Financial Highlights December 2019

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Financial Highlights December 2019 Attijariwafa bank 2019 Group’s Profile Attijariwafa bank is a leading banking and financial Group in North Africa, WAEMU (West African Economic and Monetary Union) and EMCCA (Economic and Monetary Community of Central Africa).. Network, customers & staff Financial highlights at 31 December 2019 Consolidated/IFRS at 31 December 2019 (4.4 %) 5,265 Branches Total assets 532.6 Billion MAD 3,508 Branches in Morocco Net banking income (4.9 %) 23.5 Billion MAD Branches in North Africa 302 (3.2 %) Net income 7.0 Billion MAD 688 Branches in West Africa Net income group share (1.9%) 697 Branches in Central Africa 5.8 Billion MAD Branches in Europe and the ROE (1) 14.8 % NPL ratio 6.6 % 70 Middle East and America ROA (2) 1.3 % Coverage ratio 95.1% employees Total Capital ratio (3) 13.0 % Cost-to-Income ratio 47.8 % 20,602 Core Tier 1(3) 10.2 % Cost of risk 0.46 % million customers 10.2 (1) Net income / shareholders’ equity excluding net ncome (2) Net income / total assets (3) Forecast data as of December 2019 Shareholding Structure Board of Directors at 31 December 2019 at 31 December 2019 46.4 % Mr. Mohamed EL KETTANI Chairman of the Board Mr. Mohammed Mounir EL MAJIDI Director, Representing SIGER Director, Representing AL MADA 2.9 % Mr. Hassan OURIAGLI 5.1% Mr. Abdelmjid TAZLAOUI Director 27.4 % 18.1 % Mr. Aymane TAUD Director Mr. Abed YACOUBI SOUSSANE Director Mr. José REIG Director Mr. Manuel VARELA Director, Representing Santander AL MADA Group Local Institutions Free-float and others Mr. Aldo OLCESE SANTONJA Independant Director Santusa holding s.l. Attijariwafa bank staff (Santander) Mr. Lionel ZINSO Independant Director Mrs Wafaa GUESSOUS Secretary of the board Committees issued from Board of Directors Permanent Strategic Group Risk Group Audit Appointment and High procurement members Committee Committee Group Committee Group Remuneration Committee Group* Committee Group Mr. Mohamed EL KETTANI • • - • • Mr. Hassan OURIAGLI • • - • - Mr. Abdelmjid TAZLAOUI • - • • • Mr. José REIG • • • • • Mr. Mohammed Mounir EL MAJIDI - - - • - Mr. Abed YACOUBI - SOUSSANE - - • - - Mr. Aymane TAUD • • - - • (*) 3 sub-committees issued from «Appointment and Remuneration Commiittee» with different compositions depending on the prerogatives of each sub-committee. Breakdown of Consolidated Contribution to consolidated Net Banking Net Banking Income at 31 December 2019 Income by activity at 31 December 2019 Net Interest Income Banking in Morocco, Europe and Offshore zone (BMET) 63.6 % Net Fee Income International Retail Banking (IRB) Income from Market Activities Specialized Financial Companies (SFC) Net Income from Other Activities Insurance 51.4% -1.4 % 4.8 % 33.2 % 15.8 % 10.5 % 21.9 % Breakdown of Moroccan Breakdown of International NBI Companies’ NBI at 31 December 2019 by Geography at 31 December 2019 NBI of Moroccan subsidiaries: MAD 3,661.9 million NBI SFC: MAD 2,514.5 million NBI IRB: MAD 7,923.7 million NBI Insurance: MAD 1,147.4 million Attijari Mauritania Wafa LLD Factoring 2.2 % To g o 2.5 % Congo 1.3 % 3.6 % 4.0 % Wafa Immobilier Mali Tunisia 4.5 % 9.8 % 20.4 % Cameroon 9.3 % Wafabail Wafa Assurance 9.9 % 31.3 % Gabon 9.4 % Senegal 18.8 % Wafacash 13.0 % Egypt 15.0 % Wafasalaf Ivory-Coast 29.8 % 15.1 % Attijariwafa bank’s share price performance Stock Market Indicators Attijariwafa bank vs MASI from 12/31/2011 au 02/21/2020 Attijariwafa bank 2017 2018 2019 Largest bank by market capitalization in Morocco: Price 484 453 499 MAD 104,7 billion at 31 December 2019 P/B 2.27x 2.14x 2.20x 180 Base 100 MASI ATTIJARIWAFA BANK Dec 2019 PER 18.27x 16.66x 18.01x 2016 DY 2.58% 2.87% 2.71% 155 2015 AWB :+22.2% MASI : +30.5% 2014 AWB : -1.8% Number of Shares 203,527,226 209,859,679 209,859,679 MASI : -7.2% 2013 AWB : +12.8% MASI : +5.6% 130 AWB : -2.6% Market capitalization MASI : -2.6% 98,507 95,066 104,720 (in MAD million) 105 2018 2017 2019 AWB : -6.4% AWB : +17.2% MASI : -8.3% AWB : +10.2% MASI : +6.4% MASI : +7.1% 80 12/31/12 12/31/13 12/31/14 12/31/15 12/31/16 12/31/17 12/31/18 12/31/19 An internationally - oriented Banking and Financial Group ... Europe Attijariwafa bank Europe Branches : 66 Market share : NA Attijari bank Tunisie Attijari bank Mauritanie Attijariwafa bank Egypt North Africa Branches : 208 Branches : 30 Branches : 64 Market share : 8.7 % Market share : 10.3 % Market share : 1.0 % EMCCA Société Commerciale Crédit du Congo Union Gabonaise de Banque Cameroun de Banque Branches : 55 Branches : 20 Branches : 22 Market share : 11.0 % Market share : 11.0 % Market share : 16.8 % WAEMU Compagnie Bancaire Crédit du Sénégal Banque Internationale Société Ivoirienne Banque Internationale de l’Afrique de l’Ouest pour le Mali de Banque pour l’Afrique au Togo Branches1 : 94 Branches : 8 Branches : 73 Branches : 64 Branches : 11 Market share : 13.8 % Market share : 2.7 % Market share : 8.1 % Market share : 10.2 % Market share : 5.5 % Loan market share as of December 2019. 1- including Burkina Faso, Niger and Benin. Representative offices (Riyadh, Dubaï, Abu Dhabi, London, Geneva and Montréal). ... Supported by best-in-class factories Wafa Assurance Wafasalaf Wafa Immobilier Wafabail Attijari Factoring Maroc Bank Assafa Branches : 381 Branches : 44 Branches : 60 Branches : NA Branches : NA Branches : 37 Market share : 18.8% Market share : 31.7 % Market share : 24.8 % Market share : 25.9 % Market share : 43.0 % Market share : 42.0% Wafacash Wafa LLD Attijari Intermédiation Wafa Gestion Attijari Finances Corp. Wafa Courtage Branches1 : 1850 Branches : NA Branches : NA Branches : NA Branches : NA Branches : NA Market share : NA Market share : 18.0% Market share : 28.5% Market share : 24.7% Market share : NA Market share : NA Note : Loan market share as of December 2019 except Wafa Assurance and Wafasalaf (June-19) (1) Excluding 439 in West Africa and 600 in Central Africa NA : Not Applicable Financial Indicators +9% +6% +5% +1% +10% +7% +8% +4% 323.8 332.0 335.6 53.9 532.6 305.1 50.5 509.9 279.7 46.1 316.2 471.5 01/01/18 12/31/18 12/31/19 01/01/18 12/31/18 12/31/19 01/01/18 12/31/18 12/31/19 01/01/18 12/31/18 12/31/19 Customer Loans Customer Deposits Shareholders’ Equity Total Assets in Billion MAD in Billion MAD in Billion MAD in Billion MAD +3% +5% - +5% +2% +3% +3% +2% 23.5 7.0 22.4 12.2 6.7 27.7 21.6 11.7 11.7 27.2 6.6 26.5 12/31/17 12/31/18 12/31/19 12/31/17 12/31/18 12/31/19 12/31/17 12/31/18 12/31/19 12/31/17 12/31/18 12/31/19 Net Banking Income Gross Operating Income Net Income Earning per share (1) in Billion MAD in Billion MAD in Billion MAD in MAD +6% +3% -0.19pt -0.07pt -0.2pt -0.2pt +20 pts +0.1 pt 95.1 23.0 0.72 7.0 95.0 6.8 75.1 22.3 6.6 21.0 0.53 0.46 12/31/17 12/31/18 12/31/19 12/31/17 12/31/18 12/31/19 12/31/17 12/31/18 12/31/19 12/31/17 12/31/18 12/31/19 Non Performing Loans Cost of Risk NPL Ratio Coverage Ratio in Billion MAD in % in % in % (1) Net Income Group Share / Number of Shares Rating Fitch Rating February 2020 Standard & Poor’s December 2019 Moody’s November 2019 Long-term in foreign currency BB+ Long-term BB Long-term Ba2 Short-term in foreign currency B Short-term B Short-term NP Long-term in local currency AA-(mar) Outlook stable Outlook Stable Outlook stable Headquarter 2, boulevard Moulay Youssef, 20000 Casablanca, Maroc Phone: +212 (0) 5 22 29 88 88 Fax: +212 (0) 5 22 29 41 25 Financial Information and Investor Relations: Ibtissam ABOUHARIA E-mail : [email protected]
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