The Ukrainian Weekly 1981, No.36
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File Type:pdf, Size:1020Kb І СВОБОДАХSvOBODA І І Ж УКРАЇНСЬКИЙ щодінник ^ІЩщіг 11 1 і 1 1 t 1 ) v D 1 1 ! І Ukrainian Weekly O-ti PUBLISHED BY THE UKRAINIAN NATIONAL ASSOCIATION INC.. A FRATERNAL NON-PROFIT ASSOCIATION —і— jje m vol. LXXXVIII No. 36 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY. SEPTEMBER 6. i98i 25 efents Z Justice Department Will Oppose Framed Ukrainian Helsinki monitor any move to repatriate Polovchak fells of Soviets' inhumanity WASH1NGTON - The Justice De– would allow Walter Polovchak to be HELS1NK1 - Two statements by partment said on August 28 that it returned to the Soviet Union against his Mykola Horbal, imprisoned member of would "continue to defend vigorously" will." the Ukrainian Helsinki Group who was the asylum granted 13-year-old Walter Speculation that the Justice Depart– sentenced on January 21, 1980, to five Polovchak, who ran away from his ment would pull out of the case was years' imprisonment on fabricated parents last year after they revealed fueled by reports last week that the U.S. charges of attempted rape have reached plans to return to the Soviet Union, attorney in Chicago, where Walter has the West, reported the Smoloslyp reported The New York Times. been made a temporary ward of the Ukrainian information Service. Thomas P. DeCair, a department state, had negotiated a settlement with "The Right to Defense" and a state– spokesman, called a news conference to the ACLU that would leave Walter's ment to public prosecutor v. Tsekh– deny published reports that his depart– fate solely in the hands of the court, maistruk detail the proceedings against ment had struck a deal with the Ameri– thus, in effect, rescinding his political him. can Civil Liberties Union, which is asylum status. Mr. Horbal opens his statement by representing the boy's parents, that Mr. DeCair revealed that negotia– saying that a person should have the would allow the Polovchaks to take Wal– tions had taken place some three weeks right to take up his own defense. He ter back to the Soviet Union should an ago but that a "tentative proposed subsequently refers to Yuriy Badzio, his Hlinois court grant them custody. settlement" had been rejected by Justice close friend and author of "The Right to He went on to say that the Justice Department officials, the Times report– Live" whose trial he considers to be "but Mykola Horbal Department would seek to file a "friend ed. one more cynical confirmation that shown the manuscript by Mr. Badzio, of the court"bjief in the appellate court. According to Mr. DeCair, Attorney Ukrainians are deprived of a future, he understands that it is an analysis of The brief would urge, Mr. DeCair said, (Continued on page 13) that they have no right to live." He goes the situation of Ukraine as a nation. He that the court "reach no conclusion that on to note that although he was never says that he has titled his own short statement in recognition of his esteem for his friend. Patriarch Josyf meets with UFU students in speaking of his own plight, Mr. Horbal says that although he expected ROME - Ukrainian Catholic Pa– parts of the United States and Canada, in Rome, the students visited Ss. some sort of provocation from the triarch Josyf Slipyj, addressing a group were traveling around Western Europe Sergius and Bacchus Ukrainian Catho– authorities, the fabrication of the of 23 students visiting here as part of a visiting Ukrainian centers in Rotter- lic Church and the adjoining complex, a charges brought against him dumb- Ukrainian Free University summer dam, Paris, Luxembourg and Ukrainian institution which has existed founded him. He notes that he request– program to study the immigration Munich, where the UFU is based. They since 1639, making it one of the oldest ed a lawyer so that his family and routes of their forefathers, told the heard lectures by such distinguished Ukrainian centers outside Ukraine. friends could see the injustice being done young people that "you belong to a Ukrainian scholars as Dr. Bohdan Traveling under the motto "On the him. He mentions that although thetrial great nation, whose traces you will find Hawrylyshyn, head of the Center for Roads of Our Forefathers," the stu– was an open one, his family was only all over the world — traces filled with Education in international Manage– dents met for three hours with Archbis– admitted to the courtroom for the noble and glorious deeds of the Ukrai– ment in Geneva; Dr. Petro Goy; Dr. hop-Coadjutor Myroslav Lubachivsky. reading of the verdict. Looking back on nian name, with which our homeland is Wolodymyr Janiw, rector of the UFU: The audience with Patriarch Josyf the entire proceeding, he remarks that glorified among nations." Dr. Roman Drazniowsky; Dr. A. Zhuk– all the people involved are duped or ovsky and Dr. Y. Lenyk. (Continued on page 13) The students, who were from various victimized in one way or