(As at 26 July 2019)


Purpose and Form of the Register

In accordance with Resolutions made by the House of Commons on 17 December 1985 and 28 June 1993, holders of photo-identity passes as Members’ secretaries or research assistants are in essence required to register:

‘Any occupation or employment for which you receive over £395 from the same source in the course of a calendar year, if that occupation or employment is in any way advantaged by the privileged access to Parliament afforded by your pass.

Any gift (eg jewellery) or benefit (eg hospitality, services) that you receive, if the gift or benefit in any way relates to or arises from your work in Parliament and its value exceeds £395 in the course of a calendar year.’

In Section 1 of the Register entries are listed alphabetically according to the staff member’s surname. Section 2 contains exactly the same information but entries are instead listed according to the sponsoring Member’s name.

Administration and Inspection of the Register

The Register is compiled and maintained by the Office of the Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards. Anyone whose details are entered on the Register is required to notify that office of any change in their registrable interests within 28 days of such a change arising. An updated edition of the Register is published approximately every 6 weeks when the House is sitting.

Changes to the rules governing the Register are determined by the Committee on Standards in the House of Commons, although where such changes are substantial they are put by the Committee to the House for approval before being implemented.


Complaints, whether from Members, the public or anyone else alleging that a staff member is in breach of the rules governing the Register, should in the first instance be sent to the Registrar of Members’ Financial Interests in the Office of the Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards.

Where possible the Registrar will seek to resolve the complaint informally. In more serious cases the Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards may undertake a formal investigation and either rectify the matter or refer it to the Committee on Standards. Under the rectification procedure a late entry may be printed in bold italics in the Register for twelve months from its first appearance.

Information and advice about the Register and the rules governing it

The Register can be viewed at by looking under ‘Registers of Interests’ in the A-Z Index on the home page there. Should you require any further advice please contact:

Office of the Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards House of Commons London SW1A OAA

Tel: 020 7219 1883 Email: [email protected] Website:


Staff Sponsor (i.e. Member) Other Relevant Gainful Occupation, Employment, Gift or Benefit Kasra Aarabi Richard Bacon None. Suha Abdul John McDonnell None. Lawrence Abel None. Manuel Abellan San Martin Tom Brake Councillor, London Borough of Sutton. Annesley Abercorn Parliamentary Consultant to Dragon Advisory (a business advisory consultancy). Clients: VW Finance. Jak Abrahams Gavin Williamson None. Niall Adams Helen Hayes None. Melanie Addis Cheryl Gillan None. Danial Adilypour Tom Watson Political Advisor, The Labour Party. Councillor, Lambeth Council. Overseas Visits: 4-8 November 2018 to Israel and the Palestinian Territories to meet Israeli and Palestinian political representatives. Accommodation, travel and meal costs paid by the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Angela Afzal Tim Farron Parliamentary Advisor, Good Faith Partnership (immigration and asylum policy group). Imiose Agboaye None. Jordan Agnew Lesley Laird Political Adviser, Labour Party. Mohammed Ahmed Jake Berry None. Naeem Ahmed Edward Miliband None. Nusrat Ahmed None. Christine Aird Mary Glindon None. Sam Airey Mary Creagh None. Fiona Aitchison Kirsty Blackman None. Festus Akinbusoye Mark Lancaster Company Director, Ikan Facilities Management Limited (security services). Daniel Aldred Theresa Villiers Overseas Visits: 16-19 September 2018 to accompanying UK Conservative Friends of Cyprus Parliamentary delegation. Transport (excluding flights), accommodation and meals paid for by Cypriot House of Representatives. Steven Aldridge Henry Smith None. Alistair Alexander Ruth Cadbury None. Jane Alexander Edward Leigh None. Lindsey Alexander Stephen Gethins None. James Ali Paul Williams None.


Staff Sponsor (i.e. Member) Other Relevant Gainful Occupation, Employment, Gift or Benefit Sadia Ali None. Hana Al-Izzi Annaliese Dodds None. Carol Allan Charles Walker None. Charley Allan David Drew Consultant, Solidarity Consulting Ltd (political consultancy). Clients: Public and Commercial Services Union, Police Federation, Prison Officers Association, National Association of Probation Officers, University and College Union (trade unions) (registered July 2019). Emily Allan Ben Bradley None. Georgina Allan Mark Francois None. Graham Allen Alex Norris None. Katy Allen None. Melina Allen Grant Shapps None. Timothy Allison Claire Perry None. Harry Alliss Andrew Griffiths None. Nina Altendorf Deidre Brock None. Stephen Alton Michael Ellis None. Joshua Ames Blackaby Yasmin Qureshi None. Milad Amini Rupa Huq None. Susannah Amoore None. William Amor None. Brooke Andersen Lyn Brown None. Eliot Andersen Sue Hayman None. Beverley Anderson Catherine West None. Jessica Anderson Rebecca Pow None. Julie Anderson Jeffrey Donaldson Researcher, Commonwealth Church. Thomas Anderton Kerry McCarthy None. Kirsty Andrew Stuart McDonald Office Manager, Jamie Hepburn MSP (Member of the Scottish Parliament). David Andrews Mark Menzies None. Elisha Andrews Karl Turner None. Liam Andrews Mark Lancaster None. Matthew Andrews Sue Hayman None. Giorgio Annecchini None. Andrew Anthony Mike Freer None.


Staff Sponsor (i.e. Member) Other Relevant Gainful Occupation, Employment, Gift or Benefit Shireen Anthony Vince Cable None. Lina Del Araujo Chris Matheson Contract Lawyer, Iilex Limited (legal services) Rosario Will Archdeacon Rapporteur, Digital Policy Alliance (EURIM) (informing policy on internet and technology sector) Beverley Archibald None. Beth Armstrong Paid by the Arbuthnot Banking Group to work as an adviser to Rt Hon. Dominc Raab MP. Dominic Armstrong None. Sandra Armstrong Sammy Wilson None. William Armstrong Tulip Siddiq None. Naomi Armstrong-Cotter Jim Shannon Councillor, Ards and North Down Borough Council. Beth Ashby John McDonnell Operations Officer, The Labour Party. Jack Ashby Imran Hussain None. Daniel Ashcroft Siobhain McDonagh None. Jay Asher None. Nadeem Ashraf Yasmin Qureshi None. Thomas Ashton John Stevenson None. Susan Aslett None. Zainab Asunramu Teresa Pearce None. Daniel Atherton None. John Atkinson Karen Buck None. Ilaria Aveta Chris Skidmore None. Eaman Awan Events Officer, Labour Party. Claire Ayres Owen Paterson None. Jordan Ayres None. Laura Elizabeth Ayres Eddie Hughes None. Jade Azim None. Peter Backhouse Sajid Javid None. Carolyn Bacon Jo Churchill None. Cheryl Bacon Kemi Badenoch Councillor, London Borough of Bexley. Lesley Bagulay Mark Prisk None. Amanda Bailey Catherine McKinnell None.


Staff Sponsor (i.e. Member) Other Relevant Gainful Occupation, Employment, Gift or Benefit Laura Bailey Bim Afolami None. Ron Bailey David Drew Head of Parliamentary Affairs, Sustainable Energy Association (member based industry body). Researcher, Poverty and Environment Trust (charity). Laura Baines Bill Wiggin None. Claire Baithun Dominic Grieve None. Charles Baker Sarah Newton None. Harriet Baker Alan Duncan None. Liam Baker Jon Cruddas None. Piers Baker Geoffrey Clifton-Brown None. Daniel Baksi Richard Burden None. Ryan Baldry Chris Philp Late Duty Press Officer, Conservative Campaign Headquarters. Gift/Benefit: Ticket and hospitality to the 02 Arena on Tuesday 19 March 2019, provided by RBS. (Registered March 2019). Christopher Bamber David Mundell None. Christopher Bambery Hywel Williams None. Richard Banham None. Elliott Banks David Lidington None. Sarah Banks Nigel Adams None. Julie Banks Thompson Andrew Lewer None. Katherine Banyard Sarah Champion Director, UK Feminista (NGO). Richard Barber Jo Platt None. Christopher Barbour Hugh Gaffney None. Claire Barker Nicholas Soames None. Antonia Barnes Marcus Fysh None. Emma Barnes Political Adviser, Labour Party. Milo Barnett Lisa Cameron None. Emma Barr Ben Bradley Head of Communications, Centre for Policy Studies (think tank). James Barr None. Maggie Barradell Sandy Martin None. Andrew Barrand Kevin Foster Admin Officer, Totnes Conservatives (political association). Mel Barratt None. Stuart Barrow Jack Brereton Research and copywriting, Carew Jones & Motley Ltd (retailer of fine art and interior design services).


Staff Sponsor (i.e. Member) Other Relevant Gainful Occupation, Employment, Gift or Benefit Iryna Bartlett Robert Syms None. Thomas Barton Matt Hancock None. Andrew Basile None. Stefano Basilico Andrea Jenkyns Freelance contributor, Easternational Connecting (Italian think tank). Luc Baskeyfield-Bride Thelma Walker None. Mukesh Basra Andrew Bridgen None. Michelle Bass Andrew Bridgen None. Emily Batchelor None. William Bateman Alberto Costa None. Kathryn Bates None. Robert Bates Stephanie Peacock None. Eleanor Batley Derek Thomas None. Connor Batty Bob Blackman None. Helen Bayne David Duguid None. Rachel Beadle Scott Mann None. Nicholas Beall None. John Beare Peter Grant Councillor, Fife Council. Kate Bearman Luciana Berger Director, Auden Communications (strategic communications). Charlotte Beaupere John Penrose None. Paul Beckford Zac Goldsmith Political Communications Consultant, No Third Runway Coalition (community organisation). Sarah Bedford Gareth Johnson Solicitor, Thomas Boyd Whyte (private legal practice). Samantha Beggs Edward Argar None. Jacqueleen Begley Company Secretary, Oxford Group (charity). Salma Begum Rushanara Ali None. Alexander Belic Alison Thewliss None. Steve Bell Maria Caulfield Councillor, Brighton & Hove City Council. Overseas Visits: 7-10 September 2017 to Gibraltar to attend Anniversary of Referendum to remain in UK. Accommodation and travel costs were paid for by the Gibraltar Government. (Registered February 2019). Toby Bell Michael Gove None. Lorin Bell-Cross John Spellar None. Kay Bellwood Alex Burghart None.


Staff Sponsor (i.e. Member) Other Relevant Gainful Occupation, Employment, Gift or Benefit Damilola Benbow Julie Cooper None. Mathew Benham Jeff Smith None. Stephen Benn Hilary Benn Director of Parliamentary Affairs, The Royal Society of Biology (registered charity). Oliver Bennathan Lyn Brown None. Antony Bennett Jo Churchill None. Daniel Bennett Michael Ellis None. Marley Bennett Kerry McCarthy None. Ruth Bennett Bob Stewart None. Rachel Bennion Susan Elan Jones None. Moira Benny Luke Graham None. Neil Benny Stephen Kerr Councillor, Stirling Council. Iona Bensusan Eleanor Laing None. Scott Benton Craig Whittaker None. Sam Berry Michelle Donelan None. Benjamin Bessey Lyn Brown None. Stacy Best Stuart Andrew None. Judith Betterton Geoffrey Clifton-Brown None. Samuel Betz Andrew Bowie None. Alexandra Beverley None. Phillip Bevin Jeremy Corbyn Administration and Correspondence Assistant, The Labour Party. Naveen Bhatia Damien Moore None. Oscar Bicket None. Owen Biggadike Jack Dromey None. Caitlin Biggs Peter Aldous Temporary Admin Assistant, Emerson and Renwick (engineering). George Biggs Amber Rudd None. Kady Billington-Murphy Policy and Public Affairs Co-ordinator, Children's Social Care Funding, The Children's Society (charity). Akshay Bilolikar Gavin Shuker None. Christopher Binding Owen Smith None. Collette Bird None. Alexander Black Nick Herbert None. Nicola Blackman Bob Blackman Gifts/Benefits: One ticket for England vs Spain Football match at Wembly on


Staff Sponsor (i.e. Member) Other Relevant Gainful Occupation, Employment, Gift or Benefit 8 September 2018 accompanying Bob Blackman MP. Overseas Visits: 18 - 21 September 2018 to Azerbaijan accompanying Bob Blackman MP. Flights and hotel paid for by Embassy of Azerbaijan. Overseas visits: 15-22 February 2019 to Kerala, India accompanying Bob Blackman MP. Flights and accommodation paid for by John Pius Kunnachery. Overseas Visits: 22-24 February 2019 to Mumbai, India accompanying Bob Blackman MP. Transport and accommodation paid for by the International Siddhashram Shakti Centre. (Registered March 2019). Howard Blagbrough Craig Whittaker Councillor, Calderdale Council. Claudia Blair Amanda Milling None. George Blake John Bercow None. Lois Blasenheim Dennis Skinner None. Sapphire Bleach Edward Davey None. Hannah Bloomfield Jo Churchill None. Jack Boardman Chris Leslie None. Andrew Bocking None. Rory Boden Mark Francois None. Theo Boggis None. Matthew Bold None. Suzanne Bold Rosie Duffield None. Sophie Bolsover Sajid Javid None. Robert Bond Steve Double None. Sophie Bond-Jones None. George Bose Matthew Offord None. Jade Botterill Yvette Cooper None. Joshua Boughton Philip Dunne None. Matthew Boughton Tom Tugendhat Councillor, Maidstone Borough Council. Jon Boulton Antoinette Sandbach None. Anika Bourley Esther McVey None. Sophie Bowe Nusrat Ghani None. Mark Bowman Antoinette Sandbach None. Nicola Boyle Mark Pawsey None. Sebastian Bracchitta Corbyn John McDonnell None.


Staff Sponsor (i.e. Member) Other Relevant Gainful Occupation, Employment, Gift or Benefit Rhiannon Brace Frank Field None. Lucy Bracken Chuka Umunna None. Cameron Bradbury Chloe Smith Presenter, BBC. Holly Bradfield Mark Pawsey Town Councillor, Chippenham Town Council. Christopher Bradley Wayne David None. Joe Bradley Jeremy Corbyn None. Laura Bradley David Jones None. Jodie Bradshaw Bob Blackman Waiting staff, SpaYse (hospitality). Kate Brady None. Cameron Brady-Turner Telephone researcher, Electric Marketing (business-to-business (b2b) marketing) Holly Bragg Ruth George None. Martha Brant Conor McGinn None. Thomas Brayford Paul Farrelly None. Holly Brazier Tope Clive Lewis None. Phillip Brett Nigel Dodds None. Natasha Brian None. Thomas Bridge Liz Kendall None. Timothy Bridges Sam Gyimah None. Sarah Bridgman Andrew Griffiths None. James Bristow Chris Ruane Director, The Mindfulness Initiative (provides scientific and public policy expertise). Louie Brockbank Julian Sturdy None. Bonita Brookes Helen Goodman None. Bronwen Brooks Owen Smith Councillor, Vale of Glamorgan Council. Heledd Brooks-Jones Liz Saville Roberts None. Adam Brooks-Wyatt None. Michael Broughton Nigel Evans Overseas Visits: 12 - 22 September 2018 to China as part of the 'UK and Nordic Young Politicians Joint Delegation'. Flights, accommodation, subsistence and internal travel paid for by the International Department of the Communist Party of China Central Committee. Gifts/Benefits: 11-12 May 2019 ?tbc Hospitality ticket to Heineken Champions Cup and one night hotel accommodation, paid for by Heineken UK and Ireland. (registered May


Staff Sponsor (i.e. Member) Other Relevant Gainful Occupation, Employment, Gift or Benefit 2019). Ailie Brown Patrick Grady None. Frederick Brown John Grogan None. James Brown Jon Cruddas None. Jill Brown Nick Hurd None. Kirsty Brown Meg Hillier None. Lee Brown Richard Burgon Political Advisor, Labour Party. Milton Brown Alex Norris None. Morwenna Brown None. Nicola Brown Margaret Beckett None. Samuel Wesley Brown Paul Girvan None. Shona Brown Vince Cable None. Steven Brown Ian Blackford None. Gracie Browning Rebecca Harris None. Lyn Bryan Margaret Beckett None. Elaine Bryce Daniel Poulter None. Heather Buchanan Peter Dowd Senior Advisor, Project Heather (Scottish Stock Exchange). Director, FBB (Fair Business Banking) Foundation (research). Darlyn Buchwitz Joseph Johnson None. Hannah Buckingham Anna McMorrin None. Niamh Buckingham Andy McDonald On Parliamentary Internship Scheme funded by bursary from the Catholic Bishop's Conference of England and Wales. Liam Budd None. Angus Bug-Millar Paul Sweeney None. Mara Bulf Oliver Heald None. Jack Buller Nigel Evans None. James Bullett Nick Hurd None. George Bullock Lee Rowley None. Elena Bunbury Mark Prisk None. Conor Bunting Kevan Jones None. Jill Burge David Tredinnick None. Katie Burgess Melanie Onn None. Michael Burgess Phillip Lee None.


Staff Sponsor (i.e. Member) Other Relevant Gainful Occupation, Employment, Gift or Benefit Simon Burgess Lloyd Russell-Moyle None. Michael Burke Diane Abbott Parliamentary Adviser, Labour Party. Thomas Burke Chris Leslie None. Max Burnett Martin Vickers None. Harry James Burns Angela Smith Paid by Geminia Ltd (political group) to work for Angela Smith as Research Assistant. James Burns Paul Sweeney None. David Burrowes Fiona Bruce Chairman, Equity Release Council (not-for-profit organisation). William Burstow Michael Tomlinson Gifts/Benefits: Ticket from Belfast International Airport for England vs Australia cricket match held on 13 June 2018 at The Oval (registered 3 July 2018). Gifts/Benefits: Ticket from Belfast International Airport for England vs South Africa ticket match held on 30 May 2019 at The Oval (registered June 2019). Eve Burt Alistair Burt None. Craig Busby Toby Perkins None. Harriet Butcher Peter Bone None Hilary Butler-Smith Matthew Offord None. Charlotte Butterick Jenny Chapman EPLP Westminster Liaison Officer, European Parliamentary Labour Party. Heather Butterworth Jeremy Hunt None. Amanda Buttimore Alistair Burt None. Charlotte Cady Stephen McPartland None. John Cafferty Emma Hardy Regional Secretary, Unison (trade union). Natalie Cahill Wes Streeting None. Rachael Cahill Danielle Rowley None. Lee Cain Boris Johnson None. Deborah Caine Alison McGovern Local government and union matters consultant, Arc Creative Studies Ltd (liaising with local government and unions). Christine Calder Martyn Day None. Michael Calderbank Ian Lavery Consultant, Solidarity Consulting Ltd (political consultancy). Clients: Bakers, Food and Allied Workers Union; Fire Brigades Union; Public and Commercial Services Union; National Union of Journalists; Rail, Maritime and Transport Union, Trade Union Coordinating Group (registered July 2019).


Staff Sponsor (i.e. Member) Other Relevant Gainful Occupation, Employment, Gift or Benefit Daniel Callaghan Christine Jardine None. Emma Camp Jamie Stone None. Lulu Cane Nigel Evans None. Lesley Canham Jo Churchill None. Stuart Caplan Louise Ellman None. Benjamin Carlton Alex Chalk None. Joshua Carlton None. Adele Carritt Keith Simpson None. Loizos Carserides Steve Reed None. Hannah Carson Ian Murray None. Margaret Mary Carson Martyn Day None. Russell Cartwright Kelvin Hopkins None. Emily Carver James Heappey None. Georgina Casey Adam Holloway None. Emily Casey-Haworth None. Alistair Cassidy Carol Monaghan None. Colleen Cassidy Lilian Greenwood Councillor, Corby Borough Council. Iain Cassidy Andy Slaughter Councillor, London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham. Laura Castle Julian Smith None. Sophie Castledine-Dack Victoria Atkins None. Etienne Caswell Joseph Johnson None. Melissa Cathcart Jacob Rees-Mogg None. George Causer None. Suzanne Cavalier Chloe Smith None. George Cawsey Christina Rees Councillor, Neath Port Talbot County Borough Council. Yelena Cekerevac Ben Bradley None. Laura Challinor Nic Dakin None. Adam Chambers Mel Stride None. Elliott Chang Nick Boles None. Brian Channer Janet Daby None. Edmund Chapman David Amess None. Janet Chapman Jeremy Corbyn Operations and Project Manager, Labour Party. Keith Chapman Stephen Hepburn Official Matchday Programme Editor, Stockport County Football Club.


Staff Sponsor (i.e. Member) Other Relevant Gainful Occupation, Employment, Gift or Benefit Lucy Chapman Meg Hillier None. Nova Charlton Marie Rimmer None. Caroline Chase-McCarthy Richard Burgon None. Carol Chatfield Eleanor Laing Receptionist, Sytner BMW (motor trade). Katherine Chibah Bambos Charalambous Councillor, London Borough of Enfield. Brendan Chilton Kelvin Hopkins Borough Councillor, Ashford Borough Council. General Secretary, Labour Leave (Brexit campaigning). Gookseong Cho Fiona Bruce None. Bilal Chohan Ruth Cadbury None. Thomas Claridge Will Quince None. Jordan Clark Diana Johnson None. Katy Clark Jeremy Corbyn Political Secretary/Adviser, Labour Party Oliver Clark Richard Bacon None. Suzanne Clark Alex Norris None. Jessica Clarke None. Susan Clegg Jack Lopresti None. James Cleverley Albert Owen None. Victoria Clode James Brokenshire None. James Close-Smith Andrew Mitchell None. Emily Coatman Richard Burgon Political Assistant, Labour Party. Maria Coatz Matthew Pennycook None. Harry Cobbold Jo Churchill None. Richard Coekin Senior Pastor Dundonald Church and Executive Director of Co-Mission, Co- Mission Churches Charitable Trust. Clare Coffey Therese Coffey None. Elaina Cohen Khalid Mahmood None. Honor Cohen Sarah Champion None. Charles Cole None. Philip Cole Caroline Flint Councillor, Doncaster Metropolitan Borough Council. Sarah Coleby Anne Milton None. Sean Coley Anna Soubry None. Deirdre Colgan Siobhain McDonagh None. Natasha Collett Yvette Cooper None.


Staff Sponsor (i.e. Member) Other Relevant Gainful Occupation, Employment, Gift or Benefit Charles Collins Andrew Selous None. Martin Collins Chris Ruane None. Louis Collis None. Amanda Collumbine Toby Perkins None. Linda Colyer John Spellar None. Art Conaghan Andrew Lewer None. James Coney Mark Field None. Samantha Conlon Seema Kennedy None. Alex Conneely Hughes Margaret Hodge None. Jacqui Connor John McDonnell None. Theresa Contable Maxwell Bill Wiggin None. Frederika Cook Steven Doughty None. Maurice Cook Daniel Poulter None. Kelham Cooke Nick Boles Deputy Leader of Council and Ward Member, South Kesteven District Council. Eric Cooper Andrew Jones Councillor and Leader, Harrogate Borough Council. Councillor, North Yorkshire County Council. William Cooper Vicky Foxcroft None. Nicola Cootes Matthew Pennycook None. Elinor Cope Social Media Manager, Wendy MacLennan (exercise company). Joy Copley Ann Coffey None. Vicki Corenbloom None. Spencer Corin Virendra Sharma None. Charlotte Cornell Rosie Duffield None. Joe Corry-Roake Preet Gill Councillor, Lambeth Council. Marta Corti Alec Shelbrooke International Programme Manager, Conservative Party. Matthew Corti Christina Rees None. Caroline Cosgrove Lucy Frazer None. Timur Coskun Andrew Rosindell None. Maria Costa Alberto Costa None. William Cowie Norman Lamb None. Gavin Cowings None. James Cowling Matt Hancock None.


Staff Sponsor (i.e. Member) Other Relevant Gainful Occupation, Employment, Gift or Benefit Matthew Cox Peter Heaton-Jones None. Linda Coxon Heather Wheeler None. Daniel Coyne None. Beatrice Crabb Stephen Crabb None. Caroline Craig John Whittingdale None. Nicholas Craker Sheryll Murray Councillor, Cornwall Council. Ross Crapnell Michael Fallon None. Catherine Craven Keith Simpson None. Daniel Crimes Karl Turner Policy Officer, RMT (trade union). Thomas Critchley Barry Sheerman None. Katie Critchlow Edward Davey Advisor and Board Member, NatureMetrics Ltd (monitors biodiversity using DNA). Michael Croghan James Morris None. Harriet Crompton Fiona Bruce None. Samuel Crook David Davis None. William Crook John Whittingdale None. Melvin Crosby Gareth Thomas None. Connor Crossland Joan Ryan None. Stuart Crow None. Philip Crowe Alan Brown None. Sybil Crowther Graham Brady None. Jennifer Cruse Stephen Lloyd None. Jay Crush Stephen Hammond None. Ashton Cull None. Louise Cullen None. Minnie Cullen Close Helen Hayes None. Iona Cullen-Stephenson None. Erik Cummins Matthew Pennycook None. John Cunningham Alex Cunningham None. Rupert Cunningham George Hollingbery None. Charlotte Cupit Nigel Mills District Councillor, North East Derbyshire District Council. William Curley Paul Scully None. Bethany Currie Helen Hayes None.


Staff Sponsor (i.e. Member) Other Relevant Gainful Occupation, Employment, Gift or Benefit Roz Currie Tommy Sheppard None. Cassandra Curtis Smith John Woodcock None. Andrew Cusack Edward Leigh None. Alexander Czulowski David Jones None. Yousef Dahmash Mark Pawsey Councillor, Warwickshire County Council. Iain Dale Keith Simpson Broadcaster, LBC Radio. Columnist for Political Commentator for CNN, ITV, Good Morning Britain, BBC, Sky News, London , Times Newspaper, Archant newspapers, Johnston Press newspapers. Book Royalties from Biteback Publishing. Hazel Dales Kevin Hollinrake None. Josephine Dalton Tom Watson Diary Manager/Office Manager, Labour Party. Lewis D'Ambra Madeleine Moon None. Kathryn Daniel Ruth Cadbury None. Kane Daniell Elizabeth Truss Special Adviser, HM Treasury. Max Daniels Keith Vaz None. Rosie Daniels Philip Dunne None. Hilary Dannatt David Duguid None. Martin Darby Oliver Dowden None. Luana D'Arco-Yakubu Justine Greening None. Jenna Darler Daniel Zeichner None. Edward Darling Andrew Jones Councillor, Harrogate Borough Council. Councillor, Knaresborough Town Council. Aphra Das Gupta David Davies None. Gregory Dash Political Advisor, Labour Party. James Davenport None. Ingrid Davidson Caroline Lucas None. Robert Davidson Sheryll Murray Overseas Visits: 6-10 September 2018 to Gibraltar accompanying Sheryll Murray MP. Accommodation and Travel paid for by HM Government of Gibraltar. 16-19 September 2018 to Cyprus accompanying the Conservative Friends of Cyprus Parliamentary Delegation. Transport, accommodation and meals paid for by the Cyprus House of Representatives. 25-29 October 2018 to Armenia accompanying Sheryll Murray MP. Airfare, accommodation, travel, food and drink paid for by the Prosperous Armenia Party. 9-12 May


Staff Sponsor (i.e. Member) Other Relevant Gainful Occupation, Employment, Gift or Benefit 2019 to Jersey accompanying Sheryll Murray MP. Airfare, accommodation, travel, food and drink paid for by the Government of Jersey (registered June 2019). Shona Davidson Marion Fellows None. Alexander Davies Vince Cable Director, Winning Campaign Limited. David Davies Barry Sheerman Executive Director, Parliamentary Advisory Council for Transport Safety (charity). Edward Davies Harriett Baldwin Managing Director, Miii Marketing Consulting (a marketing consultancy). Haf Davies Tom Watson Councillor, Cambridge City Council. Helen Davies Mark Pritchard None. Jack Davies Rebecca Pow None. Letitia Davies Elizabeth Truss None. Louise Davies None. Matthew Davies Sue Hayman Policy Officer, Labour Party. Sarah Davies None. Simon Davies Jack Lopresti Councillor, Mendip District Council. Responsible Finance Officer, St Cuthbert Out Parish Council. Councillor, Shepton Mallet Town Council. Adam Davis Tonia Antoniazzi None. Alexander Davis Jonathan Ashworth None. Jennifer Davis Eleanor Smith None. Rebekah Davis Rachel Maclean None. Andrea Davison Nic Dakin Councillor, North Lincolnshire Council. Maariyah Dawood Jeremy Corbyn None. John Dawson Oliver Letwin None. Laura Dawson David Mundell None. Matthew Dawson Holly Lynch None. Tomos Day Vicky Ford None. Michele De Angeli Richard Benyon None. Hugues De Maupeou Pete Wishart None. Chantelle De Villiers Lucy Allan None. Paul Dean Stephen Hepburn None. Ross Deans David Linden None. Mark Dearn Jeremy Corbyn None.


Staff Sponsor (i.e. Member) Other Relevant Gainful Occupation, Employment, Gift or Benefit Francis Dearnley George Freeman None. James Dee Nicky Morgan None. Diego Deleersnyder None. Evelina Demchenko Alec Shelbrooke International Programme Manager, Conservative Party. Alys Denby Helen Whately None. Ryan Denning Robert Courts None. Michael Denoual Kevin Barron Senior Policy and Campaigns Adviser, Authors' Licensing and Collecting Society. Ryan Denston Janet Daby None. Oliver Denton Tulip Siddiq None. Priya Dev None. Callum Devine Ian Austin Public Affairs Administrator, Holocaust Educational Trust (educational charity) Cathy Devlin Paul Flynn None. Denise Devlin John McNally None. Katherine Dew Robin Walker None. Daniel Dewhurst Damien Moore Councillor, Preston City Council. Overseas Visit: 6-9 November 2018 to Tunisia accompanying Damien Moore MP. Flights, accommodation, travel, food and drink paid for by Tunisian National Tourism Office UK and Ireland. Conor Diamond Michelle Gildernew None. Sherifa Dibba Elizabeth Truss None. Sophie Dicker Danielle Rowley None. Matthew Dickins Councillor, Sevenoaks District Council. Charlotte Dickson Edward Vaizey District Councillor, Vale of White Horse District Council. Partner, C.D Associates (website and design agency). Sally Dickson Sarah Newton None. Scott Dickson None. Callum Dineen Michael Ellis None. Harriet Dines Maria Eagle None. Simon Dixon Barbara Keeley None. Mikal Dobbs Barry Gardiner None. Toni Dock Mhairi Black None. Aisha Dodwell Dan Carden None.


