Last refresh : 11/01/2010 AGREEMENTS FOR HUMANITARIAN AID AWARDED IN 2004 BY DG ECHO Partner's Partner's Partner's Country of Amount short category Subject of the grant Contract Code nationality operation Contract name code ACF - FRA FRANCE NGO An assessment of the needs prevailing in Papua, Indonesia. ECHO/IDN/210/2003/02008 INDONESIA 55.600 ACF - FRA FRANCE NGO Approvisionnement en eau pour la population des Gonaïves touchée par la tempête tropicale "Jeanne" ECHO/HTI/BUD/2004/06002 HAITI 282.913 Emergency assessment and assistance to vulnerable, IDP and returnee communities to improve the household living ACF - FRA FRANCE NGO conditions increase food security and nutrition surveillance in Upper Nile. ECHO/SDN/BUD/2004/01013 SUDAN 640.000 ACF - FRA FRANCE NGO Emergency assistance for war-affected populations in Liberia ECHO/-WF/BUD/2004/01025 LIBERIA 735.200 ACF - FRA FRANCE NGO Emergency nutrition and food security intervention in war affected areas of western Ivory Coast. ECHO/-WF/BUD/2004/01003 COTE D'IVOIRE 472.705 ACF - FRA FRANCE NGO Emergency nutrition and Water/Sanitation assistance for war affected populations in Bong and Lofa counties ECHO/-WF/BUD/2004/01043 LIBERIA 350.000 ACF - FRA FRANCE NGO Emergency programme in Northern Uganda. ECHO/UGA/EDF/2004/01006 UGANDA 930.000 ACF - FRA FRANCE NGO Emergency water accessibility improvement for conflict affected population in Darfur State. ECHO/SDN/BUD/2004/03012 SUDAN 586.303 ACF - FRA FRANCE NGO Emergency water project in Liberian refugee camps around Bo and Kenema ECHO/-WF/BUD/2004/01020 SIERRA LEONE 75.004 ACF - FRA FRANCE NGO Emergency water supply and animal health surveillance programme. ECHO/ETH/EDF/2004/01002 ETHIOPIA 292.659 ACF - FRA FRANCE NGO Emergency water supply and food security interventions in Warder and Korahai, Somali region. ECHO/ETH/EDF/2004/02001 ETHIOPIA 774.570 ACF - FRA FRANCE NGO Flood disaster preparedness and mitigation in Kampong Cham province ECHO/DIP/BUD/2004/03002 CAMBODIA 220.000 ACF - FRA FRANCE NGO Food security, water and sanitation support to vulnerable households in conflict-affected and remote areas ECHO/-SA/BUD/2004/01004 SRI LANKA 640.000 Contracts_2004_for website.rep 1 / 52 Partner's Partner's Partner's Country of Amount short category Subject of the grant Contract Code nationality operation Contract name code ACF - FRA FRANCE NGO Health, nutrition and food security programme in South Central Somalia. ECHO/SOM/BUD/2004/01006 SOMALIA 999.320 ACF - FRA FRANCE NGO Improving the livelihood of vulnerable populations through Water and Sanitation Program in Kyauktaw, Mrauk'U and Mimbya ECHO/MMR/BUD/2004/01003 MYANMAR 370.000 Townships East Rakhine State) ACF - FRA FRANCE NGO Integrated approach programme on food security and nutritional activities in Ulaan Baatar city and Bayan Ulgii province ECHO/MNG/BUD/2004/01001 MONGOLIA 500.000 ACF - FRA FRANCE NGO Integrated approach programme on food security, drinking water supply, environmental sanitation, health education/hygiene ECHO/-AS/BUD/2004/01001 AFGHANISTAN 530.000 promotion, and community approach. ACF - FRA FRANCE NGO Integrated approach programme on nutrition, health education and child care practices ECHO/-AS/BUD/2004/01002 AFGHANISTAN 635.000 ACF - FRA FRANCE NGO Nutrition and health programme in Unity State, Wau surroundings and Lafon district. ECHO/SDN/BUD/2004/01017 SUDAN 531.041 ACF - FRA FRANCE NGO Nutrition assistance to children under five and women suffering from acute malnutrition in Northern Rakhine State. ECHO/MMR/210/2003/02002 MYANMAR 800.000 ACF - FRA FRANCE NGO Programme de nutrition dans les zones de santé d'Uvira, Lemera, Nundu et Fizi ECHO/COD/BUD/2004/01029 CONGO, DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF 550.000 ACF - FRA FRANCE NGO Programme d'évaluation nutritionnelle dans six zones réparties sur l'ensemble du territoire d'Haiti ECHO/HTI/BUD/2004/04003 HAITI 184.432 ACF - FRA FRANCE NGO Programme intégré de prévention et de lutte contre la malnutrition dans les provinces de Kayanza, Ngozi et Ruyigi ECHO/BDI/BUD/2004/01019 BURUNDI 840.000 ACF - FRA FRANCE NGO Programme nutritionnel curatif dans le territoire de Shabundo ECHO/COD/BUD/2004/01033 CONGO, DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF 358.962 ACF - FRA FRANCE NGO Programme nutrtionnel sur les zones de santé d'Uvira, Lemera, Nundu et Fizi (phase de consolidation) ECHO/COD/BUD/2004/01049 CONGO, DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF 436.560 ACF - FRA FRANCE NGO Réhabilitation d'urgence du réseau d'approvisionnement en eau potable "Cacao" pour la ville de Port-de-Paix. ECHO/HTI/BUD/2004/04013 HAITI 370.338 ACF - FRA FRANCE NGO Support to household economy for vulnerable population in Chechnya and in Ingushetia through distribution of food and non ECHO/RUS/BUD/2004/02001 RUSSIA 1.225.000 food items and small scale Income Generating activities ACF - FRA FRANCE NGO Support