The Dubois collection: a new look at an old collection John de Vos Vos, }. de. The Dubois collection: a new look at an old collection. In: Winkler Prins, CF. & Donovan, S.K. (eds.), VII International Symposium 'Cultural Heritage in Geosciences, Mining and Metallurgy: Libraries - Archives - Museums': "Museums and their collections", Leiden (The Netherlands), 19-23 May 2003. Scripta Geologic, Special Issue, 4: 267-285, 9 figs.; Leiden, August 2004. J. de Vos, Department of Palaeontology, Nationaal Natuurhistorisch Museum Naturalis, P.O. Box 9517, NL-2300 RA Leiden, The Netherlands (
[email protected]). Key words - Dubois, Pithecanthropus erectus, Homo erectus, Homo sapiens, Java. One of the most exciting episodes of paleoanthropology was the find of the first transitional form, the Pithecanthropus erectus, by the Dutchman Eugène Dubois in Java during 1891-1892. The history of Dubois and his finds of the molar, skullcap and femur, forming his transitional form, are described. Besides the human remains, Dubois made a large collection of vertebrate fossils, mostly of mammals, now united in the so-called Dubois Collection. This collection played an important role in unravelling the biostratigraphy and chronostratigraphy of Java. Questions, such as from where were those mam• mals coming, when did Homo erectus arrive in Java, and when did it become extinct, and when did Homo sapiens reach Java, are discussed. Contents Introduction 267 Early theories about the evolution of Man 268 The role of Dubois (1858-1940) in paleoanthropology ... 269 Important hominid sites of Java 273 The role of the Dubois Collection in biostratigraphy 274 Dispersal of faunas in southeast Asia 276 The chronostratigraphy of Java 279 Time of arrival of Homo erectus and Homo sapiens in Java 280 Conclusions 281 References 282 Introduction The Dubois Collection of vertebrate fossils was made by Eugène Dubois in the former Netherlands East Indies, nowadays Indonesia, at the end of the 19th century.