This being the day fixed by the 20th voting card may do so now in the INDIANA amendment of the Constitution of the Speaker's lobby. Hall Sharp Hillis for the annual meeting The call was taken by electronic Hamilton Burton Myers Jacobs Coats of the Congress of the United States, device, and the following Representa­ McCloskey Hiler the Members-elect of the 98th Con­ tives-elect responded to their names: gress met in their Hall, and, at 12 [Roll No. ll IOWA o'clock noon, were called to order by Bedell Smith Leach ALABAMA the Sergeant at Arms of the House of Harkin Evans Tauke Bevill Nichols Edwards Representatives, Hon. Benjamin J. Erdreich Shelby KANSAS Guthrie. Flippo Dickinson Glickman Roberts Winn The Chaplain, Rev. James David Slattery Whittaker Ford, D.D., offered the following ALASKA prayer: Young KENTUCKY Hubbard Perkins Snyder Gracious God, we implore Your ARIZONA Mazzoli Hopkins blessing upon this assembly and upon McNulty McCain Stump Natcher Rogers all for whom the authority of govern­ Udall Rudd ment is given. We pray that Your LOUISIANA ARKANSAS Boggs Long Livingston spirit of reconciliation and peace, of Alexander Bethune Breaux Roemer Moore good will and understanding will pre­ Anthony Hammerschmidt Huckaby Tauzin vail in our hearts and in our lives. En­ courage us, 0 God, to use our abilities CALIFORNIA MAINE and talents in ways that bring right­ Anderson Lantos Dannemeyer McKernan Snowe Bates Lehman Dreier eousness to this Nation and to all the Beilenson Levine Fiedler MARYLAND people. Ever remind us of the needs of Berman Martinez Hunter Barnes Hoyer Mitchell the poor, the homeless or forgotten, Bosco Matsui Lagomarsino Byron Long Holt Boxer Miller Lewis Dyson Mikulski those who live without freedom or lib­ Brown Mineta Lowery erty, that we will be instruments of Burton Panetta Lungren MASSACHUSETTS justice for all citizens and ease the Coelho Patterson McCandless Boland Markey Shannon hurt of every person. May Your spirit Dellums Roybal Moorhead Donnelly Mavroules Studds live with us each day and may Your Dixon Stark Packard Early Moakley Conte Dymally Torres Pashayan Frank O 'Neill grace surround us and those we love Edwards Waxman Shumway that in all things we may be the Fazio Badham Thomas li!ICHIGAN Hawkins Chapple Zschau people You would have us be and Albosta Ford Broomfield serve this Nation as we ought to serve. COLORADO Bonior Hertel Davis In Your name, we pray. Amen. Carr Kildee Pursell Kogovsek Wirth Kramer Conyers Levin Sawyer The SERGEANT AT ARMs. Representa­ Schroeder Brown Crockett Traxler Siljander tives-elect to the 98th Congress, this Dingell Wolpe VanderJagt being the day fixed by the 20th CONNECTICUT Gejdenson Morrison Johnson MINNESOTA amendment of the Constitution for Kennelly Ratchford McKinney the meeting of the 98th Congress, the Oberstar Sikorski Stangeland DELAWARE Penny Vento Weber Clerk of the 97th Congress has pre­ Sabo Frenzel pared the official roll of the Repre­ Carper li!ISSISSIPPI sentatives-elect. Pursuant to 2 U.S.C. FLORIDA 26, the Sergeant at Arms of the 97th Dowdy Whitten Lott Bennett Lehman Lewis Montgomery Franklin Congress will make the following an­ Chappell MacKay Mack nouncement: Fascell Mica McCollum MISSOURI Certificates of election covering the Fuqua Nelson Shaw Clay Volkmer Coleman 435 seats in the 98th Congress have Gibbons Pepper Young Gephardt Wheat Emerson Hutto Smith Skelton Young Taylor been received by the Clerk of the Ireland Bilirakls House of Representatives, and the MONTANA GEORGIA names of those persons whose creden­ Williams Marlenee tials show that they were regularly Barnard Levitas Thomas Fowler McDonald Gingrich NEBRASKA elected as Representatives in accord­ Hatcher Ray ance with the laws of their respective Jenkins Rowland Bereuter Daub Smith States and of the United States will be HAWAII NEVADA called. Reid Vucanovich Without objection, the Representa­ Akaka Heftel tives-elect will record their presence IDAHO NEW HAMPSHIRE by electronic device, and their names Craig Hansen D'Amours Gregg will be reported in alphabetical order NEW JERSEY by States, beginning with the State of ILLINOIS Annunzio Savage Hyde Dwyer Minish Forsythe Alabama, to determine whether a Collins Simon Madigan Florio Rodino Rinaldo quorum is present. Durbin Washington Martin Guarini Roe Roukema There was no objection. Evans Yates Michel Howard Torricelli Smith Lipinski Corcoran O'Brien Hughes Courter The SERGEANT AT ARMS. The Chair Price Crane, Daniel Porter would like to state that any Member­ Rostenkowski Crane, Philip NEW MEXICO elect who has not received his or her Russo Erlenborn Richardson Lujan Skeen

0 This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., 0 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Boldface type indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. ~~111113 IRI'WI~ 'JiMIJI!Il''IMIRIDIG\\ [] nDD ~I «aUman ~ 'lllllre StiBCHJMII[ Am' ./A\am&l. 'lllllre JBimmma._ ~I ~ \Wiae ~ Ilinttbm liDe '1flamwr.w5 p_ OllilmDI.. ~ :a ~ ~ J&mw \1IM&i:tlilii&i ~ 1firtmn ttJIIre CJDillilii§ID>­ ~~ 1ltfttlt. ~ :fttmii ~ cDf • efllui'lfHIU~ mDl tt111re ~ Nllatt.Ui:n :i51Wlmltii 1B:D1lb lRillll§l!lsii!De liiii!JIIIJIDI' 111[.11!1fm:ppnJ :a :JIII!p- ~ ~ ~ llinii&ft!lheu !1011 Wbl~ lllbllinmli ~ 1lirtmn ttlllre staibe cDf mm- lllnltttlfttt! ~lmnnn ~ 1111iiii. ~ 1mlml ]ldbmmtl iin mcgmjjwMiiiomt ~ \Wnd~ ~ Ante ttlbmte aamr :ftimttBum !11pmjjag4! jigansW ~le JJ'fi.'ih [] llZl!i 'll1IDmte lD!iiQg 101> :ftimttBum !IMDmjjwg41iigan'*i ttlllre SeiiiJMdl at A\mmi; \dll !1\Pil''liim-1 ttem­ ItUmllW~ (f!ISi. ~ \Wtttl~ 'mie Stu;; •41 at A\mmi; &Vfllllib-!a; ttlllre ~I ~lll ~ Nllattli:n IIJHPfDmmm ffinmn 0!1Hhmrija (<1111fii:. ~ W.Slmtliru! li!JIJJH))~, ttiDe IIJHiifDmmm ffinmn Min•lflll•";a ( 1ior Jl!i~ ~lie jjnflimiie ~ fAlJJTIRIIDP ttiDe IIJIIII'iiom> <11[ aJ. ttHmm <11[ 4l ~ lbtafunjiQg ~ 3\, ~ 1l9mll;; ttlbe ffl)mffijvn <11[ t1lbe 1Rillllltcdlil)p tllhmr aftniine. 'lilbe mmriliQg a:Dmlk. w.till mnw 1lllmam \Wml ~. 1fibe 1BiluBie lllhlltRfriilfliJ ttm ~ 1PMir lBS ~ 1tiJlmn ~; ttlbe tBHID­ ~ 1ior ttiDe «lllDiine <11[ 1fibe.. Jlmr. Sintttil . ~ ttiiml cJif ttlbe 1Billiii'N81le 1Bmr lDE :n.mm> lBS

