Public Record Office (PRO), FO 371/49069/9595 (13 August); Alexander Cadogan Diaries, Churchill College, Cambridge, 1/ 15 (13 August)
NOTES I THE BIRTH OF EUROPEAN UNITY, 1929-49 1. Public Record Office (PRO), FO 371/49069/9595 (13 August); Alexander Cadogan diaries, Churchill College, Cambridge, 1/ 15 (13 August). 2. Standard critical accounts of British policy include: N. BeloiT, The General Says No (1963); M. Charlton, The Price if Victory (1983); A. Nutting, Europe Will Not Wait (1960); R. Mayne, The Recovery of Europe (1970). 3. R. W. D. Boyce, 'Britain's First "No" to Europe: Britain and the Briand Plan, 1929-30', European Studies Review, Vol. 10 (1980), 17-45; P. J. V. Rollo, Britain and the Briand Plan: the Common Market that never was (Keele, 1972); R. White, 'Cordial Caution: the British response to the French proposal for European Federal Union' in A. Bosco, ed., The Federal Idea: the History of Federalismfrom Enlightenment to 1945 (1991), 237-62. 4. A. Bullock, The Life and Times if Ernest Bevin, Vol. I. Trade Union Leader (1960), 356-63, 369-71, 386-8, 440-7, 622-3, 630-4, 648-9. 5. R. A. Wilford, 'The Federal Union Campaign', European Studies Review, Vol. 10 (1980), 102-4; A. Bosco, 'Federal Union, Chatham House ... and the Anglo-French Union', in Bosco, ed., Federal Idea, 291-325. 6. A. Shlaim, 'Prelude to Downfall: the British offer of Union to France, June 1940', Journal if Contemporary History, Vol. IX (1972), 27-63. 7. H. B. Ryan, The Vision of Anglo-America: the US-UK alliance and the emerging Cold War, 1943--6 (Cambridge, 1987); see also, for example, R. B. Woods, A Changing if the Guard: Anglo-America 1941-6 (Chapel Hill, North Carolina, 1990) or, more generally: 184 Notes H.
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