THE PARISH COMMUNITY OF SAINT BRIDGET Saint Bridget Campus Saint Austin Campus 3811 Emerson Avenue, No., 4050 Upton Ave. N Minneapolis, MN 55412 Minneapolis MN 55412 Parish OfficeOffice—612612612612----529529529529----77797779 FAXFAX————612612612612----529529529529----84518451 Office HoursHours————MondayMonday thru Thursday 8:30 AMAM————4:004:00 PM EEE-E ---Mail:Mail:
[email protected] Brennan HallHall————612612612612----529529529529----9561 Second Sunday of Easter April 8, 2018 http:/ Thank you, Sons and Daughters of Venerable Fr. McGivney This Parish Community’s annual Knights Mass recognizes the founding of the Knights of Columbus by Venerable Fr. Mi- chael McGivney on March 29, 1882. 2018 is the society’s 136 th year. After Fr. McGivney’s death, the Daughters of Isabella and the Women’s Auxliary of the Knights were formed to tap into the faith and energy of Catholic Christian women. From his own experience, McGivney recognized the dev- astating effect on immigrant families with the untimely death of the family’s father and primary wage -earner -- something Jesus and Mary would have experienced in Nazareth (a mi- grant worker community) with Joseph’s death. Many Catho- lic Christians were also struggling to make a living and assim- thing, one of the organizations they would turn to were the ilate into the 19th century American society, where “Irish and local K of C council or assembly. Italians need not apply” was often the norm. As of 2013, the order has more than 1.8 million member fam- On March 29, 1882, while an assistant pastor at Saint ilies and 15,000 councils.