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Download Wonca Europe 2015 Istanbul Congress Program Book PROGRAM BOOK CONTENTS Welcome Message.................................................................................................................. 2 Committees............................................................................................................................. 4 Information For Participants................................................................................................... 6 Information For Speakers........................................................................................................ 8 Keynote Lectures .................................................................................................................... 9 Congress Venue Map............................................................................................................. 16 Scientific Program................................................................................................................. 21 Oral Presentations................................................................................................................. 61 Poster Presentations............................................................................................................. 97 1 WELCOME MESSAGE We are proud to celebrate 20th anniversary of Wonca Europe and 25th anniversary of TAHUD, Turkish Association of Family Physicians. We hope to continue the success of previous congresses and carry out that success to the next congress. The idea of choosing the theme “Being Young Staying Young” was to look through past and to look ahead when we were leaving behind the twenty years as Wonca Europe and twenty five years as TAHUD. The years ending with zero and five have been accepted as evaluation and planning years. For this reason we aimed to place sessions to discuss the future perspectives of Wonca Europe on education, clinical practice, organization of family physicians, when we were forming the congress program. We wanted to ensure to provide wide variety of opinions to be presented on such important issues. That’s how the “Grand Sessions” created. With the aim of increasing the number of plenary sessions beyond the keynote sessions, and capturing the opportunity to listen more doyens and experts, five grand session time slots have been created at the congress while there were 21 paralel sessions in other slots. With the motto “Being Young Staying Young” meaning dynamism for our disicpline, our aim was not only to make the experts to be heard but also to give the chance to each participant who wish to share and exchange their own experiences thus to ensure a more colorful and broad participation congress and increase attendance of young doctors. With this aim we have created nineteen BRITE sessions. BRITE sessions aim to provide family doctors to share their ideas by discussing the positive and negative consequences of their practices. We think these sessions will motivate reflective learning by encouraging the physicians to review their practice and also will contribute to the identification of new research areas. The participants of Pre Conference organized by VdGM has increased seventy percent. On the other hand one third of the participants attending to the congress are young family doctors. In this congress, for the first time, we have made all leaders of Young Doctors’ Movement of Wonca to come together in Istanbul. Our congress is colorful in terms of content and it has a green philosophy. For this purpose, we avoided to print papers as much as possible. We have saved at least 1,500 trees when we calculate only our monthly emails. More than this we contributed developments of forest by creating Wonca Europe Memorial Forest. We are also proud of giving new opportunities to the participants who “stays young”. Participants of the congress who wishes to observe the primary care in Turkey closely, and to have new friends, are hosted by Turkish colleagues before the congress within the HostPro program. 2 Istanbul is a magnificent city in the heart of Europe and Asia. We advice you to see beauty of the city. We have decided to make 20th year celebration at a private boat on Bosphorous particularly. We hope you to have splendid time with beautiful Istanbul panorama. We would like to thank Wonca Europe president Job FM Metsemakers and the liason person Anna Stavdal, other members of Wonca Europe Executive Committee and International Advisory Board for their supports and contributions. We are also grateful to Micheal Kidd, Wonca World President, and to all people who made this congress real. Hoping to have a successful congress. Prof. Mehmet Ungan Chair, Scientific Committee Prof. Okay Basak President, Turkish Association of Family