WSONESDAY, BECEMBEB I; . ATtraft Dtiljr Nti Pm h w m U'-b h m lianrlfrBter ^Sttraitts 'm r n m r t m H anchuU r^A City of FUJage Chahn ^ - -- ---------- " «jf HALE'S VOL. LXXin. NO. M A4«urM4af o« tags M) M A h p iE 8n !il. CONN.. THURSDAY. DRCEMBER 3,1958 (EIGHTBCN PAGES). PRICK PIVB CENTS '30Pro-R^d Ungchediiled Stop H oldbacks McCarthy Stand Unaltered Rejec t UN Panmunjom, Dec. 8 ifPy— k second group of 80 South Koreans today unanimouily. ute chose life under the Commu* niste, giving .'Allied perauad* era a total blank for two days of effprts to woo home balky Telb of Being Buried Alive war prisoners. Senate Unit|i There was no violence, but many Denies Ike prieonera were mors talkative than tha so who yesterday llstoMd pas* atvely to 'KOiC axplalnara, than T o R esum e choee CommunUm. Challenged Tha D.N. Command said SO more South Koreans of S28 who refused 'repatriation will be interviewed to* Spy P r o b e A s L e a d e r morrow starting at t a. ra. (7 p. m. E8T Thursdayi. Washington, Doc. 3 (/P)— Waahington, Dec. 3-(/P )^ Others SUII Walt Thera was no Indication when The Senate Internal Security Sen. McCarthy (R*Wis) stuck S3 Americans and 1 Briton who aubcomqiittee decided today to hie guns today in hie die* stayed with the Communiata wUl to go ahead with public hear­ agreement with the admin- be called. ings in Waahington after ac­ stration on foreign policy, Allied officers expreiaed the doM get you placet with \ / opinion that Communist leaders in cepting the Canadian gov­ )ut aaid any contention that the FOW compound probably had ernment’s terms for a secret ie ia challenging Preaident sent'their most thoroughly 'indoc* interview with Igor Gouzen­ Eiaenhower’s GOP leadership trinated fellow prisonera to the ko in Canada. is “both ridiculous and un­ first interviews. At todays Oommnnlete-ln-gov- "Thera wUI be a break la this,” tru e .” fabulou$ ernment hearing (11:S0 a. m. In n prepared statemoat, McCar­ an American officer predictfd. E8TJ, the subcommittee expected Jewel case "Just wait aad set. Maybe it will thy said "I arill continue to gtva to receive JueUce Department rec­ my utmost support to tbo Re^b- eome tomorrow—maybe the neat ords showing when FBI reports FASHIONS FOR GIRLS \ day. But It's coming." ...... UcoB party now aad in tba fu* . _ train «tlM Uraitad” (lett) were sent top ONleral offleiaie on tura" but ha omphasiaed; Nagotiatora working on ptans for some of the late Harry Dcrter n Korean Peaca Conferance, mean- aagn CMMURridraln a n abawn after they aset kaad an at Pataraea. Win still Criticize W. A , IwJwSng I t paraawa. Noao o f Urn Injnred a n la aartaaa eaadt* R ite's asaodates in tbe Treasury "Thia doea not mean that I wlU .whUe, met for m boors and appar* Man. X io ttakM were m iila g ----- rtaent. lOO^o W ool Shrugs 'unUy mada im progreaa. iiv slowly when they aaet and Omt rafratn from criticising my party ‘ fer tba lew aia ' af easualttea, (NBA TOepbota). ’oqnaOon of this nature waa arhoa X think It is making mia* ^ S. envoy Arthur H. Dean sought on V. Frank Coe, Victor warhqd tha Reds that their Insist* Peilo and Solomon Adler—aU of Soft pastel colors. Also white. Slses cnca ohM stlng Ruasia aa a neutral R o praised both Eiaenhoarar and Hankies whom, Uka White, have been Soentory o f State Dultea in tho smsll, medium and large. might the CMOference Indefl- named before tbe subcommittee as Bltely and pmUapa forever.:’ otatement. but said he still thinu^ UN Shows Concern <metime members of a Soviet spy this country should refuse dolter FOR CHRISTMAS The Cominumiu rejected Dean's network within the government. Lordjr, Jold-emboiKd le*chet>gf*in plan for oottlngsW • poaco confar.- aid to any AUted nation “ shipping Atty. Gen. Brownell touched off, any goods to Oommuntet China oo T esot* •• exquisite n yoo Mtin and srelm GIFTS Wool Coat Sweater ence but did not inontHn speclflcal' the tnvestigatloa Nov. g, when he'’ $2.98 ly hia proposal.UuARuaBia attend l«>g aa a single American remain­ lioisg. charged farmer President Truman Sgt. Cany Wdael af Ki I CKy, Me.,^ peiate te n large pbetegrapb WMhingten ns be teUs ed In a Gommnniat blood-otniaad Colorful print and all white by Gordon as a third party wiUi fuU v<voting Over Red Atrocities promoted white in 1946 in tha face Senate -InvaoHt atera be wae • nnd burled atae after capture by th ~ in Keren. Weinel dungeon.” rights rathar than as riOomminuniat of FBI reports linking White to frera Ida Intended OTHER JEWEL CASES 1.50 to $4.98 handkerchiefa in fine qual> Oirla' Dept., Xnd Floor belligerent or a neutral. Indleatcs