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lCflVlSloX bia Paciflc,tevel 5,51 BarsonSl, EIph! xsw ?i?1, AuilElia O2m5 mvision Pubrhhing.Inc. Acllvbion isareqistered tadema*aodTflUG s atadema*0i Adlbion Publbhinq,lnc All ilqib Bsefled.TonyHawkb aindemafr oirony Hawk,lnc. PSP version developed by Neve6offEnletuinment, Inc. and shak. MemoryStick 0uorM nay bercquked Gold separalely). Ali dghtsreseod- All olhertmdematuand tade namesarelhe propedyor thenrespedlve owners 80739.260.AU ULES.OO033 '+ , 'Plays&tiou", , UMo ad "608@'@ hdeMb or qi$d tEdemdsoi Sny Compu@E&ftinmm @. -tF' AllnigilsReed. ffi1ro2265 i:::::::i:,.,:,4,:,r.:.rur.,.,,,,1: PRECAUTIONS ',rl:tl1llt:irri::;:iil.i, ThisdisccontainsgamesoftwareforthePSPrM(Playstation@Portable)system.Neverusethis::: on anyother system, as it coulddamage it. Readthe PSPrM system Instruction Manual carefui , :: ensurecorect usage. Do not leave the disc near heat sources or in directsunlight or exces:.. moisture.Do not use cracked or deformed discs or discsthat have been repaired with adhesives :! 2 thiscould iead to mal{unction. I Pushdown one sldeofthe Placethe disc as shoer dkc as shown and gentiy pull gently pressing downf,- ( upwards to remove lt. Usinq until it clickslito pl.r. excesslorce to temove the Storing the disc incon:: disc may result n damage, may retult in dam.ge. 8 B HEALTHWARNING Alwaysplay in a welllit environment. Take regular breaks, 15 minutesevery hour Avoid p aynq Y whentired or suffering from lack of sleep.Some individuals are sensitive lo flashing or flickerlng Iightsor geometricshapes and patterns, may have an undetectedepileptic condition and maJ WalkingandClimbing. ..."...9 experienceepileplic seizures when watching television or playingvideogames. Consult your Tagging. doctorbefore playing videogames ifyou have an epileptic condition and immediately should you experienceany of the followingsymptoms whilst playing: dizziness, altered vision, muscle ControlTips h{itching,other involuntary movement. loss ol awareness,confusion and/or convulsions. ScoringTips PIRACY ThePSPrM system and this disc contain technical protection mechanisms designed to preventthe SpecialMeter and Special Tricks unauthorisedreproduction of the copyrightworks present on the disc.The unauthorised use of CameraControl registeredtrademarks or the unauthorisedreproduction of copyrightworks by circumventinq thesemechanisms orothemise is prohibited by law TheN4ain Menu l{ youhave any information about pirate product or methodsused to circumventour technica protectionmeasures please email [email protected] orcall your local Custome. Create-A-Modes IZ Seryicenumber given at theback of thismanual. StoryMode '13 PARENTALCONTROL ThisPSPrM (Playstation@Portable) Game software has a presetParental Control Level based or :MultiplayerModes . . 14 its content.You can set the ParentalControl Level on the PSPrMsystem to restridthe playbacf. Wireless(WLAN) Features . lo lilr of a PSPrMGamewith a ParentalControl tevel that is higherthan the levelset on the PSPrr :irt: system.For more information, please refer to the PSPrMsystem Instruction l\y'anual. Savingand Loading . 17 iu:i Create-A-Skater I t :,t, Create-A-Graphic 20i 9 Restricted to 18 and over Create-A-Goal LZ Not suitable for under 15 unless 7 accompanied by an adult Tricks 25 Recommended for WirelessPlay 28 5 mature players Game0ptions 31 Parental guidance 3 recommended Credits. . 33 2 General CustomerSupport 41 Product utEs-00033 LicenseAgreement . . .42,:::::::::::,,. GameO 2005Activlsof Publishin0. Inc. Libraryprograms O 2003-2005Sony Compuler Entertalnment n. . ..::.:::|'. excusivelyliceised 10 SonyCompuier Enlertainment Europe. FoR lloN,lEUSE oNLY Unauthorisedcopyin! ' ' ':i:':' ..,:::t adaptaton,rental, lending, distribution, extraction. re-sae, arcade rse charginglor use, broadcast.p!blr performaiceand intefnel, cab e or anytelecommunications transmiss on. accessor useof th s productor anl :r'i,.,rrll:i:l:*llr trademarkor copyrightwork thai formspart oi this productare prohib ied. The commun cat on of this produc: ncludessoftware developed by the NetBSDFoundation, Inc. and ils contdbutorsFor a completelst oi contrlbutorsp ease see ww.scei.co.jplpsp-license/pspnet.txt. Pubish€d by Actvis on Publishing,Inc. Develop€c by NeversoitEntertanment, lnc. and Shaba. i . i r::: :::.:: : : :: : i :: I i i:i i i:::i il:i:t::::::,,riir,,l'. :, 1,1 li:.::::l:i:i:

' : . i I i :I II I I II i I i i i i i i i I i , .

FB HOCMONE' Ad Hoc Mode is a'Wiretess (WLAN) feature thaf allows P0WER/H0LDswitch Wvoor more individualPSPrM systems to communicate directlywith eachother.

GAMESHARING Disccover DC0UT connectors Some software titles feature Game Sharing facilities which enable the user lo share specific game featureswith other users who do not have a PSPrMGamein theirPSPrM system.

INFFHSTBUETUFEMOTIE InlrastruclureMode is a Wireless(WLAN) feature that USB 0PENlatch c0nnector allows the PSPrMsystem to link to a nelwork via a Wireless(WLAN) Access Point (a deviceused to connect ::r:;;;;1:i1:r.rrt'r.'',; to a Wirelessnetwork). In orderto accessInfrastructure F,ISP'"(Playstation'Portable) according t0 the Mode features,several additionalitems are required, i::::ti:::::::::.$qtuf,th* including ::::ll::.]']i::indtrucfions,inits instruction manual. Turn the PSP'" systenr on a subscriptionto an InternetService Provider, a networkdevice (e.9. a WirelessADSL Router),a Wireless POWERindicator will light up green. The Home Menu will {,11111.enOihe (WLAN) Access Point and a PC. For further information :111::11;irrirtrbedispl.iyed.Pressthe OPEN latch to openthe disc cover lnseft , 'l91ry. and settingup details,please refer to the PSPrMsystem l:l:::,rrrillrthe Hawk'slJnderground 2 Bernlx disc with the label side InstructionManual. i::::,l:,l,taclng.{lg rear of thePsP'" system and then securely close the ii,,,,,,.,,,l::,!i!c!*et ,,,il.iii:i::: :t:r,.',rr::i':r5a1t*- a iconfrom the Home Menu and then select the O :ili::,.,:,i'run.Animage of the software will be displayed. Select the 1111,, l,lmaqq,anO press the X buttont0 commenceloading. F0llow the iii:,, :tOn.screen instructions and refer to this manual for information on li::11,,1,,1:lusingthesoftware. /vofe:Do not eject a PSP"Game while it isplavins i:,:,,,,,,,it iil..,,,MEMOFY STleH DUO* ::,,,,;,',,,Warningl Keep Memory Stick Duo'" media out of reachof small :::,,,..children, as the media could be swallowed by accident, :,:,itt: T0save.game settings and progress, insert a MemoryStick Duo'" .::,1,t.i!t9,ille Memory Stick Duo" slot 0f thePSP'" system. Saved game .idatartari.be loaded from the same Memory Stlck Duo'- or any :,Ug*oty6tiii&rDuol" containing previously saved game data.


q*-.. - ," ,111i1iiTocroqch, press and hold the E butt0n.Crouching while skating tut ts.theskater go faster. ,1,,,,l.utulQ OLLIE(OR JUMP) r,::.t,::JQollie(or jump), press and release the E button.An ollie can ,,,:,1,,:dlsoneperformed atthe top 0f a rampto increaseheight and/or ,rr'distance (depending onthe type 0f ramp). . GRABTRICKS Toperform a grab trick, you must first be in the air. 0nce in the ai1 press ' :::i the@ buttonin combinationwith one of the directional HOLD ::: buttons.Each direction on the directional buttons oerforms a indicator::::. differentgrab trick. The longer you hold the @ buttondown D: duringa grabtrick, the longer you'll "tweak" that grab trick. Rightspeakei .l't:tl. | :ati. . Thescore for the trick increases over the lenoth of the orab. sTARTb.ut6iir tr:::r:i. )ELEU I OUEON FLIPTRICKS Soundbutton ' ToperJorm a flip trick, you must first be in the air. once in the air, Displaybutton pressthe lJ buttonin combination with one 0f the directional buttons.Each direction 0n the directional buttons performs a differentflip trick.

GRINDTRICKS Toperform a grind trick, you must be near a railor a grindablesurface. Firstollie (press and release the E button),and then press the 6 buttonwhen near the rail/grindable sudace to performa grindtrick. . 50-50= Whenparallel to a rail,press and hold the 6 button. . Nosegrind= Pressthe I directionalbutton and the 6 button, .5-0 = Pressthe I directionalbutton and the 6 button. . Boardslide/Lipslide= Rotate the board perpendicular ,,,,rli::, toa railand press the 6 button. 1111,,,,,,::,1,,,,," .: .,.t "'::,,,1;;:::::11:1::1;;;;1, ..: ....:,.r .--

: ttl-: = Pressthe I or I directionalbutton and the WAr-LRIDES = Pressthe I or , directionalbutton Toperform a wallride. approach a wall at a 450angle and 0llie intothe wall while holding the @ button.Press the E button t0wallie. Press the I directionalbutton and the E buttonto ri::trri.:wallieplant.Tod0 a vert wallplant, launch off a quarterpjpeand ::,:lr"presstne buttonon the way up. buttonwith a directionalbutton at the lip (0r top edge) E

WALLPUSH Skateor manual straight into a walland hold the 6 buttonto pushoff the wall.

SPINETRANSFERS Totransfer over a spine(two quarterpipe ramps placed backto- back),press the R buttonwhen launching offof one side of the sDrne.

