WSONESDAY, BECEMBEB I; . ATtraft Dtiljr Nti Pm h w m U'-b h m lianrlfrBter ^Sttraitts 'm r n m r t m

H anchuU r^A City of FUJage Chahn ^ ------" «jf HALE'S VOL. LXXin. NO. M A4«urM4af o« tags M) M A h p iE 8n !il. CONN.. THURSDAY. DRCEMBER 3,1958 (EIGHTBCN PAGES). PRICK PIVB CENTS '30Pro-R^d Ungchediiled Stop H oldbacks McCarthy Stand Unaltered Rejec t UN

Panmunjom, Dec. 8 ifPy— k second group of 80 South Koreans today unanimouily. ute chose life under the Commu* niste, giving .'Allied perauad* era a total blank for two days of effprts to woo home balky Telb of Being Buried Alive war prisoners. Senate Unit|i There was no violence, but many Denies Ike prieonera were mors talkative than tha so who yesterday llstoMd pas* atvely to 'KOiC axplalnara, than T o R esum e choee CommunUm. Challenged Tha D.N. Command said SO more South Koreans of S28 who refused 'repatriation will be interviewed to* Spy P r o b e A s L e a d e r morrow starting at t a. ra. (7 p. m. E8T Thursdayi. Washington, Doc. 3 (/P)— Waahington, Dec. 3-(/P )^ Others SUII Walt Thera was no Indication when The Senate Internal Security Sen. McCarthy (R*Wis) stuck S3 Americans and 1 Briton who aubcomqiittee decided today to hie guns today in hie die* stayed with the Communiata wUl to go ahead with public hear­ agreement with the admin- be called. ings in Waahington after ac­ stration on foreign policy, Allied officers expreiaed the doM get you placet with \ / opinion that Communist leaders in cepting the Canadian gov­ )ut aaid any contention that the FOW compound probably had ernment’s terms for a secret ie ia challenging Preaident sent'their most thoroughly 'indoc* interview with Igor Gouzen­ Eiaenhower’s GOP leadership trinated fellow prisonera to the ko in Canada. is “both ridiculous and un­ first interviews. At todays Oommnnlete-ln-gov- "Thera wUI be a break la this,” tru e .” fabulou$ ernment hearing (11:S0 a. m. In n prepared statemoat, McCar­ an American officer predictfd. E8TJ, the subcommittee expected Jewel case "Just wait aad set. Maybe it will thy said "I arill continue to gtva to receive JueUce Department rec­ my utmost support to tbo Re^b- eome tomorrow—maybe the neat ords showing when FBI reports FASHIONS FOR GIRLS \ day. But It's coming." ...... UcoB party now aad in tba fu* . _ train «tlM Uraitad” (lett) were sent top ONleral offleiaie on tura" but ha omphasiaed; Nagotiatora working on ptans for some of the late Harry Dcrter n Korean Peaca Conferance, mean- aagn CMMURridraln a n abawn after they aset kaad an at Pataraea. Win still Criticize W. A , IwJwSng I t paraawa. Noao o f Urn Injnred a n la aartaaa eaadt* R ite's asaodates in tbe Treasury "Thia doea not mean that I wlU .whUe, met for m boors and appar* Man. X io ttakM were m iila g ----- rtaent. lOO^o W ool Shrugs 'unUy mada im progreaa. iiv slowly when they aaet and Omt rafratn from criticising my party ‘ fer tba lew aia ' af easualttea, (NBA TOepbota). ’oqnaOon of this nature waa arhoa X think It is making mia* ^ S. envoy Arthur H. Dean sought on V. Frank Coe, Victor warhqd tha Reds that their Insist* Peilo and Solomon Adler—aU of Soft pastel colors. Also white. Slses cnca ohM stlng Ruasia aa a neutral R o praised both Eiaenhoarar and Hankies whom, Uka White, have been Soentory o f State Dultea in tho smsll, medium and large. might the CMOference Indefl- named before tbe subcommittee as Bltely and pmUapa forever.:’ otatement. but said he still thinu^ UN Shows Concern gf*in plan for oottlngsW • poaco confar.- aid to any AUted nation “ shipping Atty. Gen. Brownell touched off, any goods to Oommuntet oo T esot* •• exquisite n yoo Mtin and srelm GIFTS Wool Coat Sweater ence but did not inontHn speclflcal' the tnvestigatloa Nov. g, when he'’ $2.98 ly hia proposal.UuARuaBia attend l«>g aa a single American remain­ lioisg. charged farmer President Truman Sgt. Cany Wdael af Ki I CKy, Me.,^ peiate te n large pbetegrapb WMhingten ns be teUs ed In a Gommnniat blood-otniaad Colorful print and all white by Gordon as a third party wiUi fuU v Oirla' Dept., Xnd Floor belligerent or a neutral. Indleatcs tbe spet where he burleA Attar seven er eight bei^^lw "On thia matter Secretory Dulles ity cotton or linen. Russian espionage. grave. and I are in complete dteagroa- In women’s siaaa. Tha popular V-neck cardigan Boms Sooth Koroaa pi Subcommittee chairman Jenner awcatar Just in time for Christmas! Tampting terviewsd Thursday , N . Y ., Dec. 3 (A>)— The U. N. General As­ ment,” McCarthy said. sembly today expressed its ”frave concern” at Red atrocities (R-Ind) said Some wttneesca also “In a republic such as ours there ahadea. Rose, light graen, black, fuchsia and navy. tho explanatibn tanU may be beard at the bearing. But munist aonga aad chanttrq in Korea and approved an American call for atiff condemna­ must bo room for honest difference ba told newsmen be could not any of opinion. I respect the honesty But tha Intorvlowa s tion of such actions. Over bitter Soviet opposition, the 60- who they would be uaUl after they Christmas Gift Books 25c to $1.00 smoothly that a young Pollab Eight Left Dead, 20 Injured and atneerity of purpose of Secre­ Sixes 42 to 46 . . . . $6.98 a n | M AsoemMy appnvd a W o tt-^ had first been questioned behind tary Dultea.” FOR BOYS and GIRLS major aorvlng as n Rapiltrintloa raoofaiUon o f con -11 dosed doors. Each Commission qboemr bte*a nod' however, I have such deep con­ WONDER BOOK ...... each 25c 4 t ' - ding aad SnaUy want to sleep. Ho by n voto of 43 to S Papers Spiirn The eubcommittee’a dedaioa to victions on this subject f ■tail > t Beiatm data accept tba conditions laid ddnm by continue to dtecuoa tbe matter at LIHLE GOLDEN BOOKS...... each 25c Sixes 48 to 54 ...... $7.98 nwoko with a start whan tbs the Canadian government for As Tornado Rips Louisiana alon ended. Tba .balldtita foUowod throa every omportunity and X urge Sec­ PRAYERS and GRACES...... 50c ‘Ihere waa one dramatic aeons questioning Gouaonko was an­ retary Dultea to rai^pratee our Hankie Dolls $1.00 Sportswear, Xnd fleer days o f yitrfadte debate in which Engravers^ Bid nounced Jonner late yesterday Whole policy in thia regard. ACTIVITY BOOKS...... $|.25 when a young priaoaar watkod into Honry Cabot Lodm, Jr., of tho after n moating in his offtoe. ' ' Alexsndria, L a , Dec. 8 (ff) tho tent and rocogaisod n ROiC “ I t is my hope that oud> a re- GIRLS' STORY BOOKS ...... 95c to $1.50 ynited IKatoo acc^ad tho North Tho Senator made public a let­ — ^A tonu^Q ..skipped scroas Lanid Arrives apprateal may reauU in n dmnge •xplalaar as n Mend fraoa nSouUi Qp Wage Issue ter to SoamtpTy o f State Dunda Lo^oik Papers centrsl LfHiisiuto early today, of policy to this raapoct.” BOYS’ STORY idOKS ...... 95c to $ 1.50 Koroaa Army unit Koroano and Cblnioe Oarambiriete asking that aecrat arrangamonta. ^ I killing eight penonvW Hrioff B o aaid ba thlnka Elaanhowen- ILLUSTRATED BOOKS...... $1.00 to $2.95 of Mnin^ bonriy XS,etet>i:;«fr«eI- 'MaW'TofK,' Dac. 3 iff)—Publldi- b i mada for the tMenriaw ao that ^ (iaticizi^ At Parley Site; "to an honorable man” and “will « aa rngu TqnJ dion nnd eivlllano in K ordas n an bava turaad down a Pbote wmUl be pro­ : at least M others aiM ripping follow, the will of the American part o f high Kromltn policy. Bngravers Uaion proposal cutting tected. Jenner onu be expected to homes and other buildings. people if that arlll u known to bo deoignatod as U. 8. raprsasat Six poraono wore kUlad nt the Tho Svo nogaUvt vetoo weib. about half, a fedaral Ike Leadership Met by British stive at the intarvlaw, rural community of Leaader. about And, in further diaagraement Justice Agents’ oast by tbe aovler bloc. Tbo 10 itor announced, and tbs citya Gousenko Sad from the Soviet 30 miloo aeutliwaat of Alexaadria. with the Prasideat, McChrthy de* Christmas abotontlono were mootly by Asian wper strike today went into Embassy ia Ottawa, whera be bad London, Dec. 3 (ff>—Tbo Daily TWb infanta were reported dead Tucker’s Town, Bermuda, Dec. dared that Communists in govern­ and, Arab nations. its ii&ttt day. been a code clerk, in Stntember Herald, a Labor party newepapor, at TuUos, about 40 miloo north of X Ftaace’a Premier Joseph ment arill be an issue in next year’s Alexandria. Help Revealed According to terms of tba reso­ Prlor\|o the nowspapars’ action, 1948. and tipped off Cananion mi- told Its readers today President i LanJel arrived today fo r tbo. Big elections and "the most important the unlorislM rejected a proposal tborlUes to a Rusaiaa spy ring op­ Vlcthns IdenUftod lution, sponsored by tbe U. S.. Eteenhower is a and and dlgiUu- Tbo Vernon Pariah kberifro of- Tbreo Bermuda Confarence, rA political issue for many ^ears to Gift Hosiery by the pubU^rs for arbitration erating ia Canada with contacta Biottod inan arbo taao thrown away come.” In Jury Probe Britain, France, Turkey and Aua- o f four deadiosicad tasuas including ia tbe united SUtes. Ha has baen flea at LoeavUle identifiad the par- portedly determined to preoo for the leadership of tbo Republican oono kUIog at Leaader as Mn. new loaig term ptedgea of eupport McCarthy urged too that Secre­ First quality nylon hosiery in tralla- tba Aaaambly opacJOcaUy: wages aad living in Canada la anonymity ud­ party out of political Ignorance. tary o f. State Dultea “ reappraisa "1. Bapreaaae Ms grava concern der protactloa of tbo R < ^ Cana­ Charity WUspn, MT. and Mra. in Ehrape from Britain and the self or dark color seam. Also Washington, Dec. X Of)—The Two other London naanvapers, Ctoveland Smith and their daugh­ tinited Stotea. our whole policy" toward Allies Justice Department, den3ringMax- at repofta and information that recessed dian mounted police. tba -Daily Mirror and tba-^ Nawa dealing with Communist China. with fancy heels. ' $3.98 Whether Gousenko wiU agree to ter, name unknown: aad Herman ChaicMlI Bleeta LnnW ity or refusal to aid in a Dfiavei North Koroaa and Chinaaa Com­ and wiU Chronicle, expraoood Ska vltwe Batson and hia small child. M n .' But he doetered at the same time grand Jury tampering case, aays munist forces have, is a large ba raawnwd today (S:1S EST). being quaotloaed by tbe subcom­ of Etaenbowor'e leadorffiip on tho Prime Minister ChurchiU and mittee is.ln doubt He waa quotad Bafaon was roportod criUcaUy in. Foreign Secretary Anthoiw Eden that any suggastion he was ebai- I f FBI aganU aidad in tha Invaa- number o f instances, employed In­ "Na prograaa was made to­ ova of the Big Tbne confeream Jured. teaglng Bteenbower’a leodetahlp of iiffKtiOlle human pracUcea against the heroic night,” fbdmral Mediator Frahk H. earlier this areek as saying bo were on hand at Xindtey Field to would docliae to bo intervlinvod for in Bermuda. Tbe Losalle Parish sherlff’a of­ meat Laniel. his Forrign Miaioter the Republican party "is both U. S. District Judge WUUa W. aoMien of forces under tbe United Brawn said. Arthur Webb, tbe American fice at Jena said Sherry Lee ITeat- ridiculous and untrue.” He at­ Rittar had said last w ^ that tha Natione Command in Koraa and . Brown aaid representatives fear of Joopardlatag the safety of Georges Bidault, and a team of IT ' I wife, two chUdrea aad hlinaett. corrspondent tor the Herald, said ridge, the Zen that- ^ ^ I h g e t t a ) “Ten months in the White Fifteen peraona arera reported In­ afternoon. ^ the blasta delivered at him in the aZ22!f ■tifr-end don’t bo reached last night at his home murdor. mutUatioo, tourturo, and of I7.S0 a wmk. Ha added thatthe House has destroyed the bouncing jured there. last two days by Eisenhower and in Salt Lake Ct^. ottwr atrodous acts against cap- Laniel was reported also ready fb v a sgoond thought - Cards nawspiq>on, rapni»intad by tho entbueiaam of the general who Tho faealle officiate aaid at to teU Britain and the United I>ultes. Then, reading it fo r TV BUDGET 51 GAUGE NYLON...... 79c Pr. Tha Juatlca Departmant atats* turad military ptrsanoel or civilian Publishen Aean. af New Tdrk staged the *T3reat Crusade" in least 30 houses were destroyed nnd newsroel caoMramen, he added inent late yesterday did pot nMo* States that Franro is prepared to to cere eitlMr—it wsahes Colorful cards for all ages. ptqMilaUons, as a violation o f rulaa City, made no now prepooal. Eureme. In poUtlca nothing hta or damaged at TuUos. examine any peace offers made an appeal for Americans who ogrso ARKWRIGHT 60 GAUGE NYLON...... $1.00 Pr. Uon the Judge but referred to a o f Inton mtienal law and baplc William Mapal, presldant of tho gone*according to plan tor a man A t the Paradise community, 10 arlth him to write or wire mHr Iflw Bsw end irons in ’’ political diaeussion” o f tba caaa— oflteiaUy byM o Chi Minb. tbe Mos- FANCY HEEL SHEER NYLON...... $1.00 Pr. Standards of conduct and morality publiahors group, told nowsmea News H ^ its wha waa a'planni^ genius in mUea north of here, four highway cow-educated general who has views to Eisenhower. adnutes. The dainty an obvious referenca to a discus­ and na -aBroatlng human rights that “we’vo made our offer.” By war. It ia true be has been ill- employes ateeping in n trailer NO-MBND NYLON...... $1.35 and $1.65 Pr. SINGLE CARD sion of it by Clayton Frltchay. Culled from A ^ been directing the loiw war in A reporter asked McCarthy Ghnntilijr tact top b and tba dignity and worth of tbo this he meant a package o f JS.7A advised. He la handicapped by were carried on a adld 100-yard Indochina against the Ftanch. whether he had planned this ap­ deputy chairman of tbo Demo­ human parson.” which the publiahcn had offered his own Ignorance of poUUca and ride by the raging winds. Tbe VAN RAALTE NYLON...... $ 1.35 arid $ 1.65 Pr. 5c to 25c Each cratic National Committee. To the Americans, the major peal in advahta since it was not to tricot bound. . . note the Vlshinoky oaid bo and his AlUas before tbe atilke o f 400 photo en­ governmont.' extent of their i^urles is not task of the conference is to prod Bis prepared text. Frltchey^ a televlelon appw* gravers started last Saturday. Can ahorUgo Ibeoa Mtiua known. ' T nevef follow tha script that seaQopod Uce trim at nncenee Sunddy,SuttUy, declared that Atty. votad against the resoIuUon bo- "But if ha bad taken command tha balky Ftanch National As­ BOXED XMAS CARDS causa it waa ‘libalous, spurious Lost Friday, when a total ^ 11 try as raault of sUlko against the firat three months, he Some property damage eras re­ sembly into ratifying the Burc- hem toe. la white Gen. Brownell reopened the con* iasuas ware In dlspata, tba photi tlon’B largaot can manuf|scturers not bo on the defensive ported at Iteiadiae. (Oeattoued an Fags'Four) BATES GEORGE WASHINGTON SMART POODLE PAHERN 59c to $l.0d^ . iroveraial Harty Dexter White and bypocriUcal.” engravara voted to reject a pul^ with no Bittlontent in sight . . . poan Defenaa Community (EDC) case, in part, to divert attention India alroady bad anaounoad the itoct. It providao for n unified liaher pnqMoal for aibttration. Tha Prime Minister Ntbru taUa quea- en ra g s (OuaHmmd oa Page Ten) Sizes S2 to 40. from "a aertoua aituatkm within would not vote on the roooluUoa, ascond union rejection of arbitra­ tlonar in Parilamant Indian gov­ Webt European Army, including Bedspreads 3-Pc. Towel Set CELLOPHANE PKG. the JusUca Departmant.”Ha : man- explaining this was bacausa of her tion was voted at a membership ernment "boo ao Intontton of kaep#. troopa from France’s longtime en­ CHRISTMAS CARDS 29c tioned Judga RItter’a ramremarks. podUoa aa baad of tbo Neutral meeting yesterday, which also ing our forcoo in Korea indefl- emy, Germany. Cniw Bllebandkid Natlona RepatriaUon Oommlsaton. halved tba demands nltely." Laniel can promite nothing ns- Billletiiis •aeatata aad ayloa Aaet Atty. Gen. Warren OIney, Bafora tba vote, a heated debate -- The atrike baa left New Tork- OhTk^ Jawbone Blues ! cauae hia government must i^ g n $2.98 SET Sn took note of comments that tha Franca says if Indochiaa’a Com- Jad. 17, a month after France’s from (ke AP Wires Main Ftoor, Middla o f Store mualat-lod VlataUah iqbals want $27.50 Danvar caaa "had baan In soma (CinHmiif en Fags i) (Can Ha Bed on Faga Savantaen) new president ia elected. But he way mishandled.” aad ba declared: to talk about an nrmlatico they reportedly araa bringing a raft of FuH or twin bed alxe. What a wonderful gift One bath aise, one hand size and one face can do so tbraagh narwial dlplo- cloth, Cannon quality. K aroart 3-piace towel I "Tliera is no subetnnee to this na* Phpli^^ossil Fragment conditions which French sources DEMPSEY TO WED to give Md to receive. Bates’George Washing* set with embroidered and handprlMed poodle jpertlon." ~ 0 cbannMs. . . Fonaor Doputy say muat_be met before there la ton. a spread truly ‘^loomed to be heirtodnaw).’' Soviet High Oonuniaaloner in lEaat New Terk, XteOi g (ff>—Feeraer ' dog pattern. Yellow, green, aqua and peach. OIney said ha isauad tba atata* any chanca'tor aaaambly approval kenvywclgkt bextog Bates Queen -E liz^ th Spread—*129.50 RianL aa bead o f tba JusUca Da* GormaajL PavB F. Yudin is o f German raarmament. partmenVa Gtiminal Division, be* Chance to Avoid War ■anrad Sovtat, Aaffiairafir to Jack XteoiBaoy'aiff wa Other Towel Sets 11.98 tnoinlcally to France. ihigene, and Clyde Smaldone on 18th ooneorativo month . . . For­ The anowar: Juot about wbore be fantoue anthTopologtsts, says the It was German before World War —Tara Jet ptenca freoa Self* chariios of bribery and ebstrucUon Framlsr Nehru asM today there tion rather than a Communist eign Operntiona Adminiatration la hoax “doesn’t disturb our ideas of rlgga Field Air Ptaea Bm o oal* V- H E A ffi ”is nt> near chanob of war and war atata because “ any policy baaed did before that famous fossil skuU n and the Gormans arant it beck. instica. eaadlag flva bbebaad-wtto taaraa to wae found tb bo a fraud. human evolution at all. If it la (3) Brithm and American as- Bded over aoutkweotern St. set boxed $5.95 Charlei Vigil, n Democrat who plM aggnoaion can ba nvoldad on-non-recogaitton" ia apt to be Europe to chock iq> on dietributlon right that tha head te a fake, it Ctolr Oeotety today. Balk M M purely for pracUcal roaiaona.” “non-effacUve.” China wants to In fact, the axpoeure clears the aurancoB that they won’t pull prosecuted the ease and who wns of Amoricna food packages during air. Physicat anthrapologlats have teaes all ita algnlflcance and. re­ ferae buted to safMy. Their The Xndlaw leader aaM in an bi- rebuild its "terribly backward" their troops oft the oontiaont of FSdD Jeta were deraellahed af* O™ oolM color sheet and two pUlow caaet. She Rag. country with machinery from Christmaa taoltdays. been viewing Plltdown with ekep- moves a vary puaaUng link.” pastel solid colors.—Blue, rose, pink, yellow, (Oentbraai an faga Xwa) tarview "both sldas era awara of Department ef Agriculture drape' In England, Plltdown's time- ter phuiitog 36^666 feet te tjte $14.95 tarriMo conaaqnoncoa o f war abroad and “tbe more they get, the tidon for years. , ea Page ■) green and orchid. ita objection to aeaktag pobUe Whan tho piocea of skuU and stained ,akuU and ape-Uke Jawbone Valuo Mirro Cookie and and tlMrcfora. ‘ howovar much mere they wUl broaden their' have become the butt of cartoon- abouting they do^ there la a desirt ffwlL” 00 of fannen bolp^ under Jawbone wars found to an EngUah Wool Murder Suspect government'o drought roUaf pro­ gravai pit near tba Sussex viUage lota’ Jibes aad comedians’ Jokaa. In SIAMESE TWIN DOES to avoid it” 4. Tbe dominant feeling In Asia gram ..... Los Angalea Supeirtor this country some fundamentalist Jersey Men Buy Spooks to Nawaaon in Natlonaliam or national libera­ of PUMown botwoon 1913 and 1918 Lsadsn. Dae. X m - A f GIVE A NEW DUPONT DACRON .Rllod Pastry Press Court apbelde right of city School octentteta concluded they churchmen, who maintain that neon’s kalta today Refuses to Talk Outllaii^r bis phlkxxq^y, which tion, “which loads to anti-Western- Board to diemtee throe toacbore lor man was crantsd in his present aometlmes brought him into con- Ism with whicb tho United Stataa were paett ef tbe oame creature Island Landmark ItaM aiad Saha, S Make# fancy shapes. SO ^ ^ mm refusal to tostity bofota cowgrow image about 6,000 years ago, have Jfigatlaa tadn gMs diet with American Congrassmen. lately has been identifled. eional commtttoo on un-American arhp Itvod-atqfwbere from 80,000 used the Plltdown hou as a tever Rayon Satin Covered oookiaa In one fUliiig. H olbroA , Arts., Dae. I —Mystic la- J. Folk, a fO-ycar-oid, YlS-pound men that a military buildup could Stataa does not favor oM-stylo Self'belp plaa for dairy industry Otrieuely OWereat luUon. land, 16-acra landmark lying off 'N A i w r m carnival banner, refuaed to talk to­ bo overdone and should bo Judged cplowlaltam but, noverthclosa, co- propooed by National MUk Pr.,due- On Ute baste o f ovldenee then at ActuaUy, setenUoto'eay the only against tho poeffbUUy of Imminent hand. Piltdowu memrd to thorn to Neoak to Ftebard lalaad taund at FOSTMASTBE J ^ n t U O M (Made by PurofiadI $7.95 MWt ead TeMU.. day In n looal hoapitnl nftar being lentaHam has been supported for. era Fodoration will Mt toff airtag dteaervice that possibly'. couM tha mouth o f tho Myatle River, baa Puffs $9.98 ae«f aMswUMl aggtbatiuii. other reasons by the United House i^cniU ire aubcom- bo oitbor n ouporlor typo of ^b- Now charged with the rape-slaying of n Mdiru outlined thMo polnta in n come from expoeure o f tbe baen sold by Mrs. Mary'L^ Jobe partloulany in Indochina mlttee Dec. 6. .The SW.OOOtb pound human or. a aub-normal typo of Plltdown fake would be wide­ Akdoy of Mystic, widow of tbe tom I. *he n*w minude ftbra flUlng! Boft and light A gift that will be 6awl wltb warmth and For truly $implifi*J ipeed woman Mrblla her husband lay X5-mlnute interview: of Africa. true tom*an, Yat hia hood, araa 69 u d o ^ Extra realUaat. Mon-aUaigie, dost* ye've a whole Hockiagtel of, of Amotienn-donatod butter tor spread skepticism about otbar ta famod African exiSortr. Carl Ako- aarvioe fOr- years. Blue, roee, green, gold and ALUMINUM boUday BrfMi aad Tod-' 1. India ai ha expraased aged Germans of tbo Soviet Sons ouijouqly dKMnnt from thooo of leas, edotlafim wutwblai. wirM, two-tooa blua, roae, wine, gray. ceeking, *•« MIRRO* 4tmmr bound aad gaggad naaiby. other Asiatic portent diaoovariea o f tey, it was announced todta. 4 le ie ,fteb la eaquhite Folk was aectsMd o f kllUng Mra. to % eo PraaldeBt i* given to M-yoar-old East Bartia otlwr prddatorie man fotmd in vootlgial paat- David D. Ackerman of 'nnafly, MATIC today, k'l quality* maximum to a 3-bour “very woman. uwHtet parte of tho worfd. He waa Cookie Sheets (M ^aa weudroai ieuf^reariag Betty Faya Allan of Wattshurg, order to T'heso euoovoiteo ore tko wo A : N. J. aad Goorgo F. Plyatoten of oIm, aiade by the wokun of ’ :bt But be da- Om^ grandfather talla bow 'ha' ' to Ute udtelo evolutionary of fiQlooiitoViBjr. tKs ~ ' ' N. J. ham b « « k t the Wflo keyeod campart. $1.98 to Pa., 3A In a trailer aonf here. ocoDomically. __ subjMts dia- aad four of hie family ebnltled MIRRO, ibu bietl elwaiawn. I7"xl4"— $1.45 ~ You aittu come sad tee ibeie , H er ,lw lsu ig.. .Rnymfq#, JR ^S- S. “ ing wtth tha Ufa of p rill oract two prtmti Green Steaus -te^telMboy inchidad back aad forth acrora Irak Curtain ghnjitrn head o f the p viods baaod oa tbo atudiy o f foo- r u n s * And they’re ssUI maektno ioel pipnlnnin. apaiu » It. mlU- three times before they finally Gtvm With aST 4 Qt with ratk l5'/x"xl2”~$l.00 aigbg’ ,nf Anthrapotogy of sOs. Tba pateontokqtat of sun ond other reackad freedom. . . . Sra. Wayne Muaoum of Natural auper-dotoeUvOb B o aoMn^ S ales t Im JWHAU c o . •ttafS Morao (I-Oro) toUa lotaal bond Plltdown ly, to solve tbe greatest ------I to „ rally to Cknttanooga, Tana. Amor- la the warJdi.r" n- j ‘ . B o ' with etl vam ia "wattkdag of fraa* o fte to tad ovoa If prom almam btan o f weak- bo will aovar to raotrato It our '-'’■Ay