Staff Sponsor (i.e. Member) Other Relevant Gainful Occupation, Employment, Gift or Benefit David Doig Political Adviser, Labour Party. Andrew Dolan Jon Trickett Employed by the Labour Party as Political Advisor to Jon Trickett MP. Overseas Visits: 8-15 April 2019 to New York and North Carolina, USA to attend the 2019 Summer School of the Working Families Party. Flights and accommodation paid for by The Working Families Party (registered May 2019). Amy Dolley Stephen Timms None. Graeme Dolphin Margaret Greenwood None. Zoe Dommett Ben Wallace None. Susan Donaghy Alex Cunningham None. Mark Donne Louise Haigh Paid by GMB (trade union) to work for Louise Haigh as Senior Researcher. Julia Donnelly Lisa Cameron None. Robert Donnelly Andrew Gwynne Political Adviser, Labour Party. Oliver Dorgan Trudy Harrison None. Eleanor Dormer Sarah Wollaston Media Advisor, The Independent Group (political party). Jennifer Dorries Nadine Dorries None. Anne Double Steve Double Secretary, Good News Crusade (religious charity). Nigel Double None. Kate Dove Grahame Morris None. Katie Dover Philip Lee None. Frederick Dowd Ellie Reeves None. Jonathan Downing Thangam Debbonaire None. Catherine Dowse Jack Dromey None. Thomas Dowse William Wragg None. Joshua Drake Adrian Bailey None. Stuart Drakes Joan Ryan None. Yohance Drayton Emily Thornberry None. Noemi Drew Keir Starmer None. Corrie Driscoll Alun Cairns None. William Dry Guto Bebb Political Secretary, People's Vote Campaign (political campaign). William Dry Lisa Forbes None. Katy Duddridge James Duddridge None. Elizabeth Dudley Kate Osamor None.


Staff Sponsor (i.e. Member) Other Relevant Gainful Occupation, Employment, Gift or Benefit Helyn Dudley Matt Hancock None. Struan Dudman Jeremy Corbyn None. Alexandra Duff Caroline Spelman None. Joseph Duffy Karen Lee None. Glenn Duggan Caroline Dinenage None. Celia Duncan Martin Whitfield None. Glenda Dunster None. Ada During Kate Hoey None. Oliver Durose David Lammy None. Edward Dwight Mims Davies Councillor, Sutton Borough Council. Joseph Dwyer Francie Molloy None. Samuel Dyas Paul Masterton None. Connor Dyer Bob Blackman None. James Earley Alex Sobel None. Rachel Earlington Diane Abbott None. Roger Easterby Ian Lavery ? Bethan Eddy Ben Bradley None. Harriet Edmunds Tom Pursglove None. Hannah Edwards Philip Hammond None. Kate Edwards Kevin Barron None. Philip Edwards Teresa Pearce None. Saria Eid Rory Stewart None. Oussama El Fatihi Nicky Morgan Researcher, Conservative Group for Europe. Daniel El-Gamry Heather Wheeler Political Advisor, The Conservative Party. Cai Elis Liz Saville Roberts None. Frederick Ellery Oliver Dowden None. Matthew Ellery Charlie Elphicke Programmes Officer, Housing and Finance Institute (housing and local government). Claire Ellis Robert Buckland Councillor, Swindon Borough Council. Hannah Ellis Robert Halfon Overseas Visits: 16-19 September 2018 to Bucharest and Craiova, Romania accompanying Robert Halfon MP. Accommodation, food, flights, and internal transport paid for by the University of Craiova (registered september 2018). 5 July 2019 Ticket and hospitality for the Goodwood Festival of Speed


Staff Sponsor (i.e. Member) Other Relevant Gainful Occupation, Employment, Gift or Benefit from Octopus Investments Ltd (registered July 2019). Patricia Ellis Julie Cooper Councillor, Burnley Borough Council. Naomi Eluwa Kemi Badenoch None. Victoria Elvidge Harriett Baldwin None. James Emberley Nicholas Soames None. Siân Errington Laura Pidcock Political Officer, Unite the Union. Maryam Eslamdoust Jeremy Corbyn Councillor, London Borough of Camden. Researcher, Labour Party. David Evans Christine Jardine None. Enya Evans Alistair Carmichael None. Gabrielle Evans Eddie Hughes None. Owen Evans Luke Hall None. Ruby Evans Rushanara Ali None. Sasha Evans David Drew None. Thomas Evans Barry Gardiner Paid by Christine Lee & Co (solicitors) for the work I do in Parliament. Alexander Evelyn None. William Ewing Anne Main None. Helen Faccio Gloria De Piero None. Peter Fage Hugo Swire None. Dulcie Fairhurst Jeremy Corbyn Political Adviser, Labour Party. Paul Fairhurst Jake Berry None. Thomas Fairweather Bernard Jenkin None. Adam Farrell Jim Cunningham District Councillor, North Warwickshire Borough Council. Brendan Farrell Marie Rimmer None. Jessica Faulkner Sharon Hodgson None. Naomi Fawcitt Barry Sheerman None. Emily Fell Cheryl Gillan None. Andrew Fellows Andrew Lewer None. Dan Feng Barry Sheerman None. Phillip Jack Fenton Sandy Martin National Organiser, SERA-Labour's Environment Campaign. Thomas Fenwick George Freeman None. David Ferguson Paul Girvan None. Howard Ferguson Nigel Adams None. Andrew Fernandes Valerie Vaz None.


Staff Sponsor (i.e. Member) Other Relevant Gainful Occupation, Employment, Gift or Benefit Lareina Fernandes Keith Vaz None. Uma Fernandes Suella Braverman None. Thomas Fieldhouse Oliver Letwin Deputy Director, Red Tape Initiative (cross-party think tank). Overseas Visits: 12 - 22 September 2018 to China as part of the 'UK and Nordic Young Politicians Joint Delegation'. Flights, accommodation, subsistence and internal travel paid for by the International Department of the Communist Party of China Central Committee. Diogo Figueiredo Harriet Harman None. Rebecca Filer Stella Creasy None. David Findlay Alberto Costa None. Freya Findlay Rory Stewart None. Gareth Finn Martin Docherty-Hughes None. Max Firman James Brokenshire None. Andrew Fisher Jeremy Corbyn Executive Director of Policy, Labour Party. Charles Fisher Greg Hands Gifts/Benefits: Hospitality for Liverpool FC matches v Bournemouth, Bayern Munich on 9 February and 19 February from Laduma (registered February 2019); Hospitality for Liverpool FC match v Chelsea on 14 April 2019 from Laduma (registered May 2019). Mark Fitton Ian Lavery None. Ella Fitzsimmons Kemi Badenoch None. Andrew Flannagan Rachael Maskell Researcher, Christians in Politics (citizenship). Christopher Flattery Jeremy Corbyn Correspondence Assistant, Labour Party. Danielle Fleet Philip Davies None. Jenny Fleischer Philip Lee None. Gabriel Fleming Judith Cummins None. Rhuaraidh Fleming Stephen Gethins None. John Flesher Zac Goldsmith None. Harry Fletcher Liz Saville Roberts None. Oliver Fletcher Vernon Coaker None. Victoria Flippance Vicky Foxcroft None. Louis Flood Maggie Throup None. James Floyd Louise Ellman None. Hilary Flynn Nick Gibb None.


Staff Sponsor (i.e. Member) Other Relevant Gainful Occupation, Employment, Gift or Benefit James Flynn Emma Reynolds None. Rachel Flynn Trudy Harrison None. Benjamin Folley Jeremy Corbyn Parliamentary Labour Party Liaison, Labour Party. George Foote Sarah Wollaston None. Kate Forbes Rosena Allin-Khan Councillor, Wandsworth Council. Overseas Visits: 2 - 6 October 2018 to the border of Bangladesh and Myanmar accompanying Dr Rosena Allin-Khan to work in a refugee camp. Paid for by More United Ltd. Overseas Visits: 4-8 April 2019 to Israel and Palestine on a medical aid visit. Flights, accommodation, food and transport paid for by Medical Aid for Palestinians (registered May 2019). Thomas Forrester Anne-Marie Trevelyan None. Andrew Forsey Frank Field None. Joe Fortune Adrian Bailey Political and Policy Manager, The Co-operative Party. Carol Foster Daniel Kawczynski None. Jonathon Foster Pauline Latham None. Marcus Foster Edward Davey None. Matthew Fothergill Wayne David None. Fiona Fotheringham Marion Fellows None. Jake Fountain Andrea Leadsom None. Benjamin Fox Kemi Badenoch Journalist, The Moorlander (newspaper). Timothy Foxley Jack Brereton None. Katie Frank Ross Thomson None. Natalie Franklin Gareth Thomas None. Iain Fraser Ronnie Cowan None. Max Freedman Kate Hoey None. Jack Freeman Marcus Fysh None. Oliver Freeman Seema Malhotra None. Henrietta Freeman Owen David Gauke None. Will Fremont-Barnes Michael Tomlinson Paid by the Methodist Church to work as an intern for Michael Tomlinson MP. Karen French Ruth Jones None. Leanne French Gillian Keegan None. Joanne Frey Michael Fabricant None.


Staff Sponsor (i.e. Member) Other Relevant Gainful Occupation, Employment, Gift or Benefit Olivia Frost Mark Prisk None. Lynda Fryer David Rutley None. Ryan Fuller Jonathan Djanogly None. Kelly Furlong Theresa Villiers None. Stephen Furlong Nick Gibb None. Koyinsola Fuwa Paul Scully None. John Fyfe John Stevenson None. Bhupinder Gakhal Eleanor Smith Ward Councillor, Wednesfield Council. Suzy Gale None. Amanda Gallagher None. Benjamin Gallagher Naseem Shah None. Callum Gallagher-Edwards Roberta Blackman-Woods None. Anne Galloway Chris Green Councillor, Bolton Metropolitan Borough Council. Tina Gambell Stephen Barclay None. Damian Gannon Colleen Fletcher None. Cheryll Gardiner Stephen Crabb None. Imogen Gardiner George Eustice None. Nick Garland Rachel Reeves Research Assistant, Queen Mary University of London. Caroline Garnier Mark Garnier None. Terri Garratt Pat McFadden None. Michael Gaskill None. Arron Gatley George Freeman None. Hilary Gauthier Vicky Ford Provides administrative support to the Mid Norfolk Conservative Association (political organisation). Beverley Gaynor Nadhim Zahawi Administrator, Le Cercle (international affairs group). Vanessa Gearson Nicholas Soames None. Andrea Gee Paul Masterton None. Miles Geilinger Barry Gardiner Parliamentary Caseworker, Democracy Forum (a not for profit (NGO) which promotoes ideals of democracy, pluralism and tolerance through public debate). Jackie George Barry Gardiner None. Ronan George Angela Smith Communications Officer, Independent Press Standards Organisation (research).


Staff Sponsor (i.e. Member) Other Relevant Gainful Occupation, Employment, Gift or Benefit Anton Georgiou Norman Lamb None. Helen Georgiou Mike Hill None. Tyler Gerrard Mel Stride None. Yasmin Ghaffar Andrew Mitchell None. Lana Ghafoor Tom Brake None. Sadia Ghani Pat McFadden None. Keith Gibb Chris Stephens None. Robbie Gibbons Dan Carden None. Leo Gibbons-Plowright Siobhain McDonagh Councillor, London Borough of Lewisham. Adam Gibbor Mark Menzies None. Chloe Gibbs Edward Argar None. Ed Gibbs Caroline Spelman None. Simon Gibson Michael Tomlinson Councillor, East Dorset District Council. Ellen Giddey Stephen Morgan None. Jack Giddings David Rutley None. Rosie Giddings Nick Hurd None. Tommy Gilchrist Andrea Leadsom None. Florence Gildea Frank Field None. Nicola Gillam Heidi Allen None. Matthew Gillow Elizabeth Truss Research Associate, Adam Smith Institute (think tank). Jack Gilmore Daniel Kawczynski None. Harry Ginsburg Andrew Percy None. Arthur Girling Thangam Debbonaire None. Megan Gittoes Tobias Ellwood None. Lynn Glaister Jessica Morden None. Elizabeth Glasgow Robert Courts None. Jules Glaves-Smith Ruth Smeeth None. Vanessa Gleisinger James Cleverly None. Jay Glover Alison McGovern None. Sorah Gluck Meg Hillier Teacher, United Synagogue. Matthew Goddin Wes Streeting None. Rachel Godfrey Greg Clark None. Ben Goldsborough David Hanson None.


Staff Sponsor (i.e. Member) Other Relevant Gainful Occupation, Employment, Gift or Benefit Jamie Goldsmith Suella Braverman None. Yasmin Goldsmith Richard Harrington None. Jacqueline Gomes-Neves David Lidington None. Maeva Gonzalez Ben Wallace None. Kate Goodhart Joseph Johnson None. Sam Goodman Peter Dowd Political Adviser, Labour Party. Author, Manchester University Press. Florence Goodrham Preet Gill None. Harold Goodwill Liam Fox None. Alasdair Gordon Stephen Timms None. Alastair Gordon Richard Burgon None. Jane Gordon Banks Oliver Letwin None. Jane Gordon-Cumming Nick Boles None. Anna Gorrell Catherine West None. Clare Gosbee Harriet Harman None. Holly Gosling Tan Dhesi None. David Goss Liam Fox Special Adviser, Department for International Trade. David Gould Tonia Antoniazzi Head of Policy and Comms, ASLEF (trade union). Joseph Gould Mary Robinson None. Alastair Gourley Wera Hobhouse None. Andrew Gowan Paul Girvan None. Alex Graham Emma Hardy None. Charlotte Graham-Cameron Stephen Barclay None. Judith Grant Phil Wilson Sessional Advocate, National Youth Advocacy Service (charity). Councillor, Durham County Council. Naomi Grant Stephen Timms None. Sharon Grant Ann Clwyd Chair, Public Voice CIC (Social enterprise promoting consumer voice in health and social care). Simon Grant Helen Grant None. Caroline Gray Mike Freer None. Emma Gray None. Nicholas Gray Kevin Foster None. Susan Gray Robert Jenrick None. Mark Grayling Ruth George None.


Staff Sponsor (i.e. Member) Other Relevant Gainful Occupation, Employment, Gift or Benefit Susan Grayling None. Luke Graystone Andrea Leadsom Councillor, Northampton Borough Council. Emma Green Matt Warman None. Matthew Green Lucy Frazer None. Samantha Green Chris Williamson None. Sophia Greenfield Dan Jarvis None. Archie Greenslade Tom Pursglove None. Joanne Greenwood Julie Cooper None. Samuel Greenwood Valerie Vaz None. Nicholas Gregory Emily Thornberry None. Janet Greig Mike Hill None. George Greville Williams Alan Duncan None. Michelle Gribbon Mohammad Yasin None. Karen Grieve Andrew Mitchell None. Penelope Griggs Chris Leslie None. Alex Grimsdall Damian Hinds None. Richard Grocott Mark Menzies None. Beverley Groves Stephen Metcalfe None. Ayaan Gulaid Rushanara Ali None. Zainab Gulamali Ben Lake Researcher, Plaid Cymru. Lesley Gulland Ian Murray None. Stuart Gulleford Priti Patel None. Alastair Gunn Andrew Stephenson Gifts and Benefits: 5 July 2019 from Octopus Investments Ltd, hospitality at the Goodwood Festival of Speed (registered July 2019). Julie Gur Marcus Fysh None. James Gurd Andrew Percy Political Director, Conservative Friends of Israel (political research). Nieves Gutierrez Maya Keith Vaz None. Ian Gutteridge Maggie Throup None. Alexandra Guyver Owen Paterson None. Joseph Hackett David Duguid None. Samantha Hadley James Morris None. Catherine Haig Richard Benyon None. Eleanor Haigh Vicky Ford None.


Staff Sponsor (i.e. Member) Other Relevant Gainful Occupation, Employment, Gift or Benefit Jack Haines Layla Moran None. James Halden Giles Watling Councillor and Cabinet Member, Thurrock Council. Lynne Hale Chris Philp Councillor, London Borough of Croydon. Joshua Hales Gloria De Piero None. Martin Halfpenny George Hollingbery I provide media advice to various MPs via my consultancy business, Halfpenny Communications Ltd. Barry Hall Ian Paisley None. Ben Hall Jenny Chapman None. Bethany Hall Matt Hancock None. Ian Hall Rory Stewart None. James Hall Kenneth Clarke None. James Hall None. John Hall None. Jordan Hall Anna Turley None. Mikael Hameed Sajid Javid None. James Hamilton None. Rene Hamilton Douglas Chapman None. Samuel Hamilton Michelle Donelan None. Julia Hammelehle Margaret Hodge None. Rebecca Hammond Peter Kyle None. Faisal Hamza Craig Mackinlay None. Richard Hanford Grahame Morris Consultant, Solidarity Consulting Ltd (political consultancy). Clients: PCS (Public and Commercial Services union), RMT (National Union of Rail, Maritime and Transport Workers), FBU (Fire Brigades Union); Addaction, Humankind, and WDP (drugs and alcohol treatment providers) (registered July 2019). Karl Hansen Andy McDonald None. Colette Hanson Peter Bottomley None. Huma Haq Rebecca Long Bailey Political Advisor, Labour Party. Alice Hardstone James Brokenshire None. Trish Hardy Peter Dowd Councillor, Sefton Metropolitan Borough Council. Russell Hargrave Tim Farron Freelance Reporter for and Public Finance Magazine (media outlets).


Staff Sponsor (i.e. Member) Other Relevant Gainful Occupation, Employment, Gift or Benefit Nikita Harkin Angus MacNeil None. Bernard Harkins Danielle Rowley None. Sam Harney Jeremy Cobyn Policy Development Officer, Labour Party. Rhys Harper Ben Lake None. James Harries Bim Afolami None. Sinéad Harrington Richard Burden None. Ben Harris Michael Fabricant None. Camilla Harris Sarah Jones None. Eleanor Harris Henry Bellingham None. Mark Harris Gary Streeter Parliamentary Officer, Bible Society (a charity). Max Harris John McDonnell None. Megan Harris Luke Hall None. Helen Harrison Peter Bone District Councillor, East Northants Council. Gifts/Benefits: Ticket and hospitality from William Hill to attend an NFL game at Wembley on 14 October 2018 (registered 29 October 2018). Ticket and hospitality to attend Red Sox baseball game at Wembley Stadium on 30 June 2019 from Boundless by CSMA (registered July 2019). Matthew Harrison Matt Rodda None. James Harrison Allen Chris Davies None. Holly Harrison-Mullane Emma Dent Coad None. Abigail Hart Simon Hart Administrative Assistant, Countryside Alliance (rural advocacy). Gift/benefit: Tickets and Hospitality to Cricket at Lord's on Thursday 24 May 2018 provided by RBS. Charlotte Hartill Chris Skidmore None. Jack Harvey John Glen Gifts/Benefits: In receipt of bursary from CARE (Christian Action Research and Education), a registered charity as an intern on their graduate training programme. Agha Hasan Khalid Mahmood None. Jonathan Haseldine Anne Marie Morris None. Lucinda Hasell Philip Hammond None. Blerina Hashani Gill Furniss None. William Haslam Chris Green None. Faduma Hassan Jeremy Corbyn None.


Staff Sponsor (i.e. Member) Other Relevant Gainful Occupation, Employment, Gift or Benefit Warda Hassan Harriet Harman None. Daniel Hathaway Emily Thornberry None. Joshua Hatten Graham Stuart Board Member, Australian Health Practitioners Regulatory Authority. Lloyd Hatton Margaret Hodge None. Milia Kit King Hau Royston Smith None. Sarah Jane Haughey None. Anna Haworth Margaret Hodge None. Susan Hay None. Gillian Hayes Clive Efford None. Peter Hayes Emma Lewell-Buck None. Reece Hayes Ben Bradshaw None. Harry William Hayman Gerald Jones None. Lucas Thomas Haynes Chris Grayling None. Prentice Hazell Jonathan Ashworth None. Jo Heal Ruth Cadbury Service Assessor, World Duty Free (retail). Christine Heald Oliver Heald None. Elizabeth Healey Greg Hands None. Roslyn Heaney Brendan O'Hara None. Barbara Hearn Tom Watson None. Herta Hearsum None. Kristopher Hearsum Nusrat Ghani None. Marisa Heath Leo Docherty County Councillor, County Council. Borough Councillor, Runnymede Borough Council. On Runnymede Fostering Panel (approving foster carers). Erika Hegewald Karen Bradley None. William Heilpern David Lammy 7-9 June 2019 to Canada for study trip regarding Canada's decision to legalise cannabis. Meals and car journeys paid for by Volteface (registered July 2019). Hannah Henderson Greg Hands None. Juliet Henderson None. Niall Henderson Hugh Gaffney Data Officer, Geeza Breaks (children and families charity). John Hendy Laura Pidcock None. John Heneghan Thelma Walker None.


Staff Sponsor (i.e. Member) Other Relevant Gainful Occupation, Employment, Gift or Benefit Katherine Henig Kevan Jones None. Christopher Henry Peter Kyle None. Darren Henry Michelle Donelan Councillor, Wiltshire Council. Erin Henwood Wes Streeting None. Clifford Herbertson Stephen Kerr None. Christopher Herman Gareth Thomas None. Ellena Herman Siobhain McDonagh None. Ian Hernon Ronnie Campbell None. Maria Herron Sharon Hodgson None. Matthew Hexter Ruth Jones None. Emma Heywood Anne Marie Morris None. Sue Hidderley-Burton Pauline Latham None. Aidan Higgins Julie Cooper None. Holly Higgins Alison McGovern None. Clodagh Higginson Vince Cable Press Secretary, Liberal Democrats. Adam Hignett Greg Clark None. Alison Hill Gary Streeter Parliamentary Officer, Parliamentary Christian Trust (charity). Helen Hill Brandon Lewis None. Henry Hill Julian Knight Assistant Editor, Conservative Home (journalism). Jacob Hill Ann Coffey None. Jayne Hill Rachel Reeves None. Thomas Hinchcliffe Fabian Hamilton None. Elizabeth Hitchcock Matt Hancock Councillor, Westminster City Council. Carmel Hobbs None. Daniel Hobson Liz Twist None. Francesca Hodac-Nichols Peter Aldous None. Olenka Hodge Jess Phillips None. Ruairi Hodges Luke Graham None. Alan Hodgson Sharon Hodgson None. Jessica Holden Bridget Phillipson None. Alastair Holder Ross Yvette Cooper None. Dena Holland Rosena Allin-Khan None. Jenny Holland Alan Whitehead Public Affairs and Policy Specialist, UK Green Building Council (UKGBC)


Staff Sponsor (i.e. Member) Other Relevant Gainful Occupation, Employment, Gift or Benefit (sustainability charity) Luke Holland Shabana Mahmood None. Mark Holland Jack Brereton Borough Councillor, Newcastle-under-Lyme. Victoria Holland Jeremy Hunt None. Lynda Holton Douglas Chapman None. Lisa Homan Liam Byrne Councillor, London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham. Natasha Hook Caroline Dinenage None. William Hooper Daniel Poulter None. Alice Hopkin James Cleverly None. Kurt Hopkins Barry Sheerman None. Alfred Hopkinson Robert Jenrick None. Tristan Hopper Amber Rudd None. David Hornby Martin Vickers None. Emily Horner Anna Soubry None. Scott Horner Jack Dromey Local Organiser, Harrow West Labour Party. Daniel Horrocks Mike Wood None. Laura Horton Ian Austin None. Thomas Horton Mike Freer None. Charles Hosmer None. Alexander Houghton Royston Smith Councillor, Southampton City Council. Ryan Houghton Ross Thomson Councillor, Aberdeen City Council. Devon Howard None. Christopher Howarth None. Christopher N Howarth Nick Herbert Researcher, The Project for Modern Democracy (think tank/charity). Sam Howarth Jenny Chapman None. Joseph Howe Anne Milton None. Michelle Howlin Stephen Barclay Senior Parliamentary Assistant, Croydon Commitment (charity). Celia Hudson Meg Hillier None. Ursula Hudson Gareth Johnson None. Zara Hudson Nigel Adams None. Clemency Huggins Ranil Jayawardena None. Katharine Huggins David Jones None. Carolyn Hughes Vicky Foxcroft None.


Staff Sponsor (i.e. Member) Other Relevant Gainful Occupation, Employment, Gift or Benefit Gareth Wyn Hughes Chris Bryant None. Harriet Hughes Layla Moran None. Ian Hughes Roger Godsiff None. Thomas Hughes Sarah Jones None. George Hulme Labour Councillor, Saddleworth North Ward at Oldham Council. Labour Councillor, Delph Ward at Saddleworth Parish Council. Charlotte Hulse Angela Smith None. Jennifer Humphreys Madeleine Moon None. Tracey Humphreys Lucy Allan None. Aaron Humphriss Therese Coffey On Parliamentary Internship Scheme funded by bursary from the Catholic Bishop's Conference of England and Wales. Tobias Hunt Edward Miliband None. Alexander Hunt-Braddock Iain Stewart None. Hilary Hunter Damian Green None. Joseph Hurst Emma Dent Coad None. Amro Hussain Jim Shannon Parliamentary Officer for the All-Party Parliamentary Group for International Freedom of Religion or Belief (paid out of the Group's registered funds). Overseas Visits: 27 September - 3 November 2018 to Lahore and Islamabad, Pakistan accompanying a delegation of Parliamentarians to investigate and discuss human rights issues. Air travel and visa fees paid for using funding secured by Professor Javaid Rehman from Brunel University. Accommodation and transportation within Lahore paid for by Councillor Morris Johns and Professor Javaid Rehman. Accommodation and transportation from Lahore to Islamabad and within Islamabad paid for by the Pakistani National Commission for Human Rights. Kamran Hussain Imran Hussain Councillor, Bradford Metropolitan District Council. Memuna Hussain Huw Merriman None. Muhbeen Hussain Naseem Shah Communication and Engagement Officer, AZIZ foundation (charity). Saraya Hussain Khalid Mahmood None. Umay Hussain Diane Abbott None. Zeinub Hussain James Heappey None. Nimo Hussein Diane Abbott None. Ellenor Hutson Alison Thewliss None.


Staff Sponsor (i.e. Member) Other Relevant Gainful Occupation, Employment, Gift or Benefit Susan Hynard Steve Baker Secretary and Agent, Wycombe Conservative Association (political party). Promoter, National Conservative Draw Society ( fundraising). Alexander Hyne None. Rebecca Hyrslova John Lamont None. Daniel Iley-Williamson Councillor, Oxford City Council. Verity Inge David Lidington None. Stuart Ingham Kier Starmer None. Edward Ingram Adam Afriyie None. Robert Innes Mhairi Black None. Jessica Inns Alok Sharma None. Gregor Ironside Andrew Bowie None. Michael Ironside Pete Wishart None. Cameron Iveson Karen Lee None. Kerie-Anne Ivory None. Amy Jackson Jeremy Corbyn Political Secretary, Labour Party. Carl Jackson Mark Pritchard None. George Jackson Julian Sturdy None. Louise Jackson Mohammad Yasin Councillor and Portfolio Holder, Bedford Borough Council. Samuel Jackson Desmond Swayne None. Sarah Jackson Andrea Leadsom None. Susan Jackson Peter Kyle None. Megan Jacobs Bernard Jenkin None. Adele Jacquin Mark Francois None. Benjamin Jafari Robert Buckland None. Christopher James None. Christopher James Justin Tomlinson None. Lucinda Jamieson None. Stephanie Jamison Sylvia Hermon None. Isher Jat Bob Seely None. Rachel Jeffery Lucy Frazer None. Leah Jennings Jon Trickett Employed by the Labour Party as Political Advisor to Jon Trickett MP. Simon Jennings Chris Heaton-Harris None.


Staff Sponsor (i.e. Member) Other Relevant Gainful Occupation, Employment, Gift or Benefit Camilla Jequier Claire Perry None. Joseph Jervis Stephen Kinnock Co-ordinator, Labour Network in England Ltd. Gurinder Jhans Madeleine Moon None. William Joce Nadine Dorries None. Adam Jogee Ruth Jones Councillor, London Borough of Haringey. Owen John Political Adviser, The Labour Party. Overseas Visits: 4-8 November 2018 to Israel to meet Israeli and Palestinian representatives. Accommodation, travel and meal costs paid by the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Francesca Johns Stephen Crabb None. Edgar Johnson Mark Harper None. Jack Johnson Gareth Snell None. Lisa Johnson Louise Haigh Political Officer, GMB (trade union). Theresa Johnson Jamie Stone None. Daniel Johnston Meg Hillier None. Elizabeth Johnston Leo Docherty Researcher to Sir Timothy Sainsbury (former MP), for the writing of his memoirs. William Johnston Sammy Wilson Party Political Chief Executive, Democratic Unionist Party. Alasdair Johnstone Richard Benyon None. Jake Johnstone Luke Graham None. Danielle Johnston-Jones Sajid Javid None. Annabel Jones Maria Miller None. Bethan Jones Steve McCabe None. Branwen Jones Adam Holloway None. Charlotte Jones Laurence Robertson None. Dafydd Jones Nadhim Zahawi None. Dominic Jones Nick Smith None. Gareth Jones Albert Owen None. Grace Jones Mark Field None. Julie Jones Jim Shannon None. Lynsey Jones Grant Shapps None. Molly Jones Barry Sheerman None. Rhys Jones Paul Flynn None. William Jones Toby Perkins None.


Staff Sponsor (i.e. Member) Other Relevant Gainful Occupation, Employment, Gift or Benefit Miles Jordan Mims Davies None. Laura Jorge Harris Nick Thomas-Symonds None. Luke Joseph Judith Cummins None. Hillary Juma Gillian Keegan None. Miranda Jupp Simon Clarke None. Yasmin Kalhori Geoffrey Cox None. Rashmi Kalubowila Gareth Thomas None. Lawrence Kane Neil Gray None. Tommy Kane Jeremy Corbyn Political Adviser, Labour Party. Alba Kapoor Marsha De Cordova None. Nina Karsov-Szechter Julian Lewis None. Steve Kay Mike Kane None. Mariam Kazem-Malaki Tobias Ellwood None. Umaar Kazmi Chris Williamson None. Ciaran James Kearney Christina Rees None. Christina Keen Andrew Selous None. Jonathan Keenan Tan Dhesi None. Robert Keenan Nick Thomas-Symonds Assistant, Keenan Chartered Accountants. Adam Keene Kevin Hollinrake None. Paul Keenlyside Rebecca Long Bailey None. Aodhan Kelly John Grogan None. Finola Kelly Jeremy Corbyn Political Planning, The Labour Party. Jake Kelly Graham Jones None. Lorna Kelly Emma Dent Coad None. Paula Kelly Paul Blomfield None. Scott Kelly John Hayes Lecturer, New York University. Tutor, Campbell Harris (education). Sophie Kelly Shailesh Vara None. Thomas Kelsey Geraint Davies Policy Adviser (strategy), Green Alliance (think tank). Marsha Kendall Fabian Hamilton None. Tom Kendall Derek Thomas None. Paul Kenny Local Councillor, Wigan Council. Gary Kent Mary Glindon Paid by Kar (a private Kurdistani engineering and construction company) to act as Secretary to the All-Party Parliamentary Group on the Kurdistan


Staff Sponsor (i.e. Member) Other Relevant Gainful Occupation, Employment, Gift or Benefit Region in Iraq. Part-time adviser to the Kurdistan Regional Government UK High Representation. Overseas Visits: 20-23 June 2019 APPG Kurdistan Region in Iraq fact-finding delegation to Erbil and Slemani. Travel funded by the Sardar Group of Companies and hotels funded by the Erbil Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Slemani Chamber of Commerce (registered July 2019). Justine Kent None. Georgina Kester Simon Hart None. Bryn Kewley Alan Whitehead None. Sanja Kezman Tom Brake None. Amber Khan Ivan Lewis None. Aleena Khushal Sarah Jones None. Nina Killen None. Harry Kind Liam Byrne None. Joshua King Andrew Rosindell None. Madeline King Matthew Offord None. Sinead King Jeremy Wright None. Susan King Patterson Richard Drax None. Catharine Kingsbury Neil O'Brien None. Georgia-Louise Kinsella Mark Harper None. Rebecca Kirby Karen Bradley None. Annabel Kirk Peter Aldous None. Roberta Kirosingh Lisa Cameron None. Leigh Kirton Ian Mearns Councillor, Gateshead Council. Linda Kitenge Kate Osamor None. Nigel Knapton Kevin Hollinrake Cabinet Member, Hambleton District Council. Emily Knight Anne-Marie Trevelyan None. Janet Knight Greg Knight None. Philippa Knight Julian Knight Occasional ad hoc administrative support for the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Alternative Lending. Sarah Knight None. Heather Knox Philippa Whitford None. Michael Knuckey Mel Stride None.