SKITCHING Toskitch (get pulled behind a vehicle),press the I directional .:itt:tt,. t:r . (r rf 8,0!\|E.!.ESS/FASTPTANTS/BEANPLANTS buttonwhen directly behind a vehicle.Press the and rt::,.;11r,11t directionalbuttons during a skitcht0 balancethe skater. Toperform a boneless, fastplant or beanplant(varies depending on pro quickly the skater), tap t t onthe directional buttons and FLATLANDTRICKS releasethe E button.These tricks allow you to jump farther and Allflatlandtricksstemfromthe manual thtna regularollie' t I or I t. 0ncein a : manual,tapping hvice 0n the @ button,6button, @ buttonor ,:::' '!'sntt anycombination ofthose buttons will produce a variety 0f flatland t: l.t,gOVnruCEIlCBNTBOLS tricks.You must balance during the string of flatland combos using i:::i t,t ' theI andI directionalbuttins. ::::irl,rlrl N0LLIE lll.ll,l, A nollieis an ollie (or jump) performed onthe fronlof the board DOUBLE-TAPFLIPS AND GRABS l.:,',:i insteadof ihe rear To perform a nollie, press the @tutton once Pressany direction on the directional buttons and doubletap the ... whileskating. Press the E buttont0 jump and the @ buftonprus Flip0r Grab button twice to busta double0r more advanced rf eitherthe l, +, <- or directionalbutt'n to executea nollie flip version0f the base (single tap) trick. These tricks score more pointsthan the base tricks. ir,, PRESSUREFLIPS ,li::,,::,,,Press,the O buttontwice to moveyour feet into pressure flip po$tion.Pressure flip tricks f0llow from pressure stance. ,...... /Vofe.'Pressure andnollie tricks give you more scoring options, tit,i t:':,:i ;".. :::rrr: ]:.it,r :; t: byusing the directional buttons. While holding the i,inthe air, double tap I directionalbutton t0 do ;:dqubtetap I directionalbutton to doa frontflip and the:i:'orI directionalbuttons to doa frontsrdeor (dependingonwhich way your body is facing) IDE ;:lrrl]],:,xyjl'.n'Nli ANll 0l.l [/BlN li iiie,'l Oirectionalbutton twice, then tap the R buttonto do ri:::lr' 1809 YY61g1P6 ln TlnyHawk's underground 2 you can get off your ACIDDROPS skateboardand walk or run.To switch from skating to walking, press Pressthe R button while jumping over a quarterpiperamp to acid il:i theL button.While in Walk Mode, use the directional buttons your pressing dropinto the ramp. You can do this whilewf skating 0rwalking. (See ... oI analogstick to control skater.By andholding the , E button,your skater will run instead of walk. theWark ng section on the next page.) i::::,rl !::,,.:, /Vofe:Using the analog stick to c0ntrol your skater 5i' whilein Walk Mode makes the skater run. not walk. ,r0lilttiM0il: whether0rnot you're holding the E buttondown. ::Whqnyoir qpecial meter is filled, quickly flick the analog stick to gointo slovi-m0 focus control. Now you can view every trick and .CLIMBIN6./HHN6IN6 land':itclean: Just keep your special meter up and your combo Toclimb and/or hang, you must first be in Walk Mode; then jump gohgto stayin focusmode, Focus Mlode is limitedin tvvoways: (usingthe E nutton;near a wallor hanging wire and press the R buttonto grabthe ledge. While hanging, press the t and..) 4,,,, .1i Yoqqan only use it for1 5 secondsat a time. directi0nalbuttons to m0veyour position and press I to climbup :uai ontothe ledge sudace. You can also jump into a walland press :::::] 'Z mq:,maynot execute Focus Mode ':iu inthe same c0mbo more theE buttonto doa walljump. 'll .r thonthree times. /Vofe:Not all ledges allow climbing 0rhanging. ,:]i.pllfl.l|:0Tll.|:ti TAtititNti 'il'As you skate around, you may find projectiles (like apples, for Walkover to a walland lay your graffiti example).Press the @ buttonto pickthem up and the @ button down veryown tagby pressingthe 6 buttonwhile you're facing a flatiurface. iou-can iia:::,.,l t0 throw.Find a pedestrianand try to nail'em. alsouse the new Create-A-Graphic mode(see page 19) to customiseyour tag and make it yourown. |:0rAr. toqet illtggs0iisoilgl!{4t0'illiaitiiutedr1' THrSt{$ Asyou score points in TonyHawk's undergrlund 2 Remix.youl (the ha{:0diiferenttrick setup. You can configure SpecialMeter meterin the top left ofthe screen) fills up. dnywily you like using the in-game Edit Skater/ ::.t:ii:When:ihe meter is ti,,l:,glowiitg,and inenu. :.ri::ii,ipui$iii(i:ini c0lour, :triQlahave high po;nt values. Expand your special ,'.,,.ygu can:,perform tricksby playing through Story Mode ,,,,,,,,,,,specia| tricks that :rt,,ttttl'younormally )ttit.jump off your board and continue your combo run i:'i,,,rC0nn0t. iiiilli:::liiililiiii:d:iimiteOtime.Use this move to getyour speed back up llill,,,,tttttltandteeptricking (Just before you think your c0mb0 is over), TheSpecial Meter increasesasyou performtricks, so you'llbe able t0 bustsome special tricks in the middle of your first $00HtNtiTtPti combo.By defauli, you start with four special tricks. You can earn exiraspecial trick slots by completing grab l::]l:l:lii:iii]l:i:l:i,Combineandflip tricks while catching air for higher scores. specialtasks in Story M0de. Special tricks are performed using multipiedirectional buttons with the corresponding tricldgrind/grabbutton. Try playing through Story Mode to earnmore special tricks,

lrDuringa run(unless in a freeskate session), every time you .,repeat a trick,the trick's point value decreases. Toget a high score,you're going to haveto think about your "line' and mix t:l||\/|:RAl:IINTRIII. I Upthe tricks you perform. Youcan use the analog strck to movethe camera and check out what'saround you when you're skating. While walking, press the r,.Switchtricks are wodh more and devalue separately from @ buttont0 controlthe camera with the analog stick. t.,'fQ-gular tricks. jiry totrick into and out of everygrind. ? Usespecial tricks for huge scores. Tt{E[ltAtN [/|:Nll Thel\4ain Menu of TonyHawk's Underground 2 Rernlxallows you . Everytrick in a comboadds to your score multiplier. to selectfrom all ,l:::::::t qame . Nollietricks score more points than regular ollie tricks. thedifferent modes.PresJ I . Trickacross gaps (the blue text transfers) t0 maximise or I onthe ,,rilliil. y0ufc0mDos. directionalbuttons to rotatethe wheel . Whenlanding from a quarterpipe,reveft then manual t0 :ltr:: to thedesired :1: continueyour combo. menuoption. Press theE buttonto Youcan combo every type of trick-lip tricks, manuals, ved selectthe tricks,grinds, etc.-and use revert to linkthem together. highlightedmenu arealso spine transfers and skitching-you can link rlheie. option. those.iityour combos, tool .i: . l:::, :: ,::::l:::]:l:i ::tt:::,r:: ..'.:

y0u youcan trade with friends. Pick called m'any,olhertypes of goalsl ,hal!:ftiinfttitioil,half all-out &fidiltlqskaliRgveterans and up-an6-ror'nn EREFTE.H.TBIEH ft lgon*otaikind underground competition Bits gatjgfi*dwith til'tiicks weput in game?Design your BamMargera s team in a skatingfiesta that ],]i:l:]::tNOt the own! worldwidewake of chaos from the hundreds of insane sluntsand challenges that await y0ul 6HME BPTIONS ::::,,]t,].,:,fliS it }/oui one-stop shop for setting your preferences andsaving or mooe l.t:l:::rfladingyourgame. You can change the c0ntroller set-up, adjust sound checkout level records, enter cheat codes or watch movies. school?Complete allthe old favourite goals like ::',t'::settings, highscores and more in IheT1ny Hawk's ,UAderyi1nnAZ nemlx levels, plus six other re-released levels with a tennew goals per level and a two-minutetime limit. The !iT0|lY\/011r: to gonext. THEsTt]FY You'rean up-and- IIUIFELESS PLHY .lx,:r ,coming pro with " lti,i Takey0ur game skills to the limitl Get ready to battleup to four .':r. serious skills r" . playersinover ten multiplayer gamesl Check out the Wireless Play whenskating section(see page 27) t0 learnmore about how to connectto otneir:ir,:,ri legendTony Hawk invitesyou to join histeam of HI6H sEOBE /FBEE SHFTE skatersin an Choosea level and try to doyour best skating within a two-minute unprecedented, session.You can set high scores and new records in this mode. around{he-worldc0mpetition-an all-out skating blitzkrieg where you'll points your TheTraining, Santa Cruz and Barcelona levels are open for skating rackup for teamthrough serious hard-core skaiing - fromthe beginning. Toearn access to andchoose alternate levels, andridiculous stunts" lt's Tony's team versus Bam's team in an undergroundskating competition. Two teams, international cities and uoumust play through either Story Mode or Classic Mode. I hundredsoffunny and rnsane challenges await. :i:::':::Lrr. :.: ,::::l:::,r:'t!lt[/lTli-A-[ll011Eli PHUsE MENU Continue- Return to thegame. HFTEH i:.i:,,,,',.,.l'cnenrE-F-s ViewGoals - Seethe list of goalsyou've unlocked so far. ::li::t l,l Wantto makethe ultimate skater? Create-A-Skater allows you to lliil,,,l',,.stat tromscratch and create your own character to skatewithin TextMessages - Scrollthrough your text messages. anymode of TonyHawk's Underground 2 Renix' .rl,..,,, ChangeLevel - Moveyour character to any unlocked level. :" :1,:;1:,L:EFEFTE-H-6HEPl{lC Youroptions - Accessthe Edit Tricks, Edit Appearance, Game l'::l,] Wantto reallyleave your mark? Make your own unique graffiti Progress,View Gaps and View Stats menus. ',r.::r.,r:. .design by layering and customising tons of imagesand then use it totag up the levels. You can also place your created graphic 0n Game0ptions - Accessthe Save Game, Cheats, Sound Options, yourCreate-A-Skater, applicable clothing items and even your ControlSetup and Display Options menus. . ll.: skateboarddeck. 0uit- Exitthe game. *t. r:::l:l::.rli I l.,i, ri Il:l;r ',:l 1". .* l ", ; t:-- ^ :aliil'thefirst player to findit gbals,ot rgb . becomesKlng. Whih you're King, you'll have a crownabove your - r in thePause Menu t0 gethints. As you skate. l00k , headand your.score wlll start going up. To keep things fair, you ll velfor your teammate, who has his own set of skateslower while wearing the crown. Slap the King around to cqilpteialolCb}/ou find him, press the @ buttonto stealthe crown. The firsf playEaiib !old:the crown for the preset o,lhatt,iharacteicharacter and unlock his goals. You'll have to seek timelimit wins! fiid yourteammate as well as a guestand a secretskater Irp:Follow the anow displayed atthe (!llfie,,possiblegoals for that location. 0nce goals have topof the screen to locate the crown. , youcan complete them by playing as yourself or as characters.Good luck! GRAFFITI ::rr-I Theplayer with the m0st "tagged" objects winsl obstacles are ,, taggedwith your colour by tricking off them. Try to stealyour tTlPLAYlrR[/l0ll|:li friend'stags by pulling higher scores and bigger combos off the , sameobject. WIRELESS . PLFV FIREFIGHT Grabyour PSP" .Suspend disbelief for a moment,..You can shoot fireballs from the andconnect bottomof your skateboard! The higher your combo, the bigger your wirelesslyto as fireballsbecome. Your objective isto knockout the other players. Shootfireballs with the I directionalbutton and the @ buttonor theI directionalbutton and the @ button,You can keep tapping the@ buttonfor double, triple and even quadruple fireballsl The skilllevel determines how much of a comboscore it takest0 launcha massivefireball (1 is easy, 5 is hard). ,:111l'::.,::ll,ttaUiftPLHYEF EHM Es ETIMISKATE :.a:.a:'..:.::,..., Thisgame is inthe same vein as Trick Attack; however, this time TRICK ATTACK youhave multiple stages per game with a variabletime limit. In the Theplayer with the highest score at the end 0f the time limit wins! firststage, ihe time counts down and the lowest scoring player at ,t::::,t: j theend 0f that round gets eliminated from the game. This SCOREGHALLENGE continuesuntil only one skater is left standing, and he 0r she is '::::l ,,:::..,,, ...,Simitar totrick attack, except the match ends when the first skater proclaimedthe winner! iia, ,,' reachesthe target score ti:i. i':': SCAVENGERHUNT il:r,, lll':00MSOMAMB0 Eachp|ayerp|acesfiVec0insthroughoutthe|eve|'Bethefirstone ,:': ,:a::,:. Theplayer who busts the biggest combo during the time limit winsl topickupa|lthecoins,inc|udingyourownfiVe,0rat|eastbethe ' " l.l1i:rrrrMake your combos count, because your highesl scoring combo will oneto pickup ihe most coins before the time limit runs out, and beYour score for the match' youwin! l,l ;ii;, SLAP! GOALATTACK i::t. ,i,l Thisone's easy to explain:The player who slaps the most wins! PlayStory Mode 0r yourown created goals in GoalAttack. Compete :.., Whentwo skaters collide, the faster player stays standing. S0 bust againsteach other t0 seewho can complete all the goals first! The , get .- sometricks to yourSpecial Meter full, and then startitapping serverplayer selects which goals are active. Race around the level. theother skaiers aroundl andtalk to a judgeto activatea goal. The player (or team) who

