Reds Agree to UN Offer Sick, Hurt Pows
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.1 ' V I J tv ■ / 1 ' PA6B TWENTY FRIDAY, MARCH 27. 1S5S Average Daily Net Press Run liattrbratfr Etffhing For the IVeek Ended d l B I B a a_ A a ^ W • ^ , , , d . , - ^ e j . ^ T / w The Weather March XI, 1988 Forecast of C. S. tVeather Bnrenn Partly cloudy tonight, lowest 10,983 aiiiH nrriFH TPr lu u P iliiiIl IflP rR tn temperature in the upper 30's. Member of the Audit Sunday partly cloudy, light show- Buremi of ClrctiUUoiie era in afternoon. Manchester^—A City of Village Charm VOL. LXXn NO. 161 (Classified Ads-ertialiig.op 10) HALE'S MANCHESTER. CONN., SATURDAY; MARCH"28, 1953 (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE FIVE gBNTS /. SUITS 16 Dead, 61 Hurt “ Lel’g Pretend” F a s h i o n s fo r Easter Reds Agree to UN Offer As Two Speeding New fashions for you with ^ their .softer, slimmer ways, I cleverly calculated to Trains Hit Freight glorify figures . , fashions done in the moat desired fabrics . and colors. , Conneaut, 0., March 28— ■rea of the wreckage Sick, Hurt POWs (/P) — Two speeding traing from the nearest highway' two mUes to the south. The lane soon For carrying 400 passengers was blocked with cars mired in slashed into derailed cars of a hub-deep mud and left by their New York Central freight drivers with lights still piercing 1 3 9 .9 5 .0 last night, killiiig 16 persons. the drizzling darkness. Soviet Airs AbaiMloiied UN Tank Biinieil More than 100 persons, hurt on Seek Quick Sixty-one injured were in hos ly slightly, were treated at an pitals here and in Ashtabula emergency Red Croat first-aid sta and Erie. tion. Amnesty to Sixteen bodies were transported The wreckage lay In muddy, un Renewal of $ 6 5 -0 0 to Erie. 27 milei. east of the wreck even country four milea or ao eaat acene, Warren Woods, Erie, Pa., of Conneaut amid woods and Jailed Reds County coroner said. bmsh. Stretcher bearers labored a Truee Talk There were 49 injured in two quarter of a mile through the Erie hospitals, four in nearby Ash brush to a narrow dirt road on By THOMAS P. WHITNEY tabula General Hospital and eight which ambulances slipped and Moscow, March 28— (/P)— Tokyo, March 28— (/P) — In Brown Memorial Hospital here. akldded in single file. - In New York, a New York Cen Prime Minister Georgi M. The Communists agreed to Reports from the hospital were Malenkov’s government an night to a UN offer to ex that only one of the 61 was In poor tral spokesman said hla latest re condition. port ^owed 15 dead and posaibly nounced a sweeping amnesty change sick and wounded 10 more bodies yet to be recovered. The freight and the two express program today to free Soviet prisoners before the end of trains piled up between 10 and Tony Tslarlco, who ran from his prisoners serving five year JEWELRY nearby filling station to the w-reck, the Korean war, and at the 10:30 o'clock last night. A piece of said he counted 25 dead. terms or less—providing same time proposed im pipe rolled off an eastbound An Associated Preijs reporter their crimes represented “ no mediate resumption of the freight, redailing some cars of a’ said there were 14 bodies in a great danger to the state.” ^ fo r Easter westbound freight that followed. suspended armistice talks. row by a railroad track, three The nianeaty decree, issued by The Reds said such an exchancB Into the derailed freight cars other bodies to be cut, free of tbs Naw 0nylM In cnrrinKa. pini, necklaces and bracelets. Gnid the Pre.sidlum of the Supreme So could lead to "smooth MtUement'* slashed a Buffalo-to-Chicago pas wreckage and added a patrolman and suver finish In tailored and stone set styles. Also viet, said the pardons had been of the entire POW question, which senger train, roaring along at 80 told Mm four or five others had made possible by a in broke up the armiatlce talks at paarls and pastel atone set enamel. ,miles an hour, A minute later the Lady_Nanoy Astor, arid-tongued been removed earlier.