NO 11 : ISSUED NOVEMBER 2002 OCTOBER REPORT FSAU acknowledges the contribution of key partners FEWS NET, CARE, WFP, SC-UK, UNCU, UNDP FSAU REPORTS AND ACTIVITIES HIGHLIGHTS Gedo Region : The nutritional improvements seen in a recent survey conducted in Belet Hawa district are closely attributed to the level of relief food interventions. ** The FSAU FOCUS “2002 Gu Season However, the difficulty of recording changing population figures, mortality rates and and Food Security Implications” will be population movements continues to present obstacles in estimating future needs and disseminated via e-mail and distributed interventions. to FSAU users in mid-November. Copies Food Security in Sool Plateau Improves : There has been erratic and patchy will also be available at FSAU offices rainfall on the Sool Plateau, however, FSAU Field Monitors’ report that berkads are from
[email protected] almost full so poorer pastoralist households are not having to spend large amounts of their income on the purchase of water. There has also been some improvement in **The field work for the FSAU Belet pasture. However there are still pockets (Sool of Eastern Sanag and Sool of Taleh Hawa Nutrition Survey with partners was district) which didn’t receive rain and these need to be monitored closely in the coming carried out between 18-24 October months. 2002. Preliminary information and Heavy Rains Fall in Belet Weyne (Hiran Region): Heavy rain fell throughout analysis is available in the October Issue Belet Weyne district between 21—27 October. This has enabled farmers to plant their of Nutrition Update. crops. Pasture has recovered.