Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time June 30, 2019

Bronx, New York


HOLY MASS SCHEDULE RECTORY: 718-882-0710 Fax: 718-882-8876 833 Mace Avenue Bronx, NY 10467 Saturday: 9:00 a.m. (English) Monday - Friday - 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. 5:30 p.m. (Albanian), 7:00 p.m. (English) Saturday 10-2 p.m. - Closed Sundays and Holidays Sunday: 8:00 a.m. (Italian), 9:00 a.m. (Spanish - Auditorium) 9:15 a.m., 10:30 a.m., 12 noon (English), Eucharistic Adoration: Monday-Friday 9:30-12 noon, 12:00 p.m. (Creole - Chapel in Center), Thursday 6:00-7:00 p.m., Saturday 9:30 a.m.-12 noon & First Friday of the Month - All Night Adoration 8 p.m. 1:15 p.m. (Spanish)

to 7 a.m. (Chapel in Center) Weekdays: 9:00 a.m. (English), Confession: Saturdays 3:00- 4:00 p.m. & 6:30-7:00 p.m. Thursdays: 7:00 p.m. (Spanish) Prayer for Independence Day Our Daily Eucharistic Adoration From the Opening Prayer of the Holy Mass of 4th of July

Father of all nations and ages, we recall the day when our country claimed its place among the family of nations; for what has been achieved we give you thanks, for the work that still remains we ask your help, will be dedicated to the and as you have called us from many peoples to Fortnight for Freedom from be one nation, June 21st thru July 4th. grant that, under your providence, Please come and pray for religious our country may share your blessings freedom in our country. with all the peoples of the earth. Through our Lord Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen. THIRTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME - JUNE 30, 2019

Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time June 30, 2019 TODAY’S READINGS

Monday- July 1, 2019 - Weekday - St. Junipero Serra, First Reading — Priest Elisha left and 9:00 a.m. Gjoke Camaj & Gjelosh Camaj followed Elijah as his attendant (1 Kings Tuesday- July 2, 2019 - Weekday 19:16b, 19-21). 9:00 a.m. Gina Del Franco Psalm — You are my inheritance, O Wednesday- July 3, 2019 - St. Thomas, Apostle Lord (Psalm 16). 9:00 a.m. Antonio Mayan Second Reading — Beware that you are Thursday- July 4, 2019 - Weekday not consumed by one ** Only one mass at 9 a.m.** another (Galatians 9:00 a.m. Antonio C. Moschetta 5:1, 13-18). Gospel — Go and Friday- July 5, 2019 - Weekday - St. Anthony proclaim the kingdom of God (Luke 9:51-62). The English translation of the Psalm Responses from Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, Zaccaria, Priest; St. Elizabeth of Portugal International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved. 9:00 a.m. Anna Mangano READINGS FOR THE WEEK Saturday- July 6, 2019 - Weekday - St. Maria Goretti, Virgin and Martyr Monday: Gn 18:16-33; Ps 103:1b-4, 8-11; Mt 8:18-22 Tuesday: Gn 19:15-29; Ps 26:2-3, 9-12; Mt 8:23-27 9:00 a.m. Precoli Juncaj Wednesday: Eph 2:19-22; Ps 117:1bc-2; Jn 20:24-29 5:30 p.m. Marie Pergjini Thursday: Gn 22:1b-19; Ps 115:1-6, 8-9; Mt 9:1-8; or, 7:00 p.m. Benjamin & Benito Mercado for Independence Day, any readings from the Mass “For the Country or a City,” Sunday- July 7, 2019 - Fourteenth Sunday in nos. 882-886, or “For Peace and Justice,” Ordinary Time nos. 887-891 8:00 a.m. Imelde Masini Friday: Gn 23:1-4, 19; 24:1-8, 62-67; Ps 106:1b-5; 9:00 a.m. Alida Grullon Mt 9:9-13 9:15 a.m. Joseph, Peter & Theresa Peragino Saturday: Gn 27:1-5, 15-29; Ps 135:1b-6; Mt 9:14-17 10:30 a.m. Anna & Emilia DiFlora Sunday: Is 66:10-14c; Ps 66:1-7, 16, 20; 12:00 p.m. For all Parishioners of St. Lucy’s Parish Gal 6:14-18; Lk 10:1-12, 17-20 [10:1-9] 12:00 p.m. Creole Mass - Center Chapel

