The Florida Society of the Sons of the American Revolution Fort Lauderdale Chapter Newsletter
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The Florida Society of the Sons of the American Revolution Fort Lauderdale Chapter Newsletter website: MAR 2012 Fort Lauderdale Chapter chartered December 8, 1966 Volume 45 Number 3 President’s Message Dear Compatriots: We had an enjoyable February meeting. The highlights of the meeting included a presentation by Florida DAR State Lineage Research Chairman, Dr. Debbie Duay on various hereditary societies that SAR members might be eligible to join, as well as a celebration of Compatriot George Dennis’ 98 th birthday complete with cake and a champagne toast. Those who could not attend the meeting missed a real treat. At the meeting, the members voted on a few items of Debbie Duay is presented a Certificate of Appreci- business. First, as Compatriot Jim Lohmeyer was ap- ation for her presentation at our February meeting. proved to be SAR’s representative to the local Veteran’s Clinic, $100 was allocated to him for the year for the purchase of coffee, donuts, and any other items needed for joint activities at the clinic for the benefit of the veterans. Second, the monthly chapter newsletter will now be mailed to all members instead of being electron- ically sent by e-mail, as there was concern that not all members were receiving the electronic version and were missing out on chapter news. Third, it was decided that our April meeting would be at the Seawatch Restaurant in Lauderdale By the Sea. The Seawatch restaurant has a great menu and a phenomenal view of the ocean. It is hoped that a change in meeting location will encourage Certificates of Appreciation were presented to our more members to attend. 2011 Officers during our February meeting. Our March meeting will be held at the Rae Carole Armstrong Liberty Tree Park in Plantation. This will be a special meeting where the Chapter will formally dedi- cate the Liberty Tree donated to the park last year. An NEXT MEETING - MARCH 17, 2012 internet link to the park is below: (Rae Carole Armstrong Liberty Tree Park, Plantation, FL) parks/liberty-tree-park.html Meeting and Dedication to start at 12 Noon continued on Page 4 Future Dates: Saturday, 3/17/2012 (Rae Carole Armstrong Liberty Tree Park, Plantation, FL) Saturday, 4/21/2012 (Meeting at Seawatch Restaurant) Saturday, 5/19/2012 FOR RESERVATIONS CALL: 954-441-8735 or e-mail Joe Motes at: [email protected] PAGE 2 FORT LAUDERDALE CHAPTER S.A.R. MAR 2012 Commanders from the American Revolutions continues He was made colonel in 1762 and took part in the British expedition against Cuba. On July 22, he was Sir Guy Carleton wounded leading an attack on a Spanish outpost. Born 09/03/1722 in Strabane, Co. Tyrone, Ireland In 1764 he transferred to the 93rd Regiment of Foot. Died 11/10/1808 in Stubbings, Maidenhead, Berkshire Governor of Quebec Overview On April 7, 1766, he was named acting Lieutenant Guy Carleton, 1st Baron Dorchester, KB (Strabane, Co. Governor and Administrator of Quebec with James Tyrone, Ireland, September 3, 1722 – November 10, Murray officially in charge. He arrived in Quebec on 1808 Stubbings, Maidenhead, Berkshire), known be- September 22, 1766. Carleton had no experience in tween 1776 and 1786 as Sir Guy Carleton, was an Irish- public affairs and his appointment is hard to explain. British soldier who twice served as Governor of the The Duke of Richmond had in 1766 been made Secre- Province of Quebec, from 1768–1778 (concurrently serv- tary of State for the North American colonies and ing as Governor General of British North America), and fourteen years earlier Carleton had been the Duke's from 1785–1795. He commanded British troops in the tutor. The Duke was also the colonel of the 72nd American Revolutionary War. His younger brother was Regiment of Foot while Carleton was its Lieutenant Thomas Carleton whose military and political career was Colonel. He was also appointed commander-in-chief interwoven with his elder brother's. of all troops stationed in Quebec. Early career The government consisted of a Governor, a council, In 1742, he was commissioned as an Ensign in the 25th and an assembly. The governor could veto any action Regiment of Foot and in which in 1745 he was made a of the council, but also London had given Carleton lieutenant. In 1751 he joined the 1st Foot Guards as a instructions that all of this actions required the approv- Captain and in 1752 a Captain and in 1757 was made a al of the council. lieutenant colonel. In 1758 he was made the lieutenant colonel of the newly formed 72nd Regiment of Foot. The officials of the province at this time did not re- ceive