wru.thu92online.com AcJiVISiox. activision.com lCflVlSloX bia Paciflc,tevel 5,51 BarsonSl, EIph! xsw ?i?1, AuilElia O2m5 mvision Pubrhhing.Inc. Acllvbion isareqistered tadema*aodTflUG s atadema*0i Adlbion Publbhinq,lnc All ilqib Bsefled.TonyHawkb aindemafr oirony Hawk,lnc. PSP version developed by Neve6offEnletuinment, Inc. and shak. MemoryStick 0uorM nay bercquked Gold separalely). Ali dghtsreseod- All olhertmdematuand tade namesarelhe propedyor thenrespedlve owners 80739.260.AU ULES.OO033 '+ , 'Plays&tiou", , UMo ad "608@'@ hdeMb or qi$d tEdemdsoi Sny Compu@E&ftinmm @. -tF' AllnigilsReed. ffi1ro2265 i:::::::i:,.,:,4,:,r.:.rur.,.,,,,1: PRECAUTIONS ',rl:tl1llt:irri::;:iil.i, ThisdisccontainsgamesoftwareforthePSPrM(Playstation@Portable)system.Neverusethis::: on anyother system, as it coulddamage it. Readthe PSPrM system Instruction Manual carefui , :: ensurecorect usage. Do not leave the disc near heat sources or in directsunlight or exces:.. moisture.Do not use cracked or deformed discs or discsthat have been repaired with adhesives :! 2 thiscould iead to mal{unction. I Pushdown one sldeofthe Placethe disc as shoer dkc as shown and gentiy pull gently pressingdownf,- ( upwards to remove lt. Usinq until it clickslito pl.r. excesslorce to temove the Storing the disc incon:: disc may result n damage, may retult in dam.ge. 8 B HEALTHWARNING Alwaysplay in a welllit environment. Take regular breaks, 15 minutesevery hour Avoid p aynq Y whentired or suffering from lack of sleep.Some individuals are sensitive lo flashing or flickerlng Iightsor geometricshapes and patterns, may have an undetectedepileptic condition and maJ WalkingandClimbing. ..."...9 experienceepileplic seizures when watching television or playingvideogames. Consult your Tagging. doctorbefore playing videogames ifyou have an epileptic condition and immediately should you experienceany of the followingsymptoms whilst playing: dizziness, altered vision, muscle ControlTips h{itching,other involuntary movement. loss ol awareness,confusion and/or convulsions. ScoringTips PIRACY ThePSPrM system and this disc contain technical protection mechanisms designed to preventthe SpecialMeter and Special Tricks unauthorisedreproduction of the copyrightworks present on the disc.The unauthorised use of CameraControl registeredtrademarks or the unauthorisedreproduction of copyrightworks by circumventinq thesemechanisms orothemise is prohibited by law TheN4ain Menu l{ youhave any information about pirate product or methodsused to circumventour technica protectionmeasures please email [email protected] orcall your local Custome. Create-A-Modes IZ Seryicenumber given at theback of thismanual. StoryMode '13 PARENTALCONTROL ThisPSPrM (Playstation@Portable) Game software has a presetParental Control Level based or :MultiplayerModes . 14 its content.You can set the ParentalControl Level on the PSPrMsystem to restridthe playbacf. Wireless(WLAN) Features . lo lilr of a PSPrMGamewith a ParentalControl tevel that is higherthan the levelset on the PSPrr :irt: system.For more information, please refer to the PSPrMsystem Instruction l\y'anual. Savingand Loading . 17 iu:i Create-A-Skater I t :,t, Create-A-Graphic 20i 9 Restricted to 18 and over Create-A-Goal LZ Not suitable for under 15 unless 7 accompanied by an adult Tricks 25 Recommended for WirelessPlay 28 5 mature players Game0ptions 31 Parental guidance 3 recommended Credits. 33 2 General CustomerSupport 41 Product utEs-00033 LicenseAgreement . .42,:::::::::::,,. GameO 2005Activlsof Publishin0. Inc. Libraryprograms O 2003-2005Sony Compuler Entertalnment n. ..::.:::|'. excusivelyliceised 10 SonyCompuier Enlertainment Europe. FoR lloN,lEUSE oNLY Unauthorisedcopyin! ' ' ':i:':' ..,:::t adaptaton,rental, lending, distribution, extraction. re-sae, arcade rse charginglor use, broadcast.p!blr performaiceand intefnel, cab e or anytelecommunications transmiss on. accessor useof th s productor anl :r'i,.,rrll:i:l:*llr trademarkor copyrightwork thai formspart oi this productare prohib ied. The commun cat on of this produc: ncludessoftware developed by the NetBSDFoundation, Inc. and ils contdbutorsFor a completelst oi contrlbutorsp ease see ww.scei.co.jplpsp-license/pspnet.txt. Pubish€d by Actvis on Publishing,Inc. Develop€c by NeversoitEntertanment, lnc. and Shaba. i . i r::: :::.:: : : :: : i :: I i i:i i i:::i il:i:t::::::,,riir,,l'. :, 1,1 li:.::::l:i:i: ' : . i I i :I II I I II i I i i i i i i i I i , . FB HOCMONE' Ad Hoc Mode is a'Wiretess (WLAN) feature thaf allows P0WER/H0LDswitch Wvoor more individualPSPrM systems to communicate directlywith eachother. GAMESHARING Disccover DC0UT connectors Some software titles feature Game Sharing facilities which enable the user lo share specific game featureswith other users who do not have a PSPrMGamein theirPSPrM system. INFFHSTBUETUFEMOTIE InlrastruclureMode is a Wireless(WLAN) feature that USB 0PENlatch c0nnector allows the PSPrMsystem to link to a nelwork via a Wireless(WLAN) Access Point (a deviceused to connect ::r:;;;;1:i1:r.rrt'r.'',; to a Wirelessnetwork). In orderto accessInfrastructure F,ISP'"(Playstation'Portable) according t0 the Mode features,several additionalitems are required, i::::ti:::::::::.