a :-l:lll*-\ ,,_ 1..- --l .....].. , ^ ' I lt andreturn it to yourbase for a capture. b€at your base for you t0 score.lf yourflag ' , r basq;A!i:{r,q!ll h/ill p0int t0 its location.Find the :ir',l.ea$t,3B4KB hagil.aniJ:Siapiihim or her to returnyour flag! ',"::],'Offtee, space :',,1."available on rr' youfMemory " (0rthe word of your choice-behave!) StiikDu0'".T0 tiilaSsic,,H:0.R.S.E. . youi tOthe PSPa in a newHot-Seat version! You check tree (up play .,.,,r.r.$Paceand/ordelete t0 a maxof four) witha singlePSP'"'. In 'f : contest,nail a trick.then watch as existingsaved data, usethe save data utility in the H0lvlE menu 0f your PSP.". T0 load a previouslysaved game, select Load Game from the 0ptions Menu, "' Thefirst player players ...... choosesthe number of andthe skater they . want.Then, pass around the PSP'" to everyplayer so they can TheStory/Skater filerequires 384K8. This file contains both your progress selecttheirown skater. once the PSP'" gets back to the first skaterand his or her throughStory Mode as wellas any unlockables you may have earned. player,the game begins. The first player tries to hammerout a utl playefs .. sick_score,sickscore, and then the next turncomes up. Remember, . TheWireless preferences filerequires 320K8. This stores .- thefirst one to getall the letters not only tastes defeat, but also yourprayer name, doesso in front 0f three friends! . TheTricks file requires 320K8 and contains a single trick. FBEESKATE . Keepit realwith a no-time,no-score and no-rules session. TheGoals file requires 320KB and contains all the custom goals Skatejust like you do 0n the street, minus the ever-present cops you'vecreated for the levels. Create up to ten goals in r,::r:::::ttrt:and $eeurity guards, By default, all online games start out in Free eachlevel-a Goals file can store up to 120individual goals. 1;;;1111..lll',';1St atg Nlode. . TheGraphic file requires 320K8, depending onthe ':'l your ':,,,i],,.,,,.::ttip:ttr':,: complexityof image. .:aa:,aaa: . ..: l/rftRtit.|:titi ll/l|t,ANl F|:ATIf REti ]ii::il:]:,'',rrSoftwai€ titles that suppod Wireless functionality allow you to l:REATE.A.!iI{ATER iri:li:::1l1 communicate with other PSP" systems, download data and :li::l.]:',. C0mpete against other players via connection t0 a wirelesslocal /Vofe:Activision Customer SuD00rt areanetwork (WLAN). You can adjust the network settings t0 allow cann0ttroubleshoot user-made skaters connectionto a WLAN.There are two WLAN modes, Ad Hoc Mode ln TonyHawk's andInfrastructure Mode, Underground2 lvofe:Plavers are responsible forWireless fees. Remix,youcan '11;:1';':i createnearly any l1:r:i:',HU HOC MOUE kindof skater. :::::l AdHoc mode is a Wirelessfeature that allows two 0r more jndividualPSP"' systems to communicatedirectly with each other :;.lll

.:,::::::a:a. ..,:,:a:: Note:Youcannot change or customise cenain ...:l.r':il l

-'i :]lrllr.:,...ri.,'.i:ri :i

'a :;;iiii ii;,,r .,,;idd ,esr'L,.Jvu! wu, I v, r. Savddrskatet oi.save the

. tt::ti E5 ' a,aa P...iec-eCategories when creating a newskater or : ialil: l.:.i.i].. bufadntskater are: ll:r:' GET'YOURFACE IN THEGAME :alr. Followthese steps t0 getyour face in the game: = Name,Hometown, Age, Sex, Voice, Stance, .i.ll: :it:::'tat",1. Take a digitalphotograph ofyourself . Make sure it's taken .::i:::::l::'' straightfrom the front and has even, flat lighting (no shadows). . Headoptions = Skincolour. Face type, Eyes, Hair style, Hair t:ta:: ,: ,:i::,'. 2.Save your picture as a JPEGfile t0 thephoto directory of a ::::t,::t,:,r,C0i0ur,Facialhair, Facial hair colour, Hat style, Hat colour, Hat : i::tt logo.Glasses. Glasses colour .t: :l::,: MemoryStick Duo". r:::::,:,r:ll:rTorsooptions= Shirlstyle, Shid main colour, Shid second . , 3.Place the Memory Stick Duo'" into the Memory Stick Duo-'slot ll::::::r::i:::Colour,Frontlogo, AdjuSt front logO, Back logO, AdjUSt back ofyour PSP". Backpack,Backpack c0l0ur, Accessories, Accessories ,,,,,,,.t::,,,:,iOSo, . 4.In the game, select Download Face from the Create-A-Skater .:llilt,.,,:::totour ,.rr. menu.You'll be taken to theFace Mapping menu. Choose the JPEGfile you want l::lll::,::,,,:a1;LgCiQptions= Pants,Pants colour, Socks, Socks colour, " to useand select Download Face. ll:::l,,,:::lil$hoes- Shoe colour :::lil:l:,i Youhave successfully downloaded your face into the game. You can rf::Tattgg0ptions = Headtattoo, Chest tatto0, Back tattoo, Left proceedt0 editmapping of yourface, as well as facial tone, colour or r:::r.Sleevdtatt00,LeftBicep tattoo, Left Forearm tattoo, Right skin(instructions in next section). attoo,Right Bicep tattoo, Right Forearm tattoo :::,t$teevi EDITYOUR FACE

:.,QCaleoptions = Body,Head top, Face, Nose, Jaw, Chest, Followthese steps t0 edityour downloaded face: llllir.: t'**, Forearms,Hands, Thishs, Calves, Feet iiti:i i 1.Select Edit Points from the menu. Edit the points at which ii:*: liil:*]ll:r, r::::i! Ontio* = Deckgraphic, Grip tape, Wheel colour yourface is mapped0nt0 the Create-A-Skater byfollowing 10dcf :iiti::'i:it; theon-screen instructions. You can coniinue to editthe face ',4,1 . Slicker0ptions = Choosefrom a list graphicsand logos of mappingp0ints until you're satisfied. 'ilii d$ignut.your sticker of choice ,,, 10 2.Fudher match the colour of your face to the surrounding skin r PadOptions = Elbowpads, Elbow pad colour, Kneepads, byselecting Match Your Face from the menu. The three bars Kneepadcolour representhue, saturation and value of the colour of your face. Don'tworry if ourpresets aren't what you want-at thisstage, youjust want to getyour face blending seamlessly with the presetsurrounding face texture. You can tweak the colour of yourskin in the next step. 3.Adjust or rec0louryour skin colour by selecting Colour Youl Skinfrom the menu. Again, the three bars represent hue, satufationand value 0f the colour o1 vour skin. You'redone editing your downloaded face!

