Spatial Analysis, Modelling and Planning
Edited by Jorge Rocha and José António Tenedório Spatial Analysis, Modelling and Planning New powerful technologies, such as geographic information systems (GIS), have been evolving and are quickly becoming part of a worldwide emergent digital infrastructure. Spatial analysis is becoming more important than ever because enormous volumes of Spatial Analysis, spatial data are available from different sources, such as social media and mobile phones. When locational information is provided, spatial analysis researchers can use it to calculate statistical and mathematical relationships through time and space. Modelling and Planning This book aims to demonstrate how computer methods of spatial analysis and modeling, integrated in a GIS environment, can be used to better understand reality and give rise to more informed and, thus, improved planning. It provides a comprehensive discussion of Edited by Jorge Rocha and José António Tenedório spatial analysis, methods, and approaches related to planning. ISBN 978-1-78984-239-5 Published in London, UK © 2018 IntechOpen © eugenesergeev / iStock SPATIAL ANALYSIS, MODELLING AND PLANNING Edited by Jorge Rocha and José António Tenedório SPATIAL ANALYSIS, MODELLING AND PLANNING Edited by Jorge Rocha and José António Tenedório Spatial Analysis, Modelling and Planning Edited by Jorge Rocha and José António Tenedório Contributors Ana Cristina Gonçalves, Adélia Sousa, Lenwood Hall, Ronald Anderson, Khalid Al-Ahmadi, Andreas Rienow, Frank Thonfeld, Nora Schneevoigt, Diego Montenegro, Ana Da Cunha, Ingrid Machado, Lili Duraes, Stefan Vilges De Oliveira, Marcel Pedroso, Gilberto Gazêta, Reginaldo Brazil, Brooks C Pearson, Brian Ways, Valentina Svalova, Andreas Koch, Hélder Lopes, Paula Remoaldo, Vítor Ribeiro, Toshiaki Ichinose, Norman Schofield, Fred Bidandi, John James Williams, Jorge Rocha, José António Tenedório © The Editor(s) and the Author(s) 2018 The rights of the editor(s) and the author(s) have been asserted in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.
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