Overview of the Arkstorm Scenario
OOvveerrvviieeww ooff tthhee kkSSttoorrmm SScceennaarriioo AARR Open File Report 2010-1312 U.S. Department of the Interior U.S. Geological Survey This page intentionally left blank Overview of the Arkstorm Scenario Prepared for the U.S. Geological Survey Multihazards Demonstration Project Lucile Jones, Chief Scientist Dale Cox, Project Manager By Keith Porter18, Anne Wein17, Charles Alpers17, Allan Baez1, Patrick Barnard17, James Carter17, Alessandra Corsi7, James Costner20, Dale Cox17, Tapash Das14, Michael Dettinger17, James Done12, Charles Eadie8, Marcia Eymann5, Justin Ferris17, Prasad Gunturi20, Mimi Hughes13, Robert Jarrett17, Laurie Johnson10, Hanh Dam Le-Griffin16, David Mitchell11, Suzette Morman17, Paul Neiman13, Anna Olsen18, Suzanne Perry17, Geoffrey Plumlee17, Martin Ralph13, David Reynolds13, Adam Rose19, Kathleen Schaefer6, Julie Serakos20, William Siembieda4, Jonath n Stock17, David Strong17, Ian Sue Wing2, Alex Tang9, Pete Thomas20, Ken Topping15, and Chris Wills3. a 1 B.A. Risk Management 11 M-Cubed 2 Boston University 12 National Center for Atmospheric Research 3 California Geological Survey 13 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration 4 California Polytechnic State University 14 Scripps Institute of Oceanography 5 Center for Sacramento History 15 Topping Associates International 6 Federal Emergency Management Agency 16 TTW, Inc. 7 Instituto de Pesquisas Tecnologicas, Brazil 17 U.S. Geological Survey 8 Hamilton Swift Land Use and Development 18 University of Colorado at Boulder 9 L&T Consulting 19 University of
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