JawBohe Bluea t from her frioBda may hHglitaB up Loula OaiMch, apni tbo waekend of.hNrlast trip to Buropo, inohidbidr Gift Gallery Justice Agents’ UPOND Coventry ' her convalaoeahea. bi Naw York city where Hie at­ Kiwanians Hold Of ths Conmatioa o f Ou sm EASTWOOD She has twan vary aetlva in tended the wedding of Mr. Oar-^ EUmbeth n. On a quia program Skywatch Schedule churth and aodal affalra and waa Mch’a eouoin, MIm Sheila Imeger. im iBBEino( Congervationut Night for Ladies ssvstal prlnsa wars vmb by the Help Revealed BROtHERS MSaniat at tha Gilead Church until idisa. Opens Dec. 5 ALL-COLOB Ott OUR Board Backs Health Unites raaantly, when eye trouble obliged Maachseler Bvanisg MemM Bo- Thst Tntorpr^ Ths [ony FossE Fragment mdajr. Dee. « * STEAK HOUSE TIm committes in chargs of ths GIANT MmAOLB-MlRaOR MONBON.MASS. . Group EnroUs . bar to reslgm bren aMvoapendent, Mlea Suean A moet enjoyable program wxa program waa bsaded by Arthur Midnight-2 a. m...... Anthony ZiUnskas CINEIMASCOrB SCRRRNl or H it riHBitr In Jury Probe Arthur Elacmann of Bhnhurat, F e n d M ^ HArrleen g-3338. anjoyed at th« annual ladles night Kaofla, A t Em anuel 2 -a. m.-4 a. m...... VahMtam Nesdod H aaa aC tha Haua aC Wtm Study on Sanitary Laws 1), I,, la offering hia oummar bame 4 a. m.-8 a. m...... VahwtMfs Wssiled i ! Wili maST Area Farmers of the Kiwanis Club laat night at Exposed Pfltdown Hoax Kart lia iM Dsaaa Uaad Bhawa Yhunday thru Saturday at UM Oraan, tor aala. It ia tha John Chmlea-floaa a Scot, be­ An egg sitosr Is an Inaxpensiva • a. m.-9 a. m...... VehMteara Needed (Ooatlaxed F nbs Pago Ooa) the Manchester Country CSob, with Mrs. Ivar Scott and Mrs. Ernest “ Taka “ Raidan CovMitry, Dac. 3 (Spaclal)—ThafVoluataor rira Ob. and NaUiaii former Congregational Paraonaga; came king of tin Coeeo lalanda in gadget that’s worth having In a 9 a. m.-Noon ...... Dorothy Belcher C A U MONSON 1227 Hebron, Dee. 3 (Special)— a 2-atory houae in good eoMdIUon. 1827, five generatloai o f hiy line Johnson co-chairmen of the com­ ...... Leo Pleclty Tha High O f Tha Board of Saloctmoa haa voiced ap­ Halo Community Cantor Awn. in 70 in attendance. ' Kitchen. —It cuts hard-oooked eggs more fluorine froift the soil than Noon-3 p. m...... ousted by Brownell as U. 8. A t­ Mra. Victoria Oarblcb haa apabt ruled theii and another John PUNBIAL N 0M I (OMrtiMMi tTMB r « ( « Om ) mittee arranging for the “Christ­ ...... Vohinteere Needed * Graoud” Savau Seal* auditorium o f Contor BulkUng. About 30 local and Columbia Muaie waa provided by Paul evenly for use In sandwiches, bones buried for shorter periods. 3 p. m.:fl p. m. torney at Denver About the time (la ealer) proval, at a maoUng of tho Ad-*^ tha past two waeka in Notf Yorit Clunles-Roos Is now Britlah gover­ S7 EASY CIENTB i'it. mas Gift Gallery,” aponshred ...... Rdymond 1C Clement LOISTER SPEONU. 4HB Maotiag Slatad farmero ahowod up at tha Town Cbetdat at tha piano, and Dr. A. salads and Creamed dishes, 5nd as «V»ti cuna from monkeya." Moat In 1949 various pieces o f the 8 p. m.-8 p. m...... aiiaaiM viaory Hoaltb CbuncU Tufaday City, Her daughtcr-ln-law, M ra nor o f the tslanda Jointly by Ladies Aid and Dor­ . - ...... Olive Ray, Orace Anderson it was completed, said "no one is Tho 4-H Officora’ T r a in in g E. Friend showed colored movies garnishes. TEi. Ml-t-tStS auUMTitlaa today afree thara ara Piltdown skull were given a fluor­ 8 p.. m.-lO p. m. .. Hall Monday from 10 A m. to 4 cas Societies at Emanuel Luth­ Kt p. m.-Midnight ...... ,.M r . and Mrs. Herbert Benson, disputing” that th^ FBI played a Bight, for conHdoratlMi oC tho oo- School Saturday for Andovor. Bol­ flva famUiea in that part o f the ine testing. This is done vHth u SUN.t “ Sward a M tha Baaa” FRIDAY NIDHTS p. m. to enroll with tho 1384 AiaULANCB SRBVUai eran Church, on Saturday after­ Marion TiM art part in the case. ta bitohmont of loeol oaaitary lawt. ton, Columbia, Coventry and Ha- uVinf animal kingdom to which tiny dentist's drill which extracts noon, wish to. remind members Theoo hoalth ordinancoo will, bo Agricultural Conaervattim pro­ a u a balonga— the human family, Volunteers may register at Civil Defenseise"Headqt "Headquarters. Munici­ He had said earlier that some of bron for dub officora, d u b loadera small amounts of fossiUssd boiie to have baked food for- sole at pal Building. Manchester on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays pattemod after exioting otata and town nowa roportora will bo gram. tha great anthrdpolda, the small which are tested chemically. It his requests for FBI aid wers re- church by 12:30 p.m., as well as from 1-8 p. m. otatutos concerning health and from 8 to 4 p. m. In tho Chnrch Rrnrtoentatlvea of the Tolland i anthropoids, the old world mon­ was established then that the skull grab-bag gifts for girls and boys. Jactsd by ths Justice Departnwxt.. Last night. Vigil told a reporter In ■anitation, tho council ooM. Community Hauoo in North Cov Countyheeea5 .a ABC A S id 'd W(------nx_ present to sn keya and the new world monkeya. was not as old as many believed. Mtm Frank Hallin, chairman of TWO m otU r will bo Included in Denver: "I don't know how many entry. roll membors. Those who did not IFOrrERTOirSFOR All developed from the aame atem With advances in methods of the Ladies Aid Society Fair Com­ a warning of a apodal town moot- hundreds of thousands o f years fluorine testing Piltdown recently Murder Suspect agents were on the csee. Just N O W • sign up at that Urns have until mittee, has been successful in ob­ About Town Ingatter ths first of ths ysar. Maaekaaler Evening. Herald Dec. 10 to do so, but will havt to OLD CROW ago, which la qulfe' a different underwent his final examination. taining Swedish' “Korv,” made by where FBI help s t a r t f d and EUCTRIOU. ins THS The council will meet tha third | d s i r e u t r y iwrreepeMent, Mrs. go to the county offlcs- at Rock­ thing from saying "man cams Then the world learned that frag­ Cart J. B. Ahderson and Harvey Refuses to Talk Sgt. Herbert M. Leonard, whose stopped, I can't say now.” Thursday of the month. The next from monkeys/'’ pharles U little, tpkoiM PII ville for the purpose. ' ments of the cranium are genuine Barrette, of Kocum's, for sale at wife. Slarie, and parenta, Mr. and Oiney skid one phase of the case aaaalon will be Dec. 17 at $ p. m. ^ m S-SUl. ro->ad Famous ghva Flkult remains of a primitive man but began with a iip last Sept. 17 that Brbmids Mark Aunlvereary the “Christmas Gift Gallery.” She Mrs. William Leonard, live at 8S7 In tha Booth-Dlmock Memorial Mr. and Mrs. Charles Schmid of In the study of mankind's evolu­ the Jaw is from a modem ape and (Coattnoed from Page Oaa) an attempt had been made to bribe has also been fortunate in obtain­ E Middle Tpke., is returning to Library. the Amston section observed their tion through fossils the .most im­ deliberately faked. ing ceramics and Swedish linen of a prospective Juror end ended Sept. MAKES H ISTO RY 1 the United States from Korea The first half hour .will bs open portant discovery' was made in The earth reveals its secrets re­ shot the assailant in the stomach. Maidborough 28th wadding anniversary Sunday. distinctive beauty, as well as more where he served with the 25th In­ 24 yrith the arrest o f all thoos in­ to the public. Raeldent contractors They spent a few days in New Java in 1892 by a young Dutch luctantly and the work of scien­ practical items such as plastic Folk's condition is not regarded as volved. * T H B W O R D b physician, Eugene Duhola He fantry Division. Sgt. Leonard, a will bs tnvltad to attend to preaent York to celebrate, and Simday tists never ends. Their discoveries tablecloths, trouser hangers and thetr views on building eddes ap- found the famous Java Man skull serious. graduate of Manchester H igh "This record clearly shows',*' Oi­ Local Girl AttendB they entertained Miss Ro m Dlstler, To meet the demand for a lighter, milder preside bourbon, the famous bear out the truth of evolution. But cardamom seeds. ' . pHcabM to stwags disposal and —an ape man twice the site of a- Investigating officers said Mra School, entered the Army in Jsn., ney went on, “ that this phaae of Mrs. Schmid'S sister, and Mr. and thus far all their discoveries hsve Mrs. John C. HInrichs of Sum­ aafeguardlng watar supply of ths gorilla who prowled the volcanoed AJlen's hair and body bad been 1952 and holds ths Comtet Infan­ the Jury tampering charge origi­ Mra. doraelitu J. Leary at a din­ libt traced mankind's exact evolu­ mit St., is in charge of coffee to nated with the Federal Bureau of town. 4-Hcrs Congress Old Crow distillery offers an 86 Proof bottling o f Old Crow at a lower slopes of ancient Java itossibly buhied by her tormentor. Her tryman Badge. ner at the Rainbow Inn, Colches­ tionary pedigree. be served at the ever-popular Investigation, was fully investi­ Elected Seeutmaeter ter. 780,000 years ago. a real missing “Kaffe Stuga,” where shoppers link between ape and man. handsAnd feet were tied and there Mrs. George Bellows, 387 North gated by the Bureau of Invsstli^- 'John A. Hillman of Marrow ltd. Marlborough, Dac. 3 — (Special) It ao happoiied that tha 40th price-- ' Plans for Christmas sctivltica possessor's intelligence. Nehru added “these is no basic Hazel Johnson of Holl St. Vigil." He added: Sdl-d-L Maaebeeter*e Largoat Badii^ passing truck driver. have started at the Roberteon A card shower is planned for Use. Fluorine Tests chasm" between the two countries, Mrs. Ivar Scott and Mrs. Ernest "Sen. Langcr (R-IJO), chair­ Mrs. Merton W. Hills of Gilead, “no ill will by the Indian people Johnson, Dorcas co-chairmen of Two other drivers Joined Allen School with the grade aix class­ ITV, Reeerd aad Appllaaea Btoru Since World War II, paleontol­ and his companion as they headed (Coattaned froai Pago Oae) man o f the Senate Judidary Com­ Puerto Rico Is the iHily land the Tormer Mrs. Della Porter. She toward the American people. There the’ fair, have been assisted by mittee, has said he will hold,hear­ room of James T, Laidlaw already under the U. . flag on which Co­ ogists have been aided In some toward the trailer, seized one of having formed' committees for a 8 haa been* ill but is reported im­ T H E O L D CROW DISTILLERY CD MPA NY, FRARKFORT, KENTUCKY list (kater St., Gar. e< OhaMh phases of their work by fiuorlne are differences in approach re­ Mrs. Herbert Stone, Hamlin St, Mrs: Aksley, who maintains a ings in Denver next week. And I lumbus sat foot. ' proving. It ia hoped that cards garding the problems affecting the in charge of miscellaneous his two guns, and went tn pursuit clau party theavcnlng of Dec. 11. testing, largely developed by Dr. home here, and her late husband, am sure all aapccts o f the chse U. 8 . and Asia." articles: and two Oiristmas stock­ of tha fleeing Folk. probably will be clarified at that Committoss follow; Decorations. Kenneth Page Oakley, British Allen said he fired six times but bought the island aome 25 years Robert W ri^t, (ebairman), Marl- geologist and anthropologist He acknowledged that to some ing groups under the supervision time—at least I hope ao.!f extent one of these differences was of Mrs. Ame Gustafson of Doanc Folk ran about 200 yards before ago from the estate of Charles H. dell Leonard, Leonia Major. Jo- under certain geological condi­ dropping. the question of recognizing Red St, and Miss Frideborg Thoren of Osgood of Norwich. aeph Eaton, Marton Dragon, Rich­ tions it was shown that bones ard OePaaio; Refreshments, Craig buried 200,000 years absorb much China. W. center St The Akeleys operated s girls' y u "China is a major fact, a histor­ Members of both societies have summer camp la a woody tract on A Magmfkemi Motiem Grant (chairman) Penny Barth. T ical fact. I am not thinking of the spent considerable time and pain­ the west bank of ths Mystic River Dec. 7 thra 13 Caroles Noyes, Gary Trombley; Communist stats but the political staking effort in making many north of the village. They used the Picture for our Thuel Program, Catherine Wanagel IBBOBneceei integration of. China, which is the originally designed items suitable Local Stocks island, some three miles down­ (chairman). Rochells Harley, BUwl tv r* . V, . ,s to « - big thing happening in China. for Christmas giving, and hope stream, as a swimming and pic­ wMNUUa ia ^ g eee m au tm iu m * • Wwiid hr Bvwe rtewR • he- Sousa. Edward Haddad, Andrew "It Ja a strong state but ter­ their friends 'Will come to adnUre qaetatiMs Famlahed By nicking place fhr theb campers. dwedhrlOwwktrotfr-i aiiaHW hr auMt s oars aad tBiwaarroue Buckley. and select something for every­ Cobum B Middlebrook. lae.. Invitations, Gordon - Fsrdal CTATE ribly Ji^kward. All attention must Much local lore aurvpunda the ^ ------^ l0HJ)RUORDb necessarily be diverted to building body on their lists. 1 p. as. grieea iZIAnd, scene o f a bloody '41-round PLUS nCrOMINNI a PRICE SCALE a (chairman),. Paula Contoa. Rich- up communications” and other Bank Slaeka battle for the Ughtwmght cham­ Dane at aiS Fustek, Robatt Gohrkig, Nor- facilities. Bid Ssitsd pionship of America on March 1, 2:25 Evanlag Adutta-41/M mpn OrchoUky; ’Treo aaa Gifts, SHORT I J(ta McKinnsy (chairman). Diane :^sV,: ' K W - T v 'i, Book Fair Success First Nstional Bank 1870. d:4S ' OblMipa All Itaea SUe of Msncbestsr'...... S3 37 Billy Edwards and Sam~T!SItyer TREATS! 3:55 All Prleea lucinda U. R Tax Baiocchl, UUtau LBiuetsma. David Hartford Nstional were the principals in that his­ Fflaasr. Richard Hastings. Joe Deaths Last Night At Barnard School Heckler; aoan Up, WUUam r D U K I Band and Trust ... 30^ 324 toric outdoor contest promoted by 4 Hartford Conn. Trust . 81 86 Harry Hill, New York sporting Olaaen, (ckolrm on) Reharta Han- By THE ASSOCIATED PRES.S Manchester Trust 60 — aan, Jantoa Schwagar. Bertram ^ uommeileteDOUBLE DIESEL The Student Council of Bsmard man. Rio De Janeiro, .Brazil—Dr. Phoenix State Bank Koppisch, PhUip Roae, Arnold Only 3 Weeks 'HI Xmas School sponsored a .successful Edwards qnocked Collyer sense­ Miguel Osorio De Almeida, one of a ^ Trust .... ___ 87 62 less to end the fight after each ______Stetson, ' Brazil's most famous physiologists'. Book Fair to acquaint the students Firs Insarsnee Oempaalee Tbs AL Auxiliary rummage, ELECTRIC FREIGHT SET * with many fine books. participant had been floored many Hem’s e M 6 TH R ia fer wue yesafelar at Clufttmeftiaw . . . stall earif ,. a laaR [llINCrON Died Tuesday: Aetna F ir e ...... 55 57 times. Under, the London rules o f whits elephant and food sale In tha The auditorium was flileil with Nsshau, N. H.—George B. Psrk- Hartford Fire ...... 172 177 those days, a’ knockdown con­ Bodreau Block wlU have Mra. Loula end e l the reef reat ofo* thetha voerl lUpreducad to seal# aoaetiy KU the ------J—C-- uB laM I M OMdsm! hurst, 74. who retired in 1948 after tables which held 70u books.. The N aU onalFtre...... 7 8 4 3 1 4 Steullat and Mrs. CUrence Grant 1 the Mt IneludM tto sturdy OME-CAST M BEL mCSNES. prices ranged from 25 to 60 cents stituted a round. Vide# Cvtryday-AII flighU RtUnf«4>KT.0«kiaian 3 C^-Ipc. 45 years as managing editor o f the Phoenix t ...... 101 109 More thpn 300 New Yorkers in charge. Articles can-11 b ro u ^ t lO X CAR TANK CAR and CAIOOSE. Aim STATION HOUSE t3Th,Piikf^^,V'T//STA0(5H0K| for books both new and old and . t Nashua Telegraph. Died Wednes­ U f e aad ladeoiaRy las. Oas. boarded a special steamer for a tomorrow from 6 to p.m. or bo- day. approximately 550 books were Aetna L i f e ...... 3 8 4 3 8 4 foro tha sale beginning at 10 a.m. with AUTHENTIC OlESa HORN, LARGE OVAL sold. 'moonlight excuraton” for which Paris—Francii Picabla. 74, one Aetna Casualty ...... 141 148 Saturday. The women will fumiah TRACK LAYOUT, aad posmrful SO ^ H TRANSFORM­ IsCATt The pupils had a chance to ex­ the real purpose was a voyage to PLUSH RIDING of France's early surrenlist paint­ Conn. General ...... 215 230 the fight, held on the out-of-the- Better See pick-up servlca it (mntactad. ER! Train he* autematic uneeapiaia. It wfl waur ers. Died Monday. amine the books and make their Hartford Steam BoiL . 4 0 4 4 9 4 Omalqg Eveuto UliJ Wl.A Os':P.AMK A RUN selections. The number and vai^ety way island to avoid the law mak­ Tomorrow's maatlngs .include: ya n titefi nmay haun af aaiaymaat. . and avarytliina Travelers ...... 820 840 ing prise fighting illegal. of books sold brought out the fact COiuity Bam soMlen, 1:80 p. ra. at ahaut H mahaa H the TRAIN M Y af tha Chridamt DONKEY PxMle uuntiea A large hotel once stood on the that 7th and 8th graders do enjoy MotoralaTV tha Horace Pease, Jr. Farm In books other than comics. Conn. Light Power 15 18ti island along with a number o f Conn. P o w e r ...... cottages. Claar, Miary, Slasily UHPa Somtra; James T. Laidlaw show­ Among those sold were: The 374 394 ing ooloied slidaa on “ A Trip Hartford Elec. Lt. 51 53 The hotel was razed in 1921 and Prince and the Pauper, Oliver VHF RacaftNan hem TlUtiugh Four Famous Natlonat Twist, Black Beauty, Tom Sawyer, (Hartford Gas Co. . 35 38 for many years there has been no So. New England building on the brush-covered rfittant BlaNast Perks.’* * P- ^ Booth-Dtm- HORSE Uttle Women, Heidi and books on ock Memorial Ubrary; aet-back sports. TcL ...... 32 34 island. It has beca a favorite spot JWaaufactnrtng Ooeepaalea for boating picnickers. 277 IROAD party, #p. m., in tha American Lo- Ba-g.1134 mon Half Wan St.: HXdal. 8 p- m. Am Hardware 144 *164 Government charts tag the SALES aad Arrow, Hart, Heg. . . . 39 42 ipoasoiedtha South Coventry ieland as Ram Island, an apeUa- T £ l E 'V I S I 0 N RADIO BERVICB WitiMts New Fiiidhl^s Assoc. Spring ...... 26 29 Uon that has given ita nama to a Bristol Brass ...... IS 17 local yacht club, but it Is as Ib M bRIchI Rm m t c Ii Cheney Bros...... 9 1 0 4 Mystic Island that ths place is COLISEUM •:tr (*i> avoM aqua Collins ...... 88 — generally known. West SpriugfleM I ai-FLaYmc •'** ■OU.T. Ehn-risrt ...... 37 40 (lit BAB m rrEBTEBN TBBAT- ( «i DaAOMrr->nKKT~^f.k Webb Fafnif B ea rin g ...... 37 TBB-'Trizger Flmera” (H) MBBT 1------( « MBKT TBBjmUM (Ml TV TOA______BN-WettiR{ n n t - i Hart Cooley ...... 42 (•i> dl’ NiOB cuanSoAon •m (Ml D a ^ K K T - aurring Jack Landere, Frary, Clk. . 26 28 ( «) BOWDY DOODY TIMR (U> WUTBBM naY B O taE — ( «• II VIOBO TBK Ank — New Brit. Mach. Co, . 52 66 Hey Hey Rough lUdlag Ranger'' TONIGHT North and Judd ...... 26 29 <«» 1)N O %Bira ------TOM CLUB CiR Be Stopped! (Ml FOC^SrAB^FljfvflOCgB ■IRI’S TM BIS UTOSTI Russell Mfg...... 8 10 6tar < •) WOBLD WB ______UVB 111 (HAII WBArS TBBBIOkY Room Kids! Kids! m t MKWa AT BIX. Floyd Fatte* MARCH Stanley Works com. . 43 46 ' IH> WBATBHBIIAN Terry Steam ...... 100 — <•!> COWBOY PLAYBOISB ISWITH STEERING Torrlngton ...... 25 4 27 4 vHERE IS THE RIGOEST AND REST • :W (HI arOBTS OF MEDICINE” tiU ( •> VABIETY CtrB BROWN awl LVNOH k's SMCCSSS w M _ - MECHANISM V . 8 . Envelope com. . . 72 79 CARTOON SHOW YET! (Itl TBB KABLY aBOW Malay Twa-Taaa phak aflat, U. S. Envelope- pfd. . . 59 64 “OraUemea From D(xle'* iT 2 2 1 0 -t Veeder Root ...... 2 9 4 3 2 4 (HI OEADUMK EOmON FLORim l-wsftlaa habit aril haM up ta too paunde. te rn W A W A report directly from the t j$ ( •! arOBTSGOFB. Byd Jallea Nb hmter (Im s your child American Medical Associa­ The. above quotationa am aot to (HI VIDCO VACATION Fkwara far AM i be construed as actual markets. (U) aroBTa, jim hmiy 145 M l- hsTo to ssffer shasie sad tion’s Cliniesl Session in St. MAIN ST. Louis. liMRiiRiSe Clmica of CSDBLY, WASIABLI BABY BOLL FRIDAY. d i a c i ^ esMcd by iMid-wdt- aithar Oaabay ar Hana! W 1 ----- SAT., COX'S *ilt rOBEIOIl mTBIOmi CBBM that it can eorroct ths DIG ix c ifiiif Thousands of Toys at Paring Romance 1 (Channel 6) distrcaniiis habit in 2 to .4 Feeteresl p ^^FRDUip ■ B. WMamik OI«B r»r6 PyUNTS fSMi STANLEY w JO ( 0 4 M I IJJICB TMB FACB — wodiB — without drags or Lowest Prices in Town R^m RLra b IA Jack aniHh Blaaing Adventure! “ Taka •TOrrsr SATURDAY TOpLS .. „ <**> NBWa A WBATMBS attachmonts. 10:00 P. M. tlrtOI 0411 NBwa Tke Hlgk CktaADBk BAhsiT OUTFIT A U YOUR FAVORITE 7m ( •! rt'LSB OF TBB CtTT h :m Patented by Dnetorn OOU Walt Disneyis (HI CATOAIN VIDICO CARTOON LAND CHARACTERS! _ (HI MBWa DC8B (US Na. 3.1S148P)> BNUB- Mmv yRMT yRRIM|G^RT MM piMMlJ Dr lUk TABLE SET 7:ir (HI BIkATBBB TONB aflar s ^MwumTa w?ffi a— CRADLE TiU ( «l DO IT TOVBSELF 'STROLLER IMI rra a fact T.m .m w ’. DayUBM BighBfhH aaadartaMa eaat. k it - in Pbf l aard. Rapt, New year Rttta f iir ii dale caa M t df( Id WBaTBEBVAMB deep to the toaa^af "Rai t a b^ Sd OAK GRILL Come Carly! tiH ( H BTOBTSMAB’a CLt'B liM ( 01 OABY MOOBB (Ml OOCD1.AS BDWABOB aad »m IMI BATE BHira af ealaaaad hardnaada aad oaihf. tha B««a 4;M ( » OS'TOVB AOODOBT FRStlNFORIIATION 30 OAK STREET (HI FILM ^farphhaadhayal ’ it wN haM IM to a R T daM V M kard b ss iqchakdiwd •SSnsi)HNS t*/t HOURS OF MRT00N8 (HI QCIDE BIOBT fbF " BmIr^ ui|r wIirii bIid sard A Ie IrvrIv (HI WBBK END OtTtDE today. tbyTECHraOHOR •iste hr MO s .« . hM. * ★ RNE FOOD i r QUAUTY REVERA6ES FOR A U KIDS A U AGES T:U ( 0411 NBWa CABAVAN -Joha G.E. WKUS Q vM ivmc eWMShnsfereAwllw ^ Cameron Dwayaa - '*•> CAXTiniN; Jaae FYa- A Basil deposit FLUS THIS TERRinC HITI BUM BUNNY. FOFEYE. UTILE LULU. su n n MOUSE, d o n a l d d u c k , m c k e y r:W ( 6411 YOU BBT TOCB LOTS — N a ir: •ENMHTONjl^t wiM A seewner leet holds it HttXaiiM! BUSINESSMEN’S LUNCHEONS MOUSE. TIMi AND JOWY. FOX AND’ _ Grouebn Marx - C ' jfl-- - - "V (Ml INTO TMEMIOMT ^UtAaaBLdllB) wkliirtif mW i RiodlRF SERVED DAILY EXOKFT 8 ATUBDAY CBOW. n.uTa t w e b t y b i s o a n d (HI qciCB aT a F & H _ , C M A V -/O IL mmimm MANY. MANY O nonS. (HI ikvENTION Bb SIRW .,3.flaaiala( tS6 .V tJrS L __ THURSDAY SPECIAL A LA CARTE REMEMBER TM SMG SHOW S M MW ' MR* I m I Hw m MgOd R«vM , ^li^liaa a d / ii U IS SATURDAY MORNING MAPI! J !-■ ;< • iiMf^diastraal, .IT, Nil. ' B B B w S B n DDaataafliflflaflaaadflflfla I ' - - - * e • 6 q-a • a • a f fa fl**^**** 'tlN L Y a ML SEATS ISt *mI *'andaj^ S ‘A|p a I d a d AND MOM TOOL M l "4 * ^ ' \ g S /f ; v ‘' 1 2735^- B £ 5 3 ' ' " . - . - . . . . .«' i 5r^n - iv


a guaranteed pay sliding upward Bolton according to increased skill and Trunk D ivorces Awaraed Spedalr#tSella far 82 thy Stand Unaltered New Dog Pound Provides Plush Quarters for Lost Pooches P-W Contract responsibility. The union’s ovet- all wage demand, including the Visits Stole Fair To Local Residents ing fo 4-H Club Planning “differential insurance." la for 80 School Banking Unit Slated; 82 at tha First National Bank ^'ijin Foreign Policy Dispute Talks Resume per oent more for engineers. o f Manchester—that .la, a The other operating unions, the Phoenix. Aria. Dec, 3(F)—Trunk Three divorces and one annul­ apecial ty p e'of halt dollar. Business Meeting Representatives of the Intama- Firemen, 'ITainmen and Conduc­ murderaaa Winnie Ruth Judd, in­ ment involving Manchester resi­ The SO cent plecca that are (CwrtlwMS r w r m f O t ) Pupils to Operate System commanding 83 are. tha special tlonal Assn, of Machinists. AFU tors, -want a straight eente-per- mate at tha Ariaona State Hospital dents wars granted by Judge Louts Ellington, Dee. 1 (SpfcUD—The and Pratt and Whitney IMviaion, hour raise, which has not yet been for Insane, was permItUd to attend half dollars commemo^lng 1 gt«v out. UBfortuMttly,'’ tht Shapiro in Supertor Onirt in glart- Booker T. Washington, famed 4-H Club members will meet Sat­ Obituary UAO, were meeting'with Federal' made public. the Artsona Rtata Fair here Uiat •tudenl at the local • «M tw rtpUad. ford this week. Negro educator, and George urday night at 7:30 at the Elling­ and State mediators for tha sec­ A spokesman ror the carriers month, it wee dlscloeed yeeterdey. Proceeds from their , salt ton Town Hall to discuas the duties COMPROMISES Thera w u no iimaedUte com> Dr. M. W. CoAwey, hoepitel Herbert O. Lathrop, Jr., of Man­ Washington Carver, noted Ne­ GENTON’S ond day in a row''today in an ef­ said the three other unions had J ^ P t lle r in and Carol Gents have will go Into ths PTA treasury, chester, won a divorce from Lbret- gro scientist. of each ofllcer and parliamentary mant from the White B oum or fort to work out a mutually ac­ agreed to the joint meeting was aupeiintendent, said Mra Judd was ••wetsd as members of the I Tho Bxecutivo Committae also procedure at a club meeting. State Oapartinent on IfcOarthy'a ceptable contract for four aircraft “to work out a basis for future kept undsr close guard end ahe Banking Authority for Jho savings i announced Isst night they would ta F. LaUirop. of Hartford, charg­ 'Ths 31.90 above the face F u n era lg ing Intolerable cruelty. The aame value of the specially minted Ctub leaders will hold a separate freth pronooncementa.. plants in the state. nsgotlatlotta—but not to begin went unrecognised. system to be inaugurated at the' sponsor a dance at the school Dec. session. The towns to be represent­ WITH Ltaonard W. Hall, Republican . Present contracts expire tonight, Mra Judd,, who six timea has ee- W W whool next week. The group! 12. Mrs. Robert BrmUch. Mrs. ground were established by Shir­ coins wtll ba used by ths dote P. Tbomaad negotiations on points of differ­ ed are at this meeting arc Elling­ National Chairman, had breakfaat but union representatives indicated capad the tnsUtutlon, baa bam in ley H. Lehmann, of Manchester, in trustees of the Booker T. Wssh- Funeral services for John F. ence between the unions and the will elect Its own manager within i Ralph BrolLjuid Amerigo Bucclno ton,- Somers, Stafford, Union and with tha Preaident and, when leav- no walkout la imminent. They low spIriU alnca her mother ^ ed a few days. ars in charga of arrangements. her divorce of Herbert D. Leh- Ington Birthplace Memorial and Tournaud, 15-0 Forest St, head railroads.” Vernon. tnc the White Houae, told report- point out that even though mem­ In the same hospital last month. On Tuesday, they expect to Mra. Paul Arnold will supervise mapn,. of Oom well. the Carver National Monument designer at Cbeaey Bros., were A spokesman for the Brother­ Carolina M. Hansen, of Hart­ Ta Head CnavaM QUALITY... era that GOP consreaaional and bers last month voted them Dr. Conway said. spend about an hour and a half at the sale o f refreshmenta. Foundation. Recently, the held this morning at 8:30 ^ om the hood of Locomotive Firemen and ford, won a divorce from Edward Walter Neff of Orchard St. has atata leaders with whom he has authority to call a strike, a final Bnginemen said it and the “The Tlgar Woman” was con­ ths Havings Bank of Mancheater Mrs. Ralph Broil, membership tniatees of these two groups W. P. Qulsh Funeral Home and at Hansen, of Mancheater, charging announced that half the in­ been selected to head the canvass talhed are “completely in accord" company offer arould have to be Brotherhood of Railroad Train­ victed, of killing two girt friends where they will interview bank of- chairman, rsporta some confusion for the “March of Dimes Drive” with Bisenhower in the differences 9 o’clock in St James’ Church. 22 years ago, sentsnesd to death desertion. come from all future aalea of submitted first to the membership men. representing some 315,000 fletila and tellers.. They wUl also exists aa to tha purpose of letters The annulment was granted here. The county quota has' been srtth McCarthy and “are very The Rev. George Hughes was for acceptance or rejection. and later was committed to the sent out through ths school re­ the commemorstive half-dol­ the celebrant, the Rev. Philip operating personnel, set Dec. '9 for o^ ra te banking machines in their Charles S. Offord, of Manchester, set at 320,000, quite an increase happy" with the Preaident's state­ As yet, no mass meeting of the Bsylum when ruled insana n a cently seeking PTA membership. lars will be turned over to the Blaney the deacon and the Rev. the first of the joint meeting. The who established that his wife,' American Cancer Society. over last year. ments on the matter. workers for this purpose has been meeting will be held in Chicago. death sentence was commuted to Shs said currant mcmbers'may re­ Return From Huntiag Trip Edgar Farrell the subdeacon. Mra Eighth grade pupila at the Helen, also of Manchester, waa al­ Dulles hit at McCarthy’s views called. life imprisonment lest year. new their membership for the en­ Henry C. Sandberg of Hoffman Tuesday as striking at the very Jane Maccarone was organist and school will be given adult bank ready wed 'when he married her. Today's talks which have been FBI HUNTS KIDNAPERS books. All other grades will have suing ytar by filling out the blank Rd., with hia two sons, B.M.-3 heart of United States foraifn soloist and the Rev. John F. Han­ shifted from the Hotel Bond, the Columbus, Ga., Dec. 8 UH— / HERVICE HIKE NEEDED and enclosing dues in the envelope ity of the young folks of the Meth­ non read the committal service at the familiar bank cards of the Henry E. Sandberg of Rockville, policy. Yesterdsy, President Ei­ scene of previous negotiation ses­ Mrs. Gloria Bullock Weaver, 22, Washington. Dee. F (P)->A ^attached to the letter,------'niey jey may odist Youth Fellowship. atationed in Boston with the Teu oKrayi fin4 fretli cewpleto ewortmenh ef senhower said he was in full ac­ the grave in St. James’ Cemetery, school bsnking system. CoIlecUons sions, to the State Labor Dept, mother of an infant son. Is safe group of generak aad admirals will sUrt Dec. 18 with banking be turned in to the classroom ‘Yule Tree Town’ The supply of popcorn, candy U.8.8. Columbia, knd Robert have cord with Dulles' statements. Bearers were Colin Davies, Wil­ called today far a ndUtary pay and grab-bag gifts waa exhausted •no doHtm f at Gonfon't . . . «loHilm that building, were described by a com­ at home today and FBI agents hours tentatively set for 1:50 to teachers or the offlee. returned from a hunting trip at Biseahower also took issue with liam Waddell, James Baker, Ken­ booet aad other octloM to halt before S p.m. One o f the prime at­ pany spokesman as "exploratory are hunting for two men accused 8:45 a.m. New Arrival Chairnieu Lauded Pittabiirg, N. H. fcoash ttw nowost, moit tuaurioui fabric* aom. tha Wisconsin Senator's declara­ neth Tedford, Frank Cervlni and on both sides." of kidnaping her. She was found what they termed an alarming A daughter waa born at Man- tractions here was the electrically Anthony Golas. Susan Shearer of eighth grade Church Dinner SInted tion that the Communists in.foy- He said it was a “discussion ses­ unharmed after release by her deterioration In tbe enraor ndh- chaster Memorial Hospital yester­ operated “P. T. 134 Boatride," Dec, 10 at 6 p.m. the Congrega­ arnment issue will be a major one A large number of executives and will be teller for her own room and bina^ wHb nwfnilicant taHaring ami styRnf, sion" but declined comment on kidnapers. fnry service. day to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gorton Mrs. William E. Moore and Mrs. loaned for the occasion by Mar­ tional Church will have its annual In next year’s congressional elec­ employes of Cheney Bros., where both flrst grade classrooms; Donna whether any progress has been of Brandy St. The couple has a low's, which coaxed the dimes from dinner in the church social rooms. A jM tha bast now* a f a l n tbat Ganton C lath ai the deceased worked for the past Toth of seventh grade Mill act as brmsnd G. West, co-chairmen for tion. made toward an agreement 3 -year-old daughUr, Beth, and the boys and girls while "Tiny Members and friends are invited to Tha President appeared, hoW' teUer for that grads and Mrs. Pat­ “Christmas Tree Town," the an­ m 49 years, attended the servicca “ Both aides would have to agree twin sons, Frank and John, who Town” was open for business. enjoy tne good fellowahip and ara pricad astannhinffy law. G a t ya«ir ever, to have left the door open for rick's second grade; Henry Cote on that," he said. . ara 3-yeara-old. nual bazaar of the Soutji Methodist The Willing Workers and Miz- ■hare in the business matters of full-blast continuation of congres­ will take the sixth grade and the datbat at Ganton't. YauH lack yaw batt for Memorial Mass CD Srhool Slated Church, and members of their the coming year. sional hunts for spies and subver­ The union today again refused aecond; John Pellerln will have pah groups prepared and served A second anniversary Maas for The third aeaston of the CD the dinner in the banquet hall, at There will be a specie! showing LESS Htan you ovw tboufbt pawSbIal to comment on the nature of the Mrs. Fisher’s fifth and tha third committee, were receiving co sives during the Truman admin­ Captain Richard P. Brannick will wardens' school will be hald at the two'sittings, 5:30 and 5:30. Tables of color slides taken at many of istration. concessioiui It la reported to have grade; Carol Gents will have Mra. gratulations yestetUay afternoon be said Saturday, Dee. 5, at 8 made in Its original demands or Community Hall tonight at 8 aa were decorated in the Chriatmaa the church functions during tbe The President said that by elaC' a. m. in St. Bridget’s Churdi. Gift Suggestions Carsen's fifth and fourth grade. and eveiflng on the siicceaa o f the whether they were enough to wtll as the regular r'.cetlng of CD event, plana for wjilch have been red and green, and the meal con- past year. tlon time he expects that his ad­ Tha school staff has announced group chairman and other Inter- aisted o f tomato juice, turkey with Personal Mention ministration's new security meas­ warrant optimism that a new uppermost in their thoughts since Memorial Mass FBOM that cards will be sent home foir eated personnel.. dressing and gravy, mashed pota­ James C. Winans, son of Mr. and ures arill have put an end to pub­ contract could be signed soon. parent’s aignaturs by students last spring. A second anniversary Mass for Lost Dogs Get Yesterday, a union representa­ Local Director E. Pierce Herrick Heretofore, the different groups toes and turnips, string beans, Mrs. James Winans of Mountain lic fear of in govern­ Louis A. Miller, who died Dec. 3, who want to partlcipata in tha reports Botton was singled out for cranberry jelly, celery, pickles, Rd., is atationed at Sampson Air ment. tive said o f tha situation: “ It MARCNESTER banking system. The card will which compose the Women's So­ 1951, will be said Monday, Dec. doesn’t look good and it doesn’t praise on iU CD organisation by ciety have had their own booths. rolls, tea and coffee and choice of Force Base, Geneva. N. Y., where Stomped Per Preeldeat T, at 8:30 a. m. in St. James' cstabllah the parant as trustee of State Director General William pumpkin or apple pie. he is receiving ,his basic training. McCarthy said he believes he New Quarters look bad.” This year, however, they were ask­ Church. the account and the only one who Heaketh recently. The occasion ed to contribute a certain number A t 8 p.m., an excellent entertain­ ' had spent about as much time as TTie union is reimrted to have PLUMBING & SUPPLY CO. can make a withdrawal. cut its wage demand increase from was a meeting of directors and of items, aprons, foods, candy and ment waa presented, consisting of ' Manchester Evening. Herald El­ anyone campaigning for Blsen Local dog owners, whose pets Principal Reuben states that local government ondala in the authentic old time movie reels and lington cerrespsndent. Mrs. G. F. bower in the 1952 election. IS to 12 cents, and to have modt- so on, by a special fair planning happen to get picked up by the separate forma are available offlcea of Governor John L o ^ e a committee selected of group lead­ vaudeville acta by local talent. Berr, telephone Rockville g-tSlS. “I would do the same again as fled some of its other demands weak ago. A bou t Town dog warden for any reason, needn’t which the company had refused to should a parent wish to give ths ers under the chairmanship of Mra. I have a great deal of admiration child full freedom of both deposit worry any more about the care meet. Ruby Van Syckel. This system for the President and think he has and withdrawal. They will be Maarbesier Evenlag Herald Bel- an excellent record for the time their pooch receives before it Is These Included automatic pro­ workeq satisfactorily. Gertrude Gardner Tyler gave a furniahed only on the request of a eerreapMMlenI, Mrs. Josrph The pleasant chapel with Its he has been in office,” M i^rthy party in linker Hall last evening gression to the top of a labor grade recovered. within 120 days, vacation time, and tha parent. D ltalia, telephoae Mitchell 8-5545. sunny west windows waa chosen said. for the pupils in her ballerina The reason is Manchester’s new New accounts may be opened at for the bazaar proper, and little ilUjihu::.'::: class. Parents of the children were grievance procedure Improve­ “However, errors by Democrats dog pound, located off Olcott any time upon application with shoppes, appropriately named, invited and all enjoyed round and ments. However, the demand for or Republicans are equally bad. Street near the town disposal area, parsntS signature. Carda will be were ail decorated with paper to One of the reasons that the Demo­ square dancing and refreshments. full arbitration and a union shop which provides really lush canine continue in effect. available at the office of the school Manchester repreaent red brick conatrucUon. crats were removed from office In the elimination dance contest, at all times. Several of them were aold out ynii Mary Alice Twltchell and Alan quarters. The company has offered a nine- was their refusal to recognisb their Chief of Police Hernmn O. cent raise, a new vacation plan Party Termed Suereas during the afternoon ao great was Ferris were winners with the Date Book own errors. And I feel that if we Schendel, himself a renowned dog and a new insurance plan. The Ladies Benevolent Society the number of shoppers, many of K-.xti Republicans do likewise It may be “ Statue" dance. Mrs. Tyler will party Tuesday night was termad them .mothera whose little ones start an advanced class in ball­ trainer and the guiding light be­ fatal to our great political party hind the pound’s construction. Dog a huge success. It was tendered were taken care of in the gym' and to our country. room dancing in January. ' Today Warden Lee Fracchla, and an in-* Competitiou Fear group two of the fund-raising naslum. This waa the responaibil- “Let me make these points per­ teams of the society by group one, Annual baaaar and supper o f St. Miss Joan Seboonmaker, of apector from the State Dept, of Mary’s Guild, at the church. fectly clear; Agriculture, took the press on a the losers. “ 1 It has been suggested by our Summit S t, and James M. Hig­ By Business Hit Invited to a banquet and musl- Salvation Army Christmas sale political enemies that I am chal­ gins, o f Boulder Rd„ will be united pre-Grand Opening Insi^tion tour at the Citadel, 4:30 p. m. Happy Is The Day of the new home for errant dogs cale, group two waa hardly pre- lenging President Eisenhower’s in marriage, Saturday at 10 a. m. red for what happened. A large Daughters of Isabella Yuletide this morning. Hollywdod, Fla., Dec. 3 — party leadership. That suggestion in St. Bridget’s Church. Knquet table. claterStely set, oc­ Sale, Community Y. ZIP-LINED The return of rough and tumble is both ridiculous and untrue, And the verdict, according to cupied the center of interest as tha When Backache The annual Yule bazaar of the the Department’ of Agriculture _ Herald Photo. competition to the Ameflcan busi­ "The Slaeplng Beauty; Wad- " 7, I will give my utmost sup­ In the top photo. Dog Warden Lee Fracehia (left), Chauncey B. guests arrived. They were puxsled port to all Republican candidates Salvation Army organizations will inspector, Chauncey B. Ganung, ness scene is causing many people dell Schoolliool, 3:15, 5:15 and . 7:30 Ganung. of the state Department of Agriculture, and Chief Herman by several bare tables set along the FLARED for the Hcmum and Senate next open at the Citadel this afternoon assistant ciiief of the livestock to “run to storm cellars" of p. m. >' Goes Away.... O. Schendel, take a close look at one* of the new dog pound’s 12 pens. walls of the pariah room. year because it is so important to at 4:30, The Songster Brigade will division, whose job includes in­ production control, Ernest R. Dressed for a party, the gueats Saturday, Dee. 5 tockacht* Iem at pap aiid amartf* In the bottom picture, Fracchla is opening the door to Manchester's Breech, executive vice preaident of Danca sponsored by Keeney St. It— 4>«hww mn4 WitRla— • a M r W 4iu« this nation that Republicans retain be in charge of the refreshment specting dog pounds, is: “Man­ were seated and served a deltcknia 4awa of ki4»«r fuaetloa. Doctors — r ffooW ilj TOPCOATS new home for lost doga Visible in the lower portion of the outside control of Congress. booth and will be prepared to chester esn be proud of this one. the Ford Motor Oo. said today. meal by the loeera who appeared PTA, aty View Dance Hall, 8 kMacf fuacti— to vtrr Im^orunt to foo4 wall are the batches through which dogs srlll leave their pens when Ilf::: “ 3. 'Die new administration ' has serve supper to the business peo­ This Is Top Notch In an address prepared for to be attired in their oldest clothes. p. m. k— Kk. W W a— atcwFcnrdaFcoaGUloR.Back SKIRTS ple and others as they drop in for 10-foot runways are built delivery to the forty-second annual “The Chrlatmas Gift Gallery," aa a u — a mm4 atralR. — u— a tbto baiaonaat already rid itself of 1,4M security “Chief Schendel is to be compli­ When the losers sat down at the fuactiaa tanknr dowa.aiaay folkaatifYaraaf- Hi risks inherited from the Democrat a snack or a full meal. A variety mented on this dog pound. I’ve convention of the Investment hare tables faring the victors us- Emanuel Lutheran Church. ffiaff haekach»-f— I attoarakto. Mlaor kto4- li. Spaghetti supper and bazaar. mar Irritalhoaa 4uc lo eoM or wroav 4tot atar naik to 3dl for ^.50 administration—practically all of of Irish breads will be on sale, and seen larger ones around the state, over," Breech-said business is con­ Bankers Assn, of America, at the tng_tln plates and mugs, the OAtUC otaoN* a o v B Senior Girl Scout Troop 1. Wood­ — u— gH t ia y np alg k ta o r f r w a t paswapea; whom were removed because of many desirable gift items for but in equipment, this one la top Son With Grudge fronted with a critical choice. Hollywood Beach Hotel. Breach gueSU began to “tumble” to group Don t Mctoet your ktitacra if tke«o coaWU Communist activities or oonnec- Christmas. ruff Hall. X ti— • ketkar yon. Tijr D— a'a rOto-a miM notch." “We can move ahead boldly,” he said Ford had been urged by both tun cnaoN o o n o i one's demonstration of eating ii"i: tlons or i>erversion. This la a fine unions and some dealers organiza­ bAJiRi— Tbaraday, Dec. 18 x diartito. Uaad sue— — fiillr W miUiona for The conetriictlon of the new Beats Father, 80 continued, “through better man­ ta ca NNUmi humble pie. 'wvarMv— ra, It'aaM— tincko«Fa•aartlal— $ 2 - 8 8 record and a real contrast to the Mancheater Garden (3ub anniMl The Ann Spencer Nurses Aide pound was a labor of love in that agement and selling and maintain tions to curtail or cut back pro­ The dinner featured speeches D — a*» f i — kaMtjr rottef from tkc— dlacoani Communist-ridden Truntan-Acheson Corps is planning to hold its an­ and expaad the economic progress duction to spread out employnmt ^aiaaa go Fe^a^gp^8g PGggg^^g^i that were anything but serious and Christmas sale and stiver tea. Cen­ forta*kal» tkallM ll— of kidacFtok— aad Al* regime. It was built. Schendel said, by dog ter Church, 1 to 5 p. m. \|ara A— li out wMta. Cat Doaa'a Fllla ladayl nual Christmas party on Monday lovers in town who contributed New Yorki_ An 80- of the last eight years.” and sales. -p presentation of a laurel wreath “4. I believe that the question at the Country Oub, starting with Eight stitches were taken in the ” to Mrs. HeniF McDonough, Chair­ m of Communism will be an im­ their time and effort to the pro­ year-old man charges he was a turkey dinner at 8 p. m. Follow­ ject. father’s bead and cheek at Flush­ man «>f group two. i portant issue in 1054, because the ing the dinner holiday whist will beaten by a son he says has boine ing Hospital, but he insisted on re­ for the finest Roasts, Homs, Steaks, Ever Prepared Tbe muaicale that followed fea­ m facta have proved that the Demo­ be played and other entertainment Scnendel said the building coat a 21-year grudge against him be­ Norway’s Fleet ■ turning home. tured selections by a hand com- .jilin rv’iFv. 12,000 and that only 3200 of that crats represent the party of the provided. All former nurses aides cause o f his separation from his Police said the father gave them poasd of toy drums, fhitophones, 100^ Wool or left, the party which is soft on went for labor. He ^ d he decided ^/f/ FLAVOR-MAKER who have not been contacted may wife who died yesterday. Is Facing Tieup this background: his wife, Cath­ “ musical” combs and pie tlnk led m .Communism. This will become conUct Mra Mary Balch, 115 to do the work himself and with erine, 75, died yesterday at the by their chairman, Mrs. Charles fn-g the aid of friends after a contrac­ On the basis o f the father’s com­ U'-n _ more apparent as the full facts Washington St,, by tonight. home of another son, Raymond, of C. Church, who wielded a toy base­ gji'i 'about the Truman cover-up of tor submitted a bid o f 32,575 for a plaint, police sent out a 13-atate Oslo, Norway, Dec. 3 (/P>—Nor­ Elmhurst, Queens, with whom he ball bat aa a baton. Several per­ CORDUROY pound that contained considerably Hilil Communists become known." Miss Claire-Ann Lamenzd, alarm for the son, James Ia wegian ship officers struck tmlay resided. James, who came from formers, elaborately gowned, sang McCarthy read his prepared daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John less than this one in the way of Nodurf, 43, of Springfleld, Masa Springfield to attend his mother’s snioa and,the guests were amazed Hundreds to choose from in facilities. In a walkout which may tie up Statement for television and news- Lamenzo, of Jean Rd., a sopho­ The father, John Nodurf, a re­ funeral, learned that his father had at one star whoM voice waa indis­ all wool plaids or heathers. most of their natim's merchant heel crews and, at the end, ad- more at Hartfmtl College. High­ According to the chief, the mem­ tired New’ Haven M Broad engi­ not gone to view the body. This led CASE tinguishable from that of child- Also fine plnwalo corduroy libbed a request that all Americans land St., West Hartford, has' l^ n bers of the Manchester Kennel navy, backbone of its economy. the son to go to a saloon before he star Jimmy Boyd. A comic, dance in ,a variety of stimning col­ nes;-. of 45-27 ISOUTlS:. Flushing, The deck officers complain Mho feel as he docs write or wire placed on the dean’s list for the Club and the Sportsmen’s club Queens, was quoted by police as wmt to his father’s home. by a neophyte student; who chew­ ors. Sizes 24 to 36 waist. -tc- President ESsenhower o f their fall term. She has also been tak­ were the ones who got behind the they are not making as much as The father was quoted by police ed gum at double tempo, brought saying his son told him last night the man la the engine room. views. ing a course in philosophy or logic project, as well as patrolmen in I’ll kill you.” as saying James attacked him hi CUTLERY the house down. He said: his department who pitched in vol­ Only a few ships were Involved 1935 and’ again two years ago, both Membe'rs o f group two were par­ one night a week at St. Joseph’s Police, who posted a guard at in the initial walkout over a wage “ Now I think President Eisen­ College last season and this. Miss untarily. times while drunk. ticularly happy that they won the the father’s home, said he told this dispute between shipowners and hower is an honorable man. 1 think Lamenzo is a graduate of St. Open House Sunda.v recent coraprtftion:' they claimed story: the son, smelling o f liquor, members of the Norwegian Mates' 4- Fc. KNIFE SETS A U WOOL UHINSSI he will follow the. will of the James Parochial School, and Mt. The result of their labors will be aa losers, they would never have WITH 140% American people if that will is on view to local residents who .are rang the doorbell last night and Union. But shipping officials esti­ been able to plan isuch an amusing St. Joseph Academy, West Hart­ mated that at least 400 vedaels Engineers Refuse $27.95 known to him. I would like to take ford. interested in inspecting the pound. rushed into the father's house when party. ’ be more closely you ezandae these distinguiahrd casta, this opportunity to urge every Schendel said on open (dog) house he opened the door. The son would be idle within a month, bar­ “Tee Shirts” Available ring drastic government action to Joint Parley Bid tbe nsore rensarkabte ear low price e f $85 will opprairl American who feels as I do about will be held Sunday between 1 and seised a table lamp with a porce­ 2. Pc. CARVING White "tee ahirta” emblazoned this blood trade '.vith a mortal 4 p. m. lain base and hit the father on ths keep the -douar-earning merchant with a red shield bearing the Tbe cloth has all the hucurious softness you wnnt sag Civilian Gardener head. The father fell to tbe floor navy on the move. enemy to write or wire the Presi­ The pound, which i^n accommo­ Oiicago. Dee. 3 m — The SETS words Bolton School will be avail­ "LORETTE" the nddltton of DACRON fiber oukes It niKh sturdier 0*4 • dent of the United States and let and the son beat him more with Tbe government so far has left able In small, medium and large date 12 dqga will be open for ten­ the conflict alone but It is certain Brothcriiood of Locomotive Engi­ m him know how they feel so he can Killed in Flag Tiff ants starting Monday. the lamp, and kicked and punched neers (BLE) rejected a request $12.95 sizes at the PTA meeting next shnpe retaining. It is wrinkle resistant, moth resistant and be properly guided in this matter.” him. Ths father fainted, and the to be discussed at the weekly caM- Wednesday bight. The Executive The new pound, which replaces net meeting tomorrow. from the nation's railroads yes- mildew resistaat, too! C.omplete with all woo] sIp-in Hningl After Mc^rthy read his state­ the admittedly decrepit, one on W. son fled. .terday for a joint meeting with Committee of the local unit voted ment, a reporter asked: “Could San Diego. Calif., Dec. 3 (AV-A A spokesman for the shipping last night to recommend their pur­ i i ORLON Step la aad see these aU-weather eeata at Gcatea’a N oW l Middle Turnpike, near the alma- “ We didn't do It." he said, “ and companies said that by Jan. 1 the other railroad operating unions on 3. Pc. CARVING this be described as a perfum^ civilian gardener was shot and hocse, is 12 feet wide, 30 feet long in the first nine months of this chase price of 81.00, killed at the San Diego Marine walkout — if unchecked would a schedule for futuse negotiat­ SETS note to the administration?" and made of concrete blocks. year, our dealers netted almost 18 ions. The “ tee shirt" emblem was de­ u:::| McCarthy replied that he had Corps Recruit Depot yesterday, cost Norway 3350,000 dally in for­ signed by Patricia Haaaett, a Inside, the floor is concrete and per cent more in profits than in eign exchange. Guy L. Brown, grand chief en­ M given a written statement and said reportedly in a dispute with a I pitched toward a drain in the cen- the first nine months o f 1952. $15.75 H:ni SKIRTS The mates demand a 12 to 22 per gineer of'th e Union, said the car­ , there would be “no questions and guard over observance of flag I ter. The 12 pens are separated “We believe there is no such iil swera today.” raising ceremonies. cent Increase. A first enginMr riers “have been fully informe'd" from one another by cinder blocks thing as over-production when now earns an average of 32402 a of “our unwillingness to enter any 'McCarthy, in last week's speech, Irving V. Lefever, 27, employed and have heavy wire gates. people want newer and improved 3. FC. KNIFE SETS Ei.:: demastded what he called a block at the depot, was killed by a shot­ year, a first, mate 32488. joint negotiations.” U:::: Each pen has a .board for the products and have the money wldi ' The Milpowners say a pay In­ He dtod as the union’s reason ade ofNSed China, to be accom­ gun charge. dog to sleep on and two food pans which to buy them." $12.95 $ X 8 8 crease would put’ the matea*^ pay for rejecting the joint meeting / HI EXPERT plished byvnotlfying Britain ' and He was shot, a military court to eat out iff. There is a row of Asserting “the long opium Other AlliesHhat U. S. aid would of inquiry was told, by Pfc. L. C. out of line with the general wage that the BLE Is asking for a so- M windows on each aide of the build­ dream of the sellers market is Isvel In the fleet. called “differeatlal insurance,” or be cut off unless they stopped all Camp, who was guarding four ing, providing plenty of ventilation 4. FC. KNIFR SITS ALTERATIMS trade with the Chinese Commun­ Marine prisoners at the time. and light. There is a 259-gallon oil -I- ists. He said policy inaugurated Deputy Coun£y Coroner Oliver burner for heat, and there is even $14.95 Wood#rf111, washable, perma­ under the Truman aaimnistration M. Ladd, who attended the In a sink where the food pans can be nent-pleat Orion aM wool I had been to send “perfumed notes’ qulry, said testimony disclosed washed. A REMINDER TO USERS OF blend. Solid colora, stripes to ths Allies. there was an- argument over how The celling Is insulated, which 5- Fe. KM FI GETS and plaids. Lowest price In the civilian should conduct him' THttimly keeps the place cool in IIP town, highest quality gen­ DACRON SUITS self during the flisg ceremony. the summer and warm in the win­ $21.50 ii::H uine “Lprette” fabric. Sizea M oiw Conviction \ T h e court o f Inquiry continues ter, but aids in keeping the aounds Over 24 to 30. t ^ y - ______of barking dogs Inside. HERALD ADVERTISING Most All Knives sg The doors and windo«vs are Art Hollow Ground M od# t o R fo r M9.50 Upheld by Court metal as a Are prevention meas­ Three Hundred State! Tax Ex-Aide ure. and there are screens for the if Fan Wish Tb ) Tear Ad Mom Ba Ri Finished MonuHcnts aad Wsadsttnlly Wlorad DACRON Albany, N, Y„ Dec. S M>)—The windows, which swing down for V IbaBanM OHWa Tlila CM staui, 8ariiri8fl th *: sshsl Mads si 5w airads hM e air. STAINLESS STEEL Marlters In Oar Display Court of Appeals today upheld the m c Si d a y ' ) FRIDAY 1 F. M. btaotifal sum ipiMt. We hflTt a wide seleetiofi prison sentence o i James J. Morsn, Gets Jail Sentence The building is plastered and STEAK SETS Yard To Choose Fro'n! S former , first deputy fire commis- painted on the aide, and the out­ alaodeb aad iaklMa ia popolar prieed auseak dan aad days el wear. side walls will soon be plastered V Y d a w m Td ) Tear Ad Mart Ba tm Tha FijM8t In Bioaer of New York City, on con­ Hartford, Dec. 3 (B—A one year Advartloo On S TRa HaraM Ofllaa S«H «f 4 spiracy and extortion charges in- and painted, too. Also,' the place CaUa-NehoB aad Jfyna4snnan Evetett pianoa. Tweed, Tea, Grsy with haadssas jail sentence, to be suspend - d after has a chimney, and a row of elec­ vtdving shakedowns of a half-mil­ four months, was Imposed in Super­ TUKSDAY 1 MONDAY 1 F. M. Design ORLON New sphak sOscIs la 33% Dae- lion a year from fuel oil equip­ ior Court todsiy on Matthew J. Cal­ tric lights whose electrical wiring •l4^And*18^ IM. 53% virqla wooL extends 700 feat to a power line V Tda W RR TO JERSEY BLOUSE ment installera. lahan, dl. of Newington, a Mate tax 1 Taar Ad Mart Be la .. -c-t;.------y 1 But still the place isn’t com­ a On 1 Xba Herald Ottra Moran was convicted Feb. 5. accountant who admitted he had 'I Workmanship Btnch 1952, of conspiracy and 23 counts plete. Schendel h u plans for con­ extorted money from several Hart­ ¥ n D N R » A Y ) TUISDAY 1 F. M. of extortion. ford County businessmen. crete runways, extending from the See Our Materiol O pixm d u The decttiqn was unanimous. After Callahan pleaded guilty to pens 10 feet outside the walls: The DEADLINE There was no opinion. building was constructed with V Ten WlRR V s ) Taar Ad Mart Ba Ri *495 one charge of obtaining money by ( On > TRa liMhld OfOes rlM K I M I f Cnttlnr dona in oar oiwii The 01-year-cld Moran, a pal of false pretences. Asst. SUte’a Atty. hatches in the wall of each pen. ii Sporting shop from tha rough stona ' Escliuirs DiMirihmiers dto for former Mayor WilUam O’tiwyer, Douglass B. Wright dropped, two through which the dogs can enter THWBOAY > WtoNiSDAY 1 F. M. M iiltlR was aentenced March 4, 1952, to other charges of obtaining money the runways when the dog warden FOR • to the finished meaoriaL IALDWIN*S ACROSONIC AND ' serve 12^ to 28 years on the ex­ wants to clean the pena 'V Tdn WlRR Ta New miracle fiber Orion blended by false pretenses and three I Taar Ad Mart Ba hi iini: with WOOL to make a waahaUe, tortion counts and was given an charges of extortion. Also to be added la an electric A d ftcto • On Goods ifcr 'IV ER in SFINIT PIANOS > TRa H snM Offlea Hlii; ahrlnk-reslatant, quick-drying Indeterminate term up to three The prosecutor, who recom­ heater to provide hot water for DISPLAY FUGAY i THURSDAY 1 F. M. MANCHESTER jersey blouse. White with years for conspiracy. mended a Qat one year jail sen­ washing down the floor and pens. For Christmas lALDWIN and MINSHALL ELECTRONIC ORGANS Moran was described by a blue tence for Callahan, said that the sparkling gold buttons. Sizas 32 M T a Ii ribbon jury as the “guiding genluF’ accused had stated' the various « Tda Wl ) Taar Ad Mart Ba U MEMORIAL far HOME. CH AKL and CHURCH, from $WS to 38. Save at thia all-time low •h POUCE WATCH B3ARCHERS mill price. o f the Aakedown racket in the businessmen involved were all “ In­ Ran Fraaetaeo, Dec. g(it4— COPY 1 o n > TRa HaraM Ofllaa New York City Firs D ^ . while Gifts COMPANY nocent dupea’’ and that there was Extra po0M were ordarad today SATURGAY ) FRIDAY 1 PAL OPEN UNTIL i RVIRY NIGHT serving la the OTlwySr admtnts- no availsMe evidence to the con-' ta hsep ardor during a tkroat- in;-! ^raUsn. A. AIMETTI, Prop. -Y trary. WRfdi Ml d v le MStM Wf Motaa was charged with run- “ We can’t loot slgM of the fact Harry Brtdgsa’ OOB. PEARL aadHAJUUflfHf ■big the Nukailgww racket from - that the iqtefpity,«g_the aUU’a jfitsstlng H o m o U a-i STBEETS W S PIANO CO. LHT®SnS-!yi==mL Dec. 1. 194T, to absat Nov. lO, eoryice was tevalvei,*? aeld ^^•dge ActMtloa NANCHES Oppealto East Caosetery after Mayor IHs- DEADLINE POM t Samuel Mellits, at C U q r M D ADVERTISING • n i l MMIRAT A l l TR U ItlA T IV IR IIII DLL •RRitTMAt S'. M sla e tsi.’ KLEPHONE m-a^ati ______' fM T had IRsSt A. M. DAY OF ( n o r r s a t . * a . m.) PLUMMN6 & YCO. MI-8-8852 T k a U .I I -of 317 ASYLUM ST-, Opp. HmsI BmmI, HARTFORD 5-M96 MOW 8 HIGHWAY STOtRt tO IffraUt Y b ft f OPEN gUNDATR ■ r 877 MAIN { PSetiS •ay Strant aad Sava Maoey ftm fmkma Nm D i r (Wml> Ws Bam 'll’* 1% . . ■ 'i'XS'-' " h.' “ ■ >||ANCHESTEB BVENINQ h e r a l d . MANCHESTER. CONN, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1963 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN. THURSDAY. DECEMBER 3. 1953