- former member of, the . British crime and by the consolidation of Panmunjom last Oct. 8. Southwestern Limited, enroute Patrolman Fitzpatrick said 40 Parliament, plungea' a knife into the Soviet State system. The de Only lasue Left from St. ixiuis to New York, ram injured persona were taken to a rake at a Washington Red Cross cree w'a.s published prominently In The POW Uaue waa the only one med the wreckage. Brie, Pa., hospitals, 20 to Ashta luncheon, March 27, and remarks Ru.ssian newspapers and broad left unsolved. and each A railroad man had to run three bula. 0 „ General Hospital and 14 In a Joking vein: “ Let’s pretend cast by Moscow Radio. to Conneaut General Hospital. A spokesman here'said the UN mile-s to report the w-reck, and the it’s McCarthy.” She was refer Tlie full amnesty program ex command could begin an exchanra Plus Tax New Belts for Spring Wear hurtling debris fellSd Communica A. C. Wifi, chief dl.apatcher of ring to Sen. Joseph McCarthy tends to most persons serving five Smoke pours from an abandoned UN Patton tank on the road to Old Baldy In Korea as a Jeep of alck and wounded "within' a sweet *n saucy tion lines between here and Erie. the NYC's Erie division, said a (R „ Wls.) years or less in prisons, correc mrrj'lng two soldiers speeds hy. The tank had been abandoned beexuse of damage received In fight matter of days." Shiney Patents More than 1,000 feet of rail were trainmaster told him about 100 in tive labor camps and other places ing. It wns then set ablaze by our own guns to pre vent capture and use by Chinese Communlata as an Gen. Mark aark, UN Far East tom up. jured were aboard a rescue train of detention, "niose seiwlng more olMvrvatlnn post. (AP Wirephoto via radio from Tokyo). commander who made the ex heading toward Erie. One of the injured said It was than five yeara will have their change offer Feb. 22; aald he would Genuine leathers and cinch belt in wanted spring The triple crash Involved this nearly an hour before rescue work weird sequence of events; sentences reduced by half. favor resumption of the telka If colors. ers got Into the tom and twi.sted Ike Pledges The pai'dons specifically do not the Reds are sincere in their ac V An eastbound NYC freight train CLOVES cars. And it was nearly eight hours- apply, however, to anyone serving ceptance. • ___ ■ ___ ___ lost a piece of pipe, which fell Into later and after daybreak before the path of a westbound freight. more than five years for counter French Marines Capture Clark told a reporter tonight: $|.25 to $2-98 each the rescue and flrst-aid crews fin The westbound freight was derail N. E. to Get revolutionary crimes, large-scale "We ere going to study this of For Easter Wear ished their task. Some injured \ySre ed. Several cars piled atop an ad theft or embezzlement of public fer very closely. We went to be sure there Isn’t anything In It we ^*1 spring-time taken by handcar to a road where joining track. ^ property, gangsterism or pre meditated murder. don’t underatand." Slip on styles in medium and short lengths. Washable ambulances waited. Then the Buffalo-to-Chlcago Ex- Textile Aid The wreck, blocking the NYC's No. 5, stnick the wreckage Some prisoners will be freed re The Red move covers only aiek double woven cotton, sueded rayon or nylon. Colors: All and wounded prfaonera — a small white, pastels, whits with contraetlnjc stitching, black, frocks main line, occurred on "State Line of the freight. All but one of the gardless of the length of their Wto ^ ^ ’55 More percentage of the 123,000 Reds r..ivy. Curve" about four miles east of trains 11 cars were derailed. Hartford, March 28— (/P)— sentences. They Include women here and just across the Pennsyl with children 10 years old or less, held in Allied camps. for girls Then, No. 12, the Southwest President Eisenhower today . Seoul, March 28—^ — Weary U. S. Martnefi captured out vania border. pregnant women, minors of 18 or Wa.sliington, March 28— No Flgurea On Ola as$ured Governor Lodge that post Vegas again today in a bitter hour of fighting up its Only a rutty lane led to the (Continued on Page Eight) less, men of 55 or more, women (/P)— A French plan for vic There were ho Immediats fig- Wamautto BnfliUMV' 'disti'essed ovfr 50 and persona suffering gentle, deadly slopes. Rooting Chinese from trenchea, they ures on the number of Ainericane tory in Indo-Cnina in two S|*50 $3 -50 pgjf' ti^Ktile firms 'will be given from incurable lllneasea. ' slammed back a Red counterattack at the and won back eligible for such an exchange. everj' consideration in the Proaecutlon will be halted, mean year.s had excellent prospects the low western front hill for the, --------------------— ............. i - It waa not clear whethecL Com Pima — while ,ln all cases falling into these of American support as the second time in two days. munist acceptance of the propcoed letting of new federal con categories and In cases In which 'Vegas fell Thuradey night under exchange depended on resumption GOP Hunts New Chief; tracts.