The Ukrainian Weekly 1979, No.21 I CBOEOAAXSVOBODA І Ж Щ УКРАЇНСЬКИЙ ЩОДЕННИК ^И^7 UKRAINIAN DAILY Щ UkrainiaENGLISH-LANGUAGnE WEEKLY EDITIOWeeN k 25 CENTS VOL. LXXXVI. No. 118 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MAY 27, 1979 UNA Supreme Assembly concludes annual meeting Adopts new organizing plan, resolutions and recommendations; allocates S25,000 for national causes; awards ^23,800 in scholarships; elects Basil Tershakovec editor-in-chief .of Svoboda; plans future actions KERHONKSON,N.Y. - The Su preme Assembly of the Ukrainian National Association concluded its weeklong annual meeting here at Soyu- zivka on Saturday, May 19, and adopt ed a new organizing plan, resolutions and recommendations, voted to allo cate 525,000 for national causes, award ed 523,800 in scholarships to Ukrainian students, and elected Basil Tershakovec editor-in-chief of Svoboda. The adoption of a new organizing plan proposed by the Special Organiza tional Committee and the election of a new editor-in-chief were considered by Supreme President Dr. John O. Flis the two major topics on the agenda of the meeting. The Supreme Assembly, the associa tion's highest governing body between conventions, meets once a year at the Photo by Ihor Dlaboha UNA estate during its four-year term of Participants of the annual Supreme Assembly meeting, including the Supreme Executive Committee, the Supreme Auditing office. Committee, Supreme Advisors and honorary members. Present at the meeting, in addition to r Lozynskyj - activating more Ukraini Supreme Advisor Repeta, Supreme On Thursday, May 17, Walter Kwas, . Flis, were: Supreme Vice-President the manager of Soyuzivka, gave his Dr. Myron Kuropas, Supreme Director an youths in fraternal affairs.
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