Oarthy as an Issue has been tried concamed—and this Is another bert serving aa co-ohalrman for ^ IlitirlirBtsr l ^ d s , $17,488.96; Rssenr* FOail, befisre, aad th* voters randcred a valid point of view on this issue— teoodm obile the affair. 'Ihelr committee con- Rockville^Vernon Report on Vision Police Dept., $19,187.55; Fund for 'Hal Boyle' aiata o f Misa BUen Buckley, Mrs. Budget Approved Engaged verdict which was very clear. it would seem to be a ttan* for peo­ Veterans of All Wars, 18,491.48: Leonard Nleos, Mr*. Horace HALE'S Fire Truck Replaccincnt' Fund, Whatever this lasu* was d«miaant| ple to b*|dn remating further de­ Learned, Mrs. Leland T. Wood, At City Meeting Heard by Council Fr$$ii Sea F o i i i l M I W Jn 1951, that waa where th* Re-i H e r e F r i ^ y $4,791.30; Public Works Truck Re­ tailed rogulatloiu of their living, Brooding Dog Needs M rs Henry Rockwell, Mrs. Ed­ Haadquartirg Selectmen Asked to Study placement Fund, $$,$36.7$; Swim­ nsRAjvD CHIPS v rm DOK Ptr^tAtUil^ puUtcsn p e i^ 'w a a weakest. and ccrldinly not to be adding new ward Klrkham, Mra. Warren I. ' Th* annual, city msetlng at­ Rockville, Dec, 8 (Special)—The ming Pool Fund. $243.17; Capital Keith, Mm . Frank Blckmore, Miss FOR Oar new ssaitsrY process givsa psa a SsHdoisi# Ept even this i* relatively unim­ propoeiUona o f a, strait-jacket More Donors Required tended by about 60 voters last sve- first meating of the new fiscal and Non-Recurring Expenditure a ixiic Millloent Jones, Mm Benjamin Fund for Recreational Ihirpbsaa, I soMcn brown food Scab ia tho flavor! Cbaio la___ portant H ie real question is variety. Crehore, Mra. Fred Pohiman and Need for School Facilities nlng adoptod ths entlr* racom- yoar of the Common Council was whether the Elsenhower ad­ A t th* public hearing the other Help of Wise Owner For 150 Pint Quota in ______% $7,264.30, Rockville Recreation trr them! FRIED OYSTERS AND CLAMS PACKEI •«,T'ortc«!?.L un Mrs. Joseph SulUvan. mandad budget of $384,716.30. held last night in the 'Council Board, $1,589.76, making a total ministration is going to anact-.a night, a specific grievance was First December Visit A committee workshop meeting Rockville, Dec. 8 (Special)—^The.;^Item, labeled, pecked in cartons Th* meeting waa called to order rooms with Mayor Frederick Ber­ of all funds, $75,330.23, TO TAKE HOME. CALL MI-9-8003. program and stand on it or not presented, rather intemperately, it New York M>)—Does your dog cot'll head with a bell lasMi. a rub- wea held this week and a fine Vernon Board qf jCducatton at its and weighed lind stamped. Th* ger presiding. brood?" Well, stop him. That way tiar bon* Impregnated with ehoc- ,R*v. Mahoney Indicated he felt do­ by Mayor Frederick Berger a ^ Richard Graf, chairman of .Hm . Th* President would answer this seems to us. But, for the measured The first of th* two December aelectlen of wreatha, sprays, cen­ meeting last evening voted' to In- The report o f the school nurse Recreation Committee, ennounoed lies madnssa. iilate. terpieces and Chriatmaa candies nations are a fitting observance of lasted 39 iplnutes. The budget woe question affirtnatiindy. That is argument which the Board o f Di­ visits o f the Bloodmoblle will take ,form the selectmen addtUonal Margaret B. Domheim waa rsad that the basketball court in the COMMUNITY RESTAURANT fUMKIUPTlON kATM . Civilised dogs and cats are get­ ■"For aom* reason well-fed dogs, will be offered for oale. the Thanksgiving season by the adopted by vote* vole on each of aad accepted. It showed vision ^ to A d «u c. ^ place at Center Church tomorrow High Bchoot faclllUea air* needed. Town Hall will be dosed until 143 NOOTH MAIN STREET MANCBESTEal what he waa elected for. Some Re- rectors could follow. In Its own ting more neurotic a ll' the time. like women, prefer a chocolate people of th* community. th* various city departments with­ tssta were given to 553 pupils with lOBF • •<•■•«• •«•••• ********* 911 It also requested they take th* further notice, because the surface Koctlw^ • ***t***«***Mk****** f*; publtcai)* In Congreas quit* frank­ deliberations. It was the opposi­ Th* main trouble? It's people. flavor,” Hall aald. On th* other afternoon from 1:45 to 6:30 p. m. 'CSiristmas Party Slated out a dissenting vot*. The budget 87 found to hav«-d«foctlve eye­ necesaaiy steps to set up a fact­ is being reffnished. MoMto «'•••••*• »***M**«* » ly do not car* very much, while Modem people not only drive etch 'hand cats, unlike women, go wild, Appointments during those *111* Ladles of Maple Grove will adopted tor the year ending Nov. sight. First aid waa given to 16 BO ^tostk ••••••••*•«•••*•***•** tion which seemed more sound and simply wild, over anything with finding committee, and a town ••••••••a******* *^2 other batty. They do the same hours can still be made by calling hold their annual Christmas party 15, 1954 is an increas* of $34,744 children and 13 were excluded. the Democrats, of couraa, would sensible. Perhaps If there is a lit­ thing to their pets. catnip In it. meeting to be called In the’ im'< EAST MEETS WEST * ...... Ot the Red Croas office, S-SMl. tonight at the clubhouse on Frank­ over th* budget adopted for the Fifty X-rays were returned to cheer a failure to produce a pro­ tle less noise about anti-noise any "People drive 60 per cent of their "W e 'haven't been abl* to find Pertussin mediate future. Norman, Okla. OP)—William R. Donurs are urgently needed to pro­ lin Strset with dinner $t 6:30. Mrs. year ending Nov. 15, 195Sf those who took advantage of hav­ gram. real problems which do exist can pets neurotic by feck of under­ any flavor cats Ilk* better than Ruperintendent Raymond Rams- Gertruds Staudt la fsneral chair­ Th* usual resolution, deferriag I ing cheat X-rays when the Powers East and Robert H. West, Univer­ TBB PRhiW ■catnip itself," Hall said. "It aeems vide Manchester** quota of ISO EAST HARTFORD That leaves, for President Eisen standing," said WiUlam Hall, a delt, speaking on th* overtaxed man la chsr'g*. A business meet­ ths laying of th* tax rata to th e' X«ray unit was here. sity of Oklahoma freshmen, are be considered and solved In a rea­ to act on them like reefer ciga­ pints bn each visit. school system, said If tha new East former management engineer does more ing, and Christmas party with ex­ second 'Tuaaday in June, 1954, we* Alderman James Doherty an­ roommates. Bast’a bed is on the ■U MV* dliPAtcta** cnditcd to It, or hower,' only one su(e element of sonable way. rettes do on humans. They go Anyone between the ages of 31 ..Street. School were ready in th* turned animal psycholo^t. RaufM. Refriforotors change of gifts, will follow the din­ passed. A , resolution was also nounced that the next ran collec­ east a i^ of the room and West's TELEPHONE 8-3231 bM otMrwGo crodluc; •“ ,*5'*^^^*' support— the people, the ordinary His conclusions on the mental craay over It." and 60, who weigh* at least 110 fell of 1954, it would still b* neces­ 1*M *1*0 th* local new* publlahod here. pounds, and is in good health, may ner. passed, authorl st.g ths mayor and tion would 'xke place Monday, opposite. They plan to be married ■ All rlcbt* ot republioitlon of *peel*l people who voted him Into office.'' relationship between pets and peo­ But his advice is—if you want for coughs Washers and A l sary to house the kindergarten next summer to high school sweet­ ,4tg^telM* herein «re *l*o reienred. donate blood. Those between 18 Th* committee in charge In­ city treasurer, to borrow a sum A vote was taken upon the mo­ But these same people did get ple are based on the study of thou­ to be a real Santa CIaua*-iA your grades In the old Northeast School cludes: Mrs, Elal* Btsiger, Mrs, a; hearts in a double-wedding. pet—take it to the pet ^ r e and 3l years of age may donate of colds because... not to exceed $185,000 in anticipa­ tion of Alderman James Rohan rult (*rneo client of N. B, A. 8err- sands of animals .in his laboratory Other AppHoacos Building. Jennie Starke, Mrs. Mary Stolle, favoring the purchasa of the $25 him nominated and they did elect and let It sniff out its own Christ' only with the consent of their par­ tion of tax collections. Connecticut at Coral Gable*, Fla. It wsrhs t|tlMBl*aNy—stlmulataa Driver Traialag Backed Mra. Alice Tennatedt, Mrs. Martha Fallot Photo*. bond for the Christmas seal cam­ lehare lUpre*entatlrea: Th* him. They are, aRer all, the power, mas present. ents. Every proapectlve donor is Nature’s mm coogh-esslng action. Following th* adoption of the irtlur lUthev* 8P«elja Aw n gjj— New "Any pet reflects its home," he . A communication waa received Thuemmtar, Mrs. Adelalne Yanke Helen U Bee* ' paign. the supreme power. It rather looks "Let it pick cut its own toys, as given a physical dreck f i ^ . Giving K sal ealy !*■■***—ir loosens sticky Nbwn the Vernon PTA Council en- Item for garbage collection, of iV’ork, Chlouto. Detroit ■n4_Bb*l**-__ said. "W e can take a dog In our blood is painless: it's easy; it can iMJMHIALCea. M rs Georgina Vtaice, Mrs. Lilliaft The report of the city treasurer iniHnEK ADDIT BtnUUD OT if It were a child." he said, "And ihlegm and thus "breaks-up” cough- oorslng a driver training course in $6500, First Selectman Herbert Ur. and Mrs. Georg* O. Rose, B i A o m n aa4f-they should be getting ready Yankee laboratory and quickly tell. In part aave a life. Vetteriein, Mrs. Ann Werkh'oven, Pagan! called th* meeting's atten­ waa read and accepted. It gave MAKE SAGE-ALLEN CIItCUbATIONB. ^ simply by the way it wags its tall, it won’t get bored, frustrated or fng spell*. That's why so many doc­ t h ^ schools. Superintendent of Mrs. Margaict Wheelock and Mrs. of Bolton Center, have announced to remind the politicians in Con­ B>- A H. O. neurotic." On Dec. 31, the Bioodmohile tors have prescribed K IT IIIIM * tion to the method of dts{>o*ing of the available balances of the city The Herald Prlctln* Comity. Inc., the general mental health of its Bchobis A. E. CSiattcrton reported Ann MseleJko. the enaagement of their daughter. funds aa of Nov. IS, 1953 as fol­ ■ no ananoUl reaponalblllty for gress of this fact, and help create Could even save you money. It hours will be from 10 a. m. to 3 peper containers for garbage, sug­ YOUR owners. We can even tqll whether that all high schools in the Food Sale Set Miss Helen Louise, to Edward lows: i trpo«T*phlc*l error* appearing In ad- fo r the President and his program costs real dough today to send p. m. Forty-five minutes taken State, oiHv 16. Including the local gesting that they be acceptod by wSSemenUj^ other readl*jMtter Not only Is there an exodus of the husband or wife is dominant Rom the day won't hinder prepa­ The High School Band will hold Meloche, son of Mr. and Mra. Ro­ General Fund, $6,749.25; F. T. I In The aineheaUr Brenlng Herald. some of that unity he bespeaks. high Republican state officials in the home—and how dominant." your dog to a canine psychiatrist school wei^without such a course. the collector, rather than left with land K. Meloche, of Bayberry Rd., CHRISTMAS SHOPPING 1 and have him listen to It bark out rations for the holiday festivities, a food sale Friday In the main the IndividuBis from whom th* Msxwell Fund for Improvement of from the offices to which they A frustrated animal# Hall has Leo FlaheTto said he investCgat- Bolton Center. < Fox Hill Park, $10,637.67; F. T. I DlfPlay acrertlatng eloaing bootnt its mental problems. and nreaents an opportunity to be­ corridor of the school. garbage was being collected, were elected. There Is also a lack found, ususlly is the produce of *d the procetnire in other towns Drive Votaateer* Needed MIm Roee was graduated from Maxwell Fund for Payment of HEADpUARTERSl ■’ t For Honday—1 p. m. »Jiday. gin the new year with a flouriah. Alderman James Doherty, chair­ ; For Tueeday—1 a » . Moigay.. The Effect Abroad of any rush toward the Jobs being frustrated people. He feels the and secured a copy of the textbook AUy. Robert P. Kaban says Manchester High School, Class of For W*dne*day—1 p. ai. ^ e * ^ . If an appointment for tomor­ vacated.' frustration in both the pet and its used. Upon his nimion It was votsd T w o for One" wilt be the slogan man of tha Health Committee said 1953. and Ik a sophomore at Ui* For Thuraday-1 p. Wedneaday. There is one place where the row's visit has to be canceled, this he would speak to the coUactor In { For Friday-1 p. la. Thureday. State Treasurer Adorno, after owner stems from the same cause second day offers the chance to to have the safe drmng course in of th* Tolland County plan to en­ Unlvsrsity of Connecticut. ; For iatnrday—1 p. m. Friday. __ _ final decision of the Eisenhower his election as Judge of probate in — an e'go-deflatlng boredom that BOY SCOUT the schools starting nbxt fall, with an effort to remova the nuisance. . Mr. Meloche was graduated. make that appointment good. list volunteer workers for th* So convenient. . . You’ll save time and energy, hun- ■ administration to confront Senator Middletown, decld^ to stay on in arises from a feeling of lack of Cali the Red Cross office today, proper credit to be given for the 1954 March of Dimes Driva sched­ from Windham High School,! i d . ? * 3 % f i s r BJWPt his state poet, without atate sal­ course. WINUOW SHADES it*. ■* . . ■ McCarthy directly and openly can accomplishment NOTES — and keep that appointment. uled for Jan. 3 through 81. served with the Armed Forces in : •iaiu*)tfmmkSU4nsd ti*miise dreds of gift auggestions diaplayed for your easy ary. It is generally presumed that "W e are ell extroverts—w* like Band Pregress Mi Europe, and la presently employed ' MSOer •*•# m Um keuMel MINCH selection. { Thuraday, December 8 do us nothing but great good. That Between now and the end of Special Program he did not wish to hand to Gover­ to feel we ars doing aomething Band Instructor GoldfarSv was the month Kshan, who la county at Pratt and Whitney Airci^t In WASHAILE WMUt w AU oegTiN Mevme p a n is abroad, where the thing called nor Lodge the "plum" ot an in­ worthwhile," he said. " A busy per­ and present at last night's meetlng'qnd campaign director, say* every ef- East Hartford. COLUMMA PYRpXYUN hre*dwk#).$elidbrew boadUtl Neo- I The Ihoc For 1954 McCarth^ism has become a terim appointment to hla post. son rarely gets into trouble—and Garden\ Club Picks ' gave figures of the progress of tn- fort will be made to sign up two For Keeney P T A ■tlcli ceohiat Neovy-delyl Personal Shopping Service . . . one clerk will accom­ But measured judgment on his de­ NEWS atruction. There era 33 Higtt' Made to Order $S.aa vole*, ealy $VdS (shn SS< m II- phobia. It has been assumed neither does a busy animal. kers for every one who served (rank unknown), th* accident vte- pany you from department to department— ' I Th* other night, Senator Mc- cision was that he did Lodge a School students at present, with With Your R4dleim iof cMl) wliM TOO Ny m $ t psUihl ' abroad that because McCarthy "A civilised pet has too much Committee for Sale futid-rslaing teams last specli Christmas program, tim, was takm to ths Johnson $2.50 think of the time you'll save! > . * (Cartky gave hla opinion of what favor, not only because it relieved Cub Pack 37 held their Novem­ four nM regularly assigned. Of Jm I hoy • touia 4f NNUMIM #4* MW- makes the most noise, because no Idm of the responsibility for mak­ leisure, too much time to brood. these eight will graduata in June, featuringiiring a drama presented by Memorial Hospital, Stafford ACU COPPf I POUM - aaly 4f c. taad S* I the iaaue in the 1054 elecUona ber Camp-out at Camp Johnson Kanan explained It is "Sort of the center Thespians and singing one openly, challenges him, be­ ing a choice the next state conven­ It has surplus energy It must get The Manchester Garden Club but he feels there will be sufficient Springs, where his condition wss L ft * JOHNSON la a lakal aa4 $LM (pkn SSc aiaWag Plenty of parking space in East Hartford . . . you’ll {abould be. He offered hlmaelf as tion might or might not approve, rid of somehow. So, imles* its Sunday afternoon. The affair was a brin^a-friend deal, and of by ths high school Round Table described as uncritical. aawl (a# aaSizes22toaO SHURRNE - 9M ced, dared come to the defense tivity in their neighborhood. ‘ We qualified for public office can ■■IS— FMWfMfnPi fowl Manchester;-Roger Loucka, tenor FANCY WAYIEST soloist at St. John’s Eptacopal 3 the administration and make hope their problem can be solved, make three times as much in pri­ FLAKES ^ o r t to McCarthy. vate enterprise. Church and Temple Reth Israel, “ ^ 4 7 6 by the application of existing laws West Hartford; Andrew Beattie, CATSUP CHICKENS ^ 8 o that unity of which the Pres- WITH COUPON against disturbance if necessary, ' baritone soloist at Immsnual Con­ (T * hretl er fry). Itan t speaks is not automatic, and TOWN ft COUNTRY WOMEITS OUTLET gregational Church, Hartford and but preferably by some voluntary 1 Gloat Pockoga .... 57e CUDAHY'S M u i not even In existence, as yet. regard for the normal decencies of ENGINEER 188 MIDDLE T U R N P ^ WEST Temple ■ Beth Israel, West Hart­ 14 Oz. O l c ■r .'What did come from the Preai- OPEN 9:00-9:00—FREE PARKING ford. Bottle M X community Bvlng on the part of all 'CMPANY or 2 Largo Pockogat .. 4Se Asnt yesterday was a necessary The following churches with SUNLIGHT BUTTERS 73e involved. CONNECTICUT STATE GUARD their choir directors are cooperat­ 3HPI to this unity, and to action. • But to .^propose that, in a pos­ ing In this presentation; First Con­ . 9 he is not in the White House to gregational, Andover, Mra Editha sibly more direct cure tor ihts The Monday night drill of the 3 3 9 and formulate a -positive pro- Birmingham: Ellington Congrega­ ft Caralyi R n m n i i m M single problem, Manchester should Engineer Company on Nov. 33rd Km Frozen Food S a m , h » la there for nothing at tional, Mrs. Kenneth Johnson; Co­ head into the adoption of a full­ was spent on a night field problem. lumbia Co«tr*ig*Mon*l, Mr*. M yr­ 1E|L Portharmore, he, and his in­ THE HANDS B Jk M BAKED BEANS ...... 2 for 3I.c IHIDS EYE ORANGE JUICE .. 2 for 43c blown anti-noise ordinance which, The men left the Arm

