Planning and Highways Minutes | Tues 7Th November 2017
Planning and Highways Meeting Tuesday 7th November 2017 Sutton Coldfield Town Hall 7pm Present Cllrs D Allan (Chairman), L. Allen, Cairns, Griffin, Horrocks, Long, Perks & Puri. In Attendance Olive O’Sullivan - Town Clerk and Natalia Gorman - Administrative Officer. There were 4 members of the public and no press present. The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting and invited questions or comments from the public. Adam Hughes, a resident of Trinity Ward made an objection to planning application 2017/09173/PA, 46 Essex Road. Stating the proposed plan showed a lack of detail in respect of his own property, No 48, that the scale is not in keeping with area and that it would be intrusive to his property. Mr. Hughes suggested that there may also be an impact on existing trees on Essex Road and that the proposed extension would also have an impact on daylight, sunlight and would cause overshadowing and loss of privacy. Jill Turner, a New Hall resident made an objection to planning application 2017/08620/PA, 7 Oak Farm Close. Ms. Turner advised committee that the orangery has already been erected without planning permission, that it causes a loss of privacy to her garden, has an impact on daylight, sunlight & overshadowing and also the scale, mass and design is not in keeping with the area. Martin Pearce, a resident of Four Oaks ward asked for an update on driver feedback signs. The Chair advised Mr. Pearce that a meeting with Birmingham City Council to discuss the terms & conditions was successful and the Town Council has now received the revised costs for the signs.
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