Feb- 6, 1940- B. A. DIGGORY ET AL ' 2,138,940 H20 Mpon
Feb- 6, 1940- B. A. DIGGORY ET AL ' 2,138,940 ELECTRON DISCHARGE DEVICE Filed Dec. 2, 1937 H20 mpon . B. A. D/GGORV INVENTORS- 61K. TEAL _ A 7' TORNE V ‘ Patented Feb._ 6, 1940 ' 2,188,940; 1 UNITED STATES PATENT Fries v _ t I ' 2,188,940. ‘ ' . ELECTRON DISCHARGE DEVICE Benjamin A. mil-‘my, Plain?eld, N. 3., macer ; idon K. Teal, NewxYork», N. Y., assignors to f Bell‘ Telephone Laboratories, Incorporated, I . New York, N.v Y., a corporation of New York _ Application December 2,1937, Serial No. 177,660 11 Claims. (01'. 250M275), This invention relates to methods of oxidizing ' tures which is particularly‘ suitable for use in the ' ' metallic elements and to electrode vstructures, preparation‘of electrode structures and photo and ‘more speci?cally to- electrode structures in sensitive targets‘ such as, for example, those used special ‘types of electron discharge devices and in television electronic cameras and electron v to methods of oxidizing the electrodes inysuch vmultipliers. '‘ '. ' i _ ‘ '5 devices.v j _ . '1 X .' In the method according to this invention as In certain electron discharge devices such as, hereinafter described in detail by way of exam for example, photoelectric tubeselectroni'c cam; ple, ozone [(03) is generated ‘by any suitable‘ ‘ era tubes for television, an‘de'lectron multipliers, , means such as, for example, by means of a spark U electrodes having photosensitive surfaces are pro, coil and the gas allowed to flow through‘ water 0 vided. _. In the preparation 'of these surfaces a vapor to moisten it.
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