~ ~ 1tiJlmn t1lbe WiiiiiUn ~;ami [] n:mm ttlbe fffimttljvn cJif t1Jbe JBiQIIInaftlle JNmw U. ~ ~lit]g 'lilbe 1idJlmQiQg iii; t1lbe memilt <11[ t1lbe 1F.. llb:IR:t4\ lBS ~ ffinmn Alllfi!litant ~ ~ Mttle: lill.wtlbP. 16~ l!iamJm. Wlabmtl 16~ 1Dbe &ttllffi&dl. at A1mm; ~tim am- ~ IJilltullM! 1lllll.Dltle JBifllrtnaAUe Jlllmulidit liiBnillDm 'l!Mlbm ~ 'lllbe &iBQfliWll' ltm ..A\alll&. 'mie Jllellt 4ld:t1llmQ.v I1DidlB; 1lllllr.ne ~ll ~ iJwaiinlf¥ iii; 1W:dl ~ crAf 1lliDie ~ CUu:ettta 1tbe 1BlmiiJJr ~ .nmilliim; ~ DlllliDie of 1tliDe lltalmslnBiile 'nllullltas p_ 1llbl:diler 1mlaaB; ( IaiadtiDr tdhnlltlf1! Us liiPIIIJDII!Iil ~ ll[aWI!ttnmdiffl 1J1lJlllllt 1llbar EbJi:lil> Ialllml 'TliDe &-nlft' JJIJf Amls. TIDe Sa-­ 1llnflaJlz ~ ~ ~ ~ d AlmiiLt; ~ lft\ICHUi"ri 1tbe ID!D-' Bllillt Jlldley ~ ~ ~ fnlam :llrtewl YGJk Olir- K:alr>>- :JIIimdll9; .l'{mdl( Patterson Stark ANSWERED "PRESENT"-2 Let me also add my welcome to the Lowry Pease Stenholm Luken Penny Stokes Michel O'Neill 57 new Democratic Members. I hope Lundine Pepper Stratton NOT VOTING-2 you will come to appreciate what it is MacKay Perkins Studds to be members of the majority party. Markey Pickle Synar McDonald Swift Would you believe it, I am one of the Martinez Price Tallon The SERGEANT AT ARMs. The tellers Matsui Rahall Tauzin two most senior Republican Members Mavroules Rangel Thomas agree in their tallies that the total on our side of the aisle now, and after Mazzoli Ratchford Torres number of votes cast is 417, of which 26 years I am still a member of the mi­ McCloskey Ray Torricelli the Honorable THOMAS P. O'NEILL, JR., McCurdy Reid Towns nority party. [Applause.] McHugh Richardson Traxler of Massachusetts, has received 260, That is always one way of getting an McNulty Rodino Udall and the Honorable ROBERT H. MICHEL, applause from the Democratic side of Mica Roe Valentine of Illinois, has received 155, with 2 the aisle. Mikulski Roemer Vandergriff voting "present." Miller Rose Vento Well, my colleagues, we have a full­ Mineta Rostenkowski Volkmer Therefore, the Honorable THoMAs P. time agenda before us the next 2 Minish Rowland Walgren O'NEILL JR., of Massachusetts, is duly years. We are here with many new col­ Mitchell Roybal Washington elected Speaker of the House of Rep­ Moakley Sabo Watkins leagues and fresh directions from the Mollohan Savage Waxman resentatives for the 98th Congress, people who elected us. What we do Montgomery Scheuer Weaver having received a majority of the votes over the course of the next 2 years will Moody Schroeder Weiss cast. surely be the focus of national and Morrison Schumer Wheat The Sergeant at Arms appoints the Mrazek Seiberling Whitley international attention; what we have Murphy Shannon Whitten following committee to escort the ahead of us will test our will, our cour­ Murtha Sharp Williams Speaker-elect to the chair: The gentle­ age, and our abilities, but of equal im­ Natcher Shelby Wilson man from Illinois Yates sachusetts Yatron duct our business as partisan politi­ Olin Solarz Young tleman from Massachusetts Petri Bateman Hartnett Porter 0 1310 take about it, when it comes to the Bereuter Hiler Pritchard The Doorkeeper announced the basic principles in which each of our Bethune Holt Pursell respective parties believe, there will be Bilirakis Hopkins Quillen Speaker-elect of the House of Repre­ Bliley Horton Regula sentatives of the 98th Congress, who partisan words and partisan actions, Boehlert Hunter Ridge was escorted to the chair by the com­ just as there was from both sides in Broomfield Hyde Rinaldo the last Congress. Brown Kasich Robinson colleagues and guests of the House, it greater need for bipartisan coopera­ Campbell Kemp Rogers tion and compromise. We cannot over­ Carney Kindness Roth has been customary since the turn of Chandler Kramer Roukema the century for the Speaker-elect to be come the national problems we face or Chappie Lagomarsino Rudd formally presented to the House by meet the needs we have without work­ Cheney Latta Sawyer his adversary in the contest. I was just ing together and compromising from Coleman Lent Schneider time to time. Conable Lewis Schulze watching the proceedings on the moni­ Conte Lewis Sensenbrenner tor with the Speaker, and would you We Republican Members in that Corcoran Livingston Shaw believe it, in our friendly conversation spirit of compromise extend to you, Coughlin Loeffler Shumway Mr. Speaker, this olive branch in the Courter Lott Shuster we actually lost track of the count. Craig Lowery Siljander Before exercising the privilege, that fervent hope that it will be accepted, Crane, Daniel Lujan Skeen is mine Mr. Speaker, I should like to nurtured, and allowed to symbolize Crane, Philip Lungren Smith proceed for only a few moments to this new Congress. Dannemeyer Mack Smith Snyder maybe far more than we could ever de­ Dreier Martin Solomon ing me to this House, even if it was by Duncan McCain Spence the narrowest of margins. liver under ideal circumstances. But, Edwards McCandless Stangeland Second, I should like to profess my we on our side are ready to roll up our Emerson McCollum Stump profound appreciation to my Republi­ sleeves and go to work. We are ready Erlenborn McDade Sundquist Evans McEwen Tauke can colleagues for according me this to work together with you, Mr. Speak­ Fiedler McGrath Taylor privilege to lead them once again in er, and those whom you lead. Fields McKernan Vander Jagt the 98th Congress. It is my hope and prayer for this Fish McKinney Vucanovich Congress that we have the courage to Forsythe Miller Walker Two years ago, Mr. Speaker, I stood Franklin Molinari Weber here and looked out over this House, seek the truth and the humility to re­ Frenzel Moore Whitehurst quite differently constituted, and said alize that we do not have all the an­ Gekas Moorhead Whittaker that I particularly liked the sight of 52 swers. Let us use the rules of the Gilman Morrison Williams Gingrich Myers Winn new Republican freshmen. Let me House to do the will of the people, and Goodling Nielson Wolf assure our 24 new Republican Mem­ not thwart that will. I might add here Gradison O 'Brien Wortley bers that, though you are fewer in that an important part of the will of Green Oxley Wylie number than the class of 1980, you the people is expressed in protection Gregg Packard Young Gunderson Parris Young have the same wonderful effect on me. of the rights of the minority party, no Hammerschmidt Pashayan Zschau Needless to say, if there were 100 of matter which great party happens to Hansen Paul you I would love you all that much bear that title in any particular time more. in our history.