another. Speaking of his psychological state during imprisonment, he admits having feared for his sanity. He speaks of never before having experienced such suffer– ing; there were moments when suicide seemed the only way out, he says. He says that it was only the thought that his despair was planned by people comple– tely lacking in humanity that kept him going. Mr. Horbal goes on to say that he is fully aware that any endeavors on his part to take up his own defense are ludicrous, all the more so because his fate will surely not be the easier for it., (Continued on page 13) 1NS1DE: Ш Dr. Roman Solchanyk on So– viet nationalities policy — page 5. Ш Ongoing series on the state of Ukrainian church art and architec– ture. This week featuring: the Rev. Joseph Denbchuk and Miroslav D. Nimciv — page 7. Patriarch Josyf with students of the Ukrainian Free University. THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, i98i No. 36 Radio Kiev assails Two Baptists arrested on charges 'nationalist-Zionist alliance" of slandering the Soviet state KlEv - With about as much ELKHART, lnd. - Two more So– education of children. For more than 14 Europe. Moreover, Archbishop Ste– months she has been held in prison in subtlety as a gauntleted fist, the phen Sulyk"s meeting with Rabbi viet Bapiists, 50-year-old pastor Fyodor Kremlin seems to have pulled an Makhovitsky and evangelist Mikhail the Ukrainian city of Lviv. Marc Tanenbaum, the spiri– After she flatly refused to have about-face on the dubious supposi– tual director of the American Jewish Azorov, 44. were arrested in Leningrad tion that has defined the theme of its on August 14, reported the interna– anything to do with the KGB, she was Committee, helped fuel the Soviet's sent away to a special women's labor anti-Ukrainian bombast for decades, dander. tional Representation for the Council of in the past, Soviet propagandists Evangelical Baptist Churches of the camp in the Primorsky Area, 7,500 "Several joint Zionist-nationalist miles from her parents where she has have harped ad nauseum about events have been staged in the United Soviet Union. supposed Ukrainian anti-Semitism. Their arrests bring the number of been given very heavy work. Though States, with prominent American only 23 years old, after two years of Recently, however, there has been Zionists addressing the gathering Soviet Baptists currently behind bars to a new twist in these rantings. in an 112, according to the council. confinement, she has almost completely and calling for greater effort against lost her health. Her hair has all fallen August 13 broadcast of Radio Kiev, the Soviet Union and its peace Three days after their arrest, the two the commentator warned listeners were charged with slandering the Soviet out, her gums are swollen and her teeth policy," said the radio commentator. are falling out as a result of a serious about a new and terrible threat to "Some Ukrainian archbishops in the state and religious activity which vio– Soviet security and world peace — an lated the personal rights of a citizen. case of scurvy. Her food rations are very United States have had cordial meet– meager but she is forced to work 10 unholy alliance of Zionists and ings with leading American rabbis." They are reportedly being held in a Ukrainian nationalists. According to Leningrad prison commonly known as hours a day in the taiga at very hard True to form, the broadcaster physical labor; her shoes and clothing the broadcast, this new cabal of could not resist the tempation to "Kresty," reported the Baptist group. "anti-Semites" and Semites is busy Mr. Makhovitsky has already spent are constantly wet and after work she lapse into the ridiculous rhetoric that has to return to cold barracks. "doing everything possible to under– often laces Soviet commentary, time in confinement for his religious mine the trust between peoples and "in their numerous speeches and beliefs, in 1966-68 he was held in a labor " Yuri Ottovich Seifert, 34, is being aggravate relations between the articles, Ukrainian nationalists sup- camp in Perm, a city in the northern held in prison in the city of Makinsk, United States and the USSR." port Zionist ambitions of creating a Ural Mountains. Kazakhstan. He is seriously ill with a The irony in all this is priceless. greater israel and even use Nazi The international Representation duodenal ulcer. Suddenly, incorrigible "anti-Semi– terminology such as acquisition of also provided information on several " viadimir Ulyanovich Rymar. 45, tic" nationalists are cavorting with 'Lebensraum' by israelis on Arab other Baptists being held in Soviet labor from the Ukrainian city of Khotin, is Zionists with, the commentator territories." camps: being used to do heavy physical labor charged, "the paramount aim" of і Anatoly Maksimovich Levtsenyuk, despite the fact that he^as tuberculosis distracting "people from socialism." Seeing the improvement of Ukrai– 42-year-old pastor of the Evangelical of the kidneys.