A. ulMfM

■ * m ^KANCHBSTEB EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN. THURSDAY. DECEMBER S, 19K8 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHEStER. CONN. THURSDAY. DECEMBER 8. 1953 ,OlurtIiy aa lui laaue baa baan tried concerned—and thle ia another beirt Serving Vs co-chairman for twftara, aad the vetan randcred a valid point of view on this Issue— the affair. Their committee con­ Bonds, 3LT,48SJ8; Bssarve Fond, m verdict which waa very clav. *Hat Boyle' Bloodmobile sists of Miss EUeh Bucklsy, Mrs. Rockville-Vernon Budget Approved Engaged Beport on Vision Police Dept., $19,137.86; Fund for it would seem to be a time for peo­ Leonard Nlese, Mrs. Horace HALET Veterans of All Wars, $8^91.48; Whc^ver tMa f«a>i»d>mln>Tit ple to begin reaiating further de­ Here Friday Learned, Mrs. Leland T. Wood, At City Meeting Heard by Council Fire 'Truck Raplscehient Fund, Frosh Soi Fd o tiliiK IK LI [>M O ta in 1903, that waa where the Ite> tailed reguiationa of their living, Mrs. Henry Rockwell, Mrs. Ed­ Hmul^uortin 84,791.30; Public Works Truck Rs- publican party waa weakeat. and certainly not to be Adding new Brooding Dog Needs ward Klrkhom, Mrs.- Warren L Selectmen Asked to Study placement^Fund, 93.886.78; Swim­ FISHAND CHIPS ^ t even thla ia relatively unim*, Keith, Mra. Frank Blckmore. Miu FOR The annual, city meeting at­ Rockville, Dec. 8 (Special)- -^The ming Pool Fund, 8243.17; Capital propoelUons of r etralt-jacket More Donors Required tended by about 60 voters tost evs- amt Non-Rscurring Expenditure Oar new aaaitary pneeam gfv«$ FOE • i alltfBiMe portant. The real queation ta variety. MllUcent Jones, Mrs. Benjamin firat meeting of the new fiscal Crehorc, Mrs. Fred Pohiman and Need for School Facilities ning adapted the entire i;ecom- year of the Common Council was Fund for Recreational thirpdses, golden brown fo ^ — Seals !• tM ftavorl Cbina ia . . j f e g . . — whether the Eiaenhower ad- At the public heaHng the other Help of Wise Owner For 150 Pint Quota in 87.264.89. Rockville Recreation Mrs. Joseph Sullivan, ' mended budget of $3$4,716.30. held last night In the 'boundl tiw them! PRIED OY8TER.H AND CLANS PACKEI mlniatratioh ta Kolng to enact a night, a specific grievance was Board, 81,339.76, making a total First December Visit A committee workshop meeting Rockville, Dec. 8 (gpoclal)—The, Item, labeled, packed in cartons The meeting was called to order rooms vrith Mayor Frederick Ber­ of all funds, 176,330.23. TO TAKE HOME. CALL MI-9-8003. program and atand on it or not. preaented, rather Intemperately, it New York OP)—Does your dog “av a neaa wiui a oeu inaioa. a ruo- was held this week qpd a fine and wsighed and stamped. Ths brood?' Well, stop him. That way '»•»' »><>»• impregnated with choc- Vernoq Board of Education at iU by Mayer Frederick Berger and ger presiding. Richard Graf, chairman of the The Prealdent would anawer tbla eeeme to us. But, for the measured The first of the two December selection of wreaths, sprays, cen­ meeting last evening voted'to In- Rev. Mahoney indicated he felt do­ th e report of the whool nurse liee madness. ‘olate; terpieces and Christmas candles nations si-e a fitting observance of totsted 29 iplnula*' TT>e budget was Recreation Committee, announced ■OMOaPTIiW AATaS • queatlon a d irin a ti^ y rT h a t la argument which the Board of Di­ Civilised dogs and cats are get- '"F«r aoma reason well-fed dogs, visits of the Bloodmobile will take ,form the eelectmen additional Margaret K, Dornheim waa read that the basketball court in the COMMUNITY RESTAURANT Pwakto la A«wu« ' what he waa elected for. Some Ite> place at Center Church tomorrow will be offered for sale. the Thanksgiving season by the adopted by voice vote on each of and accepted. It showed vision rectors could follow, in its own ting more neurotic all the time. like women, prefer a chocolate High Bchool favltiUes aio neodad. people of the community. the various city departments with­ Town Hall will be dosed until 143 NORTH MAIN STREET MANCHI ••••••••••••••• •••••• The main trouble? R's people. flavor,” Hall said: Gn the other afternoon from 1:45 to 5:S0 p. m. tests were given te 333 pupito with further notice, because the surface pubitcana in Congreaa quite frank­ deliberations, -it-was the opposi­ It alao requeited thoy/take the Christmas Party Slated out a dissenting vote, Ths budget 37 found to have defective eye­ ly do not care very milch, while tion which seemed more aound and Modern people not only drive each hakd cats, unlike women, go wild, Appointments during those neceasary stapa io a ^ Up a facti to being refinished. other batty. They do the same simply wild, over anythinig with finding committee,^^ind...... a town The Ladies of Maple GroVe will adopted tor the year chding Nov. sight, First aid was given to 16 the Democrata, of courae, would senaible. Perhaps if there ie a lit­ hours can still be made by calling hold their annual Christmas party 13, 1934 Is an Increase of $34,744 children and 12 were excluded. :S thing to their pets. catnip in it. meeting to ha caUed in the Imi EAST MEETS WEST' cheer a failure to produce a pro­ tle less noise about anti-noise any "People drive 50 per cent of their "We haven’t been able to find the Red Cross office, S-Sm. P e rtu s s in mediate future. / tonight at the clubhouse on Frank over the budget adopted for the Fifty X-raya were returned to gram. . pete neurotic by Ibck of under­ any flavor cats like better than Donura ara urgently needed to pro­ 11a Btreet with dinner st 6:30. Mrs. year ending Nov. 15, 1963. those who took advantage of hay­ Norman, Okie. (85—William R. _ .TTO%ai-» real problems which, do exist can vide Manchestor’a quota of ISO SuperintendM't Raymond Rama- Gertrude Staudt to general chair­ The usual resolution, deferring | ing cbest X-rays when the Powers East and Robert H. West, Univer­ EAST HARTFORD n t r m i u mimtvalir That leaVea. f^Preaident Eiien- be considered and solved in a rea­ standing,” said William Hall, a .catnip itaelf.” Hall aald. "It seems dell, apeaktqg on the overtaxed aatlUtd to th« ui* ot Teoubllcatlpn of former management engineer to act on them like reefer ciga­ pints on each visit. d o e s m o re school ayati man in charge, a business meet- the laying of the tax rate to the X-ray unit Wax here. sity of Oklahoma freshmen, are •a B*wa dUpatebei crtdltod to It, or hower, oply one auje- element of sonable way. Anyone between the ages of 31 It tha new BMt | dhrtotmaa party with ex- second ‘Tueoday in June, 1954, was Alderman James Doherty an­ roommates. East’s Itod is on the aet oUnrtru* a»dlt«t' •“ PfP**' turned animal psychoiogiat. rettes do on humans. They go Btreet and aUo tin local acwa pubitahed hc^ support—the people,, the ordinary His conclusione on the mental crasy over It.” and 50, who weighs at leaat 110 RuuqeSi Refriqerotors fall of 1 *'**i!!i " **** ■ 'haufa 0* fIRa. will follow the dln- passed. A . resolution was also nounced that the next can collec­ east Bide of the room and West's TELEPHONE 8-3231 pounds, and to in good health, may , it would atilt pe necea- ner. passed, suthori s>.g ths mayor and tion would take place Monday. opposite. They plan to be married I All rilbta of rapublloatlon of apcelal people who voted him into office.' relationship between pets and peo­ But his advice is—If you want f o r c o u g h s oimI aary to house the kindergarten idlapatchoa haraln ara alao raaanrad. to he a real Santa Clauaa to your donate blood. Those between 18 Woskors AI Tho committee in charge in­ oily treasurer, to borrow a sum A vote was taken upon the mo­ next-summer to high school swset- Qut these same people did get ple are based on the study of thou- graclea In the old Northeast School cludes: Mrs. Elate Steiger. Mrs. roll aanrlea elltnt of N. E. A. Binr- eanda of animats .in his laboratory pet—take it to the pet store and 31 years of age may donate of colds because... OHior A ppHcmcos Building. not to exceed $186,000 In anticipa­ tion of Alderman James Rohan hearunn a double-wedding. him nominated and they did elect at Coral Gables, Fla. and let it sniff out Its own Christ­ only with the consent of their par­ Jennie Starke, Mrs. Mary Stolle, tion of tax coilsctlons. favoring the purchaaa of the $23 *^^uSihara Baprcacntatlaaa: Tba Connecticut It werhs sittealluHy—stimulatee Driver Tralaiag Backed Mrs. Allcs Tennstedt, Mrs. Martha FsIM Fbolse. him. They are, after all, the power, "Any pet reflects its home," he mas present. ents. Every prospective donor to Nature’s oirn cough-easing action. A communication waa received Following the adoption of the bond for the Chrietmas seal cam- itbava Spaclal Agangr — Now “Let it pick cut its own toys, as given a physical check first. Giving Thuemmlar, Mrs, Adelainc Yanke, Heiea L. Reae palgn !^o. D2tro.t the supfeme power. It rather looks said. "We can take a dog In our N aet tsasNe—lr loosens sticky ilMjtfnUlAes from the Vernon PTA Council en- Mrs. Georgina Vince, Mra, Lillian item for garbage collection, of l&Sro''^AUDlf as if they should, be getting ready laboratory and quickly tell, in part- If it were a child.” he said, “And blood is painlesa; it’s easy; It can phlegm and thus "bresks-up” cough- dorelng a driver training course In $6500, First Selectman Herbert The rdport of the city treasurer aRCtnaATIONB,___ Yankee it won’t get bored, frustrated or save a Ufe. Vettsrleln, Mrs. Ann Werkhoven, Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge O. Rose, was redo'and accepted. It gave B i A i n t f i n MAKE SAGE-ALLEN to remind the politicians in Con­ simply by the way it wags its tall, ini spells. That’s why so many doc­ the schooto. Superintendent of Mrs. Margaiet Wheelock and Mrs. PaganI called the meeting’s atten­ of Bolton Center, have announced Tba Barald Prlnlln* C oini^. lif., By A- H. O. the general menial health of ita neurotic.” On Dec. 31, the Bloodmobile tors have preacribed KITISSM* Rchoola A. E. Chatterton reported tion to the method of dtoi4. pins. own their instruments at the Buick and waa found lying some' Eisenhower did come to the dC' out of life. Wolf badges were awarded to PLEASE NOTE! present time. as much gamma globulin for 1934 tion of Q. Albert Pearson. wlU > wrap your selections for you! I President, "the efflclency and This, again, not only relieves him "The right kind of toy will stim­ entertain with a eelectlon of car­ five or six feet away. cision to answer McCarthy. Of the of the embarrassment of trying to Michael Kearns, Clyde Rauschen- Time Of First Performance Beabury Lewis, president of the as In 1983, at a total cost of $19, State Troopers Richard! ! vision with which the government ulate and satisfy him," Hall said. For Children—December 4 Chamber of Commerce, was pres­ 000,000. Gamma globulin is the ols. many openings offered them, they make a happy political choice, "But the big mistake pet owners bach, Peter ’Tierney, Richard Trot­ The program has been irianned Schwarts and Ronald JacobMn; CHRISTMAS SHOPPING HOURS : c ^Is administered by this Republican which would stand up through the ter. ent at the meeting to explain the only stop gap holding action from the Stafford Barracks in- chose to answer him on a question make is to pick out a toy that William Auden. Paul GigUo, and "SLEEPING REAUTY" Buainess-Industry-Educatlon Day there is against polio paralysis to appeal to all agea, and parents ROASTING c h ic k e n s administration, and whether or not convention, but It also relieves him pleases them more than it does Changed U 3:15 P. M. are urged to bring their children. vestigated the accident. Wednesday 12:30 to 8 :50 P. M. Friday 9 :30 : of . American foreign policy—the of the even deeper embarrassment Sammy Hendrickson received Bear program. He said the plan had until a vaccine to tested and found the Congress enacts a progressive, their pet—an error parents also effoAtve.” , Refreahmenta will be served. Onr compact, eztni-meaty birds are at their very best A. M. to 8:60 P. H. Other days from 9:30 A. M. - specific question of our behavior of trying to find somebody of suit­ often make in selecting toys for badges. been drawn up to give the teach­ for yonr winter time meals any day of the week. to 6:30 P.M . dynamic program enhancing the able stature willing. to take such ers an opportunity to become bet Kahan points out that there ia toward the rest of the world. An­ their children.’’ Ronald Boulay, William Dad- LM-95K welfare of the people of our coun- posts. "A toy should satisfy a pet’s darlo. and Gary Sterling received ter acquainted with industry and no idea how many .patients will swering him, they were able to aet business, so they might teach the peed help next year, but he to cer­ Naval Officer Hurt «try, will determine the future po- forth a sane view of American Who ia dying to be attorney gen­ extrovert needs. A parakeet, for Lion badges. ROGER OLCOTT YOUR SAGE-ALLEN CHARGE ACCOUNT eral? The answer is nobody, al­ example, is very vain. A mirror Den Mother pins were presented children of the emplojrment op­ tain that no Tolland County resi­ lUticai complexion of the Congress policy, and a sane, reasonable portunities in town. SPEEDS EVERY PURCHASE! iand the future of the admlnlstra- though Senator Charles Jewett makes a nice toy for him, because to Mrs. Rlchara Everett and Mrs. dent ever suffered for lack of In Auto Accident 403 Weat Center Street MItchen 3-7853 mood for it, as contrasted with the may agree to accept the nomina­ he is happy to perch before it and Alfred Christiansen. DREAMING OF A He outlined a plan whereby March of Dimes aid, and those In OnePle {tion. I am convinced that those mixture of extreme nationalism tion if the Lodge administration admire hia own reflection for teschers would be divided Into charge do not propose that a sin­ ^ ^ BRAND who fight for the program that I insists it must have one of its own hours.” - UnlU the atomic era. uranium groups' to visit the industries. gle one ever aluU. Rockville, Dec. 8 (Special)—A and budding Imperialism which is adherents in the post. Was merely a by-product of ra­ Later in the year representatives This to the second call for polio Springfield Navel officer suffered ahall soon submit to the congress offered by our more extreme Hall found that dogs like toys iWtl deserve and will receive' the Who wants to be state treas- that make a noiae or have a taste, dium and vanadium mines, useful ' of industry would be Invited to volunteers. The ‘ToUand County multiple lacerstlona. broken ribr ^ domestic spokesmen. umr, or state comptroller. If such as slippers with a built-in for coloring gtoas, pottery u d WHITE CHRISTMAS visit the schobhi. goal next year to $20,000 as com­ end a fractured right leg at about ;]fuipect and support of the Ameri- McNiehMlBr WaNpaper [lJlT3 ll3 FILLINGS If McCarthy were purely a dO' Fred Zeller can be moved out of crackle when chewed, a rubber artificial teeth. In reply to questions by mem pared with the total of $14,037 4:30 this morning when the car ^4in people. the latter nomination? The an­ CNid Poiat CompcMy WHY NOT A FAMILY GIFT OF A hers of the board, Lewis said hs collected in the coupLy last Jan­ which he was operaUng, abotit a mestic problem. President Eisen­ GOOD MEALS START 1 * ^ “In any event, unless the Rc- swer Is nobody except perhaps D. E. FRECHETTE, Prop. felt with the present expanding uary. quarter mile west of Osmp Connor ^Jlgiblican party can develop and hower might haVe succeeded, wc a few Qeneral Assembly door­ industrias, all graduates of the on Route 20, caromed into a sec­ CAMPRELL’S WITH 349 Broad 8t« TeL MI-9-i9591 Snact such a program for the think, in his own obvious endeavor keepers who are willing to ac­ High School could easily be ab­ TalcottvIUe Items are new tion of highway fencing and BRm US youR to handle _him with long-suffering cept advancement. OPEN EVERY EVENING sorbed Into business In tiui city. handled tkreogh the Manchevter crsshsd into several trees along YEGETAM.E SOUP ^American people. It doea not de­ Who wants to be secrelary of GENERAL ELECTRIC Abner Brooks of the Board of Evenlag Herald Borkvtile bureau the routs. BERRIES pafienco, with the final rebuke to UNTIL 9 s i r e to remain In power. But, 1 state? Well, of course, when the Pert Mew.llregmr Education said tbs town could toeated at One Itterfcet SL. tele- Arthur M. Michael Purdy. 40. of , PROCTER L GAMBLE 2for25e Slow that theae sentiments are hlQi left to the American people time comes, somebody will begin rff-T 'absorb easily three tlnies the num­ phene Reekvilto 8-il86. 41 Dartmouth 8L, Springfleld BURSACK’S Jpiarcd by the vast majority of the themselves, But such tactics would seeking the nomination. Neaerthe- ber graduated In commercial COUPONS not be- understood abroad, and less, there was, this paat summer, yiiiiiiiiiiimmiiiiiiiiiiiiimniiiiiiiiH; coUrees, but ha felt pupils many -ilapublicans in the country, par- eloquent testimony as to tl%' w m REFRIGERATOR PILLSIURrS times were not familiar with the rficularly by' my close associates they would not provide the head­ amount of feminine ambition for lines which would tell people opportunities offered. QUALin FOODS »>th in the Senate and in the high office within th4 party. The For Better | No further action was taken at IT S NEW! IT S BLUE! abroad that this nation is, in its post of Collector of Customs for 10% DOWN PAYMENT tost night’s meeting in regard to FLOUR 2Bouee of Representatives. Because Connecticut waa available to any S this unity of feeling suAi a vpolicy, following an elected lead I • SERVICE I a change In the entrance age of RepubUcan woman of ambition and For The Holidays the kindergarten pupito. y ogram will be enacted.” er, not a self-constituted leader. capability who would come for­ 14 MONTHS TO PAY If the President was right in • WORKMANSHIP I Minimum Salary Voted cheer uv In thla latter atatement, Ptesir. ward to claim it. It went begging - 5 3 - a ma The board voted minimum cal- 5 > b«- 4 8 * ^ • n t Eiaanhower ia probably opU- hia ' own' . first idea of how to for many weeks, and when It was \ THE I KO PAYMENT FOR 90 DAYS any hikea for teacbera of $300, to with coupon handle McCarthy, and we think he finally fUled. by Anne MitcheU, • Pastel Wool Jerseys 13.000 a year. Bliitlc. There is much of the ortB- secretary of the RepubUcan State SUNCREST TENDER jn r y legialatlva mentality which is was, it has actually been some­ Central Committee, she waa tak­ • Swishy Taffetas Dental Hygtontot Patricia Poeh- I NORTH ENU | nert reportM 677 children exam­ 1 GloHt Pockoq* .... ^ i t e willing to follow McCarthy, thing of a domestic gain for Mc­ ing it as a party and public duty Carthy, that he has been able to rather than as a result of any • Silk and Acetate Check These Features ined, 331 at St. Bernard's and f^ l^ soys^ lhonb" careful pace or two remiwed I RARBER SHOP | 836 at Maple Btreet, with 849 •r 2 Lorq* Poekaqos.. SWEET PEAS draw fire from the While House, positive desire on her part for the • 6 Ply Failles • Automatic Defrost tfrom him. Since the McCarthy post. I 241 NORTH MAIN ST. | needing dental care. that “’he has been dignified by such • Smart Crepes up Te Preeent Meeaiah d*«ech, any number of Republican Some Democratic politicians, ’•IIIIIHNMIlllMHIlHIIMIHIinillilllllli; • Roto Cold Refrigeration . lU 1M UNMSQHMi WHU UMJwj fpMHIf ■VYUni|US attention, and that he has been for all their tauata to Um tte- • Sizes 9 to 15 Handel’s Messiah will be given ^members of Congress, all over tlW at the Union Congregational 9untry, have been saying, in one given wide opportunity for the pubUcaiia about the breaUag up and 16an did President Eisenhower, • General Electric Dependability REPAIR Wilfred Lute will present some of S t h hie hope that the issue cf pqrenUy felt that this domeaUc tloa, since it gives It an oppor­ N « w SHOE SHURFINE FANCY LEAN MUSKn risk had to be taken, in order to tunity to enlist new talents, nnd. the moat familiar numbers of this with coupon 3Sbmmunists in government would oratorio. restore American prestige abroad. while doing so, to construct « UIERAL TRADES l&ve been all cleaned up and for- r'lUpre of a "United Nattons' j The chorus, assisted by several CORNED BEEF Holiday Skirts outstanding singers from Manches­ \ jp tte n by then. '■ - th te t fr«from the point of view of OR CORN L k ~ A n d when Senator McCarthy Noise About Anti—Noise race and religion than the party • All Wool Flannels Electric Appliance Dept.—Oak St. Entrance ter and Hartford, has been re­ had in 1980, irn M iiiuioiT hearsing for the past six weeks. LEGS OF LAMB f i^ e d Into his direct attack on the \ye are not without aympathy But It looks'to ua ihore like a • Silky Failles The aololsU for the program will n ti$ H jfeeenhower administration the for those residents of East Center headache and an embarraaamont • Swishy Taffetas be June Yeomans Park, soprano 2 c a n s 2 9 ® S h c r night, not a single RbpubU- than an advantage. And the basic $C.49 ' aoloist at the South Congregational k k Street who would like to have a reaaon to obvious. Anybody who • Soft VeKotoens Church, Hartford; Eleanor Berg- IVORY a n member of Congress, that we little less nocturnal noise and ac­ PORK PICNICS IBOced, dared come to the defense has brains enough to seem wen ASizes 22 to SO TiMJWHAUeo, gren Johnaop, contralto, from SHURHNE tivity in their neighborhood. We qualified for public office can ....^ a n w n a m p t Conn*. Mtnchfater; Roger Loucka, tenor FA N C Y W A Y K S T 3 the administration and make hope their pblem can be solved, make three times aa much In pri­ “O r soloist at St. John's Eptocopsl FLAKES L k ^|Rort to McCarthy. by the .Application of existing laws vate enterprise. Church and 'Temple Beth Israel. ^liiSo that unity of Which the Pres- West Hartford: Andrew Beattie, WITH COUPON CATSUP CHICKENS against disturbance if necessary, ' berltone soloist at Immanual Con­ -- (Te hretl er fry). J t e t Bpeaks is not automatic, and but preferably by some voluntary T0WN4 COUNTRY WOMEirS OUTLET gregational Cfiut-'ch, Hartford and K M not even in existence, as yet. 188 MIDDLE TURNPIKE WEST 1 Giant Pochoft ... CU D AH Y’S \ regard for the normal decencies of ENGINEER Temple Beth Israel, West Hart­ I40Z. 2 1 ® ^’ What did come from the Presi- community Uving on the part of all 'CMPANY OPEN 9:00-9:00—FRER PARKING ford. .Bottle AM X yeatsrday was a necessary involved. The following churches with •r 2 Large Poefcagat SUNLICHT RUTTERS 73e S P l to this unity, and to action. CONNECTICUT STATE CUASD / ' their choU* directors are cooperat­ • Biit to propose that, in a pos- ing in thla presentation: First Con .S ha is not In the White House to albly more direct cure lor this The Monday-'night drill of the gregationaf, Andover, Mrs. Ediths and formulate a positive pro- Mngle problem, Manchester should Engineer Company on Nov. 33rd Birmingham; BlUngton CongregA Km I Garolfi RacomiMRM Pradrals S a k i, iia ia there for nothing at waa spent on a night field problem. tional, Mra. Kenneth Johnson; Co­ Frozen Food head into the adoption of a full­ THE HANDS lumbia Congregational, Mrs. Myr­ SL Furtharmore, he, and his in- blown anti-noise ordinance which, The men left the Armory in the BA M BAKED BEANS ...... 2 for 31e sates EYE ORANGE JUICE .. 2far43e iWnef have the Republicen company vehicles at 8 o’clock for PRE-CHRISTMAS tle Engicrt; Second Congrega­ if strictly interpreted. «s might be tional. North Coventry, Mrs. Mari­ B A M LAMB STEIV .••••.••...6'C MRDS EYE PEAS ...... 2far35e ^ rty stand on a program, are the problem area in Center Springs asked by some few characters, Park. *1116 unit waa divided into THAT GUARD lyn Loyalm; First CongregatiPnaL B A M BEEF STEM’ ...... 55c MRDS EYE STRAWIERRiES-' Blueh more sound politically than could torn many normal pursuits Coventry, Mrs. Ruth Wells; First BAM CHICKEN ST E W ...... 6.3e two groups and worked on o^ poslte Congregational, Vernon,^ Wilfred 10 OB. pkg. 29c PBoaa who think that ail the Re- and activities into the category of sidea of the brook. Lights were set DOVALETTES CLEANSING TISSUES ...... 27c g h llra n party needs to do to win YOUR h e a l t h a r e Kent; First Congregational. Staf­ MRDS EYE CHOPPED SPINACH offeniw against law—that, to up'and other equipment was oper­ ford Springs, Mrs. Richard Olaslar. HYTROUS FER'nLIZER ...... 25c—59c—98c alactlon ia to uncover one ated by the men. A winch operated phg. 19e seenu'itaelf unreasonable. ‘ pulley and lift waa suspended from St. John’s EptocopaL Rockvtlto, MINUTE TAPIOCA...... 21c spy a month. When it comM to noise, in­ Miss Eva Uttls; Rockville Baptist. BRILL’S SPAGHETTI SAUCE...... 21c one side of the gorge to the other Leslie Denley; Kockville, Method r^What theae members of Con- dividual reactioBs and definitions and the equipment was lifted and^ TETLEY ’TEA BAGS...... 64 fnr 54c ifesm fbeget is that McCarthy has 1st, Miss Edith Ranaom; Vernon vary. The biggest noise which hits hauled. The company returned to' Methodist, Mrs. Eldna Johnston; TETLEY TEA PACKAGES...... Vi lb. 64c fima aa issue before. He Was en the armory and the mess sergeant ( Selected Fresh Manchester is that of some train also several singers from SL Ber­ served coffee and doughnuts.. |p N la 1953, ai¥l he ran low on groan, or whistle. To some, it is a When you see our label on a proscription you nard’s, Rockville; St. James, Man Fruits ami Vegetables whole RepubUcan ticket in The company was inspected and can bo aasurod tlmt It eonUlna only tho higheet cheater; Seventh Day AdventtoU, w-elcome, • delightful sound. To tba men then had close order drill Hartford; Emanuel Lutheran, LABOB SWBR ‘ Ha claimed he was an qthers. it splits a night’s rest. We and a class on the use of compass. quality drugs and that It has bean compounded B a a ta the New York City elec- with utmost accuracy. Manchester, Chaplain from West- I:* ••ly l have even heard comiriaintB about ’The last hour of Monday night’s over Field. The public to invited to •x TANGERINES Des. 35c 4kla other day, and the can- church beila, which, to moat peo- drill «waa spent in filling out per­ attend the concert. JUICY d a t a who had hia blaaaing ran pM, are welcome apd beautiful. sonal history forms for the Adju­ Ctethlag CelleeUen tant OenaraTs office. - - The second annual Thamuglving rev SSr on jtiM wbola fUpublican We ourselves hate trucks, at all WE HAVE FILLED OVER Sunkist Lemons 6 29c Ha claimed he was an issue A ehort Engineer Aaan. meeting clothing coUecUott for Korea met SWKBT INDIAN BIVKB times. But to some, porhaps, the was held aad the date for the ' a generous response from St, Ber­ ■BOenaecUout ta 1953, and yet the rumble of cominorce has its ro­ annual Chrtotmaa party was set m m presouphons nard’s parish and the community, GRAPEFRUIT 4 Fee 29c statiatics showed that he mance. tot Dec. 19. It waa announced today by the FANCY i*t aacciidgd in burtiag oven Other oommunltles do have Rev. Patrick J. Mahoney, pastM- of an ibaiM in 'To-boadla record breaking auto St. Bernard’s Church and chair­ rm antl-noiae ardluaoea. Just like the traffic aerooa tho Biwltoh «fiiaiinei; •AItgy man of the-project. D'ANJOU PEARI 6 29c ll|weurt aa« If Waihiiig- one propoaud for Manchester. a terminal has boon huQt at Dover . He paM U gh tribute to loeal FIBM 4}uite obviously, however, they are which pan handto 340 cara on hour. ProacriptkMi , reeidenu B te donated ctothliqr tor U i; '($Ha, K ^ a m ta ^ the refugeis and expeSeta o< Eu- NoHve Cobboge 2 9e Muer enforcad to the etrict letter. M l Main Stioet ropa, and tbo Near and Fnr Boat. F A N C T ^oanr If they were, the UM o( sudt com- Over two tawa, 4SJ® ponMi o< tat mnnittee would have' to cease. We m d m d ToL MltchcR S-fS2l clothing, wore eaitocted this yaar. idaai RADISHES 2 Oarkgto 2Sc are' ih doubt,' theh, as to what to "TBronriBr" S ix ' * Ibis was almost 1JW9 pounds inere LABfiC SNOW WHRB wlia''iBii 'aam iMoed, Jbayosul temporary let- GIFTS FOR ALL than tost and InAidad swsatsrs. I'idM d'hcm Kitk’ ehlMran’s clothing of t f d a u MUSHROOMS tofkctlou. of' thtor propooants KODAK. AN8CO - coats for man aad webss^ tar 4k kavikc them adopted. - Fellowt of .Tho American -OaBcg* of Apathccarioa warm and of good quallte. ' See “FAVDIIITE - .. .t^fl lir.'aa saaan| to ArtlMir iiif .Sitrti ( Bafore aUftoml to War RaBM BmdajKilFj.


CBirlstmaa axpailanoaa aultahla alUaa from tha phyaical character oonalder during tha Chriatmaa aaa- day program will preaant MUs Homemakers Hear tha comprahoiulaa of a amall dhild, to tha Intangible spirit at givlisg aon in a nalghborhood where dif­ Minicent Jonea, an acUve member V M W ' W t of the Manchaatar Cardan Oub, in a t ^ anUUad *'8haftag tha comes quite aaturaily.” This ferent reilgtoua bellefa prevail. FREE RAREIN6 Talk on Christmas fUal Moaning of Ohriatmaa thooght la praaoatad In one of tha Many other booka and aoSM who will apaak on a timely aubjact, Tour Chlldran.” Martin and Judy booka ao popular almpte dacoratiqna wots suggeatad “Wtnaton Gardena, Indoora" FREE GIFT WRAPPING "SanU aaun, tha man with the with childrea. to help make Chriatmaa a true Mn. HooU K. Johnitoa daUtht- hoard, in vary raal to a arnaQ Another book. •’Th* UtUe Mix- family mqMriance. Mra. Johnaton About tbrae-quartara of tha Arflrar D rn S tu n t ‘ ■•■0 ' / ’ ■ ' ad Bar audiaaoe tt homamakara child,” obaarvad Mra. Johnaton, era ” by Lillian Bhoaron, ravlawed may be eontaetad if anyone wiahaa trailara being aold to AmerlcaM are more than W feat long al­ yastarday moraine at tha TWGA "and, if ha ia prcaantad aa a par- ^ the apeaker, lUuatrated the In- to obuin any of the oooka men­ rS u to uA M* wt4«ct to chu«< WDHC-Junior Idea aon with a Jolly amila, a friendly fliMacaa outaida the hoau which tioned for Chriatmaa giving. though in 1M8 more than U par WONS-NlgMiaare Homamakar’a Holiday program oent wore under SO feat. Read Herald Adra. with har charming praaantatkm of voice and a loving heart tha tran- tha parenta muat ayariphthatically The January Homatnakar'a Holi­ Qur policy has maver chahoed . . . vj.C

“T j *"*® •ido—• ra Shop WHAY--PQ»iin VA AlC Baaketbaa OowMX W TfC-OIGl Joe «i JeaaeU eUALITY M EATS of LOW PRICES! Ir. McMoltr FREE PARKINB Open Thurs. Night BporU 974 MAIN ST. itnr Mtule IN OUR MG LOT ,-_jrd Shop Y-^C oan TA AIC BaakalhaU IN ST. JAMES SLOCK The Fktt N otioM l hot iM vor oNowad euaKty to b« socrificod for price. •ek Downey NEXT TO STORK Until 9 P. M. Jeaeell r. McNulty Y «t. sueNty and price fo bond in hand at your Phtl Matianol m oricot t —Jo* O i r ^ ...... i. Oownoy •4 JtY—PoUuk Hop WDRC-MuiUe Ta m e > lr IC—Woman In Hoorn ^ WONfr-mate of the tGoca . i n —Joa Otrand The Saving DRC—Krcord Shop 'wHAY—UCoon v«. idC BAakaibaU FA N a BRISKET CORNED BEEF _fOH8—Jack Downey " " " aup * WHAY—Weatem Caravan j Air WTtC—Juat Plain BiU ^ Katkm SPEOAUY CUKEO IN OUK OWN WTBT—Joe GIrand lSi( WDBC—Record Shop , ^ , ve. AlC BaaketbeU U. 1 GOVEENMINT INSMCflO PLANT WON8—^ Preaten of the Yokoo Is A m azin g 7 3 w d : *’lpHAY—Weatem Caravan WO! MARGARINE WTIC—Front Pa«o FarreU FOR THOSE VYHO DESIRE THE REST IN CORNB) • » , WE RECOMM»iO THIS TB«ER. FUVORfUU FANCY IRISKH WtWT-Joe-Joe GlieadGIrand -UConn ve. AIC BeeketbeU Wd RC—R-Recordecord Shop Clan You Top Thla gO H n-Sat Preeton of the.Yukoo -Turner Calling U^RC—American Way CUT FROM YOUNG, TEND01, HEAVY WESTERN CORN-fED STEER BEEF WHAY—Weiten Caravaa TONS—Starlight Symphony WnC—Doreneo Jones On Popular’s LB. WTHT—Joe GIrand W ^ Y —UConn vs. AIC Baskelbatt 1 WDRC—Memory Lane W n c —Harry Tmman Address GINUINE SPRING - SOPT MEATED WONflU-Sky Kina WTHT—Answers for Americans PKCS. ‘ ♦ WDRC—News: Moods for Romanes •O N E IN WHAY—Newi WOMS—Starli^t Symphony Chuck Roast tra____ c-Pays —p to Marry. WTHT-Jos Girand ^ * jfe [Y —News TORC—Massey. TUtOa W n c —Harry Tmman Address “ 65« WONS-Sky WTHT—Answers for Americans Top Quality Meats LA M B LEGS WDRC—News; Moods tor Romanes A FAMILY FAVORITE •=!feIDCr^potUsht on Sporta' WONS—Starlight Symphony TENDER MEATY ^*^^os*Olrand **WHAT—Nila watch LEGS OF FOREQUARTER LAMB CHOPS u 65< 7-INCH CUT WTIC—Three Ring Ntwa CHUCK ROAST Rib Roast -- -Mews WTHT—Valentino lONED AND ROILED IF DESIRED •stirr. WDRC—Newa rW ST QUAUTY • w a i TMAAMib er Serehads WONS—News U :ie — WHAY—Nile Watch ’ ' _ Rib Lamb Chops t> 73< Laaib Feres *•33. AN ECONOMICAL RUY WDRO-Jack Zatmaa w n c —World Nowa WOMS—Pateraon Lb. Lb. CUT «OM YOUNG TINMH lAAAl , ♦ DaiCIOUS, NUTRniOUS HOME MADE STEW HNAST QUALITY • A a LEAN REff •:Se— ^ 5 jf c ^ K * n r e e Conference Chopped Beef WHAY —Supper Serenade WONS—StAitly Jam WTIC—Home Owners ll:S e - VEAL Laadi for Stew WHAY—Nile Watch BEEF Loin Lamb Chops ‘•89< u W TKT-% Gammell 23 WORC—OOy Lombardo w n c —Starlight Lullaby-.... WOMS—BUI Stem WTHT-Sporls WDRC-miht Owl •ijfcr. WONS-SlrlcUy Jam SMALL TENDER AAILK-FED LB ie e S U r ’ Extra U eorce Hlcka WHAY—Conn. Senator SMOKED WORLD FAMOUS ^ E A O j f Quafitu • ^ttVoriUi / Quaki^ ^voJ Uakuil Veal Legs & Rump iwril Tbomaa ______snsr X>ats SHOULDERS BOOK OF KNOWLEDGE] MllOlY CURED TO FERFICTION ^'I tHAY—Supper Serenade / WTIC—Theater of Melody WAYIEST Fresh Haddock Fillet *> 49< W T ilT -, Vandercook Tha Cbildraa't Sawked Picnics / WORC-Famlly Skeletoe YOUNG, TENDER W OT»—P. Lowla. Jr. ■ FOB A GOOD BUT IN CUT UP AN KONOMICAL FAVORITE FLAVORFUL Ttt Kacyelapadia FRESH CHICKENS kY—Supper Serenade Each Mackerel » 23< Tbsater of Melody VENETIAN BUNDS CHICKENS .IT—X KIpItneer Skialeu Fiankfarts 14RCEUO 55< Wrao-Beulah < CM 2M>3 LR A V G WOMS—Thrsa Sbna A m w W ladow Shade Ciompaay GENUINE FINAST QUAUTY SpKt Mackeiel FAN READY LR 33. S4B N. Mala St. MaadMatat -WHAY—Supper Serenade AU WASTE REAAOVEO IS 5 S c ’ WTIC—Jftws of World M . M I-B ^ T SPRING WTHT—Starr from Space Livarwurst ^ 59< WDRC—Choraltera LAMB LEGS WOMB— Gabriel Ueattsr BRISKET 1-' ’fV-iy-i. .jif'J, fly'r. ^ AY-Roaary Hour LET US FILL TOUR ;iT'' 1C—One Man'a Family T—Smrr from Space DECKLE C—B. R. Murrow One FRUITS and VEG BTABLES 9NS—Men’e Comer OFF f}«u JL v Prices:I CORNED BEEF Set • I f e t Y —Polish NaUonal Home P IO R M A • h ealth fu l • NUTRITIOUS s VilMiin C VERL CHOPS 49* FRESHLY ftCe Given 17-02 GROUND 09 Lb. “ CANS WONS-OIflcial DetecUve .CsBed for aad doUvored FRESH M m t at Each Apple Sauce 2 GRAPEFRUIT 4 29. ' ^ A Y —Polish NeUonel Home promptly ot no eztni RIB 4 9 U . Popular 1802 UTTIC—Roy Rocera - SURER IRROH 59* WTHT—Sammy Kaye diarge. LOIN M g FRESHLY CANS Craws 2>«33. WDRC—Meet MiUls GrRpefruh Juke 3 WONS-omclal DetecUve ■ ^ SPRING W r U . REEF SUCEO 9 9 Lb. PINE PHARMACY 1P02 FRESH l Y c ^SO DeautHui Pears •OSC • READY TO EAT 3 39. CANS TclsYiafam ProgruBs* CAU MIRHTESTERK 69*u. nor FRONT I f LI. Yohimes - Amerieo's Leoding Fiinst Tomatoes 2 On Page Two Craubanias EATMOR FKG 19. RIVIR > Reference Work for diHdren uicaxo* V A U fY Baby Lima Beans 2 PKCS FROZEN Escaieb 3 *»25 . ORANCEJUICE NOTHING TO BUY 1-LICaLO' FKCS BraccoK VIRGMA.FrodiiGwdMGrMA ICH 19. YOUR DOLLAR BOYS MORE SEE THIS SET AT THE AJAX-PALMOLIVE-FAB DISPLAY NOW! Pea Beans 2 Swiss Cheese TurE^'69| HEY mi U l CELLO* Carreb wtsnm..F«i,c,i., 2SS3^ win « Ydlow Eye Beans 2 FKGS RAUUOHBIKE 1-11CBLO* Lethice , icam G Loaf Cheese^X'^''5 5l r FKGS 2»s29< iie e fle e r Green Split Peas 2 MiU n m jm tm m Yellow G h o u s 3 IG Luxury Loaf M W f a r M R Swanson 5 0 2 CAN SPAGHETTI PMAST 202 "YO R" GARDfN Fratted Feeds TURNPIKE AMERICAN riR^WaBaab WHOU or GROUND CAN B lit ENRICHED Nack Pepper 0 , M H 02 Orange Juice 2 oS« 33< BOLOGNA lib. k u M l THIN EvanRoline Mik 4 CANS StcM StnehtniH 1*02 nCG 39c LOW IN CALORIES 2 —3 3 * Cit Cora lOOZMO 20c MARKETm lAKEKY DEPAKTMENT. d j ,BAK«Y SPKIAIW 1S1 MM4b TiimiMkB W N—Td . Ml-3>t33l Check This Price! Qnppirf tr Lm I Spiiidi 2 uozneos 35c HONEY, POPPY, Bim BB SALADA am iR EM S HONEY OPfN DAILY t A.M. to 10 P.M. NAPIER ILEND f m DELIVERY ON ORDERS OF $5 OR MORE FILLED STRIPS TEA OPEN ALL DAY SUNDAY Bread * ^ 19< WLR.PKG. COFFEE MO r t ia 2U MAO AIOUT FESnvtivf FormsFOODS ANDAMA m __ 'i GREEN MOUNTAIN 6 5 * FASHIONS - LOTS Of FINf RIREND RICH and MELLOW Diisii PomnI Cikt eedfsiceasc *****uIch 39c aiAOtlG rot 1W FAMAT PRa.OP4R * . FIN E C O F F E E PORK ROAST Lb 39c POTATOES TIA RAM BLENDED TO PERFECTION Appit Pii 43c 5 6 * M cr*ia49c ILOCK CHUCK FOR BAKING AND FRESH GROUND’ or COOKING I V fTf tfllCIRRSf POT ROAST t m r Borax Ptvdtr mmutiam i*ozncc 17c lyaBn Bmn4 Tvkay sHozMa47c Btraxt wmuuham eokcAN 17c Brapafndt SactiM$mAST2 ^^29c < c j r SNORT OR RIB STEM S MRS.GRASS' Baby Food SNOWWHITE TUNA P iV i.P it Mix » h o z n c o 3 7 c SIRLOIN STEAK i t a r k CHUNK STYLE STRAINED ■ BapBir Jot Caroil mon^ 2 29c !!? TOP OR ROnOM CAUUFLOWER F l F . Y . BIm Q i MM caMolm s^ z k o TV c Lcea ROUND ROAST Lb 85c Each 3 , m 3 7 * FMsbwy Algal Caka Mix UOZFKC 53c SWHT. JUICY 1 0 ~ 8 9 * Davdattas Facial Tlssaas fkcofsooIV c TASTf $$$EXTRA DOLLAR SPECIALS$$$ 002 SWANSON Cap-E*^ Cat Faa4 2 * > ^ cans 21c ^ 2—9 T. JARS MIRACLE WHIP MKOl HIMai LAgCf SALAD DRESSING...... $1.00 FLORIDA Cbiebaa Frieotsaa «0J ^ ■ 11--CA N S MAINE'S lEST V» OAL 6 1 c 19« BONELESS TORES ■ SARDINES...... SUM ORANGES fINJ. f ir s t n a t i o n a l ■ 10- A O L U CHARMIN TONJT. •ALLOW 29* 14-OZ. M^^l TISSUE SI.00 (rtUS Sc DOTTLE 0EK>SIT| CAN SPRY MRS.. FILBERTS Chfckon of the Sea Wess o n o il OXYOOL DUZ ALL 4—n co s. 400 COUNT FACIAL SWANEE ' ^ ■ TISSUE...... $1.00 Saapit PopMra FIEE Thit WMkDRd yello w QTRS i ■ 3> U RGE CANS PEACHES IN JOLLY COLO-MPT • 'i-w' w' ■. 01 67c ” .35* IG IFK O 3 0 c k ,2 55c HEAVY SYRUP...... S1.00 UFKO 3 0 c 4A[02CAM i a 8 9 e A 33c Popcorn TIME . ‘J ^ e CONTROLLED SUDSNDfQC r . 10—CANS mONGHEART 5 21 TOILEf TISSUE THE AUTOMAHC WASMR DOG PO O D ...... SUM PINT IVORY SOAP IVORY SOAP IVORY SOAP IVORY FLAKES IVORY SNOW 8—NO. a CANS ffMAM STVU TIDE , • It-. i| 1 SI.00 Wesson Oil FtUFP^ 33c 65c soe DOURIE ROU SHEETS - ^ H y o iu i lOEFKG 30C^ 2 - ■ TO 2 * 0 " 2 5 c ,J- >4 -iiiRS 19c W Morton Sait SEASON IT 3 •*“ 22®