11-059 Q-87-2 (Pt. 1) 32 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE January 3, 1983 Finally, Mr. Speaker, although I do The two Houses of the 98th Con­ of 1979. These huge deficits not only not own a computer, I can add well gress are controlled by rival parties. threaten to choke off a recovery but enough to know that I was going to be This is the fourth Congress in the also threaten to tie this Congress up in short again this time, but I am hoping 20th century where this has occurred. knots. We cannot afford to let this to make it up on the first tee of the In the past this partisan division has happen. very first golf game that we have this set the stage for legislative and politi­ We will have to make some tough year. cal stalemate, but it did not occur in decisions. We need to make these deci­ I am happy to congratulate you, the 97th Congress. The new Presi­ sions with the help of realistic eco­ then Mr. Speaker, and deem it a very dent's program was given swift and nomic assumptions. Hard decisions will high privilege and honor for this fair consideration. I will do everything follow hard numbers. Whatever those Member from Illinois to present to the I can to prevent a stalemate from hap­ budget decisions may be, we need to House the Speaker-elect of the 98th pening to this, the 98th Congress. The make them and move on to the busi­ Congress, from the great State of Mas­ American people want action, not par­ ness of Congress and the business of sachusetts, the Honorable THOMAS P. tisan bickering. Therefore, I am confi­ the Nation. O'NEILL, JR. dent that the Members of this House Barring a national emergency, last will get to work putting America back month's postelection session is the last 0 1320 to work. one that I will ever agree to. During Mr. O'NEILL. My colleagues, let me As this Congress convenes, there are the Constitutional Convention the say that during my years as Speaker I 4 million more Americans out of work Founding Fathers referred to the truly have worked with two beautiful than there were 2 years ago when the last Congress convened. There are House of Representatives as "the First and great individuals, outstanding more people out of work in the United Branch." They did so because it was Americans both of them-John States than there are at work in all of the branch closest to the people. Elec­ Rhodes, who left the Congress this Canada. The time for waiting for jobs tions were scheduled every 2 years, year; and BoB MICHEL, who has been has passed. The time for action is now and every seat was up. Unlike the the Republican leader for the past 2 at hand. The Federal Government President or the Vice President of the years and is the Republican leader must not bide its time waiting for an Senate, the only way in which one can again. economic recovery. It must take those serve in this body, in this great House, Upon being elected Speaker, I am steps necessary to insure a strong re­ is to be elected by the people, running able to repeat almost in full the covery. Any recovery that fails to sig­ every 2 years. Certainly that is a speech that the gentleman before me nificantly reduce unemployment is un­ burden, but it is a burden of democra­ just made. BoB has been here for 26 acceptable. The only recovery is one cy. years, I have been here for 30. In my that puts millions of unemployed Despite the fact that the Speaker is first 2 years as a Member of Congress Americans back to work. the same, the House is different than I was in the minority, and BoB, I agree Franklin Roosevelt noted that "eco­ the last one was. Twenty percent of with you, it is hell, there is no ques­ nomic laws are not made by nature, the Members are freshmen. As for the tion about it. Never again would I they are made by human beings." rest of us, the election has brought us want to be in the minority. Well, it is about time that we in this closer to our constituents, and that is Fellow Members, their families, House began making some laws to get what the Founding Fathers had in­ friends, and guests, I am deeply hon­ this country out of the terrible reces­ tended. ored to be elected for the fourth time sion we are in. It is time to bring the The new Members will find out as as Speaker of this House. I especially interest rates down for the average they go along that the Speaker has a want to thank my wife, Millie, and my American and to keep them down. It is few prerogatives. He has the power of family. Millie, these 42 years have time to stop waiting for an economic scheduling and of recognition, he has been years that have gone by awfully theory to work and, instead, do what the power of naming Members to spe­ quick, and I want you to know you are we have done before, stimulate the cial and select committees, and he has looking more beautiful to me today economy. the right to put the numbers on the than ever. [Applause, the Members Naturally, any measure we pass will resolutions. House Joint Resolution 1 rising.] have to pass the Senate and will have this year will be ERA, the equal rights A fellow in public life is lucky to to be signed by the President. Of amendment. have a family that trusts and believes course, we have our differences, but in him and goes along with him. we have in the past cooperated in the Last November my constituents in best interests of this Nation. Most re­ 0 1330 the Eighth District of Massachusetts cently we cooperated on the highway As Members of Congress, we may chose me to represent them in Con­ bill. Before that we worked together belong to different political parties gress for the 16th time. For this latest to pass the 1982 Tax Equity Act. I but there is one thing that we do have choice and all the previous choices, I hope this cooperation will be repeated in common. That is a love for this say to the people back home that I am during the consideration of the vital Nation, this great Republic and its grateful. social security legislation that will be people. Being elected Speaker of the U.S. reported without delay, I trust, by the I hope that what we accomplish House of Representatives is a high Committee on Ways and Means. This here over the next 2 years will result honor that carries with it solemn re­ will be difficult legislation, but no leg­ in the Nation developing a greater sponsibilities because this is the great­ islation in 1983 is more necessary th. !1 sense of respect and appreciation for est legislative body in the greatest de­ that social security bill. this House and the Government it is a mocracy in the world. Today I pledge Twenty years ago President Kenne­ part of. This is certainly a worthy to you that I will wield this gavel dy observed that an unbalanced econo­ standard to set for this Congress. fairly, firmly, faithfully, and responsi­ my does not produce balanced budg­ To all of my colleagues on my side of bly. ets. Well, that was never more true the aisle who have given me their I am ever mindful that the role of than today. The projections for a bal­ trust for the past 6 years, again I say the Speaker is to expedite the business anced budget in 1984 have turned into thank you from the bottom of my of this House. In doing so, I shall re­ a projection of staggering deficits. As grateful heart. spect and follow the established prin­ unemployment has soared, so have Thank you. ciples, procedures, and precedents. deficits. For the month of October last [Applause, the Members rising.] This is my duty under the Constitu­ year, the deficit for that month nearly Mr. O'NEILL. I ask that the dean of tion and the rules of this body. equaled the deficit for the entire year the House, the Honorable JAMIE L. January 3, 1983 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE 33 WHITTEN of Mississippi, administer the Mississippi, the Honorable TRENT the resolution offered by the gentle­ oath of office. LOTT. man from Louisiana and ask for its immediate con­ took the oath of office. Members of the House at this time. sideration. The SPEAKER. Congratulations. If the Members will rise, the Chair The Clerk read the resolution, as fol­ will now administer the oath of office. lows: The Members-elect and Delegates­ H. REs.l NOTIFICATION TO SENATE OF elect and the Resident Commissioner­ Resolved, That Benjamin J. Guthrie, of ORGANIZATION OF THE HOUSE elect rose, and the Speaker adminis­ the Commonwealth of Virginia, be, and he Mr. WRIGHT. Mr. Speaker, I offer a is hereby, chosen Clerk of the House of tered the oath of office to them. Representatives; privileged resolution and MINORITY LEADER Chaplain. ask for its immediate consideration. Mr. KEMP. Mr. Speaker, as chair­ That portion of the resolution was The Clerk read the resolution, as fol­ man of the Republican Conference, I agreed to. lows: am directed by that conference to offi­ SUBSTITUTE AMENDMENT OFFERED BY MR. KEMP cially notify the House that the gen­ H. RES. 3 Mr. KEMP. Mr. Speaker, I offer a Resolved, That a committee of three Mem­ tleman from Illinois, the Honorable substitute amendment for the remain­ bers be appointed by the Speaker on the ROBERT H. MICHEL, has been selected der of the resolution. part of the House of Representatives to join by the Republican Members of the The Clerk read the substitute with a committee on the part of the Senate House as the minority leader of the amendment, as follows: to notify the President of the United States House of Representatives. Resolved, That Hyde H. Murray of the that a quorum of each House has been as­ State of Maryland, be, and he is hereby, sembled, and that Congress is ready to re­ chosen Clerk of the House of Representa­ ceive any communication that he may be tives; pleased to make. MAJORITY WHIP That Walter P. Kennedy, of the State