Staff Sponsor (i.e. Member) Other Relevant Gainful Occupation, Employment, Gift or Benefit Rafael Kochaj Bill Wiggin None. Jamie Kowalyk Norman Lamb None. Fjolla Krasniqi Seema Kennedy Overseas Visits: 25 - 26 September 2018 to Albania to attend the European Parliamentarians Fighting Modern Day Slavery Conference. Accommodation and travel paid for by Human Trafficking Foundation. Charlotte Kude Colin Clark None. George Kup Roger Gale None. Pindie Kuzvinzwa James Duddridge None. Akua Kwarteng Diane Abbott None. Olivia Kybett Iain Duncan Smith None. Mia Lacey Thelma Walker None. Katherine Ladd Carol Monaghan None. Helen Lambert Zac Goldsmith None. Robert Lammas Stephen Metcalfe None. Scott Lamond Hugh Gaffney None. Indiana Corbin Lamplough Mike Hill None. Luke Lancaster Graham Brady None. Rachel Lancaster Geoffrey Robinson Councillor, Coventry City Council. Alexandra Landes Chris Elmore None. Helena Lane Mike Wood None. Emily Lang David Linden None. Nicholas Langley Grant Shapps None. Robert Langley Tracey Brabin None. Myles Langstone Alun Cairns Council, Swansea Council. Jennifer Larbie Jeremy Corbyn None. Myles Larrington None. Edward Laslett Johnny Mercer None. Jo Latham Tim Farron Policy and Relationship Manager, Faith in Public (not for profit company). Ayesha Latif Emma Reynolds None. Anthony Lavelle Peter Dowd None. Amy Laver Kate Osamor None. Kris Lavery Ian Mearns None. Ramota Lawal Meg Hillier Councillor, London Borough of Havering.


Staff Sponsor (i.e. Member) Other Relevant Gainful Occupation, Employment, Gift or Benefit Sean Lawless Rosena Allin-Khan None. James Lawlor Gavin Robinson None. James Lawrie Michael Ellis None. Andrea Laybourne Shailesh Vara None. Ruth Lea Craig Mackinlay None. David Leaf Priti Patel Councillor, London Borough of Bexley. Rosemary Leck Mike Amesbury None. Gillian Lee David Amess None. Amelia Leeming Julian Knight None. Arnold Legoeuil Virendra Sharma None. Jessica Leigh Sarah Jones Councillor, London Borough of Lambeth. David Leigh-Pemberton Edward Vaizey None. Lucy Lermer Nigel Huddleston None. Elizabeth Lesnianski Simon Hart Clerk, Martletwy Community Council. Sophie Lethier Luke Pollard None. Christopher Levick Angus MacNeil Regional Director, Westminster Foundation for Democracy (foreign affairs). Marc Levy Ivan Lewis External Affairs Manager, Jewish Leadership Council (charity). Martha Levy Rebecca Harris None. Ann Lewin Damian Hinds None. Keri Lewis Jonathan Edwards None. Kirsty Lewis Stephen Crabb None. Jill Liddell-Grainger Ian Liddell-Grainger None. George Lindars-Hammond Gill Furniss Councillor, Sheffield City Council. Jack Lindsay Edward Vaizey None. Trudy Lister Mike Amesbury None. George Livesey Rishi Sunak None. Joanna Lloyd George Hollingbery None. Joanne Lloyd Carolyn Harris None. Meredith Lloyd William Wragg None. Myla Lloyd Kerry McCarthy None. Sharon Lloyd Jo Platt None. Susannah Lloyd Anna Soubry None. Joseph Lockett Graham Brady None.


Staff Sponsor (i.e. Member) Other Relevant Gainful Occupation, Employment, Gift or Benefit Ruth Loeffler Nigel Huddleston None. Charlotte Logan Maria Caulfield None. Jack Logan Oliver Heald None. Marcus Loney-Evans Barry Gardiner None. Lady Longshaw Harriet Baldwin None. Jack Loudon Tim Loughton None. Mhairi Love Alison Thewliss None. Lisa Lovering Rishi Sunak None. Timothy Lowe Rushanara Ali None. Grace Lozinski David Gauke None. Benjamin Lucas Bridget Phillipson None. William Lucass Dominic Grieve None. John Ludlow Yvonne Fovargue None. Claire Lumby John Baron None. Gavin Lundy Gavin Newlands None. Jonathan Lunness Chris Green On Parliamentary Internship Scheme funded by bursary from the Catholic Bishop's Conference of England and Wales. David Lydiat Craig Tracey None. Chris Lynch Maria Miller None. Victoria Lynch Richard Harrington None. William Lynn None. Nicholas Lyon Drew Hendry None. Eleanor Lyons Gavin Williamson None. Kirsty Macaulay Philippa Whitford None. John MacDonald Justine Greening None. Joss MacDonald Jeremy Corbyn Speechwriter, Labour Party. Kate Macdonald Peter Grant None. Miroslava Macejkova Philip Hollobone None. Marc Machover Andy McDonald None. Georgina Mack Alex Chalk None. Laura MacKenzie Caroline Lucas None. Samantha Mackewn Alistair Burt None. Matthew Mackinnon Chris Davies None.


Staff Sponsor (i.e. Member) Other Relevant Gainful Occupation, Employment, Gift or Benefit Torrin MacLauchlan Robin Walker None. Angus MacLeod Stuart McDonald Parliamentary Assistant to Jamie Hepburn MSP, Scottish Parliament. Cameron MacLeod Edward Vaizey None. Heather MacMillan Jamie Stone None. Stuart Macnaughtan Chuka Umunna Communications and Social Media Manager, paid for by Streatham Campaigns Ltd (support the work of Chuka Umunna). Rory Macqueen John McDonnell Political Advisor, Labour Party. Yvonne Maginn Chris Hazzard None. Aiyan Maharasingam Emily Thornberry None. Anisa Mahmood Afzal Khan None. Harriet Main Alberto Costa None. Edward Mair Karen Lee None. Helena Mair Karen Lee Lincoln City Councillor, City of Lincoln Council. Carys Major Neil Parish None. Kirsty Major Jeremy Corbyn Policy Communications, Labour Party. Aisha Malik-Smith Sharon Hodgson None. Katy Mallinson Margot James None. Kane Malone David Davis None. Paula Malone James Cleverly None. Jessica Maloney Margaret Beckett None. Rachel Mander Stephen Timms None. Sarah Manley Simon Hoare None. Maya Mann None. Francis Manning Andrew Rosindell Hospitality consultant, Mannings Hotel. Lucy Marchant Rosie Duffield None. Sarah Marchant Martin Vickers None. Hector Marchetti Urena Kemi Badenoch None. Dennis Marcus Stephen Kinnock Director, Ubuntu London (strategic communications events). Clients: Save the Children International (charity) and Memorial 2007 (promotes education on trans-Atlantic slave trade). Julia Margetts Ellie Reeves None. Joshua Margrie-Rouse Richard Graham None. Thomas Marino Alok Sharma Conservative Councillor for the ward of Tilehurst and Purley, West Berkshire


Staff Sponsor (i.e. Member) Other Relevant Gainful Occupation, Employment, Gift or Benefit Council. Elizabeth Martin Ian Lavery Intern paid by The Labour Party. Katharine Martin Bob Stewart None. Roxanne Mashari Sue Hayman Local Councillor, Brent Council. Alison Mason Nadine Dorries None. Harry Mason Kelly Tolhurst None. Daksha Masrani Mike Gapes None. Charles Masser Marcus Jones None. Marianna Masters Jim McMahon Councillor, Lambeth Council. Keir Mather Wes Streeting None. Katherine Matheson Kate Hoey None. Rosie Matheson Dominic Raab None. Hannah Matin Paul Farrelly None. Jane Matthews Robert Neill None. Oliver Mawhinney Stephen Twigg None. Kari Mawhood Debbie Abrahams None. Amanda Mawn Roger Godsiff None. Kieran Maxwell Luke Pollard None. Ruth Maxwell Gavin Robinson None. Alexander May Paul Blomfield Parkour Coach, Foucan Freerunning Academy (sports club). James May Dawn Butler Gifts/Benefits: Four tickets to the FA Community Shield on 5 August 2018 provided by the Football Association. (registered August 2018). Nicola May Rosie Duffield None. Jack Mayorcas Sharon Hodgson None. Jill McAlpine Drew Hendry None. Beverley McBean Jackie Doyle-Price None. Damian McBride Emily Thornberry Political Adviser, Labour Party. Declan McBride Mhairi Black None. Mattew McCabe Wera Hobhouse None. Anthony McCaul None. Mark McClelland John Glen Conservative Councillor, Salisbury City Council. Sarah McConalogue William Cash None. Malcolm McConnell Patrick Grady None.


Staff Sponsor (i.e. Member) Other Relevant Gainful Occupation, Employment, Gift or Benefit Kirsty McCullagh Maria Eagle None. Barry McCulloch Hugh Gaffney None. Paul McDaid Chris Law None. Sheridan McDaid Damian Collins Ward Councillor, Broxbourne & Hoddesdon South, Broxbourne Borough Council. Roisin McDermott Ian Lavery Parliamentary Liaison Officer, Unite the Union (trade union). Luc McDonald Dawn Butler None. Angelina McEvoy Joan Ryan None. Denis McFadden Stephen Kinnock None. Elizabeth McFarlane Geoffrey Robinson None. Scott McFarlane Chris Stephens None. Fiona McGahren Mike Gapes None. Eamon McGinley Elisha McCallion None. Sarah McGlyne Adam Holloway Director, Fractional Talent Ltd (holiday letting). James McGowan Karen Buck None. James McGowan Peter Dowd Secondment as a Researcher to Peter Dowd MP paid for by ASLEF (trade union). Mollie McHale Jim Cunningham None. Christopher McHugh Liz Twist None. Helen McIvor Hugo Swire None. John McKee Lesley Laird None. Frances McKenna Huw Merriman None. Jack McKenna Jeremy Corbyn Strategic Communications, Labour Party. John Mckenna Karl Turner None. Rhys McKenzie Rosena Allin-Khan None. Rebecca McKinlay John McNally None. Rosemary McLaren Stephen Kerr None. Ross McLaren Nic Dakin None. Elizabeth McLaurin Dominic Grieve None. Keith McLean Iain Stewart Borough Councillor, Milton Keynes Council. Local Government Association Committee Member, Local Government Association. Hannah McLean-Knight Stephen Twigg Campaigns Officer, Send My Friend to School (international development advocacy).


Staff Sponsor (i.e. Member) Other Relevant Gainful Occupation, Employment, Gift or Benefit Chloe McLellan Hannah Bardell None. Zoe Mclernon Victoria Prentis None. Finn McMahon Darren Jones None. Genevieve McMahon Mohammad Yasin None. Jessica McMahon Gordon Henderson None. Michael McMonagle Órfhlaith Begley None. George McNamara Lindsay Hoyle None. Angela McPake Esther McVey None. Matthew McPherson Guy Opperman None. Shirley McPherson Bill Grant None. Chloe McShane Chris Evans None. Stephanie Mctighe Hannah Bardell None. Harrison McWilliams David Rutley None. Justin Meadows Chuka Umunna None. James Meadway John McDonnell Political Advisor, Labour Party. Samantha Mearns Andrew Jones Councillor, Harrogate Borough Council. Helen Megaw Nick Gibb None. Megan Meirion-Jones Tim Farron Researcher, Faith in Public (not for profit company). Frances Mellor Victoria Atkins None. Rebecca Mellotte Michael Gove None. Louis Mendee Jeremy Corbyn None. Arron Merat Lloyd Russell-Moyle None. David Mercier Greg Clark Independent Person, Tonbridge & Malling Borough Council. Sarah Merrill Jeffrey Donaldson None. James Metcalfe Jenny Chapman None. Mo Metcalf-Fisher James Cleverly None. Vanessa Michna Robert Neill None. Peter Middlehurst Nicholas Brown None. Anneliese Midgley Ian Mearns Political Director, Unite the Union. Laura Midgley Philip Davies Founder, Campaign Against Political Correctness (non-profit organisation). Bernadette Mill Robert Goodwill Councillor, London Borough of Waltham Forest. Paul Millar Geoffrey Robinson Public Affairs Associate, Pennon Group (water utility and waste management company). Councillor and Portfolio Holder, East Devon District Council.


Staff Sponsor (i.e. Member) Other Relevant Gainful Occupation, Employment, Gift or Benefit William Millard Jack Brereton None. Catherine Miller Caroline Lucas Chief of Staff, Green Party. Laura Miller Michael Tomlinson Councillor, Purbeck District Council. Thomas Miller Alex Sobel Councillor and Cabinet Member, Brent Council. Julie Milligan Graham Jones None. James Mills John McDonnell None. Joanna Mills Caroline Lucas Parliamentary Media Officer, Green Party. Owen Millward George Hollingbery None. Seumas Milne Jeremy Corbyn None. Julie Minal Stephen Morgan None. Brandon Minichiello Charles Walker None. Elizabeth Minns Rupa Huq None. Alexander Mitchell Paul Williams Regional Organiser, Labour Party. Andrew Mitchell Julie Elliott None. Elisabeth Mitchell Chris Grayling Head of Ministerial Liaison, Conservative Party. Frederika Mitchell Jesse Norman None. Richard Mitchell Jim Fitzpatrick None. Henry Mitson Tom Pursglove None. Dominic Moffitt Virendra Sharma None. Zeyn Mohammed Jeremy Corbyn Correspondence Assistant, Labour Party. Jonathan Mole Mike Penning None. Joshua Molloy Rachel Reeves None. Giulia Monasterio Bambos Charalambous None. James Moncrieff Jonathan Lord None. Sophie Montagne James Gray None. Jamie Monteith-Mann Nick Hurd None. Alex Moore Mike Wood None. Joelle Moore Bob Seely None. Joseph Moore Angela Rayner Political Adviser, Labour Party. Rebecca Moore Andy Slaughter None. Sally-Ann Moore Jim Shannon None. Timothy Moore Mike Amesbury City Councillor, Liverpool City Council. Hayley Morgan Kevin Brennan None.


Staff Sponsor (i.e. Member) Other Relevant Gainful Occupation, Employment, Gift or Benefit Mark Morgenroth Vince Cable None. Jerry Moriarty Chris Law None. Sophia Morrell Jonathan Reynolds Paid as Political Adviser by the Labour Party from funding given to the Labour Party by Unite the Union. Overseas Visits: 23-24 July 2018 to Jersey accompanying Jonathan Reynolds MP. Flights, accommodation, transport and meals paid for by Jersey Finance. Gifts/Benefits: Ticket for Chelsea Flower Show and dinner on 20 May 2019, from EY (registered May 2019). David Morris Jim Fitzpatrick None. Joseph Morris Bill Esterson None. Rebekah Morris Nick Thomas-Symonds None. John Morrison Alok Sharma Researcher, The Spectator (magazine). Sara Mosavi Jo Swinson None. Max Mosely Stella Creasy None. Oliver Mountjoy Jamie Stone None. Jeanne Mousley Conor Burns None. Grace Mowatt Mike Gapes None. Michael Muldowney Scott Mann None. Arran Mulholland Stuart McDonald None. Georgia Mundy Claire Perry None. Jonah Munn Stephen Morgan None. Greg Munro Boris Johnson None. Thomas Munson Priti Patel None. Katie Murdoch Owen Smith None. Andrew Murphy Alison Thewliss None. Callum Murphy Wendy Morton None. Ella Murphy Julian Smith None. Karie Murphy Jeremy Corbyn None. Peter Murphy Albert Owen None. Laura Murray Grahame Morris Political Adviser, Labour Party. Leo Murray Clive Lewis Political Advisor on the Transition to a Sustainable Economy, Labour Party. Margaret Murray Alan Brown None. Maria Murray Greg Hands None. Thomas Murray Yasmin Qureshi None.


Staff Sponsor (i.e. Member) Other Relevant Gainful Occupation, Employment, Gift or Benefit Jennifer Murrison Andrew Murrison None. Chris Muspratt Andrew Rosindell None. Sally Myers Peter Bottomley None. Gareth Myton John Cryer None. Zee Nagioff Luciana Berger None. Rosie Nagle James Heappey None. Laura Nancarrow Gavin Shuker None. Yvonne Neil Elizabeth Truss None. Carrie Nelson Chris Green None. Daniel Nelson Jackie Doyle-Price Councillor, Southend Borough Council. Joel Nelson Rory Stewart Communications Consultant, Jo Cox Foundation (charity). Richard Nelson Jeremy Hunt None. Robert New Penny Mordaunt None. James Newhall John Penrose None. Claire Newman Derek Thomas Parliamentary Officer, Parliamentary Christian Fellowship Trust (charity). Harriet Newman Richard Drax None. Katie Newman Laurence Robertson None. Robert Newman Ann Coffey Director, Raynfall Consulting (public affairs). Clients include: ISBA (marketing and advertising trade body). Russell Newton Dominic Raab None. Gloria Nicholl John Redwood None. Calum Nicholson Trudy Harrison None. Lara Nicholson Kate Hoey None. Oliver Nicholson Edward Miliband None. Tracy Nixon John Stevenson None. Paul Nizinskyj Ranil Jayawardena None. Sarah Noble Gavin Williamson None. Grace Noel Mims Davies None. Conor Noon Tracey Crouch None. James North Maggie Throup None. Kirsty North Therese Coffey Test Valley Borough Councillor. Hampshire County Councillor. Gifts/Benefits: 21 June 2019 Ticket to Royal Ascot provided by ITV (registered July 2019).


Staff Sponsor (i.e. Member) Other Relevant Gainful Occupation, Employment, Gift or Benefit Ryan Norton Martin Whitfield Communications Manager, Iain Gray MSP, Scottish Parliament. Stefan Nowak Adam Afriyie None. James Noyes Tom Watson Paid for my role as Policy Advisor to Tom Watson MP by the Campaign for Fairer Gambling (gambling reform campaign). Gifts/Benefits: 3-day pass to the ICEVox Conference on gambling and gaming on 5 February 2019 provided by Clarion Gaming (Regstered January 2019). Ben Nunn Keir Starmer Political Adviser, Labour Party. Alex Nunns Jeremy Corbyn Speechwriter, Labour Party. Kathryn Oakley Sheryll Murray None. George Oates Ellie Reeves None. Mark Oates Daniel Kawczynski None. Nick Oborn Steve Baker None. Amy O'Brien Ruth Cadbury None. Bethany O'Brien Oliver Dowden None. Leslie O'Connor Stuart Graham None. Ruaidhri O'Donnell Political Adviser, Labour Party. James O'Donohoe Chris Grayling None. Jemma Offley Zac Goldsmith None. Ben O'Keeffe Ben Lake None. John O'Leary Ian Blackford None. Lynette O'Leary Stephen Pound None. Christopher Olewicz Frank Field None. Jack Olins Kelly Tolhurst None. Zoë Oliver Stephen McPartland None. Regina Oliver-Lawlor Angela Rayner None. Dale Ollier Laura Smith None. Sara Olsen Chris Grayling None. Conor O'Neill Fabian Hamilton None. Daniel O'Neill Esther McVey Political Consultant, D.J.O. Political Consultancy. Tara O'Reilly Clive Efford Coordinator, Labour Tribune MPs (a group of MPs in the Parliamentary Labour Party). Katherine O'Riordan Edward Leigh Solicitor, Yugin & Partners Solicitors. Austin Orr Paul Girvan None.


Staff Sponsor (i.e. Member) Other Relevant Gainful Occupation, Employment, Gift or Benefit Ishmael Osamor Kate Osamor None. Alice Osborne Rupa Huq None. Joseph Osborne Peter Bottomley None. Lorraine O'Shea Cheryl Gillan None. Thomas Outteridge Mark Field None. Charlotte Owen Jake Berry None. Gwenda Owen Jo Stevens None. Sarah Owen Ruth Smeeth Political Officer, GMB (trade union). Nathalie Padgett Catherine West None. Andrew Pakes Daniel Zeichner Union Official, Prospect (trade union). Dominic Palma Emma Reynolds None. Sarah-Jane Palmer Tracey Crouch None. Sharon Palmer Marsha De Cordova None. Natasa Pantelic Chris Bryant Councillor, Slough Borough Council. Holly Papworth Robert Halfon None. Charlotte Parfitt-Reid Helen Grant None. Susan Parish Neil Parish None. Daniel Parker Jessica Morden None. James Parker Kevin Hollinrake None. Josie Parkhouse Emma Lewell-Buck None. Victoria Parrett Melanie Onn None. Nick Parrott Angela Rayner Researcher, Labour Party. Part-time consultant, clients: GMB trade union, and People's Momentum Limited (a political organisation). Cathy Parry Ruth Smeeth None. Stephen Parselle Conor Burns None. Kushal Patel Grant Shapps None. Mili Patel David Lammy None. Sajidah Patel Stella Creasy None. Alexander Paterson Paul Sweeney Senior Digital and Communications Officer, Labour Party. Councillor, Rochester West, Medway Council. Angela Paterson John Howell None. Daniel Paterson Jonathan Djanogly Freelance contractor providing PR/public affairs advice. Client: Best for Britain (a civil society campaign to keep the door open to EU membership).


Staff Sponsor (i.e. Member) Other Relevant Gainful Occupation, Employment, Gift or Benefit Rebecca Paton David Amess None. Lucy Paton Brown Giles Watling None. Daniel Patten Conor Burns None. Andreas Payne Philip Hammond Councillor, Broxbourne Borough Council. Katie Payne Nadhim Zahawi None. Samuel Payne Layla Moran None. Imogen Payter Alan Mak Consultant, APPG on the Fourth Industrial Revolution (All Party Parliamentary Group). Overseas Visits: 15-20 April 2019 to San Francisco Bay Area, USA to support APPG on the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IRAPPG) visit to Silicon Valley technology companies. All flights, accommodation, food, transport and other expenses paid for by the 4IRAPPG (registered May 2019). Daniel Peacock Helen Goodman None. Helen Pearce Rachael Maskell Director, TULO (The Trade Union & Labour Party Liaison Organisation). Sarah Peck Chris Heaton-Harris None. Elise Peek Nicky Morgan None. Kevin Peel Councillor, Manchester City Council. Zuzana Pelakova Pauline Latham None. Susannah Pelly Stephen Doughty Overseas Visits: 24-26 July 2018 to Amsterdam to attend a conference. Conference pass, two nights' accommodation and travel were paid for by the All-Pary Parliamentary Group on HIV and AIDS, funded by STOPAIDS, International AIDS Vaccine Initiative, MACAIDS, GILEAD, and International Partnership for Microbicides. (Registered March 2019). William Pender Mary Creagh None. Cheryl Penny John McNally None. Esyllt Penri Guto Bebb None. Harriet Pentland Tom Pursglove District Councillor, East Northamptonshire Council. John Percival Cat Smith None. Elizabeth Perry Penny Mordaunt None. Marion Perry Nigel Dodds Researcher, Democratic Unionist Party. Annie-Rose Peterman Emily Thornberry None. Thomas Peters Peter Dowd Political Adviser, Labour Party. Production support for SPG (production company).


Staff Sponsor (i.e. Member) Other Relevant Gainful Occupation, Employment, Gift or Benefit Nicolette Petersen Jeremy Corbyn None. Ann Petrie Pete Wishart None. Jack Philipsborn Julian Smith None. Nathan Phillips Lloyd Russell-Moyle None. Ellen Physick Andy Slaughter None. Rebecca Pickering Toby Perkins None. Karl Pike Yvette Cooper None. Kevin Pilnick Stephen Twigg None. Lee Pirie Douglas Chapman None. Edward Piska Chris Philp None. Kay Pitt Bill Grant None. Julie Platt Julian Smith None. Lorraine Platt Roger Gale Researcher, Conservatives Against Fox Hunting (wildlife protection campaign). Martin Plaut Nick Smith None. Alexander Pleasants Edward Vaizey None. Susan Plimmer Clarke Nicky Morgan None. Caitlin Plunkett-Reilly Luciana Berger None. Jun Jian Png Jeremy Quin None. Claire Podbielski-Stewart Bob Stewart Overseas Visits: 7-10 November 2018, to Lebanon. Flights, hotel, transport and dinners paid for by Government of Lebanon (registered 20 November 2018). Carmel Pollen Marsha De Cordova None. Darja Polunina Paul Scully None. Jim Pomeroy Sarah Champion None. Emma Poole Richard Graham None. Clare Pooley John Whittingdale None. Narinder Singh Pooni Neil O'Brien None. Jacqueline Pope Chris Evans None. Cylina Porch Carol Monaghan None. Carol Porteous Ronnie Campbell None. Alexandra Porter Liam Byrne None. Adele Poskitt Jeffrey Donaldson None.


Staff Sponsor (i.e. Member) Other Relevant Gainful Occupation, Employment, Gift or Benefit Carol Poulter Daniel Poulter Councillor, Suffolk Coastal District Council. Nigel Poulter Daniel Poulter None. Andrew Powell Rachel Maclean None. Asja Powys-Smith Nusrat Ghani None. David Prescott Jeremy Corbyn None. Adam Preston Lucy Powell None. Lewis Preston Lee Rowley None. Maria Prew None. Carys Price Chris Elmore None. Jennifer Prime Mark Pritchard None. Kerri-Anne Prince Alex Cunningham Local Authority Councillor, London Borough of Hillingdon. Jason Pritchard Clive Lewis Common Councilman, Common Council of the City of London. Owen Pritchard Dan Jarvis Partner and Director, Lawrence Miller & Co (Independent Financial Advisors). William Pritchard Christopher Pincher None. Glen Promnitz William Wragg None. Yuliya Prosyanyk Robert Goodwill None. Luke Proudfoot Maria Caulfield Administrator, Lewes Constituency Conservative Association. Amy Provan Afzal Khan None. Thomas Puddy Chris Philp None. Kate Pugh James Gray None. Reece Pugh Steve Brine District Councillor, Thanet District Council. Regont Pula Nia Griffith Political Adviser, Labour Party. Kathryn Purcell Jeremy Corbyn National Executive Committee and Trade Union Liaison Manager. Una Purdie Deidre Brock None. Daniel Pycock Craig Tracey None. Ellis Quinn Rushanara Ali None. Kathleen Quinn Martin Docherty-Hughes None. Kassim Qureshi Andrew Percy None. Devi Radia Jeremy Quin Councillor, ward of West Ruislip. Thomas Railton Alison McGovern Public Affairs Officer, Prospect (trade union). Harriet Rainbow Richard Harrington None. Charles Rainsford Jack Dromey None.


Staff Sponsor (i.e. Member) Other Relevant Gainful Occupation, Employment, Gift or Benefit Rania Ramli Tom Watson None. Alison Ramsay Geoffrey Cox None. Edward Randall Caroline Flint None. Christopher Randell Lisa Nandy None. William Rasmussen Ian Paisley None. Alison Raynsford Rupa Huq 18-28 January 2019, Advise on Select Committee process, paid for by Finsbury Group (global strategic communications company) (Registered February 2019) Jason Read Paul Blomfield None. Meg Read Neil Coyle None. Mary Reader Rachel Reeves Paid by Rachel Reeves to conduct research for a book. Jack Reardon Bond Jeremy Corbyn None. Mitchell Reason Claire Perry None. Tamara Reay Claire Perry None. Dylan Redding John Woodcock None. Anna Reed Bridget Phillipson None. Bethan Rees Oliver Dowden None. Matthew Rees Ann Clwyd None. Tracy Reeve Richard Bacon None. Carl Reeves Alec Shelbrooke None. Thomas Regan Martin Whitfield None. Ciaran Reilly Barry Gardiner Political Adviser, Labour Party. Chloe Rennard Simon Hoare None. Alexander Rennie Alan Mak Councillor, Havant Borough Council. Overseas Visits: 15-20 April 2019 to San Francisco Bay Area, USA to support APPG on the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR APPG) visit to Silicon Valley technology companies. All flights, accommodation, food, transport and other expenses paid by the 4IRAPPG (registered May 2019). Alexander B Rennie Anne Milton None. Simon Renwick Paul Maynard None. Rachel Reville Stephen Timms None. Claire Reynolds Jonathan Reynolds National Officer, Labour Women's Network. Frances Reynolds Michael Gove None.


Staff Sponsor (i.e. Member) Other Relevant Gainful Occupation, Employment, Gift or Benefit Katherine Reynolds Stephen McPartland None. Kelly Reynolds Tobias Ellwood Associate Secretary, Bournemouth East Conservatives. Siobhán Reynolds Peter Kyle None. Bellavia Ribeiro-Addy Diane Abbott Political Advisor, Labour Party. Patricia Rice Paul Sweeney None. Charlotte Richards Eleanor Laing None. Paul Richards Luciana Berger None. Suzanne Richards Mike Kane Councillor, Manchester City Council. Genevieve Richardson Catherine West None. Jack Richardson Alan Duncan None. Harry Richer Lucy Frazer None. Samuel Rickard Theresa Villiers None. Ian Riley Dominic Raab None. William Riley-Smith Chris Heaton-Harris None. Samantha Rizk Robert Jenrick None. Tomas Roberto Henry Bellingham None. Alun Roberts Hywel Williams None. Amanda Roberts George Eustice None. Bethan Roberts Tonia Antoniazzi None. Colette Roberts Vernon Coaker None. Rhian Roberts Hywel Williams None. Anne Robertson Laurence Robertson Overseas Visits: 22-28 September 2018, to Uganda and Rwanda as staff to Laurence Robertson MP. Ishida Europe Ltd paid for flights, hotel and subsistence. Eagle Scientific Ltd also paid for flights, hotel and subsistence. (Registered November2018) Gifts/benefit: Hospitality provided by Ladbrokes Coral Group plc at Chepstow Racecourse on 6 January 2018, Newbury Racecourse on 2 December 2018, and Chepstow Racecourse on 27 December 2018 (registered December 2018). Hospitality provided by Chester Race Company Limited at Chester Racecourse on 10 May 2019 (registered May 2019). Hospitality provided by Alizeti Capital Ltd at Ascot Racecourse on 19 June 2019 and Sports Information Services Ltd at Ascot Racecourse on 22 June 2019 (registered July 2019). Claire Robertson Roberta Blackman-Woods None.