- i - - - /.. f iV"'- ■ t ■ ,■■■■.'■

V' •--


RMtora Suflptnd Allen Penitential Rites Clirlstmas Lights Add Gay Look to Main Street jiyihk^Ae^on si^te Unit 30Pro •nie Manchester Board bf Set at St. John’s ReaRora, at a largely attended special meaUng yesterday, Oi^l^pe Change Pleat PfcSSWW ii** Gnmi Y e M Holdbacks voted to suspend . from mem­ g t John's National Catholic T o R esu m e bership in the local board John church announces general confes- R Allen oI the Allen Realty Sion in Advent for adults, Sunday V o BCUob; WB9 tBk4li‘‘lBM BlfhUreprssenUng Wooirtdge Bros., said Co, at 8:80 a.m. followed by Com­ by thBlvOn PU8Blar'n Im ia wUling to b* quttUmad. bat Taam, then with the ^ th er,” he shouted:^"! don't want to Miss Oara Bkrabacs at tha organ. 'MancSeeter'Ledge of Elks Harry Woolridge, preaident of H* told tlM MountiM last Oct Divlaioa. hear reeordlngs." Auricular confeseion of the y aoinbmted a Bcepoaab to 'changs the company, told about the plena As each interview was complet­ m f o r t:y i at US Main St„ known ftp 27 h* haa no now Information, but The ROK major and the prisoner children and young people will be and deacribed tha type of buildinga ed the prisoner was led away to a bW^IIm OaMes," to Bualnaaa Eon. MbaaouMitly ba made a atatement talked together for two hours, separate compound where they are held Saturday at 11 a.m., 4 p.m., that would ba erected. There was ..... and 7 p.m. ^ II from K*Bldencs Zone A. Atty, ae ohjacUoif. in which ha aaid he felt he could much of the time discussing the segregated from those not yet in­ W. David Keith represented the (tre the Jenner aubcommlttee prlsoner'a family in . terviewed. ' School children of St. John’s will Twe Hartford Road huaineeamen rehearse the Christmas play Sat­ ledge that dealred to buy the prop' aeked for an axtenelon pf Bualneaa aom* uaeful advice. Finally the POW said ha had Communist explanations to Chi­ arty flrom the Second Congregs The Canadian government haa nothing against the major per­ urday, at 10 a.m. and Sunday at Zone 11 along tha couth aide of the Como Soo ondujknfo at Ai^l fonthTroth nese 4nd North Koreans remained tienal Church and use it aa i atreet eaaterly from a point oppo- alao apeclfled that the queatloning sonally, but that he could "hot re­ .tailed. There nave been no saw- Wo Coo FM heme for the lodge. The lodge favorlfoB that oro Jopp InToatot Top§ In Voluol must under Canadian auapicea turn to South Korea as long as siona for mors thsn two weeks be­ SL John's pariah committee will aite Campflcid Rd„ for 819 feet imd meet. Sunday afternoon at 3. Any Frotcriptioo wants to changs the sene eo that depth of 135 feet. ^ a , Om^ and that any information bo ob> Prasident Syngmaa Rhea remains cause of Red insietence on calling B liquor permit msv be aecurad. ficrMe-Julcy, twee Ate tained can ba made public only in power." - our priaoners from a compound Ignacy Wlerablckl will pr%fii

s«'. - r.!ly. I volunteers. '2 e scene of N. Y. from airplane they wiU Sing for Barnard Junior; »*any interesting and l^lratlve was the first French settlement suppose it was just natural to THAT in North America. Other cities Volunteers will also become tiO N J height. High School i reports were given. Austrs Oaoia drive fast and recklessly. familiar with the systm of <3lvll Totem poles, mummies, shrunk­ Dec. 21 they wUl eirlg at both the {t«ve an excellent report about which bear French names are Vin­ Then, about three months after­ 11-5 WEAR cennes, Detroit. St. Louis, Du- Defense in the school and the du­ lt-> en heada, and mammoth Aotec Chriitmaa oaoembllea at MHS and' crafting. Slyvla Flaher gave ward, a friend of mine wrecked his ties of the individual teams. A Tue niyFtiat>. . idols were a few of the attraettoaa lor the Kiwnnla Qub at the n oon ij. about her w p collection, Mque, La CMssa, Montpelier, and brother's car, but luckUy be waa 0^. woo ofoao seoEe w y «i > ^ K 6? Baton Rouge. not hurt. TTiia tccidcnt sltfwed me similar meeting will be held on the groups saw In tlit American luncheon Nkk Knight, Alan Ferrie and John Dec. 7. for the volunteers of the Museum of Nstural History. The program of songs the Round! Dormer spoke 'on model railroed- P at CompbeU BiU Bayer The fUm also showed the Iro down for a few weeks, but gradu­ Ing. Anne Simpson spoke on the portent influencea made by the ally I went back to speeding. morning session. ALLEY OOP I ^ t Chance? BY V. T. HAMI.IN • * Mounted snlmala, Including ele­ Table membera will ting will in­ This week our hats go off to Bill This organisation. In co.opem* phants, reptiles and wild birds clude ‘‘Break Forth, O Beauteous interesting subject of smuggling French in architecture, transpor­ Sometime later, on a trip with lO V e WEVE fiCfT HAD0U> and Gordon Pomeroy reported on One of the highlights of the Bayer, whose likeable personality, tation, clothing, and most impor­ some friends. I saw a sight which tioh with the town (^vil Defense WUUH.DU(EOP .K IT HAROLD n MAS VES-eur THIS ONE posing lifellks in their native en­ Heavenly Light," "(iome Hither Ye organization, is a necessary iuft- MWHSARMTHCAINfi NO»«kNP* World's English vocabulary. book out of 4.000.000 in 9 mlnutea. ing report' was given by Brenda tried to gain-a minute by passing d.partm «t.% I slWi hold. Anne SUIson on a cyrve. Is it Worth it ?” Sports Angle * contlmhig their elghUeelng at Dcarocher, who opoke on her pet ents in othsr organisations too. some sort of jpecord in having been 6:00. they took in the apectaclea Perry Tell of Trip kitten. She recently delighted audiences I-have not driven half as fast Carol Hewitt. '56 elected aq alMmate representative siiice. When I think of thst awful Ilf aMi»s»fc>w of Broadway while raiding penny as the gaudy niflit club dancer, to tha Student COuncU for three In spite of last week’s' loss to Roberta van Rensaler In Sock and Concert Planned spectacle, I thank God it wasn't the Alumni, the High School bas­ «•> ^ Bipei, etMBgSnM* 'Jint lock »t you! Nest time 90111#. buny tgye your fithor aresdea and novelty shops. Dwight Perry, a member of years in a row. me or someone I lov«. The society was boms bound at the faculty of MHS, was the chief Buskin's "The Night of January ketball team looks forward to e ' io a ^ bum. you juit oay. *e^d bd’ ** Knou-n simply as “Mr. Money­ If every driver could see the good season. 0 6:30 laden with their prised new speaker aL a recent meeting of the 16th.” She has been very active Jn Notefl Magician dramatics In her four yeare at bags” to the members of the Sci­ For Dec. 14 and 15 horror and tragiVly of death on the Although lacking in experieacs stamps and souvenirs; momentos Senior Hi-Y held December 1, at ence Club and the Current Affairs CHRIS WELKIN. Pluetacf Suffering Cats RV RITSS WIN1-ERROTHAM * *’ MHS. highway, 1 believe that accidents in setusi league competition, the BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES 'tw*w*ow! BY EDGAR MAR11N from a day of ''stamping*' through 7:30 in 13 F. Club. BUI is in charge of the would be reduced overnight. N. Y. Members experiencing this “It’s really God’s Paradise,” Eutertains Club Pat has the all-important job os The sophomore. Junior, senior A team has fine material. What they co-editor of the High School untold wealth of these organiza­ Even watching the cars go by on lack in experience, they make up WE HAVE OTHER excursion wera naoldent A r t were the words Mr. Perry used in tions ’ as tjMir treasurer. He has Csppells choirs, the freshmen Boys' a fast highway, while standing by MeTUOO^OF.^AH... KOVS Cfi H E lY H l Rhorta; David Nutter, Andy Osols, World, a post ahe has held since and Girls* choir, and the orchestra, for in sheer hustle. »SRWt ife «>OONT I describing Superior National For­ BUI Greenougb. natkmally last May. One of her most enjoy­ been sn active member of the Sci­ the side of the road, remlmls me PEBSUASIOH. MV 1 Richard Ruddell, and Frank Rsl- est. the BubjMt of hla talk. This known magician, cast a mystifying ence Club at MHS for three years. WiU present the an:’.ua( Christmas that It doesn't pay to ^>eed. PEAR. WELKINL H04LKCE V . M U K iT 1 monsen. fabulous wilderness In Nortbem able experiences as editor was at­ concert Dec. 14 and 15, under the A captain has not yet been spelj over both Freshman and tending the Hartford Courant Con­ He was elaeted to the Current Af­ ' LartV Johason chosen, and, going on all-around I LEAVE YOU TO At s recent meeting of the club, Minnesota abounds In fish and is Sophomore Y-Teen.^ at their regu­ fairs Club in his junior year. He direction of O. Albert Pearson. vention. Since the A. Cappells choirs are abiUty, it ,ts going to be a tough held at the home of Nancy Breen, noceaaibis only by canoe. There lar meeting Dec. 2. A native of is also president of the French Most persons think of (Hu-lstmas a bowling party was planned for are no people for many milee She's been very settvo In Sll so large thl4 year, they have been choice. There are no stars on this Wethersfield, Mr. Greenough is kinds of spoita. and has been a a u b . about e month ahead of the day ; team, just a group of players who Dec. 5. Also to be planned by the around. Mr. Perry said that, when nationslty hailed as a master of split into two classes, the tjfUfd itself, but to Warren J. Kennedy, member of tbs Girls’ Leaders Club BiU began his sports program at period ^ o ir and tbs zourth pertod ^ working weU as a unit Tlie club's program committee la a one is making a trip, onlv the bar­ magic, mirth and mystery. Manchester High by plsving fresh­ rhrlatmae party and a roller since her aoiUiomore year. Pat has iholr. The third period choTr will' is^Jw^ta^Irtum^oirth^loil^^ i 5 f* est eoaentiola are brought along. 'With a taoaeled rap perked on been a busy member of Y-Teens aU man iatra-mural bs^etbsll. As a skating social. He also told the group of -the his head, he started his smasing sophomore he was a harrier for Frank Balmonaen. *54 four years, serving as vlco presi­ Magnum Mystcrium” and "When dangers involved in such an ex­ pesformance with ,v Chinese stick dent In her sophomore year. To the Red and White cross-country 10,(K)0 poinseltlas and. a H igh, cursion. trick which was both complex and Christ Was Bom.” 'the fourth School reporter learned, he s ta rts; complete her Urt of-extrmcurrlculsr team, and last year was a stand­ period choir will sing "Jeau Bam­ There are some fine juniors up At tha nsxt meeting of the HI-Y, amusing. Succeeding tricks dealt activities she belonged to the OirU' out player for the “Raquet Squad." to prejwre for Christmas in March.' on the varsity this year. Moe Mere* a Cbrietmi^ Party Is scheduled. With scarfs, -cards, and trope. bino,” "Touro' Louro Louro" and *n>e dormant mother plants are' Dosignod For Porfocf Rt Choir in bar Freshman year, and As a letterman. Bill is also a mem- "O Sing We AU Noet" hardt has shosm a great deal of A trick which esperially kept member of the A CapelU her her of the athletic elite, the Var allowed to grow In an atmosphere' talent, and is counted as' one of his audience speKbound waa one Together, both the choirs win other three years. Pat Is also aee- slty "M” Club. Currently,' our ting "Break Fbrth, O Beauteous ' “ K ‘he team. Gen. Tho Sampler For Homo perfortned by the Great- Houdini retary of the French Club. Legionnaire 1s playing in the July, when the first crop ; Johnson is another fine player up many years ago. Mr. Greenough'a Heavenly Light" “Carol of the tings are rooted In sand. In whft spare time she has, aha Hartford Youth-Onter Basketball from the Jsyveea PRISCILLA’S POP Learna Fast BY a L VERMEER props for it consisted of an alarm likes to paint, read about Napoleon, Bells" and “'Ys .WatclvNrs and Ye rooting in smatl pots, the cuttings | MICKEY FINN League. Holy Ones.” j First Down— No Gain! LANK LEONARD clock, a paper bag, and a wooden and llstcti to music. Anything by ore transplanted Into large tubs, Most of the rebounding Is being WMY box with two compartments. This Outside of school. Bill has been TileAne Boys'ooys vnmrCTioir anaand theine \iirisGirls' i Itiv im la very bardnara toip nursenoniv theseuiene: a aw a . j. iiPsAf«£ Mantavani, “The BasinJ Street , I active in Temple Beth Sholom's f?5, PONT M3U trick seemed to be quite simple, Blues,s." " Md ^ e r kinds of j « United Synagogue Youth Chapter. Choir will combine snd sing "Lul- plants along to the blooming stage howL, ’ vv? i. EXCUSE ME, CONDUCT BVPICRSON,^ WHAT'S THE NAME ' BAYSHORE! IT'S 1 and every member was certain she are laby Thou LItUe Tiny ChUdT” "An- | ^ a u s e a tudden drop of *one orl " " 'J REVEBENOl, SCIENTIF/C UtCAPMNI^ knew how the trick would end. . ^Zriand serv^ as its president last OFTHISCLM ' ON'TWS SAME A men,” which is on the more ?>twi-Mia We Have u .iHeard i . On High” and 1| billtwo degrees .in int temperature Could : oBveiop iniointo*a a imtmlv^rmsThukJt"tmly iy great basket* VM LOOKING INVESTIQATION, MUPKNOWif WE«E OOm'nttM ROAD! NIEU K J When it was finished, all of the Deck the Halls With Boughs of ! kill the entire lot. F O R MY c A l y l e t cloaeicM side. . . I To proceed with the "Bsyer;' Holly.” I The (act that polnsettisa are ball player. Howie is a senior this 5 BWTTMMOSA THERE INA ^ deductions were proven incorrect Pat has traveled quite exte^ v e- j about our notable of the with plenty of experienced POCKET- Mr. Greenough is now National The combined choirs will sing f very sensitive to light was pointed j KNIFE! bMrWOR' a m io r m o m ! ly throughout the East, but she has of motors from the Jsyveee last year. Presbtont of the Society of Ameri­ a great desire to trsvsl SJTOund the I mechsnicsl spparstua model “O Holy Night," "Brightest snd ! out by Mr. Kennedy. An electric Beet’’ and "Beside Thy Cradle.” 1 light bulb, for example, can cause! Carl Silver JL‘‘" and ^Gary B•«" mas would, not bloom for the holi-, ^ _ to Richea" Ava i day if they were being grown in Joan Swanson, *57 course throughout her'four years at I Following the MHS. This ye*r her subjects ln-:p,r„ Horace I, « D______w tf,.;_ 1 ..X-'S'.uX'^ldgg -yX • ig.-Sc-T.'' a.' -. , ■ elude modem history, algebra D, diji west this eastl^****T J t Ude Elchoea” E«h<*«" and -nd a , piano plkiw cdnc.rto ] amdunt o| aVm Would Itw , the; T fll will also plant growing in its green stage ^ to ree pimty of Combined Tearns typing J, French n . A C»PP«i*“ * summer with the other MHS boys I *™"* ** '***“‘“'^**‘y' ^*5^ * “* • • oetton. It until much later. . w ■... 1 in their now-femous country tour, I l The fact that many people mis­ Bob Farrell. Ken Loud Bill For- CAPTAIN EASY That’s Three In the future ehe hopes to attend Bill h a, followed the _cplleg; Ur.. Harry Griswold, ktart Starin, BY LESLIE TURNER Win for Freshmen Trinity CoUege In Washington, D. course for four yeers at MHS. snd gels Sing.” “Away In the Manger' take the colored leaves for the FRECKLE.S AND HIS FRIENDS Protection i \ MP;RRI .L C. BL ER snd ‘D Little Town of Bethlehem.” plant’s flower was pointed out by end Pern Harrison, are other play- 1 0 8 8 C.. and prepare for a qareer in tola year Jm is taking trigonome­ <-rr vying for a starting berth. jtwmalisro. try and solid geomstiy, English The concert will close with toe Ml. Kennedy. Actually, the leaves 9 0-9' S THE SNIPER PRAW& A o k a t/oka' y^ATZA DEA OP BOU1N6 THP Freshman homeroom basketball j choirs and audience singing “Si-' that color, at the top rf the stem, /^/ V ----- Ifg------With her teadertolp, ci^biU ty IV, French II. physics and me­ Under head coach Elgin Catur- BEAD ON BA EASTS' THE REP B E T U fR Of MH8 officially began its season and friendly personaUty, Pat Is Isnt Night" are called bracU- Almost everyone SHOT R0I6S OUT, AMO THB TWIRLS and •Rspr last Tuesday with a double-head- chanical drawing. He chooses sky,' the Indians hope to triincTi re PORJ ( . ou! MdRE COMES JIPPY bound to be a Mg success In what­ physics aa his favorite. Barbara Hewitt, '56 is femiltar with the red polnsettias; REP PITCHES FORWARD..,. FKES. THEM. 0 1 sr between 15F-16F combined hc-wever-Mr. Kennedy grows Ujem a rucressful campaign. Their open­ I THAT PACK C5F ICE BOX ever she. attempts. After graduation. Bill plans to er is against Hall In Wait Hart­ LOCUSTS f against 34F-38F, and 17F-18F Pat is the daughter ol Mrs. Anne In red, pink, and vvh't? paired against 21F-23F. ____ snter MTT to study engineering. ford on Friday, De*. 4. Campbell, I t Hawthorne St., and With hie many fine peramisl qual­ According to Mr. Kennedy, potn- BiU B ay sr,'54 In tlM first game, SlF-lSF toe late William R. CampbeU. Student Council aettias must be watered very dis­ downed 17F-18F by a 46*23 score. ities snd his high'scholastic abil­ Marilyn R ^ e rs, '54. ity. w« know he will be -succeea- creetly. They must lie kept moist FILM APPROVED AB CEEDIT Up to the second half, the game Plans Project at sll times but hot too wet. Tlie ful. A qumber of MHS teschsra have was close, but in that half 'ilF BUI Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. plants are fertiUzed every 14 days 8036' snd t3P M by the sharp-shooting with a special water soluble fer­ been lecpmmendlBg the film. U B*34B' Students Display Irvtsg L. Baysr, 14 Stephen St. Plana for the Indian school ‘•Martin Luther,” for Individual of Roger Rodrigue, who tallied 30 Roger Tu rising ton. tilizer. As soon aa the stems are -a points, and co-captain BUI Stsvens. project were "new bueineM" at n fairly taU. they arc braced by crwlit work in English or hUtory, U you’re sllghUy less than aver who acofed 19 points, soared Into Dramatic Ability regular meeting of the Student pieces of small steel tubing. If this because of lu historical impor­ age In height, here’s just tha frock 5140 the lead ahd were never headed. Ctouncil. Tuesday, Dec. 1. was not done, toe Mender-stems' tance snd medie'vsl backgfmind, as for you. A nest sll occsslon style, 17F-M F tried gamely to even the Qub Holds Talk President Provost congratolated would not besr the weight of Ihe well os its tuceene as a fias ex­ cut on sow-essy princess Bnes snd A sentimental aampM for you count, but were aimi^y out-played In order to f9t Into toe dram­ the slternstea on .the fine job they leaves and flower cjiister. ample' of moving picture tech­ trimmed with gsy Bower embroi­ to embroider In aaay-to*do stitches by tbelr taller opponants. atic mood, for the study o(-csptsin Butch rom a play, such is, 'Dur IW a. day, Dec. 4, to records aosa joNwy-coAie-. . lVIOIMST, M A R T l^ . NOW ALL X CAN 00 IS while othare wrote origins! toono- Bette AISMtU and BiU Bayer Craig Noren, chairman of the dous amount of work involved DANCE BACK. OOM9U AWAMAilSHAPyOU ..USTBCrO and stltsh illustrations. McCammon waa high scorer far gave brief taitta on Sen. McCarthy, /TBf TMtV ASA'JOB U*iaLVA¥»NC»OUT. jT For this pattern, send ioe la toe winners with 33 points, while loguee on Bubjeoto. raniglng from projects committee, reported on when they buy a beautiful poln-1 Sponoored By. KtoEtf CWVMK'I OTHERS colas, yourv nasM, address, siae Bend coins, yanr asms, the inner thoughts H a clerk his tactics, meihods snd ideas the »""»»> Christmas candy pro­ eciua at Christmas. p u n ! 6o*eaptatoe, Dave Woodbury and David toater, '54 desired, snd the patU ra. anmber address snd . tha patUrn numbsr Brace Whrrm were high scorers waiting on custboMrs, to a. coach's The diacuaaion waa turned into ject for the Navajo Indian sctux>] School PTA to SUE BURNSn. THE HAN* to ANNE CABOT,. THB MAN* for toe k>sers with 5 points apiece. pep talk between halvea. of the sn open debate with most of toe chUdren, in our two sponaorea CHBBTEE EVENING HERAIdD, game. club's membera agreeing thst Mc­ schools.' BEATEOL EEUE1VE8 OlFTB CHESTEB KVBNIMO HERALD, McCammon was followed a close Cbarle^EMUia, coach of 1180 AVR. AHEBICAB. NEW 1150 A m AMBBIOAI, NEW aeeond by ewwaptata Rob Lizzari In the original monoldgusa a Carthy should amend bis tactics In past ysars, a special drivw CH| ViMT iiM il Bight memtaers of the club the Ji-ak^ ^ fR y football team, I y o r e to, N. Y. TOlUl M, N. Y. who tallied 31 potato. F la t defen­ numbSr of studenu ware very was held to nUlect mooay fas XoCCEX S te E tl sive work byUlm Ltedsay, of J. V. successful la contrasting what M volunteered to go to tbs second them, sad a major drive ergs held a Jacket and I Basic FsehUm for '55, FsU sad Presenting the oomplsto Anns eoccer fame, end BE) Uoaarl, kept thought' wRh what Is said, as msetiag of tha Foreign Policy As­ in the spring. Fart of this weeks pair-^ gl^es last Tuesday by toe [ Winter, is a complete guide in Oabot Needlework Album. Ditac- 34F-S5F from toe winners basket baby sitter who Is yciy swMt to sociation, Monday evening. Dee. 7. profit from the spqgt dsaim wfll be meoibera of the team in recogni- s 4 . i t o f i Plsonlang a practical, ssw-slmpls Uons for puppet mittens, basic am* time and again. her young dbarges wbtle Inwardly Plans (or toe New York trip to used to purchara tha candy. The Uoa of his leaderahip. Representing IKuM^AAI wardroba. Gift pattera prtntad la* Inaidtry stitches and grand de- The next game will ta a double- Mm revsals that she Is wtohiag she tha -United Nstloos were also dis- major drive will sUn be conducted tiw team in the ■presentation were AdBiigttiE 7 i t y I acA io n m i I Efie tho •hooK # 4iid 35 cento to* sigM age prtntod ig tUa issut. 35 header Thuraday aMramg Den. 5. "had aever tahmi the job. cussed and a tentative date was In the spring as JSHA. Co-OspUkiw Jhek tOrrell and SgEBiB sad KBEEi f u P H m x ir «lny. ■• ■■ ■■ . cento. Ebb XSmma, *87 s e t Batto AimsLU. ’«4 DaaawJtottaax 'Si BtiM ZJ^ltrJI^E^-IKAflUMC.-^. i \ J ■■ \ M ;7«'.'^’;'.7 ' - ;