of Mr. WRIGHT. Mr. Speaker, I have New Jersey, be, and he is hereby, chosen The resolution was agreed to. the honor and the distinct pleasure to Sergeant at Arms of the House of Repre­ A motion to reconsider was laid on sentatives; the table. advise the Members of the House that That Tommy Lee Winebrenner, of the the gentleman from Washington, Mr. The SPEAKER. The Chair appoints State of Indiana, be, and he is hereby, as members of the committee on the FoLEY, will act as whip of the Demo­ chosen Doorkeeper of the House of Repre­ cratic Party for the 98th Congress. sentatives; part of the House to join the commit­ That Ronald W. Lasch, of the State of tee on the part of the Senate to notify New Jersey, be, and he is hereby, chosen the President of the United States Postmaster of the House of Representatives. that a quorum of each House has been MINORITY WHIP The SPEAKER. The question is on assembled, and that Congress is ready Mr. KEMP. Mr. Speaker, as chair­ the substitute amendment offered by to receive any communication that he man of the Republican Conference, I the gentleman from New York In rule X, clause 6, insert after para­ proposing a limitation not specifically con­ graph the following new paragraph tained or authorized in existing law for the The Clerk read the resolution, as fol­ and redesignate the succeeding paragraphs period of the limitation. lows: . . (d), . (f), and (g) as . . . . "(d) After a general appropriation bill has H. RES. 4 (h), and (i) respectively: been read for amendment and amendments Resolved, That the Clerk be instructed to "(b) Membership on standing committees not precluded by paragraphs or of inform the President of the United States during the course of a Congress shall be this clause have been considered, motions that the House of Representatives has elect­ contingent on continuing membership in that the Committee of the Whole rise and ed THoMAs P. O'NEILL, JR., a Representative the party caucus or conference that nomi­ report the bill to the House with such from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, nated Members for election to such commit­ amendments as may have been adopted Speaker; and Benjamin J. Guthrie, a citizen tees. Should a Member cease to be a shall have precedence over motions to fur­ of the Commonwealth of Virginia, Clerk of member of a particular party caucus or con­ ther amend the bill. If any such motion is the House of Representatives of the Ninety­ ference, said Member shall automatically rejected, amendments proposing limitations eighth Congress. cease to be a member of a standing commit­ not specifically contained or authorized in tee to which he was elected on the basis of existing law for the period of the limitation The resolution was agreed to. nomination by that caucus or conference. A motion to reconsider was laid on or proposing germane amendments which The chairman of the relevant party caucus retrench expenditures by reduction of the table. or conference shall notify the Speaker amounts of money covered by the bill may whenever a Member ceases to be a member be considered; but after the vote on any of a party caucus or conference and the RULES OF THE HOUSE such amendment, the privileged motion Speaker shall notify the chairman of each made in order under this paragraph may be Mr. WRIGHT. Mr. Speaker, I offer a standing committee on which said Member renewed.". privileged resolution In rule XXI, clause 5, insert "" after ask for its immediate consideration. ber's election to such committee is auto­ "5." and insert at the end thereof the fol­ The Clerk read the resolution, as fol­ matically vacated.". lowing new paragraph: In rule X, clause 6 as so redesignated, "(b) No bill or joint resolution carrying a lows: insert before the period at the end thereof H. RES. 5 tax or tariff measure shall be reported by the following: "from nominations, submit­ any committee not having jurisdiction to Resolved, That the Rules of the House of ted by the respective party caucus or confer­ report tax and tariff measures, nor shall an Representatives of the Ninety.seventh Con­ ence". amendment in the House or proposed by gress, including all applicable provisions of In rule X, clause 6, insert after paragraph the Senate carrying a tax or tariff measure law and concurrent resolutions adopted pur­ as so redesigned the following new para­ be in order during the consideration of a bill suant thereto which constituted the Rules graph: or joint resolution reported by a committee of the House at the end of the Ninety-sev­ "(g) Membership on select and joint com­ not having that jurisdiction. A question of enth Congress, be, and they are hereby, mittees during the course of a Congress order on a tax or tariff measure in any such adopted as the Rules of the House of Repre­ shall be contingent on continuing member­ bill, joint resolution, or amendment thereto sentatives of the Ninety-eighth Congress, ship in the party caucus or conference the may be raised at any time.". with the following amendments included Member was a member of at the time of his <7> In rule XXII, clause 5 is amended to therein as part thereof, to wit: appointment to a select or joint committee. read as follows: <1> In rule I, clause 5 is amended to Should a Member cease to be a member of "5. All resolutions of inquiry addressed to read as follows: that caucus or conference, said Member the heads of executive departments shall be "(b)(l) On any legislative day whenever a shall automatically cease to be a member of reported to the House within fourteen legis­ recorded vote is ordered or the yeas and any select or joint committee to which he is lative days after presentation.". nays are ordered, or a vote is objected to assigned. The chairman of the relevant <8> In rule XXIII, clause 1, insert "(a)" under clause 4 of rule XV on any of the fol­ party caucus or conference shall notify the after "1." and insert at the end thereof the lowing questions, the Speaker may, in his Speaker whenever a Member ceases to be a following new paragraph: discretion, postpone further proceedings on member of a party caucus or conference and "(b) After the House has adopted a special each such question to a designated time or the Speaker shall notify the chairman of order of business resolution reported by the place in the legislative schedule on that leg­ each select or joint committee on which said Committee on Rules providing for the con­ islative day, in the case of the question of Member serves, that in accord with this sideration of a measure in the Committee of agreeing to the Speaker's approval of the rule, the Member's appointment to such the Whole House on the State of the Union, Journal, or within two legislative days, in committee is automatically vacated.". the Speaker may at any time within his dis­ the case of the other questions listed herein: <4> In rule XI, clause 2(g)(2), insert before cretion, when no question is pending before " the question of passing bills; the period at the end thereof the following: the House, declare the House resolved into " the question of adopting resolutions; "except that the Committee on Appropria· the Committee of the Whole House on the "(C) the question of ordering the previous tions, the Committee on Armed Services, State of the Union for the consideration of question on privileged resolutions reported and the Permanent Select Committee on In­ that measure without intervening motion, from the Committee on Rules; telligence and the subcommittees therein unless the resolution in question provides "(D) the question of agreeing to confer­ may, by the same procedure, vote to close otherwise.". ence reports; and up to five additional consecutive days of <9> In rule XXIV, clause 1, insert after the "(E) the question of agreeing to motions hearings". word "Journal" the phrase ", unless post­ to suspend the Rules.". (5) In rule XXI, clause 2 is amended to poned pursuant to the provisions of clause (2) In rule III, insert after clause 5 the fol­ read as follows: 5(b)(l) of rule 1". lowing new clause: "2. No appropriation shall be reported "6. He shall supervise the staff and in any general appropriation bill or shall be Mr. WRIGHT (during the reading). manage any office of a Member who is de­ in order as an amendment thereto, for any Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent ceased, has resigned, or been expelled until expenditure not previously authorized by that the resolution be considered as a successor is elected and shall perform law, except to continue appropriations for read and printed in the RECORD. similar duties in the event that a vacancy is public works and objects which are already The SPEAKER pro tempore In Rule X, clause 2 is amended by "The membership of each such select com­ read as follows: adding the following new paragraph: mittee In Rule X, clause 6 is amended to broadcasting and recording of the proceed­ House and from the membership of such read as follows: ings shall include the audio and visual cov­ committees.". " Each standing committee of the erage of the Chamber of the House while In Rule XI, clause l that has more than visual presentation of the running vote tally "(d)(1) Each committee shall submit to twenty members, shall establish at least as the Speaker may deem most appropriate the House, not later than January 2 of each four subcommittees; but in no event shall and informative. He shall provide for the odd-numbered year, a report on the activi­ any standing committee establish more ings thereof to news media and the storage Rule X during the Congress ending at noon than six subcommittees. of audio and video recordings of the pro­ on January 3 of such year. "(2) No Member may serve at