ABB Powers Rail Traffic in France
Background information ABB and the railway industry ABB powers rail traffic in France ABB continues to grow its rail activities congestion are leading many to look for ways to considerably around the world. As a major minimize the economical, ecological and spatial role as a supplier to the railway industry in footprint of transportation. Large cities are becoming France for several decades, ABB contributes ever larger and with them the importance of reliable and cost-efficient solutions for both transportation. Suburban rail networks are infrastructure and rolling stock. fundamental for providing reliable and efficient transport and many cities are moving to expand the For infrastructure, ABB substations contain reach and capacity of their transport networks. This all the necessary transformers, switchgear, is especially true in and around Paris where the protection and automation equipment that commuter and regional services account for around ensure the supply of stable power for train one billion trips per year, or a whopping 80 percent of traction systems. On the rolling-stock side its national rail usage! broad portfolio of equipment and services, including traction transformers, converters, Thus in France, as in many other countries, ambitious motors and many other components are expectations are placed on railway networks, which used by vehicle manufacturers and railway results in continuous investment in commuter, operators. regional, freight and national and international high- speed services. This investment, approximately €50 The following background information focuses billion ($71 billion) over the next 15 years, has not mainly on ABB rail activities in France. While been significantly affected by the global economic this is by no means a comprehensive overview, and financial downturn.
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