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S-ufe'you:'re'rselectinga picturethat has a legitimate extensionfile name. (Example: ".jpg"). t,,,,',,,,,,',,' :, This'dlqwsyou to goback and pick a newgraphic for thatlayer. APPINGTERMS provided,you theFace Mapping technology ::,, ' EraseLayer - Wipethat layer clean and stad over. ,andragreethat the Face Mapping technology is ,,'1.,,,,;,,::.:;,1:;, ,:ttt:::::,.'l r TransformLayer- Move the analog stick side t0 side or likenessin TznyHawk's Underground 2 Remix t0 rotatethe layer. Move the analog stick up or downto scalethe layer and make it largeror smaller. The directional buttonsmove the layer within the canvas. . FlipHorizontally - Flip the layer left to rightto seeits lllliii:' ::!::: mrrr0rrmage. ,i{:t: . FlipVertically - Flip the layer top to b0ttomt0 seeits t:!:: .. ,i!::: ' mrrr0rimage. . SwapBackward - When you have more than one layer, youcan move the selected layer behind the other layers to getthe desired visual effect. t:REAT|:.lt.IiRl|PHII: . SwapForward - Movethe selected layer in front 0f each of theother layers to bringit tothe front of the graphic. Putyour creativity to the testl Use this new tool t0 layerand combineall kinds of differentgraphic elements, shapes and text t0 . Copyto OpenLayer - Createa newlayer by making a ii::::::: .creater.\rour ownpersonal logo. Then, use that graphic as your copyof yourcurrent layer. Siaf$til&g,graffititag, deckde graphic 0r even 0n your skater clothesl . ColoulPalette - Choosea colour from one of the 16 boxes : t0 changethe colour of the graphic element on that layer. l: OPTIONS AIsouse the Hue, Saturation, Value and Fade sliders below a,t:::::,t . .: ffi,';;;,lrQmthe Main t0 customisey0ur c0lour selections. l:lli. .:,Orearc-n-uooes Whenyou're satisfied with each layer, press the 6 buttonto :::l::::,.,:ll.,tl:then thenCreate-A- returnt0 thelist 0f layerson the left. Use up t0 tenlayers to create lt:i::,:li:r'.,.:i'r:l n16hhi^ V^" yourown masterpiece! When you're satisfied with your graphic, :l::::rl.:rr':::GraPhic.Granhic vouYorr can^-hc: rti:::.rr'..r choose to crgate selectDone at thebottom of thelayer list to returnt0 theCreate- you graphic ::::1,.: a brandneW A-Graphicmenu. Now cansave your anduse it in- ,:l:i::,],]graphic, edit the 0ame! :ill:i currentgraphic, .:,. loada previousgraphic or save your graphic. You can also select ,rt.,:: froma listof premadegraphics that you can use or customise and

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esignyour own game? You can take one the levels in lndmake your own goals a.nd challenges. Trade your r/thyour friends 0r play your goals in a multiplayer of Go*lAtialk.Trick spots, sick lines, combo colleetSKATE,letters wttiierskatins or walki n g. it:takesis ii'littletime and a wholelot 0f creativity. . COMB0Letteis:- Pldcdthe goal pedestrian, player start r,:rp.ointand the letters C-0-M-B:0 around the level at your the dlesiiedlocations. The player will be required to collectall lettersin a singlecombo. . HighScore - Placethe goal pedestrian and player start point,and then proceed t0 theEdit Goal Menu.A high score goalchallenges the player to reacha targetscore you set. . HighCombo - Placethe goal pedestrian and player start point,and then proceed t0 theEdit Goal Menu. This goal challengesthe player to completea single combo at a youget to the selscore. , Leve{LevelSelect lVlenu,Menu, vouyou'll ll see a setof0l numbersbelow each level'sleve name-thenumbeion the far right is the maximum number of . Skate-Tricks- Place the goal pedestrian and player start . goalsthat can be created per level. The number preceding it is point,and then proceed t0 theEdit Goal Menu. In this goal, . theuru numberilur[u9r ofur goalsgudrbthaturdt you'veyuu vu createdutuatuu fortut thatUtat level,tuvct, SelectJE a trickswill appear on the righfhand side of the screen and leveland you'll enter it in FreeSkate Mode. Skate up to a theplayer must complete them before the screen fills up. i:l:i:irrrr:,pedestriant0 initiate a goal,0r pause and selectView Goals to . ComboSkate-Tricks g0alpedestrian iumpto a particulargoal - Placethe and ptayerstart point, and then proceed t0 theEdit Goal Menu. ComboSkate-Tricks arethe same as Skate-Tricks, only the l,1illl:.ll;EinN6 YouBowN EoHLs playermust do combinations oftricks to cleareach block. . Youalso use this mode if youwant to makeyour own goals. rll:::r. Tomake goal press . Tricktris Place goalpedestrian player point, ]:i::ti a in a level, theSTART button and select - the and start :i:air: Creat€-A-Goal.lf this is your first goal, select Create New Goal. andthen proceed to theEdit Goal Menu. Tricktris islike :aaa.:.: Later,you'll also be able to accessyour other created g0als for Skate-Tricks,only the tricks appear in presetblocks. 'i::l . thislevel on this screen. . Trickto theBeat - Selectthe type of tricks the player must 'a :," completet0 therhythm they hear in-game. .::. . CONTBOLS 111,];' :1;,lwhenever youcreate a newgoal, the first two steps will be the . CheckpoinURace- Place cones around the level to create ;::1,,.,:,t,same: first, place the pedestrian that will give outthis goal. a race.Choose how the participants will compete in therace il:,r::' Second,place the restart piece where you want the player to be (i.e.,skate, walk, etc.) and then let them l0ose! ',,,,. placedwhen he or she starts this goal. Use the analog stick to . goalpedestrian player ,::,t, movethe pedestrian orcursor around the level. The directional Gap- Placethe and startpoint, and '.':" buttonsmove the camera so you can more accurately place an thenselect a gapor gaps that this goal will involve. Gap goals goals :]l itemin the level. The @ and@ buttonsraise or loweran item. aresome 0f the most useful and modifiable in ,,1 TheL andR buttons zoom in and out. Press the E buttonto TonyHawk's Underground 2 Benx A gapgoal challenges player get placethe item in the level. Next, select from the following list of the t0 a gap(0r gaps) and can also ask them to goaltypes: doa specifictrick across that gap. Gap goals can be il completedwhen skating, walking or driving a vehicle-so o player gapgoals SIGTELetters - The musicollect all five letters in canbe used t0 setup everything from cotrtp!g{:ii1:::::litii;::::, ., i theatlotted time t0 win.Place the goal pedestrian (person : ; : createdyourself 0r alreadyfound in thelevels.

ai.i f0r ,. Re_quiredTrick (Gaps oflly) - Typein thename 0f thetrick b€ .ri:.th.e.player must d0 over this gap (0r gaps). Make sure t0 ,Edil,, si,gl!the trick exactly as it appearsin thetrick string that You:ctiii appearsat thebottom of the screen when the trick is pulled by rnegame :,, inthe game, or your gap goal may not work. thegoal you pressing wantt0 changeand . Allthe editable options for a givengoal appear 0n EditSkate-Tricks/Trickhis - A wh0levariety. mqnrr Qnmo Af +ha An+innc - PHUSE MENU OPTIT]N5 sPECIFIC TO . EditPositions - This option allows you t0 repositionthe CBEHTE-H-6trHL youplaced goal. .. objects whenoriginally creating this You'll ' :::: needto replacethem all. ' :::: SaveGoals - Saveyour work t0 a MemoryStick Duo'". A Goals filecan contain up t0 120goals, with up to ten in level. . SetTime Limit Setthe number of seconds a player has t0 anysingle - ,,:,.,:ila completethis goal. The default is 120(two minutes). II ..i ..' '.ita, LoadGoals - Loada newgoal file. . SetScore - Forscore-based goals,qoals, set the number of NoteiAfter loading a goal file, you won't see any pointsrequired. goalsif thereare none for the particular level you're in. T0see what levels contain goals, g0 t0 the Level Select screen, . NameGoal - Typein the name 0f the goal as you'd like it to appearin the View Goals Menu. . l'lamePed - Givethe pedestrian who gives out the goal a TRt0t{!i unlquename. EDIT TBICHS . SetGoal Text - Typethe description of thegoal that the pedestrianwill "say" to the player when he 0r she talks to /Vofe.'Activision Customer Support thegoal pedestrian. cannottroublesh00t user-made tricks. ,iiiiii, ,::., Whileyou're game,you your ,l:,i.t :,.' . o EditWin Message - Type a messagethat your pedestrian skatingin the canalways edit tricks. :"liill"sav" when a playerbeats your goal' Swaptricks until you find a perfectset to your liking. ::::1:1, :1.,., ,' lril::r,,r:t . DeleteGoal - Eliminatethis goal. T0change a trick assignment, select the trick category you want grab :lil::,l,il . li: I to edit tricks,flip tricks, lip tricks and special tricks. Select :]..:ll]'' . TestGoal (regulal levels only) - Selectthis option to thetrick you want to assignto a trickslot, then select the button :,:ll::,.,, getdropped into the game and automatically start the combinationyou want to assignto that trick. l]:,:: currentgoal. I t.:::l::.. SPEqHL TF|CHS :'iit,t ' Control- Determinehow the player starts out when I Specialtricks presses. ,::t,: : theytry this goal. You can always choose between skating alwaysrequire at leastthree button All skatersstart out with you i'::::,,,' andwalking' onlyfour special trick slots, but as ,, , completegoals in StoryMode, you can earn up to seven moreslots. ,,.l:iiliiiiill.: '1i'- .::,,::i.::t::l::::i::it:: ':#;' ,:l, 1i1r1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,'' 'i4, , i" i .. 1{. }. ,:' .rr' . " :. , :l:;_.]:::::::];::];ti::lll:.::. : : ii:::ll:ri:t,.::l if youwant the player i : :: aa::::aaaa:, 'es :' ,llittii :herthe @ or@ button :,durin$I oiteholdable grab per t::created Backward(some tricks only) - Setthis t0 0n if youwant the trickanimation to play backwards instead 0f forwards. MENU Points- Thelength and complexity ofyour created trick firsttime. choose Create New Trick t0 enterthe dqlermiliesfie scoreof thetrick. cljqAse'froma variety of pre-madetricks to seehow ,Botation - Usethe R buttonto toggleplayer-controlled rotation I 0n 0r off forthe duration of thetrick. Turning rotation Off means you'llnext be presented with the main "timeline lhs playercannot spin this trick when in the air, but the score for llll,ln,theupper right, you'll see your skater and across the thetrick will be increased t0 compensate. When you're finished ;r:d,timeline0fthe current trick. Build up your own trick by addingand modifying components and you want to test the trick tothe timeline. As vou edit. the skater in the presslhe6 nuttonio returnto theCreate-A-Trick lvlenu. Backto Editor- Headback to thetimeline t0 changeyour createdtrick. PreviewTrick - Tryyour new trick in a levelto seehow it performs.The trick will be temporarily assigned t0the t directionalbutton plus the @ buttonto maketesting easy. NameTrick - Namethe trick whatever you like. buttonsto moveeach specific component t0 a different SaveTrick - Savethe trick to a MemoryStick Duo". p.''timritnriirrline. St rayeringdifferent animations and :rotations,Vouyou can staft to build Done- Returnto the current game mode. You'll be asked if you your upcomplex tricks. Highlight a component you've placed on the wantto keep createdtrick when you exit. At any one time, ::a::. timellneand press the E buttonto modifyoptions associated youcan keep up t0 tencreated tricks active. All ten tricks will - withthat component. besaved with your skater if yousave to a MemoryStick Duo'". Additionaltricks can also be saved individually to a MemoryStick Someof the options you may see: Duo".See Save Trick above for more info. ri:la:.i,.r::i:, you :,,,Durlfion- How long this trick component will last, ln seconds. /Vofe:After makea trrckand decide t0 keepit, ;,1,1,,, you'llneed to permanentlyassign your trick t0 your skater Starvstop- Fora trickwith an animation, you can use these inthe Edit Tricks Menu. Just select the key combo you want parametersto effectively "chop off" the first or lastpart of the toassign the trick to and when you see the list of tricks, . animation.For example, if you want to puta kickflipin your scrollall the way to thebottom to seeyour created tricks. :l,l::::t:trick that only flips halfway, set the Start to 0%(the natural ,urr,,,,beginning 0fthe trick) and the Stop to 50%(halfway through :,li::,'ttne kickflip). By using only parts of existingtricks, you can make ,t!at',':,entirely new tricks. HgldTime (grabs only) - Youcan force a grabtrick to holditself foithis.amount oftime.

