KRESY-SIBERIA KRESY-SYBERIA Dedicated to research, remembrance and Powołana do badania, upamiętnienia i uznania recognition of Poland’s citizens fighting for obywateli polskich walczących o życie i wolność freedom and survival in eastern Poland and w okresie II wojny światowej, w okupowanych in forced exile during World War II. Kresach Wschodnich Polski i na uchodźstwie. VIRTUAL MUSEUM WIRTUALNE MUZEUM Fundacja Kresy-Syberia, ul Marszałkowska 115, 00-102 Warszawa Tel. +48 22 211 88 88
[email protected] Kresy-Siberia Foundation 2016 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE REPORT KRESY-SIBERIA FOUNDATION FOR ACTIVITY IN 2016 (INCLUDING FINANCIAL STATEMENTS) Warsaw, 30 June 2017 Supervision over the substantive activities of the Foundation is carried out by the Minister of Culture and National Heritage of the Republic of Poland Report prepared on the basis of the Regulation of the Minister of Justice of 8 May 2001 (Journal of Laws No. 50, item 529, as amended) on the scope of reporting on foundation activities - KSF Annual Report 2016 20170630.docx ©MMI Fundacja Kresy-Syberia / Kresy-Siberia Foundation (descripserunt Varsaviae KRS 0000326445) 1 / 9 1. FOUNDATION DETAILS 1.1 Name: KRESY-SIBERIA FOUNDATION (in Polish, FUNDACJA "KRESY-SYBERIA") 1.2 Registered address: 115 Marszałkowska Street, 00-102 Warsaw (from 24.01.2017) 1.3 Contact details: • telephone: +48 22 211 88 88 • e-mail:
[email protected] • website: 1.4 Registration information: • NCR (KRS) number: 0000326445 • REGON: 141782163 • Tax Number (NIP): 527-259-63-92 1.5 Establishment Fund: 2500 PLN 1.6 Accounts: • Bank Zachodni WBK: 08 1090 1030 0000 0001 1372 8484 • PayPal:
[email protected] 2.