Staff Sponsor (i.e. Member) Other Relevant Gainful Occupation, Employment, Gift or Benefit David Robertson Luke Graham None. Mary Robertson Jeremy Corbyn Head of Economic Policy, Labour Party. Samuel Robins Robert Neill None. Adam Robinson Neil Gray None. David Robinson Iain Duncan-Smith Teacher, Kol Chai Synagogue. Jack Robinson Anne Main None. John Robinson Nigel Dodds Director of Communications, DUP. Lewis Robinson Stuart Graham None. Michael Robinson Mary Glindon Director of Communications, Society for the Protection of Unborn Children (SPUC Scotland) (public affairs) Fay Robison Kirsty Blackman None. Candida Robson Nicholas Soames None. Katherine Robson Chris Matheson None. Rosemary Roche Daniel Zeichner None. Michelle Rodger Hannah Bardell Communications Consultant, Tartan Cat Consultancy. Andrea Rogers Ann Clwyd None. Benedict Rogers Fiona Bruce East Asia Team Leader, Christian Solidarity Worldwide (human rights NGO). Olivia Rohll Nick Herbert None. Alex Rolfe Helen Grant None. Rebecca Romaine Chris Skidmore None. Jamie Rose Charlie Elphicke Councillor, Dover District Council. Alan Ross Stewart Hosie Councillor, Dundee City Council. Lloyd Ross Nigel Huddleston None. Neil Ross Gerard Killen None. Joseph Rossiter Anna McMorrin None. Catherine Rostron Boris Johnson None. Lee Rotherham John Hayes Executive Director, Veterans for Britain (think tank). Director, The Red Cell (think tank). Research work for Rupert Matthews (Member of the European Parliament). Alexandra Routledge John Mann None. Ben Rowden Helen Whately None. Timothy Rowe Chris Philp Managing Director, Cobalt Consulting Limited.


Staff Sponsor (i.e. Member) Other Relevant Gainful Occupation, Employment, Gift or Benefit Karen Rowling Paula Sherriff None. Gillian Rowntree Julie Elliott None. Lianne Roy Martyn Day None. Alexander Roycroft Nicholas Brown None. Phillipa Rudkin Therese Coffey None. Daniel Russell Giles Watling None. David Russell Angela Crawley None. Lily Russell-Jones Geraint Davies None. Ellie Rust Justine Greening None. Jonathan Rutherford Rachel Reeves Political Advisor, Labour Together (Labour political organisation). Darren Rutland Henry Smith None. Sarah Ryder Louise Ellman None. Jennifer Saboor Albert Owen None. Dean Sabri Stephen Lloyd Councillor, Eastbourne Borough Council. Raymond Sadri Kit Malthouse None. Fatmaelzahraa Said Jeremy Corbyn None. Emma Salisbury Caroline Johnson None. Gulsharan Sall John Cryer None. Joseph Salter Karin Smyth None. Gary Sambrook James Morris Councillor, Birmingham City Council. Alexandra Samuels Sharon Hodgson Councillor, Sunderland City Council. Ross Sanderson John Lamont None. Davide Sands Ben Bradshaw None. Harpreet Sangra-Pickering Andrew Bridgen None. Katherine Sangster Martin Whitfield National Manager Scotland, The Fabian Society (think tank). Cara Sanquest Stella Creasy None. Timothy Sansom Dominic Grieve None. Ayobami Sanusi Diane Abbott None. Georgia-Louise Sard Mark Harper None. Kari Sargeant Tim Loughton None. Chantel Saunders Shailesh Vara None. William Saunders Alister Jack None. Bartholomew Savage Lucy Allan None.


Staff Sponsor (i.e. Member) Other Relevant Gainful Occupation, Employment, Gift or Benefit Alex Sawyer Priti Patel Councillor, London Borough of Bexley. Clare Scally Lyn Brown None. Louise Scarce Roberta Blackman-Woods None. Matthew Schlachter Lucy Frazer None. James Schneider Jeremy Corbyn None. Connor Schwartz Caroline Lucas None. Samanta Scipanova Chris Matheson Office staff, Sir John Cass Halls. Paul Scoins Gavin Shuker Freeland Editor and Producer, The Cyclist Podcast (podcaster). Adam Scott Teresa Pearce None. Nina Scott Chloe Smith Councillor, Sevenoaks District Council. Sophie Scott-James Frank Field None. Jennifer Scott-McClafferty Ronnie Cowan None. Emilio Scozzafava Rosena Allin-Khan Campaigns Organiser, Labour Party. David Scullion William Cash Deputy Editor, Brexit Central (website). Declan Seachoy Jeremy Corbyn None. Samuel Sears Alun Cairns None. David Seaton Ulliott John Cryer None. Yasmeen Sebbana Kier Starmer None. Charles Secrett Clive Lewis Sustainability Business Consultant, Robertsbridge Group (business consultancy). Clients: Avantium (Dutch bio-plastics and bio-refining company) and European Climate Foundation (climate issues). Tom Sedgwick Andrew Gwynne None. Agim Sekiraqa Karen Buck None. Ben Sellers Laura Pidcock None. David Sergeant John Hayes Overseas visit: 7-10 November 2018, to Lebanon on fact-finding visit organised by All-Party Parliamentary Group for the Lebanon. Flights, accommodation, food and transport in Lebanon paid for the the Lebanese Parliament. (Registered 6 December 2018) Sean Serridge Liz McInnes Councillor, Rossendale Borough Council. Steven Sewell Imran Hussain None. Mark Seymour Paul Maynard None. David Sforza Mark Spencer None. Ravina Shah Thangam Debbonaire None.


Staff Sponsor (i.e. Member) Other Relevant Gainful Occupation, Employment, Gift or Benefit Daniel Shapland Peter Heaton-Jones None. Omar Sharif Jo Platt None. Jennifer Sharkey Theresa May None. Reshima Sharma Vicky Foxcroft Overseas visits: 17-22 February 2019 to Mexico City to assist Vicky Foxcroft MP. Flights, accommodation, transport and subsistence paid for by the British Council. (Registered March 2019) Simon Shedden Tommy Sheppard None. Karen Sheehan Alex Burghart None. Emma Sheerin Francie Molloy None. Thomas Sheppard Robert Courts None. Robert Sheridan Stephen Metcalfe None. Scott Sherlock Andrew Rosindell None. Rachel Sherrington Diana Johnson None. Ian Sherwood Vince Cable None. Christopher Shevlin Alex Chalk None. Yunqi Shi Chi Onwurah None. James Shipp Grant Shapps Section Commander, Royal Air Force Air Cadets (youth organisation). Overseas Visits: 5-7 November 2018, to Vienna accompanying Grant Shapps MP to the EASA Safety conference. Flights and accommodation were paid by the All-Party Parliamentary Group for General Aviation (registered November 2018). Overseas Visits: 11-13 April 2019, to Friedrichshafen, accompanying MP to AERO a general aviation exhibition. Accommodation, food and transfers paid for by the All-Party Parliamentary Group for General Aviation (registered April 2019). Zoe Shippen Phil Wilson None. Carl Shoben Jeremy Corbyn Director of Strategy, The Labour Party. Rishi Shori Ivan Lewis None. Selina Short John Baron Councillor, Westminster Council. Jessica Siddell Amber Rudd Freelance Interviews Producer, Sky News. Part-time Production Co- Ordinator, ITV News. Hannah Siddle Phil Wilson None. Richard Simcox Jeremy Corbyn None. Elizabeth Simister Richard Drax None.


Staff Sponsor (i.e. Member) Other Relevant Gainful Occupation, Employment, Gift or Benefit Andy Simmons Helen Hayes Councillor, London Borough of Southwark. Affiliate, Karolinksa Instituet (university/ hospital). Frances Simmons Emily Thornberry None. Nicole Simon Justine Greening None. Alexander Simpson Overseas Visits: 12 - 22 September 2018 to Chinas as part of the 'UK and Nordic Young Politicians Joint Delegation'. Flights, accommodation, subsistence and internal travel paid for by the International Department of the Communist Party of China Central Committee. Overseas Visits: 6-10 April 2019 to Washington DC, USA to attend the Global Parliamentary Conference 2019 of the Parliamentary Network on the World Bank and IMF. Flights and accommodation paid for by the Parliamentary Network on the World Bnk and IMF. Mark Simpson Jeremy Corbyn Researcher, Labour Party. Kieran Sinclair David Lidington None. Ann Sindall Boris Johnson Overseas Visits: 13 - 15 September 2018 to Washington, accompanying Boris Johnson MP. Accommodation, travel and hospitality paid for by The America Enterprise Institute. Maureen Singer Peter Bottomley None. Anjula Singh Jeremy Corbyn Director of Communications, Labour Party. Daniel Singleton Steve Double Director, Lifeline Community Projects (charity). Emma Sisk Caroline Flint None. Anya Sizer David Lammy Regional Worker, Fertility Network (charity). Lee Skevington Dawn Butler None. Lachlan Skinner Robin Walker None. Milan Skopal Sandy Martin None. Emily Slatter Bob Seely None. Katharine Slocombe Karin Smyth None. Gerald Small Iain Stewart Ward Councillor, Milton Keynes. Hannah Small Lisa Cameron On Speaker's Parliamentary Placement Scheme, paid by Creative Society (charity). Rachel Smethers Harriet Harman None. Caroline Smith Barry Gardiner None. Colin Smith Julian Lewis None.


Staff Sponsor (i.e. Member) Other Relevant Gainful Occupation, Employment, Gift or Benefit Daniel Smith Paul Williams None. Denise Smith Seema Malhotra None. Emma Smith David Morris Overseas Visits: 6-11 September 2018 to Gibraltar accompanying David Morris MP. Flights and accommodation paid for by Government of Gibraltar. 20 - 25 September 2018 to Maldives accompanying David Morris MP. Flights and accommodation paid for by Elections Commission of Maldives. 25-29 October 2018 to Armenia accompanying David Morris MP, Fights, accommodation, travel, food and drink paid for by Prosperous Armenian Party. 9-12 May 2019 to Jersey accompanying David Morris MP. Flights, accommodation, travel, food and drink paid for by the Government of Jersey (registered June 2019). Finn Smith John McDonnell None. Graeme Smith Neil Coyle None. Hayley Smith Michael Tomlinson None. Juliette Smith Gillian Keegan None. Karen Smith Stephen Metcalfe Paid by the Parliamentary and Scientific Committee (an All-Party Parliamentary Group) to act as its Secretary. Matthew Smith Andrea Jenkyns None. Neil Smith Colleen Fletcher None. Paul Smith Kirstene Hair Researcher, Scottish Parliament. Andrew Smyth George Eustice None. Naomi Snowdon Anne Marie Trevelyan None. Madeleine Solloway-Price Patrick McLoughlin Agent, Derbyshire Dales Conservative Association. James Somerville-Meikle Helen Whately None. Neha Soni Seema Malhotra None. Niall Sookoo Jeremy Corbyn None. Duncan Soutar Kirstene Hair None. Emily Spacey Peter Grant None. Sondra Spaeth Mark Pritchard None. Sasha Spanchak Jeremy Hunt None. Abbie Sparrow Carolyn Harris None. Julie Spencer Justin Madders None. Linda Spencer Steve McCabe None.


Staff Sponsor (i.e. Member) Other Relevant Gainful Occupation, Employment, Gift or Benefit Zachary Spiro Bernard Jenkin None. Samuel Spong Rushanara Ali None. Greg Sproston Chris Ruane None. Heather Spurr Margaret Greenwood Political Adviser, Labour Party. Laura Stables Jeremy Corbyn Events Officer, Labour Party. Heather Staff Kate Green Policy Adviser/ Researcher, Good Faith Partnership LLP (public affairs). Overseas visit: 22-24 November 2018, RAMP learning visit to Brussels as part of a large cross-party group organised by GoodFaith Partnership LLP. All expenses funded by Open Society European Policy Institute (OSEPI). (registered 10 December 2018) Timothy Stafford Lucy Frazer None. Fiona Stage Brendan O'Hara None. Kirstie Stage John Glen None. Katherine Stagg Hugo Swire None. Mary Stamp Adam Afriyie Councillor, Aylesbury Vale District Council. Board Member for WREN International (supports women in politics). Nichola Standbrook Jonathan Djanogly None. Leah Stanford Bernard Jenkin None. Hannah Stanton James Cartlidge None. Isobel Stanton John Howell None. Victoria Stapleton Craig Tracey None. William Stark Joseph Johnson None. James Starkie Dominic Raab Consultant, Stonehaven (strategy and communications). Anastasia Starostina Maria Miller None. Chloe Stedman Rebecca Pow None. Rory Steel Marion Fellows None. Craig Steele Carol Monaghan None. Harriet Steer James Cartlidge Councillor, Babergh District Council. Eva Steinhardt Wera Hobhouse None. Christine Stephens Cheryl Gillan None. Cameron Stephenson Andrea Jenkyns None. Ryan Stephenson Alec Shelbrooke Councillor, Leeds City Council. Joshua Stevens Valerie Vaz None.


Staff Sponsor (i.e. Member) Other Relevant Gainful Occupation, Employment, Gift or Benefit Marie Stevens Stephen Hammond None. Emma Stevenson Ian Austin None. Lindsay Stevenson Gavin Newlands None. Jenna Stewardson Layla Moran None. Andrew Stewart Sam Gyimah Overseas Visits: 30-31 May 2019 to Gibraltar to accompany Sam Gyimah MP. Flights and accommodation paid for by HM Government of Gibraltar (registered June 2019). Calum Stewart Leo Docherty Councillor for Knellwood Ward, Rushmoor Borough Council. Claire Stewart Bambos Charalambous Councillor and Chief Whip, London Borough of Enfield. Joseph Stewart Chris Heaton-Harris None. Lawrence Stewart Marion Fellows None. Neal Stewart Martin Docherty-Hughes None. Nicola Stewart Tommy Sheppard None. Martin Stewart-Earl Stephen Kerr Councillor, Stirling Council. Board Member, Loch Lomond & Trossachs National Park. Robin Stocks Paul Maynard None. Alison Stoecker John McDonnell None. Marianna Stokes None. Melody Stokes Tracey Crouch None. Jay Stoll Tulip Siddiq None. Alexander Stone Julia Lopez None. Danny Stone John Mann Director, Antisemitism Policy Trust (anti-racism charity). Paul Stonebridge Heidi Allen None. Rachel Storer Victoria Atkins None. Zeynep Jasmine Storry Damian Green None. Harry Stovin-Bradford Nusrat Ghani None. Sophie Stowers Sharon Hodgson None. Robert Straker Bob Stewart None. Elliot Stratton Clive Efford None. Victoria Street Liz Kendall None. Colin Stuart Tracy Brabin None. Lachlan Stuart Jeremy Corbyn Head of Domestic Policy at the Office of the Leader of the Opposition, Labour Party.


Staff Sponsor (i.e. Member) Other Relevant Gainful Occupation, Employment, Gift or Benefit Deborah Sugg Kenneth Clarke Paid by Mr Clarke from his personal resources to act as his PA for his private/personal correspondence. Sacha Surgenor Priti Patel None. Dominic Sutcliffe Dominic Grieve None. Robert Sutton None. Ryan Sutton Caroline Nokes None. Stuart Swann David Tredinnick Councillor, South Derbyshire District Council. Councillor, Derbyshire County Council. Governor, Derbyshire Community Health Services NHS Foundation Trust. Amy Swash James Gray None. Samuel Sweek Lisa Forbes None. Jamie Sweeney Matt Western None. John Sweeney Bill Grant Gifts/Benefits: 5 July 2019 from Octopus Investments Ltd, one ticket to the Goodwood Festival of Speed (registered July 2019). Adam Swidzinski Keith Vaz None. Sasha Swire Hugo Swire None. Hannah Swirsky Barry Sheerman None. Daniel Swords Robert Halfon Paid by SAM Learning for the work I do for Mr Robert Halfon MP. Jennifer Symmons Jim Fitzpatrick None. Erika-Maria Szasz Kwasi Kwarteng None. Louise Szpera Steve Reed None. Benjamin Szreter Daniel Zeichner None. Reza Tabrizi Bob Stewart None. Liam Taggart Nia Griffith None. Shayan Talabany Mark Garnier None. Sarah Tallon Michael Fallon None. Sally Tami Mark Tami None. William Tanner John Lamont Director, Onward (think tank). Mohammad Tariq Nic Dakin None. Sarah Tattum Coombes Tom Watson Political Advisor, Labour Party. Penelope Tay Jonathan Djanogly None. Duncan Taylor David Davis None. Emma Taylor Mike Kane Councillor, Manchester City Council.


Staff Sponsor (i.e. Member) Other Relevant Gainful Occupation, Employment, Gift or Benefit Ian Taylor Andy McDonald Policy Adviser, Labour Party. Laura Taylor Mark Garnier None. Mark Taylor Vicky Ford None. Nicholas Taylor Caroline Dinenage Councillor, Brighton City Council. Perry Taylor David Evennett None. Edward Tebbutt Crispin Blunt Overseas Visits: 18 - 21 September 2018 to Amman, Jordan accompanying Crispin Blunt MP. Flights paid for by Kamal Exchange Company. Victoria Temple David Drew None. Jessica Terry Huw Merriman None. Elza Tessenyi Philip Lee None. Joseph Tetlow Neil Parish None. Robyn Thackara Paul Scully None. Abhijeet Thakor Mark Field None. Andromahi Themistocli Andrew Rosindell None. Fiona Thomas Anna McMorrin Constituency Assistant, John Howarth MEP George Thomas Mark Tami None. Ian Thomas Ian Lucas None. James Thomas Clive Betts None. Joanna Thomas Julia Lopez None. Laura Thomas Jo Swinson None. Matthew Thomas Greg Knight None. Robert Thomas Owen Paterson None. Sally Ann Thomas None. Anya Thompson Geoffrey Clifton-Brown None. Derec Thompson David Linden None. Fraser Thompson Joanna Cherry Visits: 22 November 2018, attend with member at evening event with KPMG and the Cork Chamber of Commerce. Flights, hotel and evening meal were paid for by KPMG Ireland. (Registered January 2019). Grace Thompson Philip Hammond None. Marshajane Thompson Jeremy Corbyn Campaign Manager, Labour Party. Megan Thompson David Gauke None. Sarah Thompson Dawn Butler Political Adviser, Labour Party. Simon Thompson Sarah Newton None.


Staff Sponsor (i.e. Member) Other Relevant Gainful Occupation, Employment, Gift or Benefit Susan Thompson David Evennett None. Keith Thomson Stewart McDonald None. Andrew Thornton Judith Cummins Councillor, City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council. Zoe Thorogood Brandon Lewis Chief of Staff, Conservative Campaign Headquarters. Emily Tierney-Lever Chris Evans None. Julie Tiffany Barry Sheerman None. Amelia Tighe Yvette Cooper None. Claire Tighe Conor McGinn Director, Banba Communications Limited (public affairs consultancy). Clients: British Irish Chamber of Commerce, Irish in Britain, Irish International Business Network, London Irish Construction Network. Emma Tilley Kit Malthouse None. Paul Tinkler Alun Cairns None. Lynsey Tod Edward Miliband None. Anna Tolchard Mark Francois None. Katherine Tomlinson Justin Tomlinson None. Frances Tomlinson-Mynors Michael Tomlinson None. Stacey Tong Jacob Rees-Mogg None. Brendan Toomey Christina Rees None. Sandra Toomey Gerald Jones None. Dominic Torrington James Cartlidge None. Shirley Tovell Neil O'Brien None. Andrew Towers Jo Stevens Head of Political Strategy, Communication Workers Union (trade union). Stephen Towler Fabian Hamilton None. Suzanne Townsend Hugo Swire None. Sophie Traves Emily Thornberry Policy Adviser, Labour Party. Nicole Trehy Tom Watson Social Media and Correspondence Officer, Labour Party. Gina Tress Matthew Hancock None. Megan Trethewey David Warburton Senior Programmes Manager, Conservative Environment Network (public affairs). David Triggs Ian Lucas None. Mark Trott Stephen Lloyd None. Stella Tsantekidou Jon Trickett None. Sham Tsegai Emma Dent Coad None.


Staff Sponsor (i.e. Member) Other Relevant Gainful Occupation, Employment, Gift or Benefit Michael Tuffrey Vince Cable None. Emma Turnbull Annaliese Dodds Councillor, Oxfordshire County Council. Harriet Turner Alun Cairns None. Jessica Turner Bob Seely None. Stephen Turner Dan Carden Assistant General Secretary, Unite (trade union). Stephen Turner Simon Clarke None. Elizabeth Tusdard Antoinette Sandbach None. Robin Tyne Neil Coyle None. Dominique Ucbas Chris Stephens None. Tarsilo Ugarte-Onuluk Crispin Blunt Overseas Visits: 22-23 January 2019 to Brussells, Belguim to accompany Crispin Blunt MP. Travel, accommodation and subsistence paid for by the Conservative Drug Policy Reform Group. (Registered February 2019). Jade Uko Mohammed Yasin Councillor, Bedford Borough Council. Imran Ullah Mike Penning None. Harpreet Uppal Debbie Abrahams Labour Councillor, Ashbrow Ward, Kirklees. Caroline Usher David Warburton None. Harriet Utley Madeline Moon None. Shira Valek Stephen Doughty None. Stephen Vallance David Evennett None. Michelle Van Der Stighelen Brendan O'Hara None. Asger Van Lier Lyn Brown None. David Van Rooyen Simon Clarke None. Matthew Van Rooyen Gerald Jones None. Joseph Vardon-Hynard Margot James None. Diana Varley Neil Parish Councillor, Chiltern District Council. Rachel Varley Philip Davies None. Amy Vatcher Vince Cable Researcher and aide to Sir Vince Cable paid for by the Liberal Democrat Party. Nicole Vecchio Jeremy Lefroy Consultant APPG Coordinator for the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Malaria and Neglected Tropical Diseases (paid out of the Group's registered funds.). Ayse Veli Jeremy Corbyn Paid by the Labour Party to act as Diary Manager for Jeremy Corbyn MP. Heather Vernon Gloria De Piero Consultant, Woburn Partners (public relations).


Staff Sponsor (i.e. Member) Other Relevant Gainful Occupation, Employment, Gift or Benefit Keira Vernon Stephen Pound None. Joseph Vesey-Byrne John Healey None. Eleanor Vesey-Thompson Nigel Adams None. Alexander Vicente-Machado Tom Brake None. Ann Vickers Martin Vickers Overseas Visits: 2-6 August 2018 to the Cayman Islands accompanying Martin Vickers MP. Flights, accommodation and subsistence paid for by the Government of the Cayman Islands. 6-10 September 2018 to Gibraltar accompanying Martin Vickers MP. Flights and accommodation paid for by HM Government of Gibraltar. 7-10 November 2018 to Lebanon by All-Party Group for Lebanon to meet politicians, civic society and members of the business community to further develop the working relationship between our two countries. Flights, hotel and subsistence and transport in Beirut paid for by the Lebanese Parliament (Registered 10 December 2018). 9-12 May 2019 to Jersey accompanying Martin Vickers MP on a Channel Islands APPG visit to mark their Liberation Day celebrations. Flights, share of accommodation and internal travel costs paid for by the Government of Jersey (registered June 2019). Martin Vickery Jim Fitzpatrick None. Vanda Vincent Helen Grant None. Peter Vines Wendy Morton None. Jessica Vining Jeremy Wright None. Arthur Virgo Philip Dunne Rapporteur, Digital Policy Alliance (EURIM) (informing policy on internet and technology sector). James Vitali Mark Lancaster None. Euan Waddell Paul Masterton None. Chelsea Wade Heidi Allen None. Nicola Wade Scott Mann None. Tabitha Christi Wade Ian Duncan Smith Director, Jellyhaus Ltd (Software and web design). Amy Wagner Guto Bebb Researcher, Anti-Semitism Policy Trust (charity). Lucy Wakeley David Gauke None. Robert Wakely Sue Hayman Political Advisor, Labour Party. Alexander Walker Mark Lancaster Councillor, Milton Keynes. Fiona Walker Elizabeth Truss None.


Staff Sponsor (i.e. Member) Other Relevant Gainful Occupation, Employment, Gift or Benefit Gillian Walker David Mundell None. Jack Walker Damian Collins Overseas Visits: 23-24 May 2019 to Stockholm to accompany Damian Collins MP at the Power of Jouralism Conference. Flights, accommodation and subsistence provided by Schibsted Media Group. Janet Walker Andrew Selous None. Janet Walker Tom Tugendhat None. Moire Walker Jeff Smith None. Rebecca Walker Ben Bradshaw None. Robert Walker Steve Brine None. Diane Wall Stephen Pound None. Christine Wallace Andrew Selous None. Michael Wallace Alistair Carmichael Gifts/Benefits: Neck tie, two pens, watch, cufflinks, perfume and one lunch received from the Embassy of the State of Qatar (registered July 2018); three tickets and hospitality for Glorious Goodwood 2018 from the Embassay of the State of Qatar (registered August 2018). Isabella Wallersteiner Anne Main None. Carlos Wallhead John Grogan None. Charlotte Wallis Kenneth Clarke None. Hayden Walmsley Julian Knight Councillor, Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council. Daniel Walsh Rupa Huq None. Olivia Walsham Rebecca Long Bailey None. Ben Walters Gillian Furniss None. Beth Warburton Barry Sheerman None. Christopher Ward Chris Leslie None. Christopher Ward Keir Starmer None. Daniel Ward Melanie Onn None. Kurt Ward Rachel MacLean None. Lauren Wards Alison Thewliss None. Louisa Ware Andy Slaughter None. Estelle Warhurst None. Bethany Warke Nigel Mills None. Simon Warley Rosie Duffield District Councillor, Canterbury City Council. Thomas Warnett Afzal Khan Political Officer, GMB (trade union).


Staff Sponsor (i.e. Member) Other Relevant Gainful Occupation, Employment, Gift or Benefit Catherine Warren Justine Greening None. Joseph Waters Faisal Rashid None. Ella Watson Stella Creasy None. Kirsty Watson Stephen Gethins None. Luke Watson Therese Coffey None. Annemarie Wattley Liz Kendall None. Nicholas Watts Jack Lopresti Freelance Journalist for HIS/Markit (Janes) (publishing/communications / media). Georgia Way Kevin Foster None. Philippa Way David Tredinnick Personal Assistant to Lord Maude and Baroness Finn. Nathan Weavers Robert Halfon None. Adrienne Webster Alan Whitehead None. Mary Wedgwood Rupa Huq None. George Welch Julia Lopez None. Henrietta Weld Richard Drax None. Georgie Welford Tom Tugendhat None. Marcus Wells Christopher Pincher None. Paul Wells Brandon Lewis None. Michelle Welsh Vernon Coaker None. Daniel Wemyss Penny Moudaunt None. Daniel Wernberg Tulip Siddiq None. Jack Wharton Bim Afolami None. Oliver Wheeler Darren Jones None. Paul Wheeler Jim McMahon Trainer, Political Skills Forum (training). Clients: Local Government Association (training of Councillors). Andrew Whitaker John McDonnell None. Holly Whitbread Pauline Latham District Councillor, Epping Forest District Council. Joanna White John Mann Councillor, Bassetlaw District Council. Lynsey White Nick Herbert None. Nicholas White Jonathan Lord None. Sam White None. Amy Whitehead Tom Pursglove None. Julia Whitehill Simon Clarke Borough Councillor, Stockton on Tees Borough Council.


Staff Sponsor (i.e. Member) Other Relevant Gainful Occupation, Employment, Gift or Benefit Hannah Whitfield Jeremy Corbyn None. Michael Whiting Gordon Henderson Councillor, Kent County Council and Swale Borough Council. John Whittaker Gavin Shuker None. Sophie Whittaker Craig Whittaker None. Matthew Whitty Catherine West None. Anja Wiedemann Bates Joseph Johnson None. Laura Wigan Edward Miliband None. Daniel Wilkes Barry Gardiner None. Adam Wilkinson Holly Lynch Councillor, Calderdale Council. Honor Wilkinson-Bell Paul Williams None. Ferdinand Willans Karen Bradley None. Matthew Willgress Diane Abbott Co-ordinator, Venezuela Solidarity Campaign (trade union campaign). Alex Williams Robert Buckland None. Alex Williams Chris Elmore None. Gareth Williams Nick Smith None. George Williams Steve McCabe None. Madeleine Williams John McDonnell None. Matthew Williams David Tredinnick None. Megan Williams Julian Knight None. Miranda Williams Teresa Pearce Councillor and Cabinet Member, Royal Borough of Greenwich. Rikki Williams Iain Duncan Smith None. Thomas Williams Jeremy Wright None. Isabel Williamson Philippa Whitford None. Laura Williamson Lilian Greenwood None. Emma Willis Theresa May None. Toby Willmer Brandon Lewis Deputy Chief of Staff to the Chairman's Office, Conservative Party. Edward Wilson David Jones None. Peter Wilson Lindsay Hoyle Councillor, Chorley Council. Sally Wilson Craig Tracey None. Thomas Wilson Chuka Umunna Campaigns Assistant, Streatham Campaigns Ltd (a company providing extra staff resources for MPs). Andrew Wiltshire Chloe Smith None. Michael Windridge Marcus Jones None.


Staff Sponsor (i.e. Member) Other Relevant Gainful Occupation, Employment, Gift or Benefit Annie Winsbury Paul Beresford None. Edward Winstanley Patrick McLoughlin None. Kieran Winterburn Liz Kendall None. Carole Wise Colleen Fletcher None. Helen Wishart Alistair Carmichael Councillor, Shetland Islands Council. Ryan Witchell Mary Robinson None. Catherine Witcombe Justin Madders Policy Officer, Labour Party. Patrick Withers Begley Orfhlaith None. Louise Withers Green Conor McGinn None. Robbie Withey Andrew Bowie Councillor, Aberdeenshire Council. Joanna Wojna Janet Daby None. Christian Wood Tom Brake None. Oliver Woodhall Suella Braverman None. Andrew Woodman Andrew Bridgen None. Mark Woodrow David Amess None. Marcus Woods Hannah Bardell None. Louise Wooler Maria Caulfield None. Vanessa Woollacott John Cryer None. Adam Woollard Mike Freer None. Alexandra Worrell Jeff Smith Network Engagement Officer, Mind (NAMH), (mental health charity). Peter Worsley Caroline Johnson None. Catharine Wozniak Victoria Prentis None. Chloe Wright Harriet Harman None. Isaac Wright Lloyd Russell-Moyle None. Nicholas Wright Gordon Marsden None. Shaun Wright Ranil Jayawardena None. Elaine Wylie Pete Wishart None. Catherine Wynn Sam Gyimah None. Benjamin Yates John Baron Overseas Visits: 13-16 November 2018 to Kazakhstan to attend the 'Creative Central Asia-Astana Forum'. Flights, accommodation, transport and subsistence were paid for by the British Council (10 December 2018) Rebecca Yates Tom Brake None. David Yorath Michael Fabricant None.


Staff Sponsor (i.e. Member) Other Relevant Gainful Occupation, Employment, Gift or Benefit Finlay Young Rehman Chishti None. Jordan Young Andrew Jones None. Monica Young Caroline Dinenage None. Amy Younger James Cartlidge None. Samuel Yung Steve Double On secondment from Good Faith Partnership (consultancy) to act as Policy Adviser to Steve Double. Nicole Zandi Geraint Davies None. Ione Zatloukal Liam Fox None. Jessica Zbinden-Webster Mark Prisk None. Daniel Zeff Luke Hall None. Yelnur Zharkyubek Ranil Jayawardena None. Sara Zygmunt Rebecca Harris None.