. ,i:.. taa:l

.,ir''il rl:: --:t- ..ii::.:,::i: .a: ;i' , . ',. , !r PlqyetS- Thenuntber of:plqyers currently in thegame is :tuinon'ine game, you need to setup the PSP" r' ] llsJqdat the top left (foui,is the maximum). Player names .To do this, g0 to heHOME menu. From there, appearbelow the number of players. Sdttings.While in NetworkSettings, set the . Mode- Thetype of game. : .:,'' i Level- Thelevel 0f the setected game (e.g., Boston, etc.). F,o]lsw r Skill- Skilllevel gives you a roughidea how skilled the playersare in a particularserver lf setto 1,you'll be playing directionsto save newbies;5 isfor hardcoreTony Hawk's Underground 2 Renix yoursettings. playersonlyl Thetop of the screen also displays whether a game is currently in processand other important info about that specific server. Highlight a serverand press the E buttonto try and join that server. lf the serverhas room, the level loads and away you go!

HOSTINE E 6HME Onceyou have set up the PSP'" forWireless, you're ready t0 game,you'll connectwith other players. Select Wireless PIay from the Main Whenhosting a seethe Server 0ptions l\4enu. 0nce your players yourgame Menu.Next, select the skater you want to playwith. You can edil serveris up, other cansee inthe Server join tricksor change your Wireless preferences. Select Ready t0 Listand attempt t0 it.When starting a server, you'll have the :]:lr.::reontlltue.. followingoptions: Note:lt youcan't connect to otherplayers, . Name- Setthe name of your game as it willappear in the I checkthe Wireless settings on your PSP'"'. serverIist to otherplayers TheI nE game rc listilJL onut I theLt tE rightI tvt tt JtuE ut LttE iut uEt I I|JLU dil u tu vvil u voti sideof the screen lists all the Wiretess . Level-The levelyou plan t0 hostin (canbe changed at any server,sservers clf rrenilv nnnino Tnnv Hntvk'c llndprnrntnd 2 Rpmi, currentlyrunning Tony Hawk's undergrcund 2 Renix timeonce you're in the game). :,,:t,',,..",garur.'6V highlighting t'he servers, you can see if it alreadynas :,;1r:,rlle,max number of playersor if there'sroom for one more. . LoadGoals - Usethe challenges you've created in Create-A- ::i:,,".. Goalin multiplayergames like Goal Attack. HostGame - starta serverof yourown' i ' 1. l,l, . Players- Thehighest number of playersyou'll allow on . JoinGame Joinone of the ,:]lll,,,t.ll, - serversshown to the right. y0urserver. :::.,r,,' . Refresh Updatethe - serverlist on the right of the screen. . Teams- Howmany teams you want to playwith. You can changethis option once the game has staded. . SkillLevel - Rateyour skill level: one is for beginners; five is forhigh-scoring vets. . Password- Youcan password-pr0tect your server if youonly wantpeople who know the password to beable to joiri.!_eave . ' it emptyif youwant everyone to be able to join. '..i. :. aaaa,aa:.j . Ready: setect you'reready to ru'il-'oriinq ga*iti::ll:::i: t!!9,when 'tt: :'.' ... 'gi::llllil:i:l::::::l:l::::lii'

- f-t to play-you're . lf youselected Join Server a "client"to that server. lf rrver,you're considered the "host" player mbstlikelybe dropped into Free Skate Mode gkate,',yo!l'llyou can cruise around and get a feelfor the Stopat Zero Byrrselecting.Yes,thegame will stop all ihelevll. When the host player is readyto startthe game, lr:.:,.,,r;:' - playerswhen the clock gets to zeroand the game ends. 4 njitlfi6tionand the game will start. After the game is lf youselect No, players who are in a combowhen the beshown the final rankings screen and then timerruns skate outhave the chance to completetheir combo beforethe game ends. . Serveroptions - Nearlyidentical to theoptions llsted when youstaded the server. From here you can turn teams on and off,change the name of your server, add a passwordto it andcontrol whether player-to-player collision ison or off. ,, Advancedoptions - Hereyou can set gamewide preferencessuch as No Manuals or NoWalking. Any optionyou choose applies to everyplayer in your server. Somecheats from Story Mode even appear here when youunlock them. . ChangeLevel - Changeto differentlevels. All players inthe gamewill move with you to the new level. ,, DisplayOptions - Togglewhat info you want t0 appear Ilp;Youcan only host on levels you've already unlocked. Unlock onyour screen while playing, additionallevel by playing Story Mode. As a client,you can join :':li:l:l.ririi.. a gamebeing played in any type of level-even secret ones! r::,.i . ri::l: , AutoBrake - Bydefault, when you pause the game, your skaterstops skating-this is - autobraking. You can turn auto TEHM PLHY ::::: brakingoff to maintaincontrol of your skater when i:it:t: menus lf theserver has Teams turned on, you can leam up and combine :]i::::: areup. ,,tl scores.There can be up to four teams. You can have any number ::",'rr:. SetRestarvco to Restart- Seta pointto returnt0 andthen of pfayerson any number of teams-play 1-on-2 or z-on-z-you ,.,. ,.," warp back t0 that point. 0nly available during free skate. decide.When teams are created on the server, you'll see up t0 four 11,. teamflags in thelevel. Skate into a flagto jointhat team or skate o y0ur rll::lr ,:i'i EditTricks - Change tricksetup 0r load your own intoa differentflag to changeteams. You can't change teams once ,' createdtricks. You can only view your iricks-not edit a gamehas started. them-if a gamehas .:a:: started. ,..1:, . Exityour game at any time by t::: . ouit- selectingouit. ...at:.:. tiA[/E0PTtt|N!i MENU EVFILHBLE TO H HOST PLEYEH SaveGame;/Load Game Pleaserefer to the Loading .':. Asthe host player, you're hosting the game, so it's up to yout0 - Savingand sectionon page 1 6. , decidewhich games are played, what the options are and when 1,.;1' theystart. You'll be given the same Pause Menu options as the GameSettings - Allowsyou to setup control setting, sound . clients,with the following added options: ootions,etc. '.: 1.', ; *'j* l::t"' ,, Autokick- Select0n for automatic?qce-lq,ratiqn,ofa( your.. , ;.kurAG"i ii;i;'; ffi ; ;;i'";tiA,tiQn,,rllturned ;; ; i Off, use the buttonto kick(always defaults to @ On). I to; Devebped.!yii Falph D'Amato NeversoftSupport > 180oSpin oo, a,in,;.r,n .ounnr,*. waythe R and L r Peter Day JacobB egel SHABAGAMES lac buttonswork while playing. When Spin Taps are active, you Drake Ari Biow .' '. AdamFuia Andy Firth L sa Daves onlyneed t0 tapthe B andL buttonst0 rotateyOur skater in BraelleyFulton Alan Flores T m Dean fixed180" increments (always defaults t0 Off), BrandonLuyen l',4ke Fr edrich LisaEdm son Chrs Frenton JakeGe ger ChadFindley ,' TrickModes - Upyour skater's challenge byactivating No tinr s I eoesma AndyGentile SteveGallacher Revens.No Manuals or NoWalking. ChrisScho z Jason Greenberg ChrisGeorge Coro Kaufman Fock Gropper RyanJuckett . SoundOptions - Allowscustomisation ofsound settings: DamonRedmond Kurt Gutietrez Har Khalsa JasonN shino Gary Jesdanun JOeLamas ,, Togglethe play Jeff Cooperman Joe Jewett DanieNeson - soundtrackt0 Randomor ln Order. Jon N,4enzies HenryJi Sandy New ands-Jewett JosephWong lvllkeKennedy Briaf O es ,,,llll:' * skipTrack - Skipthe current track LelfS monson Adam L ppmann Chis Parise Greg Lopez Pau Fobinson rt:t:i.rrr LorienFerris r, " Playlist- Displaysall music tracks. You decide which tracks NlyramJoire Andy [/]archa BethSanborn Youwant to hear' Nate Van Dyke Dana [/]acKenzie Davd cus Schacher ,..l'::r.l,, NoahZi berberg Jeff N/organ N,4arkScott Kevinlvlulhal . " StreamMode-Turn musicorenvironmental noises0n orOfl PaulHermafn ToddSue l,.]],,,,,,,1,i: Pau Kwnn Noan Nelson DarrenThorfe ,,,,,:,,,,,,,, Specialsounds-Turnthesoundeffectforcompletion0faQun F chards Davd N sen JohnWebb rutt:rl,l:rrr,:,:. SpecjalTrick 0n or .ff. RickD'A osio JoshO'Bren and Bobed N,4organ JohnnyOw LOgan FyanSm th Chrs Peacock plays NeversoftThanks ;;;1::;;, MusicZones - Somemusic only based0n your SylvainD!brofsky Joe Pease ', Jon N4enzies ,:,,1,t,,, characteaslocation within a level.Turn these special TamsenM tchell Scott Pease ,. DaveStohl ,. location-based VlnceFiley CodyPierson ,i',,,. musicsounds 0n or 0ff. N/lke Degler t,i,',',|' Davd Powers . ProductionTesters JeremiahRoa KenSchmidt TauntOptions - Customisethe skater's taunts. There are four Jader Chaves Doug Wa sh 'rr'r (Button DavidRowe tauntsthat can be edited. controlsare displayed with C int Bapt ste f,4attRusse Ken Ny'!rphy t'rr . thetaunts.) Jacob Porter JohnSahas ConnorJewett RandyGu llote Straft Scandrett Act vison ::,:, ..CutsceneSubtitles - TurnStory Mode cutscene subtifles On or Byron Braz AaronSk I man Creatve Domain GameSpy ShabaThanks ChauwaStee Caro Surla nf n ty Ward lVattWikinson ShabaGames ,,' . Blood- Turnthe blood effects 0n 0r Off (always defaults to 0n). Wade Brainerd JasonUyeda Todd Wahoske SN Systems Skateab GameProgress - See how far you've come...and how far you have Actlvslon Chr s Ward Sam PianetTonyflawkcom t0 golGet an update on how many points you have in StoryMode FocusTesters Ware 0r TaoZheng AdditionalProgramming, howmany goals you've completed inClassic Mode. You can also Designed,Developed Artworkand Level Design By checl(your gaps. andDestroyed By THUG2Engine and Tools statuson DaveCowling SupervillainStudios NEVERSOFT KendaI Harrison HighScores - Viewthe highest scores in the game on this screen. SUPERVILLAIN ENTERTAINMENT GatrettJost ToggleIeft and right to seeall the levels. Each level has five Best Hiqh FuionRaymond STUDIOSTEAM Scoresand five Best Combos as well as Longest Grind, Longest THUG2 DamlanStones Tim Campllell Manual,Longest Lip and Longest Combo for each level. DevelopmentTeam FredWang Steve Ganem Jon Balley ChrisGlenn Ted Barller NeversottTesters ".' , CheatCodes - Entersecret codes from magazines and online fan N,4ichelleDeyo Jasonlasenauer Brad Bulkey Chrs Rausch ,.,,.:, sites.G0 ahead and cheat,..we gave you the option t0 dosol Cl ve Burdon RyanBamsey '':::a,: ,. Fob Smith . . ,'t "t, . Rob Burns TonyWh te Josn tayor . ..,,. Movies-View all game movies. Some movies need to beunl0cked N,4attCanale byplaying through Story lVlode.