10 iHOULlL lfA N C »m 4i«. OONIIw ^URSOAY, DEGEHBBB S, 1983 WANCHESTBR EVENING HERALD. MANCHESnBR. CONN, THURSDAY. DECEMBER S, 1968 l^(sl>i)i if(_liiii(j^^fiiieilii n il! - r'1 I • jiW w'lHlII,l.ff■'« ■■■■'(.Va m i Grid Falcons Boast Biggest Baljiiiccd Bees and Deci’s Strained Relationship Between Tydol and Sunoco Quintets Capture p l^rovided Notch Victories aaofn mcKi: a n d t h b b x kbaaketball fans will have an op­ SUndlnga Players and Club Owners Reached Showdown n a n war* aoma mighty fine portunity to watch thF fabulous Forward W all in State W PcL 2 1 dose Conlests 1.000 football pUyara In action Tuaaday Bevo Francis in action Saturday Y League Games; Hilinski Scores Paganl’s West Sides . ,1 night at the Boston Garden when Manchester Plumbing, .1 1JH)0 AtlanU, Dec, S UH — Tha Bight at ttaa Scnool Street Rac in Contest Sunday at Nebo Rio Grande plays Providence Col­ New York, Dec. 3 (Ah—Pipe Brown and Beaupril,..1 1.000 strainad ralaUenaliip between the Paul Hlem'a 15 pointa w'ere the I major league ptoyars and club the Bee Senior BaakatbaU League. lege. P .G ^ tutored by Vin Cuddy, Blocking Back To Omclude Season t down, you Texanst Tha natioa'a Decl'a Drive Ins ...... 1 1.000 Hayes Relurns Ball Handling Whiz With Red Heads Frank Toro. |^ar*coach of the difference in last night'a Aral Gua's Grinders...... 0 .000 evmeni reached lU wtdeot hraacb former Connecticut athlete. . Paul game at the Y. Quay's Tydol de-i Connecticut Opens teaghaat collega football laagua MarchanU ana lormar Teachera Glel of Minnesota has been named Blaik Turned in Great Plan to Honor Jacobs; Nasstff Arms ...... 0 .000 today after n pair of bomboheUa Collage In New Britain atar, per* feated Green Manor, 58 to 39, in ! isn’t your Southwest Confsrsiice. Charles Pontlocllt’a ...0 .000 To Army Life enplodad yastorour. as the player of the year by Grant- the other T Senior Basketball. Home Cage Slate Play Starts at ItSO formed with the Naaaiff Arma. land Rice and 700 members of the It’s lbs Ivy Leagus—and we havs First National Bank . .0 .000 It began with the refusal of too P^ul Arearl, A1 Smith. Lou Mag- League. Hilinaki's Sunoco, led byj Coaching Job with Arm y player repraaantattvaa of too 18 Football Writers Association. J. D. the veteran Johnny Hilinski and! Storrs, Dee. 3 (F>—Tim Val- Two powerful football powers figures to provs It. ' alanar and Phil Ttnaley all played Roberts of Oklahoma won the top veralty of Coaaectteat opens Ha HowT Walk as ws aca It, a Brown and Besuprs and Decl'a Bofiton Negro Soundly major langua eluba Id attend (3 with MtUer'a Keataurant. Smith Nino PaganI downed a stubborn I 18-game lioaie basketball slate are scheduled to meet face to faea "tough" league is one In which the Drive-In sco;^! wins to Uie West scheduled meeting vrith Ckmihla- lineman of the year honor from SUk a ty five 48 to 38. By Gayle Talbot Trounced by Panter sioner Ford Frick bocouat Uieir at­ and Magelaner were enda with the group . . All American teams here tonight, meettag Ameri­ New York, Dec. 8 (F)—For our Sunday aftarnoon at 1:30 at Mt. teams are so ehiasly mstchsd that Bids Rec Midget Basketball league ^ Trinity College thia paat tall and can Interaatloaal College la Rochester Star It'd difficult to win any game. And last night at the Cedar Street gym. torney, J. Nornam Lewis, had Man within the next few years will be GREEN MANOR found out the I money, only one man la worthy of Nabo for tha 1953 Connacticut Bruce McClain paced Uie Bees to In Teleyised Fight barrad. Arcan waa a dO minute tackle with a dime a dosen. the Storrs cage at 8:80. In serioua consideration for having an analysis of this year’s scores Coach Dan Jeaaee’a club. Tlnaley hard way that there is a difference \ ■emi-pro championahip. Meriden shows that fits the Ivy group like a 31 to IS win over the First Na- It ended with toq oommtoMantr's * * * in junior and senior league play. the preliminary, tbe Uconn turned In the fineat job of coaching Detroit, Dec. Z UTi — Boston revelaUon that toe major langoa was the standout back with the freohman quintet faeea Trinity in the football season now coming Faloona, winners of ftva atralgbt, Columbto’s Dick 0 | fT fits tha T Uonal Bank. Deal’s rallied from a Unlvaratty of Connecticut... Tom PRO FOOOTBALL aeve- The Tydol gang smothered the and tha Merchants, wlnnara of formation. half Urns deficit to dsfest Pon- middleweight Norman Hayaa went executtva council was constdailnff land Brawns are interested in Joe Pariah of New Haven. to a close. If Earl (Red) Blaik of back to Army life today, appar tbe termlnatton of too plnyeK** Carrlgan of Hartford is the new Manormen from the first jump ball Connecticat has had the up­ their last alx outlnge, and 10 In For jrears the fans have rightly ticelU’s, 30 to 21. Clrone, Bridgeport University’s to the end of the game. Al Bomba- Army doesn’t get Ois awarlLthey ently finished as a fighter unUl mulU-mlHion dollar pension plan. realaent of the New England In- per .hand over AIC since the should examine Uie ballot 1 ^ for 11 engagements, will supply the regarded the Southweat Confer- Brews and Benopte meved to n ircolleglata Basketball Officials fine end this past season . . Spring- dier and Hiem were the play- sacs aa a league to which competi­ first quarter lend to sato tteir first Uncle Bam gives him hla dls> Frick (Haclooed nt • news oow field's hockey Indiana, finding the series began In the 1934-85 signs of tampering. ' excltment. It will be the final charge. ferenee that too bm^ Macao gAssociation... Joey Qlamba and makers for the Queymen, while season, 8-0. Last year the There possibly are belter taaimi tion really was rugged. Sure, there win. MoClala was high nma for going a little tougher in the Que­ Billy Holmes and Jack Vola played gama of tha yaar for tha high-fly- aren't any "breathera" to that the Bees with It pM ts sa five Fighting on a thras-day pass, ownora, nt their nnanal nieellng la Jlnuny Herring, two rough, tough Uconns won 73-55. la tbe land than the taak foree of Hayes was soundly whipped by middlawelghts meat in the 10 bec League than 'in the now- best for Green Manor. tng locals. PrstasI Jacobs will also rouitd robin schedule and the only hoops and a ehartty toss. Al New Yerfc next week, win veto eai defunct Eastern League, have After this heme Inaugural, Cadets which ripped Navy hefarc Garth Pantsr of Balt Lsike City eenid dtoeelve round nationally televised fight The second game provided the the Huaklea will meet Yale a national audience last week. ha honorsd by hla mates. Part of "upect’4 Is when a favored team Venasto chipped la with eight Friday night from Madison shown signs of late in climbing up best action of the young season. wins joat as expected. eouators, six to the ascend quarter in a^naUonally toleviaad 10-round­ toe eattro penal an plaa wItWa 88 the ladder in the standings. Sat­ here on Saturday.. Through sheer manpower the lead­ tha locals' ahars of tha proceeds er at Olympia Stadium last night. days nUbeugh Its prseent five-yenr Bmiare Garden. — Both clubs dotted with veterans of ing teams might griad Army late will snter a fund for Injured play- to keep the winners’ attack rolUng. • • • urday night Coach Doug Mc- the court went all out trying for BUT r s E FIGURES show that Beb Detemus was high man far tbe Immediately following the fighti stop does net exalra. natU 1808. defeat aomewhere la the aeeead Hayes was suspended by the Frick explained that it wan not NINETY STATIONS will carry Murdy's sextet plays the Valley- the win. Hilinski, along with Jackie half. But we do net belfbve they to tha southwest—and most otter lasers srtth Ifi pelats. field Braves at the ColMeum. After Robb and Pagani, gave the Sunoco- oonlerenccs — Uis wtontog team Michigan State Boxing Board ef until 15 mtnutos before toe pro- Saturday's telecast of the Notre could do H for the first M nriautea THE FALCONS boaat tha Mg- Bobby Hewitt and Gordon Geer poeed meeting yesterday morning Dama-Swthem Methodist foot­ Saturday's game comes a long men the drive they needed. Lead­ of play. often manages to roll up s one­ with 13 and 10 points paced Deei’s Control. inad trip, while the Ice Capades Y Results gaat lineman In the state In 300- sided score. But the Ivies, who At flrsL the Rextog Ceinmla- that Ralph Klner and AlUe Ray* ball game ^ m Southern Metho­ ing by only four points at the half­ Therefore, our contention is that pound Tiny DeCaiii, n tackle. In attack and a 80 to 21 verdict over Holds, Nattonal and American dist, starting at 1:45... Bobby are playing. The Indians return to way mark, Hilinski aloWed the have been content to accept a sec- PonUcelll’a. The Drtve-Ina were alon sent ward arouai the ring home ice Dec. 18 against the Sher­ mustu'i iu> Blaik did the' outstanding job. Ha addition, the Silver City eleven eodary role to "Mg timt" football, that Hayes was sospenfied for League Player Repreeentatlvee S p ^ t and Donna Atwood are the game down and played slow and started with little, never had much boasts tbe hefUest defensive line behind going Into the final ^ r t a r . caned on him to permM Lewis te leading stars with the Ice Capadea brooke Saints . . Earl Shannon, deliberate basketball. The Aces B. r . PU. want to for close spine-shivering John Campbell and Jack Olaavcr “Inept Mrfsrmaaee” na wall aa form er Rhode Island State Borcluo. r ...... 3 M 5 beyond 11 good men, and flnlihad and hopes to add the eeml-pra ftoisnea this year and thsUs “peer eenditleu" Later, it nan be prseent. of 19M which is playing at the were in the game until the last Wifp* f ...... 0 0*1 0 up with a allck outfit that com­ crown to their boasts after Sun­ Sonya Kaye la atamd to Uia refreshing and spontaneoua lea led the losers’ attack with eight Eastern States Coliseum, West eager and pro basketball five minutes, when In trying to get Robb, f ...... 1 0*1 3 “tough’’ for the teems. that play, and alx points. ad this to Just “peer eondltten." I told them that was not poe* N. Pagani, c ...... 6 0*2 12 pared with the very best. Coach day's action. whlmay of sallora home on leave, "Goha and Gals,*' Riet one of 10 regardless of tbs quality ef the OscT* Dri**-ls (331 sible,” Frick said. Sprii^eld, Dec. 7-13. Spccht has player in the NBA, Eastern and -possession, they were g.'ilty of Pratt, r .... George Hunger of Penn, whose Michigbn Commtssionsr Floyd American Leagues, is now assis­ (M) 4 Dick Maslar, formdr Connecti­ great productions and 30 aeU to tha all new Ice Capadea ef 1804, football. B. r. pu. Stevens said tha suspension would Frick aald ha felt he had the been a star with the ice show for personal fouls. HUlnukr *1 ...... 9 a*n 31 team played both, unhesitatingly cut lineman and back, is the Fal­ appsiaritog nighUy at the Coliseum to West Springfield. Dae. I Look at Princeton's last-mtoute, HfwHt. f ...... 3 a 13 right to summoB anyone be IS years... Yale cage mentor, tant cage mentor at Boston Uni­ Hilinski had a good night from Groman. g ,...... 0 0-1 0»» placea the Cadets on a level plain Megslede. I ...... 0 0 bs effseUvs in all 48 states. versity . . Two former pro players Prrkins, g ...... 1 (VO. cons’ fullback. Frank Erff from through 13. with matlnaea Saturilay. Dae. 13 and two matlnaea Sun­ 20-18 declslen over CoIumMa, for Ostr. ( ...... i 10 “We’re auspendinr Hayea at a wanted—player or dub etfictol— Howie Hobson, reporting on the the floor gathering nine hoops, but .MO .. . with Notre Dame. Vlllanova and Benny Neastng of day. Dec. 13. Instance; or those tv.'o thrillers on Clou^. f ...... I in toe intoreaU of bnsahnB, wifii* South American trip he took his In Manchester, Johnny Burke and IS off on his foul shooting getting Totals ...... 31 4-17 44 We have just been looking over BJUlsrd. c ...... I) I protection and won’t lift it unUl Silk Ctly (33) New Haven Teachera are other on# afternoon when Tale best , 1 i he’s in condition to fight,” Ste- out any outsider present.. Tale playera on last fall, said all Floyd Wilson are freshmen coaches a poor 3 for 11. Joe Tedone and an article by one of football’s fine backs. Nsssing was a atickout Princeton, 26-24, to the last few gJJiVrt'/ Kiner and Reynolds contanded games started at 11 p. m. Tbe at Wesleyan University and Har­ Jim m y Gleason provided the B. r. Pis. 7 vens said. "Hit manager, John Ze(nan*k. ( ...... 1“1 3 global thinkers. It appeared last with the Tsachers this past fall. seconds and Cornell barely held off iTrerord. g ...... 2 that Lewis was their official legal main reason for the trip was to vard respectively. Both are Spring- scoring for the Aces hitting for Gobb. k ...... 1 0-1 a September, and it attempted to DeOarli will have plenty of help Dartmouth, 33-28. These weren't' if'”****''-* ...... Buckley, assures me Hsyes won't try and Improve public relations field College graduates. MathioMon, f ...... 1 (M) 2 fight again until he’s out of the counsel and they ndvtoad Frick 23 between them. Tpdono. f...... 7 1-3 15 rank the leading teams by aectlona. in the line from Pat Musto. a for­ essv games for anybody. | • ...... thnt toe playera hpd unanimoualy between the United States and • • * B. Moske, t ...... 0 0*1 0 It was remarkably accurate, too, mer Alabama lineman, 255-pound The same statistics that put the | Tsuu ...... U 4J Army.” voted that Lewis must ba admitted South American cities. Some of ANOTHER GOOD crowd was on Batch, c ...... 6 (VI 0 except for the east. Navy waa Frqnk Tomclk from ^uthlngton, Ivy League first In tight games, Cbarlso PMUcrlll’s^ttl^ The ' general feeling among the games were played in baseball Plummer, c ...... 1 (V3 I Pu. or they would not attend them- O’Leary Renamed hand and it was the opinion- of BJorkman. g ...... ;..,0 0-0 0 picked as the titular head of the Joe Salafle of Georgia. Neil Mount r^BAWLINGgive second rank to the Missouri Botaman I ue 0 sports writers covering the fight oelves. parka and bull tings... High foot­ those present, that a little more ...... a 1 region and Army was placed away ■mTAvnaxT i.iu u i-r VaUey Conference and third to the j Urirrr. r . a I was that Hsyes didn't put up a ball coach Walker Briggs credits Jllver. g ... l“l Herald Photo, from Chetire 'Academy and Stan B»n>a Lobs n«aM (S> All player repreaentaUvea de* experience for the younger -clubs Qleasan. g ...... 1 1-3 R down eighth, guaranteed to loae Gwm Oaoray Sobleaki. Mlllrr't It) Schurls ...... 103 114 S4 Skyline Oonfe*ence, with the' * 0 ;good showing but that he did his pertod for their homes except Rey­ the defensive work of Joe Curry Head of Umpires will make the league a well W. Moake. g ...»...... 3 o*a 4 more games than it would win. • • • Drd ...... 10$ m IOC 313 Bublikl ...... lUI 103 S4 southwest in fifth place. HsmlU. f ■, be.*t considering the conditions. and Gene Johnson, and the offen­ J. Tedone, g ...... 0 ive 0 DfoUiuin* ...... 133 133 IU3 ssa Kondra ...... lus t| s» Campbell, c nolds, who aaid be Would attend balanced loop. That gives an idea of Uie sort of Gena Conroy, former Hartford BIO NAMES and beefy perform­ Cherubini ...... HI S3 lOS 313 Kochin ...... 137 lOS 110 They ware reached averaging OUavre, c .. • ; He's been to the Army s the American League meeting In sive play of Bill Moller and Harry T(> ...... 17 4-14 33 material Blaik was known to have Fsrr ...... KM 1« 133 33S UarUclilsn ...... SI — 130 the number of points sepsraUnr Rei'ooku, g 1! montha and his ist fight New York next week. Will Har- Jimmy O'Leary, dean of Con­ Bob Davies remains one of the Bulkeley Hirh back, haa bean a ers have had little affect on the H. Corirntl ...... 101 107 ... 1 . Griswold as tbe main reasons for Score at halt time. 34-30 HUinskl's to work with in hla third season I3S 334 Hart ...... j SS:: _ — : l the winners and the loaeni to all Bpear, a 2 ‘ May 21. the success enjoyed by the Indians necticut baseball umpires, has all-time-hssketball greata with welcomed addition to the Man Merchants In previous games. The ■toid. a ..... ridge, league presidvnt aaid, bow- Final Preparations qaey's (M> -the Rochester Royals. (NEA). of rebuilding from the ashes of the cheatef Marchanta* football team locale, considered the oeit team TnUIS ...... lli B30 375 1330 Tout* 313 117 1133' conference or league games—tte Camvo«e». g 3 ”I think Stevens ia craxy to aver, the inyltatlon to Reynolds to last fall. The win over Middletown been reelected president of Chap­ so-called cribbing scandal. The VUU LskUi Ui I point spread. If use of that term Turner, g .... * , suspend him," said Buckley. .’Tt's was the big game. Coach Briggs r . ptP. this fall. A ruec«l 320-pounder. ever to represent Manchester, have Cam ...... m 117 33 314 attoM toe American Laagua aes- ter Two of the Connecticut Board Helm, f ...... 7 1-3 U consensus was that the man up Conroy has fllM the bill aa a puibed aside eome mighty fine K. Ac*lo ...... ,'...1 33 tor KCI ;W3 T I.BAUI'B 3t)n la permitted. Ti.Uta in 1 4 31 an InjusUce. that’s what It la. Sion had been withdrawn. Rey- sai^ “After we beat Middletown Made for Y Loop Wood, t ...... 1 M 3 the Hudson, genius that he might Bnllnskl ...... 37 IIM KW an PssaaT* Bsckrille It) In the Ivy group, a total of 157 Bcor* at half Urn*. 11-3 PonOcrUl'a. "I'd like to sea Stevens try to nolda was not nvallsMe for com­ the boys decided nothing could of. Approved Baseball Umpires, Reed, f ...... 3 3-4 n blockinc hack on offensa and as teams In the paat 10 weeks. The Wsik'r .. 7-4 (iteosoo Ball handling whis with the All American Red Heads to KnUa Inc. EHectlon of officers tooK place Bombodi-r, ( ...... 3 (V3 4 Sports in Brief be, would need at least two more a defensive linebacker. locals have yst to rnaet a breather 571 fchmelskl __ polnU aeparated the v.inner* and get along on Army food.” Watson. Katie and ter Red Head mates will play the Naaaiff Arms ment. stop us." The Indians dropped The T Intermediate Basketball Benion, c ...... 7 rvo 14 years to put another contender to­ AbrailU ...... _____ 115 tS_____fl! PhlHpp .. .713 the loaera In Ifi gamea. That’a an Brawa 8 their open and then ran up seven at the annual meeting. tu. g prove to theee people thnt there’s receipts, it now providss w fund night, plays American Interna­ against the North Ends and the Stratton, ( ...... 0 o*a 0 lege pass a scoring one. He tossed rid fourth quartor driva to Ua TnUls ...... IS 473 533 1)K» was 10.55 pointa a game and to ' tional of Springfield Thursday wishes to join the board may con­ Vols. c ...... 5 ■10 will dispute that their closing tri­ other for appearanrea in town. OsiUra (I) 115 330 313 17M . ToUla . . . . IS t-0 H nothing wrong srith me." Hayea, that aasuraa an iacoma of 5100 a tact the secretary. Bullets playing the Hoopers. rtndell. g ...... a >2 4 a forward for the clinching touch­ umph over Navy waa about as Im- Sal's Mapla Service 35-all at the Attendance haa been good but luRIvIsrs...... M 111. 134 the Skyline Bight it waa 11.42. At j night at Btorrs. Saturday' night 100 511' • m. r . PU. n SS-yenr-eM Negr*. stepped tote month to 10-year players ea retir­ The Intermediate League has Upton, g ...... 0 0-0 0 down in a 14-6 win over Michigan. preasive aa ^anything seen on the end of the final ptrtod, and acored Sunday, given a break from the DIrU ...... Ill the other extreme, the average _ „ , .0 1-1 1 the ring, leeking nent nnd trim. He For Eastern Cage Play ing age of 50 on down to $50 n . Yale meets the UOonns at Storrs ADDED TROUBLE proved very popular the past few mCurry. g ...... 4 34 11 Louts W. Shaw of Bayonne, national hookup all season. McMullia ...... 1(11 VT 1S1 , ^ . Dm WHIIi (31 winning margin to Border Confer- ' (VO 0 . . Coach Ray Costing's Trinity Farr, g ...... 1 1-a 3 three points In a three mlnuta weatherman who hae been so kind Anderwia ...... 57 W1 234 lunky ...... 13* 107 0 started nt n brisk pnee, too, pennd- month for five-year men. Bloomington. Ind. (NEA)—Don years and has graduated many of N. J., is the 1953 winner of the Aa early as the Tulane game In the past, a record attendance is Barrera ...... lOii IM 303 toirut ...... 54 IS* ence games was 24.22 potota. Uemak.' ( 1 (VO a Ing Panter witk n left-rigkt co*n- Frick ewpitolned tknt Ike p5ayera - five will play Bowdoln Saturday Schlundt, Indiana’s All-America its players to the Senior League Touts ...... IT 3-15 39 annual John T. McGovern Award Blaik lost his leading ball carrier, overtima to soars a 38 to 85 win Brown ...... 53 — » Vittner ...... IIU IM 310 The Southeasterr. Conference, in compooeo. f ... .1 oe a Score at half tlmr. 3S-lt Qury's. exprated. ------O r-rllly ...... 1*» 141 4 3-3 10 binntlon wklck wen toe first round. denraaded tkelr penMin pay snls night In Hartford at 8:45. Charlie basketball pivot man, g;rew an inch each season. as the "umpire who has done the Freddie Attaya, through an ankle In tha opening game of tha West YTtera will be plenty at ataka ...... i n io7 which eight of 89 games ended In J ;;;; .0 1-1 1 y League tost night. Other fine w- h,- ,i.a« awar hAamima Masurek and Matt Wallace are TnUls 433 113 311 1U7 Knmpanlk 213 g M G After a close second round, be toerenaed Irani $58 to SSI Mr since last year. He’s six-10. Some of last years veterans, most for the cause of tennis of­ Injury. Tills was conslderad Side Rse Junior BaakatbaU Sunday — the state crown — al­ jUlallo ...... ~ 114 ties for a sera point "spread" j. Naum^. 0 Hayea began to tire and Panter, n scores were: Pop Gleason 136,! •*«-, bqcnnM live year awn aad troni $188 to Trin's co-captains . . Wild Bill who are returning for a second year, of whom much is expected ficiating during the year." wound up with a 12.84 point aver D u ^ r. 0 0d> G the fourth player on too British crushing blow, as Attaya waa tha though It la in name only.-Man­ Uardrs Grave i4) ...... 370 372 374 1711 r. Noamre. a 0 1-3 1 23^year-old Iron worker, took Spud Schmatoke 352. Beebe Mito' $1$8 Mr 18-yenr men. At tha onnw CUr^ and Sander Kovaca headline OLYMPIC FLANS year of competition are: Nelson are: Jay Bralnard, Bill Kodes, Ken Htllmkl 33 133 211.• •• age. Hie figures for other major 0 1-1 American Eastern League club team's only outajda runner and tha Sal'a lad at tha halbvay mark. chester has not lost to a state foe PobI ... Bogsr* Cora Ui Rtehordoofl. i .. charge. He stalked the back-pedal- neee 141-379, Tom Martin 382. Joe last night Businass Manager Art ttaw, Ike pMyera wanted to ndaee tonight's pro wrestling card at ' Washington (NEA)—Members Quinby, Jimmy Selbie, Mike Sargent, BUI Ballsieper. Tom Clif­ KirtX DISPLAY only kicker in tha hackfleld. But yet and haa high hopes of shatter­ Keeney ** HUIukl , .7 7 ;...... 0 3 113 lU 3Mconferancea (using conference D. HaUusky. 3 , 0 04 i tog Hayea around the ring, raking Tworonits 145-375. Lanky Waic- Foot Guard Hall in Hartford. Cur­ 30 to 10, and 38 to IS iH tha thrae- IIS ...... 13* 100 135 Ml mee only): Southwest, 1341:. Pongrats brought the former Glas­ the OO-yete age ellglbMty to t f of the committee for the United Escavitch, Art Pyka, Hank Zat- ford, Rog Lord, Doug Vinton, Pete New York (NEA)—An unprece­ Blaik went back to work, and it quartqr mark. Don PonUcelll col­ ing the Meriden streak while wind­ Pnatillo ua M7 HO Touts ...... _ u It him with overhand rights. kowski 142-378. O'ReiUy 144-380, whUa paying smafisr pronskMM ry. the bad man of the sport. Is States track and field squad are kowski, Pete LaFlamme, Ron Close and Jack Pieraon. dented 305 recreational boats of all is doubtful anyone remarked on ing up their season In a blaas of SoskFla.. 100 34* smtui ...... • . Ill lu tcifie CoasL 14.13; Big Seven, Beerf at hotf Urn*. 31-13 Bets. Ted Chambers 381, Ed Korls 353, tonbury High scoring wtoard into lected six pointa for tha Trust in Carrllo , 118.83; Big Ten. 1544; AtiaaUc The last few rounds were de­ the fold laat night (enrrent^ aronnd $188488 a year sure to attract a new season high meeting in Washington and plan- Hearn, Joe Kuhlman, and Ken Tbe floor will be availahle to­ types Will he on display when the Attaya's absence as they watched Sfory. RIvoss . m 357,*--““ ...... R Charlie Varrlck 369, Stan HUinakI far pMren). He expintned thnt In attendance . . Two other bouts ning for the 1908 01ympTc"Gamea Irish. night for the league teanu to hold ' onsi Motor Boat Shew holds the final chapter to pace the win- O t a lOonat. iSfiO i aafl Southern. 1740. cidedly one-si4kd end on three Pat Uebel run untouched for three nera’ attack, anabllng the Bankers TbUta ...... 341 334 IS3 1310 occasions Referee Lou Handler 153-394; Mixed Doubles—W a lt wenlfi beoat toe eeat ha afiilltl(Xial complete the card. . New England in Melbourne. Australia. I Some of the newcomers this a practice session. Its golden jubilee starting Jan. 15. GAME TIME haa been moved up Touts .. .333 311 548 1314 I A quick look at the acoras piled up Abbruzzi Heads 7TWELVR PLAYERS partici­ scores against the Middies. to move Into n tie at tha rcgulaUon by such toanu aa Oklahoma. UCLA, warned Hayes to "pep it up.” Phillips 153-364; Restaurant I t i ariUtan dollars (1^ mUBon » The qoauty we admired most la mark.'Butch Kenael was high man SO minutes to 1:30. M3a«lM*4*r Ma4ar Salsa «SI ' It was a unanimous decision for League—DcSimoiie 383, Vie Abrai- pated in a practice aeaston behind year) Mr the next five-year per- Both teame will be at full MosaoU Wtst Virginia and Texas Tech tto 371, Wally Saverick 357. John cloaed doors. Cbach Puggy Bell tbe grave Army coach was his re- for the winners with 13 p^nts. 3^1* ..., !S ' shows how the spreads” mounted All Star Team Panter. who posted his 53rd vic­ fnsal to alter la the sUgktest the Charlie BogginI netted 10 points strength. Jacobs, a standout for tory against 12 losses and two Sasiela 133. Alex Kochin 137-356. was missing. He had a i Later a major league club of­ several years with Manchester MlKruM-r . to some leagues. And in ths Sky­ opermUon performed on hto kaaa type ef game be bellevce ia Jnst for tha hwsra and pinyed a sttllar Vorrick .. line tters were two ties, four one- Boston, Dec. 3 UPi—For the third draws. Handler acored it 58-44; ficial, who asked that hto name because he feuad klmsdr short of gama on defenaa and set up most teams, will be honored by hla mates Just what the Kowicki Judge Andy Brown 55-45 and FOUR 5IANCHESTER men. 'iuasday aad axpecu te will ba not be used, declared, toe ptoyern during brief halftime ceremonies. potot dsclstoBS and two two-point- consecutive aeSiSOB. halfback Pat r«a(ly to begin worklag himself tbe class of material he had growa ^ tha acoring. plays. Dale Brown Touts ...... m tlT 130 1773 sra to hold them down. Abbnusi, the University of Rhode Judge Joe Lucas 54-48. The AP charter memtera of the Ontral “have gone too far toto time... and Dava Woodbury had eight O a m ChUlM (31_ agreed with Lucas’ 54-48. Into shape next week. they’va asked for a showdown and accustomed to worklag with. He doctor McCoo* ...... 77313 in 33 313 You con add them yourself, if Island’s tamed Battering Ram. lias OmnecUcut Assoc., of Football might have bees forglvea the past pointa apiece foe their n I g h.t's It was Hayes’ 10th loaa in his Offlctoto, wUl be among the hon­ Bemer played with Manchester this to it” Pregla ...... Ill 113 yem Hke. But please don’t come been named for tha AU-Yankea tbe laat year toe EPBL oparatod, three seaeoas If he had tnraed to work. Bevo in Garden McLsgoa ...... 103 — back with that corny old one—that Confcrcnca footbalt unm by the last 12 fights, making his record. ored guests tonight at the 2Sth The league contlnuea acUon to­ ordered! BulUvaa ...... 133 111 22-17-1. He. .weighed 182 H to 160 195(»-31. The 6-5, 300 pounder to Mighttoat chasm In tha world the forward pam aa a desperate *s**a**a«s*4 wi0 2 * 130 figures can’t lie Iwt liars can coaches of the alx member colleges. anniversary dinner of the group. hope, but be regarcs the pass as night with-a double-header. Herm'a figure. for panter. A crowd of oMy 1413 Honored wiU be Ekls. Jos Beilis. A l«BogginI. la tAipping cAargtt, All prksi ivbjsct 10 chong* wilAeut eotics. and nia teammates from lIttle-Rld Mo. 13 (It Melbourne, Aiutralto. Dec. 3 (Ah kfaaur and /Ray Lucians. OonnecU- • * * REPAIRS coach except Bud Wilkinson of Day. I ...... M. Mnrgsa ...... 73. -W hile American Davis Cuppera tacM M , Chatter John AndreMl. Frank Robinson 4md runn(ncham. c ...... v...... Grande College—cmallest school ...... 101 iS s » cut; John Cunningham IN HIGH SCHOOL. Bemer set Oklahoma compares with the West PonticriU, a ...... R. Morgu watchad latently from the grand­ and Ed Mahoney, OonnecUcut; Ernie Dowoimtry Club ball.-take on AdelphI OoUege -bf New Hampshire; center. Bob Roy, win be h*I4 on Sept- 19-20 and a points in a stagto game. He aver' sheer beauty In football. It must Total* ...... IS s n Garden City, N. Y., with St. John's Tssss No. 3 (4> ! Lewis Hoad, strokad their way to­ Connecticut; backs, Pappas, Ah- Q. There has been noUceably lie in such a perfectly executed Sol’s Mart* SsrviM (M> PhlltiM ...... 37 31 day to the final of tha Victorian Mixed Foursome Championship on more clipping this year than In aged 8.2 points per game with - B. , P. Pt,. of Broedtiyn, runner-up In last saa- P tlin ^ ...... 133 103 bruxal, Barnto Ptoa. lUuxle Island; July 23 are dates given the local revlous ones. Is there any reason Manchester two years ago. Bemer play aa the one on which Uebel Rocsinl. I ...... 4 3 1(1 Bon's National Invitation Tourna­ s: Unnia championahipa. Buddy Amendola, Connecticut. scored twice last Saturday, Rib. f ...... 0 0 (1 Touts ...... '. 310 m 133 340 H u top ooeded Rosewall, a cool couroe by tha Oxuiectlcut State >r it* , joins Jackie Allen, Bob McLarnen M. 0«te>. ( 3 ment facing Lafayatts in tha other VMU 34a. l.<3) „ Second team seieettoas: ends, Golf Aaaoctatlon for the 1854 sea­ A. Any rise hi clipping vioto- and Bell, all returnees to too BA’s. At any rate. It is great to have ...... 1 1 game. backcourt m aeklat. amoUierad Ken Woodsum, Maine, and Tony S both Blaik aad Army back in the Brown, c ...... 4 0 ,S K.'Turner son. . liens undeuMedly stems frem -Ike POTTERTON'S L*>-d*n. g ...... S ,* 4 Under normal oondttioha the T. Tumsr , George Worthtogtoa fi-1, 2-fi, 8-0, <4iamters, MaasachuaetU; tackles, (set tost a let M boys whe never 'There are more than 11,000 national picture so much sooner Wnndhury, B ...... 4 (I S twin bill might attract upwards of 8-1. Dick Tomasi. Now Hompriiirc, aad U8 CMter B t. Oar. of Ckank than anyone had expected. Both Conkm, g ... : ...... 0 0 (I Tou ts .... 111 173 131 WEST S n w REC GoU C31nic Meehed heleve nro threwMg tokea in Minnaaota. 14,000 fans. But, because of the Tha Btocky Hoad, pulling off Chaiias Gibbons, Rhode Island; toem this year nnd stUI haven't were missed. Totals ...... It 3 <31 strike which haa prevantsd publl- ONLY sarvica acea seemtofily whenever It will resume tonight at S o’clock at Tssss Ns. 3 <3>. guards, Chris Lotaa, Rhode Island, the West Side Rec on Cedar St., m toe Iking down eetvccfly. cmtlon of major New York new's- K. Slmroons suited his faney, powered paat the aad .. Phil Booker. Connecticut; a resMt, toeyTI just Ininiel panere, PTancla will get a real teat «. OUndsr .. vootly Improved Rex Hartwlg 2-8, with Country Oub Pro Alex Hack­ center, Al Robichaid, New Hamp­ ney In charge. Ladirw' beginners rtoemeeivee at an appsaeat — on! r w r a m C 1-. of his drawing power. T ou t* ...... 331 in 313 330 8-4. 8-3, 8-4. . shire; backs, BM Fratto, Rhode Is­ come up with a clip ones In ■ ..1II ' _J'' jiiiiailiiiiHlmiBiliHiiiiiiM-iiHiiiiiiiiiiiife Anything above 18,808 wilt rep­ V< B*. II (3I_ The Americen forces, who hops wiu Bseet at S aad mth'a advanced B. Dupuis ...... 34 n- land; Ed Bofdanovitch. Maine; claoB nt 8:10 and raSn-beginners at wkUe. resent a peveenal box effice tri­ It. Dupuis ...... S3 103 to challenge for the cup here-later Phil Tlnslty, OonnecUcut: Don Q—What makea a pass inter umph far the ganghng young msM this month, got little encourage­ 9 o'clock. Pre-Christmas Specials Touts ...... 133 IM 113 3H Almy, Rhode Island. ferenee call so hard for' an official wbe hi hla freshman season aver­ 3 k acoh U K ment frosn watching ths Sydney to callT aged an amaslag 58.1 pehits per teenagers outclaaa the two Auasie SY MENCHEL and Pinky UNTIL t TONIGHT FOR THESE a y b e you didn’t know that you game. Toau Ho. 3 <41 Q. A Uam waa penalised lor "U Hehenthal are local players who A—4t*a tough because there m o r m , n. Smith ...... ,71 71 upeeUers who prevtouely had cUm le|^ procedure" when Ito coach When It comes to-scoring, how­ Moutr SHOW nowH. BmlU ...... IM 101 9 are with the University of Om­ definitely to plenty of roughness can get yourself a bundle of big Here U fiood medicine lor the toated Uncle Sam'a brighteet toaaod a tee onto the field before M l a lot of them, hut It’s nllowpble M Safety*Ride rims, the firm solidity of a ever, Bevo has’s real rival In Fur­ itRft. hla sMa attempted a field goal necUcut varsity basketball team and able Bukk Fireball 8 power at the iiii man’s Frank Selvy, acourga of the man who is aiek^of stxiv a^ Touts .71 7...... in i7t iM Ml tola season. Menchel to a naUve of as long ns both asen are legitl- RECORD PLAYER lUYS! massive X*braced^frame. heavy snow. New deal gw lee- T*s3i 34a. 3 (31 „ Worthington had hnnl Wlmhla- Isn’t that allowefi? Thoy use a tea SouthUnds. Furman has played B. Hreiime on klckoHa. New York who racently moved to matoiy going for the bnB. It to a “6 WEBCOR S-RPRBD Browa ...... 73 77 73 331 Mrd. raarod srithout ever seetog ito Q—What end played for the tU D G n CENTER BAVE PORTABLE (LARHJ OC dollars more than that of the so-called Selvy, who averaged 29.5 per Jacobsan Is the outstanding B. n ro w n .....n 138 n 133 champion Chicago Beora for yaara g%i% And you get more fun, more thrill — game laat season, needs only 488 buy to rotary now plows Hondlcao —17 porenta or a taller Wrd's nsat. fel # O .W W t o n e CONTROL NOW # G G * *'low-prieed three!* i-iili III more polnU to break the three wwa the nast-bulldiag cuatoma ef without weortng a hcateearT from bossing the walloping, silk'smooth li-in , i i Toub ....,..?..i.t..,n3 U3 173 314 ito rsea. FRIDAY NIGHT SPECIAL Beauty and style year major college record of 1XS8 A—RMBowItt. WRBCOR S-SPERD *I^ e a quidc roll calL power thrust of the highest-powered, set by ayde LoveUctU Of Kanaas CAPITOL Tsoss No. 7 It) A fw V F.M. SAVE In 1852. And If he retains his tltl# 3t. OlshiBa M 3M $10,00 1SSSS" now$59s95 highest*compression Fireball 8 engine te’U ba tha only player other than EQUIPMENT CO. J. CusMng In this Buick you get more, room ever placed in a Buick Special. tha graat George Mikan to win ' " WRBCOR 8-8PI in floors of Tile twice In a row. 38 Main SU-TcL MI.3*7958 Luxe SAVE «13 POHYABLB than those few extra ikillars can buy It BsUsrt) De Open llinradaya Until • PM. A. likilsrisao MANCHESTER RW # l< 3.9V ^ (HOLIDAT) NOW $7 6.00 elsewhere. W hat it all sums up to is this straight Design your own tile floors for kitchen, • ALL-AROUND MAN Open Bntdfdays UnID 4 4 f P4L Hsseiesp—33 QQ c fijn u la^: you get far more automobile in „ go $K iAry*»s* • rumpus room or den with the many at­ Boulder. Colo. (NEA)—Coach PMNT AND MAYON SET get more comfort—comfort diat a tractive designs and colors youll find Ward aaya Carroll Hardy, SIUMPOOING^ PORTABLE NOW $26.95 lot miHre money can’t buy anywhere this Buick for just a few m ort dollars. Colorado junior, haa no pear as SB wm here at Manchester’a oldest floor cov- all-arouad tailiack. 481 R | D | | £ »' llfJRNPIKB EAST (FiaM EMWag) •Av. 5 2 . 0 0 NOW $17.95 clse-the comfort of the Million Dollar Better look into the matter if it’s a real ^ eriilg specialty shop. WILL GIVE % U R RUGS niRN iniRI THAT Ride> with ooil•^>ring cushioning on all deal you want for your money. We’re MRTeN s itu man hr MNCR->ta Tha 8ahh8«rii Hriw YTRST a n 6 l a s t REG.S2.00 $ ^ « 3 9 a . TV T.aidav avaalog,. AIm, ovary Sotorday, tan# la ijih Bast Lansing, Mich. (NEAV— CLEAN. a Ui lm LOOM FOR THE h o l id a y s /•Hr wheelst torque*tube steadiness. ready when you are. Tha TV foolball Oama al *a Worii-a Kay fwol Tha Ont and last paaaaa th r e ^ BUYNOWAHDSAVE$# M A R C ilS m )»y MleAlgan SUta’a Tom Yewclc T IL MI.3.44S2 TONIGHT ONLY to Ohio Stata'a stadium wera go«>d 4 qvvM ihq iM f niqRljs i Ih Ii U n B t AUroMOWIS a u m h t wmoc w iu buiui thim for touchdowns, tha first to 1861 n-Hi and tha last to this yaaFs Spartaa Oyee Mee., Tw Ih Wed^ TIwwSm FrL wifE f iii ▼lotory. Hi M a i Sanlai noCREY AT A GLANCB Sito WedesedaiTe Raaalt ^ t t o Hi Ih al SiMf TaRM iM i'lan GORMAN MOTOR SALES, Inc. 'A2 IdCRRRR ' Naw York 8. GWosaB.I (Tie)'. c i w m 2tS MAIN SIRnT — MAIiCHBnR * --- ^ - iMwiimR MOTOR u i n Hm. Y M HO B U D G ^ N T E R 721 Main, Ncrt BIomII MI-S-5«88 Q-: Who was tha aos«h a( tha ' " 5CW7r~'" 91 CraiTBR STREET MANCHESTER fMotts Oantra Oellaga toaiw tin t defmdto H a ia s o R to iw r ^ m m p A.I Charfay MaoBo, .'I'- ■ r -j!' ‘ N . 'I C'-'^ V