Staff Sponsor (i.e. Member) Other Relevant Gainful Occupation, Employment, Gift or Benefit Michael Burke Diane Abbott Parliamentary Adviser, Labour Party. Rachel Earlington Diane Abbott None. Umay Hussain Diane Abbott None. Nimo Hussein Diane Abbott None. Akua Kwarteng Diane Abbott None. Bellavia Ribeiro-Addy Diane Abbott Political Advisor, Labour Party. Ayobami Sanusi Diane Abbott None. Matthew Willgress Diane Abbott Co-ordinator, Venezuela Solidarity Campaign (trade union campaign). George Hulme Debbie Abrahams Labour Councillor, Saddleworth North Ward at Oldham Council. Labour Councillor, Delph Ward at Saddleworth Parish Council. Kari Mawhood Debbie Abrahams None. Harpreet Uppal Debbie Abrahams Labour Councillor, Ashbrow Ward, Kirklees. Sarah Banks Nigel Adams None. Howard Ferguson Nigel Adams None. Zara Hudson Nigel Adams None. Eleanor Vesey-Thompson Nigel Adams None. Laura Bailey Bim Afolami None. James Harries Bim Afolami None. Jack Wharton Bim Afolami None. Will Archdeacon Adam Afriyie Rapporteur, Digital Policy Alliance (EURIM) (informing policy on internet and technology sector) Edward Ingram Adam Afriyie None. Stefan Nowak Adam Afriyie None. Mary Stamp Adam Afriyie Councillor, Aylesbury Vale District Council. Board Member for WREN International (supports women in politics). Caitlin Biggs Peter Aldous Temporary Admin Assistant, Emerson and Renwick (engineering). Francesca Hodac-Nichols Peter Aldous None. Annabel Kirk Peter Aldous None. Salma Begum Rushanara Ali None. Ruby Evans Rushanara Ali None. Ayaan Gulaid Rushanara Ali None. Timothy Lowe Rushanara Ali None. Ellis Quinn Rushanara Ali None.


Staff Sponsor (i.e. Member) Other Relevant Gainful Occupation, Employment, Gift or Benefit Samuel Spong Rushanara Ali None. Chantelle De Villiers Lucy Allan None. Tracey Humphreys Lucy Allan None. Bartholomew Savage Lucy Allan None. Nicola Gillam Heidi Allen None. Paul Stonebridge Heidi Allen None. Chelsea Wade Heidi Allen None. Kate Forbes Rosena Allin-Khan Councillor, Wandsworth Council. Overseas Visits: 2 - 6 October 2018 to the border of Bangladesh and Myanmar accompanying Dr Rosena Allin-Khan to work in a refugee camp. Paid for by More United Ltd. Overseas Visits: 4-8 April 2019 to Israel and Palestine on a medical aid visit. Flights, accommodation, food and transport paid for by Medical Aid for Palestinians (registered May 2019). Dena Holland Rosena Allin-Khan None. Sean Lawless Rosena Allin-Khan None. Rhys McKenzie Rosena Allin-Khan None. Emilio Scozzafava Rosena Allin-Khan Campaigns Organiser, Labour Party. Jacqueleen Begley Mike Amesbury Company Secretary, Oxford Group (charity). Rosemary Leck Mike Amesbury None. Trudy Lister Mike Amesbury None. Timothy Moore Mike Amesbury City Councillor, Liverpool City Council. Edmund Chapman David Amess None. Gillian Lee David Amess None. Rebecca Paton David Amess None. Mark Woodrow David Amess None. Stacy Best Stuart Andrew None. Adam Davis Tonia Antoniazzi None. David Gould Tonia Antoniazzi Head of Policy and Comms, ASLEF (trade union). Bethan Roberts Tonia Antoniazzi None. Samantha Beggs Edward Argar None. Chloe Gibbs Edward Argar None. Collette Bird Jonathan Ashworth None. Alexander Davis Jonathan Ashworth None.


Staff Sponsor (i.e. Member) Other Relevant Gainful Occupation, Employment, Gift or Benefit Prentice Hazell Jonathan Ashworth None. Sophie Castledine-Dack Victoria Atkins None. Frances Mellor Victoria Atkins None. Rachel Storer Victoria Atkins None. Callum Devine Ian Austin Public Affairs Administrator, Holocaust Educational Trust (educational charity) Laura Horton Ian Austin None. Emma Stevenson Ian Austin None. Kasra Aarabi Richard Bacon None. Oliver Clark Richard Bacon None. Tracy Reeve Richard Bacon None. Cheryl Bacon Kemi Badenoch Councillor, London Borough of Bexley. Naomi Eluwa Kemi Badenoch None. Ella Fitzsimmons Kemi Badenoch None. Benjamin Fox Kemi Badenoch Journalist, The Moorlander (newspaper). Hector Marchetti Urena Kemi Badenoch None. Joshua Drake Adrian Bailey None. Joe Fortune Adrian Bailey Political and Policy Manager, The Co-operative Party. Christopher Howarth Steve Baker None. Susan Hynard Steve Baker Secretary and Agent, Wycombe Conservative Association (political party). Promoter, National Conservative Draw Society (conservative party fundraising). Nick Oborn Steve Baker None. Lady Longshaw Harriet Baldwin None. Edward Davies Harriett Baldwin Managing Director, Miii Marketing Consulting (a marketing consultancy). Victoria Elvidge Harriett Baldwin None. Tina Gambell Stephen Barclay None. Charlotte Graham-Cameron Stephen Barclay None. Michelle Howlin Stephen Barclay Senior Parliamentary Assistant, Croydon Commitment (charity). Chloe McLellan Hannah Bardell None. Stephanie Mctighe Hannah Bardell None. Michelle Rodger Hannah Bardell Communications Consultant, Tartan Cat Consultancy. Marcus Woods Hannah Bardell None.


Staff Sponsor (i.e. Member) Other Relevant Gainful Occupation, Employment, Gift or Benefit Claire Lumby John Baron None. Selina Short John Baron Councillor, Westminster Council. Benjamin Yates John Baron Overseas Visits: 13-16 November 2018 to Kazakhstan to attend the 'Creative Central Asia-Astana Forum'. Flights, accommodation, transport and subsistence were paid for by the British Council (10 December 2018) Michael Denoual Kevin Barron Senior Policy and Campaigns Adviser, Authors' Licensing and Collecting Society. Kate Edwards Kevin Barron None. William Dry Guto Bebb Political Secretary, People's Vote Campaign (political campaign). Esyllt Penri Guto Bebb None. Amy Wagner Guto Bebb Researcher, Anti-Semitism Policy Trust (charity). Nicola Brown Margaret Beckett None. Lyn Bryan Margaret Beckett None. Jessica Maloney Margaret Beckett None. Michael McMonagle Órfhlaith Begley None. Eleanor Harris Henry Bellingham None. Tomas Roberto Henry Bellingham None. Stephen Benn Hilary Benn Director of Parliamentary Affairs, The Royal Society of Biology (registered charity). Michele De Angeli Richard Benyon None. Catherine Haig Richard Benyon None. Alasdair Johnstone Richard Benyon None. George Blake John Bercow None. Sam White Paul Beresford None. Annie Winsbury Paul Beresford None. Kate Bearman Luciana Berger Director, Auden Communications (strategic communications). Zee Nagioff Luciana Berger None. Caitlin Plunkett-Reilly Luciana Berger None. Paul Richards Luciana Berger None. Mohammed Ahmed Jake Berry None. Paul Fairhurst Jake Berry None. Charlotte Owen Jake Berry None. James Thomas Clive Betts None.


Staff Sponsor (i.e. Member) Other Relevant Gainful Occupation, Employment, Gift or Benefit Toni Dock Mhairi Black None. Robert Innes Mhairi Black None. Declan McBride Mhairi Black None. Steven Brown Ian Blackford None. John O'Leary Ian Blackford None. Giorgio Annecchini Bob Blackman None. Connor Batty Bob Blackman None. Nicola Blackman Bob Blackman Gifts/Benefits: One ticket for England vs Spain Football match at Wembly on 8 September 2018 accompanying Bob Blackman MP. Overseas Visits: 18 - 21 September 2018 to Azerbaijan accompanying Bob Blackman MP. Flights and hotel paid for by Embassy of Azerbaijan. Overseas visits: 15-22 February 2019 to Kerala, India accompanying Bob Blackman MP. Flights and accommodation paid for by John Pius Kunnachery. Overseas Visits: 22-24 February 2019 to Mumbai, India accompanying Bob Blackman MP. Transport and accommodation paid for by the International Siddhashram Shakti Centre. (Registered March 2019). Jodie Bradshaw Bob Blackman Waiting staff, SpaYse (hospitality). Connor Dyer Bob Blackman None. Fiona Aitchison Kirsty Blackman None. Fay Robison Kirsty Blackman None. Callum Gallagher-Edwards Roberta Blackman-Woods None. Claire Robertson Roberta Blackman-Woods None. Louise Scarce Roberta Blackman-Woods None. Paula Kelly Paul Blomfield None. Alexander May Paul Blomfield Parkour Coach, Foucan Freerunning Academy (sports club). Jason Read Paul Blomfield None. Edward Tebbutt Crispin Blunt Overseas Visits: 18 - 21 September 2018 to Amman, Jordan accompanying Crispin Blunt MP. Flights paid for by Kamal Exchange Company. Tarsilo Ugarte-Onuluk Crispin Blunt Overseas Visits: 22-23 January 2019 to Brussells, Belguim to accompany Crispin Blunt MP. Travel, accommodation and subsistence paid for by the Conservative Drug Policy Reform Group. (Registered February 2019). Elliott Chang Nick Boles None. Kelham Cooke Nick Boles Deputy Leader of Council and Ward Member, South Kesteven District


Staff Sponsor (i.e. Member) Other Relevant Gainful Occupation, Employment, Gift or Benefit Council. Jane Gordon-Cumming Nick Boles None. Jordan Ayres Peter Bone None. Harriet Butcher Peter Bone None Helen Harrison Peter Bone District Councillor, East Northants Council. Gifts/Benefits: Ticket and hospitality from William Hill to attend an NFL game at Wembley on 14 October 2018 (registered 29 October 2018). Ticket and hospitality to attend Red Sox baseball game at Wembley Stadium on 30 June 2019 from Boundless by CSMA (registered July 2019). Daniel Atherton Peter Bottomley None. Colette Hanson Peter Bottomley None. Sally Myers Peter Bottomley None. Joseph Osborne Peter Bottomley None. Maureen Singer Peter Bottomley None. Samuel Betz Andrew Bowie None. Gregor Ironside Andrew Bowie None. Robbie Withey Andrew Bowie Councillor, Aberdeenshire Council. Robert Langley Tracey Brabin None. Colin Stuart Tracy Brabin None. Emily Allan Ben Bradley None. Emma Barr Ben Bradley Head of Communications, Centre for Policy Studies (think tank). Yelena Cekerevac Ben Bradley None. Bethan Eddy Ben Bradley None. Erika Hegewald Karen Bradley None. Rebecca Kirby Karen Bradley None. Ferdinand Willans Karen Bradley None. Reece Hayes Ben Bradshaw None. Davide Sands Ben Bradshaw None. Rebecca Walker Ben Bradshaw None. Sybil Crowther Graham Brady None. Luke Lancaster Graham Brady None. Joseph Lockett Graham Brady None. Manuel Abellan San Martin Tom Brake Councillor, London Borough of Sutton.


Staff Sponsor (i.e. Member) Other Relevant Gainful Occupation, Employment, Gift or Benefit Lana Ghafoor Tom Brake None. Sanja Kezman Tom Brake None. Alexander Vicente-Machado Tom Brake None. Christian Wood Tom Brake None. Rebecca Yates Tom Brake None. Louis Collis Suella Braverman None. Uma Fernandes Suella Braverman None. Jamie Goldsmith Suella Braverman None. Oliver Woodhall Suella Braverman None. Hayley Morgan Kevin Brennan None. Stuart Barrow Jack Brereton Research and copywriting, Carew Jones & Motley Ltd (retailer of fine art and interior design services). Timothy Foxley Jack Brereton None. Mark Holland Jack Brereton Borough Councillor, Newcastle-under-Lyme. William Millard Jack Brereton None. Mukesh Basra Andrew Bridgen None. Michelle Bass Andrew Bridgen None. Harpreet Sangra-Pickering Andrew Bridgen None. Andrew Woodman Andrew Bridgen None. Maria Prew Steve Brine None. Reece Pugh Steve Brine District Councillor, Thanet District Council. Robert Walker Steve Brine None. Nina Altendorf Deidre Brock None. Una Purdie Deidre Brock None. Victoria Clode James Brokenshire None. Max Firman James Brokenshire None. Alice Hardstone James Brokenshire None. Philip Crowe Alan Brown None. Margaret Murray Alan Brown None. Brooke Andersen Lyn Brown None. Oliver Bennathan Lyn Brown None. Benjamin Bessey Lyn Brown None.


Staff Sponsor (i.e. Member) Other Relevant Gainful Occupation, Employment, Gift or Benefit Clare Scally Lyn Brown None. Asger Van Lier Lyn Brown None. Peter Middlehurst Nicholas Brown None. Alexander Roycroft Nicholas Brown None. David Burrowes Fiona Bruce Chairman, Equity Release Council (not-for-profit organisation). Gookseong Cho Fiona Bruce None. Harriet Crompton Fiona Bruce None. Benedict Rogers Fiona Bruce East Asia Team Leader, Christian Solidarity Worldwide (human rights NGO). Gareth Wyn Hughes Chris Bryant None. Natasa Pantelic Chris Bryant Councillor, Slough Borough Council. John Atkinson Karen Buck None. James McGowan Karen Buck None. Agim Sekiraqa Karen Buck None. Claire Ellis Robert Buckland Councillor, Swindon Borough Council. Benjamin Jafari Robert Buckland None. Alex Williams Robert Buckland None. Daniel Baksi Richard Burden None. Sinéad Harrington Richard Burden None. Kay Bellwood Alex Burghart None. Karen Sheehan Alex Burghart None. Lee Brown Richard Burgon Political Advisor, Labour Party. Caroline Chase-McCarthy Richard Burgon None. Emily Coatman Richard Burgon Political Assistant, Labour Party. Alastair Gordon Richard Burgon None. Jeanne Mousley Conor Burns None. Stephen Parselle Conor Burns None. Daniel Patten Conor Burns None. Eve Burt Alistair Burt None. Amanda Buttimore Alistair Burt None. Samantha Mackewn Alistair Burt None. James May Dawn Butler Gifts/Benefits: Four tickets to the FA Community Shield on 5 August 2018 provided by the Football Association. (registered August 2018).


Staff Sponsor (i.e. Member) Other Relevant Gainful Occupation, Employment, Gift or Benefit Luc McDonald Dawn Butler None. Lee Skevington Dawn Butler None. Sarah Thompson Dawn Butler Political Adviser, Labour Party. Lisa Homan Liam Byrne Councillor, London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham. Harry Kind Liam Byrne None. Alexandra Porter Liam Byrne None. Shireen Anthony Vince Cable None. Shona Brown Vince Cable None. Alexander Davies Vince Cable Director, Winning Campaign Limited. Clodagh Higginson Vince Cable Press Secretary, Liberal Democrats. Mark Morgenroth Vince Cable None. Ian Sherwood Vince Cable None. Michael Tuffrey Vince Cable None. Amy Vatcher Vince Cable Researcher and aide to Sir Vince Cable paid for by the Liberal Democrat Party. Alistair Alexander Ruth Cadbury None. Bilal Chohan Ruth Cadbury None. Kathryn Daniel Ruth Cadbury None. Jo Heal Ruth Cadbury Service Assessor, World Duty Free (retail). Amy O'Brien Ruth Cadbury None. Corrie Driscoll Alun Cairns None. Myles Langstone Alun Cairns Council, Swansea Council. Samuel Sears Alun Cairns None. Paul Tinkler Alun Cairns None. Harriet Turner Alun Cairns None. Milo Barnett Lisa Cameron None. Julia Donnelly Lisa Cameron None. Roberta Kirosingh Lisa Cameron None. Hannah Small Lisa Cameron On Speaker's Parliamentary Placement Scheme, paid by Creative Society (charity). Ian Hernon Ronnie Campbell None. Carol Porteous Ronnie Campbell None. Diego Deleersnyder Dan Carden None.


Staff Sponsor (i.e. Member) Other Relevant Gainful Occupation, Employment, Gift or Benefit Aisha Dodwell Dan Carden None. Robbie Gibbons Dan Carden None. Stephen Turner Dan Carden Assistant General Secretary, Unite (trade union). Enya Evans Alistair Carmichael None. Michael Wallace Alistair Carmichael Gifts/Benefits: Neck tie, two pens, watch, cufflinks, perfume and one lunch received from the Embassy of the State of Qatar (registered July 2018); three tickets and hospitality for Glorious Goodwood 2018 from the Embassay of the State of Qatar (registered August 2018). Helen Wishart Alistair Carmichael Councillor, Shetland Islands Council. Hannah Stanton James Cartlidge None. Harriet Steer James Cartlidge Councillor, Babergh District Council. Dominic Torrington James Cartlidge None. Amy Younger James Cartlidge None. Sarah McConalogue William Cash None. David Scullion William Cash Deputy Editor, Brexit Central (website). Kathryn Bates Maria Caulfield None. Steve Bell Maria Caulfield Councillor, Brighton & Hove City Council. Overseas Visits: 7-10 September 2017 to Gibraltar to attend Anniversary of Referendum to remain in UK. Accommodation and travel costs were paid for by the Gibraltar Government. (Registered February 2019). Charlotte Logan Maria Caulfield None. Luke Proudfoot Maria Caulfield Administrator, Lewes Constituency Conservative Association. Louise Wooler Maria Caulfield None. Benjamin Carlton Alex Chalk None. Georgina Mack Alex Chalk None. Christopher Shevlin Alex Chalk None. Katherine Banyard Sarah Champion Director, UK Feminista (NGO). Honor Cohen Sarah Champion None. Jim Pomeroy Sarah Champion None. Rene Hamilton Douglas Chapman None. Lynda Holton Douglas Chapman None. Lee Pirie Douglas Chapman None. Charlotte Butterick Jenny Chapman EPLP Westminster Liaison Officer, European Parliamentary Labour Party.


Staff Sponsor (i.e. Member) Other Relevant Gainful Occupation, Employment, Gift or Benefit Ben Hall Jenny Chapman None. Sam Howarth Jenny Chapman None. James Metcalfe Jenny Chapman None. Katherine Chibah Bambos Charalambous Councillor, London Borough of Enfield. Giulia Monasterio Bambos Charalambous None. Claire Stewart Bambos Charalambous Councillor and Chief Whip, London Borough of Enfield. Fraser Thompson Joanna Cherry Visits: 22 November 2018, attend with member at evening event with KPMG and the Cork Chamber of Commerce. Flights, hotel and evening meal were paid for by KPMG Ireland. (Registered January 2019). Nusrat Ahmed Rehman Chishti None. Finlay Young Rehman Chishti None. Carolyn Bacon Jo Churchill None. Antony Bennett Jo Churchill None. Hannah Bloomfield Jo Churchill None. Lesley Canham Jo Churchill None. Harry Cobbold Jo Churchill None. Charlotte Kude Colin Clark None. Matthew Dickins Greg Clark Councillor, Sevenoaks District Council. Rachel Godfrey Greg Clark None. Adam Hignett Greg Clark None. David Mercier Greg Clark Independent Person, Tonbridge & Malling Borough Council. James Hall Kenneth Clarke None. Deborah Sugg Kenneth Clarke Paid by Mr Clarke from his personal resources to act as his PA for his private/personal correspondence. Charlotte Wallis Kenneth Clarke None. Miranda Jupp Simon Clarke None. Stephen Turner Simon Clarke None. David Van Rooyen Simon Clarke None. Julia Whitehill Simon Clarke Borough Councillor, Stockton on Tees Borough Council. Vanessa Gleisinger James Cleverly None. Alice Hopkin James Cleverly None. Paula Malone James Cleverly None. Mo Metcalf-Fisher James Cleverly None.


Staff Sponsor (i.e. Member) Other Relevant Gainful Occupation, Employment, Gift or Benefit Piers Baker Geoffrey Clifton-Brown None. Judith Betterton Geoffrey Clifton-Brown None. Anya Thompson Geoffrey Clifton-Brown None. Sharon Grant Ann Clwyd Chair, Public Voice CIC (Social enterprise promoting consumer voice in health and social care). Matthew Rees Ann Clwyd None. Andrea Rogers Ann Clwyd None. Oliver Fletcher Vernon Coaker None. Colette Roberts Vernon Coaker None. Michelle Welsh Vernon Coaker None. Sam Harney Jeremy Cobyn Policy Development Officer, Labour Party. Joy Copley Ann Coffey None. Jacob Hill Ann Coffey None. Robert Newman Ann Coffey Director, Raynfall Consulting (public affairs). Clients include: ISBA (marketing and advertising trade body). Clare Coffey Therese Coffey None. Aaron Humphriss Therese Coffey On Parliamentary Internship Scheme funded by bursary from the Catholic Bishop's Conference of England and Wales. Kirsty North Therese Coffey Test Valley Borough Councillor. Hampshire County Councillor. Gifts/Benefits: 21 June 2019 Ticket to Royal Ascot provided by ITV (registered July 2019). Phillipa Rudkin Therese Coffey None. Luke Watson Therese Coffey None. James Davenport Damian Collins None. Sheridan McDaid Damian Collins Ward Councillor, Broxbourne & Hoddesdon South, Broxbourne Borough Council. Jack Walker Damian Collins Overseas Visits: 23-24 May 2019 to Stockholm to accompany Damian Collins MP at the Power of Jouralism Conference. Flights, accommodation and subsistence provided by Schibsted Media Group. Damilola Benbow Julie Cooper None. Patricia Ellis Julie Cooper Councillor, Burnley Borough Council. Joanne Greenwood Julie Cooper None. Aidan Higgins Julie Cooper None.


Staff Sponsor (i.e. Member) Other Relevant Gainful Occupation, Employment, Gift or Benefit Jade Botterill Yvette Cooper None. Natasha Collett Yvette Cooper None. Alastair Holder Ross Yvette Cooper None. Karl Pike Yvette Cooper None. Amelia Tighe Yvette Cooper None. Eaman Awan Jeremy Corbyn Events Officer, Labour Party. Phillip Bevin Jeremy Corbyn Administration and Correspondence Assistant, The Labour Party. Joe Bradley Jeremy Corbyn None. Janet Chapman Jeremy Corbyn Operations and Project Manager, Labour Party. Katy Clark Jeremy Corbyn Political Secretary/Adviser, Labour Party Maariyah Dawood Jeremy Corbyn None. Mark Dearn Jeremy Corbyn None. Struan Dudman Jeremy Corbyn None. Maryam Eslamdoust Jeremy Corbyn Councillor, London Borough of Camden. Researcher, Labour Party. Dulcie Fairhurst Jeremy Corbyn Political Adviser, Labour Party. Andrew Fisher Jeremy Corbyn Executive Director of Policy, Labour Party. Christopher Flattery Jeremy Corbyn Correspondence Assistant, Labour Party. Benjamin Folley Jeremy Corbyn Parliamentary Labour Party Liaison, Labour Party. Faduma Hassan Jeremy Corbyn None. Amy Jackson Jeremy Corbyn Political Secretary, Labour Party. Tommy Kane Jeremy Corbyn Political Adviser, Labour Party. Finola Kelly Jeremy Corbyn Political Planning, The Labour Party. Jennifer Larbie Jeremy Corbyn None. Joss MacDonald Jeremy Corbyn Speechwriter, Labour Party. Kirsty Major Jeremy Corbyn Policy Communications, Labour Party. Jack McKenna Jeremy Corbyn Strategic Communications, Labour Party. Louis Mendee Jeremy Corbyn None. Seumas Milne Jeremy Corbyn None. Zeyn Mohammed Jeremy Corbyn Correspondence Assistant, Labour Party. Karie Murphy Jeremy Corbyn None. Alex Nunns Jeremy Corbyn Speechwriter, Labour Party. Nicolette Petersen Jeremy Corbyn None.


Staff Sponsor (i.e. Member) Other Relevant Gainful Occupation, Employment, Gift or Benefit David Prescott Jeremy Corbyn None. Kathryn Purcell Jeremy Corbyn National Executive Committee and Trade Union Liaison Manager. Jack Reardon Bond Jeremy Corbyn None. Mary Robertson Jeremy Corbyn Head of Economic Policy, Labour Party. Fatmaelzahraa Said Jeremy Corbyn None. James Schneider Jeremy Corbyn None. Declan Seachoy Jeremy Corbyn None. Carl Shoben Jeremy Corbyn Director of Strategy, The Labour Party. Richard Simcox Jeremy Corbyn None. Mark Simpson Jeremy Corbyn Researcher, Labour Party. Anjula Singh Jeremy Corbyn Director of Communications, Labour Party. Niall Sookoo Jeremy Corbyn None. Laura Stables Jeremy Corbyn Events Officer, Labour Party. Lachlan Stuart Jeremy Corbyn Head of Domestic Policy at the Office of the Leader of the Opposition, Labour Party. Marshajane Thompson Jeremy Corbyn Campaign Manager, Labour Party. Ayse Veli Jeremy Corbyn Paid by the Labour Party to act as Diary Manager for Jeremy Corbyn MP. Hannah Whitfield Jeremy Corbyn None. William Bateman Alberto Costa None. Maria Costa Alberto Costa None. David Findlay Alberto Costa None. Harriet Main Alberto Costa None. Adam Brooks-Wyatt Robert Courts None. Ryan Denning Robert Courts None. Elizabeth Glasgow Robert Courts None. Thomas Sheppard Robert Courts None. Iain Fraser Ronnie Cowan None. Jennifer Scott-McClafferty Ronnie Cowan None. Yasmin Kalhori Geoffrey Cox None. Alison Ramsay Geoffrey Cox None. Meg Read Neil Coyle None. Graeme Smith Neil Coyle None.


Staff Sponsor (i.e. Member) Other Relevant Gainful Occupation, Employment, Gift or Benefit Robin Tyne Neil Coyle None. Beatrice Crabb Stephen Crabb None. Cheryll Gardiner Stephen Crabb None. Francesca Johns Stephen Crabb None. Kirsty Lewis Stephen Crabb None. David Russell Angela Crawley None. Sam Airey Mary Creagh None. William Pender Mary Creagh None. Rebecca Filer Stella Creasy None. Max Mosely Stella Creasy None. Sajidah Patel Stella Creasy None. Cara Sanquest Stella Creasy None. Ella Watson Stella Creasy None. Theo Boggis Tracey Crouch None. Conor Noon Tracey Crouch None. Sarah-Jane Palmer Tracey Crouch None. Melody Stokes Tracey Crouch None. Liam Baker Jon Cruddas None. James Brown Jon Cruddas None. Gareth Myton John Cryer None. Gulsharan Sall John Cryer None. David Seaton Ulliott John Cryer None. Vanessa Woollacott John Cryer None. Gabriel Fleming Judith Cummins None. Luke Joseph Judith Cummins None. Andrew Thornton Judith Cummins Councillor, City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council. John Cunningham Alex Cunningham None. Susan Donaghy Alex Cunningham None. Kerri-Anne Prince Alex Cunningham Local Authority Councillor, London Borough of Hillingdon. Adam Farrell Jim Cunningham District Councillor, North Warwickshire Borough Council. Mollie McHale Jim Cunningham None. Brian Channer Janet Daby None.


Staff Sponsor (i.e. Member) Other Relevant Gainful Occupation, Employment, Gift or Benefit Ryan Denston Janet Daby None. Joanna Wojna Janet Daby None. Laura Challinor Nic Dakin None. Andrea Davison Nic Dakin Councillor, North Lincolnshire Council. Ross McLaren Nic Dakin None. Mohammad Tariq Nic Dakin None. Sapphire Bleach Edward Davey None. Katie Critchlow Edward Davey Advisor and Board Member, NatureMetrics Ltd (monitors biodiversity using DNA). Marcus Foster Edward Davey None. Christopher Bradley Wayne David None. Matthew Fothergill Wayne David None. James Harrison Allen Chris Davies None. Matthew Mackinnon Chris Davies None. Aphra Das Gupta David Davies None. Thomas Kelsey Geraint Davies Policy Adviser (strategy), Green Alliance (think tank). Lily Russell-Jones Geraint Davies None. Nicole Zandi Geraint Davies None. Sarah Davies Mims Davies None. Edward Dwight Mims Davies Councillor, Sutton Borough Council. Miles Jordan Mims Davies None. Grace Noel Mims Davies None. Danielle Fleet Philip Davies None. Laura Midgley Philip Davies Founder, Campaign Against Political Correctness (non-profit organisation). Rachel Varley Philip Davies None. Samuel Crook David Davis None. Kane Malone David Davis None. Duncan Taylor David Davis None. Christine Calder Martyn Day None. Margaret Mary Carson Martyn Day None. Lianne Roy Martyn Day None. Daniel Iley-Williamson Marsha De Cordova Councillor, Oxford City Council.


Staff Sponsor (i.e. Member) Other Relevant Gainful Occupation, Employment, Gift or Benefit Alba Kapoor Marsha De Cordova None. Sharon Palmer Marsha De Cordova None. Carmel Pollen Marsha De Cordova None. Helen Faccio Gloria De Piero None. Joshua Hales Gloria De Piero None. Heather Vernon Gloria De Piero Consultant, Woburn Partners (public relations). Beverley Archibald Thangam Debbonaire None. Jonathan Downing Thangam Debbonaire None. Arthur Girling Thangam Debbonaire None. Ravina Shah Thangam Debbonaire None. Holly Harrison-Mullane Emma Dent Coad None. Joseph Hurst Emma Dent Coad None. Lorna Kelly Emma Dent Coad None. Sham Tsegai Emma Dent Coad None. Holly Gosling Tan Dhesi None. Jonathan Keenan Tan Dhesi None. Elinor Cope Caroline Dinenage Social Media Manager, Wendy MacLennan (exercise company). Glenn Duggan Caroline Dinenage None. Natasha Hook Caroline Dinenage None. Nicholas Taylor Caroline Dinenage Councillor, Brighton City Council. Monica Young Caroline Dinenage None. Ryan Fuller Jonathan Djanogly None. Daniel Paterson Jonathan Djanogly Freelance contractor providing PR/public affairs advice. Client: Best for Britain (a civil society campaign to keep the door open to EU membership). Nichola Standbrook Jonathan Djanogly None. Penelope Tay Jonathan Djanogly None. John Hall Leo Docherty None. Marisa Heath Leo Docherty County Councillor, Surrey County Council. Borough Councillor, Runnymede Borough Council. On Runnymede Fostering Panel (approving foster carers). Elizabeth Johnston Leo Docherty Researcher to Sir Timothy Sainsbury (former MP), for the writing of his memoirs. Calum Stewart Leo Docherty Councillor for Knellwood Ward, Rushmoor Borough Council. Gareth Finn Martin Docherty-Hughes None.