1:15 p.m. Julio Jose Matias, Jr. Best Wishes & Blessings to Majkol & Suzana Delevic We welcome Married on June 29, 2019

Edwin Lebron, Chanel Martinez, Marliz Meza & North Figueroa In Memoriam  Baptized on June 16, 2019 The candle in honor of the Blessed Mother Marva Gurray burns this week in loving memory of Baptized on June 22, 2019 Mildred, Anthony, Phil & Brandy Capano Karim Luna Gonzalez, Bryce Sanchez Requested by Roseann Cirelli & Manuel Solano Baptized on June 23, 2019 The Sanctuary Lamp by the tabernacle burns this week in loving memory of into the Roman and Gina Del Franco our Parish community of St. Lucy Requested by Anna Failla

Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time June 30, 2019 Message from Father Pergjini:

On June 29th was the solemnity of the Saints Peter and Paul. Every year on their feast I think of my experience in where the two apostles were martyred. Many years ago, a few years before my ordination, a seminarian and I were asked to go to Rome for the summer working in the library of the North American College. North American College is located on the beautiful Gianicolo Hill, very near Vatican City. It is a very big building surrounded by a beautiful garden. From our windows we could see the majestic dome of the basilica of . The North American College prepares seminarians who come from every diocese of the United States for ordination to the priesthood. At that time the rector of the North American College was Msgr. Timothy Michael Dolan, who after many years became our present Archbishop and Cardinal. He was very gracious to provide room and board and also to pay us for our humble work in the library. We were very grateful to him for his generosity. We never thought that one day he would be our Archbishop. Today after many years I recall with joy those hot but happy and fruitful months working in the library and visiting the ancient city of Rome. During that free time I visited many famous churches and ancient Roman monuments, and one of them, not known by tourists, was the small church " Domine." As a teenager I was touched and moved reading a classical and historical novel "Quo vadis Domine" written by who won the Noble prize for literature last century. I always hoped that one day I could have the blessing to go to Rome and visit the little church with its unique story that deeply touched me. There I was on one of those humid and hot Roman summer days visiting the church "Domine Quo vadis” which means "Lord where are you going?" The church is located outside the city of Rome, on the . We had to take two buses and it took a few hours to get there. As seminarians we could never afford to rent a car and visit the historical place. The actual name of the church is Santa Maria in Palmis - Holy Mary among the Soles of the Feet. It is very small church with its plain classical front attached to a brick office building on one side and a limestone on the other. That day there was a flood inside the church. They were cleaning and no one could get in. We insisted begging them to let us in. Final- ly, the couple who were very tired allowed us to visit the church. It was not much to see inside, a very simple and plain church. For me it was a very unique place and more important than the famous and well known Roman places and monuments. I was very young when I read this clas- sical historical novel. In my mind was a clear image of what happened two thousand years ago. In that empty church I pictured Saint Peter, who was troubled in his heart, walking on the same road that I was walking. He was trying to escape the wicked emperor Nero who was seeking his life. And it was precisely where the little and plain church stands today, that Peter had the vision of Christ walking toward him. He immediately knelt when Christ was approaching Peter on the dusty road. Saint Peter on his knees asked: "Domine quo vadis?" which means "Lord, where are you going?" And Christ looking with love and mercy on the one whom he loved, the one who denied him three times before the crucifixion, and now Peter was trying to escape the cross. One could imagine very well that unique moment: Peter kneeling and Christ looking at him and answering the question of Peter: "I am going to Rome to be crucified for the second time.” The vision was gone. Saint Peter understood very well that he must return to the city facing his death. He knew that this time he could not escape the cross. He knew his sentence: shedding his blood on the cross upside down on the Vatican hill. In the silence of that empty church that question of Saint Peter moved me in my early teens reading the book, and moved me more being in that place where the vision took place. The power of Christ in the eyes of Saint Peter who on his knees was looking at him would have been powerful. The divine voice and the deep look of Christ saying to Peter that he was going to Rome to be crucified for the second time made Peter feel shameful. Still those moments of shame, guilt and bitter tears, that penetrating look of Christ, calmed the agonizing fear of his future death. Even today the powerful look of Christ does calm our fears of our daily crosses, especially when we try to escape them. That glorified look of Christ assured Peter that Christ was going to be with him, for him, and in him. And the same answer is for us too, Christ will be with us. It was the beautiful and glorious past of the martyrs and saints that absorbed my whole being that day in that silent church of "Quo vadis Domine." In that, the glorious past of the martyrs, we take refuge and experience their invisible presence in the power of the glorified Body of Christ at the Holy Mass. May Saints Peter and Paul pray for us! Amen!

Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time June 30, 2019 Mensaje del Padre Pergjini

El 29 de junio, fue la solemnidad de los santos Pedro y Pablo. Cada año, en su fiesta, pienso en mi experiencia en Roma, donde los dos apóstoles fueron martirizados. Hace muchos años, unos años antes de mi ordenación, a un seminarista y a mí se nos pidió ir a Roma para el verano trabajando en la biblioteca del North American College. North American College está ubicado en la hermosa colina de Gianicolo, muy cerca de Ciudad del Vaticano. Es un gran edificio rodeado de un hermoso jardín. Desde nuestras ventanas pudimos ver la majestuosa cúpula de la basílica de San Pedro. The North American College prepara seminaristas que provienen de todas las diócesis de los Estados Unidos para la ordenación al sacerdocio. En ese momento, el rector del North American College era Mons. Timothy Michael Dolan, quien después de muchos años se convirtió en nuestro actual Arzobispo y Cardenal. Fue muy amable al proporcionar alojamiento y comida y también para pagarnos por nuestro humilde trabajo en la biblioteca. Le estuvimos muy agradecidos por su generosidad. Nunca pensamos que algún día sería nuestro Arzobispo. Hoy, después de muchos años, recuerdo con alegría aquellos meses calurosos pero felices y fructíferos trabajando en la biblioteca y visitando la antigua ciudad de Roma. Durante ese tiempo libre visité muchas iglesias famosas y monumentos romanos antiguos, y uno de ellos, no conocido por los turistas, era la pequeña iglesia "Quo vadis Domine". Cuando era adolescente, me emocionó y me emocioné al leer una novela clásica e histórica, "Quo vadis Domine", escrita por Henryk Sienkiewicz, quien ganó el premio Nobel de literatura del siglo pasado. Siempre esperé que algún día pudiera tener la bendición de ir a Roma y visitar la pequeña iglesia con su historia única que me conmovió profundamente. Allí estaba en uno de esos días de verano romanos húmedos y calurosos que visitan la iglesia "Domine Quo vadis", que significa "Señor, ¿a dónde vas?" La iglesia se encuentra fuera de la ciudad de Roma, en la Vía Apia. Tuvimos que tomar dos autobuses y tomó algunas horas para llegar allí. Como seminaristas nunca podríamos permitirnos alquilar un automóvil y visitar el lugar histórico. El nombre real de la iglesia es Santa María en Palmis - Santa María entre las plantas de los pies. es una iglesia muy pequeña con su fachada clásica lisa unida a un edificio de oficinas de ladrillo en un lado y una piedra caliza en el otro. Ese día hubo una inundación dentro de la iglesia. Estaban limpiando y nadie podía entrar. Insistimos en rogarles que Déjanos entrar. Finalmente, la pareja que estaba muy cansada