$qtuf,th* including ::::ll::.]']i::indtrucfions,inits instruction manual. Turn the PSP'" systenr on a subscriptionto an InternetService Provider, a networkdevice (e.9. a WirelessADSL Router),a Wireless POWERindicator will light up green. The Home Menu will {,11111.enOihe (WLAN) Access Point and a PC. For further information :111::11;irrirtrbedispl.iyed.Pressthe OPEN latch to openthe disc cover lnseft , 'l91ry. and settingup details,please refer to the PSPrMsystem l:l:::,rrrillrthe Hawk'slJnderground 2 Bernlx disc with the label side InstructionManual. i::::,l:,l,taclng.{lg rear of thePsP'" system and then securely close the ii,,,,,,.,,,l::,!i!c!*et ,,,il.iii:i::: :t:r,.',rr::i':r5a1t*- a iconfrom the Home Menu and then select the O :ili::,.,:,i'run.Animage of the software will be displayed. Select the 1111,, l,lmaqq,anO press the X buttont0 commenceloading. F0llow the iii:,, :tOn.screen instructions and refer to this manual for information on li::11,,1,,1:lusingthesoftware. /vofe:Do not eject a PSP"Game while it isplavins i:,:,,,,,,,it iil..,,,MEMOFY STleH DUO* ::,,,,;,',,,Warningl Keep Memory Stick Duo'" media out of reachof small :::,,,..children, as the media could be swallowed by accident, :,:,itt: T0save.game settings and progress, insert a MemoryStick Duo'" .::,1,t.i!t9,ille Memory Stick Duo" slot 0f thePSP'" system. Saved game .idatartari.be loaded from the same Memory Stlck Duo'- or any :,Ug*oty6tiii&rDuol" containing previously saved game data. t, q*-.. - ," ,111i1iiTocroqch, press and hold the E butt0n.Crouching while skating tut ts.theskater go faster. ,1,,,,l.utulQ OLLIE(OR JUMP) r,::.t,::JQollie(or jump), press and release the E button.An ollie can ,,,:,1,,:dlsoneperformed atthe top 0f a rampto increaseheight and/or ,rr'distance (depending onthe type 0f ramp). GRABTRICKS Toperform a grab trick, you must first be in the air. 0nce in the ai1 press ' :::i the@ buttonin combinationwith one of the directional HOLD ::: buttons.Each direction on the directional buttons oerforms a indicator::::. differentgrab trick. The longer you hold the @ buttondown D: duringa grabtrick, the longer you'll "tweak" that grab trick. Rightspeakei .l't:tl. | :ati. Thescore for the trick increases over the lenoth of the orab. sTARTb.ut6iir tr:::r:i. )ELEU I OUEON FLIPTRICKS Soundbutton ' ToperJorm a flip trick, you must first be in the air. once in the air, Displaybutton pressthe lJ buttonin combination with one 0f the directional buttons.Each direction 0n the directional buttons performs a differentflip trick. GRINDTRICKS Toperform a grind trick, you must be near a railor a grindablesurface. Firstollie (press and release the E button),and then press the 6 buttonwhen near the rail/grindable sudace to performa grindtrick. 50-50= Whenparallel to a rail,press and hold the 6 button. Nosegrind= Pressthe I directionalbutton and the 6 button, .5-0 = Pressthe I directionalbutton and the 6 button. Boardslide/Lipslide= Rotate the board perpendicular ,,,,rli::, toa railand press the 6 button. 1111,,,,,,::,1,,,,," .: .,.t "'::,,,1;;:::::11:1::1;;;;1, ..: ....:,.r .-- : ttl-: = Pressthe I or I directionalbutton and the WAr-LRIDES = Pressthe I or , directionalbutton Toperform a wallride. approach a wall at a 450angle and 0llie intothe wall while holding the @ button.Press the E button t0wallie. Press the I directionalbutton and the E buttonto ri::trri.:wallieplant.Tod0 a vert wallplant, launch off a quarterpjpeand ::,:lr"presstne buttonon the way up. buttonwith a directionalbutton at the lip (0r top edge) E <F Pressthe and* directionalbuttons to balance. STICKERSLAP Jumpstraight into a walland press the E buttonto plantyour foot0n the wall and kick off in the oooosite direction. WALLPUSH Skateor manual straight into a walland hold the 6 buttonto pushoff the wall. SPINETRANSFERS Totransfer over a spine(two quarterpipe ramps placed backto- back),press the R buttonwhen launching offof one side of the sDrne. SKITCHING Toskitch (get pulled behind a vehicle),press the I directional .:itt:tt,. t:r . (r rf 8,0!\|E.!.ESS/FASTPTANTS/BEANPLANTS buttonwhen directly behind a vehicle.Press the and rt::,.;11r,11t directionalbuttons during a skitcht0 balancethe skater. Toperform a boneless, fastplant or beanplant(varies depending on pro quickly the skater), tap t t onthe directional buttons and FLATLANDTRICKS releasethe E button.These
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