Staff Sponsor (i.e. Member) Other Relevant Gainful Occupation, Employment, Gift or Benefit Kathleen Quinn Martin Docherty-Hughes None. Neal Stewart Martin Docherty-Hughes None. Hana Al-Izzi Annaliese Dodds None. Emma Turnbull Annaliese Dodds Councillor, Oxfordshire County Council. Robert Sutton Anneliese Dodds None. Phillip Brett Nigel Dodds None. Marion Perry Nigel Dodds Researcher, Democratic Unionist Party. John Robinson Nigel Dodds Director of Communications, DUP. Julie Anderson Jeffrey Donaldson Researcher, Commonwealth Church. Sarah Merrill Jeffrey Donaldson None. Adele Poskitt Jeffrey Donaldson None. Sam Berry Michelle Donelan None. Samuel Hamilton Michelle Donelan None. Darren Henry Michelle Donelan Councillor, Wiltshire Council. Jennifer Dorries Nadine Dorries None. William Joce Nadine Dorries None. Alison Mason Nadine Dorries None. Robert Bond Steve Double None. Anne Double Steve Double Secretary, Good News Crusade (religious charity). Daniel Singleton Steve Double Director, Lifeline Community Projects (charity). Samuel Yung Steve Double On secondment from Good Faith Partnership (consultancy) to act as Policy Adviser to Steve Double. Susannah Pelly Stephen Doughty Overseas Visits: 24-26 July 2018 to Amsterdam to attend a conference. Conference pass, two nights' accommodation and travel were paid for by the All-Pary Parliamentary Group on HIV and AIDS, funded by STOPAIDS, International AIDS Vaccine Initiative, MACAIDS, GILEAD, and International Partnership for Microbicides. (Registered March 2019). Shira Valek Stephen Doughty None. Frederika Cook Steven Doughty None. Heather Buchanan Peter Dowd Senior Advisor, Project Heather (Scottish Stock Exchange). Director, FBB (Fair Business Banking) Foundation (research). Sam Goodman Peter Dowd Political Adviser, Labour Party. Author, Manchester University Press. Trish Hardy Peter Dowd Councillor, Sefton Metropolitan Borough Council.


Staff Sponsor (i.e. Member) Other Relevant Gainful Occupation, Employment, Gift or Benefit Anthony Lavelle Peter Dowd None. James McGowan Peter Dowd Secondment as a Researcher to Peter Dowd MP paid for by ASLEF (trade union). Thomas Peters Peter Dowd Political Adviser, Labour Party. Production support for SPG (production company). Martin Darby Oliver Dowden None. Frederick Ellery Oliver Dowden None. Bethany O'Brien Oliver Dowden None. Bethan Rees Oliver Dowden None. Beverley McBean Jackie Doyle-Price None. Daniel Nelson Jackie Doyle-Price Councillor, Southend Borough Council. Susan King Patterson Richard Drax None. Harriet Newman Richard Drax None. Elizabeth Simister Richard Drax None. Henrietta Weld Richard Drax None. Charley Allan David Drew Consultant, Solidarity Consulting Ltd (political consultancy). Clients: Public and Commercial Services Union, Police Federation, Prison Officers Association, National Association of Probation Officers, University and College Union (trade unions) (registered July 2019). Ron Bailey David Drew Head of Parliamentary Affairs, Sustainable Energy Association (member based industry body). Researcher, Poverty and Environment Trust (charity). Sasha Evans David Drew None. Victoria Temple David Drew None. Owen Biggadike Jack Dromey None. Catherine Dowse Jack Dromey None. Scott Horner Jack Dromey Local Organiser, Harrow West Labour Party. Charles Rainsford Jack Dromey None. Katy Duddridge James Duddridge None. Pindie Kuzvinzwa James Duddridge None. Suzanne Bold Rosie Duffield None. Charlotte Cornell Rosie Duffield None. Lucy Marchant Rosie Duffield None. Nicola May Rosie Duffield None.


Staff Sponsor (i.e. Member) Other Relevant Gainful Occupation, Employment, Gift or Benefit Simon Warley Rosie Duffield District Councillor, Canterbury City Council. Helen Bayne David Duguid None. Hilary Dannatt David Duguid None. Joseph Hackett David Duguid None. Harriet Baker Alan Duncan None. George Greville Williams Alan Duncan None. Jack Richardson Alan Duncan None. Devon Howard Iain Duncan Smith None. Olivia Kybett Iain Duncan Smith None. Rikki Williams Iain Duncan Smith None. Tabitha Christi Wade Ian Duncan Smith Director, Jellyhaus Ltd (Software and web design). David Robinson Iain Duncan-Smith Teacher, Kol Chai Synagogue. Joshua Boughton Philip Dunne None. Rosie Daniels Philip Dunne None. Arthur Virgo Philip Dunne Rapporteur, Digital Policy Alliance (EURIM) (informing policy on internet and technology sector). Priya Dev Angela Eagle None. Emily Batchelor Maria Eagle None. Harriet Dines Maria Eagle None. Kirsty McCullagh Maria Eagle None. Keri Lewis Jonathan Edwards None. Gillian Hayes Clive Efford None. Tara O'Reilly Clive Efford Coordinator, Labour Tribune MPs (a group of MPs in the Parliamentary Labour Party). Elliot Stratton Clive Efford None. Andrew Mitchell Julie Elliott None. Gillian Rowntree Julie Elliott None. Stephen Alton Michael Ellis None. Daniel Bennett Michael Ellis None. Callum Dineen Michael Ellis None. James Lawrie Michael Ellis None. Stuart Caplan Louise Ellman None. James Floyd Louise Ellman None.


Staff Sponsor (i.e. Member) Other Relevant Gainful Occupation, Employment, Gift or Benefit Sarah Ryder Louise Ellman None. Megan Gittoes Tobias Ellwood None. Mariam Kazem-Malaki Tobias Ellwood None. Kelly Reynolds Tobias Ellwood Associate Secretary, Bournemouth East Conservatives. Alexandra Landes Chris Elmore None. Carys Price Chris Elmore None. Alex Williams Chris Elmore None. Matthew Ellery Charlie Elphicke Programmes Officer, Housing and Finance Institute (housing and local government). Jamie Rose Charlie Elphicke Councillor, Dover District Council. Nina Killen Bill Esterson None. Joseph Morris Bill Esterson None. Imogen Gardiner George Eustice None. Amanda Roberts George Eustice None. Andrew Smyth George Eustice None. Chloe McShane Chris Evans None. Jacqueline Pope Chris Evans None. Emily Tierney-Lever Chris Evans None. Michael Broughton Nigel Evans Overseas Visits: 12 - 22 September 2018 to China as part of the 'UK and Nordic Young Politicians Joint Delegation'. Flights, accommodation, subsistence and internal travel paid for by the International Department of the Communist Party of China Central Committee. Gifts/Benefits: 11-12 May 2019 ?tbc Hospitality ticket to Heineken Champions Cup and one night hotel accommodation, paid for by Heineken UK and Ireland. (registered May 2019). Jack Buller Nigel Evans None. Lulu Cane Nigel Evans None. Perry Taylor David Evennett None. Susan Thompson David Evennett None. Stephen Vallance David Evennett None. Joanne Frey Michael Fabricant None. Ben Harris Michael Fabricant None. David Yorath Michael Fabricant None.


Staff Sponsor (i.e. Member) Other Relevant Gainful Occupation, Employment, Gift or Benefit Ross Crapnell Michael Fallon None. Sarah Tallon Michael Fallon None. Thomas Brayford Paul Farrelly None. Hannah Matin Paul Farrelly None. Angela Afzal Tim Farron Parliamentary Advisor, Good Faith Partnership (immigration and asylum policy group). Russell Hargrave Tim Farron Freelance Reporter for and Public Finance Magazine (media outlets). Jo Latham Tim Farron Policy and Relationship Manager, Faith in Public (not for profit company). Megan Meirion-Jones Tim Farron Researcher, Faith in Public (not for profit company). Shona Davidson Marion Fellows None. Fiona Fotheringham Marion Fellows None. Rory Steel Marion Fellows None. Lawrence Stewart Marion Fellows None. Rhiannon Brace Frank Field None. Andrew Forsey Frank Field None. Florence Gildea Frank Field None. Christopher Olewicz Frank Field None. Sophie Scott-James Frank Field None. James Coney Mark Field None. Grace Jones Mark Field None. Thomas Outteridge Mark Field None. Abhijeet Thakor Mark Field None. Richard Mitchell Jim Fitzpatrick None. David Morris Jim Fitzpatrick None. Jennifer Symmons Jim Fitzpatrick None. Martin Vickery Jim Fitzpatrick None. Damian Gannon Colleen Fletcher None. Neil Smith Colleen Fletcher None. Carole Wise Colleen Fletcher None. Philip Cole Caroline Flint Councillor, Doncaster Metropolitan Borough Council. Edward Randall Caroline Flint None. Emma Sisk Caroline Flint None.


Staff Sponsor (i.e. Member) Other Relevant Gainful Occupation, Employment, Gift or Benefit Cathy Devlin Paul Flynn None. Rhys Jones Paul Flynn None. William Dry Lisa Forbes None. Samuel Sweek Lisa Forbes None. Tomos Day Vicky Ford None. Hilary Gauthier Vicky Ford Provides administrative support to the Mid Norfolk Conservative Association (political organisation). Eleanor Haigh Vicky Ford None. Mark Taylor Vicky Ford None. Andrew Barrand Kevin Foster Admin Officer, Totnes Conservatives (political association). Nicholas Gray Kevin Foster None. Georgia Way Kevin Foster None. Paul Kenny Yvonne Fovargue Local Councillor, Wigan Council. John Ludlow Yvonne Fovargue None. Harold Goodwill Liam Fox None. David Goss Liam Fox Special Adviser, Department for International Trade. Ione Zatloukal Liam Fox None. William Cooper Vicky Foxcroft None. Victoria Flippance Vicky Foxcroft None. Carolyn Hughes Vicky Foxcroft None. Reshima Sharma Vicky Foxcroft Overseas visits: 17-22 February 2019 to Mexico City to assist Vicky Foxcroft MP. Flights, accommodation, transport and subsistence paid for by the British Council. (Registered March 2019) Georgina Allan Mark Francois None. Rory Boden Mark Francois None. Adele Jacquin Mark Francois None. Anna Tolchard Mark Francois None. Caroline Cosgrove Lucy Frazer None. Matthew Green Lucy Frazer None. Rachel Jeffery Lucy Frazer None. Harry Richer Lucy Frazer None. Matthew Schlachter Lucy Frazer None. Timothy Stafford Lucy Frazer None.


Staff Sponsor (i.e. Member) Other Relevant Gainful Occupation, Employment, Gift or Benefit Francis Dearnley George Freeman None. Thomas Fenwick George Freeman None. Arron Gatley George Freeman None. Andrew Anthony Mike Freer None. Caroline Gray Mike Freer None. Thomas Horton Mike Freer None. Adam Woollard Mike Freer None. Kevin Peel James Frith Councillor, Manchester City Council. Blerina Hashani Gill Furniss None. George Lindars-Hammond Gill Furniss Councillor, Sheffield City Council. Ben Walters Gillian Furniss None. Antonia Barnes Marcus Fysh None. Jack Freeman Marcus Fysh None. Julie Gur Marcus Fysh None. Christopher Barbour Hugh Gaffney None. Niall Henderson Hugh Gaffney Data Officer, Geeza Breaks (children and families charity). Scott Lamond Hugh Gaffney None. Barry McCulloch Hugh Gaffney None. Suzy Gale Roger Gale None. George Kup Roger Gale None. Lorraine Platt Roger Gale Researcher, Conservatives Against Fox Hunting (wildlife protection campaign). Daksha Masrani Mike Gapes None. Fiona McGahren Mike Gapes None. Grace Mowatt Mike Gapes None. Mikal Dobbs Barry Gardiner None. Thomas Evans Barry Gardiner Paid by Christine Lee & Co (solicitors) for the work I do in Parliament. Miles Geilinger Barry Gardiner Parliamentary Caseworker, Democracy Forum (a not for profit (NGO) which promotoes ideals of democracy, pluralism and tolerance through public debate). Jackie George Barry Gardiner None. Marcus Loney-Evans Barry Gardiner None. Ciaran Reilly Barry Gardiner Political Adviser, Labour Party.


Staff Sponsor (i.e. Member) Other Relevant Gainful Occupation, Employment, Gift or Benefit Caroline Smith Barry Gardiner None. Daniel Wilkes Barry Gardiner None. Caroline Garnier Mark Garnier None. Shayan Talabany Mark Garnier None. Laura Taylor Mark Garnier None. Henrietta Freeman Owen David Gauke None. Grace Lozinski David Gauke None. Megan Thompson David Gauke None. Lucy Wakeley David Gauke None. Holly Bragg Ruth George None. Mark Grayling Ruth George None. Lindsey Alexander Stephen Gethins None. Rhuaraidh Fleming Stephen Gethins None. Kirsty Watson Stephen Gethins None. Sophie Bowe Nusrat Ghani None. Kristopher Hearsum Nusrat Ghani None. Asja Powys-Smith Nusrat Ghani None. Harry Stovin-Bradford Nusrat Ghani None. Vicki Corenbloom Nick Gibb None. Hilary Flynn Nick Gibb None. Stephen Furlong Nick Gibb None. Helen Megaw Nick Gibb None. Conor Diamond Michelle Gildernew None. Cameron Brady-Turner Preet Gill Telephone researcher, Electric Marketing (business-to-business (b2b) marketing) Joe Corry-Roake Preet Gill Councillor, Lambeth Council. Florence Goodrham Preet Gill None. Melanie Addis Cheryl Gillan None. Emily Fell Cheryl Gillan None. Lorraine O'Shea Cheryl Gillan None. Christine Stephens Cheryl Gillan None. Samuel Wesley Brown Paul Girvan None.


Staff Sponsor (i.e. Member) Other Relevant Gainful Occupation, Employment, Gift or Benefit David Ferguson Paul Girvan None. Andrew Gowan Paul Girvan None. Austin Orr Paul Girvan None. Jack Harvey John Glen Gifts/Benefits: In receipt of bursary from CARE (Christian Action Research and Education), a registered charity as an intern on their graduate training programme. Mark McClelland John Glen Conservative Councillor, Salisbury City Council. Kirstie Stage John Glen None. Christine Aird Mary Glindon None. Gary Kent Mary Glindon Paid by Kar (a private Kurdistani engineering and construction company) to act as Secretary to the All-Party Parliamentary Group on the Kurdistan Region in Iraq. Part-time adviser to the Kurdistan Regional Government UK High Representation. Overseas Visits: 20-23 June 2019 APPG Kurdistan Region in Iraq fact-finding delegation to Erbil and Slemani. Travel funded by the Sardar Group of Companies and hotels funded by the Erbil Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Slemani Chamber of Commerce (registered July 2019). Michael Robinson Mary Glindon Director of Communications, Society for the Protection of Unborn Children (SPUC Scotland) (public affairs) Ian Hughes Roger Godsiff None. Amanda Mawn Roger Godsiff None. Paul Beckford Zac Goldsmith Political Communications Consultant, No Third Runway Coalition (community organisation). John Flesher Zac Goldsmith None. Helen Lambert Zac Goldsmith None. Jemma Offley Zac Goldsmith None. Bonita Brookes Helen Goodman None. Daniel Peacock Helen Goodman None. Bernadette Mill Robert Goodwill Councillor, London Borough of Waltham Forest. Yuliya Prosyanyk Robert Goodwill None. Susannah Amoore Michael Gove None. Toby Bell Michael Gove None. Rebecca Mellotte Michael Gove None.


Staff Sponsor (i.e. Member) Other Relevant Gainful Occupation, Employment, Gift or Benefit Frances Reynolds Michael Gove None. Ailie Brown Patrick Grady None. Malcolm McConnell Patrick Grady None. Moira Benny Luke Graham None. Ruairi Hodges Luke Graham None. Jake Johnstone Luke Graham None. David Robertson Luke Graham None. Joshua Margrie-Rouse Richard Graham None. Emma Poole Richard Graham None. Leslie O'Connor Stuart Graham None. Lewis Robinson Stuart Graham None. Shirley McPherson Bill Grant None. Kay Pitt Bill Grant None. John Sweeney Bill Grant Gifts/Benefits: 5 July 2019 from Octopus Investments Ltd, one ticket to the Goodwood Festival of Speed (registered July 2019). Katy Allen Helen Grant None. Simon Grant Helen Grant None. Charlotte Parfitt-Reid Helen Grant None. Alex Rolfe Helen Grant None. Vanda Vincent Helen Grant None. John Beare Peter Grant Councillor, Fife Council. Kate Macdonald Peter Grant None. Emily Spacey Peter Grant None. Sophie Montagne James Gray None. Kate Pugh James Gray None. Amy Swash James Gray None. Lawrence Kane Neil Gray None. Adam Robinson Neil Gray None. Susan Grayling Chris Grayling None. Thomas Haynes Chris Grayling None. Elisabeth Mitchell Chris Grayling Head of Ministerial Liaison, Conservative Party. James O'Donohoe Chris Grayling None.


Staff Sponsor (i.e. Member) Other Relevant Gainful Occupation, Employment, Gift or Benefit Sara Olsen Chris Grayling None. Anne Galloway Chris Green Councillor, Bolton Metropolitan Borough Council. William Haslam Chris Green None. Jonathan Lunness Chris Green On Parliamentary Internship Scheme funded by bursary from the Catholic Bishop's Conference of England and Wales. Carrie Nelson Chris Green None. Emma Gray Damian Green None. Hilary Hunter Damian Green None. Zeynep Jasmine Storry Damian Green None. Kady Billington-Murphy Kate Green Policy and Public Affairs Co-ordinator, Children's Social Care Funding, The Children's Society (charity). Heather Staff Kate Green Policy Adviser/ Researcher, Good Faith Partnership LLP (public affairs). Overseas visit: 22-24 November 2018, RAMP learning visit to Brussels as part of a large cross-party group organised by GoodFaith Partnership LLP. All expenses funded by Open Society European Policy Institute (OSEPI). (registered 10 December 2018) Luana D'Arco-Yakubu Justine Greening None. John MacDonald Justine Greening None. Ellie Rust Justine Greening None. Nicole Simon Justine Greening None. Catherine Warren Justine Greening None. Colleen Cassidy Lilian Greenwood Councillor, Corby Borough Council. Laura Williamson Lilian Greenwood None. Andrew Bocking Margaret Greenwood None. Graeme Dolphin Margaret Greenwood None. Heather Spurr Margaret Greenwood Political Adviser, Labour Party. Claire Baithun Dominic Grieve None. William Lucass Dominic Grieve None. Elizabeth McLaurin Dominic Grieve None. Timothy Sansom Dominic Grieve None. Dominic Sutcliffe Dominic Grieve None. Owen John Nia Griffith Political Adviser, The Labour Party. Overseas Visits: 4-8 November 2018 to Israel to meet Israeli and Palestinian representatives. Accommodation, travel


Staff Sponsor (i.e. Member) Other Relevant Gainful Occupation, Employment, Gift or Benefit and meal costs paid by the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Regont Pula Nia Griffith Political Adviser, Labour Party. Liam Taggart Nia Griffith None. Harry Alliss Andrew Griffiths None. Sarah Bridgman Andrew Griffiths None. Frederick Brown John Grogan None. Aodhan Kelly John Grogan None. Carlos Wallhead John Grogan None. Gregory Dash Andrew Gwynne Political Advisor, Labour Party. Robert Donnelly Andrew Gwynne Political Adviser, Labour Party. Tom Sedgwick Andrew Gwynne None. Timothy Bridges Sam Gyimah None. Andrew Stewart Sam Gyimah Overseas Visits: 30-31 May 2019 to Gibraltar to accompany Sam Gyimah MP. Flights and accommodation paid for by HM Government of Gibraltar (registered June 2019). Catherine Wynn Sam Gyimah None. Daniel Coyne Louise Haigh None. Mark Donne Louise Haigh Paid by GMB (trade union) to work for Louise Haigh as Senior Researcher. Lisa Johnson Louise Haigh Political Officer, GMB (trade union). Paul Smith Kirstene Hair Researcher, Scottish Parliament. Duncan Soutar Kirstene Hair None. Hannah Ellis Robert Halfon Overseas Visits: 16-19 September 2018 to Bucharest and Craiova, Romania accompanying Robert Halfon MP. Accommodation, food, flights, and internal transport paid for by the University of Craiova (registered september 2018). 5 July 2019 Ticket and hospitality for the Goodwood Festival of Speed from Octopus Investments Ltd (registered July 2019). Holly Papworth Robert Halfon None. Daniel Swords Robert Halfon Paid by SAM Learning for the work I do for Mr Robert Halfon MP. Nathan Weavers Robert Halfon None. Owen Evans Luke Hall None. Megan Harris Luke Hall None. Daniel Zeff Luke Hall None. Thomas Hinchcliffe Fabian Hamilton None.


Staff Sponsor (i.e. Member) Other Relevant Gainful Occupation, Employment, Gift or Benefit Marsha Kendall Fabian Hamilton None. Conor O'Neill Fabian Hamilton None. Stephen Towler Fabian Hamilton None. Hannah Edwards Philip Hammond None. Lucinda Hasell Philip Hammond None. Andreas Payne Philip Hammond Councillor, Broxbourne Borough Council. Grace Thompson Philip Hammond None. Jay Crush Stephen Hammond None. Marie Stevens Stephen Hammond None. Thomas Barton Matt Hancock None. James Cowling Matt Hancock None. Helyn Dudley Matt Hancock None. Bethany Hall Matt Hancock None. Elizabeth Hitchcock Matt Hancock Councillor, Westminster City Council. Gina Tress Matthew Hancock None. Charles Fisher Greg Hands Gifts/Benefits: Hospitality for Liverpool FC matches v Bournemouth, Bayern Munich on 9 February and 19 February from Laduma (registered February 2019); Hospitality for Liverpool FC match v Chelsea on 14 April 2019 from Laduma (registered May 2019). Elizabeth Healey Greg Hands None. Hannah Henderson Greg Hands None. Maria Murray Greg Hands None. Ben Goldsborough David Hanson None. John Cafferty Emma Hardy Regional Secretary, Unison (trade union). Alex Graham Emma Hardy None. Diogo Figueiredo Harriet Harman None. Clare Gosbee Harriet Harman None. Warda Hassan Harriet Harman None. Rachel Smethers Harriet Harman None. Chloe Wright Harriet Harman None. Edgar Johnson Mark Harper None. Georgia-Louise Kinsella Mark Harper None. Georgia-Louise Sard Mark Harper None.


Staff Sponsor (i.e. Member) Other Relevant Gainful Occupation, Employment, Gift or Benefit Yasmin Goldsmith Richard Harrington None. Victoria Lynch Richard Harrington None. Harriet Rainbow Richard Harrington None. Joanne Lloyd Carolyn Harris None. Abbie Sparrow Carolyn Harris None. Gracie Browning Rebecca Harris None. Martha Levy Rebecca Harris None. Sara Zygmunt Rebecca Harris None. Oliver Dorgan Trudy Harrison None. Rachel Flynn Trudy Harrison None. Calum Nicholson Trudy Harrison None. Abigail Hart Simon Hart Administrative Assistant, Countryside Alliance (rural advocacy). Gift/benefit: Tickets and Hospitality to Cricket at Lord's on Thursday 24 May 2018 provided by RBS. Georgina Kester Simon Hart None. Elizabeth Lesnianski Simon Hart Clerk, Martletwy Community Council. Niall Adams Helen Hayes None. Minnie Cullen Close Helen Hayes None. Bethany Currie Helen Hayes None. Andy Simmons Helen Hayes Councillor, London Borough of Southwark. Affiliate, Karolinksa Instituet (university/ hospital). Scott Kelly John Hayes Lecturer, New York University. Tutor, Campbell Harris (education). Lee Rotherham John Hayes Executive Director, Veterans for Britain (think tank). Director, The Red Cell (think tank). Research work for Rupert Matthews (Member of the European Parliament). David Sergeant John Hayes Overseas visit: 7-10 November 2018, to Lebanon on fact-finding visit organised by All-Party Parliamentary Group for the Lebanon. Flights, accommodation, food and transport in Lebanon paid for the the Lebanese Parliament. (Registered 6 December 2018) Eliot Andersen Sue Hayman None. Matthew Andrews Sue Hayman None. Matthew Davies Sue Hayman Policy Officer, Labour Party. Roxanne Mashari Sue Hayman Local Councillor, Brent Council.


Staff Sponsor (i.e. Member) Other Relevant Gainful Occupation, Employment, Gift or Benefit Robert Wakely Sue Hayman Political Advisor, Labour Party. Yvonne Maginn Chris Hazzard None. Mara Bulf Oliver Heald None. Christine Heald Oliver Heald None. Jack Logan Oliver Heald None. James Hall John Healey None. Joseph Vesey-Byrne John Healey None. Emily Carver James Heappey None. Zeinub Hussain James Heappey None. Rosie Nagle James Heappey None. Simon Jennings Chris Heaton-Harris None. Sarah Peck Chris Heaton-Harris None. William Riley-Smith Chris Heaton-Harris None. Joseph Stewart Chris Heaton-Harris None. Matthew Cox Peter Heaton-Jones None. Daniel Shapland Peter Heaton-Jones None. Jessica McMahon Gordon Henderson None. Michael Whiting Gordon Henderson Councillor, Kent County Council and Swale Borough Council. Estelle Warhurst Mark Hendrick None. Nicholas Lyon Drew Hendry None. Jill McAlpine Drew Hendry None. Keith Chapman Stephen Hepburn Official Matchday Programme Editor, Stockport County Football Club. Paul Dean Stephen Hepburn None. Alexander Black Nick Herbert None. Christopher N Howarth Nick Herbert Researcher, The Project for Modern Democracy (think tank/charity). Olivia Rohll Nick Herbert None. Lynsey White Nick Herbert None. Stephanie Jamison Sylvia Hermon None. Helen Georgiou Mike Hill None. Janet Greig Mike Hill None. Indiana Corbin Lamplough Mike Hill None. Kirsty Brown Meg Hillier None.


Staff Sponsor (i.e. Member) Other Relevant Gainful Occupation, Employment, Gift or Benefit Lucy Chapman Meg Hillier None. Sorah Gluck Meg Hillier Teacher, United Synagogue. Celia Hudson Meg Hillier None. Daniel Johnston Meg Hillier None. Ramota Lawal Meg Hillier Councillor, London Borough of Havering. Amanda Gallagher Damian Hinds None. Alex Grimsdall Damian Hinds None. Ann Lewin Damian Hinds None. Sarah Manley Simon Hoare None. Chloe Rennard Simon Hoare None. Alastair Gourley Wera Hobhouse None. Mattew McCabe Wera Hobhouse None. Eva Steinhardt Wera Hobhouse None. Alex Conneely Hughes Margaret Hodge None. Julia Hammelehle Margaret Hodge None. Lloyd Hatton Margaret Hodge None. Anna Haworth Margaret Hodge None. Jessica Faulkner Sharon Hodgson None. Maria Herron Sharon Hodgson None. Alan Hodgson Sharon Hodgson None. Aisha Malik-Smith Sharon Hodgson None. Jack Mayorcas Sharon Hodgson None. Alexandra Samuels Sharon Hodgson Councillor, Sunderland City Council. Sophie Stowers Sharon Hodgson None. Ada During Kate Hoey None. Max Freedman Kate Hoey None. Katherine Matheson Kate Hoey None. Lara Nicholson Kate Hoey None. Rupert Cunningham George Hollingbery None. Martin Halfpenny George Hollingbery I provide media advice to various MPs via my consultancy business, Halfpenny Communications Ltd. Joanna Lloyd George Hollingbery None.


Staff Sponsor (i.e. Member) Other Relevant Gainful Occupation, Employment, Gift or Benefit Owen Millward George Hollingbery None. Hazel Dales Kevin Hollinrake None. Adam Keene Kevin Hollinrake None. Nigel Knapton Kevin Hollinrake Cabinet Member, Hambleton District Council. James Parker Kevin Hollinrake None. Miroslava Macejkova Philip Hollobone None. Joshua Carlton Adam Holloway None. Georgina Casey Adam Holloway None. Branwen Jones Adam Holloway None. Sarah McGlyne Adam Holloway Director, Fractional Talent Ltd (holiday letting). Russell Cartwright Kelvin Hopkins None. Brendan Chilton Kelvin Hopkins Borough Councillor, Ashford Borough Council. General Secretary, Labour Leave (Brexit campaigning). Alan Ross Stewart Hosie Councillor, Dundee City Council. Kate Brady George Howarth None. William Lynn John Howell None. Angela Paterson John Howell None. Isobel Stanton John Howell None. Michael Gaskill Lindsay Hoyle None. George McNamara Lindsay Hoyle None. Peter Wilson Lindsay Hoyle Councillor, Chorley Council. Lucy Lermer Nigel Huddleston None. Ruth Loeffler Nigel Huddleston None. Lloyd Ross Nigel Huddleston None. Laura Elizabeth Ayres Eddie Hughes None. Gabrielle Evans Eddie Hughes None. Morwenna Brown Jeremy Hunt None. Heather Butterworth Jeremy Hunt None. Victoria Holland Jeremy Hunt None. Richard Nelson Jeremy Hunt None. Sasha Spanchak Jeremy Hunt None. Milad Amini Rupa Huq None.


Staff Sponsor (i.e. Member) Other Relevant Gainful Occupation, Employment, Gift or Benefit Elizabeth Minns Rupa Huq None. Alice Osborne Rupa Huq None. Alison Raynsford Rupa Huq 18-28 January 2019, Advise on Select Committee process, paid for by Finsbury Group (global strategic communications company) (Registered February 2019) Daniel Walsh Rupa Huq None. Mary Wedgwood Rupa Huq None. Jill Brown Nick Hurd None. James Bullett Nick Hurd None. Rosie Giddings Nick Hurd None. Jamie Monteith-Mann Nick Hurd None. Jack Ashby Imran Hussain None. Kamran Hussain Imran Hussain Councillor, Bradford Metropolitan District Council. Steven Sewell Imran Hussain None. William Saunders Alister Jack None. Katy Mallinson Margot James None. Joseph Vardon-Hynard Margot James None. Daniel Callaghan Christine Jardine None. David Evans Christine Jardine None. Sophia Greenfield Dan Jarvis None. Owen Pritchard Dan Jarvis Partner and Director, Lawrence Miller & Co (Independent Financial Advisors). Peter Backhouse Sajid Javid None. Sophie Bolsover Sajid Javid None. Mikael Hameed Sajid Javid None. Danielle Johnston-Jones Sajid Javid None. Carmel Hobbs Ranil Jayawardena None. Clemency Huggins Ranil Jayawardena None. Paul Nizinskyj Ranil Jayawardena None. Shaun Wright Ranil Jayawardena None. Yelnur Zharkyubek Ranil Jayawardena None. Thomas Fairweather Bernard Jenkin None. Megan Jacobs Bernard Jenkin None.