any one ceedings.". "(2) Such report shall include separate time as a member of more than four sub­ <2> In rule III, insert after clause 5 the fol­ sections summarizing the legislative and committees of committees of the House of lowing new clause: oversight activities of that committee Representatives. "6. He shall supervise the staff and during that Congress. "(3) For the purposes of this paragraph manage any office of a Member who is de­ "(3) The oversight section of such report the term 'subcommittee' includes any panel, ceased, has resigned, or been expelled until shall include a summary of the oversight task force, special subcommittee, or any a successor is elected and shall perform plans submitted by that committee pursu­ subunit of a standing committee which is es­ similar duties in the event that a vacancy is ant to clause 2(c) of Rule X, a summary of tablished for a period of longer than six declared by the House in any congressional the actions taken and recommendations months.". district because of the incapacity of the made with respect to each such plan, and a (8) In Rule XI, clause 2<0 is amended to Member representing such district or other summary of any additional oversight activ­ read as follows: reason. Whenever the Clerk is acting as a ities undertaken by that committee, and any "(f) No vote by any member of any com­ supervisory authority over such staff, he recommendations made or actions taken mittee or subcommittee with respect to any shall have authority to terminate employ­ thereon.". measure or matter may be cast by proxy.". ees; and he may appoint, with the approval <4> In Rule X, clause 5 is amended to <9> In Rule XI, clause 2<2>. insert of the Committee on House Administration, read as follows: before the period at the end thereof the fol­ such staff as is required to operate the "(c) In carrying out paragraphs and (b) lowing: "except that the Committee on Ap­ office until a successor is elected. He shall with respect to any matter, the Speaker maintain on the House payroll and super­ shall initially refer the matter to one com­ propriations, the Committee on Armed vise in the same manner staff appointed mittee which he shall designate as the com­ Services, and the Permanent Select Com­ pursuant to section 800 of Public Law 91- mittee of principal jurisdiction; but he may mittee on Intelligence and the subcommit­ 655 <2 U.S.C. 31b-5) for sixty days following also refer the matter to one or more addi­ tees therein may, by the same procedure, the death of a former Speaker.". tional committees, for consideration in se­ vote to close up to five additional consecu­ (3)(a) In Rule X, clause 2(c) is amended to quence In Rule XI, clause 2<2> is amended "(c)(l) Not later than March 1 in the first the matter has been reported by the com­ to read as follows: session of a Congress each standing commit­ mittee of principal jurisdiction; or refer por­ "(2) A majority of the members of each tee of the House shall, in a meeting which is tions of the matter to one or more addition­ committee or subcommittee shall constitute open to the public and with a quorum al committees In Rule XI, clause 5 is amended by in­ plans for that Congress. In developing such the matter to a special or ad hoc committee serting the following new paragraph (a) and plans each committee shall, to the maxi­ appointed by the Speaker, with the approv­ redesignating existing paragraphs accord­ mum extent feasible- al of the House, from the members of the ingly: "(A) consult with other committees of the committees having legislative jurisdiction, " It shall not be in order in the House which have jurisdiction over the for the specific purpose of considering that House to consider any primary expense res­ same or related laws, programs, or agencies matter and reporting to the House thereon; olution until the Committee on House Ad­ within its jurisdiction with the objective of or make such other provision as may be con­ ministration has reported and the House assuring that such laws, programs, or agen­ sidered appropriate.". has adopted a resolution establishing an cies are reviewed in the same Congress and <5> In Rule X, clause 6(a)(l) is amended overall ceiling for committee staff personnel that there is maximum coordination and co­ to read as follows: for that year. operation between such committees in the "< 1) The standing committees specified "(2) In developing any primary expense conduct of such reviews; and such plans in clause 1 shall be elected by the House at resolution for House committees, the Com­ shall incude an explanation of what steps the commencement of each Congress, from mittee on House Administration shall speci­ have been and will be taken to assure such nominations submitted by the respective fy in the resolution the number of staff po­ coordination and cooperation; party caucuses, not later than five legisla­ sitions authorized by the resolution. The "(B) give priority consideration to includ­ tive days after the convening of such Con­ committee shall indicate in the report on ing in its plans the review of those laws, pro­ gress.". any such primary expense resolution that grams, or agencies operating under perma­ (b) In Rule XI, clause l In Rule X, clause 6(a) is amended such primary expense resolutions, taken to­ "(2) Not later than March 15 in the first by adding the following new subparagraph: gether with the number of staff positions session of a Congress, after consultation "(3) The membership of each committee authorized by clause 6 of this rule (provid­ with the Speaker, the majority leader, and is amended by and the extent to which the allocation of tives of this clause.". adding at the end thereof the following: majority to minority staff positions reflects January 3, 1983 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE 39 the ratio of majority to minority party (4) Require early election and organiza­ and a select few in the House to the extent members in the House." tion of committees in a new Congress; that legislative decisions can be made arbi­ "(5) In any supplement expense resolu­ <5> Require party ratios on committees to trarily and autocratically by a select few; tion, the committee shall specify the reflect that of House ; Conference does hereby oppose the amend­ dicate in the report on any such resolution <6> Limit all committees, except Appro­ ments to the House Rules as proposed by whether the additional staff positions are in priations, to no more than six subcommit­ the Democratic Caucus and considers them conformity with or exceed the overall ceil­ tees, and all Members to no more than four a form of political expediency at the ex­ ing established by the House. subcommittee assignments; pense of our democratic system; and be it "(6) It shall not be in order in the House <7> Ban all proxy voting in committees; further to consider any supplemental expense reso­ <8> Require majority quorums in commit­ Resolved, That the House Republican lution authorizing additional staff positions tees for transacting all business; Conference pledges itself to an unending in excess of the overall ceiling established (9) Require House to adopt overall com­ struggle in the House and the country to by the House except by a vote of two-thirds mittee staff ceiling each year before consid­ uphold the rights of individual Members to of the Members voting, a quorum being ering funding resolutions for individual fully debate and vote on limiting spending present.". committees. through appropriations amendments, and to <12) In Rule XXI, clause 5, insert "(a)" fully debate and vote on constitutional after "5." and insert at the end thereof the OFFICE OF THE REPUBLICAN LEADER, issues facing the nation, and to retain the following new paragraph: U.S. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, two-centuries-old tradition of ensuring that "(b) No bill or joint resolution carrying a Washington, D. C., December 16, 1982. a quorum is present when the business of tax or tariff measure shall be reported by DEAR REPUBLICAN COLLEAGUE: This morn­ the House is conducted; and be it further any committee not having jurisdiction to ing the House Republican Conference Resolved, That the House Republican report tax and tariff measures, nor shall an adopted a resolution concerning the pro­ Conference does hereby call upon the full amendment in the House or proposed by posed changes in rules proposed by the House to reject the rules changes and enact the Senate carrying a tax or tariff measure Democratic Caucus. reforms that will address the seriously de­ be in order during the consideration of a bill In addition, I informed the Conference bilitating procedures and structural defi­ or joint resolution reported by a committee that the Leadership is exploring the forma­ ciencies in the House which have done so not having that jurisdiction. A question of tion of a task force to deal with the rules changes, develop a strategy for combatting much damage to the efficient and effective order on a tax or tariff measure in any such operation of our national legislature. bill, joint resolution, or amendment thereto them and producing alternative proposals may be raised at any time.". for presentation next month. <13) In Rule XXII, clause 5 is amended to I am enclosing a copy of the resolution we BRIEF SUMMARY OF SUGGESTED REPUBLICAN read as follows: adopted today, along with a summary of the AMENDMENTS TO HOUSE RULES-98TH CoN­ "5. All resolutions of inquiry addressed to Democratic Caucus rules amendments and GRESS the heads of executive departments shall be those amendments we would like to see em­ <1> Multiple Referral of Legislation-The reported to the House within fourteen legis­ bodied