Major General Jose Luis Triguero De La Torre, Spanish Air Force

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Major General Jose Luis Triguero De La Torre, Spanish Air Force MAJOR GENERAL JOSE LUIS TRIGUERO DE LA TORRE, SPANISH AIR FORCE Born in Madrid, Spain, Major General Jose Luis Triguero de la Torre joined the Spanish Air Force Academy in 1975. During his more than 35 years’ experience in major CIS and C2 systems, he participated in the specification, development, acquisition, implementation and management of systems at different levels of responsibility, from Commander of a Maintenance Communications Squadron, to Commander of the Air C2 System. MGen Triguero has extensive experience related to Cyber Defence. He also has a deep understanding of managing human resources which was part of his core responsibilities. In March 2016, MGen Triguero took up the post of Director, NATO Headquarters Consultation, Command and Control Staff (NHQC3S) at NATO Headquarters. This post fulfils the role of Co-Vice-Chairman of the C3 Board and the role of C3 Capability Area Manager. From 2012, in the rank of Major General as Chief of the Air Force Technical Services, CIS and Cyber Defence Directorate, he was the CIS main adviser to the Chief of the Air Force Staff in Madrid. One of the responsibilities of this position was the definition and implementation of the Cyber Defence Capability in the Air Force. From October 2010 to Nov 2012 in the rank of Brigadier General, he commanded, led and managed the Spanish Air C2 real time system that provided the capabilities assigned by Spain to SACEUR for the NATINAMDS missions. He commanded and led more than 2,500 personnel and managed an organization composed of 22 Air Force units. From March to July 2011 in US Central Command in Macdill Air Force Base, Florida, he was the coordinating element of the Spanish Operational Command with the US Central Command for ISAF Operations. In 2008 in the rank of Colonel as Commander, Spanish Armed Forces Communications Systems Operation and Support in Madrid, he was System Commander, providing and maintaining continuous operational availability 24/7 of the Joint Armed Forces Telecommunications System for satellite and ground segments. As Unit Commander of Command and Control Central Group in Torrejon Air Force Base, Madrid, he provided and maintained the Spanish Area of Responsibility’s Recognized Air Picture to exercise TACON over assigned assets in air operations such as air policing and air defence. From 2000-2004, as Head of the Special Programmes Section, Plans Division in the rank of Lieutenant Colonel, he managed the mid- and long-term UAVs, NAEW&C and AGS planning, strategy, policy and requirement. He was Head of the AGS Spanish Project Office and a member of the NAEW&C Spanish Programme Office. In 2000, he was posted to NATO HQ, Brussels, attached to the Spanish Permanent Representative as the NATO Embryonic Project Officer and Provisional Project Office team member, supporting the definition of the AGS project, drafting the AGS NATO Staff requirements and supporting the AGS Steering Committee. MGen Triguero already has extensive NATO experience including attendance at the NATO Defence College (Senior Course 104). He spent four and a half years at NATO HQ working at the AGS Embryonic Project Office and Provisional Project Office. He was a national representative at various NATO committees for over seven years with the ACCS Software Committee, the NAPMO Operational, Technical and Support Committee and the NAPMO Board of Directors, the ACCS Advisory Committee and the AGS Steering Committee, MGen Triguero’s academic qualifications include an Air Force Academy Degree at San Javier Air Force Base, Murcia and a Degree in Physical Education at Granada University. He was a National Defence Expert at Rey Juan Carlos University in Madrid, and a Graduate of the National Defence Course (CESEDEN). MGen Triguero has performed more than 200 military free fall parachute jumps. He has lived in Belgium, Italy and the United States. His mother tongue is Spanish but he speaks fluent English and excellent French. His hobbies include golf, fishing, music and reading. He is married to Isabel and they have three grown-up sons and one granddaughter. .
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