a salary and received their income through fees He became a friend of James Wolfe. they charged for their services. Carleton tried to re- Seven Years War place this system with a system in which the officials Brigadier general James Wolfe selected Carleton as his instead received a salary, but this position was never aide in the upcoming attack on Louisburg. King George supported in London. When Carleton renounced his II declined to make this appointment, possibly because of own fees, James Murray was furious. negative comments had made about the Hessian merce- After James Murray resigned his position, Carleton naries. In December 1758 James Wolfe now a Major was appointed Captain General and Governor in Chief General was given command of the upcoming attack on on April 12, 1768. Carleton took the oath of office on Quebec and he selected Carleton as his quarter-master November 1, 1768. On August 9, 1770 he sailed for general. King George II refused to make this appointment England for what he thought was for a few months. also until Lord Ligonier talked to the king about the During his absence Hector Theophilus de Cra- matter and the king changed his mind. When Lieutenant- mahé was the lieutenant governor of the province. Colonel Carleton arrived in Halifax he assumed com- mand of six hundred grenadiers. He was with the British He married Maria Howard, daughter of the second Earl forces when they arrived at Quebec in June 1759. Carle- of Effingham, who was twenty-nine years his junior, ton was responsible for the provisioning of the army and on May 22, 1772. He was promoted to Major-General also acting as an engineer supervising the placement of in May 25, 1772. The Quebec Act of 1774 was based cannon. Carleton received a head wound and he returned upon Carleton's recommendations. The French in Que- to England after the battle in October 1759. bec approved of this act, while the English in Quebec were opposed. The Continental Congress sent letters to On March 29, 1761, as the lieutenant colonel of Montreal denouncing the act for being undemocratic 72nd Regiment of Foot he took part in the attack on and for making Catholicism legal. John Brown, an Belle-Ile-en-mer, an island of the coast of the north- agent for the Boston Committee of Correspondence, ern part of the Bay of Biscay, ten miles off the coast arrived in Montreal to persuade the inhabitants to of France. Carleton led an attack on the French, but revolt. was seriously wounded and prevented from taking Carleton arrived back in Quebec on September 18, any further part in the fighting. After four weeks of 1774. fighting, the British captured the rest of the island. PAGE 3 FORT LAUDERDALE CHAPTER S.A.R. MAR 2012 American Revolution safely moved to British soil.' Carleton received notice of the start of the rebellion in After War Years May 1775, soon followed by the news of the rebel cap- He recommended the creation of a position of Gover- ture of Crown Point and Fort Ticonderoga. He had previ- nor General of all the provinces in British North Amer- ously sent two of his regiments to Boston and he had only ica. Instead he was appointed Governor-in-chief and about eight hundred regular soldiers left in Quebec. His positions as Governor of Quebec, Governor of New attempts to raise a militia failed, as neither the French nor Brunswick, Governor of Nova Scotia, and Governor of the English were willing to join. The Indians were will- Prince Edward Island. He arrived in Quebec on Octo- ing to fight on the British side, and London wanted them ber 23, 1786. His position as Governor-in-chief was to fight, but Carleton turned their offer down because he mostly ignored and he only was the governor of the was worried about the Indians attacking non-combatants. other provinces while he was in them. In 1775 he repelled the American attack on Quebec. He was raised to the Peerage in August 1786 as Lord Later, he drove the Americans past Trois-Rivières. In Dorchester, Baron of Dorchester in the County of Ox- June 1776, he was appointed a Knight of the Bath. The ford. next month he commanded British naval forces on the The Constitutional Act of 1791 split Quebec into Up- Richelieu River, culminating in the Battle of Valcour per and Lower Canada, with Sir Alured Clarke the Island in October of that year against an American fleet lieutenant governor of Lower Canada and John Graves led by General Benedict Arnold that featured galleys. Simcoe the lieutenant governor of Upper Canada. In The British, with a vastly superior fleet, were victorious, August 1791 Carleton left for England and on February eliminating most of the American fleet. His brother, 7, 1792 took his seat in the House of Lords.