in a Republican alternative package. joint referral of bills would be abolished in lative days after presentation.". We intend to make a fight of the rules favor of designating a principal committee changes between now and the time they are of jurisdiction for each bill introduced, but BRIEF SUMMARY OF THE REPUBLICAN on the Floor of the House. This is not a the Speaker would retain discretionary au­ SUBSTITUTE FOR H. RES. 5 matter of internal conflict, but an issue that t hority for sequential and split referral of to no more the following four rules changes proposed I urge you to call attention to the rules than six subcommittees, and to limit Mem­ by the Democratic Caucus: issue when you are home over the holidays bers to no more than four subcommittee as­ <1) Permitting postponement of the vote and be prepared to wage an all out effort to signments in the House. on the Journal; defeat the Democratic leadership proposals <3> Staff Ceiling-Rule XI, clause 5 would <2> Permitting removal of member from in January. be amended by inserting a new paragraph committee when no longer a member of the Sincerely, to prohibit the consideration of any pri­ caucus or conference, without House action; ROBERT H. MICHEL, mary expense resolution for a committee <3> Requiring rejection of motion to rise Republican Leader. until the House had adopted a resolution to to permit limitation amendments to be of­ be reported from the House Administration fered to appropriations bills; REPUBLICAN CONFERENCE RESOLUTION ON Committee establishing an overall commit­ <4> Permitting Speaker to declare House is PROPOSED RULES CHANGES IN THE HOUSE OF tee staff ceiling for that year. Primary ex­ in Committee of Whole on a bill without REPRESENTATIVES, DECEMBER 16, 1982 pense resolutions would include an alloca­ House action. Whereas, the Rules of the House of Rep- tion for staff consistent with the overall The Republican substitute would retain resentatives are intended to provide the ceiling established, and the total number of the following four rules changes proposed framework for open and free debate in the statutory and investigative staff shall not by the Democratic Caucus: House and the mechanism for a truly demo­ exceed the overall ceiling. The House Ad­ <1) Permitting Clerk to supervise offices of cratic lawmaking process; and ministration Committee would take into ac­ Members deceased, retired, or expelled; Whereas, those rules are intended to pro­ count a committee's past and anticipated (2) Permitting extended days of closed tect the rights of duly elected representa­ legislative and oversight activities in allocat­ hearings for Committees on Appropriations, tives to affect the legislative process and ing investigative staff positions to each com­ Armed Services, and Intelligence; mold national policy; and mittee. Any supplemental expense resolu­ (3) Prohibiting consideration of tax and Whereas, the Democratic Caucus has pro­ tions must indicate whether additional staff tariff bills reported from non-tax commit­ posed restrictive, undemocratic and repres­ positions are being authorized, and, if such tees; sive rules changes for the 98th Congress positions exceed the overall ceiling estab­ <4> Permitting committees 7 additional which encroach upon the rights of the indi­ lished, a two-thirds vote of the House would days for committees to consider resolutions vidual Members to work their will in the be required to consider any such resolution. of inquiry. House of Representatives; and <4> House Broadcasting-Rule I, clause In addition the Republican substitute Whereas, the proposed rules threaten the 9 would be amended to clarify the would add the following nine amendments ability of the Members to exercise oversight intent of the present broadcast rule that to the rules: of the expenditure of public funds through the "complete and unedited" broadcast cov­ <1) Require TV coverage of House Cham­ the appropriation process, deny a majority erage of House proceedings be provided to ber while Members are voting; of the membership the opportunity to the media by requiring that the audio and (2) Require committee approval of over­ debate and vote on proposed amendments to visual coverage of the House Chamber be sight plans, appointment of ad hoc over­ the Constitution, and repudiate the consti­ presented while Members are voting, includ­ sight committees, and reference in final tutional requirement that Members be ing a visual presentation of the running oversight reports to original plans; present during House proceedings for the vote tally. (3) Abolish joint referral of bills, while re­ conduct of public business; and <5> Party Ratios on Committees-Rule X, taining sequential and split referrals to com­ Whereas, the proposed rules further con­ clause 6 would be amended to require mittees; centrate power in the hands of the Speaker that the party ratios on committees reflect 40 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE January 3, 1983 that of the House except for the Committee rent House Rules permit all committees to To support combat activities in or over on Standards of Official Conduct (biparti­ vote to close hearings for two consecutive Cambodia or Laos <6/29/73; Flynt and Rules Resolving into the Committee of the combat activities in Cambodia <5/10/73; tions-Rule X, clause 6(a)(l) would be Whole House-Clause 1, Rule XXIII would Long Proxy Voting Ban-Rule XI, clause House. -duPont . 2< f) would be amended to abolish all proxy (5) Approval of the Journal-Clause By the Central Intelligence Agency to un­ voting on committees and subcommittees. 5. Rule I would be amended to permit dermine or destabilize the governments of <8> Majority Quorum-Rule XI, clause the Speaker to postpone a vote on the ap­ foreign countries <9/24/74; Holtzman . (6) Committee Membership-Clause 6, Philippines <8/3/78>. (9) Oversight-Rule X, clause 2 would Rule X would be amended to make removal By the Commerce Department to promote be amended to require committees to for­ from committee membership automatic or conduct trade relations with Cuba <6/14/ mally adopt and submit to the Government once a Member ceases to be a member of his 79). Operations Committee by March 1 of the party caucus or conference. Members would By the International Development Asso­ first session their oversight plans for that still be elected to committees by vote of the ciation to finance any assistance or repara­ session, giving priority consideration to re­ House on nominations from the party cau­ tions to the Socialist Republic of Vietnam viewing those laws, programs or agencies op­ cuses. Under the interpretation of present (7/18/79). erating under permanent budget or statuto­ rules, it would take a vote of the House to For assistance to any government that ry authority, and with a view to reviewing remove a Member from a committee. grants to any persons who have all significant laws, programs or agencies <7> Tax Legislation-Clause 5, Rule XXI committed, or are being sought by any within their jurisdiction at least once every would be amended to prohibit non-tax com­ other government for prosecution for, a war ten years. The Government Operations mittees from reporting any measure con­ crime (9/5/79). Committee, after consultation with the taining tax or tariff matters and the House For assassination plots against foreign of­ Speaker and majority and minority leaders, from considering any amendment in the ficials and activities designed to influence would report these plans to the House not House or proposed by the Senate on a bill foreign elections or political activities later than March 15 together with any rec­ reported by a committee not having juris­ during peacetime (3/4/76; J. Burton Resolutions of Inquiry-Clause 5, Rule party. Whether the rider passed or failed is For obtaining or issuing a license to oper­ XXII would be amended to permit commit­ irrelevant to our point that without the ate the waste isolation pilot plant, Delaware tees 14 legislative days to report back to the rider procedure, these issues would probably Basin, southeast New Mexico, or for storage House after referral of such a resolution re­ never have reached the Floor for ~ebate. or radioactive waste at the plant not result­ questing information from the heads of ex­ A SURVEY OF APPROPRIATIONS LIMITATION ing from national defense activities of the ecutive departments. The current rule per­ RIDERS Department of Energy <6/16/78>. mits only 7 legislative days for reporting The following limitation riders sought to For the Clinch River Breeder Reactor back to the House, after which a motion to prohibit the use of funds: except funds for termination costs <12/14/ discharge committee is in order. 82; Coughlin <2>. Vietnam war For the Bureau of Reclamation's O'Neill Rule XI, would be amended to permit the To implement any plan to invade North Irrigation Unit in Nebraska <12/14/82; Committees on Appropriations, Armed Serv­ Vietnam <3/16/67>. Bonior >. Democratic side of the aisle: What is it unrepresentative legislation due to For fines against farmers who employed that you are afraid of? If you have committee, and fourth, proxy voting, five or fewer employees for violation of Oc­ this new policy control in the House, cupational Safety and Health Administra­ miniquorums, and skewered party why are you afraid to confront policy ratios? tion regulations, unless the violations were issues head-on? Why all this hiding willful, repeated or serious (6/24/176; Ford We have a positive and constructive