Physicians Prof. Dilek Guldal Chair, Host Organizing Committee 3 COMMITTEES Host Organizing Committee Okay BASAK President of Turkish Association of Family Physicians Dilek GULDAL Chair of Host Organizing Committee Mehmet UNGAN Chair of Scientific Committee Resat DABAK Vicechair of Host Organizing Committee Scientific Committee Mehmet UNGAN Chair Yesim UNCU Scientific Secretary Arzu UZUNER Scientific Secretary Ilhami UNLUOGLU Academic Representative Altug KUT Academic Representative Selçuk MISTIK Chair of 2015 National Conference Zekeriya AKTURK Representative of EQUIP Esra SAATCI Representative of EURACT Pınar TOPSEVER Representative of EGPRN Berk GEROGLU Representative of VdGM Local Organizing Committee Dilek GULDAL Chair Resat DABAK Vice chair Hulya AKAN Murat ALTUNTAS Mehmet AKMAN Fatma Goksin CIHAN Gokhan EMINSOY Ziya T. GUNES Refik IMAMECIOGLU Emrah KIRIMLI Murat ALTUNTAŞ Mümtaz MAZICIOGLU Didem SUNAY Nil TEKİN Mehmet UGURLU Pemra C. UNALAN Erdinc YAVUZ Tanju YILMAZER 4 SUB COMMITTEES Newsletter Group Nil TEKIN Suheyla ATALAY Huseyin CAN Candan Kendir COPURLAR Gokhan EMINSOY Berk GEROGLU Mehtap KARTAL Mümtaz MAZICIOGLU Tuba ONAT Pemra C. UNALAN Ali CERRAHOGLU Sandra Adalgiza ALEXIU Website & Social Medya Group Emrah KIRIMLI Mehmet AKMAN Social Events Group Mumtaz MAZICIOGLU Erdinc YAVUZ Selcuk MISTIK Esra SAATCI Nazan KARAOGLU Offical Support Group Umit AYDOGAN Vildan MEVSIM Sponsorship Group Altug KUT Huseyin CAN Sehnaz HATIPOGLU Erdinc YAVUZ Hostpro - Ist2015 Group Nilgun OZCAKAR Candan Kendir COPURLAR Tuba ONAT Zeynep Vural TUZCULAR Isik GONENC ADVISORY BOARD Vaclav BENES, Czech Republic Harris LYGIDAKIS, Italy Thomas FREEMAN, Canada Manfred MAIER, Austria Raquel GOMEZ BRAVO, Spain Luis PISCO, Portugal Amanda HOWE, United Kingdom Michael PRINGLE, United Kingdom Liljana KOCANKOVSKA, Macedonia Moira STEWART, Canada Torsten LAURITZEN, Denmark Jelle STOFFERS, The Netherlands Christos LIONIS, Greece Ljubin SUKRIEV, Macedonia 5 INFORMATIONS FOR PARTICIPANTS Badges Only participants who are wearing their name badge will be admitted to the lecture halls. Accompanying persons and the exhibitors will not be admitted to the scientific sessions. The badge is the pass for the Congress Center and the Opening Ceremony / Welcome cocktail. Accompanying person fee includes entrance to opening ceremony, welcome cocktail and exhibition area. Certificate of Attendance 20th Wonca Europe Conference 2015 is a “Green” Congress. Participants can download their certificate of attendance at with their registration ID number. Certificates will be provided to the participants by email as well. Abstract Book Abstract book will be given to participants in USB sticks. CME Credits 20th Wonca Europe Conference 2015 is granted 19 European CME credits (ECMEC) by the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME). This program has been accredited by the College of Family Physicians of Canada for up to 25.5 Mainpro-M1 credits Feedback Form The rules of the EACCME state that participants are kindly asked to fill in the feedback from included in the conference materials. It can be returned to the Registration Desk. E-Poster Posters will be displayed as electronic posters on plasma screens during congress. All posters will be displayed on plasma screens for two days: October 23 and October 24. Video of Keynote Speakers and Grand Sessions will be available on Wonca World and TAHUD web site ( Bus Shuttle Schedule Participants are requested to wear / show their name badges to the driver to use the service. Please check the signs on the busses –which have writing WONCA Europe 2015 *Meeting Point 1 is the Talimhane District in Taksim (Close to Point Hotel) Meeting Point 2 is the Marmara Pera Hotel. Meeting Point 3 is the Movenpick Goldern Horn Hotel. **The departure is from the parking area of Halic Congress Center 6 From Halic Congress Dates From Meeting Point Center Thursday, 08:15 12:30 October 22, 09:45 18:30 2015 13:30 20:30 Friday, 08:15 12:30 October 23, 09:45 16:45 2015 13:30 18:15 Saturday, 08:15 10:30 October 24, 09:45 16:45 2015 13:30 18:15 Sunday, 08:15 12:30 October 25, 2015 09:45 14:15 Meeting Point 1 Meeting Point 2 Talimhane District in in Taksim Marmara Pera Otel Meeting Point 3 Movenpick Goldern Horn Hotel SOCIAL PROGRAM Opening Ceremony Date: Thursday, October 22, 20015 Time: 17:00-18:30 Place: Halic Auditorium Welcome Cocktail Opening Date: Thursday, October 22, 2015 Time: 18:30-20:30 (Right after opening ceremony) Place: Halic Congress Center Details: Coctail prolonge buffet 7 20th Anniversary Celebration Dinner Party Date: October 24, 2015 Price: 55 Euro. Tickets can be purchased at registration desk. Please note that there is limited capacity for the event. Name of the boat: Kucuk Prens Name of the pier: Kabatas Iskelesi
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