i:l::li::l:::::ii:ltlt:::::: ::::l:::::::l:::: ACNWSIONSTUDIAS ACTIVISION Amm Cari lo Je.n ter Vil el o Etnes Jonas A^de.son Jeren) Shode I Gir Preddmt, SPECTALTHANKS travaza Activisifl Publishiflg Moq 8 D"d D.ego Fa /a N cl, G obe tn : lu' KalhyV'aoecf St.L'/ Dr^| ) id- :::ill' JasonTo,rll:1r. " I lll. SarahPepin fiawk Clothlng . Jef:llvlitchei:ir'r ..i' . Mike Rlxford. Hawk Sho-^s ..""; rsrr Be.eloaum "::: V,P.- North American -- -- Studio---- - .l Wil:Lk JOnSWan TyLerRtvers nuney :.-- ::- co e rJovany Ulan.a"OtVO. Vi.e Ward : Zuniga N,4atlx Anthon\iD'Angelo ACTIVISIONUK Nixon V.P..GlobalBrandMgmt. Sffo' tbpr^r ChrisKeithley Qu ks ver $ | lo" Po-e^oa,gel ^a(so\ Wi,lBubin SeniorVice-President Shody's Direcrol,Gtobar JJ"??til",lX Lorenkinielta TriciaBerlero vo com BrandManagement paulaCuneo ChristlanMurillo GeneralManager UK VonZipper u,,l'[f.f"J,"n Jetf Kaltreder Stacy Rivas Dane Cheng RogerWalkden Birdhouse htm iloYie rt - f JasonLvergood C rca clobalBrand Manaoer "'t- EliasJ menez MarketingDirector Crative Doma n - lie,1?,f.r1wrc DVS cary Preffer TomChua AlisonTurner E ectric ...... "tyr! o*,0.,;;;,,;;;u",n,, DanHamamura ndependent Editing-D.Tq.Io" ProductionI"g JY,X[EiH% UKSales Director ...._._.I{ovie & Joannewong Bran Bright LsraeBarco RDS 900 F ms gh Bob Butrdge gu do' Ashle Boslet The Frm . Manaoelco]Dorate 9 " Kevn Chao Baitsvideos K^ t vuh" MarketingManager V sion Streetwear C;;;;"i.rii;;;- RyanRuff Tim Wood O d Star Skates 4"vdaovagdzi^e q,h[/nor.ooon JUd vdd6- ey Bazout Derel qarra Manager,Technical THUGZstory writtenBy BrandManaqer Random pubticist,corporate NathanLum ,:tl RequirementsGroup troo trarre'se GrantG e communications l\,4arlena R xford Head VIDEOFOOTAGE WrittenBy Aaron Grant ACTlVlSloN,INC 'at,:,a, of PublishingServices ,,,,,,,4rt-ditiqnalscript SeniorLead, Technical Nathaie Fanson 900 Flms Ma'i N Sc^aa Marketin./Licensin. 1UALITYASSURANCE/ ' RequirementsGroup SteveChalme v.0.Actors con."urt.nt CUST1MERSUPP1RT Si6nRodr guez y G bson CreativeServices Manager Brett Hardy , d'n Ceoar ca P dto ProiectLead JackieSutton N4arkJeremlas - Buid Lead,Technical Ben Drshin BlackSuf Productons AlexColeman Wordwde nc RequiremenlsGroup LocalisationManager N/aLiaar nicn6\/ - PCGroup Bam lVargera ,"n,",,"iil i,.i". CREATTVESEBVTCES Nishtshift Lead Aaron Camacho Jam e l,4osberg --g"ir"!' - Frankso TamsinLucas p. lv- v.p.,creative services Testers,Technical Chad [,4uska r, "r. PeterA. Hu ne & Operations Senior0A ProiectLead RequirementsGroup SeniorLocalisation LabanPheid as r::: ' . Art S. Xincnen Dense Walsh JohnHosser RobertLara ProjectManager Wee N,4an '|:. . Phil Lalvlatr N,4arcV llanueva lvlarkNutt qualityAssurance Lanl Mrnella Director,Creative Services Manager KyleCarey GRAFFITIARTISTS N,4atthewStainner Jae Favazza LocalisationProiect Joshua Seth Managers Amaze falq.sples CustomerSupport Leads B gfoot .ii I CJeativeServices Manager Manager,OA Night shift GaryBolduc- SimonDawes :t :19sonspisak Jil Barry Adam Hartsfleld Charotte l-larris Craoa : Waiy Winged PhoneSuppod Daek lllchaelli l CornneCalo s lrr, DaveW ttenberg CreativeAgency TestTeam JAZ '... CreativeDomain DerekFaraci E ma I Supporl European Epik ManuarDe.sign&talout CS/QASpecial Thanks 0perationsManager :l. ,oi!,uffik T:".tX'3ffil3T' ,r feather C arke Kero^as Bob Br '-ou o | 60 lv' o> | L J Summers st oo, ..., Kiam l::. Jascn\ /oig ProductionPlanners Acrtvtst}N T m VanlavJ Lynnei\,4oss, ,:: Bamr,4arsera LEGAL BH5:tJ::-5:Yf:5 Krxl^az ' Rodney GeorgeRose Nadfe TheuzI ot Victora Fsher l',4ulen hennvTreanra'os- Leo ChadMuska GregDeutsch Fd Ciune llt itoor Lead Headol European Nels 'i' RyanSheckler Ph T_erzan [,4attNlcClure F ck Hotgutn CorporateCommunications Obey G ant . l\,4ikeVa lely Jay Komas Jason Pottef Dan Fredman T Riot l\'4chael. Larson G ennV stante m Poning came.s Traviscumm ngs AnthonyKorotko Seks ele K m H deki omega PRExecutive cut chem st -D?n Jeffrylvoxey Shaba ErikaDenton GianlLrca Vicky Cayzer .i. steve"steve-o" G over Galo HenryVll anueva WA Crue j1T::^ IENTRALTECHNILIGI IndraYee sPoNs0Rs Yosh il::"^"\atas .[:y#ff:" Nick Westfe d 4 Star Th s product contains .r ', ^aupus Todd Komesu Adio softwari: technologyf idiri,rir ,TI#il#Jl 3ffi:H; Joule l\,4ddlelon *i:r A most the IndependentJFEG.,l,.ll ^::L:Iil:" Kevn Dandrdge Wile Boton Andre , Element Grcup.@ 1991-1998, : Nutter ChadS edhotf eS I homasG. Lane. I Ring ol Fire SinCity I WhirlwindPyramid PeJo'red by Pe'forreo bu Pedormedby The D.O.C Joh-ny Cosa De"d f1o troao Writtenby TracyCurry r:: ii:t' Coudesyotr \ry{ten lly Jimmy Jngram, Publishedby Rykomuslc,Inc. {PRS) :::toolurlbraRectjid6. . Rmsdl D'Amato. Dolarz N Sense qob rTiiji?:rCrownRecords Ol988 Songsof Br' a'alge-e-t w t- Da\o) and N,4uzick(8l\,4 ) N/usicby 25 ia Llfe Unversa lnc. ollo tsef Sijni l/usic L]censing RalphD Amato ProducedUnder License ' . Lj'rics by R ck Healey and Frst Prio.ty Writien by June Carter FeaturlngSieph N,4affeloJ From Elektra lVusicPubl. and'Merle Kilgore Have Another tr.todr.ma.t Gr r n NoJumper Cables All rightsreseryecl. Used by:Permission of lvonkey on Lead By atrangement lrademark (DJpaWL Remix) Usedby permission. PaintedDdsed Fecorded a1 wlth Warner qo Performedby N,4usicCorp. r d \ldl . Sruoio- S-roleg c lva " .t nq AesopRock PunksJump Up Fountan Valley,CA @ 19Bg Atlantic o:?;l"J;l:1" Counesyof Defn t ve to GetBeat Down UnknownSoldier Recordno CorD . Jux Recordlngs Performedby HenormeoDy BeatYour Heart oul Thelhe MaDonald'sMcDonald s Writtenand Producedby BrandNubian TheCasuat es Performedby Breakon Through trademarks and logos. AesopRock / i. Bavtz for By Rudoph lsey, Ronald Writtenby The Casualtles The DistI ers Pedormedby The Doors includ ng the Golden 21 Baooka Salute lsiey,O'Ke ly s ey Jr, q^^^ e^^6rrc.^ da(\, Wrttenby Writtenbv The Doors Arches" logo and al ^l (SESAC) LorenzoDe Chalus r SideoneDummyRecords BrodyArmstrong ProducedUnder Lcense oihtr related nte ectua Remixedby DJ paWL/ and Dereklvurphy Producedunder cense Ffom Elekira llt:lili:i:i.i-o.p€ny are owned and P annacchinofor paWL ProducedUnder Llcense ,,r,, Drumsof Fire from WarnerBros tr.tadr nma.t Gr^ n ,.i::::rrLeensedby l\,4cDonald's From E ektra .. cq|po*ttn maoetnrs PerJormedby Fecords.rc. By atrangement .:::ttt,'l,lli Fecordedand mixedby Entertanment Group . Cut Chemist By arrangement withWarner NASAat Defint ve Jux By Arrangement ::lr:ii Writienby Lucas wth Warner Strategc lvlarketifg ,:::i:::,'t::I!