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Material-World-Maps.Pdf MAPS Map Index World Maps · World Map with Material World Countries ........... 2 · World Map with Longitude and Latitude ............... 3 Region Maps · Asia ................................................................................ 4 · Africa ............................................................................ 5 · North America ............................................................. 6 · Latin America .............................................................. 7 · Middle East .................................................................. 8 Country Maps · Albania ......................................................................... 9 · Buthan .........................................................................10 · Brazil ............................................................................ 11 · China .......................................................................... 12 · Cuba ........................................................................... 13 · Ethiopia ..................................................................... 14 · Guatemala ................................................................. 15 · Haiti ............................................................................ 16 · Iceland ......................................................................... 17 · India ............................................................................. 18 · Israel ........................................................................... 19 · Italy ............................................................................. 20 · Japan ............................................................................ 21 · Kuwait ........................................................................ 22 · Mali .............................................................................. 23 · Mexico ........................................................................ 24 · Mongolia .................................................................... 25 · Thailand ..................................................................... 26 · United States .............................................................. 27 World Map with Material World Countries ARCTIC OCEAN 75ûN ICELAND 60ûN 45ûN MONGOLIA ATLANTIC ITALY U. S. A. ALBANIA ISRAEL CHINA JAPAN 30ûN KUWAIT PACIFIC MEXICO BHUTAN CUBA INDIA MALI HAITI 15ûN GUATEMALA THAILAND PACIFIC ETHIOPIA OCEAN 165ûW 150ûW 135ûW 120ûW 105ûW 90ûW 75ûW 60ûW 45ûW 30ûW 15ûW 0û 15ûE 30ûE 45ûE 60ûE 75ûE 90ûE 105ûE 120ûE 135ûE 150ûE 165ûE INDIAN OCEAN OCEAN BRAZIL 15ûS 30ûS OCEAN 45ûS 60ûS 75ûS World Map with Longitude and Latitude ARCTIC OCEAN 75ûN GREENLAND ICELAND NORWAY SWEDEN FINLAND RUSSIA 60ûN ESTONIA LATVIA DENMARK LITHUANIA NETH. CANADA POLAND BELARUS IRELAND U. K. GERMANY BELGIUM LUX. CZECH SLOVAKIA UKRAINE KAZAKHSTAN AUSTRIA MOLDOVA SWITZ. HUNGARY SLOVENIA CROATIA ROMANIA MONGOLIA 45ûNFRANCE ITALY BOSNIA SERBIA MONTENEGRO BULGARIA MACEDONIA GEORGIA UZBEKISTAN KYRGYZSTAN ATLANTIC ARMENIA NORTH KOREA PORTUGAL AZERBAIJAN GREECE TURKMENISTAN SPAIN TURKEY TAJIKISTAN U. S. A. ALBANIA SOUTH KOREA TUNISIA CYPRUS SYRIA IRAQ LEBANON AFGHANISTAN MOROCCO ISRAEL CHINA JAPAN 30ûN JORDAN Canary Islands ALGERIA NEPAL KUWAIT IRAN PAKISTAN EGYPT BHUTAN THE BAHAMAS WESTERN LIBYA QATAR PACIFIC MEXICO SAHARA U. A. E. TAIWAN SAUDI ARABIA CUBA MYANMAR DOM. REP. MAURITANIA LAOS BANGLADESH JAMAICA OMAN HAITI BELIZE NIGER MALI YEMEN HONDURAS SENEGAL ERITREA INDIA THAILAND VIETNAM 15ûN CHAD GUATEMALA GAMBIA SUDAN KAMPUCHEA PHILIPPINES EL SALVADOR NICARAGUA BURKINA DJIBOUTI GUINEA BISSAU GUINEA NIGERIA BENIN PANAMA GHANA COSTA RICA TOGO IVORY SRI LANKA CENTRAL PACIFIC VENEZUELA SIERRA LEONE COAST AFRICAN REPUBLIC ETHIOPIA CAMEROON SOMALIA GUYANA FRENCH GUIANA BRUNEI LIBERIA COLOMBIA SURINAME EQUATORIAL GUINEA UGANDA MALAYSIA OCEAN SAO TOME & PRINCIPE ZAIRE 165ûW 150ûW 135ûW 120ûW 105ûW 90ûW ECUADOR 75ûW 60ûW 45ûW 30ûW 15ûW 0û 15ûE 30ûE KENYA 45ûE 60ûE 75ûE 90ûE 105SINGAPOREûE 120ûE 135ûE 150ûE 165ûE GABON RWANDA CONGO BURUNDI PERU PAPUA TANZANIA INDIAN NEW GUINEA OCEAN INDONESIA ANGOLA OCEAN BRAZIL 15ûS ZAMBIA FIJI BOLIVIA NAMIBIA MALAWI ZIMBABWE MADAGASCAR BOTSWANA PARAGUAY MOZAMBIQUE NEW CALEDONIA AUSTRALIA CHILE SWAZILAND ARGENTINA 30ûS SOUTH AFRICA LESOTHO URUGUAY OCEAN NEW ZEALAND 45ûS FALKLAND ISLANDS SOUTH GEORGIA ISLAND 60ûS 75ûS Asia 75°E 80°E 85°E 90°E 95°E 100°E 105°E 110°E 115°E 120°E 125°E 130°E 135°E RUSSIA 50°N 50°N KAZAKHSTAN MONGOLIA 45°N 45°N KYRGYZSTAN NORTH KOREA 40°N 40°N TAJIKISTAN JAPAN CHINA SOUTH KOREA 35°N PAKISTAN 35°N 30°N 30°N NEPAL BHUTAN 25°N INDIA Pacific 25°N BANGLADESH Ocean VIETNAM MYANMAR LAOS 20°N 20°N 0 500 Miles THAILAND PHILIPPINES 0 500 KM Parallel scale at 40°N 0°E 75°E 80°E 85°E 90°E 95°E 100°E 105°E 110°E 115°E 120°E 125°E 130°E 135°E Africa 15°W 10°W 5°W 0° 5°E 10°E 15°E 20°E 25°E 30°E 35°E 40°E 45°E 50°E GREECE ITALY SPAIN PORTUGAL TURKEY 35°N TUNISIA MALTA 35°N CYPRUS SYRIA IRAN LEBANON MOROCCO ISRAEL IRAQ 30°N JORDAN 30°N KUWAIT ALGERIA LIBYA EGYPT BAHRAIN QATAR 25°N SAUDI ARABIA 25°N U. A. E. WESTERN SAHARA 20°N 20°N MAURITANIA MALI ERITREA NIGER CHAD YEMEN 15°N SENEGAL 15°N SUDAN GAMBIA BURKINA NIGERIA DJIBOUTI GUINEA AFRICA GUINEA BISSAU BENIN 10°N SOMALIA 10°N IVORY COAST TOGO ETHIOPIA SIERRA LEONE CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC GHANA 5°N CAMEROON 5°N LIBERIA EQUATORIAL GUINEA UGANDA KENYA CONGO 0° GABON RWANDA CONGO BURUNDI 5°S 5°S TANZANIA 10°S 10°S ANGOLA MALAWI MOZAMBIQUE ZAMBIA 15°S 15°S MADAGASCAR ZIMBABWE 20°S ATLANTIC 20°S NAMIBIA BOTSWANA OCEAN 25°S 25°S SWAZILAND LESOTHO 30°S INDIAN 30°S SOUTH AFRICA OCEAN 35°S 35°S 15°W 10°W 5°W 0° 5°E 10°E 15°E 20°E 25°E 30°E 35°E 40°E 45°E 50°E 0 500 Miles 0 500 KM Parallel scale at 0° 0° North America ARCTIC 1 60°N 5 W 0 ° ° OCEAN 0 60°N W 3 1 35 °W °W 45 GREENLAND ICELAND 1 20 °W °W 60 105° 5°W W 90°W 7 45°N 45°N CANADA U. S. A. ATLANTIC OCEAN 30°N 30°N MEXICO THE BAHAMAS CUBA 15°N 15°N DOM. REP. HAITI JAMAICA BELIZE PACIFIC GUATEMALAHONDURAS OCEAN EL SALVADOR NICARAGUA VENEZUELA 0 500 Miles 0 500 KM COSTA Parallel scale at 45°N 90°W RICA PANAMA COLOMBIA BRAZIL MilWawkee Twin Falls Detroit Scottsbluff Buffalo Boston Omaha Chicago Porto Philadelphia ATLANTIC Denver Reno Provo Kansas City LatinBaltimore AmericaNew York PORTUGAL Oakland Washington D. C. U. S. A. St. Louis Ponta Delgada Lisbon Sevilla San Francisco