Staff Sponsor (i.e. Member) Other Relevant Gainful Occupation, Employment, Gift or Benefit Zachary Spiro Bernard Jenkin None. Leah Stanford Bernard Jenkin None. Stefano Basilico Andrea Jenkyns Freelance contributor, Easternational Connecting (Italian think tank). Matthew Smith Andrea Jenkyns None. Cameron Stephenson Andrea Jenkyns None. Susan Gray Robert Jenrick None. Alfred Hopkinson Robert Jenrick None. Samantha Rizk Robert Jenrick None. Lee Cain Boris Johnson None. Greg Munro Boris Johnson None. Catherine Rostron Boris Johnson None. Ann Sindall Boris Johnson Overseas Visits: 13 - 15 September 2018 to Washington, accompanying Boris Johnson MP. Accommodation, travel and hospitality paid for by The America Enterprise Institute. Emma Salisbury Caroline Johnson None. Peter Worsley Caroline Johnson None. Jordan Clark Diana Johnson None. Rachel Sherrington Diana Johnson None. Susan Aslett Gareth Johnson None. Sarah Bedford Gareth Johnson Solicitor, Thomas Boyd Whyte (private legal practice). Ursula Hudson Gareth Johnson None. Darlyn Buchwitz Joseph Johnson None. Etienne Caswell Joseph Johnson None. Kate Goodhart Joseph Johnson None. William Stark Joseph Johnson None. Anja Wiedemann Bates Joseph Johnson None. Eric Cooper Andrew Jones Councillor and Leader, Harrogate Borough Council. Councillor, North Yorkshire County Council. Edward Darling Andrew Jones Councillor, Harrogate Borough Council. Councillor, Knaresborough Town Council. Samantha Mearns Andrew Jones Councillor, Harrogate Borough Council. Jordan Young Andrew Jones None. Finn McMahon Darren Jones None.


Staff Sponsor (i.e. Member) Other Relevant Gainful Occupation, Employment, Gift or Benefit Oliver Wheeler Darren Jones None. Laura Bradley David Jones None. Alexander Czulowski David Jones None. Katharine Huggins David Jones None. Edward Wilson David Jones None. Harry William Hayman Gerald Jones None. Lucas Sandra Toomey Gerald Jones None. Matthew Van Rooyen Gerald Jones None. Jake Kelly Graham Jones None. Julie Milligan Graham Jones None. Conor Bunting Kevan Jones None. Katherine Henig Kevan Jones None. Charles Masser Marcus Jones None. Michael Windridge Marcus Jones None. Karen French Ruth Jones None. Matthew Hexter Ruth Jones None. Adam Jogee Ruth Jones Councillor, London Borough of Haringey. Camilla Harris Sarah Jones None. Thomas Hughes Sarah Jones None. Aleena Khushal Sarah Jones None. Jessica Leigh Sarah Jones Councillor, London Borough of Lambeth. Rachel Bennion Susan Elan Jones None. Sarah Jane Haughey Mike Kane None. Steve Kay Mike Kane None. Suzanne Richards Mike Kane Councillor, Manchester City Council. Emma Taylor Mike Kane Councillor, Manchester City Council. Carol Foster Daniel Kawczynski None. Jack Gilmore Daniel Kawczynski None. Mark Oates Daniel Kawczynski None. Lawrence Abel Gillian Keegan None. Leanne French Gillian Keegan None.


Staff Sponsor (i.e. Member) Other Relevant Gainful Occupation, Employment, Gift or Benefit Hillary Juma Gillian Keegan None. Juliette Smith Gillian Keegan None. Emma Barnes Barbara Keeley Political Adviser, Labour Party. Simon Dixon Barbara Keeley None. Thomas Bridge Liz Kendall None. Victoria Street Liz Kendall None. Annemarie Wattley Liz Kendall None. Kieran Winterburn Liz Kendall None. Samantha Conlon Seema Kennedy None. Fjolla Krasniqi Seema Kennedy Overseas Visits: 25 - 26 September 2018 to Albania to attend the European Parliamentarians Fighting Modern Day Slavery Conference. Accommodation and travel paid for by Human Trafficking Foundation. Neil Benny Stephen Kerr Councillor, Stirling Council. Clifford Herbertson Stephen Kerr None. Rosemary McLaren Stephen Kerr None. Martin Stewart-Earl Stephen Kerr Councillor, Stirling Council. Board Member, Loch Lomond & Trossachs National Park. Anisa Mahmood Afzal Khan None. Amy Provan Afzal Khan None. Thomas Warnett Afzal Khan Political Officer, GMB (trade union). Neil Ross Gerard Killen None. Joseph Jervis Stephen Kinnock Co-ordinator, Labour Network in England Ltd. Dennis Marcus Stephen Kinnock Director, Ubuntu London (strategic communications events). Clients: Save the Children International (charity) and Memorial 2007 (promotes education on trans-Atlantic slave trade). Denis McFadden Stephen Kinnock None. Janet Knight Greg Knight None. Matthew Thomas Greg Knight None. Henry Hill Julian Knight Assistant Editor, Conservative Home (journalism). Philippa Knight Julian Knight Occasional ad hoc administrative support for the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Alternative Lending. Amelia Leeming Julian Knight None. Hayden Walmsley Julian Knight Councillor, Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council.


Staff Sponsor (i.e. Member) Other Relevant Gainful Occupation, Employment, Gift or Benefit Megan Williams Julian Knight None. Sarah Knight Kwasi Kwarteng None. Erika-Maria Szasz Kwasi Kwarteng None. Rebecca Hammond Peter Kyle None. Christopher Henry Peter Kyle None. Susan Jackson Peter Kyle None. Siobhán Reynolds Peter Kyle None. Iona Bensusan Eleanor Laing None. Carol Chatfield Eleanor Laing Receptionist, Sytner BMW (motor trade). Charlotte Richards Eleanor Laing None. Jordan Agnew Lesley Laird Political Adviser, Labour Party. John McKee Lesley Laird None. Zainab Gulamali Ben Lake Researcher, Plaid Cymru. Rhys Harper Ben Lake None. Ben O'Keeffe Ben Lake None. William Cowie Norman Lamb None. Anton Georgiou Norman Lamb None. Jamie Kowalyk Norman Lamb None. Gavin Cowings David Lammy None. Oliver Durose David Lammy None. William Heilpern David Lammy 7-9 June 2019 to Canada for study trip regarding Canada's decision to legalise cannabis. Meals and car journeys paid for by Volteface (registered July 2019). Mili Patel David Lammy None. Anya Sizer David Lammy Regional Worker, Fertility Network (charity). Rebecca Hyrslova John Lamont None. Ross Sanderson John Lamont None. William Tanner John Lamont Director, Onward (think tank). Festus Akinbusoye Mark Lancaster Company Director, Ikan Facilities Management Limited (security services). Liam Andrews Mark Lancaster None. James Vitali Mark Lancaster None. Alexander Walker Mark Lancaster Councillor, Milton Keynes. Jonathon Foster Pauline Latham None.


Staff Sponsor (i.e. Member) Other Relevant Gainful Occupation, Employment, Gift or Benefit Sue Hidderley-Burton Pauline Latham None. Zuzana Pelakova Pauline Latham None. Holly Whitbread Pauline Latham District Councillor, Epping Forest District Council. Michael Calderbank Ian Lavery Consultant, Solidarity Consulting Ltd (political consultancy). Clients: Bakers, Food and Allied Workers Union; Fire Brigades Union; Public and Commercial Services Union; National Union of Journalists; Rail, Maritime and Transport Union, Trade Union Coordinating Group (registered July 2019). Roger Easterby Ian Lavery ? Mark Fitton Ian Lavery None. Elizabeth Martin Ian Lavery Intern paid by The Labour Party. Roisin McDermott Ian Lavery Parliamentary Liaison Officer, Unite the Union (trade union). Paul McDaid Chris Law None. Jerry Moriarty Chris Law None. Jake Fountain Andrea Leadsom None. Tommy Gilchrist Andrea Leadsom None. Luke Graystone Andrea Leadsom Councillor, Northampton Borough Council. Sarah Jackson Andrea Leadsom None. Joseph Duffy Karen Lee None. Cameron Iveson Karen Lee None. Edward Mair Karen Lee None. Helena Mair Karen Lee Lincoln City Councillor, City of Lincoln Council. Katie Dover Philip Lee None. Jenny Fleischer Philip Lee None. Elza Tessenyi Philip Lee None. Michael Burgess Phillip Lee None. Alexander Simpson Jeremy Lefroy Overseas Visits: 12 - 22 September 2018 to Chinas as part of the 'UK and Nordic Young Politicians Joint Delegation'. Flights, accommodation, subsistence and internal travel paid for by the International Department of the Communist Party of China Central Committee. Overseas Visits: 6-10 April 2019 to Washington DC, USA to attend the Global Parliamentary Conference 2019 of the Parliamentary Network on the World Bank and IMF. Flights and accommodation paid for by the Parliamentary Network on the World Bnk and


Staff Sponsor (i.e. Member) Other Relevant Gainful Occupation, Employment, Gift or Benefit IMF. Nicole Vecchio Jeremy Lefroy Consultant APPG Coordinator for the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Malaria and Neglected Tropical Diseases (paid out of the Group's registered funds.). Jane Alexander Edward Leigh None. Andrew Cusack Edward Leigh None. Katherine O'Riordan Edward Leigh Solicitor, Yugin & Partners Solicitors. Jack Boardman Chris Leslie None. Thomas Burke Chris Leslie None. Penelope Griggs Chris Leslie None. Christopher Ward Chris Leslie None. Annesley Abercorn Oliver Letwin Parliamentary Consultant to Dragon Advisory (a business advisory consultancy). Clients: VW Finance. John Dawson Oliver Letwin None. Thomas Fieldhouse Oliver Letwin Deputy Director, Red Tape Initiative (cross-party think tank). Overseas Visits: 12 - 22 September 2018 to China as part of the 'UK and Nordic Young Politicians Joint Delegation'. Flights, accommodation, subsistence and internal travel paid for by the International Department of the Communist Party of China Central Committee. Jane Gordon Banks Oliver Letwin None. Peter Hayes Emma Lewell-Buck None. Josie Parkhouse Emma Lewell-Buck None. Julie Banks Thompson Andrew Lewer None. Art Conaghan Andrew Lewer None. Andrew Fellows Andrew Lewer None. Helen Hill Brandon Lewis None. Zoe Thorogood Brandon Lewis Chief of Staff, Conservative Campaign Headquarters. Paul Wells Brandon Lewis None. Toby Willmer Brandon Lewis Deputy Chief of Staff to the Chairman's Office, Conservative Party. Holly Brazier Tope Clive Lewis None. Leo Murray Clive Lewis Political Advisor on the Transition to a Sustainable Economy, Labour Party. Jason Pritchard Clive Lewis Common Councilman, Common Council of the City of London. Charles Secrett Clive Lewis Sustainability Business Consultant, Robertsbridge Group (business


Staff Sponsor (i.e. Member) Other Relevant Gainful Occupation, Employment, Gift or Benefit consultancy). Clients: Avantium (Dutch bio-plastics and bio-refining company) and European Climate Foundation (climate issues). Christopher James Ivan Lewis None. Amber Khan Ivan Lewis None. Marc Levy Ivan Lewis External Affairs Manager, Jewish Leadership Council (charity). Rishi Shori Ivan Lewis None. Nina Karsov-Szechter Julian Lewis None. Colin Smith Julian Lewis None. Jill Liddell-Grainger Ian Liddell-Grainger None. Elliott Banks David Lidington None. Jacqueline Gomes-Neves David Lidington None. Verity Inge David Lidington None. Kieran Sinclair David Lidington None. Ross Deans David Linden None. Emily Lang David Linden None. Derec Thompson David Linden None. Jennifer Cruse Stephen Lloyd None. Dean Sabri Stephen Lloyd Councillor, Eastbourne Borough Council. Mark Trott Stephen Lloyd None. Ruaidhri O'Donnell Tony Lloyd Political Adviser, Labour Party. Huma Haq Rebecca Long Bailey Political Advisor, Labour Party. Paul Keenlyside Rebecca Long Bailey None. Olivia Walsham Rebecca Long Bailey None. Alexander Stone Julia Lopez None. Joanna Thomas Julia Lopez None. George Welch Julia Lopez None. Susan Clegg Jack Lopresti None. Simon Davies Jack Lopresti Councillor, Mendip District Council. Responsible Finance Officer, St Cuthbert Out Parish Council. Councillor, Shepton Mallet Town Council. Nicholas Watts Jack Lopresti Freelance Journalist for HIS/Markit (Janes) (publishing/communications / media). Herta Hearsum Jonathan Lord None. James Moncrieff Jonathan Lord None.


Staff Sponsor (i.e. Member) Other Relevant Gainful Occupation, Employment, Gift or Benefit Nicholas White Jonathan Lord None. Justine Kent Tim Loughton None. Jack Loudon Tim Loughton None. Kari Sargeant Tim Loughton None. Ingrid Davidson Caroline Lucas None. Laura MacKenzie Caroline Lucas None. Catherine Miller Caroline Lucas Chief of Staff, Green Party. Joanna Mills Caroline Lucas Parliamentary Media Officer, Green Party. Connor Schwartz Caroline Lucas None. Ian Thomas Ian Lucas None. David Triggs Ian Lucas None. Matthew Dawson Holly Lynch None. Adam Wilkinson Holly Lynch Councillor, Calderdale Council. Mel Barratt Craig Mackinlay None. Faisal Hamza Craig Mackinlay None. Ruth Lea Craig Mackinlay None. Rebekah Davis Rachel Maclean None. Andrew Powell Rachel Maclean None. Kurt Ward Rachel MacLean None. Nikita Harkin Angus MacNeil None. Christopher Levick Angus MacNeil Regional Director, Westminster Foundation for Democracy (foreign affairs). Kerie-Anne Ivory Justin Madders None. Julie Spencer Justin Madders None. Catherine Witcombe Justin Madders Policy Officer, Labour Party. Elaina Cohen Khalid Mahmood None. Agha Hasan Khalid Mahmood None. Saraya Hussain Khalid Mahmood None. Glenda Dunster Shabana Mahmood None. Luke Holland Shabana Mahmood None. William Ewing Anne Main None. Jack Robinson Anne Main None. Isabella Wallersteiner Anne Main None.


Staff Sponsor (i.e. Member) Other Relevant Gainful Occupation, Employment, Gift or Benefit Stuart Crow Alan Mak None. Imogen Payter Alan Mak Consultant, APPG on the Fourth Industrial Revolution (All Party Parliamentary Group). Overseas Visits: 15-20 April 2019 to San Francisco Bay Area, USA to support APPG on the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IRAPPG) visit to Silicon Valley technology companies. All flights, accommodation, food, transport and other expenses paid for by the 4IRAPPG (registered May 2019). Alexander Rennie Alan Mak Councillor, Havant Borough Council. Overseas Visits: 15-20 April 2019 to San Francisco Bay Area, USA to support APPG on the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR APPG) visit to Silicon Valley technology companies. All flights, accommodation, food, transport and other expenses paid by the 4IRAPPG (registered May 2019). Oliver Freeman Seema Malhotra None. Denise Smith Seema Malhotra None. Neha Soni Seema Malhotra None. Charles Hosmer Kit Malthouse None. Raymond Sadri Kit Malthouse None. Emma Tilley Kit Malthouse None. Alexandra Routledge John Mann None. Danny Stone John Mann Director, Antisemitism Policy Trust (anti-racism charity). Joanna White John Mann Councillor, Bassetlaw District Council. Rachel Beadle Scott Mann None. Michael Muldowney Scott Mann None. Nicola Wade Scott Mann None. Charles Cole Gordon Marsden None. Nicholas Wright Gordon Marsden None. Maggie Barradell Sandy Martin None. Phillip Jack Fenton Sandy Martin National Organiser, SERA-Labour's Environment Campaign. Milan Skopal Sandy Martin None. Andrew Flannagan Rachael Maskell Researcher, Christians in Politics (citizenship). Helen Pearce Rachael Maskell Director, TULO (The Trade Union & Labour Party Liaison Organisation). Samuel Dyas Paul Masterton None. Andrea Gee Paul Masterton None.


Staff Sponsor (i.e. Member) Other Relevant Gainful Occupation, Employment, Gift or Benefit Euan Waddell Paul Masterton None. Lina Del Araujo Chris Matheson Contract Lawyer, Iilex Limited (legal services) Rosario Katherine Robson Chris Matheson None. Samanta Scipanova Chris Matheson Office staff, Sir John Cass Halls. Maya Mann Theresa May None. Jennifer Sharkey Theresa May None. Emma Willis Theresa May None. Simon Renwick Paul Maynard None. Mark Seymour Paul Maynard None. Robin Stocks Paul Maynard None. Bethan Jones Steve McCabe None. Linda Spencer Steve McCabe None. George Williams Steve McCabe None. Eamon McGinley Elisha McCallion None. Thomas Anderton Kerry McCarthy None. Marley Bennett Kerry McCarthy None. Myla Lloyd Kerry McCarthy None. Daniel Ashcroft Siobhain McDonagh None. Deirdre Colgan Siobhain McDonagh None. Leo Gibbons-Plowright Siobhain McDonagh Councillor, London Borough of Lewisham. Ellena Herman Siobhain McDonagh None. Niamh Buckingham Andy McDonald On Parliamentary Internship Scheme funded by bursary from the Catholic Bishop's Conference of England and Wales. Karl Hansen Andy McDonald None. Marc Machover Andy McDonald None. Ian Taylor Andy McDonald Policy Adviser, Labour Party. Keith Thomson Stewart McDonald None. Kirsty Andrew Stuart McDonald Office Manager, Jamie Hepburn MSP (Member of the Scottish Parliament). Angus MacLeod Stuart McDonald Parliamentary Assistant to Jamie Hepburn MSP, Scottish Parliament. Arran Mulholland Stuart McDonald None. Suha Abdul John McDonnell None. Beth Ashby John McDonnell Operations Officer, The Labour Party.


Staff Sponsor (i.e. Member) Other Relevant Gainful Occupation, Employment, Gift or Benefit Sebastian Bracchitta Corbyn John McDonnell None. Jacqui Connor John McDonnell None. Max Harris John McDonnell None. Rory Macqueen John McDonnell Political Advisor, Labour Party. James Meadway John McDonnell Political Advisor, Labour Party. James Mills John McDonnell None. Finn Smith John McDonnell None. Alison Stoecker John McDonnell None. Andrew Whitaker John McDonnell None. Madeleine Williams John McDonnell None. Terri Garratt Pat McFadden None. Sadia Ghani Pat McFadden None. Martha Brant Conor McGinn None. Claire Tighe Conor McGinn Director, Banba Communications Limited (public affairs consultancy). Clients: British Irish Chamber of Commerce, Irish in Britain, Irish International Business Network, London Irish Construction Network. Louise Withers Green Conor McGinn None. Deborah Caine Alison McGovern Local government and union matters consultant, Arc Creative Studies Ltd (liaising with local government and unions). Jay Glover Alison McGovern None. Holly Higgins Alison McGovern None. Thomas Railton Alison McGovern Public Affairs Officer, Prospect (trade union). Sean Serridge Liz McInnes Councillor, Rossendale Borough Council. Amanda Bailey Catherine McKinnell None. Madeleine Solloway-Price Patrick McLoughlin Agent, Derbyshire Dales Conservative Association. Edward Winstanley Patrick McLoughlin None. Marianna Masters Jim McMahon Councillor, Lambeth Council. Paul Wheeler Jim McMahon Trainer, Political Skills Forum (training). Clients: Local Government Association (training of Councillors). Hannah Buckingham Anna McMorrin None. Joseph Rossiter Anna McMorrin None. Fiona Thomas Anna McMorrin Constituency Assistant, John Howarth MEP Denise Devlin John McNally None.


Staff Sponsor (i.e. Member) Other Relevant Gainful Occupation, Employment, Gift or Benefit Rebecca McKinlay John McNally None. Cheryl Penny John McNally None. Charlotte Cady Stephen McPartland None. Zoë Oliver Stephen McPartland None. Katherine Reynolds Stephen McPartland None. Anika Bourley Esther McVey None. Angela McPake Esther McVey None. Daniel O'Neill Esther McVey Political Consultant, D.J.O. Political Consultancy. Leigh Kirton Ian Mearns Councillor, Gateshead Council. Kris Lavery Ian Mearns None. Anneliese Midgley Ian Mearns Political Director, Unite the Union. David Andrews Mark Menzies None. Adam Gibbor Mark Menzies None. Richard Grocott Mark Menzies None. Edward Laslett Johnny Mercer None. Iona Cullen-Stephenson Huw Merriman None. Memuna Hussain Huw Merriman None. Frances McKenna Huw Merriman None. Jessica Terry Huw Merriman None. Beverley Groves Stephen Metcalfe None. Robert Lammas Stephen Metcalfe None. Robert Sheridan Stephen Metcalfe None. Karen Smith Stephen Metcalfe Paid by the Parliamentary and Scientific Committee (an All-Party Parliamentary Group) to act as its Secretary. Naeem Ahmed Edward Miliband None. Tobias Hunt Edward Miliband None. Oliver Nicholson Edward Miliband None. Lynsey Tod Edward Miliband None. Laura Wigan Edward Miliband None. Juliet Henderson Maria Miller None. Annabel Jones Maria Miller None. Chris Lynch Maria Miller None.


Staff Sponsor (i.e. Member) Other Relevant Gainful Occupation, Employment, Gift or Benefit Anastasia Starostina Maria Miller None. Claudia Blair Amanda Milling None. Charlotte Cupit Nigel Mills District Councillor, North East Derbyshire District Council. Bethany Warke Nigel Mills None. Jessica Clarke Anne Milton None. Sarah Coleby Anne Milton None. Joseph Howe Anne Milton None. Alexander B Rennie Anne Milton None. James Close-Smith Andrew Mitchell None. Yasmin Ghaffar Andrew Mitchell None. Karen Grieve Andrew Mitchell None. Joseph Dwyer Francie Molloy None. Emma Sheerin Francie Molloy None. Alistair Cassidy Carol Monaghan None. Katherine Ladd Carol Monaghan None. Cylina Porch Carol Monaghan None. Craig Steele Carol Monaghan None. Lewis D'Ambra Madeleine Moon None. Jennifer Humphreys Madeleine Moon None. Gurinder Jhans Madeleine Moon None. Harriet Utley Madeline Moon None. Naveen Bhatia Damien Moore None. Daniel Dewhurst Damien Moore Councillor, Preston City Council. Overseas Visit: 6-9 November 2018 to Tunisia accompanying Damien Moore MP. Flights, accommodation, travel, food and drink paid for by Tunisian National Tourism Office UK and Ireland. Jack Haines Layla Moran None. Harriet Hughes Layla Moran None. Samuel Payne Layla Moran None. Jenna Stewardson Layla Moran None. Lucinda Jamieson Penny Mordaunt None. Robert New Penny Mordaunt None. Elizabeth Perry Penny Mordaunt None. Lynn Glaister Jessica Morden None.


Staff Sponsor (i.e. Member) Other Relevant Gainful Occupation, Employment, Gift or Benefit Daniel Parker Jessica Morden None. James Dee Nicky Morgan None. Oussama El Fatihi Nicky Morgan Researcher, Conservative Group for Europe. Elise Peek Nicky Morgan None. Susan Plimmer Clarke Nicky Morgan None. Ellen Giddey Stephen Morgan None. Julie Minal Stephen Morgan None. Jonah Munn Stephen Morgan None. Jonathan Haseldine Anne Marie Morris None. Emma Heywood Anne Marie Morris None. Emma Smith David Morris Overseas Visits: 6-11 September 2018 to Gibraltar accompanying David Morris MP. Flights and accommodation paid for by Government of Gibraltar. 20 - 25 September 2018 to Maldives accompanying David Morris MP. Flights and accommodation paid for by Elections Commission of Maldives. 25-29 October 2018 to Armenia accompanying David Morris MP, Fights, accommodation, travel, food and drink paid for by Prosperous Armenian Party. 9-12 May 2019 to Jersey accompanying David Morris MP. Flights, accommodation, travel, food and drink paid for by the Government of Jersey (registered June 2019). Kate Dove Grahame Morris None. Richard Hanford Grahame Morris Consultant, Solidarity Consulting Ltd (political consultancy). Clients: PCS (Public and Commercial Services union), RMT (National Union of Rail, Maritime and Transport Workers), FBU (Fire Brigades Union); Addaction, Humankind, and WDP (drugs and alcohol treatment providers) (registered July 2019). Laura Murray Grahame Morris Political Adviser, Labour Party. Michael Croghan James Morris None. Samantha Hadley James Morris None. Gary Sambrook James Morris Councillor, Birmingham City Council. Callum Murphy Wendy Morton None. Peter Vines Wendy Morton None. Daniel Wemyss Penny Moudaunt None. Christopher Bamber David Mundell None.


Staff Sponsor (i.e. Member) Other Relevant Gainful Occupation, Employment, Gift or Benefit Laura Dawson David Mundell None. Gillian Walker David Mundell None. Hannah Carson Ian Murray None. Lesley Gulland Ian Murray None. Nicholas Craker Sheryll Murray Councillor, Cornwall Council. Robert Davidson Sheryll Murray Overseas Visits: 6-10 September 2018 to Gibraltar accompanying Sheryll Murray MP. Accommodation and Travel paid for by HM Government of Gibraltar. 16-19 September 2018 to Cyprus accompanying the Conservative Friends of Cyprus Parliamentary Delegation. Transport, accommodation and meals paid for by the Cyprus House of Representatives. 25-29 October 2018 to Armenia accompanying Sheryll Murray MP. Airfare, accommodation, travel, food and drink paid for by the Prosperous Armenia Party. 9-12 May 2019 to Jersey accompanying Sheryll Murray MP. Airfare, accommodation, travel, food and drink paid for by the Government of Jersey (registered June 2019). Kathryn Oakley Sheryll Murray None. Jennifer Murrison Andrew Murrison None. Jade Azim Lisa Nandy None. Christopher Randell Lisa Nandy None. Jane Matthews Robert Neill None. Vanessa Michna Robert Neill None. Samuel Robins Robert Neill None. Gavin Lundy Gavin Newlands None. Lindsay Stevenson Gavin Newlands None. Charles Baker Sarah Newton None. Sally Dickson Sarah Newton None. Simon Thompson Sarah Newton None. George Causer Caroline Nokes None. Ryan Sutton Caroline Nokes None. Frederika Mitchell Jesse Norman None. Graham Allen Alex Norris None. Milton Brown Alex Norris None. Suzanne Clark Alex Norris None.


Staff Sponsor (i.e. Member) Other Relevant Gainful Occupation, Employment, Gift or Benefit Catharine Kingsbury Neil O'Brien None. Narinder Singh Pooni Neil O'Brien None. Shirley Tovell Neil O'Brien None. George Bose Matthew Offord None. Hilary Butler-Smith Matthew Offord None. Madeline King Matthew Offord None. Roslyn Heaney Brendan O'Hara None. Fiona Stage Brendan O'Hara None. Michelle Van Der Stighelen Brendan O'Hara None. Katie Burgess Melanie Onn None. Victoria Parrett Melanie Onn None. Daniel Ward Melanie Onn None. Yunqi Shi Chi Onwurah None. Matthew McPherson Guy Opperman None. Patrick Withers Begley Orfhlaith None. Elizabeth Dudley Kate Osamor None. Linda Kitenge Kate Osamor None. Amy Laver Kate Osamor None. Ishmael Osamor Kate Osamor None. James Cleverley Albert Owen None. Gareth Jones Albert Owen None. Peter Murphy Albert Owen None. Jennifer Saboor Albert Owen None. Barry Hall Ian Paisley None. William Rasmussen Ian Paisley None. Carys Major Neil Parish None. Susan Parish Neil Parish None. Joseph Tetlow Neil Parish None. Diana Varley Neil Parish Councillor, Chiltern District Council. Stuart Gulleford Priti Patel None. David Leaf Priti Patel Councillor, London Borough of Bexley. Thomas Munson Priti Patel None.


Staff Sponsor (i.e. Member) Other Relevant Gainful Occupation, Employment, Gift or Benefit Alex Sawyer Priti Patel Councillor, London Borough of Bexley. Sacha Surgenor Priti Patel None. Claire Ayres Owen Paterson None. Alexandra Guyver Owen Paterson None. Robert Thomas Owen Paterson None. Nicola Boyle Mark Pawsey None. Holly Bradfield Mark Pawsey Town Councillor, Chippenham Town Council. Yousef Dahmash Mark Pawsey Councillor, Warwickshire County Council. Robert Bates Stephanie Peacock None. Zainab Asunramu Teresa Pearce None. Philip Edwards Teresa Pearce None. Adam Scott Teresa Pearce None. Miranda Williams Teresa Pearce Councillor and Cabinet Member, Royal Borough of Greenwich. Jonathan Mole Mike Penning None. Imran Ullah Mike Penning None. Maria Coatz Matthew Pennycook None. Nicola Cootes Matthew Pennycook None. Erik Cummins Matthew Pennycook None. Charlotte Beaupere John Penrose None. James Newhall John Penrose None. Harry Ginsburg Andrew Percy None. James Gurd Andrew Percy Political Director, Conservative Friends of Israel (political research). Kassim Qureshi Andrew Percy None. Craig Busby Toby Perkins None. Amanda Collumbine Toby Perkins None. William Jones Toby Perkins None. Rebecca Pickering Toby Perkins None. Timothy Allison Claire Perry None. Camilla Jequier Claire Perry None. Georgia Mundy Claire Perry None. Mitchell Reason Claire Perry None. Tamara Reay Claire Perry None.


Staff Sponsor (i.e. Member) Other Relevant Gainful Occupation, Employment, Gift or Benefit Olenka Hodge Jess Phillips None. Scott Dickson Bridget Phillipson None. Jessica Holden Bridget Phillipson None. Benjamin Lucas Bridget Phillipson None. Anna Reed Bridget Phillipson None. Ryan Baldry Chris Philp Late Duty Press Officer, Conservative Campaign Headquarters. Gift/Benefit: Ticket and hospitality to the 02 Arena on Tuesday 19 March 2019, provided by RBS. (Registered March 2019). Lynne Hale Chris Philp Councillor, London Borough of Croydon. Edward Piska Chris Philp None. Thomas Puddy Chris Philp None. Timothy Rowe Chris Philp Managing Director, Cobalt Consulting Limited. Siân Errington Laura Pidcock Political Officer, Unite the Union. John Hendy Laura Pidcock None. Ben Sellers Laura Pidcock None. William Pritchard Christopher Pincher None. Marcus Wells Christopher Pincher None. Richard Barber Jo Platt None. Sharon Lloyd Jo Platt None. Omar Sharif Jo Platt None. Alexandra Beverley Luke Pollard None. Sophie Lethier Luke Pollard None. Kieran Maxwell Luke Pollard None. Elaine Bryce Daniel Poulter None. Maurice Cook Daniel Poulter None. William Hooper Daniel Poulter None. Carol Poulter Daniel Poulter Councillor, Suffolk Coastal District Council. Nigel Poulter Daniel Poulter None. Lynette O'Leary Stephen Pound None. Keira Vernon Stephen Pound None. Diane Wall Stephen Pound None. Jessica Anderson Rebecca Pow None. Jack Davies Rebecca Pow None.


