Essex SPRING 2006 Journal A REVIEW OF LOCAL HISTORY & ARCHAEOLOGY R. MILLER CHRISTY A TOAD-EATER AND USURER THE PURITAN HARLACKENDEN FAMILY PLESHEY COLLEGE THE APPRENTICES AND THE CLERGYMEN SPRING 2006 Vol. 44 No.1 ESSEX ISSN 0014-0961 JOURNAL (incorporating Essex Review) EDITORIAL 2 OBITUARIES 3 R. MILLER CHRISTY: Essex Naturalist and Antiquary – Part II 5 W. Raymond Powell AN INVENTORY AT PLESHEY COLLEGE 12 Christopher Page A TOAD-EATER AND USURER FROM LAMBOURNE: Thomas Walker (1664-1748) of Bishops Hall 15 Richard Morris THE PURITAN HERITAGE OF THE HARLACKENDEN FAMILY OF EARLS COLNE 19 Daphne Pearson THE APPRENTICES AND THE CLERGYMAN: An episode in the history of steam ploughing 22 Chris Thompson BOOK REVIEWS 24 FORTHCOMING EVENTS and PLACES to VISIT 28 Hon. Editor: Michael Beale, M.A., The Laurels, The Street, Great Waltham, Chelmsford, Essex CM3 1DE (Tel: 01245 360344/email:
[email protected]) The ‘ESSEX JOURNAL’ is now published by and is under the management of an Editorial Board consisting of representatives of the Essex Archaeological and Historical Congress, the Friends of Historic Essex, the Essex Record Office (on behalf of the Essex County Council) and the ˙Hon. Editor. It was recognised that the statutory duties of the County Council preclude the Record Office from sharing in the financial commitments of the consortium. The Chairman is Mr. Adrian Corder-Birch M.I.C.M., F.Inst.L.Ex., one of the Congress representatives, the Hon. Secretary is Mrs. Marie Wolfe and the Hon.Treasurer, Mrs. Geraldine Willden. The annual subscription of £10.00 should be sent to the Hon.