Las Vegas Norfolk Albuquerque Memphis Charlotte Los Angeles Atlanta Casablanca Rabat Tucson Birmingham San Diego Dallas MOROCCO New Orleans Jacksonville 30ûN Houston Canary Islands Tampa THE BAHAMAS WESTERN MEXICO SAHARA Havana Mexico City CUBA DOM. REP. MAURITANIA JAMAICA Nouakchott BELIZE HAITI HONDURAS SENEGAL 15ûN Praia Dakar GUATEMALA GAMBIA Bamako EL SALVADOR NICARAGUA GUINEA BISSAU GUINEA Caracas Conakry COSTA RICA GUYANA Freetown IVORY VENEZUELA COAST PANAMA Georgetown SURINAME SIERRA LEONE Bogota FRENCH GUIANA Monrovia Paramaribo LIBERIA Abidjan COLOMBIA 0û ECUADOR Quito Manaus Belem Fortaleza Talara Sao Goncalo PERU Porto Velho Cachimbo Trujillo Recife OCEAN BRAZIL Barreiras Lima BOLIVIA Salvador Cuiaba Brasilia 15ûS La Paz Goiania Sucre Belo Horizonte FRENCH Campinas PARAGUAY POLYNESIA Antofagasta Rio De Janeiro Curitiba Sao Paulo Asuncion OCEAN CHILE ARGENTINA 30ûS Porto Alegre Rosario Santiago URUGUAY Buenos Aires Montevideo Concepcion Neuquen Valdivia 45ûS Comodoro Rivadavia FALKLAND ISLANDS Port Stanley SOUTH GEORGIA ISLAND 150ûW 135ûW 120ûW 105ûW 90ûW 75ûW 60ûW 45ûW 30ûW 15ûW 105ûW 90ûW 75ûW 60ûW 45ûW 30ûW Middle East 30°E 35°E 40°E 45°E 50°E 55°E 60°E Aral Sea BULGARIA Black Sea GEORGIA UZBEKISTAN Caspian Sea ARMENIA 40°N AZERBAIJAN 40°N TURKEY TURKMENISTAN 35°N SYRIA 35°N CYPRUS LEBANON Mediterranean SeaISRAEL IRAN AFGHANISTAN IRAQ JORDAN 30°N KUWAIT 30°N Persian Gulf BAHRAIN EGYPT SAUDI ARABIA QATAR 25°N 25°N Gulf of Oman Red Sea U. A. E. OMAN 20°N 20°N Arabian Sea YEMEN 15°N ERITREA 15°N SUDAN DJIBOUTI Gulf of Aden ETHIOPIA SOMALIA 30°E 35°E 40°E 45°E 50°E 55°E 60°E 0 500 Miles 0 500 KM Parallel scale at 25°S 0°E Albania Boric I Math Skhoder Lezhe Milot Peshkopi Burrel Kep I Rodonit Kruje Fushe-bulqize Durres Tirane Kavaje Elbasan Peqin Divjake Lushnje Pogradec Stalin Sovjan Fier Berat Novosele Voskopoje Armen Vithkuo Vlore Gllave Dukat Permet Dhermi Himare Gjirokaster Piqeras Delvine Sarande Bhutan Thunkar Shingbe Lhuntsi Dzong Byakar Dzong Paro Dzong Thimbu Tongsa Dzong Chendebi Thimphu Tashigang Gong Thung Getta Dzong Shongar Dzong Thebong Hingtsa Haracha Gonphu Netap Bitana Domka Sarbhang Nepaltargaon Brazil Boa Vista Serro Do Navio Macapa Belem Santarem Sao Luis Tefe Manaus Fortaleza Teresina Sao Goncalo Imperatriz Jacareacanga Tarauaca Recife Porto Velho Cachimbo Maceio Rio Branco BRAZIL Aracaju Gurupi Barreiras Alvorada Salvador Saledade Guimeraes Cameta Santa Helena Cuiaba Anil Canavieiras Pinheiro Santa Maria Brasilia Paulino Neves Icatu Barreirinhas Freicheiras AraiosesParnaiba Barra Grande Camocim Acarau Santana Granja Marco Buriti Dos Lopes Urbano Santos Anajatuva Custo Dio Limao Martinopole Itapecurumirim Magalhaes De Almeida Paracuru Luzilandia Cocal Itapipoca Juca Vicosa Do Ceara Uruburetama Anapurus Brejo Sobral Itapje Chapadinha Matias Olimpio Tiangua Ponta De Mucuripe Pentecostes Goiania Bacatu Mecejana Esperentina Piracuruca Ibiapina Buriti Itaitinga Batalha Sao Benedito Cedro Miguel Alves Carnaubal Reriutaba Coelho Neto Barras Duque Bacelar Piripiri Ipu Caninde Baturite Pedroll Uniao Aracati Itaicaba Nova Russas Jose De Freitas Campo Maior Caxias Sucesso Altos Timon Creteus Mossoro Pendencias Independencia
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