PROUDLY SUPPORTED BY HIGHWAY ENGINEERING AUSTRALIA FEB/MARCH 2018 V49.5 TRANSPORT ® INFRASTRUCTURE II ITS TECHNOLOGY SINCE 1968 TESTED, PASSED PRINT POST APPROVED - 100001888 AND ELIGIBLE MARINI A4 TOP TOWER BLISS&REELS 2.qxp_Mise en page 1 02/02/2016 14:37 Page1 The modular plant optimised asphalt production Maximum flexibility in the use of RAP • Into the mixer • Via recycling ring • Combined (mixer + recycling ring) • Parallel drum • Recycling 100% cold RAP Ready to produce low-energy asphalt Production THE RANGE 5% - 3% TOP TOWER 3000 180 - 220 tph TOP TOWER 3000 P 240 - 240 tph TOP TOWER 4000 240 - 280 tph TOP TOWER 4000 P 280 - 300 tph TOP TOWER MARINI Distributor for Australia Via Roma, 50 - 48011 Alfonsine (RA) - Italy Tel: +39 0544 88111 -
[email protected] BLISS & REELS Pty Ltd Melbourne, Australia ph: +61 (0)3 9850-6666 FAYAT MIXING PLANT
[email protected] FEB/MARCH 2018 contents Volume 49 Number 5 Published by: 2 Editor’s Column Editorial and Publishing Consultants Pty Ltd ABN 85 007 693 138 PO Box 510, Broadford 4 Industry News Victoria 3658 Australia Phone: 1300 EPCGROUP (1300 372 476) Fax: (03) 5784 2210 14 Cover Feature: A1 Roadlines Scorpion II® TMA Publisher and Managing Editor Anthony T Schmidt 18 Phone: 1300 EPCGROUP (1300 372 476) 18 Road Safety Mobile: 0414 788 900 Email:
[email protected] Business Development Manager 24 Special Feature: Sydney Harbour Lawrence Whiter Mobile: 0418 543 821 Bridge Heritage Lighting Email:
[email protected]