On the Beach Nature Explained
BOOK REVIEWS land disappeared under water, including viewing it as an indifferently designed work On the beach the legendary Rungholt, east of the of other purpose. The author's skills lie in present island of Pellworm. A second Donald J.P. Swift the collecting and ordering of information. Mandrdnke occurred on 11 October, Chapters that attempt to take an overview, 1694. But the main and partially enduring such as those on natural preconditions and The Morphodynamlcs of the Wadden land losses, resulting in the formation of barrier-island development, are not Sea. By Jurgen Ehlers. A.A. Balkema: Jade Bay, the Dollart and the Zuider Zee, altogether successful, although they are 1988. Pp.397. DM 185, £52. 75. did not occur as the result of single events, always interesting. On the other hand, the but gradually, through many smaller relentless procession of maps, aerial THE Wadden Sea is the intertidal zone of stages. These land losses were due to a photographs and, above all, photograph the German Bight of the North Sea. lack of technical infrastructure capable of after photograph at ground level, has a Varying in width from 10 to 50 km, it is an protecting the vast forelands from the hypnotic effect. Somewhere through the expanse of tidal channels, flats, inlets, destructive effects of later surges in later 393 figures, these vistas of misty dunes, flood and ebb deltas, barrier islands and decades. Land reclamation occurred, but beaches and marshes, and of tidal flats estuaries that extends from Den Helder only through projects that lasted for extending to the horizon, seep into the in the Netherlands to Blavandshuk in centuries.
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