11-059 0-87-3 (Pt. 1) 64 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE January 3, 1983 others, the Port of Portland, the west The new lock will enhance the devel­ e Mr. ANNUNZIO. Mr. Speaker, coast's leading port in export tonnage. opment of a multimodal transporta­ Today I am introducing legislation to With an improved modern lock at tion network and increase opportuni­ amend the Immigration and National­ Bonneville, the system can do even ties for Midwest and other overland ity Act in order to provide that once a more duty. shipments that use rail-barge and person has been granted asylum under These are the economic reasons for motor carrier-barge shipments on the the laws of the United States, he may a new lock at the Bonneville Dam: Columbia-Snake River system. These not be involuntarily removed from this It will eliminate a costly and time­ overland-waterway multimodal ship­ country by contrary laws or judicial consuming bottleneck now occurring ments will give shippers alternative decrees of any state. at the present lock at Bonneville Dam. western route systems easing the flow Specifically, this important bill This lock is at the end of a seven-lock of traffic on the Mississippi River would clarify the status of Walter Po­ river system. The Bonneville lock is system and traffic which now must lovchak, the 15-year old Ukrainian the oldest and smallest of the seven travel through the Panama Canal. boy, who lives in the 11th Congres­ locks on the Columbia-Snake River Construction of the new lock will sional District of Illinois which I am waterway system forcing barge traffic have a positive environmental impact honored to represent, and who wishes to break up into smaller tows to lock on the Columbia River by reducing to remain in the United States rather through the Bonneville Dam. This turbulance, high oxygen levels and than return to the . delay causes congestion and costs ship­ other negative marine pollution As my colleagues know, the Polov­ pers $2 million annually. caused by congestion of barges and chaks had emigrated to our country The lock was built in 1938 and has tows waiting to lock through the dam. Construction of a new lock will help from the Soviet Union with their not had any rehabilitation work since in protecting the natural scenic beauty three children in January 1980, but 1963, even though it handles 25 per­ of the Columbia River Gorge by bal­ after 6 months in the United States, cent of all U.S. wheat exports. Wheat ancing the use of the various transpor­ Walter's parents became dissatisfied exports favorably impact our balance tation alternatives. with American life, and decided to of payments. Wheat exports are in in­ The new lock will aid in the ship­ return to the Soviet Union. Wanting creasing demand in Asian Pacific rim ment of waterborne transit which uses to remain in this country, Walter, age countries, who now account for 55 per­ half the energy necessary to do the 12 at the time, fled from his parents cent of all U.S. grain exports. same job by rail and is nine times on July 19, 1980, and later was granted Cargo moving through the existing more energy efficient than motor car­ political asylum by the U.S. Immigra­ lock at Bonneville tripled between riers doing the same job. This energy tion and Naturalization Service. His 1970 and 1980. A total of 9.1 million savings becomes more significant older sister, age 17, was traveling on tons of cargo passed through Bonne­ when one considers that 49 percent of her own visa, and was legally old ville in 1981. The value of exports the regional commodity traffic uses enough to decide to remain in this shipped from the Oregon Customs the Columbia River system. country without any problem. There­ District in 1981 totaled $3.882 billion. Finally, this project has a positive fore, Walter and his sister remained in Forty percent of this figure-or $1.6 cost-benefit ratio, one of the key crite­ the United States when their parents billion-passed through the Bonneville ria being used by this administration returned to the Soviet Union with lock. to assess public expenditures. This their younger brother, and Walter, a Construction of a new lock must project will return a minimum of $5 minor, was subsequently placed by an begin soon. The Corps of Engineers for every Federal dollar invested. This Illinois lower court in the custody of has pegged the capacity of the exist­ Federal investment will leverage an es­ Ukrainian friends in this country. ing lock at 13 million tons per year timated $500 million private invest­ At present, although Walter has and projects that that saturation level ment, creating desperately needed new been granted asylum, he is in the of traffic will be reached between 1988 employment opportunities along the center of a legal battle in the State and 1990. Columbia-Snake River waterway courts of Illinois to determine the Projections on increases in ship­ system. question of parental custody. An Illi­ ments of the Columbia-Snake system H.R.- nois State appellate court reversed the have consistently fallen short of the A bill to modify the Bonneville lock and lower court's holding and awarded cus­ mark. When full-scale commercial dam project to provide that the Secretary tody to Walter's parents who are now navigation was extended to Lewiston, of the Army, acting through the Chief of in the Soviet Union. This court held Idaho, in 1976, the Corps of Engineers Engineers, is authorized to construct a that since there was no evidence of estimated that 5. 7 million tons of new lock gross neglect or abuse, there were no grain would move from Lewiston to Be it enacted by the Senate and House of grounds for withdrawing the parents' the Pacific Ocean by the year 2000. Representatives of the United States of custody, and the Federal grant of America in Congress assembled, That the asylum constituted an unprecedented That figure was surpassed in the first Bonneville lock and dam project, Oregon year of operation and, in 1981, 6.25 and Washington, authorized by the first sec­ intrusion into the sanctity of the million tons of grain were shipped tion of the Act entitled "An Act authorizing family. His case is now pending before from Lewiston. the construction of certain public works on the Illinois Supreme Court, and The completion of the new lock will rivers and harbors, and for other purposes", should this court uphold the appellate save shippers $2.50 per ton, favorably approved August 30, 1935 <49 Stat. 1028), is court's decision, presumably Walter's influencing the cost of commodities hereby modified to provide that the Secre­ parents would be free to compel Wal­ and other products consumed in this tary of the Army, acting through the Chief ter's return to the Soviet Union. of Engineers, is authorized to construct a country and exported abroad. new lock in accordance with the report of Freedom-loving people throughout The new lock will aid the movement the Chief of Engineers, dated February 10, the world have expressed their sup­ of America's coal exports from the 1981, at an estimated cost of $167,000,000.e port for Walter's right to remain in West. the United States, and it is our duty as The new lock will aid expanding con­ Americans to do all in our power to see tainerized cargo movements through WALTER POLOVCHAK RIGHT TO that Walter's rights are upheld. The the Columbia-Snake River system REMAIN IN THE UNITED legislation which I am introducing which totaled 187,000 tons in 1980. STATES MUST BE PROTECTED simply insures that Walter's right to The Columbia-Snake system was one The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under remain in this country is protected, of the first to ship containers on a previous order of the House, the gen­ and I urge my colleagues to give their barges. These shipments will double tleman from Illinois

. 68 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE January 3, 1983 H.R. 40. A bill to amend the Arms Export H.R. 54. A bill to amend the Federal Avia­ dures for the classification and protection of Control Act to authorize the President to pre­ hibiting air carriers from dispensing alco­ al security, to provide criminal penalties for scribe regulations for protecting arms infor­ holic beverages and tobacco without charge unauthorized disclosure of such informa­ mation from the risk of indiscriminate to passengers aboard air carrier aircraft; to tion, to limit matters that may be classified export; to the Committee on Foreign Af­ the Committee on Public Works and Trans­ and impose penalties for unauthorized clas­ fairs. portation. sification, to provide for declassification, H.R. 41. A bill to insure that a country re­ H.R. 55. A bill to insure equal consider­ and for other purposes; jointly, to the Com­ ceiving foreign assistance cooperate with ation of nonstructural water resources mittees on Armed Services and Permanent the Government of the United States in its projects and plans, and for other purposes; Select Coinmittee on Intelligence. efforts to reduce the flow of illicit drugs to the Committee on Public Works and H.R. 67. A bill to amend the Defense Pro­ from such country; to the Committee on Transportation. duction Act of 1950, as amended; jointly, to Foreign Affairs. H.R. 56. A bill to direct the Secretary of the Committees on Armed Services, Bank­ H.R. 42. A bill to establish a Commission the Army to set aside an appropriate area ing, Finance and Urban Affairs, Govern­ on More Effective Government, with the de­ within the Arlington National Cemetery for ment Operations, and Post Office and Civil clared objective of improving the quality of the burial of cremated remains; to the Com­ Service. Government in the United States and of re­ mittee on Veterans' Affairs. H.R. 68. A bill to amend titles 10 and 37, storing public confidence in Government at H.R. 57. A bill to provide for a Veterans' United States Code, to authorize the Secre­ all levels; to the Committee on Government Administration general medical and surgical tary of Defense and the Secretary of Trans­ Operations. hospital at Jacksonville, Fla., and to achieve portation to increase the term of service in H.R. 43. A bill to establish a series of six cooperation with the University of Florida the armed forces under their jurisdiction regional Presidential primaries at which the College of Medicine in its activities in Jack­ and to pay bonuses for enlistment and reen­ public may express its preference for the sonville; to the Committee on Veterans' Af­ listment in the Reserve components; jointly, nomination of an individual for election to fairs. to the Coinmittees on Armed Services and the office of President of the United States; By Mr. LONG of Louisiana : enue Code of 1954 to permit an exemption mercially by producers in certain insular H.R. 102. A bill to amend title 38 of the of the first $5,000 of retirement income re­ areas; to the Committee on Agriculture. United States Code to promote the care and ceived by a taxpayer under a public retire­ H.R. 89. A bill to permit the transporta­ treatment of veterans in State veterans' ment system or any other system if the tax­ tion of passengers between Puerto Rico and homes; to the Committee on Veterans' Af­ payer is at least 65 years of age; to the Com­ other U.S. ports on foreign-flag vessels fairs. mittee on Ways and Means. when U.S.