Tony Hawk's Underground 2: Remix AcJiVISiox. lCflVlSloX bia Paciflc,tevel 5,51 BarsonSl, EIph! xsw ?i?1, AuilElia O2m5 mvision Pubrhhing.Inc. Acllvbion isareqistered tadema*aodTflUG s atadema*0i Adlbion Publbhinq,lnc All ilqib Bsefled.TonyHawkb aindemafr oirony Hawk,lnc. PSP version developed by Neve6offEnletuinment, Inc. and shak. MemoryStick 0uorM nay bercquked Gold separalely). Ali dghtsreseod- All olhertmdematuand tade namesarelhe propedyor thenrespedlve owners 80739.260.AU ULES.OO033 '+ , 'Plays&tiou", , UMo ad "608@'@ hdeMb or qi$d tEdemdsoi Sny Compu@E&ftinmm @. -tF' AllnigilsReed. ffi1ro2265 i:::::::i:,.,:,4,:,r.:.rur.,.,,,,1: PRECAUTIONS ',rl:tl1llt:irri::;:iil.i, ThisdisccontainsgamesoftwareforthePSPrM(Playstation@Portable)system.Neverusethis::: on anyother system, as it coulddamage it. Readthe PSPrM system Instruction Manual carefui , :: ensurecorect usage. Do not leave the disc near heat sources or in directsunlight or exces:.. moisture.Do not use cracked or deformed discs or discsthat have been repaired with adhesives :! 2 thiscould iead to mal{unction. I Pushdown one sldeofthe Placethe disc as shoer dkc as shown and gentiy pull gently pressingdownf,- ( upwards to remove lt. Usinq until it clickslito pl.r. excesslorce to temove the Storing the disc incon:: disc may result n damage, may retult in 8 B HEALTHWARNING Alwaysplay in a welllit environment. Take regular breaks, 15 minutesevery hour Avoid p aynq Y whentired or suffering from lack of sleep.Some individuals are sensitive lo flashing or flickerlng Iightsor geometricshapes and patterns, may have an undetectedepileptic condition and maJ WalkingandClimbing. ..."...9 experienceepileplic seizures when watching television or playingvideogames. Consult your Tagging. doctorbefore playing videogames ifyou have an epileptic condition and immediately should you experienceany of the followingsymptoms whilst playing: dizziness, altered vision, muscle ControlTips h{itching,other involuntary movement.
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