{OTOnOLAth" ...d.-o stud os. Ass sted by withWarner .,t:,:, lvlacFadden va fla_i-d :t:i::t:trrttt9ii/lizedrN/Logo-O are -^.rg o-oor :ll::::I lfegisteredin the SpenceBoogie. StrategicMarketlng.,.::i:. Collresyof StabieSound O 2003 ReprseRecords EntedanmentGroup .:l'll:: D.bi tedb.Cna Duol lll:lliill.,.,.US Patent& l,4astefedby T ppy at @ 1992Elektra'" ioob l::::::I':,: Traoemart< ottice. The Hit Factory rnrenarnmenluroup AwesomeR*** Songso/b/o D stila The Doors From Pubishecl by Pedormedby Das Oath Nat on N,4usc (B[,41] l\,4uslcCompany 1',]]]]'1.1;.:AI other procluct or the Defint ve Jux ful EN,4lApri N,4usc Inc. Pub shed by Das Oath r:ai:::::,S€ryice names are the lengthBazooka Tooth. O1993Universal Copyrghtby Liberate rrrrri:,,1.propertyofthelr HereI Am Nlusic t.,:.r .:.respectiveowners. Tryingto Find Corp Dim[/]ak, Inc. Pedormed by Disturlled Performed by All rights .,,i:'rr @lvlotorola,Inc. 2004 a Balance feserved. (DanDonegan, The Exposion Pedormedby nternatonaCopyrght SonicReducer DavidDra man, Wrtten by DavidWalsh ll Napsterand the Napster Atmosphere Secured. Performedby DeadBoys Steve'Fuzz'Kmak, (Bostondzmusic), , ogo are trademarksof Wrttenby S ug and Ant Usedby permisson. Wrtten by Cheetah l\,4ikeWengren) Daman Genuardi(Contra rl:: Napster,LLC that may be Pub shedby Upsde Crome Stiv Bator, Producedunder icense Contra),Matt Hock ',:, regstered in the US DownHead 50%/ Cheesecake JohnnyB itz, from WarnerBros (Radice X), ,:ii. and/or other countries. TurnThat Snare Wrttenby Camaros Jeff l\,4agnumDavid Records,lnc. Sam Cave (B ue Alarm), Down50% (TorbenJo ma, Thomas,and JlmmyZero. By arrangemenl AndrewBlack t., SoBe and thd Two Lizards Co!rtesy of Bhymesayers ChristlanSandaker, ProducedUnder License wtft Warner (Born n [,4ay) D^esrgnne trademarksof Ent./Ep taph KarianneStenbock) FromWarner Bros StrategicNlarketing Fromthe a bum 5OUtnbeacn ue!erage Fromthe Records,Inc. @2002Warner Bros. BlackTape ,:i Company,nc. Top Billin' "Romantque" Black By Atrangemeni Fecords,lfc. Courtesyof V rgin Pedormedby Aud o Two Baloon Records2002 wth Warner O 2002 WB lVrsic Corp. Recordsand Tarantulas :.l:il Shrek s a res stered Writtenby KlrkRobinson Producedand mxed Sirateg c [4arketing (ASCAP) and ]\4other Underlcense from :::l. , trademarkof ProducedUnder L cense oy Sven O sen D -9- Sre Cu ture Publishing(ASCAP) EN,4Flm & ,lli DreamWorksL.L C. Recordedat ReccrasConrpany Al rghts on behafof tsef TelevsionMusic r' FromAtlant c Shrek2, ShrekEar RecordingCorp Athet c SoundStud os, O1978 CBGBSNlls c afd N/oiherCu ture TM ::, Desgn, Shrek"S" & O By Arrangement Halden,NoMay. Corp c/o LarrySper, nc Plblshingadministered Mid-life Ctisis ,:l: 2004 DreamwofksL.L.C wth Warner P&C2002 (ASCAP),New York, NY by WB l\4usc Corp. Pedormedby : Strategc lvlarketng BlackBa loon Fecords and B ue Dlsquel"4usic Al rghts reseryed Fath No lvlore MUstE @ l 9BBAt antic c/o WarnerChappell Usedby permisson. ProducedUnder License Recordng Corp lVuslc(ASCAP), From Lordon S re '' DeadlySinners Hot Buttermik N4usic,nc. LosAnge es, CA. Cetified Records,Ltd. Pedormedlly (ASCAP).Al rightsfor A rghts reserved Pedormedby D verse By arrangement , :1... .3 inches.ofb ood Nonhand SouthAmerica Writtenby Jon Krohn, with Warngr :::::::i: Wfitten bY controled and KennyJenkins StrategicMarkeiing l::t::::t,..:.inchs 3 al biood adm n steredby Courtesyof @ .1992S ash.Recardsla, rr. l:l:lit:::, Coudesyaildbi Chocoate Industries Publisheilbtr::r:r lll:rl N/lanagement Pubished by FJD2 . Bgfhrjling:Mus-igr.rrrrrl www'llri1.1@Ot irrrtrrrt, i:::::::i:lll:l:::a:a: SweetWilly Bolhar So it Goes @ 199 rAone B'o> f,erformedby The h,4evns Performed,byNebula Fecords,nc. %r Uri'ed Staiesand Careoa o'Op-i. Feco'ds- {RogerO"oourne, WriLte-ov \ebJ a Publshed by ihm adan Stermby J-ive'Sa u roerI c6rro lo Dod-ced Urde ice^sp fF.[qr aspsne lvloebetobame Vus e Corp S-bso.d BIVCA.ola rror Londo. S're Fode G ass) lVusic(ASCAP) .q^ls Lel5e Al ,e".t-d l,li-ero G -oF Re,o.os. Llo. O 2003Volca: i' Sire Useclby permisson :. By arrangement PineappleMusic {ASCAP) SoulBrother #1 Black Label r with Warner Nebulaappears courtesy Pedormedby Backon the Radio Pedormedby StrategicN,4arketing of Liquorand PeteRock & CL Smooth P-^dormedby The Hiss Lamb of God @ I994 AtlanticRecords Poker [,4usic. Writtenby Courtesyof Sanctuary Coulresyof 01 995 WB'MUSC PeterO. Phillips, Recofds RecordsGroup Prosthetc Records coFP (ASCAP), Interesledin Madness ParkerLawrence, Panc Movement Pubished by Sony/ PrisonBride Music Performedby Operatc W I am Griffin,Erc Barrler, LexiconDevil AW Songs LLC (ASCAP)& GreenLantern Writtenby Jesse Fritsch CarltonF denhour, Ps{smed by The Germs Pain Music (ASCAP) HankShock ee, Writtenby DarbyCrash Pedormedby That'sWhy They Rightson behalfof pr son Rock and Roll JosephWard, GeorgeRuthenburg J mmy Eat World Callit a Union bridemusc & High School S mons Darry Prcdured UnclerL cense Writtenlly JamesAdkins, Pedormedby greenlantern mus c PerJormedby lVatthewsMcDan els, ThomasJ. Lnton, Less Than Jake Marce Theo f.laI . FromLondon stre Adm n steredby The Ramones Records,Ltd RichardBurch Writtenby Chrs, Roger, WB ]\,1USICCORP (JeffreyHyman, & MarlonW lams By a(angement anclZachary Lind Vnnie Blddy andJR (ASCAP) JohnCumm ngs, ProducedUnder L cense with Warner Courtesyof Prodrcedunder I cense Al rightsreserued Dougas Covin) From Elektra StrategicN,4arket ng Unlversallvlusic fromWarner Bros. Usedby permisson. ProducedUnder L cense Entertanment Group @ 1978 SlashFecords EnterpIses Records,nc. FromWarner Bros By arrangement Ol9BOCrash Course Pub shed by Dreamworks By atrangement Whiplash Records.nc. withWafner (ASCAP) 111;11111i.'l::tvtustc(SVt) Songs and with Warner Pedormedby N.4etaI ca By arrangement Strategc N/larketrng t::t:l::it:.,...adminlstered by TurkeyOn Rye N.4!sic Strategic[.,4arketing Witten by James Hetfied withWarner @ 1992 Elektra (BN/D (ASCAP)adm n stered by 2003 Warner , ::t.llt:tr'rFuSMusc, lnc. @ Bros. Publishedby Creeping Strateglc[/arket ng Entertanment Group CherryLafe |\,4usic R-^cords.lnc Death lVusc (ASCAP) @ 1981Sre Pub shed by Reach .i.:rr:,.i' , t tit