nos permitió visitar la iglesia. No había mucho que ver adentro, una iglesia sencilla y sencilla. Para mí, era un lugar único y más importante que el famoso y bien lugares y monumentos romanos conocidos. Yo era muy joven cuando leí esta novela histórica clásica. En mi mente había una imagen clara de lo que sucedió hace dos mil años. En esa iglesia vacía me imaginé a San Pedro, que estaba preocupado en su corazón, caminando por el mismo camino que yo estaba caminando. Estaba tratando de escapar del malvado emperador Nerón que estaba buscando su vida. Y fue precisamente donde se encuentra la iglesia pequeña y sencilla hoy, que Pedro tuvo la visión de Cristo caminando hacia él. Inmediatamente se arrodilló cuando Cristo se acercaba a Pedro en el camino polvoriento. San Pedro de rodillas preguntó: "Domine quo vadis?" que significa "Señor, ¿a dónde vas?" Y Cristo mirando con amor y misericordia a aquel a quien amaba, el que lo negó tres veces antes de la crucifixión, y ahora Pedro estaba tratando de escapar de la cruz. Uno podría imaginar muy bien ese momento único: Pedro arrodillado y Cristo mirándolo y respondiendo a la pregunta de Pedro: "Voy a Roma para ser crucificado por segunda vez". La visión se había ido. San Pedro entendió muy bien que él debe regresar a la ciudad que se enfrenta a su muerte. Sabía que esta vez no podía escapar de la cruz. Conocía su sentencia: derramar su sangre en la cruz boca abajo en la colina del Vaticano. En el silencio de esa iglesia vacía, esa pregunta de santo Peter me conmovió en mi adolescencia leyendo el libro, y me conmovió más al estar en ese lugar donde tuvo lugar la visión. El poder de Cristo a los ojos de San Pedro, quien de rodillas lo miraba, habría sido poderoso. La voz y la mirada profunda de Cristo diciéndole a Pedro que iría a Roma para ser crucificado por segunda vez hizo que Pedro sintiera vergüenza. Sin embargo, esos momentos de vergüenza, culpa y lágrimas amargas, esa mirada penetrante de Cristo, calmaron el miedo agonizante de Hola s muerte futura. Incluso hoy, la mirada poderosa de Cristo calma nuestros temores de nuestras cruces diarias, especialmente cuando tratamos de escapar de ellas. Esa mirada glorificada de Cristo le aseguró a Pedro que Cristo iba a estar con él, para él y en él. Y la misma respuesta es para nosotros también, Cristo estará con nosotros. Fue el hermoso y glorioso pasado de los mártires y santos que absorbió todo mi ser ese día en esa iglesia silenciosa de "Quo vadis Domine". En eso, el pasado glorioso de los mártires, nos refugiamos y experimentamos su presencia invisible en el poder del Cuerpo glorificado de Cristo en la Santa Misa. ¡Que los santos Pedro y Pablo oren por nosotros! ¡Amén!

Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time June 30, 2019 St Lucy’s Religious Education Program Registration Is Now Open

Welcome Parents and Guardians! Registration for St. Lucy’s Religious Education Program is now open!

All students who want to attend the program must ill out an application and be registered. For those who attended last year you MUST REGISTER again this year. Please note that you have to reregister your child again regardless of the past year registration. NEW application is MANDATORY for each year your child attends the program, no exceptions. Students cannot attend without an application for the 2019-2020 year. You must bring a birth certiicate and/or baptism certiicate in order to register. SUNDAY REGISTRATION DATE: June 23rd after the 9 a.m. Spanish Mass (Auditorium) We will be accepting applications on TUESDAYS ONLY - 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the rectory Beginning Tuesday, July 2nd until September 3rd

Registro De Programa De Educación Religiosa Catecismo de Santa Lucía

Bienvenidos Padres y Tutores! La inscripción para el programa de educación religiosa catecismo de Santa Lucı́a ha comenzado!

Todos los estudiantes que quieran asistir al programa deben llenar una solicitud y estar registrado. Para aquellos que asistieron el añ o pasado debe registrar de nuevo este añ o. Tenga en cuenta que usted tiene que volver a registrar a su hijo de nuevo, independientemente de la inscripción ú ltimo añ o. NUEVA aplicación es OBLIGATORIA para cada año su hijo asiste al programa, no hay excepciones. Los estudiantes no pueden asistir sin y aplicación para el 2019-2020 añ o. Debe llevar un certiicado de nacimiento y/o certiicado de bautismo para el registro. DOMINGO FECHA DE INSCRIPCIÓN: 23 de junio, después de 9 a.m. Misa Español (Auditorio) Estaremos aceptando solicitudes en MARTES SOLAMENTE - 10 a.m.-4 p.m. en el rectory A partir martes, 2 de julio, hasta 3 de septiembre

We thank all of you who have been responding to our Cardinal’s Appeal. Our parish goal is $56,000.00. We have raised to date $39,825 which is 71% of our goal. Please be as generous as your means allow. Thank you and God bless you.

Agradecemos a todos los que han estado respondiendo a nuestra Apelación de Cardinal. Nuestra meta de la parroquia es $56,000.00. Hemos recaudado hasta la fecha $39,825, que es el 71% de nuestra meta. Por favor sea tan generoso como sus medios lo permitan. Gracias y que Dios te bendiga.

Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time June 30, 2019

St. Lucy Parish 2019 Pilgrimages

Our pilgrimages promote spiritual growth with the aim to bring our parish family and community to a deeper spirituality in faith, hope, and love of Him, and to Him, and with Him, and in Him who is truly the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Each of these pilgrimages will be a spiritual experience that will long be remembered.

July 17, 2019 - National Shrine of The Miraculous Medal and Cathedral of Sts. Peter and Paul (St. Katherine Drexel) the Mother Church of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia, Philadelphia., PA - bus leaves at 8:30 a.m. and will return by 7 p.m. $40 per person. Bring own food - vending machines and tables available.

August 21, 2019 - Shrine of the Little Flower, Nasonville, RI - Shrine of St. Theresa of Lisieux - bus leaves at 8:30 a.m. and returns by 7 p.m. $50 per person. - Bring own food.

September 18, 2019 - Shrine to Padre Pio, Barto, PA - bus leaves at 8:30 a.m. and returns by 7 p.m. $40 per person. Bring own food - picnic tables available. Mass, talk and video will be provided on the life and works of St. Padre Pio.

October 17, 2019 - The National Shrine of Our Lady of Czestochowa, Doylestown, PA - bus leaves at 8:30 a.m. and returns by 7 p.m. $40 per person. Bring own food - tables available.

Please register and pay for trips at Rectory in advance to assure a seat. All Night Adoration

First Friday, July 5th beginning at 8 p.m. until 7 a.m. Saturday morning Followed by the celebration of Holy Mass Adoration will take place in the chapel of St. Lucy’s Center 2401 Bronxwood Avenue (corner of Bronxwood and Waring Ave.) We invite all parishioners to attend and volunteer during the night.



TIME: 2 - 6 p.m. HORA: 2 - 6 p.m.



The Bread & Wine for the Altar

this week is in loving memory of

Gina Del Franco

Requested by Anna Failla

The Haitian Community of St. Lucy’s Parish will celebrate their 10th anniversary on Sunday, July 14, 2019. The Parish Rectory Office The celebration will take place at will be closed on Juliano’s Caterers, 700 Main Street, th New Rochelle, NY 10801 from 2 to 7 Thursday, July 4 . p.m. Tickets are priced at $70 for adults and $25 for children 12 and Happy under. Contact Marie Claire at 718-653-0262, Aurore at Independence Day! 917-209-2592 or Eugene at 718-231-9504 for more information and to reserve your tickets.

Volunteers are needed in the Scala Sancta during visiting hours on Saturdays and Sundays from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. There is a sign up sheet in the parish rectory office. Please sign up if you can volunteer some of your time.


Se necesitan voluntarios en el Scala Sancta durante las horas de visita los sábados y domingos de 11 a.m. a 4 p.m. Hay una hoja de registro en la oficina parroquial de la parroquia. Por favor regístrese si puede ser voluntario parte de su tiempo.

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