and its parts flower of Allium cepa study Aim. To dissect the

Classification Division - Angiospermae

Class Monocotyledonae - Allium Species - cepa Bract Bisexual, Pedicillate, Bracteate, boat-shaped and Flower. Actinomorphic, Complete, White in colour. keeled the back, Hypogynous, Trimerous, Small in size, Inflorescence. Raceme. 3 each + Gamotepalous, Petaloid, White in o Perianth. in two whorls of (3 3), 6-tepals present Imbricate in the centre of each tepal, aestivation. and a prominent brown ridge is present whorls of 3 each Polyandrous, Epitepalous, Filamentnents Androecium. 6-stamens present in two (3 +3), Dorsifixed. that of inner whorls, Introrse, of outer whorl are longer than Trilocular with two ovules in each locule Gynoecium. Tricarpellary, Syncarpous, Ovary superior, trilobed. Placentation axile, Style slender and Stigma Flower Formula: BreOPa.aA

LILIACEAE SALIENT FEATURES OF FAMILY fibrous root with venation, flowers trimerous, system 1. Monocotyledonae: Leaves usually parallel embryo with one cotyledon. trilocular 6 in two whorls of 3 each (3+3), petaloid. Coronariae: superior, tepals 2. Ovary each two whorls of 3 free or connate below stamens 6 in (9r Liliaceae: Perianth petaloid, 6 tepals er 3. two or more syncarpous, trilocular, ovules opposite of tepals, epiphyllous ovary, tricarpellary locule, fruit three-celled berry or capsule. .,.**************

Allium cepa (Onion)




An Inflorescence


Stamens Stigma Style Ovary Fleshy Scaly Ovary Leaves w Thalamus Tepals Ovule

LS. Flower A Flower Bulb Adventitious Roots

Entire Plant Anther Stigma

Filament Style

Trilobed Ovary

A Gynoecium A Stamen

Ovary wall



Placenta Floral Diagram Septum Floral Formula T.S. Ovary BreParaAS