•I3 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD^ M ANCnBSTl^'^XW N, TlfURSDAY. D EC EM m S^, 195S M4NCHE3TEA XVKNINC HXBALD, KAH^IEfnBL tSONN* THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8. 1968 T" ■vA. j i r „ ______41 ArtktostorSsto 45 HsisWiold G88ds II II Wut«4"-1> Bwjr 1$ HeiMiS WB sI* . ’ 72 183 B N a & "V btl« Dor; Sato 4 Aoto DriTtac Sdiool 7-A 18 Two.He«ded StiObom w ’, houra ntOPlCAL FlIB. Naw ahlpmeat DUB TO ILL health X am didfoate 8 BOOMS _ 4 end 4 GOOD UwA on or • m w MORnXKX*8 D rtvlaf SaiKwL Loot, w a n t e d ' i ii ^ 'talialaito, of an my flahtag roega, amutoto «Mh humeri, i^ R O rs Btettele. good omidHhm. —MANCHES1BB ' BUILT BY JlfttAUM with Rockot onitta conOdMico quickly rootocod by GREAT BA8TERH 1 to 7 pjB. Apw momlnga. No toet arrived. KeUy*a A4V>arium. f o b j k w u r b dnuma sMTelwe-ehd hot water 88 Sunset St. Open 'ttl 9. ctudti« 16’ boat, 8 H.P. Bvhurud# c u t ML 9 4 M9. nve runm fensA.'plMhuad woBr A l l Al Chtatano. at Um Man* ikUlod, courtooua laatructoro. Bo* ROOFING AND phonot oallB plainM. K ay'a P astry, molar, rdBs, reala and Meotlad FdB M fLY 1400 ooU with buftteie, $!•, May be IfflWr Salaa. lOtchaU doraad teachUw mothodo Uunroa m North Mala 8t w en a t 71 JarvD Rood. Now Hv6 room n n d t Junae mu beeement, foU feselsHwi, ti|* CONSTRUCTION CO. tadda. AU la ekcellent condlUon. heto. finplaos in room and >-UM. aafo drlvlflc. Rooulta fuaraatood. A JC.C REGISTERED ColU* pups, latjulra tl.Wadaworth it. ^ ^ B d m WANTED—A mod uisd Frlgldalre, IMag mtchou t-Tm. WOMAN TO atay WHh diUdren APAimOBMT U se 96" la good oeedfiteo. CaU ML 64694. OB btis lint. Hss full bessmimt besmisnt, hot water oil heat, lo- Met A D V t. IM MBRCURT aadan. radio, haat- 24 Oak Street while m other works (UvS la pre- 316. Phone H artford 8-8743. ELECTSKiWPR gas raofa with even and brotlnr, sod pluterod wsfle. ofl host. eessed radiation, lorga lot or, oxeoUont motor, tW, 1N9 BALLARD'S DR|VINO SCHOCRr- ferrad). Room, board and aauuy. ___ J. H O U R S RE-SIDING SPECIALISTS DtaBHNtoB—W stdifs— DE LUZ2MANGB nroctieaUy new. teoamahte, ML 9 ^ 0 * 0 ) j Bulck qtodal aadoh, food r*otor, "Mancheater'a ddeoL" Owner- Call ML 8-7313. ______■ 9^43 bflev 4 pm. R o o m s wUhowt Bosnl 89 Selling St $12,400 with good C ontact 8:1$ A. M. to 4:»0 P. M . Certified by AAA and Board of Pooltrj end Snpplif 43 J o w firy 4 8 BEDROOM SUITE Moaa, m . Oouflaa Moton, MS AppUcatoea of asbeetoa oiaatli UVING ROOM SUgE mortgege svsilsble. CHARLES LBSPERANCB Ikiropa'aad Mara tho French te « Educattoo. We offer tralnlM, e InstUated aiding and wood otuaglaa ONE LARGE room or cste email lateat methoda.Bda. M ftduleU Help Waated^Msto 86 BROADHREASTED Breuss Tur- LBONAltO W. rOBT, JowMsr, ro- 5 PC. DINE! IE m FOtlDlNa EABY eairlnge, $90. PI. r» furaiahM, Kltchea . ptivi- 30-4-783* fhee nermed Germeae ehM « COPY CLOSING TIME TELEVISION SET •nedalhdag in U fa Tfana alumlnnaf keya, fraah troaen and trash kUlsd, naira, odjuato watehss w p ^ - Ruga, Lamps, Thhim 3-7$43.______• legos. TeL ML 94136. (3) OonUnued Amerien hNp^} FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. Brand new popular make 17'* model aidbig In color. _ 10 to 38 pounds. Schaub'a Turkey KwaoBobto petoso. ^ ga dpily. Ltnoloum and a Ftw T. J. CROCKETT, Broker OUR RECENTLY compisted alx- agalMt the Communlet-Ied rabWe t F arm , 116 HUlstown Road. TlMitsday anaiiiga. ■ptues WALNUT DlNlNO raom sot, Knlo- RTTRACnVELT furatebed in Indochina, or AUled dlnlomotle j MON. THRU FRL valued up to |300 ftven with pur- lateheO 8-8271 d r a f t s m e n Other SmoU Artklaa 244 ygln Street room cotenial haum on CTismhira chaae of any of the Rdlowlnf cars; stfoM TlIU ^ 84887. memo oomhinntten gns-oU rnngo. for m at Oomptete f 3 S t. is tho lUaos you' a bssa leefc. eupport for a negotiated eettle- 1 10:S0 A. M. Bsstness Sendees O ftned IS WANTED-Good home for Very good cendUion. Raaaennbte, cutties avoUaUs. Private A. V. LINDSAY ~ Owner TOOL DESIGNERS a l l y o u p a y 18 Phone MItchdl 8-6416 ing for. Largs kltebea with plsaty meat with Ho 1111 3linb'a ftrem. j SATURDAY f A. M. 1950 Bulck Special Sedan — Very beautiful houeebroken black 8tl, 33IP7, trance. Inquire 167 Mopte St. at cabinet epoce, pictureaque Uvimt (4) Britieb-American ogme* | dean. WIRINO INSTALLATION of all tana. RockvUe 54113. Foel sad F ttd 49-A $12.18 MONTHLY Residence Mitchell 9^7761 types. No' Job too smaU. Peter PDR GUARANTEED ROOFS that CHECKERS AU ora used, but In good E m m room with firqUaea; tU* hothwim msnt to MooeoWe propoaol n r * 1 1953 Hudaon Pacem aker 3>Door CANADIAN HAY and straw . AU 8INOLB OR deuMs, tunning hot Inscions peach colored fixtures; Big Four Foreign 3lM aUn BMet> { TOTO COOPERATION WDX Sedan—Very dean, new Urea. Pantaluk, 40 Fostehstreet Phoae stay on in any kind of storm, and and guorantead. It's a wandatnU OAS STOVE, 9M. Good water, steam hoot, asor bun Une. •1 BROOKFIELD ST.—Eight room n AmUBOATCD latchell 9-7303. futtera conouctors and roof ra- Long program—58 hour week 4$ gradso, any quantity Paul S. bargain, ons which cannot bo dupU- CaU ML 940$$. cotentel, four bodroome with tUe oodlss of cloost space In oU $ bed­ 1951 Hudaon Hornet—Radio, heat, Artictos tor Sato Schnedel, 187 Gardner 8t . Man­ IiMulrs State ToUinr Shop. Phoiw rooms, Why not coU us foir on ap> theee, only the Sear ieema 6 | er, hydramaUe, direeUon aif' palra. GMl Ooufhliii, lOtchall catedt ML 37M8 or 34^7. both and shower on ■ecead floer. Dial MI-3-5121 COMPLETE RepairsI b]by Stuart R. 8-7707. chester, Conn. Phone tMK$ik SEE IT DAT OR NIGHT REPOSSESSED Fumitura, which Four rooms and sunporch on first polntmsnt any tlmo of the day or major otumMtng Mock. n iia. Wolcott, A-1 Repair, Sales on s TOP WAGES , includea 5 piece limed oak dlaotte floor. Front ontronno has a Mod- nlgbtT Tho JohasMi Building C»m- N# SIgne ef I 1951 Hudaon Super 3-Door—Radio, For the BEST buy In DRY HARDWOOD, Furnace, fire­ PHONE ME IMMBDIATBLT rURNlSRED Room With kltchm washing machines, vacuum clean­ ROOFING, Sidlnf and carpintxy. s INSimANCB i VENETIAN BLINDS HARTFORD 8-0S5S suite, aoth bed and platform rock­ privUegas for litd^. Clstn, now ous recopUoo koU odjolaing fw« pony, 169 3tein S3,30.37438, ova- RedUrgani WestV Germany *3 - heater, alinal Ufhta, over­ ers. motors, small . appliances. AlteraUona and addlUcna. OaS- place and stove, $18 per cord, $18, er, OrigtnoUy sold for $3$9.r fumltum. Heated. CnU ML 377U. rooms. A 16 x 31 ttvliig raom with nlngsSO. *46U, far'has given no elgn o t coneed* drive. a PAID HOUDATS CaU MI-8.4886 per load. Ml. 941$1.______a f t e r 7 P . M. 48-46S6 Loot and Found Welding. 180 Main atreet Phone Inge. Workmanshipfuarantaed. FINDELL MFO. CO. If ytM have no moans of trons-' Ideal for summer cottage, ate. flroplace sod 11 x 13 den or study lag anything oa that quostion, ir* 19M Naah "500" Sedan —Radio, M lte^ 9-6078. A. A. Dion, Inc., 399 Autumn 485 East Middle TumpUic ■ Can bo seen at our "worshouss, with tiraptece. Oak floora, pohil % H03CE of your own is the hi Othrrwise, the BrlUah-Aeea*- - |X>ST—On Knox otroot, fray motal heater, clean. 'street kUtcheU 8-4860. SEASONED Hardwood for stova, portatlon ITI sand my auto for you. comer Oakland and Apel Plnce. THREE FURNISHED rooms. Christmas gift for you and your Phone Manchester MItchen 8-5363 Also RecondiUoning fireplace or furnaces. CaU Leon­ 7o obligation. woodwork and on ontomatm I family. Hotnos In oU stms and enn poaiUon Miapod up th is t r a g : , box oC tool*. Sontimentol value. 1948.Paclurd 3-Door—Radio, heat­ GONDER'S T.V. Service, available Tapes and Cords by Yard Montgomery Ward A On. Phone ML 31336. water eeatral heating syata (1) Eiaonhower is ready to oo*- Can MI. S-4ST3 atter tilS p.m. er, very clean. any Ume. Antenna conversions. RAT’S ROOFING Co. Built-up ard OlgUo. M l. $-7061. FREE STORAOB UNTIL makes a perfect oombraotlen for a gfeo rangss. H. B. Orady^ Brakor, F u r n is h e d r o o m near center. sure the Franck tta Uhttod.. Subatantlal reward. 1951 Studebaker Landcruiaer—Hy Phllco factory superviaed service. roofa, futter Work, roof, chimney MANCHESTER TOOL WANTED CHILD’S WHITB futt olsa crib wiUi comforteue home and a very de- SUtae win melntnlw "eomhnt ef- i repairs. Free estimates. Ray Haf- DELTA-DB WALT power tools and SEASONED FIRE Wood cut to any new m nttreas, $10. CoU MI. 9464$, Oenttemsn prsfsrrsd. Mrs. Rol' dramatic, very clean. Tel. ML 9-14M. desired length, $17 cord. 'ViU de- siratale location. For appalntim kfANCHESTER-Excoptionnl Chpe feettveneos" on the eonUnent, lY* liOST—Two blue tick coon hounds. 1953 Hudaon Hollywood Club enow, MI. 9-2214. Ray Jaekaon, A DESIGN. INC. accessories. Sales, service, demon­ A-—L—*B—E-—R—T-—*—S or Inquire Apt. 4, 706 Mnlq St. on, 36 Hsael St. MI. 30767. to inoMet, caU The Reuben T. 3(e- a r o l d a s o n s stration. Terms arranged. Capitol ^ v e r. Tel. Bob Kurts. MI. 36107. 43-45- AUyn S t—Hartford Cod, fuU shod dormer, excaOoat not neceosarily the praoaat n*m«~ Finder ideaae caU RockviUe 8>786B^ Coupe—Loaded with extraa. H . RubbUh re­ MI. ' 3-6335. Cann Agency, 30. 3T706. her of troopa it has thsra. Reward. moval, also cellars cleaneo. Call 130 H srtford^oad Equipm ent Co., IS Main St.^ 10 mON BEDS with spring^ S> location. FUU prteo $13460. Belteo, USED nlRNROlUB bousM ahd each; contact, .WaUara Dept, ROOM FOR RENT. Ladles only. three room bom* phm'iunpo rti. A (3) Britain wtu coopoiou' Take Advantafe Of Thla Sale MltchMl 9-4034. Garden—FanBr-Dsiry Tel. MI. 34931. 3fANCHE8TER — WeU enrad for 6 LOST—Lady’a black waUet, con- T odfp A t Roofing 16-A Manchester LOAM, Dark, rich euntvate^ grside sold. Hit WoodEiod, U Main Municipal BuUhlag. MI. 643S1, buy a t $5,500. Four to , homo cloaely with the European -Anny' taininf check, drlver'a Ucenae. CHIMNET8 Oeaned and repaired No. 1 $8 cu. yard. Grade No. 3, |S Products______M atroet TU. MRcheU 84154. raom home ea lot 107 x 1I3 Btenm plus garage, $7400. Many more and wlU eonsult with Ua top eom^ McCLURE AUTO CO. extenaton 36 or 36, FURNISHED ROOM, private en- oil furaAoe. 3ladellna Smith, Real Reward. Ml. 8-BBW, or MI. S-8219 "Tour Hudaon Dealer" by an expert. 36 years experience. ROOFING—Spedallxing In repair­ cu. yard. Dellverad In truck load llatlngs ef nU Unde. CaU The EUe- mnad before shifting any troDpC-, CaU Howley, M anchester, MItcheU ing roofe of oU kinds. Also new loU. Seroened eoad, atone. fiU qnd WELL ROTTED cow manure roc- PARLOR STOVE — TVo burners WILL BELL AT a aacriflea two troace, conUnuous hot water with tor. 3 0 . 31643 or 3 0 . 346T9. worth 3(itten Agoncy, Realtor. 30. from the continent But it wtU n ot;' FOUND —Sandy colored Cocker 373 Main Street WANTED—Bricklayers, cqien shop. onuaanded tor dried out lawns. with piping end two oU drums. Mower far genUemon-with clwui Mancheoter, Mltcheh 9-9443 SOI6L roofs. Gutter work. Chimneys Good opportunity. Mf. 64114, MI. gravel deUvered. Order now. Nuas- complete place eettlnge ot Interao- 3(ANCHE8!rER — She finlrfied 34630. or 3$r. Ymtcher. 30. agra* to maintein any defimte- Spaniel, female. Dof Warden ML cleaned, repaired, 26 yearV ex­ dotf Conatnictlaa Co, Phans highland top ooU. Orders tok- CaU MI. 37487. tionol stenbig silver, pattera WUd- habits. OkU at lOl'Ohsshiut St. 36661. 'iHiirmidLJtJ aumbar of eoldlera in Germany, S-4M0. Open EiVeninfa POWER BURNERS, and Range 9-8101. Or doUvoiy at your convon- rooms near Dus and now school. perience. F ree eatlm atea CaU MItcheU 9-7400.______INTERNATIONAL HarvesUr rs- rosa. Never used. lO . 3119$. LOVELY ROOM for ons o r t FuU basement with piny room and any mora than America wtU. 1903 BUICK SUPER four-door Burners expertly cleaned and Howley. Manchester MItcheU ROUTE SALESMAN wanted, five lenco. CaU Loonard QtgUo. Mlteh- PERKINS ST. —Modern 6% rtwm FImjIuu (S> The Umted States wlU eoB' LOST—PASS BOOK No. MSeS. ROYAL AND Smith-ODTOna port- eU 31083 frigsrator, 1960 Model, modem liv­ THIRTT QAL. hot water Homart gentlemen. Near bath. Private laundry. Price $11,000. Cash re­ colonial, attached gerege, amesite Ibis calf With Joined hcode was sUUbom lost sight to a cow ownod hy a Wopping dairy former. sedan, radio, heater, premium serviced. Let ua service and re­ 3-5361.:^ day work week, numerous bene entrance. Parking epacs. Ml. quired $3,300. 3(adeline Smith, Uane Us hMp to Franc* In lado-r- Notice is .hereby fiven that Paaa Goodyear Urea, one owner, low pair your washing machine or t«- fits. Apply In parson 3 -5 p.m. abla and standard typewrltwo. ing room sat, with two lamp table oil huroar, about 40 feat copper driva, baauUfuUy landscqted yard. Dr. Plod F. BuShaeU, Moncheeter vatertnerlan, was forced to operate on the Joined bmde to Mmptete Chinn — nt present half ot tho oii3 Book No. $4»U. iaoued by The AU mokaa of adding mochlnea NO. 1 GREEN MOUNTAIN PoU and one coffee table, chroma pips, 86 fol. oil drum, oU for $86. 3$6Mi after 4 p, m. Realtor. 30. 31943 or 30. 8-4$79. DesiraMe location. Reduced In delivery. Dr. Rkherd C. Olmsted, an aaso$tete of Dr. BuahneU, sold today that moitipte-hoad Hitha Savlnfa Bank of Mancheoter haa mileage, egcellent condition. fHgmmtor. Metro Service. MItch­ Manchester. Coot, Apron A Towel toes, deUverod to your door. Or­ kitchen set, chUd’s m ^e bed­ blUion doUnr ennunl cost of tho'^ Available because of company eU 9-0688. Hehtlng—Phimbilur 17 Supply, 73 Summit 8t. sold or rented. Repairs on oU OkU ML 36$$4 or 197 Bmokflsld SIX ROOM Colonial, fina condlti price. Suburbaa Realty Co.. R eal­ on rothsr ran but somo calves bom with two beads bars Uvtd. In each such case, however, one war. The Americans, however, be-' been loot and application haa been oMkss. MsrioWa. ders now received. COU Hatha­ room set, CoUier baby stroUer. 8 t tors, 941 3Cala S3 n o M 3 0 . ■f the heeds has been complete and dominant and the other Incompletely formed. Thee* heade. Dr. made to aald bank for payment of supplied car. CaU MI. 9-6847. way. MUebeU 31390. Call MI. 3P17L ROOM FOR RENT, cloee to large kitchen, dining room, oil hot Ueve that no peoe* nsgotlntieao WINDOW SHADES made to order A PLUMBINO Shop at your door. WANTED for construction otfics, Uno. Tel. 3 a .' 3$4t$. water beat, storm windows, nice 36318. Olnuted poittted out, share a common cranium, throe3 and prohably a common brain. Thera are four with Ho Chi Mimi hnvo any ahaaew the amount of depooit. END-OF-TEAR and InstaUed. Venetian blinds No time loat New work, altero- young man good at figures. Excel­ NA'nONAL CASH register. Rings CLOTHES WASHBR-dtehwoahsr, fuUy daveloped eyes, two fully developed ears, and, what Dr. Olmsted considered the most imnsnal fea­ up to $999.99. Seven separate sub used Thor Automagte. $80 or hast yard for ehUdren, 3-ear gorago. 8DC ROOM Cape Ood, five finlshod. of succeos until the Fteneh fonees CLEARANCE SALE and curtain rods. 24 hour service. tlona, copper piping, fixturae, hot lent Mportunlty for advancement. MAYTAG WRINGER type washing LARGE BEDROOM, single or dou­ amtalte drive, near hue and ture, another aingle ear flap with ear cavities on sithtr side of 13 have gnlnod a rant mlUtnfy ad­ December 1-31 Batimates gladly given. Fagan water automstlo heatera. Youngs­ Hie JorvlB construction Co., 6 totals and grand totw. Good Honsshokl Goods 81 offer. Christmas bargain. Nsads ble, heat, hot water, near bath. Shade traea, garden space, nice Announcements working order. Apply Herald Of- machine. Ml. 3606$ after 3 p.ra. minor repair. Ml. 33671. lUMl. $13600. cerium W. Hutch lawn end shrube, herd driveway, vantage. Window Shade CO., Route 44 at town sinks sold. Eatlmatea Dover Rd., Manchester, C harter Oak St. ML 37217. las, 3 0 . $4133, 9-4904. (4) AU three Of th e W eetam . FOR HOOVER vacuum cleaner Now is the .time to buy that Bolton Notch. MItcheU 9-4473. given. C. O. Lorentsen. See. 1$ Bissau St. no garage. Asking $10400. Call Lota for Sato 7$ Wantad—Beal Estate 77 used car and, save real money. MAN FOR INSIDE work. Apply In CHAMBERS FURNITURE ARTIFICIAL Fireplace^ decorator's ETHAN ALLEN soUd mapla ebast. FOR ORNTLE3CAN, m saaaat room Owner, 30. S-86il. No agents. Fowern reportedly are ready to. aalea and oervice call LaFlamme 9-7636. BEAUTIFUL Belectiaa of wool rem­ Item, unuaual gold end Ivory fin­ $18. Loige cushlonsd maple foot­ MANCHESTER-Nearly new brick Papers Spurn agroe to meet Runste tor a F o r- Appliance Co., Watkinx BuUdlnf, These are good'clean cars and ore CABINET MAKING. Good work- person. New Model Lanndry, 73 ntxt to bath, near Cheney's and and frama Cane Cod, six rooau. [IF READY to buy, seU, aschonge priced way below book value. menahip. Reasonable rataa. Bati- GUARANTEED Plumbing and Summit St. . nants at low prices. Also tug wool At The Green ish. Goat $130, seUing $60. SoUd stool, mlsesUoneous boussbold Main St. Phoae 30. 36606. ONE OF THE most bsauUful and LOT NEAR Parker St. AU uUUtias, real estate, mortgagra orrangad. e ^ Ministers’ Oonfsranc*. The IS Oak St. M . 9-M68. and Inatructlona In braiding rugs. m aple chest of draw ers, with puU artlctes. ReckvUte^1981. two unflnlahed, two-car garage. weU kept Cape Cods fai 3Cancbes- $0 180. $1300. 3CL 37630. Oonsnlt Howard 13 HastinCi, Bsnnuda talks have ealy to work matea gladly given. Moulaon’e heating. Alterations and new For Xmoa giving fOr the famUy out desk shelf, never used. Cost fuU shed dormer, hot water oil Engravers’ Bid DO TOUR CHRISTMAS Shoppinf 1953 DeSoto Custom 4-Dr. a t 31795. Woodworking Shop. Pilgrim work. Perms glass electric and WANTED—Man to take core of CaU RockviUs 5470$.______LAROE, PUEASANT room for gea- ter, located on Lenox St. Newly Agoncy, 30tchMl 31107. out the details of tho to Cta- furnace port time, local refer­ end home. Complete Una of beau- $1$6, saUing $$6. Mirror to match. NEW UPRIGHT boms frsass tlemoa, with raforeacos. Oarage beat, fireplace, -comMnoUon painted exterior: combination K rem lin. the eaay way and aupport your 1952 Dodge Coronet 4-Dr.-T-8149S. 3-6$95. gas water heaters sold and tn- FLAGSTONE. Stone for walls, Ufu^lampe, end tahlas and quality ■terms, 3fany olhsr extras with Mancheoter T.W.C.A. at the aame staUed. Tims paymenta arranged. ences required. CaU MI. 9-1397 $10. AnUqus apinnlng wheal, sx- cu. ft. Rsoaonabls. Pbons optieanl. ea 3laln St. near 3Uddte ■torm eaah and screens; hatch­ LOT FOR SALE at Hawthorna S t I ARE YOU READY to seU 1952 Stud. Conund. 4-Dr.—$1295. MANCHESTER T. V. Service, eveninge and weekend. house fronts, firaplacea, ote. Bol­ furmture for every room. Appll- ceUent condition, $30. MI. $-6061. 9-1567. Tunvike. 30. 36004. this W%1 constructed bouea. Gatto way; 8 completed rooms; amesite CaU ML 37497. homo? Wo havo b u yen On Wage Issued time by orderlnf Readers Dlf eat Skelley Brothera, lOtcheU 9-nl4. oimea end TV. Go., Hartford 36166, 31018, ova- UN Is C oncerned subocripUona and renewals 1950 Chev. Bel-Air—$1027. radio and T.V. spedaUsts since ton Notch Quarry. MI. 04617. drivetray;, beck yard completely for 4. 6, $, 7-foom singtas and 1951 Dodge 1 Ton Pickup—$719. HEATING From A to Z. Conver­ USED MA^AG' whits wringer FIVE-PIECE chrome kitchen aet n in ^ $ 1666, 3Ianchester, 30. fenced la; Urge shade trees; nics kCANCHESTER ROAD, Gtesteo- ilttes. Gatto Co.s Hartford tbrou^ the "T” office. Just tele­ 1931. Hones seivi(*e call 3J.S0 BIO MABX-DOWN on golf clubo. Visit our Toy Dept DoU car­ washer, in perfect working condi­ 9-ptece blond mahogany bedroom bury. OnxMrit* kCanechoug Golf 5-6U6, evenings 389ie. Manchee- 1950 WlUys JeepsUi<-$739. MRcheU 94810 day or night. sion burners, boiler-bumer units, Salesmen Wanted 36-A ApsrtM OBto" ■■ F to to — ahrubs, WeU trimmed; outetde By R ed A trocities phone ML 3-7306. complete, heating systema. ExcoUont for Xmoo gifts. Mon- riages, stroUsrs, tractors, hobby tion. Priced right. Kemp's, Ine. set. Simmons Beauty Beet mat­ Chib. 4 Urge lota fronting water ter lOtcbeU 34MI. 1949 Dodge Coronet 4-Dr.—$359. choatsr Country Cluh Pro-Shop. horses, holster seta, etc. tress and ben spring. Best effer. TcacRMDts 88 MANCHEBTER—taargu flvo-room fireplace. COU The Johnson Build­ main. A good choice of ncra lota, era without ,n major city BUSINESS and PROFESSIONAL FURNnUftB Rafinishlng, antique work guaranteed. Tima payments SALESMEN Capa Ood, twin etse badrooas, ing Company, 90$ Main St. 30. OOBIBIDERINO BBLUNO papv, for the first tlmo in pnh- 1949 Dodge Coronet Club Coupe furniture,a spectaity, chairs caned arranged. Moriarty BroUim TsL CaU MI. 36643 W03CAK WANTED to M ora homo 37436, evanli«s 30. 3061$. with mllao ef view. If you are (C lO U ) MEN'S FIELO STONE for Breploea and ra­ H ours: 9:30 A. M. to 5 P . M. fireplace with Hsotolator, large' planning to buUd-4on't fsU to YOUR PROPERTY? Ushing history. A total circulation —3879. and rushed. Anaon F. Thorp. MItcheU 84135. Do you feel you are not appre­ ining waUs. M. French; Oovon- BENDIX GAS Clothes dryer, excel­ with husinsm womqn. AU con- kitchen, go* range included. Ex­ TELEPHONE ANSWERINO 1949 Dodge 2-Dr.—Biack—$699. Phone MItcheU 94735. 7:30 P. M. to 8:30 P. M. N o t i c e vsnlencea. 3Cuat hava cor. Rofsr- WHY PAY rant whsn you con buy look—u. thsos— e • Pbon* Town AI Without obligation to you, wa of almost 6% mlttion has betn cut hod Included sUngtng denunciation i-SNNOX Furaacet and warm air ciated T t r y T r a i ^ S-716L lent condition. Two years old. CoU ceUent location. Beautiful yard direct from owner nt reck bottom Country Realty, Inc., Office—Hart- wiU ^prnlae or make you n cash SERVICE 1949 Dodge 4-Dr. Meedowbrook— MI, 39186. ■ eaces rsqulrod. CaU 3 0 . $4766, 6 off, and about 30,000 newapnper ef Rod atrocities a parade ef Complete 34 hour coverafe. FURNACES Vacuum cleaned, oU beating. Earl Van Camp. MRebaU GIFT SWEATERS In Orion, Nylon, luvitotion to Bi4 te 6 p.m . for rfilldran with lots of traea price! e . * duplex. Immediate oc­ ford $4388 or Olnstonbury 33783. |0ff*r for proporty. SoeI oio s h e ta a Wsotorn notions and sngnr counter, , $797. bumara serviced. For expert and Are you looking for future ad­ BENDIX 13H” T.V. Ideal for dsn Seo and oompar*. $13,700. Bar­ cupancy. Tel. ML 3T3S7. you oelL employes are kU*. StarUnf on or about Jan. 1, 1954. 9-5844. or fins Zephyr Woola a t low mUl In accordance with provlaions of FLORENCE SPACE heater, us TEN ACRES. Box Mountain vidn- ’The JHerald Tribune guspsndsd thrusts from ths Sovtet bloc. The-.- For further informdUon call 1948 Chev 2-Dr.—R and H.—$695. prompt service caU Boh CarL vancem ent? er recreation room. ExceUent con­ SIX lU>OM houos, garags at *40 bara Woods Agoncy. MltchMl BRAE-BURN REALTY prices. RetoU sklesroom. Monchee- dition throughout. $M. MI 9-6660. the TOWN CHARTER, seated bids vary Uttle. Priced right for quick 37762. 6 AND $ DUPLEX, completely Ity. Chaleo site in Vernon. CaU| lOtehdl 3437S. puMlcatisn 3Iondsjr night In gym- latter sought to prove that Amotl-l_ PI-3-6945. 1948 Bulck Super Conv.—$695. wright MItcheU 94446. te r Knitting MiUs a t M anchester ■ale, Kemp'a, Inc. BkR 3080* Turnpike. OU hot con and South Korson troops wew - MoTinR—‘rm cldB |-> Would you like to earn what you Manchester T.V. Service. will he received-by the GENERAL water heat. AvailaM* January l. decorated tneide, two aew oU hot I& d io n 948U. psthy with ths othsr puhUahsrs. 1948 Ford 2 -D r.-$497. GUARANTEED Top quaUty tele- Green. 3ROOM Caps Cod, plastered wails, water furnaces, storm windows ILX8TINO8 WANTED — Singly It was not struck baetnss Its pho­ th* real atrocity psrpstiatoca. Storage 20 are w orth? ATTENTION Lodiast Shp-wars MANAGER of the TOWN OF ELECTROLUX with complete at- Only reUoM* partieo need apply. P ereuB sto 1947 Dodge 3-Dr.—$497. vlalon aervice. Calla received be­ IDEAL CHRISTMAS gift for any MANCHESTER, CONNECTICUT tacbments, loee than a year old. in Tafc 3 0 . $4473 oU burner, fuU ceUar, near bua, end screens, two garages, 115 f3 two-fnmUy, tbrae-famlly,* fan ' to sngrsviiig is dons by a coounsr- *nM flnol result was a vsHHl. _ fore 9 p.m . wlU be aervlced sam e and drapes cuetom m af*. Re-np- •chooi aad ehopptng center. Only lot. Only $13406. Coriton W. Stiburbsa for Sole 75 ness property. Have many ca etel company. duel bstwssn ebisf U. 8, dMMOts^* 1946 Bulck Sedanette—$496. AUSTIN . A. CHAMBERS iCa. Would you Ilka to be a leader men—Schick "SO", tanbeom or holatering. Beautiful fabrics, not later than the time set forth excaUent condition. Very reaeon- THE PROSPECT HUl School tor night, i a . 9-1347. local and long distance morin^ of men? Remington electric rasor. Rna- $$8M. Carlton W. Hutchins. ML Hutchins, 30. 94133, 349*4. buyers. 3iortgages amngsd. Christmas Soles FoB Henry Ckbet Lodge. Jr., and Rao-; young children. Transportation No Money Down Up To $500 prints, atripea, solids. Expertly herein. Quotations are requastsd .. ■Me. 3 0 . 366$$. __ $-8133, t-4IM. NORTH COVENTRY, Route 43A - Please caU Georg* L. Oraxindio, Lock of newspaper odvortlslng Mo’s A ndrst MMUnsky. ANTHQUES Refiniriied. Repairing packlns. atorage. CoU M ltchra seU’s Barber Shop, comer Oak and flniahod: $5 down, $3 wsCkly, for furnishing the items deacrihed LecsttoM fumishad. Mra. Lela Tybur, dlrac- 34187. Hartford 8-1488. Do you like to work with people? Spruce. SOFA, 3 Lounge chaire, 3 ma­ 3(ANCHEgTXR-W*at Stds. five oL Ono year old, fiv* room center Remtor. 3IItdhaU S4t7S. lOe dspsrtmant stor* At tbs peak of tbs dshiato. to r. Phone MItcheU 9*5767. Low Down Paymenta done on any furniture. 'Tleman. balance one year to pay. Col betow in accordance with terms hogany tebtaa, $ piece mahogany fer Beaf 84 0(X>PER HILL 3t. -Cosy four troetlvo rooms, overatas garags, haBway rondi, may he 'e , Henry etraet Christmas shoppi^ to fOU off. Lodge charged that North Ko-- r 189 South Main strecL Phone Mra. Pinto. lOtcheU 37863. set forth herein. ALL QUOTA- room stngte with extra large Uv- fuU ceU sr, oU heo3 storm s, douHs Long T em u MANCHESTER—Packag* DeUv- We are progressive and are ex- SOMETHING NEW. somothliig dif- dining room aet, aU in very good 8ECDND FLOOR, 310* sq. f t . Pay was stqqied last night for Tea's m ilit^ commsndsr, Gan. , THE GIFT OF HEARING for ycluT MItcheU S-5648. ery. Local Ught tniektaig and ferant See the new triple-eUde 'HONS MUST BE F. O. B. DESTI­ condluan. Must aeU by Saturday tng room, onclooed roar porch, sUe lot wHb plenty of tine. Only firaptoea. metel comhInaUon wln-lc^*** WAlllHO for any Qrpo real m ost a t the 2()XiOO-odd sm pioyss of Nsm n. msatermlndsd tbs bloody>t loved one at Qiriatmas! Help him ponding rapidly.' Yonr chances of planty Ught. two tavaterlea. Ihroo shod dormer, nice I03 oU burner, $13,100. Term s arranged. Gatto dows. 166 X 300 lot 4% mortgage I «Mote you have to oeU. First and See Tour Dodge-Plymouth Dealer package deUvery. Rcfrigiiators. growing with ue are great. Salary aluminum, combtaetton windows NATION and Include cost of box­ Phom^MI. 344$t. front rooms, aultahis light menu- the six struck nswspspws who** KoJ* prison riots during ths ar- to a new aind thriUing experience ARE YOU Ready for 8? CaU Art washers and stove moving also doors at great aavli». Cal ing and cartaga to deUvery point garage, good location. Immediate Co., Hartford 3 e i9 e . 31013. Evo- may ’ ^ ossumlid: Omy W400 yoPd„««>yrtgmge m o ^ action in honoring, ths photo sn- mlMlcs nsgotiations at Ponmun- .. ..hearing voices and sounds he’s ROLIMENE. Inc. Pinney, TV Antenna Specialist while learning, talary and excel­ D istribution faeturing, large oftlea halls. Apply occupancy. $13400. Wm. Oood- nlngs 3$$66. Manchester, 30. sperialty. MItcheU 84753. lent commiasion thereafter. If the for frei demonstration. BUI Tun- stated below. USED EASY Spinner washers. Rs- Bockar, MOUL down. Warren E. HowUnd, Real- ^ ^ ^ grsvers’ picket Unw foceed th* Jom. Lodge also chsllsngsd Rus- " forgotten. Hearing aids $39.50 and 634 Center Street Sales and Service. Very fair QUANTITY—5* condUloned. Low pries. Also used c h ^ tr. RMdtor, 3IL '3763$ any lo r. Phone 3*UcheU 34600 any ^ papers to close. up. Come to our office or :dione M anchester, Tel. MX-3-5101 prices. Tel. MI. 9-1773. above fits you, stop in and talk it iky. MRcheU 39096.______tlmo. Him I 3Coln St. 3CL 3743$, Evwolnge 3fL Bio te 1st on internatioaol Rod ' over with our sales manager, Mr. o f S a n d UNIT—H rea elsctrlc rings. ABC Appliance, 31 AlR-OOND m O NED efttcoa m i ' 30011. Th* Herald Trihuas. which hu Cross committss moks an nnfot-M for further information. Peraonal PaintinE—Papering 21 LARGE 0-37 Electric train layout, M l^ S L oonstruetioa. WUl dssign to oil bssn kaeping its smpioyss on tbs Hearing Service of Manchester, 1951 CHEVROLET deluxe model. DOORS OPENED, keya fiUed. Foraker. You may he the man we eight engtnea end fixings DESCRIPTION—6.70 x 14 4 ply TWO-FA3flLT 4 and 4 dimtex, MANCHESTER XOLTON—4-room Capo Cod, fhw- ^ tersd check of ths V. &-*Bsgad? Fully equipped. New Uree. $1150. copied, vacuum cleonere, trone, PAINTING, Exteriw and interior, ore looking for. Town Advertiaement First line—100 level Located oa 3laia it., coiner Wod3 Urge rooms. Excellent condition, pUco, oil hot w etw h en t, fuU sh o d YOU considorsd sMUngyour qui vivs 1^ going through the Rod otrocitiss ia Iforso. — 805 Xfdn St. MI. 9-6361. unit. Can MI. 30303. worth. PhcM 30. 36716. 30. m otions a t putting sdltioaa to- Inqt^re 133 Spruce St. between 5 guns, etc., repaired. Shears, paperham ^. Ceiltnga refinlsh- In accordance with the By-Laws TERBIS M adilB *f7 saw Toeto 52 gteom heat, oU bn on* aid*. Large ^RESTWOOD DRIVE dormor. oimn stairway. comfainn-{ Cash buysrs for many In quick retort, Vishlasky oa-~" and $ p. m. knives, mowers atc^ put into con- ed. WkU paper hooka on request, BAILEY'S Antique Shop, 333 Main The right te reserved to reject 36613 front porch, 3-car garage. I144W. tlan^ stmrm windows, insulstsd, I ^ homos. 3fortgagss a*^ gathsr. Is continui^ regular pay. grily denotincsd th* Nam n adopted by the Town MeeUng of 6 complsts rooms. Tils bath, fire­ ranged. I action. Struck papsTs are the TlmSA Aatomobiles for Sato ditlon for coming needs. Broitb- Estimates given. FuUy insured. NEWTON ROBERTSON atreet. MRcheU 84003. Moderately March 3. 1645, requiring the any and all bide. RTB BUT-SeU/rradwRsnl power TWO SU lTB i ot ofBcaa la n 100% ACB lU alty Co. 3 0 . 3 m . ptoaterad waUa, fuU cellnr, trass, OaU chugs as ''absurd” and unsop- 1950 CHEVROLET Fleetline deluxe waits, 53 Pearl street CaU Edward R. P rice. MItcheU -prle^ iteme in china, glass, tin­ moweia. chain sawa, tillers, gar- place, garage, newly pointed. Move 3-4 se ra , only $10400. Carlton W. ACS lUR ealty Co. JdL 33 Doily News sad DsUy 3firror, portsd by fscU. Ths Russtoa 1949 CHEVROLET Fleetline deluxe tudor, radio, heater, like new, property owners end tenants to 3. The General Manager reserves In with SDC ROOM Single 4 aad 3 qp (fln- morning newspspen; snd ths 31003. ware, pewter and nimlture. the right to increase or de­ dsn troefora, outboards, 4 rooms and toUst tnelllUes. For right in and be settled for Christ­ HutrWlia. i a 94132, 34694. dared th* American chaUsnga for - foidor. Radio, heater. In very nice $995. 1950 Chevrolet fordor, radio, MANCHUSTER Welding Service. BAKERY ■ keep walks cteen of ice end mow, iahad) chance of a lifetime, emoU mas. Out of state owner. Must LET 3CE HELP you eeU your home World-Tsisgrsm snd Sun. Jountsl a Rod Ooss probe was "aa lith condition. Original green finish and to moke tome safe hy the ap- crease by 13—per emt the toote. Torma orrangad compiste tafor.. otion centnet In 3iancheeter aad vtchdty. Tor heater. Douglas Motors, 383 Main. Portable equipment General 760 Wethersfield Ave. Equlpnmat CU., $ i K ola down payment end tho pUc* is s*13 Only $12,600. BOLTON—Juft flnisbed five room Amsriesn sad Post, sftsniow boar approach, obviously . ot E-. $796. Douglas Motors, 833 Main. welding, butler and furnace weld­ Repairing 23 STORKUNE Carriage, large doU pUcoUon of sand or some othe( quenUtles of any item or items Fnmk 3CUlor at Tho Invlags Bank raurs. Near now school. FUU prlco ranch. 3fora right in. Plasterad prompt, reUaM* service. Oartyl* nsw qispsrA 1941 PACKARD 6 Sedan, rebuilt of Mnnehsoter. dsmagogte nature." ing. MItcheU 31653 or MItchaU Hartford, Conn. carriage, sae-eaw. MI. 39690. auitable eubetence, within 13 hours ordered. $10400. Term s arranged. ACB and hMOloted, ftrepUce, sunny B. Jebamm. SB. 37157. They could hsv* conthnisd pub- Ohorgs CEDed BoA 1951 PLTMOUTH sedan, beaUr, motor, radio and heater. Excel­ 33763 HAVE YOUR piano tuned for after formation of ice, and the 8. A certified check or a surety Matocsl iBStraHCiits 58 R ealty Co. 3 0 . 33381 I f 4 rooms wUl suffice, arrange kltrhsn, I bodroonu, ceramic tils Ucstkm without their photo sn- radio, very nice, $996 - $175 down, lent running condition. Private Christmas. CaU Kemp'a. Inc., for USED AND now cor lot for ronL to see a model Cape Cod with dorm­ Lodge had urged the InvesUgO' DOLL CARRIAGES, cut 30% in dtetrlbution of aand in all parts bond in the amount of 10% of Busy Center straet conmr. No sen- both, bassnasnt gorago, amesite grsvsrs, who msks tnstel pistes tlon after Viahlnsky lAbslsd Uis balance 24 mooths. S months writ­ party. CaU MI. 9-3391 after $ p.m. ______,______and pow« appointment. Help Wanted ~ price for tdg, pre-Chrietmos sole. of the Town shall be in accordance the bid must accompany each 3fUglC tastrumantel reatet Com- TOR SALE—Seven, room pinglo, la- ers for oxponaSon on a llO* x 160' drive. COB buUder, 30. 34331. Lctal Notice for reproduction a t pictarss sad ten guarantee. Cole Motors. ML mower Hdes and aerrice. Motors Come and choose the right sIm for with the schedules noted below. plot* Una of. instruroenls. RenUI Ing problem, low reateL Jmnrtm aulnted, Tlmksa oU.hurnar, mnrly k>3 House equipped with Rusoo American atrocity chorgas "bOMC SEE THIS ONE: 1951 Ford deluxe bid. Realty Co.. $64 Center St. Hart iUustratioiM. But rdftusi of msm- with no proof to bock thsm up. 9-0960. tuned and overhauled. Pickup and BlatoorPeMale 37 your child. Kemp’e, Inc. Trucks and men in the employ eppUed to purcbiM pnc*. Rop- redooornted. Big two-cnr gang*. windows and doors. Firopinc*. At­ DOLTON—Two bedroom ranch, UaiTAnOK OOOEB bers of mschsnicsl, croft and sdi- club coupe. Radio and heater, low Conrscs snd Clsssds 27 Blda will be recEved untlt 3:00 reoentiag Olds, ielm er, Ba«m. ford 3-4Q$0, Menrheater 30,34113. Lot mealy landscaped. Ooovsntent tractive mortgage available— sweeping views, enclosed breese- AT A COUBT o r PROBATE held In on obvious effect to win wavorw.. BEFORE TOU Buy a used car mUeage, very clean. Only $996. deUvery service. Gibson’s Garage. TOBACCO Sorters wanted, sx- of the Town wUI fill boxes, bar­ at Maochrsur, wUh aaO far Cba torlol-hasinass o$5ea unlonx to MI. 9-5013 AMERICAN Flyer, ecote model rels, or other auitable receptoclea p. m. 13/11/1953 at the Offiee of "PoAer and Buaihr. Metter'a 3fuste eeatral location. '7 ^ 30. 