Crispin Blunt was elected as the MP for Reigate in 1997 and from May 2010 to September 2012 he was the Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Prisons and Youth Justice within the Ministry of Justice.

Crispin has worked tirelessly to improve the local rail service for his constituents and led the opposition to plans for a second runway at Gatwick. He is also leading the fight to defend Reigate’s Green Belt.

We are once again extremely grateful to Donald and Margot Swift-Hook for inviting us into their house and hosting another Disraeli Supper.

Date: Friday, 10 May 2019 Time: 7.30 pm Location: Bourne Place, Horsell Common Road, Woking GU21 4XX 01483 773384

[email protected]

RSVP (to be received no later than Thursday 2nd May ) to: WCCA, Churchill House, Chobham Road, Woking GU21 4AA.

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