i::lr::.t:ti,tl:...,,1 0liliT0|\/|:R$ltPP0RT CUSTOMERAND TECHNICAL SUPPORT 0nlineSerVices with Activision Forums, E-Mail and File Library Suooon License "LongTrain Funnin"'is EgoTrippin' fromthe album"Tll The Weadvise for cost efficiency that you use our online web suppoft. Pedormedby Livin End'" wh ch The Ultramagnetc l\,4C's was recordeoat WebSupport Wrttenby KeithThornion SoundHouse Stud os http://www.activision.c0m/supp0d lMafketilig CedricNliler, by Jack Endno. ..Fleklra l\,4auriceSmith. RelapseFelease Group TrevorRandolph Pub sh ng (ASCAP).Al Oursupporl section 0f the web has the most upto-date Coudesyof rghtsfor Northand South informationavailable. We update the suppod pages daily s0 please RoadrunnerRecords Amerca controled checkhere first for any solutions that you require. Pubished by and admifstered by Warner/ChappelN,4us c, R.vkomusic,lnc. (ASCAP). Thisservice is available 24 hours a day,7 daysa weekand offers SuperstarInternatlona A I rightsfor the rest of a fullycomprehensive listof knownissues as well as providing the [/]usicand the Word controled and .,r N,4aurce Smith Nlusic adminstered by latestupdates/patches. Al rghts reserved. Rykomusc,Inc. (PRS). ',r Usedby TECHNICALSUPPORT INAUSTRALIA :li:::],'t:lAltiignts reseryeclon Performedby .:::. InAustralia, for Technical Support, Hints and Tips, please call tii:llt:rrrr'behali of itselfand TheV olentFemmes HOOITItrNRL, ,::] :::l::.:."lStooge-Staffe[/us c Writtenby GordonGano 1902263 555, i:r,:"::i,irAllighls ieserved. ProducedUnder License MUSlC ,',,,i Callsare charged at $2.48(inc.GST) per minute. ill,rit.tri:usedby permiss on. FromLondon-S re urqrna Scorecues .i:::r,.. . Fecords,Ltd. wrttenby Foftus/Pittnsky InNZ for Technical Suppod, please call 0800 1 60 1 1 0. ,,,r,:','.:Rappeas Delight By arrangement (lungusamungusmusic/ :erfofTe!bv withWarner compoundsongs) BNI >ugarnilruang SirategicN,4arketing Performedand recorded E-REGFOR AUSTRALIAN CUSTOMERS ll" Courtesyof Sanctuary @ l9B3 SIashRecords by Compound :i : RecordsGroup O 1gB0Gorno lvlusic Doyou want to receivenews 0n new games and special offers for r Producedunder license Courtesyof Gorno Nlusc Spec al Thanksto Activisioncustomers? a, from Fhino R chard Fortus ,, EntedainmentCo. It'sGonna be Register0n-line at http://ereg.activisi0n.com.au i By aria,lgement a LongNight 'rr '. withWarner Peformed by Ween you . Strategii N4arketing Courtesyof Sanctuary Completethe registration form & helpus keep informedabout @ 1979 SugarhiI FecordsGroup Activisiongames. You will be notified of upcomingreleases & Records, Pubished by specialoffers. I A Labe o{ Rhtno BrowndogMusic .i, FnlerlainmentCo. Note:Activision Asia-Pacific iscommitted t0 safeguarding the .:.. NileRodgers (Bf,/]) 50%, LosAngeles privacy0f informationentrusted to it. Accordingly, Activision 1,, BernardEdwards (BN/ll) Performedby X I. 509/o Wrttenby JohnDoe afd c0mplieswith all relevant legislation concerning thecollection, Sony/Ary Songs LLC ExeneCeruenka use,security and disclosure 0f personal information. I (BNll)50%, Bernards Publshed by Verelia . Other N,4usic N4usic(BN.4l) and ForTechnical Support and Customer Service inareas not listed, . (adm. by Warner Pla\,,thinglVusic pleasecontact your local distributor 0rActivision via 0nline. Tamerlane)(Bl\1D 50% ProducedUnder Llcense (Pleasenote the 0nline supporl is in All rightson behallof From London S re availableEnglish only). . bernards oiher Records,Ltd. i,',,i, : music(BMl) By atrangement :.1:l:Administeredbv Warner witfi Warner Tamerane Pubish nq StrategicNlarketing Corp.tBMl) @ 1980 S ash Records Al rghts reserued Usd lly permisson. i fromany person or entity t0 createany New Game Materials for commerc-ialdistri-bubon. Youigree to..bromptty inform Activision OF TH]S PRODUCTIS inwriting of any instances ofyour receipt of any such proposal or offer. SOFIWAREINCLUDED WITH THIS ,,i,,li iou Oecidtito':make available the useof the NewGame |l1 THF.ASSSCIAT€DMEDIA, ANY PRINTED MATERIALS, Materialscreated by you to othergamers, you agree to dos0 .O,N:LINEOR ELECTRONICDOCUMENTATION. ANDANY solelywithout charge. COPIESAND DERIVATIVE WORKS OF SUCH SOFIWARE AND . 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This Programc0ntains cedain design, Product,orany copies of this Product, without the express l::rr:rr. :::programming and processing writtenconsent of Activision. utilities,iools, assets and other . lil::::r:resources ("Program Utilities") for use with this Program that allow Reverseengineer, derive source code, modify, decompile, t0 createcustomized new game levels and other relateo game disassemble,orcreate derivative works of this Product, inwhole 11,,,,,,,,you part, ::::r:a::i.fiaterials for personaluse tn connectionwith the Program ("New 0r In . Remove,disable 0r circumvent any proprietary notices labels ,:::|1:::rr:::Qame lvlaterials"). Theuse of the Program Utilities issubject t0 the or additionallicense restrictions: coniained0n 0r within the Product. ::i,,::.:,,:',,'following . ,111:11,. . You agree that, as a conditiontoyour using the Program Utilities, Expodor re-exportthis Product or anycopy 0r adaptationin violationofany applicable laws or regulations. ::llll:: youwill not use or allow third padies t0 usethe Program Utilities ':::::: andthe New Game Materials created by you for any commercial ACTIVISIONLIMITED 90-DAY WARRANTY. lilil.: purposes,including but not limited to's'etting, reniing, leasing, Activisionwarrants t0 the originalconsumer purchaser of this tl.,,,. licensing,distributing, orothenvise transferring the ownership 0f computersofiware product that the recording medium on which the .,,,:, suchNew Game Materials, whether on a standalone basis or softwareproduct is recordedwill be free from defects in material,.:.il:l::: "il,',,,: ,, . packagedin combination with the New Game Materials created andworkmanship for g0 daysfrom the date of purchase.lf the .::::.:,t.',, by,,qthers, through any and all distributionchannels, including, recordingmedium is founddefective within 90 daysof ciriginal withoutlimitation, purchase,return back to place purchaSe, - retailsales and on-line electronic distribution. the of withreCeipt f0r..,,,t,,,,,::,rr,ii _y,qu notto solicit,initiate or encourage any proposal refundor replacement. ,,.*]...';. . .. egree orofier :...... ::.....:.. .:rr,,.'i':1. '",', t,.:,:tl '::::::l:lil:,.....,,.::: -;^.- ' TERMlllATloN.Vvifiout prejudice t0 any0ther rights of Activision, thisAgreement wlll termlnate automatcally if you fail to comply withits terms and conditions. Insuch event. you must destroy all defecthas arisen ihrough abuse, copiesof this Product and all 0f itsc0mponent parts. , or neglect,Any warritntiesapplicable to this lNJ{INCTI0N.iBecauseActivisi0.n would be irreparably damaged if t0,:11'lB:90'dayperiod described above theterms 0f this,Agfeementtiwere not specifically enforced, you SET,FORTH'ABOVE,THISWARRANTY IS IN LIEUOF ALL aglee,lhatActivision shall be entitled, without bond, other security WHETHERORAL OR WRITTEN, EXPRESS OR orpi00.1.0f damages, t0appropriate equitable remedies with respect ANY WARRANTYOF MERCHANTABILITY t0bieec[es of this Agreement, inaddition t0such other remedies as FOF.A.:.PARTICULARPURPOSE OR NON-INFRINGEMENT, Activisionmay othenrvise have under applicable laws. RREPRESENTATIONS ORCLAIMS OFANY KIND SHALL INDEMNITY.Youagree t0 indemnify,defend and hold Activision, its ONOR OBLIGATE ACTIVISION, paftners,affiliates, contractors, otficers, directors, employees and agentsharmless from all damages,losses and expenses arising directlyor indirectly from your acts and omissions t0act in using the Productpursuant to theterms of this Agreement MISCELLANE0US.ThisAgreement represents the complete agreementconcerning this licensebetween the partiesand supersedesall prioragreements and representationsbetween them.lt maybe amended only by a writingexecuted byboth padies. lf anyprovision of thisAgreement is held to beunenforceable for anyreason, such provision shall be reformedonly to theextenl necessaryto make it enforceableand the remaining provisions ol thisAgreement shall not be affected.This Agreement shall be construedunder California law as suchlaw is appliedto 2, Your nameand return address, typed or clearly printed agreementsbetween California residents entered into and t0 be 3. A briefnote describing the defect,the pr0blem(s)you performedwithin California, except as governed byfederal law and r enc0unteredand the systemon whichyou are running the you jurisdiction product. consentt0 theexclusive of thestate and federal , coudsin LosAngeles, California. i + Pleaseinclude a cheque 0r moneyorder for AUD g2S per olsc replacement(subject to availability). lf youhave any questions concerning this license, you may contact I Activisionat 3100 ocean Park Boulevard. Santa Monica. California i umrnrtoN 0N DAMAGES.rNN0 EVENTWILLACTTvtstoN BELTABLE 90405,+1 (310)255-2000, Attn. Business and LegalAffairs, L::::, ..ton SPrcrnl, tNctDENTAL0R C0NSEQUENTTALDAMAGES [email protected]. i]iill,, RE$ULTINGFROM POSSESSION, USE OR MALFUNCTION OFTHE [l : PR0DUCIINCLUDING DAMAGES T0 PR0PERTYLOSS 0F i G0ODW|LL,C0MPUTER FATLURE 0R MALFUNCTT0NAND, T0 THE EXTENTPERI\4ITTED BYLAW, DAMAGES FOR PERSONAL INJURIES, il;;11r,.:'EVrru lF ACTIVISIONHAS BEEN ADVISED 0F THEPOSS|BtLlTy 0F ,::ri:', SUCHDAMAGES. ACTIVISI0N'S LIABILITY SHALL NOT EXCEED THE ACTUALPRICE PAID FOR THE LICENSE TO USE THIS PRODUCT. SOMESTATES/COUNTRIES DONOT ALLOW LIMITATJONS ONHOW i:u:r L0NGAN ilVtpLtED WARRANTY LASTS AND/0R THE EXCLUSI0N 0R ::,,'' LIMITATI0N0F INCIDENTAL0RC0NSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, S0THE l:"' ABoVELIMITATIONS AND/0R EXCLUSION 0R LIMITATIoN0F ,r,,r:,, LIABILITYMAY NOT APPLY T0 Y0U.THIS WARRANry GMES YOU SPECIFICLEGAL RIGHTS, AND YOU MAY HAVE OTHER RIGHTS WHICHVARY FROIV] JURISDICTION TOJURISDICTION. Australia 't300365 91 t* :: s charoed at local Be I g iq ue/Belg i6/Belg ien 01't 5't5405 '' .ppel local/ Lokaleko{en Ceskdrepublika 222 864 1'11 :: - !a 9:00 - 17:00 Sony Czech. -: '.fano dle patneich telefonnich sazeb. Pro dalsi nformace a piipadno! dalai pomoc kontaktujte prosim nebovoeite teefonni diso +420222864 111 Danmark 70 12 7013

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