289

WORLD VISION UNITED- UK KINGDOMNGO Relief assistance to communities affected by frost in Canas Province, Cusco Department, Peru ECHO/PER/BUD/2004/01001 PERU 272.600

ZOA NETHERLANDS NGO Provision of Safe Water Supply to Rural Communities ECHO/KHM/BUD/2004/01006 CAMBODIA 315.000

ZOA NETHERLANDS NGO Resettlement and Rehabilitation Project, Mannar, Kilinochi, Trincomalee, Batticaloa and Ampara Districts ECHO/-SA/BUD/2004/01003 SRI LANKA 892.700

ZOA NETHERLANDS NGO Resettlement and reintegration of IDPs and returnees in Caconda and Chipindo. ECHO/AGO/EDF/2004/01002 ANGOLA 388.906

823 543.320.341

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