Staff Sponsor (i.e. Member) Other Relevant Gainful Occupation, Employment, Gift or Benefit Chloe Stedman Rebecca Pow None. Anthony McCaul Lucy Powell None. Adam Preston Lucy Powell None. Sophie Bond-Jones Victoria Prentis None. Zoe Mclernon Victoria Prentis None. Catharine Wozniak Victoria Prentis None. Lesley Bagulay Mark Prisk None. Elena Bunbury Mark Prisk None. Olivia Frost Mark Prisk None. Jessica Zbinden-Webster Mark Prisk None. Helen Davies Mark Pritchard None. Carl Jackson Mark Pritchard None. Jennifer Prime Mark Pritchard None. Sondra Spaeth Mark Pritchard None. Harriet Edmunds Tom Pursglove None. Archie Greenslade Tom Pursglove None. Henry Mitson Tom Pursglove None. Harriet Pentland Tom Pursglove District Councillor, East Northamptonshire Council. Amy Whitehead Tom Pursglove None. Susan Hay Jeremy Quin None. Jun Jian Png Jeremy Quin None. Devi Radia Jeremy Quin Councillor, ward of West Ruislip. Thomas Claridge Will Quince None. Sadia Ali Yasmin Qureshi None. Joshua Ames Blackaby Yasmin Qureshi None. Nadeem Ashraf Yasmin Qureshi None. Thomas Murray Yasmin Qureshi None. Beth Armstrong Dominic Raab Paid by the Arbuthnot Banking Group to work as an adviser to Rt Hon. Dominc Raab MP. Rosie Matheson Dominic Raab None. Russell Newton Dominic Raab None. Ian Riley Dominic Raab None.


Staff Sponsor (i.e. Member) Other Relevant Gainful Occupation, Employment, Gift or Benefit James Starkie Dominic Raab Consultant, Stonehaven (strategy and communications). Emily Casey-Haworth Faisal Rashid None. Joseph Waters Faisal Rashid None. David Doig Angela Rayner Political Adviser, Labour Party. Joseph Moore Angela Rayner Political Adviser, Labour Party. Regina Oliver-Lawlor Angela Rayner None. Nick Parrott Angela Rayner Researcher, Labour Party. Part-time consultant, clients: GMB trade union, and People's Momentum Limited (a political organisation). Myles Larrington John Redwood None. Gloria Nicholl John Redwood None. Nicholas Beall Steve Reed None. Loizos Carserides Steve Reed None. Louise Szpera Steve Reed None. George Cawsey Christina Rees Councillor, Neath Port Talbot County Borough Council. Matthew Corti Christina Rees None. Ciaran James Kearney Christina Rees None. Brendan Toomey Christina Rees None. Melissa Cathcart Jacob Rees-Mogg None. Stacey Tong Jacob Rees-Mogg None. Frederick Dowd Ellie Reeves None. Julia Margetts Ellie Reeves None. George Oates Ellie Reeves None. Natasha Brian Rachel Reeves None. Nick Garland Rachel Reeves Research Assistant, Queen Mary University of London. Jayne Hill Rachel Reeves None. Joshua Molloy Rachel Reeves None. Mary Reader Rachel Reeves Paid by Rachel Reeves to conduct research for a book. Jonathan Rutherford Rachel Reeves Political Advisor, Labour Together (Labour political organisation). James Flynn Emma Reynolds None. Ayesha Latif Emma Reynolds None. Dominic Palma Emma Reynolds None. Louise Davies Jonathan Reynolds None.


Staff Sponsor (i.e. Member) Other Relevant Gainful Occupation, Employment, Gift or Benefit Sophia Morrell Jonathan Reynolds Paid as Political Adviser by the Labour Party from funding given to the Labour Party by Unite the Union. Overseas Visits: 23-24 July 2018 to Jersey accompanying Jonathan Reynolds MP. Flights, accommodation, transport and meals paid for by Jersey Finance. Gifts/Benefits: Ticket for Chelsea Flower Show and dinner on 20 May 2019, from EY (registered May 2019). Claire Reynolds Jonathan Reynolds National Officer, Labour Women's Network. Dominic Armstrong Marie Rimmer None. Nova Charlton Marie Rimmer None. Brendan Farrell Marie Rimmer None. Charlotte Jones Laurence Robertson None. Katie Newman Laurence Robertson None. Anne Robertson Laurence Robertson Overseas Visits: 22-28 September 2018, to Uganda and Rwanda as staff to Laurence Robertson MP. Ishida Europe Ltd paid for flights, hotel and subsistence. Eagle Scientific Ltd also paid for flights, hotel and subsistence. (Registered November2018) Gifts/benefit: Hospitality provided by Ladbrokes Coral Group plc at Chepstow Racecourse on 6 January 2018, Newbury Racecourse on 2 December 2018, and Chepstow Racecourse on 27 December 2018 (registered December 2018). Hospitality provided by Chester Race Company Limited at Chester Racecourse on 10 May 2019 (registered May 2019). Hospitality provided by Alizeti Capital Ltd at Ascot Racecourse on 19 June 2019 and Sports Information Services Ltd at Ascot Racecourse on 22 June 2019 (registered July 2019). James Lawlor Gavin Robinson None. Ruth Maxwell Gavin Robinson None. Rachel Lancaster Geoffrey Robinson Councillor, Coventry City Council. Elizabeth McFarlane Geoffrey Robinson None. Paul Millar Geoffrey Robinson Public Affairs Associate, Pennon Group (water utility and waste management company). Councillor and Portfolio Holder, East Devon District Council. Joseph Gould Mary Robinson None. Ryan Witchell Mary Robinson None. Matthew Harrison Matt Rodda None. Timur Coskun Andrew Rosindell None. Joshua King Andrew Rosindell None.


Staff Sponsor (i.e. Member) Other Relevant Gainful Occupation, Employment, Gift or Benefit Francis Manning Andrew Rosindell Hospitality consultant, Mannings Hotel. Chris Muspratt Andrew Rosindell None. Scott Sherlock Andrew Rosindell None. Andromahi Themistocli Andrew Rosindell None. Rachael Cahill Danielle Rowley None. Sophie Dicker Danielle Rowley None. Bernard Harkins Danielle Rowley None. George Bullock Lee Rowley None. Lewis Preston Lee Rowley None. James Bristow Chris Ruane Director, The Mindfulness Initiative (provides scientific and public policy expertise). Martin Collins Chris Ruane None. Greg Sproston Chris Ruane None. George Biggs Amber Rudd None. Tristan Hopper Amber Rudd None. Jessica Siddell Amber Rudd Freelance Interviews Producer, Sky News. Part-time Production Co- Ordinator, ITV News. Simon Burgess Lloyd Russell-Moyle None. Arron Merat Lloyd Russell-Moyle None. Nathan Phillips Lloyd Russell-Moyle None. Isaac Wright Lloyd Russell-Moyle None. Lynda Fryer David Rutley None. Jack Giddings David Rutley None. Harrison McWilliams David Rutley None. Connor Crossland Joan Ryan None. Stuart Drakes Joan Ryan None. Angelina McEvoy Joan Ryan None. Jon Boulton Antoinette Sandbach None. Mark Bowman Antoinette Sandbach None. Elizabeth Tusdard Antoinette Sandbach None. Heledd Brooks-Jones Liz Saville Roberts None. Cai Elis Liz Saville Roberts None. Harry Fletcher Liz Saville Roberts None.


Staff Sponsor (i.e. Member) Other Relevant Gainful Occupation, Employment, Gift or Benefit William Curley Paul Scully None. Koyinsola Fuwa Paul Scully None. Darja Polunina Paul Scully None. Robyn Thackara Paul Scully None. Oscar Bicket Bob Seely None. Isher Jat Bob Seely None. Joelle Moore Bob Seely None. Emily Slatter Bob Seely None. Jessica Turner Bob Seely None. Charles Collins Andrew Selous None. Christina Keen Andrew Selous None. Janet Walker Andrew Selous None. Christine Wallace Andrew Selous None. Benjamin Gallagher Naseem Shah None. Muhbeen Hussain Naseem Shah Communication and Engagement Officer, AZIZ foundation (charity). Naomi Armstrong-Cotter Jim Shannon Councillor, Ards and North Down Borough Council. Amro Hussain Jim Shannon Parliamentary Officer for the All-Party Parliamentary Group for International Freedom of Religion or Belief (paid out of the Group's registered funds). Overseas Visits: 27 September - 3 November 2018 to Lahore and Islamabad, Pakistan accompanying a delegation of Parliamentarians to investigate and discuss human rights issues. Air travel and visa fees paid for using funding secured by Professor Javaid Rehman from Brunel University. Accommodation and transportation within Lahore paid for by Councillor Morris Johns and Professor Javaid Rehman. Accommodation and transportation from Lahore to Islamabad and within Islamabad paid for by the Pakistani National Commission for Human Rights. Julie Jones Jim Shannon None. Sally-Ann Moore Jim Shannon None. Melina Allen Grant Shapps None. Lynsey Jones Grant Shapps None. Nicholas Langley Grant Shapps None. Kushal Patel Grant Shapps None. James Shipp Grant Shapps Section Commander, Royal Air Force Air Cadets (youth organisation).


Staff Sponsor (i.e. Member) Other Relevant Gainful Occupation, Employment, Gift or Benefit Overseas Visits: 5-7 November 2018, to Vienna accompanying Grant Shapps MP to the EASA Safety conference. Flights and accommodation were paid by the All-Party Parliamentary Group for General Aviation (registered November 2018). Overseas Visits: 11-13 April 2019, to Friedrichshafen, Germany accompanying MP to AERO a general aviation exhibition. Accommodation, food and transfers paid for by the All-Party Parliamentary Group for General Aviation (registered April 2019). James Hamilton Alok Sharma None. Jessica Inns Alok Sharma None. Thomas Marino Alok Sharma Conservative Councillor for the ward of Tilehurst and Purley, West Berkshire Council. John Morrison Alok Sharma Researcher, The Spectator (magazine). Spencer Corin Virendra Sharma None. Arnold Legoeuil Virendra Sharma None. Dominic Moffitt Virendra Sharma None. Thomas Critchley Barry Sheerman None. David Davies Barry Sheerman Executive Director, Parliamentary Advisory Council for Transport Safety (charity). Naomi Fawcitt Barry Sheerman None. Dan Feng Barry Sheerman None. Kurt Hopkins Barry Sheerman None. Molly Jones Barry Sheerman None. Hannah Swirsky Barry Sheerman None. Julie Tiffany Barry Sheerman None. Beth Warburton Barry Sheerman None. Marta Corti Alec Shelbrooke International Programme Manager, Conservative Party. Evelina Demchenko Alec Shelbrooke International Programme Manager, Conservative Party. Carl Reeves Alec Shelbrooke None. Ryan Stephenson Alec Shelbrooke Councillor, Leeds City Council. Roz Currie Tommy Sheppard None. Simon Shedden Tommy Sheppard None. Nicola Stewart Tommy Sheppard None. Karen Rowling Paula Sherriff None.


Staff Sponsor (i.e. Member) Other Relevant Gainful Occupation, Employment, Gift or Benefit Akshay Bilolikar Gavin Shuker None. Laura Nancarrow Gavin Shuker None. Paul Scoins Gavin Shuker Freeland Editor and Producer, The Cyclist Podcast (podcaster). John Whittaker Gavin Shuker None. William Armstrong Tulip Siddiq None. Oliver Denton Tulip Siddiq None. Jay Stoll Tulip Siddiq None. Daniel Wernberg Tulip Siddiq None. Adele Carritt Keith Simpson None. Catherine Craven Keith Simpson None. Iain Dale Keith Simpson Broadcaster, LBC Radio. Columnist for Political Commentator for CNN, ITV, Good Morning Britain, BBC, Sky News, London Evening Standard, Times Newspaper, Archant newspapers, Johnston Press newspapers. Book Royalties from Biteback Publishing. Ilaria Aveta Chris Skidmore None. Charlotte Hartill Chris Skidmore None. Rebecca Romaine Chris Skidmore None. Lois Blasenheim Dennis Skinner None. Iain Cassidy Andy Slaughter Councillor, London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham. Rebecca Moore Andy Slaughter None. Ellen Physick Andy Slaughter None. Louisa Ware Andy Slaughter None. Jules Glaves-Smith Ruth Smeeth None. Sarah Owen Ruth Smeeth Political Officer, GMB (trade union). Cathy Parry Ruth Smeeth None. Harry James Burns Angela Smith Paid by Geminia Ltd (political group) to work for Angela Smith as Research Assistant. Ronan George Angela Smith Communications Officer, Independent Press Standards Organisation (research). Charlotte Hulse Angela Smith None. Liam Budd Cat Smith None. John Percival Cat Smith None. Cameron Bradbury Chloe Smith Presenter, BBC.


Staff Sponsor (i.e. Member) Other Relevant Gainful Occupation, Employment, Gift or Benefit Suzanne Cavalier Chloe Smith None. Nina Scott Chloe Smith Councillor, Sevenoaks District Council. Andrew Wiltshire Chloe Smith None. Jennifer Davis Eleanor Smith None. Bhupinder Gakhal Eleanor Smith Ward Councillor, Wednesfield Council. Steven Aldridge Henry Smith None. Darren Rutland Henry Smith None. Mathew Benham Jeff Smith None. Moire Walker Jeff Smith None. Alexandra Worrell Jeff Smith Network Engagement Officer, Mind (NAMH), (mental health charity). Laura Castle Julian Smith None. Ella Murphy Julian Smith None. Jack Philipsborn Julian Smith None. Julie Platt Julian Smith None. Dale Ollier Laura Smith None. Dominic Jones Nick Smith None. Martin Plaut Nick Smith None. Gareth Williams Nick Smith None. Christopher Binding Owen Smith None. Bronwen Brooks Owen Smith Councillor, Vale of Glamorgan Council. Katie Murdoch Owen Smith None. Alexander Evelyn Royston Smith None. Milia Kit King Hau Royston Smith None. Alexander Houghton Royston Smith Councillor, Southampton City Council. Joseph Salter Karin Smyth None. Katharine Slocombe Karin Smyth None. Jack Johnson Gareth Snell None. Claire Barker Nicholas Soames None. James Emberley Nicholas Soames None. Vanessa Gearson Nicholas Soames None. Candida Robson Nicholas Soames None. James Earley Alex Sobel None.


Staff Sponsor (i.e. Member) Other Relevant Gainful Occupation, Employment, Gift or Benefit Thomas Miller Alex Sobel Councillor and Cabinet Member, Brent Council. Andrew Basile Anna Soubry None. Sean Coley Anna Soubry None. Emily Horner Anna Soubry None. Susannah Lloyd Anna Soubry None. Lorin Bell-Cross John Spellar None. Linda Colyer John Spellar None. Alexandra Duff Caroline Spelman None. Ed Gibbs Caroline Spelman None. David Sforza Mark Spencer None. Richard Banham Keir Starmer None. Noemi Drew Keir Starmer None. Ben Nunn Keir Starmer Political Adviser, Labour Party. Christopher Ward Keir Starmer None. Stuart Ingham Kier Starmer None. Yasmeen Sebbana Kier Starmer None. Keith Gibb Chris Stephens None. Scott McFarlane Chris Stephens None. Dominique Ucbas Chris Stephens None. Alastair Gunn Andrew Stephenson Gifts and Benefits: 5 July 2019 from Octopus Investments Ltd, hospitality at the Goodwood Festival of Speed (registered July 2019). Matthew Bold Jo Stevens None. Gwenda Owen Jo Stevens None. Andrew Towers Jo Stevens Head of Political Strategy, Communication Workers Union (trade union). Thomas Ashton John Stevenson None. John Fyfe John Stevenson None. Tracy Nixon John Stevenson None. Ruth Bennett Bob Stewart None. Katharine Martin Bob Stewart None. Claire Podbielski-Stewart Bob Stewart Overseas Visits: 7-10 November 2018, to Lebanon. Flights, hotel, transport and dinners paid for by Government of Lebanon (registered 20 November 2018). Robert Straker Bob Stewart None.


Staff Sponsor (i.e. Member) Other Relevant Gainful Occupation, Employment, Gift or Benefit Reza Tabrizi Bob Stewart None. Alexander Hunt-Braddock Iain Stewart None. Keith McLean Iain Stewart Borough Councillor, Milton Keynes Council. Local Government Association Committee Member, Local Government Association. Gerald Small Iain Stewart Ward Councillor, Milton Keynes. Saria Eid Rory Stewart None. Freya Findlay Rory Stewart None. Ian Hall Rory Stewart None. Joel Nelson Rory Stewart Communications Consultant, Jo Cox Foundation (charity). Emma Camp Jamie Stone None. Theresa Johnson Jamie Stone None. Heather MacMillan Jamie Stone None. Oliver Mountjoy Jamie Stone None. Nigel Double Gary Streeter None. Mark Harris Gary Streeter Parliamentary Officer, Bible Society (a charity). Alison Hill Gary Streeter Parliamentary Officer, Parliamentary Christian Trust (charity). Jay Asher Wes Streeting None. Natalie Cahill Wes Streeting None. Matthew Goddin Wes Streeting None. Erin Henwood Wes Streeting None. Keir Mather Wes Streeting None. Adam Chambers Mel Stride None. Tyler Gerrard Mel Stride None. Michael Knuckey Mel Stride None. Sally Ann Thomas Graham Stringer None. Joshua Hatten Graham Stuart Board Member, Australian Health Practitioners Regulatory Authority. Louie Brockbank Julian Sturdy None. George Jackson Julian Sturdy None. George Livesey Rishi Sunak None. Lisa Lovering Rishi Sunak None. Richard Coekin Desmond Swayne Senior Pastor Dundonald Church and Executive Director of Co-Mission, Co- Mission Churches Charitable Trust. Samuel Jackson Desmond Swayne None.


Staff Sponsor (i.e. Member) Other Relevant Gainful Occupation, Employment, Gift or Benefit Angus Bug-Millar Paul Sweeney None. James Burns Paul Sweeney None. Alexander Paterson Paul Sweeney Senior Digital and Communications Officer, Labour Party. Councillor, Rochester West, Medway Council. Patricia Rice Paul Sweeney None. Sara Mosavi Jo Swinson None. Laura Thomas Jo Swinson None. Peter Fage Hugo Swire None. Helen McIvor Hugo Swire None. Katherine Stagg Hugo Swire None. Sasha Swire Hugo Swire None. Suzanne Townsend Hugo Swire None. Iryna Bartlett Robert Syms None. Sally Tami Mark Tami None. George Thomas Mark Tami None. Alexander Belic Alison Thewliss None. Ellenor Hutson Alison Thewliss None. Mhairi Love Alison Thewliss None. Andrew Murphy Alison Thewliss None. Lauren Wards Alison Thewliss None. Eleanor Batley Derek Thomas None. Tom Kendall Derek Thomas None. Claire Newman Derek Thomas Parliamentary Officer, Parliamentary Christian Fellowship Trust (charity). Melvin Crosby Gareth Thomas None. Natalie Franklin Gareth Thomas None. Christopher Herman Gareth Thomas None. Rashmi Kalubowila Gareth Thomas None. Laura Jorge Harris Nick Thomas-Symonds None. Robert Keenan Nick Thomas-Symonds Assistant, Keenan Chartered Accountants. Rebekah Morris Nick Thomas-Symonds None. Katie Frank Ross Thomson None. Ryan Houghton Ross Thomson Councillor, Aberdeen City Council.


Staff Sponsor (i.e. Member) Other Relevant Gainful Occupation, Employment, Gift or Benefit Louise Cullen Emily Thornberry None. Yohance Drayton Emily Thornberry None. Nicholas Gregory Emily Thornberry None. Daniel Hathaway Emily Thornberry None. Aiyan Maharasingam Emily Thornberry None. Damian McBride Emily Thornberry Political Adviser, Labour Party. Annie-Rose Peterman Emily Thornberry None. Frances Simmons Emily Thornberry None. Sophie Traves Emily Thornberry Policy Adviser, Labour Party. Louis Flood Maggie Throup None. Ian Gutteridge Maggie Throup None. James North Maggie Throup None. Amy Dolley Stephen Timms None. Alasdair Gordon Stephen Timms None. Naomi Grant Stephen Timms None. Rachel Mander Stephen Timms None. Rachel Reville Stephen Timms None. Alexander Hyne Kelly Tolhurst None. Harry Mason Kelly Tolhurst None. Jack Olins Kelly Tolhurst None. Christopher James Justin Tomlinson None. Katherine Tomlinson Justin Tomlinson None. William Burstow Michael Tomlinson Gifts/Benefits: Ticket from Belfast International Airport for England vs Australia cricket match held on 13 June 2018 at The Oval (registered 3 July 2018). Gifts/Benefits: Ticket from Belfast International Airport for England vs South Africa ticket match held on 30 May 2019 at The Oval (registered June 2019). Will Fremont-Barnes Michael Tomlinson Paid by the Methodist Church to work as an intern for Michael Tomlinson MP. Simon Gibson Michael Tomlinson Councillor, East Dorset District Council. Laura Miller Michael Tomlinson Councillor, Purbeck District Council. Hayley Smith Michael Tomlinson None. Frances Tomlinson-Mynors Michael Tomlinson None.


Staff Sponsor (i.e. Member) Other Relevant Gainful Occupation, Employment, Gift or Benefit David Lydiat Craig Tracey None. Daniel Pycock Craig Tracey None. Victoria Stapleton Craig Tracey None. Sally Wilson Craig Tracey None. Jill Burge David Tredinnick None. Stuart Swann David Tredinnick Councillor, South Derbyshire District Council. Councillor, Derbyshire County Council. Governor, Derbyshire Community Health Services NHS Foundation Trust. Philippa Way David Tredinnick Personal Assistant to Lord Maude and Baroness Finn. Matthew Williams David Tredinnick None. Naomi Snowdon Anne Marie Trevelyan None. Thomas Forrester Anne-Marie Trevelyan None. Emily Knight Anne-Marie Trevelyan None. Andrew Dolan Jon Trickett Employed by the Labour Party as Political Advisor to Jon Trickett MP. Overseas Visits: 8-15 April 2019 to New York and North Carolina, USA to attend the 2019 Summer School of the Working Families Party. Flights and accommodation paid for by The Working Families Party (registered May 2019). Leah Jennings Jon Trickett Employed by the Labour Party as Political Advisor to Jon Trickett MP. Stella Tsantekidou Jon Trickett None. Kane Daniell Elizabeth Truss Special Adviser, HM Treasury. Letitia Davies Elizabeth Truss None. Sherifa Dibba Elizabeth Truss None. Matthew Gillow Elizabeth Truss Research Associate, Adam Smith Institute (think tank). Yvonne Neil Elizabeth Truss None. Fiona Walker Elizabeth Truss None. James Barr Tom Tugendhat None. Matthew Boughton Tom Tugendhat Councillor, Maidstone Borough Council. Janet Walker Tom Tugendhat None. Georgie Welford Tom Tugendhat None. Jordan Hall Anna Turley None. Elisha Andrews Karl Turner None. Daniel Crimes Karl Turner Policy Officer, RMT (trade union).


Staff Sponsor (i.e. Member) Other Relevant Gainful Occupation, Employment, Gift or Benefit John Mckenna Karl Turner None. Marianna Stokes Derek Twigg None. Oliver Mawhinney Stephen Twigg None. Hannah McLean-Knight Stephen Twigg Campaigns Officer, Send My Friend to School (international development advocacy). Kevin Pilnick Stephen Twigg None. Daniel Hobson Liz Twist None. Christopher McHugh Liz Twist None. Lucy Bracken Chuka Umunna None. Stuart Macnaughtan Chuka Umunna Communications and Social Media Manager, paid for by Streatham Campaigns Ltd (support the work of Chuka Umunna). Justin Meadows Chuka Umunna None. Thomas Wilson Chuka Umunna Campaigns Assistant, Streatham Campaigns Ltd (a company providing extra staff resources for MPs). Charlotte Dickson Edward Vaizey District Councillor, Vale of White Horse District Council. Partner, C.D Associates (website and design agency). David Leigh-Pemberton Edward Vaizey None. Jack Lindsay Edward Vaizey None. Cameron MacLeod Edward Vaizey None. Alexander Pleasants Edward Vaizey None. Sophie Kelly Shailesh Vara None. Andrea Laybourne Shailesh Vara None. Chantel Saunders Shailesh Vara None. Max Daniels Keith Vaz None. Lareina Fernandes Keith Vaz None. Nieves Gutierrez Maya Keith Vaz None. Adam Swidzinski Keith Vaz None. Imiose Agboaye Valerie Vaz None. Andrew Fernandes Valerie Vaz None. Samuel Greenwood Valerie Vaz None. Joshua Stevens Valerie Vaz None. Max Burnett Martin Vickers None. David Hornby Martin Vickers None.


Staff Sponsor (i.e. Member) Other Relevant Gainful Occupation, Employment, Gift or Benefit Sarah Marchant Martin Vickers None. Ann Vickers Martin Vickers Overseas Visits: 2-6 August 2018 to the Cayman Islands accompanying Martin Vickers MP. Flights, accommodation and subsistence paid for by the Government of the Cayman Islands. 6-10 September 2018 to Gibraltar accompanying Martin Vickers MP. Flights and accommodation paid for by HM Government of Gibraltar. 7-10 November 2018 to Lebanon by All-Party Group for Lebanon to meet politicians, civic society and members of the business community to further develop the working relationship between our two countries. Flights, hotel and subsistence and transport in Beirut paid for by the Lebanese Parliament (Registered 10 December 2018). 9-12 May 2019 to Jersey accompanying Martin Vickers MP on a Channel Islands APPG visit to mark their Liberation Day celebrations. Flights, share of accommodation and internal travel costs paid for by the Government of Jersey (registered June 2019). Daniel Aldred Theresa Villiers Overseas Visits: 16-19 September 2018 to Cyprus accompanying UK Conservative Friends of Cyprus Parliamentary delegation. Transport (excluding flights), accommodation and meals paid for by Cypriot House of Representatives. Kelly Furlong Theresa Villiers None. Samuel Rickard Theresa Villiers None. Carol Allan Charles Walker None. Brandon Minichiello Charles Walker None. Katherine Dew Robin Walker None. Torrin MacLauchlan Robin Walker None. Lachlan Skinner Robin Walker None. Luc Baskeyfield-Bride Thelma Walker None. John Heneghan Thelma Walker None. Mia Lacey Thelma Walker None. Zoe Dommett Ben Wallace None. Maeva Gonzalez Ben Wallace None. Megan Trethewey David Warburton Senior Programmes Manager, Conservative Environment Network (public affairs). Caroline Usher David Warburton None.


Staff Sponsor (i.e. Member) Other Relevant Gainful Occupation, Employment, Gift or Benefit Emma Green Matt Warman None. James Halden Giles Watling Councillor and Cabinet Member, Thurrock Council. Lucy Paton Brown Giles Watling None. Daniel Russell Giles Watling None. Danial Adilypour Tom Watson Political Advisor, The Labour Party. Councillor, Lambeth Council. Overseas Visits: 4-8 November 2018 to Israel and the Palestinian Territories to meet Israeli and Palestinian political representatives. Accommodation, travel and meal costs paid by the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Josephine Dalton Tom Watson Diary Manager/Office Manager, Labour Party. Haf Davies Tom Watson Councillor, Cambridge City Council. Barbara Hearn Tom Watson None. James Noyes Tom Watson Paid for my role as Policy Advisor to Tom Watson MP by the Campaign for Fairer Gambling (gambling reform campaign). Gifts/Benefits: 3-day pass to the ICEVox Conference on gambling and gaming on 5 February 2019 provided by Clarion Gaming (Regstered January 2019). Rania Ramli Tom Watson None. Sarah Tattum Coombes Tom Watson Political Advisor, Labour Party. Nicole Trehy Tom Watson Social Media and Correspondence Officer, Labour Party. Beverley Anderson Catherine West None. Anna Gorrell Catherine West None. Nathalie Padgett Catherine West None. Genevieve Richardson Catherine West None. Matthew Whitty Catherine West None. Jamie Sweeney Matt Western None. William Amor Helen Whately None. Alys Denby Helen Whately None. Ben Rowden Helen Whately None. James Somerville-Meikle Helen Whately None. Linda Coxon Heather Wheeler None. Daniel El-Gamry Heather Wheeler Political Advisor, The Conservative Party. Jenny Holland Alan Whitehead Public Affairs and Policy Specialist, UK Green Building Council (UKGBC) (sustainability charity) Bryn Kewley Alan Whitehead None.


Staff Sponsor (i.e. Member) Other Relevant Gainful Occupation, Employment, Gift or Benefit Adrienne Webster Alan Whitehead None. Celia Duncan Martin Whitfield None. Ryan Norton Martin Whitfield Communications Manager, Iain Gray MSP, Scottish Parliament. Thomas Regan Martin Whitfield None. Katherine Sangster Martin Whitfield National Manager Scotland, The Fabian Society (think tank). Heather Knox Philippa Whitford None. Kirsty Macaulay Philippa Whitford None. Isabel Williamson Philippa Whitford None. Scott Benton Craig Whittaker None. Howard Blagbrough Craig Whittaker Councillor, Calderdale Council. Sophie Whittaker Craig Whittaker None. Caroline Craig John Whittingdale None. William Crook John Whittingdale None. Clare Pooley John Whittingdale None. Laura Baines Bill Wiggin None. Theresa Contable Maxwell Bill Wiggin None. Rafael Kochaj Bill Wiggin None. Christopher Bambery Hywel Williams None. Alun Roberts Hywel Williams None. Rhian Roberts Hywel Williams None. James Ali Paul Williams None. Alexander Mitchell Paul Williams Regional Organiser, Labour Party. Daniel Smith Paul Williams None. Honor Wilkinson-Bell Paul Williams None. Samantha Green Chris Williamson None. Umaar Kazmi Chris Williamson None. Jak Abrahams Gavin Williamson None. Eleanor Lyons Gavin Williamson None. Sarah Noble Gavin Williamson None. Judith Grant Phil Wilson Sessional Advocate, National Youth Advocacy Service (charity). Councillor, Durham County Council. Zoe Shippen Phil Wilson None.


Staff Sponsor (i.e. Member) Other Relevant Gainful Occupation, Employment, Gift or Benefit Hannah Siddle Phil Wilson None. Sandra Armstrong Sammy Wilson None. William Johnston Sammy Wilson Party Political Chief Executive, Democratic Unionist Party. Hugues De Maupeou Pete Wishart None. Michael Ironside Pete Wishart None. Ann Petrie Pete Wishart None. Elaine Wylie Pete Wishart None. Eleanor Dormer Sarah Wollaston Media Advisor, The Independent Group (political party). George Foote Sarah Wollaston None. Daniel Horrocks Mike Wood None. Helena Lane Mike Wood None. Alex Moore Mike Wood None. Cassandra Curtis Smith John Woodcock None. Dylan Redding John Woodcock None. Thomas Dowse William Wragg None. Meredith Lloyd William Wragg None. Glen Promnitz William Wragg None. Ashton Cull Jeremy Wright None. Sinead King Jeremy Wright None. Jessica Vining Jeremy Wright None. Thomas Williams Jeremy Wright None. Michelle Gribbon Mohammad Yasin None. Louise Jackson Mohammad Yasin Councillor and Portfolio Holder, Bedford Borough Council. Genevieve McMahon Mohammad Yasin None. Jade Uko Mohammed Yasin Councillor, Bedford Borough Council. Beverley Gaynor Nadhim Zahawi Administrator, Le Cercle (international affairs group). Dafydd Jones Nadhim Zahawi None. Katie Payne Nadhim Zahawi None. Jenna Darler Daniel Zeichner None. Andrew Pakes Daniel Zeichner Union Official, Prospect (trade union). Rosemary Roche Daniel Zeichner None. Benjamin Szreter Daniel Zeichner None.


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