In the Lombardy region there are 23,000 hectares of woods and grazing land supervised by ERSAF , divide into in twenty zones called “Lombardy Forests”. Three of these are in the Valle Camonica and they are sites of the Natural European Network 2000: they have been recognised as Special protection zones (ZPS) since 2004.

VAL DI SCALVE FOREST The area extends over 670 hectares in the Valle del Dezzo, from between ,510 and 1820 m above sea level and it is situated near “Colle Vareno” and “Giogo della Presolana”. The landscape is consists of broad-leaved woods, spruce trees and steep rocks. The rocks have a sedimentary origin and they include deposits of fossil plants. We can find the rare habitat of stoning sources development, protected also by ZPS, . Old mountain huts can be found on the flatter areas and they are surrounded by fields and grazing land. Most of them are private property. ACCESS AND PATHS You can reach it from the south or more easily from the “Passo della Presolana” and “Colle Vareno”,

VAL GRIGNA FOREST – ZPS IT 2070303 It’s the most extensive of all the forests in the Valle Camonica . It covers2847 hectares and a quarter is situated in Val Trompia. In Valle Camonica it spreads as far as Bienno, , and (from 1000metres to 2207 metres above sea level.). In the forest there are eight mountain pastures. Humans have been active here since prehistoric times. There is evidence of this in the very important copper mine in Campolungo which suddenly stopped its activity in the VI century B.C.. Half of the tract is occupied by woods, where we can find marmots, several types of deer and chamois and woodpeckers, “forcello” roosters and sharp-tailed grouse. There are also numerous peat bogs. They are dump areas containing many unusual botanical species.

HOW TO GET THERE From Bienno it’s possible to reach Campolungo Inferiore by jeep or 4 wheel-drive. From Pian di Montecampione it’s possible to reach the Rosello area on foot. From road 345 Delle tre Valli you can get to Passo delle Sette Crocette along a military road. There are many signposted paths through the forest many CAI paths and you can also find many theme path like the “Il Sentiero dei Silter”( a well known local cheese) is the most important: it’s a high path opened in 2014. It connects the main mountain pastures of the Vasta Val Grigna area. In the upper part of Val Grigna there is the”Sentiero delle Miniere( mines )and, near the ex Malga Rosello, there is an interesting wildlife path.

LEGNOLI FOREST –ZPS IT 2070301 It is situated on the right side of Val Paisco , in the borough of of Ono S. Pietro. It is bordered by a stream, the Allione and it is spread over 348 hectares. It is has a sharp slope, narrow valleys and rocky sides. The upper part is grazing land which is not used very much nowadays . There are mainly broad-leaved woods and conifers. The area is an important refuge for many species of animals, since hunting prohibited in all the regional forests. HOW TO GET THERE You can get there along different paths: the main one starts from Forno di Loveno and leads to Malga Jai (1410 m) where you can admire the beautiful landscape of the Valle di Paisco. Along the path you can find some notice boards with information about the history and natural characteristics of the places. ROADS TO THE FORESTS OF LOMBARDIA, VAL DI SCALVE, VALGRIGNA, LEGNOLI ZPS ROADS TO the VALLE CAMONICA From Trentino: Passo del Tonale From Sondrio: SS 39 from Aprica From : SS42 (exit motorway A4 Milan-Venice) From : SS 510 (exit motorway A4 Milan-Venice)

Anna Molinari Mia Fedrighi Chiara De Monte Gaia Rossati Nicola Lorenzetti Carolina Cominelli