-flag service for such transporta­ H.R. 103. A bill to amend title 38, United H.R. 78. A bill to amend the Internal Rev­ tion is not available; to the Committee on States Code, to increase the per diem rate enue Code of 1954 to permit certain cooper­ Merchant Marine and Fisheries. payable by the Veterans' Administration to ative housing corporations to replace con­ By Mr. DICKINSON: States providing domiciliary, nursing home, ventional financing with tax-exempt financ­ H.R. 90. A bill to amend title 5, United and hospital care to veterans in State ing; to the Committee on Ways and Means. States Code, concerning salary and pay of homes; to the Committee on Veterans' Af­ By Mr. CARNEY for inpatient medical care the Committee on Ways and Means. amendment; to the Committee on the Judi­ provided on an emergency basis; to the H.R. 192. A bill to amend title II of the ciary. Committee on Armed Services. Social Security Act to eliminate the benefit H.R. 165. A bill to amend title II of the H.R. 178. A bill to repeal the Davis-Bacon reductions which are presently required in Social Security Act to increase to $24,000 in Act, and for other purposes; to the Commit­ the case of spouses and surviving spouses 1983 the amount of outside earnings which a H.R. 179. A bill to amend the Comprehen­ who are also receiving certain Government beneficiary age 65 or over may have in any sive Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism Preven­ pensions; to the Committee on Ways and taxable year without suffering reductions in tion, Treatment, and Rehabilitation Act of Means. the amount of his benefits; to the Commit­ 1970 to provide emphasis within the Nation­ H.R. 193. A bill to repeal section 3402(q) tee on Ways and Means. al Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcohol­ of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 which H.R. 166. A bill to amend title II of the ism for families of alcohol abusers and alco­ requires for income tax purposes, amounts Social Security Act so as to remove the limi­ holics; to the Committee on Energy and to be withheld from certain gambling win­ tation upon the amount of outside income Commerce. nings; to the Committee on Ways and which an individual may earn while receiv­ H.R. 180. A bill to provide a remedy for Means. ing benefits thereunder; to the Committee sex discrimination by the insurance business By Mr. HUGHES: on Ways and Means. with respect to the availability and scope of H.R. 194. A bill to repeal the withholding H.R. 167. A bill to amend title II of the insurance coverage for women; to the Com­ on interest, dividends, and patronage divi­ Social Security Act to eliminate the earn­ mittee on Energy and Commerce. dends enacted by the Tax Equity and Fiscal ings test for individuals age 65 and over; to H.R. 181. A bill to provide for the inclu­ Responsibility Act of 1982; to the Commit­ the Committee on Ways and Means. sion of certain Federal entities in the tee on Ways and Means.

I 72 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE January 3, 1983 By Mr. KILDEE: medical expenses of handicapped individ­ respect to the treatment of used oil as haz­ H.R. 195. A bill to amend the Internal uals and individuals who have attained age ardous waste unless the used oil is recycled Revenue Code of 1954 to provide for the ex­ 65 shall be deductible without regard to the under appropriate standards, and for other clusion from gross income of a certain por­ requirement that only medical expenses in purposes; to the Committee on Energy and tion of amounts received as annuities, pen­ excess of certain percentages of adjusted Commerce. sions, or other retirement benefits by indi­ gross income are deductible; to the Commit­ By Mr. MOORHEAD: viduals who have attained age 65; to the tee on Ways and Means. H.R. 219. A bill to amend the Internal Committee on Ways and Means. H.R. 208. A bill to establish a task force to Revenue Code of 1954 to double the invest­ By Mr. KOGOVSEK : By Mr. LENT: By Mr. LONG of Maryland: H.R. 220. A bill to amend title 5, United H.R. 197. A bill to amend chapter 44 of H.R. 209. A bill to require the Secretary of States Code, to make regulations more cost title 18 of the United States Code to penalize the use of firearms an independent epidemiological study of prove regulatory planning and management, in the commission of any felony and to in­ persons exposed to the chemical dioxin, to enhance public participation in the regu­ crease the penalties in certain related exist­ used in the herbicide known as agent latory process, and for other purposes; joint­ ing provisions; to the Committee on the Ju­ orange; to the Committee on Energy and ly, to the Committees on the Judiciary and diciary. Commerce. Rules. H.R. 198. A bill to amend title II of the H.R. 210. A bill to amend the Communica­ By Mr. MARLENEE (for himself, Mr. Social Security Act to provide generally tions Act of 1934 to provide that telephone FORSYTHE, Mr. LAGOMARSINO, Mr. that benefits thereunder may be paid to receivers may not be sold in interstate com­ RINALDO, Mr. FRANK, Mr. AsPIN, Mr. aliens only after they have been lawfully ad­ merce unless they are manufactured in a CHAPPELL, Mr. CONTE, Mr. DENNY, mitted to the United States for permanent manner which permits their use by persons Mr. SMITH, Mr. LEAcH of Iowa, Mr. residence, and to impose further restrictions with hearing impairments; to the Commit­ PETRI, Mr. HUTTO, Mr. EDWARDS of on the right of any alien in a foreign coun­ tee on Energy and Commerce. Oklahoma, Mr. McCURDY, Mrs. HALL try to receive such benefits; to the Commit­ H.R. 211. A bill to amend title 38, United of Indiana, Mr. HANsEN of Idaho, tee on Ways and Means. States Code, to restore certain social securi­ Mr. SENSENBRENNER, and Mr. MORRI­ H.R. 199. A bill to amend title II of the ty benefits repealed by Public Law 97-35 in soN, of Washington>: Social Security Act so as to remove the limi­ the case of survivors of veterans dying of H.R. 221. A bill to repeal the withholding tation upon the amount of outside income service-connected disabilities incurred of tax from interest and dividends; to the which an individual may earn while receiv­ before September 1, 1981; to the Committee Committee on Ways and Means. ing benefits thereunder; to the Committee on Veterans' Affairs. By Mrs. MARTIN of Illinois: on Ways and Means. H.R. 212. A bill to amend title 38, United H.R. 222. A bill to require the Secretary of H.R. 200. A bill to amend the Internal States Code, to waive the 1-year limitation Agriculture to establish a program to offset Revenue Code of 1954 to provide a Federal on claims for compensation from the Veter­ agricultural export subsidies imposed by income tax credit for tuition; to the Com­ ans' Administration for disabilities and dis­ foreign countries by subsidizing the expor­ mittee on Ways and Means. tation of agricultural commodities produced H.R. 201. A bill to amend the Internal eases incurred in or aggravated by military Revenue Code of 1954 to allow certain low­ service in the case of claims by veterans who in the United States and products of such and middle-income individuals a refundable served in Southeast Asia during the Viet­ commodities; jointly, to the Committees on tax credit for a certain portion of the prop­ nam era for compensation for disabilities re­ Agriculture and Foreign Affairs. erty taxes paid by them on their principal sulting from exposure to the phenoxy herbi­ By Mr. MILLER of Ohio: residences or of the rent they pay for their cide known as agent orange or other phen­ H.R. 223. A bill to eliminate the recent principal residences; to the Committee on oxy herbicides; to the Committee on Veter­ pay increase provided for Members of Con­ Ways and Means. ans' Affairs. gress under Public Law 97-377, and to H.R. 202. A bill to amend the Internal H.R. 213. A bill to amend chapter 34 of impose a limitation on outside earnings for Revenue Code of 1954 to provide individuals title 38, United States Code, to modify the Senators and Representatives; to the Com­ a limited exclusion from gross income for in­ termination date for veterans eligible for mittee on Post Office and Civil Service. terest on deposits in certain savings institu­ educational assistance provided under such By Mr. RODINO