34313. $11,900. way aad garage, tile both, olumi- n M c t el lUacheeter. oo Um th h day ing nsntrsls, th* Soviet Moe 4 3 ' Sea Gorman Motor Sales. Bulck MI. 9-6545. IN TWO Evenings per week we perienced on broodlsaf. Phone MI. electric freight and passenger the General ikonager. STORE FOR BENT Ho ggontey eroos picket-'lines forced closing, voted much of the doboto to hax3 Sales and Bervioe, 385 Mam can teach you Radio-Electroiilca 9-4419. If placed oh the lawn in front of Studio, 177 MeSoe. 30teh*U num otorm windowa. awnlan. two I ef Nevmopr. a.o. Ths publiMisn issued a state­ BULLDOZEUl and loader service. train and taMe. Six feet of track, houses, near the Edewalks, hut 37800. HARTFORD ROAD CaU William McBrtda, 30-3-4316 tomcoa, flower beds. large gar- IKJ u msrlag warnings that sa atrodly' atreet MltdieU 9-4571. Open eve­ 1939 STUDESAKER Commander TV repairing by our "Learn by remote centrol switches. CaU ML Richard MarUn NORTH END—Juit completed, ctis- For Appointment ment lost night that noa-striking rssolution at this Urns wnuM ooty' coupe. New paint, good body and Earth movliig, harkfllling and not on the Edewalks. Receptacles den, $11400. Cnrlton W. Hutchins, | llaochreter, ta said DUSiict,' decesMd employes, m ^ at whom bskxig to nings. grading a specialty. Reaaonable Doing" method. EnroU now at 8-6917. GENERAL MANAGER BEXXER BROS, upright piano. Next To Norman'i tom buUt I bedroom Ranch, built 3 a 94193, 34164. t e raotlOB o( F r ^ O. StetDCr e( endanger ths psoc* parlay SM chrome. MI. 8-6513. ConnecUcut’a Oldest Etectronica Sitoatimw Wanted— should be placed on the lawn the Town of Manchester, Connecticut with tho dlecijminating kqyer In wsr* dropped from tbs pay- thrsoten peace HssU. • rates. Phone ML 9-0650 after 5 p. night before M trucks start in Vary good condlUon, $150. 3Q. ' esld Itencheoer, edmlelslrster. roB until they return to work. The 1958 DE SOTO Custom Flrodoms m. School for cUas starting soon. CaU Pemato '• 38 Inquire Liquor Store mind. Large kitchen, with dining J. WATSON BEACH end CO. BOLTON—Brand new ultra niod-1 *1^ ? Going a step furtl^, Vtshiniky eight, two tone gray, four door Hartford 31680, or write for fuU CHILD’S STATION Wagon. Good the area at aeven A.M. ______I______Reoltore—Insurers onnounesment sold in port: ~Unto Acceaaortes—THres 8 451 HiGtford R(Mid area. Lhdng room with fireplace. era 4-raom ranch with overslsed b« S a occuasd Lodge at airing the ^ sedan, 4,400 mUes. Excellent con- information. New England Techni­ LADY DESIRES housework for condition. $13. CaU ML $4610. Sand wUl be deUvered to aU EXCEFTIONALLY fins ussd Wurl- TUed both. FuU cellar, basement Hartford 2-3115 garags. Marble sad brick fire-1 ^ cr^iton eduun vMcb to Thsr* WiU h* no pay for thos* chorgas with the srprisi purpesa... dlUon, $3,190. MI. 9-1138.______adult fomUy. CaU MI. 37477 after parte of town on December 7,1853. for whom thsra la no work.-. This LIFETIME Batteries, seU-charg- SIGNS OF ALL cal Institute, 193 TnimhuU St, itser ntiihogaay aplnst piano, tak­ a in-S-7796^ garage. Near new school and bus. pines, oak floors, pin# poneUlng, St?*iSii*tb!rin their eleime ssstiut of Impedolng ths telkA Hartford, Conn. 8 p.m . — ALUMINUM In the event of a mow storm, SEPTIC TMKS^ en in trade. Itust be seen to be Ctn be seen hy si lintment only. 3fANCHBFIER — Thro* bhdroom stteilnUtretor is not a notics of terminaittoa of Lod^ brushed that choigs asMs, 1940 CHRT8LER Royal. Motor Ing, 6 year guarantee. $39.96 any deUvery will be made the follow­ c o lo i^ . bjuilt 1951. M’ Uving room, ample ckwtts, large lot. Only {directed to siTe pubUe Mice t o __ employment .... stfsctlng occresd cor. Let' us demonstrate. Budget DESCRIPTIONS AND epprecloted. Kemp'a, Inc. ACB R ealty Co. 32292. $9,500.------Phone_ _B arbara . Wootte I creditors to^fiitB^ Is thelr.cMIme wBhIs dsetered: “Ws hava half a miHton * overhauled. Reasonably priced. COMBINA’nON ing day, December 8, 1958. Suburbaa for Beat $6 firoplaoo. Often etelrway, dining ,••10 Ume sHowed by pebltehliir s copy bsqsflte or other rights, and must at sur young msn In Kona. Tkot ML 9-9198. the cost Cols Motors, MItcheU Bonds—Stocks— SAXOPHONE. Bueocher E-flot j room with dialr raU, famUy aisa Agency, MItcheU 37702. l ot this nrdrr la some sevspsper bevins not bs construsd as suMi. R it only 9-09$0. TRUCK LETTERING Situations W anted— 'WINDOWS and DOORS Jamea Sheekey PLUUEB SEWERS OFF CENTER ST.-K : beautifully fundahes ths strengsst posMhta- Mortifsges 81 M ato' 39 Engineer * Supt. of Highways alto. Cnee and Inotnim ent, Uk* CHEAP RENT for raliaU* ceupte, decorated rooms. Ihttraac* haU, cabinet kttchen and ceramic til* ----- n ,, J * •» eeld pnibste district, notics of a temporary period dur­ noUvo that any country could have 'OLIVER’S PERSONALLY TRIPLE 'TRACK and new, $00: 3 0 . 330T7. to shora expsnsss and furnish largs llvlaf room with flroplaca, both. Ptestarod walla, oak floor­ SUNSET ESTATEE, Vornon. New {within ten days from Um date o( tbU ing wtUeb th sre la no work to b* Mitchell 9-1860 . meals for aiiiel* man. Garage. ing, hot water oU heal. Ooppor $ bedroom ranch, fuU ceUsr, cera­ <^rr.'i«d retuni make to this awrt of to sstobUab a IssUng psoco in that SELECTED USED CARS EARLY BIRD SALE FIRST AND Ssooad m ortgages DOUBLE TRACK m m dining room aad-kltdisn on first mic tiled bote. Urge lot in a the oMIce riera. performed until normal speratlons country." bought for our own ocoounLo t ^ n s t ! WANTED-Part time work eve- Jla ikiii QI E 8CANDALL Accordion (1168) pearl Frederick Baxter, Phone PI. floor. Thro* bedrooms and bath cn plumbing. Interior In top coodlUoa, JOHN J. WAIXETT. Judos or* rasum sd-’’. CENTER MOTOR SALES aervice. MaiKdiester $18.95 and up with block. 110 hose —3 octavos. 9410L Route 43A. like new. Lot 10 x 130. Buyer may beautiful ootting, fuU price $13400. Winter tires below wholesale. eanfidenUal nlnga after 8:90. Phone MI. 36636. H * I Rodio-TV SwviM SapMe Ihoks, Dry WaSs, Sowar ■econd floor. Ruaco combination Other Uatiaga fn same tract. ACB _ UniTATION OBOXB Saying th* refusal of non-strikers REAR OF POST OFFICE Buy one regular price, get one half HonschoM Services Investm ent Oorpn 344 No reoeoaoU* offer refused. Write windows, oU boat, attoMMd aaaum* roortgog* with l%% in- AT A COURT o r PROBATE held to cross the phpto engravers’ street. Pbone MItcheU 84413 37 Starkweather St. Lbtea lastallri OiSar Wa$Mw P. O. Box 9$, TMcottviUa, Conn. ROCKVnXE-6 rooms, tunrialMd' terost rate if dMlrad-JPrlc* $14400. RoMty Co. 3 a 32163. at Mencbestcr. with and- ter the picket Unss was a vtolation at th* SAMPLE BUYS price. Choice of two treads. Fa­ Offered IS-A PARAMOUNT P taeflas Oo m . ghower both, first floor. Privats garage. Immediate ocetipency. IHslrict of Msochcst'r. on the lOth day mous Pennsylvania Lifetime guar­ Dogn—Kivlf P*ts Madeline Smith, Reeltqr, 30. January let occupancy. The COVENTRY — Oommuters 1 of Noeember. A.O. IKI. other unions’ contracts with . th* 1953 Chevrolet Sedan De Luxe— ENGINEERING CO. • SEEVBOE CHAME $356 ontroneo; central (auiteUe for two Eaoott Agency, Uoeneed Broker, *$ a n d FuUv equipped. Ebccellent antee, plus lifetime rood bosord WEAVINQ of hums, moth holes tH E NEW MANCHESTICR WtariRg Apparel . Fars school teachers). Rssponslhte pso- 31942, 30. 34919. g ain s,. etx room house, aU Preerot. JOHN J. WAU.ETT. Judse. newspapers, ths stetemsnt con­ guarantee, plus aUowance for your and tom clothing, hcrisery runs, Bosiness Opportonities 82 41 Oak Street MdONNIY IROS. 31$ High Street Woet Phene 3fen- provemoRto, $5,756; new Cq>* Eetnte of Ssinurl J. Elliott. lets ef tinued: conmtlon. Full guarantee. C enter, 666 Main S t Itonfrci pup- lU. IU-84S6S TeL $0-84385 SEWEBAOB DISPOSAL O a pls only. Raferencss. Box J. H*r- 3CAMCHEvrER-Cm' look and tun good, $195. Douglas S tone* 10 cabinets. Mock tUs ceUInga- •>- essary. Write Boat L Herald. ford. OU paintings: Morins by John P. Bsnsea, Qregory Smith, bua Una. Near new 'school. 3 a UMnATIQN ORDER R. B. Brondegea, Oedney Bunco and othera. Few etetUnga. Hap- lo ^ lota, view. Open for. la- 354M eoUoet, any Umo. window, elumliqim storm windows 94019. ■ AT A______COURT o r PROBATE beW( Hobba N. M. M V -8 tu d u te in without a union msmhsrahlp vote _ Mhtoea, 8$$Maln. terottons, gddltlmis. Can Frank ■poellea evety day 1 fa S pust, and scraonOtra bua UAe. Opo* to St Msacbeater. with — . if the publishers ogikad to ths Contois, MI. 3403. piewhlts card toUe, Wladaor arm chair. 3 Empire rockers, groan Otoirtet ef Xaachester. os the 3nd day schools in this soutlissstern New 39M CHEVROLET Fleebnaster. 3- BARN AVAILABLE lm garage or rug approx. 15 x,33 Some Sahf------' ------* •A mile 000$ of Veinm Oenter, storoa oad WoddeQ oebaoL JU- VERNON-^IOraa badf&R'roach, $7.S0-a-wsek packogs propoaoL 15 X.33 Some Sshlng equipment. Fine chloa. etc. BwiaeBi Property dunod to $11,106 for quick ealo. M D^mberTAD. ilit ' Mexico oU srw sra going to get 4oor, n O e , heater, blue finish. In for storage. MI. 94139 after 5 3 m. WE DO ALL types carpentry work, UReE STORE Harbor 1 with autogro^ of H m sm s Jefferam sad Ji M ots 43 Drive oat today. hnnomont gnragt, fMpiSha, plo- TnHieL JOHN J. WALLETT Judge. {infOrmAtion about th* oU industry Th* union sold th* $740 pro­ ggod eondUlcn throughout, liasy ouch os rdmodeUim, finiehiiig off far Sato 70 Jarvis ReoRy Co., $$4 Oenter St tu n window, hoaahSnrd radtaaon. ‘Si* slQnog with the three Ra posal, scalsd down from glS. wooM 8* Porter 83 Meat ottraellva Manchester. Phone Hartford hugs lot, on bua Uas^-Mood to M^lfsacbwscr. in aaW District. AS-l Am.rHeen Pwtmla,, be a oombinaUea of haprovMssats iin u . Douglas Motors, $ll Main. extra rooms, etc. Reasonable * OTHEB SOVECESr Hlfc^ lift fEHBts QiMCA AlVM 6 Mom Oarrfma Oilwdnl. wMh Th* Amsriesn Petrolaum Instl- Ante Drivine School 7*A rates. CoU Moncheete r ML 3-5766 AND ISSEiEirr u m m o a a n property - ■ « 94666, or MaachMter MI. $-4113. seU qitiftly. Gntto'/Jo., Hertford te M Fbii^ B. Verptonefc ef {tut* and th s OU Industry Inform a- including Increased wages, shortsr atto CHEVROLET sUUoo wsgeo. drop teat tobte, foe choir. Belter arm chair, Vlc- present monthly Inqoma. Oood lo- nsm iU trs; sdmii taitmclkxie or PI. 34666. to rta i 54116, 31015, evoatogg ^3M 'mlnistsatorltion Committss wlU hold spscisl hours, mors hoUdays oad ' eewmion. First reaaon- AUTO DRIVINO TO RENT M THE aaeratary and bureaua, curly boIR by wo'awiiltsst for enlloa la ragUta groering section. AA ZONE. CUSTOM huUt Capo 3Dwchaator, 30. S4 n EX sMi WiU sneemA wolfaro benstite. ■. fkOI M ltriiett 9-4315. lisncns CO hm dual-oofitral nmole 4-poot bed. Mot, old ponol hock hMclL. Ikmaadnkte, Ttrmo nrraagod. Ex- Cod with eover and Mty water. ORDERED:, th at six months limn I ssaslons to ohow exhibits of what ctte OBDshls SPEOIAIJZINO in aw hdmea. Rwi day of Dsssmber ADi. be {the pstrolsum industry msona to William klqwl. ptaMds*t ot Ria 31306 o*d up to finish 3 aatfar plae f (orittoet hardware). smiqSce ohiMv* with ACR Roelty Oo. 3 a Plastered waBo, dormers, screens FOR SALE or ixehaags. EHB U- PnbUMiers AamciatiaE. «dd 61)8 Fleetmaatsr ter. OordBor Auio SebooL Mitch- JOHNSON lUNDC Yftm mwo; Vletaeiaa < ~ ~ Ir and suSm.' 6, and storm wlndees, til* both, Bro- cbnnga I oportmant houos wttkto- ® ^SS;,rw t'{a‘1lh!3? f f iS K aruondthanotloa. , iMOtsr. Motor com- 08 84613 stairs. Also,-reefinf, 1 ' and pUeo, coaafcrteM* otea rooms, hot . mW estote^aoS Photo Engravgra* now Mfo$Mq|,«g carpantry. AUerattens ddi- 491 MAM n . of toOO a moEfh tar C.LA Is dkectod- arbitration was *QlfBoiiMi%*> ^ loeoMly. Naw — l i ' T * * " e S iM 8 8 m d R ig to i* e to ^ wafer beat, ML a R. Orody, hoaos. o r wUl oMl o o t r i ^ SNAKES ALIVD t FOR SAFE, and Ctaurteoiis Aato tloM.' RsaaonoMa pricos. Froa Drokor. l a $4006. to ths eredOore to ttsvt." Acceptanoe .. - ___ eetim atea. IWMniffle k n i L SUITAM JPOIIi^ oeaGteitetL m am lif t s w t nmMgoRg. YoMe t f e r S a to 72 opoitm ut now vacant, OM) _____ s wUbta sWd Ume hod bssn urged by HMMI-'ito' i:6 P w fa* - DriviBr iMtnMttea wRh imon w o l fS A ^ ewi Jw ftr ggafftitoDemi m by psUfMag a ow t t tU COrthsgs, Mo. uoUL oumera d r the Lucky Lady Laun* aervrd at S:4b'p. m: followed by an Otyofraim ugCIm i, ' aUaWaii Opmi FRIDAY dr.', were hmeheoo gueata of Their a|»raprUte Chriatmaa propam employed by the Arrow Tool Co- stiu Plenty Of Wean Lefi il Hich 8 t, rocolTod a cablogniid la Shoee Repaired Htare yeoterday announcing the birth of Majeatted, Kliw ^ u l and Queen to M provided by the Center Thea* Hartford. He win report to Quan- Fredeitca of Qroeoe, in New York puma. Co-Weda are reminded that Uoo, Va., after a SO-day furlough. a 7»pound boy to their oon-in-law MANCHESTER, CONN., PRIDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1858 (T W E N T Y P A G E S ) and daughter, Ainaan S*c WUUam yeaterday. all reaervatkma muat be in the UMyULYU YOIi. LXXm , NO. 55 19) NIGHT 't o 8 :3 0 commlttee’e handa by Doc. 7. No Star o f the Eaat, No. IS, Royal F. and Mro. Joan M. (SchueU) Shoe Repairing of the Better MeKnight. of North Warringtoa, Principal Bdeoo M. Bailey, ticketa will be available at the Black Preceptory, will hold lU door. R ial Dene. Yon W ait SH OP m O A Y FROM • AJyl. UNTR. t :3 0 P.M. Lancaohirc, Xbigtand. In Auguat Mancheater Mi|^ School, ia monthly meeting tomorrow eve­ 1M2. the brMe—The United States and tlElL-0 o f the Fiibliehme Aaan. o f New DeUeUve Capt. Winiam E. Flor Fliers Saved; tloB "whan 1 think it ia making about nva miautas bafon tha its 16 ABies ia 2 pkgB. 9c AU LEAN SHUCK WOUND lk 6Se A 4 h d A d a d d York City and tha AFL InUrna- ••id both aigniMi lUUnMnU «d- mieCakaa." Columbine landed. tional Photo Bngravira Union. .mtttlng a plot to kill Mra. Laick This waa a reply to atatementa the United Nations were fe- p fc g a .2 5 c /r S WfW.' IT S BLUE! WalUr A. Maggiolo, genarallbut eadi blamad tha other for Navy Credits earlier in the wem by Um Preet- Wean Otay Salt E JN Sm iir: The British Prime Minister wore ROUND STEAK 8R0UND lk tSe a d IIA d h II h ( counael of tha Fadaral Medlstlee throttling her.. They were quoted dent md Secretary of State DuUaa, and ConcUiatloa Service, deeUned rejecting McCarthy's demands fbr a light any suit with a white 4a aaylng it took M minutea. Mark IV Suit bandker^ef protruding from his WE ABB PASSING ON to comment .directly but indicaUd Mra Utek w u found derti in drastic revision at some phasae AT FINIHURSr Ne OR Added cheer administration foreiga poUcy. lockct. Ha had m tha aama gray doses shop next week. It then ANOIHEB PBIGE DBOP the two aidu wera boldlag firm tba back aaat of tho family ca, at lombuig ha wore on hla arrival to tbair raqpaetlve poaltiou la tho I go nilauUa after her buabaad’wga New York, Dec. 4 (P)—Two McCarthy's atalement w m h en from Englmd Wadnaaday. could be recalled quickly U' with coupon wage dIapuU whan yaeUrday'a I diacovered, Maadlng and aeml-oon. Navy Sicra whoaa plane craah K tA IT S ^ phrased for tho moat part in con­ Eieaahower stepped off the new trouble ariim over IDUCATOR ••••loa anded at 9 p, m. I adoua from a bu tin g, in e down- landed in Long Island Sound last ciliatory tones. K orea. T? PEANUT BUHER 32>' night were reaeued alive and well piano promptly at U:1S a. m. and Naltber Daaia M. Burke, pteri-itdw n alley. Mia wUe'a aleUr today Gaea Ovar Ike’s Bead waa giaatad by Bermuda Gov. Sir Observers predicted the project­ PARKAY IMiNtpkj. 62c dent o f. the atflklng Local 1, nor iMiaa- Van Moaroa. had been afUr they apent mon thm But at the aama Ume be a ^ Alexander Hood m d Mrs. Hood, ed call for m indefinite raeass NOEL COOKIES FresKtFruH and YegetaUas WlUiam Mipal, pteaidmt of tba puahad out of the ear in another la houra bobbing in a rubber life P is RlMRrtf c M«f R 9 s r » f i l w t h a t FhMhiirst sltaln . . PlRthorst raft in fog and near Araesing tarn pealed over tha Praaidmtla bead, foDowad by the commaaden of rather then outright adjoarnmaqt Publtalura Aaai., would conunentluiiay. alao afUr a bnUag. ia affect, to the Amaricm iaople and rtda dhrhMt the military unite drawn up to re­ arouM meet opposition on two booff roasts . >. art tb* Rotst th ty c o o g o t . TMs WM bRocI w a f o o - L b . M todm^'a aaaaiOM bagan- Laick and MIm Monroe told of- peraturaq. ceive him. 2 Pkgs. I I 2 GREEN BEANS 23c A Navy apokaamm credited a oh the quaaUon o f eutUmr o ff counts. Tha adveitlaemenU which tha ftoera then they were clubbed by American aid to my foreigB The Pnaidm t then walked a few 1. The schauw. springing from SUr-jauiaat planned to print were I m mm who reu from the back naw typa Navy expoann auit— ta tha altar h steps and era* mot by Chuirtrill. Jenown aa a "Marie 4“ —with saving country which trades with Red Anted faaUng that Korea tbould raWHUKSTTINDR Bruasels Sprouts B akt. 35c aewe atoriaa, faatnrw and oea rica lia rt'of tha Laick enr aa the trio China ao kmg as m y Amcriem A t left 'srho gave him a hearty' not be debated whila special Am- from Tiauq DaUy Newa.| left their apartment and 4heir lives. tarry Oiaaafearg, aaSerwatar ph it ig ia p iei' Ovar. Tba fliers a n Ena. James Sha­ war priaoaara art bald by *nM crowd of BennudMas and haaaador Arthur Dam la aegotiat- atarted to a movie. Commurtsta. ^ T h n a Confcreaca ottictalB ehai iag with tha Bads at Faaaninjom, ESCAROLEor x lea'lagaXwo) Debactivea raported yeaUrday piro, as, a ^ of Mr. and Mrs. Morris Like Churchill, Elaenhofwer wore RIB ROAST of Shapiro,thmiro, 200 Cahrini Blvd., New Departing from his prepared ia axpected to run into Boviat blee two othor man had voluaUared tha a soft gray suit aad grey hat. ohjartiona. A anuroa rtcaa to tha information that Lajck, married ia ro n , and ai Donald B. Sockman, 31, statamaat. McCarthy ni^od aU Ia dto praaidantiii prtty L b . avtattm atructufal machanlc l-c; who share hia vtaw that such Rnaolaas aaid thay wmt tha Ke­ Dainty eugared Ohrietama ENDIVE 19c 1949, had offend- them awney U Saeretoty at State Drtlas n a n iaana dteeusaad b a n aad now BEEF DUZ help make thi dmth of hia wtfa 31 Praatoo Dr., Wlckford, R. I., trade ahould ba eteppad tn wvita Lewto tibartB, chalsaem at the Cutouts. A Yellow Qnnrten Dean Adamant (The klag at even : ■). lam Ska a holdup alaytng. One marrtad aiUi tke father o f three or wlra the .Fraaldmt. U. K Atoaale B _ that it is tha meat vltid CABBAGE L b . vfBEB^wlle------'( Thia iavitatlm was flhnad far brtcn tha U. N. s:vt’ .. ■ w i t h c. o u p o n 6c ' Dk plaoa ia I9BI. Strauaa wm addqa to toe party gt W H hlnaaT M a RONIUSS CHUCK thndtlig. about tt for Their idaaa, a Orummm Guard- lalavialon. and mawa progiama tba laat mlnuta thia auM-rtng. 3TRICTLY FRESH ■ PART OnPW Release B, haaad -at tha Quonaet Point, tram coast to coaaC csnrtad U' |aat a. Tha proposal raportadly wanld SeotTissse H ead Secret o f Tha flight Dram WaaUajrton provide tint the Asaambiy could ROASTS LETTUCE 23c lattlag 'm ta her what R. L, Navy Air Base, Imded, ta the night. took a b ea n 10 arimitaa. LARORSIZR water epiioaita New Haven. Ooan., ao n eonvaaod Whanevar a major­ PORK LOINS DOG FOOD 11 iiM' pit. By''3uiuary ^ a i hla msid?^ Tha Whit# House aaid today ap- Elaeahowar, spaakinff Into A re n Read bay a t Lh. about 7:90 pmi. (E8T) last MTOrtmatrty 900 talagrania ‘ ity o f the eo U. N. mamban daases 73c Light leaa weigkta . . . are ready for year 3 Rolls O fSeen aaid their lavaatigatlott pubUo addraea ayatam, toU tha it aeriaaaiy. This would oelSila D ox. ceaUred on Laick after word of Tha flien wan picked up at B:03 wen raaelved in ramtarma tn Virtrni, fig., Doc. 4 (4V~The choimy Uua wsters of Uw TANGERINES 49c Pannamjomr-Oae. 4 (S)—V . S. with a nartution put up by India 3 Cons I *' t)w pucpeatadplot and diaoovery of by a Ooaat Guard amphifalm public appeal fn Gidf Straam toiday hdd tlie body of Hope Root and brought *Tt ia a vary great privilege to FRISH OYSTIRS ALSO CINTIR CUT FORK Envoy Arthur H. Dam told the Laick’a ^ ,0 0 9 lit# mauranoa Murray Snyder, airiatart lart rtght profMMtag t ^ tha As- CommuntaU today that unrepatri «eSey tragic tod to the 52-year-oM Miami attorney's attempt to eat la thia heautlftil qpot m old aasebly rseaas natU FUMWiy suh- SWORDFISH CHOPS ood FRKSH SFARERIIS 2 liric|k|s. 4 5 c D'ANJOU PEARS- > F or -1 her huaband m aole What cauaad the plane to ditch socratary, aaid tha friaud. FUMODA 21c aUd war priaoaira wiS ba freed I was not known immodiataly. weak the woiU’a free-swimmiiig diving record. Root went Ject to tha can of its PTwrident — by Jan, gS tinlaaa a peaea confer-' "5 ?»***7 _ ovarbeard from the charter booty "X trust sad I know theaS eoa- ladla’s Mrs. VIjaya LaksbnH Paa- Flor aad Burna related these do- The'two flien managed to la- « varaatleas will nault in better im- AT FINKHURSr enca deddea aorae other coufad Uila: gate their Ufla raft md amd up Arakrtrte t«» aaOm off dlt — If tha Koram Mtustlon wari* **aad ao humm haad or ariad m a m run. (B8T) yaa- dantandliig among the persona in- rm ts. ORANGES Dox. 49c Debactivea aakad othan work- flana. The men wan located about vohrad and, I hope, among* tha IVORY PINK, SEEDLESS debate cm change It." lag with Laick if ha had prppoaed twday, fiaaslBg t o a d q p t t a f 600 Red Party Link Tha Indians are said to oppose two mllai off Rocky Point. Long Jtomg "W a n n never golag to agiae, awVha . people at enr rartwetlva eoua- tbs idea of reconvening on the mo­ tba aebama to any o f tham, One U m d, near Port Jefferson. Truman Aides triaa." tion of 91 of the UJff.'s 90 mam- STATE BUHER POUND IV under m y dreumatancaa, to a aaid tho attar was mads to F lni Na Traea They wan spottad floating on LIIIY'S GRAPEFRUIT e F o r chmge in that daU.’ * ha daclarad. PatmiliBg boats and a Coast Denial Termed *4— T ~>W8E OtatOEMBt, ben. Soma of tha Arab-Aaim blae FLAKES 25c Dttkrt. ' Ufo rafts by thalr own aquadroa «fU r revtewing unlU of Um Royal are aaid to support the Indlm H C H a Dam add Cocnaumlat diplaatbU IMkaa darted tbla 5ut waa Guard hrilcqpter aearchod for huddled for almeat throe houra on itaa who took off at daylight May Be CaBed houra hut found ao tnoo ct the Welsh FusOiara, tba Aaearicm stand. CORNED BEEF WITH C O U P O N tirimn to poUca haartmiartan for under Oommandar William W. False by Jury Martnca. NSvy aad Air Fores and Wsstara sources expressed con- SEEDLESS plana for a paaoa oonfarmoa whUa Suaatlnalng. -Aftar ntkaa waa body. APPLES 1 2 0 s .T f n MEAT DEPARTMENT a few milaa away 99 more South Buah. Jr., of Wlckford. R.I., to Root had pUimad to descend to Bannuda mlHtia. fidshoe that tha is-pawer plaa M dNTOSH KETCHUP Xorem war priaonera unanimoua- brought in. Laick admittad bis aid In the March. On Spy Report 410 feet for a new free ewimming Aa Cburdtill did baton Um. would adn approval of tha UJf.'a l|hri|*p 57g pirn and Dukas' atatamant IW- A aurfacad craft aaarch just WaahingtDa, Dac. 4 (P)—Val R. GRBENINGS RIB ROAST FRESH ROSTON tUTTS )y rejected pleas to return hoaM dtviag neord. 2n auch divea a faea Bisanhowar stopped to pat tha Political Oommlttca. potating art Grapefruit 14 Ox. Bot. Allied persuaders in thna days baieaa dawn waa centered about Waifilngtm, Doe. 4 Hi- Jlenata in- maaR. foot fins and a compreaaid Lorwin, a formar State Depart- splendidly groomed white that moat of tbs 20 Latin AmoiW DlBaHM:Ilm Ovar Bur hava Ulkad to 90 South Kdraana ftva miles off naarby Branford, vastlgaton left the way opm today air an used but the diver iment official, wm indictod by a whlrii is the ______msscot of the c m memhar jiatloua have indloati- 6 L b . B aff 69c PORK . PORK who ehooa Ufa undar the Oeaunu- Dukau said tbay dlaimaaad. tha Com. Shon points aaid clusters of for Inviting some Tnunm adminis- airims'fne. federml grand jury today on ad tbay would support It. ^ 112 la|i fkp. 45c nlaU and not oaa haa changad hla pim uvar drinks in a bar about wMta flaias bad been seen. triUlon cabinet memb en to explaia Jordm KMn. shipper of the (Oeattooad m Bsga TweNa) Tha raeass quertloa is Slated to thna waaka ago m d Irtck ef- Earlier a heavy fog cut down what Uwy did about FBI r^ ocia m Arbalete, said Root expected to diargaa that he tolarty darted •na before the oommitteo Ei TANGKRHiiS fsN d ktm ISgOO for hla part vlaiblllty in the night aearch and spy auapocts in govenunant. Communist party mambenhlp dur- 3 f o r 2 5 « mpleto the dive ia 20 minutes. i^ ^ loyalty hearing in December, som m it winds up diacusrtoa of T A N O a O S BOK offlean whirtnd throoih On Tuaaday night Dukas bought got heavier m it rolled in toward But first tba ianata Irtarnal "&^daMMndnl to 40 feet, thm Um evacuation of NationaUot Chl- 90 interviews bafon noon Friday. a tickat to a theatar hut laft by •bora. curity aubcommlttaa want at healtatad to equalise the preaaun," Region Argues neae torcaa from Burma. XMhato CALIF. ORANGES The U.N. Command aakad to inter- a aim door. ' Ha thaa waitad in Tba two airman were flying what with aCfotts to aecumnlata n___ ‘"nMB ha deaeended to Tile Indictment nturnad undar on this raaumaa thia morning. tha Navy called a routine tainlng tha falsa atatemoits atatuta, ac­ D o r . view 40 nriaonars Saturday. The 'tba barti of the Leieka' car. avidenca about tha dates thaaa FBI 80 fast and stonped again to oqual- Delegates favoring a rsosas STARLAC l^ tite tlm ^ iiS o ^ tha Dukas rose m thay gatln dad mlasieB. 'The Navy said the airmen reports w an comptlod and dWttlh: laa the preaaun. Than ha wart cused Lorwin of falsely stating under oath at the loyalty hearing On Fluoridated potatod out that It would aaoU tha FLORIDA JDICE ORANGES l L b . P f c r .. RANDAU BONED requast for m entrn 10 urns filed kit Mioo Mpnroe with m iron ditched the land^ haeed plane at utad among top offlriala of tho Tni- down Uko a abet to 400 fe a t... Ume loto and red tape that would too UU, but tonight tho cocamia- Sha was puahad into about 7:30 last night. mm administration. That waa aU according to that; ba required if tha aaawnMy w e n PL5MP FRESH FCWL 1. 'll* navar was a Communist AVOCADOS, lo s e o r R D’ANJOU PEARS . . UMES •Im approved H. •amt-oonaeloua and um A Qnonaat Point. R. I.-, Navy Robert Morria, auboommittaa aciwdule, hut nftar Mvaliag off at Water Supplies adjot^nied aad a special sisslna CHICKEN Tha preliminary paaoa talks an drivan away. Boss apokaamm aaid a compmlon counsal, told newsmen the Joatlce 400 fast, ha dropped to 400. Wa party card. tn ractaa unUl Monday. Dam ask- M n . Lririi had frtatad, bnt when lit the training flight had Department hm bam aakad to aup- had a aaUa ovar with painted toga 2. H« never carried a Communist (C •a l4ga Taain ) 5 4 Ox. J a r VEM. RUMP ROAST VEALLOmOHOP&l ad that a Saturday SMiriaB ha call- am y ^stoppad aba fought for 10 asm tha plana go tlown and later ily auch lafOrmatiOB about fiva party card. Boston, Dae. 4 (to—ProponanU CT•d o— ff ^bacauaa------..— Iw .arlll ... ba III Saoul I rtniutoo bafon dylag at atrangu- qhe craw rapmted sighting rad ibcmar fadaral amployaa Alger « •) 2. Ha navar held a Communist sky adding sodium fluoride to New 4 Lb. 65c for confaraaeaa with South Koraa'a Hlah. Irving Kaplan, Harry Mag- party masting in hia home. England drtnkiiig wnter will make 'u.S5c Lb. 69c Praaidant Syngaun Itbat. a i Ylaga M lflnn) (C doff, Bdward J. Fttagarald and HeU n g h U. 8. Feet better, straagar teeth with SS per PMINE JUICE 31/ Ha rafuaad to dlvuiga tha aub- Mmrtea Balpmtn. Lorwin was onetime chief of the emt less decay, md oppoomta say NON-FAT DRY MDLK 48 Tea Raws 55c lact of tha talks and vrouM not They a n among nine formar am- Europam Section, Division of In- It violataa cdnsUtuttonal and ra- letiiis MAKES • QUARTS RONRESS VEAL ROU Veal outlet commant on rumorad diffannoas ployaa'whoaa caaaa are receiving tenia tional Labor. Social a Ugloua rights through "enforced PEPPERS hatwawa the U Jf. Command m d •peclal aentiny. Chairtnm Janner News Tidbits Health Affaire In the SUta Da- medlcaUoB" m d that tt may en- A P W lf s a CARROTS Cello 1 5 s tha South Koram goaarnment over tojured ia Union Dispute (R-lnd) aaid than ia avidanca tha partment danger health and mottle teeth. CELBIY L.. 59c plana far a paacs oenfaraaca. nine kept their jobs and ia aoma la- Called froHi AP Wtrea Lorwin, 49. and no longer with In common with communities SFINADH Cello I S S u.99c ■cron tlw ttsMon, Now England CAU U RO W ER La Rosa Tha spokaaman for 17 Alllad na- rtaiSCaa w an promoted daaptte tha govenunant ia a natlva of New SAW u c a AftAINI tlona which fought ta Korea s p ^ doragatocy' security tafformation ToehClty. Tha Justies Dwiartniaat town 'and clUn an coosldertng Hartford. Doc. 4 G to -ciia t GREEN W ANS F A R M K CoOo 2St SPAGHETH or ELIOW ad out thalr poaiUon on unra- about tham. Cliilaan Senate votes to phpn na- said it .waa unable to supply his fhiortdaUon. wmritmm Partei A . PINEAPPLE patriatad priaonan after tha Oom- Tha four othan an Harry Darter tlon'a raountiwg copper atocks on present address. Bay Btoto UvtfMs* 9L whs tonnd mat gi SALAD MIX POTATOES UWmAMS MACARONI FRESH BEEF TCHGHE,^'*^ ^ 2$e miuilaU haatadly laalatad that tha Whltarwnd three auherdlnataa wbm world nuurkat mit continues ta b Lorwin was Indicted under Tba argument la Itvatlaat ia Maa- af aeBhig (wa plats af SPEARS POWa couM "navar ba ralaaaad” ha waa anriaiaiit Sacratary af tha Iran Osrtal* buyara.. . . Argentina statute which punishes tha making ■adiuaatta and Ian ao U oUier twa Uqaa ~ RADISHES SWEET POTATOES 2 2Sa 2 Pkgs. Id>W DOST, D tX IO IO V S^A SY E S iJ a K k OABT BEEF! until a peace conferanca dacidaa Traaauiy: Harold Glaaaar, Victor govarnuMat ends majorisource of of a falae statement to a govorn- •a. Including Rhode Island, their fata. Patio and V. Frank Goa. frietlm with U. 8. aad other coun- mant rapressntaUva. The offenaa whara water airatama aupptying TURNIPS tMaa by ikeSeMig Its prapaganda about half the state’s population ky tooMee Chart Jadga B. WHITE OmONS 2u.2lo T A U c i BKISKBT BONELESS Dam aaid the Rads appaarad ta Jennar, moanwhllo, w m making 'is punlehable by 910,000 fine or LoBdad wha baaa' ba trying to Modi a peace plana for—or had already arrangad ilepsrt mailt five years- imprlsoniBaat hava btan fluoridated. m the dartriaa at farenca la m attempt .to hold tn| —a aacrat iatarviaw with Igor Gou- FMma M in l^ r Giuaappa PaUa Tha formar State Department of­ Hata*4 tba fluoridation lineup, Cmm to Piittoiril tr dial MHMmII S4151 tor rialli LEG r LKMR aanko, tha one-Uma oodo claik at by ototca: CCRNED BEEF indtfialU captivity n .81,600 K orim steps in paraonally to try to he ficial is a graduate at Cornell Unl^ KEY AITOaMTBD. UPTOm SOUP MIX and___ Chlnasa______war prlaontrs. ra whol tba RuaaUn Embassy in Ottawa oft wqvaa a f atrikaa aebaduMd for vanity and Ohio State UiUvaraity, Maaoachuaetts—After a legiUto- II h | M tfnitiM jtkR to.e.prtoR dfniiR ...... STaSSap hava refiiaad to go'back to Osih-| who axpoaad a Soviet apy ring In Italy during tha next two weakx. and once served as tutor in history Uve move to outlaw flueridatlaa, WaoMnglamDee.41 munlat rule. | Canada in IftS. , . Hoary W. (the Dutchmm) at Brooklyn CoUaga. membera o f a legialativa Kay at-Erta ATFMEHURSTSHURFINE 37« Ho ralteratod that the Korem Janner'a group haa agreed to Orunawald la nleaaad front tha Ha entered govarnmmt aarvica In oommiaaioa 'votod 9 to S that "me potato^ by Dietrict of Coiumbla Jail after action ba takm to iaterfara with ham r today aa LG. 4 4 ^ HUNTS • 6 5 < (Omttaaad m Faga Twa) (Oanthmad aq Page ■) aarviag tarrt for omtompt of Oon- •) m y program now in progran,' tary at State tar Uatted I HUMIER CREAM STVU PK 08. t k With thraa-fifths of its votenr AShlra to BDY WHOLE OB W j T Vanaaally low griee far high a I ballotiag. Cambridge rajactod Mmrrt^.-^ PINEAPPLE JUKE CAN TOMATO gueSty. Bavaral Vatarana orgartsatlona Old Statute Allows Egypt Shore Guns formally opm drive tor one mil- fluoridaUMi, 20,194 to 18,998. ' B or maea rtgaatnraa on peti- Snow Covers U. S. NortbamptoB’s private water ASKS OOMSULTATION - V ^ Orange jniee Hioea lei laew Crop Jniee now far afcick. . . Prtea tedaeed on Mlanto SAUCE CORN Frozen Food emnpaiiy auapendad fluoridaUon AlaM. and a Crap Orange Jniee. SANDWICH I rECIAL ■M GGOGiiiG aGMHtOBM of Rod WadMagtan. Oaa,.-« l Side of State Cars Fire on U. S. Shi^ Chtna t^ th e ih tite d Notiocui . • • Western Sections after S4 montha of water treat­ 3 Cons 2 Cons Specials Find Secretary of iha Ruarim ment when, ta a vlxtnal 100 par Pickle ond Pimiento Loof, Veal Loaf, emt turnout. Its voters raglatsrad ORANGE JUICE 2 Far 43c Hartford, Dec. 4 (ff)-StaU At- Cairo, Egypt, Dec. 4 (fft—Tha anroiiniat Party Nikita S. te b a ( SN O W CROP LEAF XrariMbev ealls m Saviat pcaaa Minneapolis Dec. 4 (ff)—A atoria oaitioa. a,7aa to SJSl. torpey General William L. Baers Aaeaticm Embassy aanounead to­ that dumped m an thm a foot of fatar districts now traattag BIRDS EYE PEAS 2 Per 3 5 c r CHOPPED SFINACH Minced Ham ______lb. 49c aaya the aala o f throa stats auto-1 to aagaaa afflsIalB and werkan day that fm Aaearicm fralghtor rsqinarikla for-lagging productim enow in aoma eactione of mid- auppUen: Daavara-MiddlatoB. ’ram- mobtiaa to atata aganey haadaSraa bacyraportad IRypUm ahon bat- la agrtcultuM am| aoasumar gooda. America buffeted the Dairtaa and platoB. Athol. Saelwrik. part o f BIRDS EYE CHOPPED SPINACH 19c Iqgal undar tba tarsia at a atata I Minnesota today m it swept into Concord, 8aiam*Bt Feed Your Folks Their Favorite Fish law which ha rtaSns panrtta-ngrti tarlM flrad m hn as aha triad to Group a f aOnmton uMating at Sharda, Modway, BABY LIAAAS 27c aalaa ia *^axtrmranary*" SasaK. I daltvar 9,000 tana wheat to Harvard rapest attractlm rit gov- Nabraaka. Kawaai and am nhyhnai*«ull.Sull, North Andover. ' Hale"s Has It: Baers aaid ka autharlaid Btatal Jordm for Arab arnnimt and taduatry reduced Coiarode aiso ware hit but tiM I tida werik end. Plata e f I Meat are laatared nt 9 piaU 99e SPOON ELUBISRRIES Paleatlne, im k af aatloa*a hijTO achort 0, ManeheOar, aad Jtaat (Priiny ami Satan ealy ea the Uata bar home port m W Uadagt^ ■Mro aB.kMasP tor currart tom luteraatianal fhlla in MbuiMOta calm ta WManae tha* AgrtcuHura Secra- report »d l4 tnehea af aWw.' A foot FpRDHOOK FBESH, TBMBERp ICAUOPS fe S fla r he attack raportadly occurred fall to. tha eastern half af UM A RIANS yaatorday la the Golf of Aqaba, Navy Baasatary Rebart B Aa- Dakida. la Bortb cmtral Nrtfaska, East at Egypt’s - - wauft .aad aasistmt Dctoaae nlrt^ lu d 8 UMlWlt ^tOtoL Tha fa r the toatlaa B* Thaaam arrive in Tal- l^owrgG W 9 M f WIWM pMHI|lk k fraai JISBg Kaag JM I)

r '^ 5 ',7