to immediate food security and agricultural recovery in conflict-affected areas of western Ivory Coast ECHO/-WF/BUD/2004/01034 COTE D'IVOIRE 186.720 Water and sanitation assistance to the Chechen Population in displaced camps of Ingushetia and in Chechen socio-medical ACF - FRA FRANCE NGO institutions. ECHO/RUS/BUD/2004/02004 RUSSIA 270.000 Contracts_2004_for website.rep 2 / 52 Partner's Partner's Partner's Country of Amount short category Subject of the grant Contract Code nationality operation Contract name code ACF-UK UNITED KINGDOMNGO Improving Treatment, Prevention and Detection of malnutrition among children under 5 years old in Khatlon Province ECHO/TJK/BUD/2004/01009 TAJIKISTAN 880.000 ACF-UK UNITED KINGDOMNGO To increase access to potable water and decrease risks of water born diseases for vulnerable populations in rural areas ECHO/ZWE/BUD/2004/01011 ZIMBABWE 720.751 ACF-UK UNITED KINGDOMNGO To provide safe water and improve sanitation conditions of vulnerable populations living in remotest areas of North-East ECHO/KHM/210/2003/02006 CAMBODIA 320.000 Cambodia ACH- ESP SPAIN NGO Aide humanitaire pour la population déplacée récemment dans le département de Putumayo, Colombie ECHO/COL/210/2003/01014 COLOMBIA 110.391 ACH- ESP SPAIN NGO Aide humanitaire pour la population directement affectée par le conflit sur la Côte Atlantique et dans le Putumayo Colombien. ECHO/-SM/BUD/2004/01001 COLOMBIA 585.000 ACH- ESP SPAIN NGO Assistance and reception of the population fleeing the border countries conflicts and host communities directly affected. ECHO/-WF/BUD/2004/01006 GUINEA 800.000 ACH- ESP SPAIN NGO Disaster reduction project in 2 municipalities of San Marcos Department ECHO/DIP/BUD/2004/02008 GUATEMALA 390.000 ACH- ESP SPAIN NGO Food for Work programme to enhance the food security of the most vulnerable households from Abkhazia area and ECHO/GEO/BUD/2004/01003 GEORGIA 100.000 Samegrelo-Upper Svaneti Region ACH- ESP SPAIN NGO Food security programme to improve the living conditions of vulnerable men and women from Abkhazia,Samagrelo and ECHO/GEO/BUD/2004/01007 GEORGIA 500.000 Upper-Svanetia regions, Western Georgia ACH- ESP SPAIN NGO Health, nutrition and water/sanitation programme in Caconda municipality ECHO/AGO/BUD/2004/01011 ANGOLA 604.614 Humanitarian nutrition and food security programme in Ganda, Caconda and Chipindo municipalities for population affected by ACH- ESP SPAIN NGO the recent rainfalls, Benguela and Huila provinces. ECHO/AGO/EDF/2004/01001 ANGOLA 410.977 ACH- ESP SPAIN NGO Improvement of the access to the basic needs for the most vulnerable families affected by the last Intifadah ECHO/-ME/BUD/2004/01003 PALESTINIAN TERRITORY, OCCUPIED 850.000 ACH- ESP SPAIN NGO Improving the financial, tendering and procurement practices on Humanitarian Aid ECHO/ADM/BUD/2004/01303 N/A 92.069 ACH- ESP SPAIN NGO Provision of emergency water and sanitation services and facilities and improved nutritional surveillance intervention for ECHO/IRN/BUD/2004/01001 IRAN 500.000 vulnerable earthquake-affected families in Bam and surrounding villages, Kerman province. Support to the returnees' population affected by the 2003 conflict in Liguasan Marsh (Maguindanao and North Cotabato ACH- ESP SPAIN NGO Provinces ECHO/PHL/BUD/2004/01002 PHILIPPINES 250.000 ACH- ESP SPAIN NGO Understanding the vulnerability factors of the populations in Pagalungan, Datu Montawal and Pikit Municipalities, in Mindanao. ECHO/PHL/210/2003/02002 PHILIPPINES 75.000 Contracts_2004_for website.rep 3 / 52 Partner's Partner's Partner's Country of Amount short category Subject of the grant Contract Code nationality operation Contract name code ACP SPAIN NGO Urgences médicales à Al Hoceimas ECHO/MAR/BUD/2004/01005 MOROCCO 200.000 ACSUR - MADRIDSPAIN NGO Strengthening of the local capacities for prevention, mitigation and assistance of disasters in the municipality of Dipilto ECHO/DIP/BUD/2004/02012 NICARAGUA 318.000 ACTED FRANCE NGO Emergency rehabilitation and support to the displaced and returnee populations in Bunyakiri ECHO/COD/BUD/2004/01019 CONGO, DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF 260.000 ACTED FRANCE NGO Emergency road rehabilitation Uvira-Baraka-Fizi ECHO/COD/BUD/2004/01037 CONGO, DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF 885.500 ACTED FRANCE NGO Integrated Emergency Operation in Maniema and South Kivu ECHO/COD/BUD/2004/01013 CONGO, DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF 840.000 ACTED FRANCE NGO Integrated water and sanitation and malaria prevention programme based on community participation ECHO/TJK/BUD/2004/01005 TAJIKISTAN 690.000 ACTED FRANCE NGO Meeting the emergency needs of vulnerable populations in Afghanistan ECHO/-AS/BUD/2004/01003 AFGHANISTAN 2.000.000 ACTED FRANCE NGO Opération de soutien d'urgence en faveur des populations victimes du conflit dans la
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