tbe spet where he burleA Attar seven er eight bei^^lw "On thia matter Secretory Dulles ity cotton or linen. Russian espionage. grave. and I are in complete dteagroa- In women’s siaaa. Tha popular V-neck cardigan Boms Sooth Koroaa pi Subcommittee chairman Jenner awcatar Just in time for Christmas! Tampting terviewsd Thursday United Nations, N . Y ., Dec. 3 (A>)— The U. N. General As­ ment,” McCarthy said. sembly today expressed its ”frave concern” at Red atrocities (R-Ind) said Some wttneesca also “In a republic such as ours there ahadea. Rose, light graen, black, fuchsia and navy. tho explanatibn tanU may be beard at the bearing. But munist aonga aad chanttrq in Korea and approved an American call for atiff condemna­ must bo room for honest difference ba told newsmen be could not any of opinion. I respect the honesty But tha Intorvlowa s tion of such actions. Over bitter Soviet opposition, the 60- who they would be uaUl after they Christmas Gift Books 25c to $1.00 smoothly that a young Pollab Eight Left Dead, 20 Injured and atneerity of purpose of Secre­ Sixes 42 to 46 . $6.98 a n | M AsoemMy appnvd a W o tt-^ had first been questioned behind tary Dultea.” FOR BOYS and GIRLS major aorvlng as n Rapiltrintloa raoofaiUon o f con -11 dosed doors. Each Commission qboemr bte*a nod' however, I have such deep con­ WONDER BOOK ............................... .. each 25c 4 t ' - ding aad SnaUy want to sleep. Ho by n voto of 43 to S Papers Spiirn The eubcommittee’a dedaioa to victions on this subject f ■tail > t Beiatm data accept tba conditions laid ddnm by continue to dtecuoa tbe matter at LIHLE GOLDEN BOOKS........................each 25c Sixes 48 to 54 ......... $7.98 nwoko with a start whan tbs the Canadian government for As Tornado Rips Louisiana alon ended. Tba .balldtita foUowod throa every omportunity and X urge Sec­ PRAYERS and GRACES...............................50c ‘Ihere waa one dramatic aeons questioning Gouaonko was an­ retary Dultea to rai^pratee our Hankie Dolls $1.00 Sportswear, Xnd fleer days o f yitrfadte debate in which Engravers^ Bid nounced Jonner late yesterday Whole policy in thia regard. ACTIVITY BOOKS....................................... $|.25 when a young priaoaar watkod into Honry Cabot Lodm, Jr., of tho after n moating in his offtoe. ' ' Alexsndria, L a , Dec. 8 (ff) tho tent and rocogaisod n ROiC “ I t is my hope that oud> a re- GIRLS' STORY BOOKS ................... 95c to $1.50 ynited IKatoo acc^ad tho North Tho Senator made public a let­ — ^A tonu^Q ..skipped scroas Lanid Arrives apprateal may reauU in n dmnge •xplalaar as n Mend fraoa nSouUi Qp Wage Issue ter to SoamtpTy o f State Dunda Lo^oik Papers centrsl LfHiisiuto early today, of policy to this raapoct.” BOYS’ STORY idOKS ...................95c to $ 1.50 Koroaa Army unit Koroano and Cblnioe Oarambiriete asking that aecrat arrangamonta. ^ I killing eight penonvW Hrioff B o aaid ba thlnka Elaanhowen- ILLUSTRATED BOOKS............ $1.00 to $2.95 of Mnin^ bonriy XS,etet>i:;«fr«eI- 'MaW'TofK,' Dac. 3 iff)—Publldi- b i mada for the tMenriaw ao that ^ (iaticizi^ At Parley Site; "to an honorable man” and “will « aa rngu TqnJ dion nnd eivlllano in K ordas n an bava turaad down a Pbote wmUl be pro­ : at least M others aiM ripping follow, the will of the American part o f high Kromltn policy. Bngravers Uaion proposal cutting tected. Jenner onu be expected to homes and other buildings. people if that arlll u known to bo deoignatod as U. 8. raprsasat Six poraono wore kUlad nt the Tho Svo nogaUvt vetoo weib. about half, a fedaral Ike Leadership Met by British stive at the intarvlaw, rural community of Leaader. about And, in further diaagraement Justice Agents’ oast by tbe aovler bloc. Tbo 10 itor announced, and tbs citya Gousenko Sad from the Soviet 30 miloo aeutliwaat of Alexaadria. with the Prasideat, McChrthy de* Christmas abotontlono were mootly by Asian wper strike today went into Embassy ia Ottawa, whera be bad London, Dec. 3 (ff>—Tbo Daily TWb infanta were reported dead Tucker’s Town, Bermuda, Dec. dared that Communists in govern­ and, Arab nations. its ii&ttt day. been a code clerk, in Stntember Herald, a Labor party newepapor, at TuUos, about 40 miloo north of X Ftaace’a Premier Joseph ment arill be an issue in next year’s Alexandria. Help Revealed According to terms of tba reso­ Prlor\|o the nowspapars’ action, 1948. and tipped off Cananion mi- told Its readers today President i LanJel arrived today fo r tbo. Big elections and "the most important the unlorislM rejected a proposal tborlUes to a Rusaiaa spy ring op­ Vlcthns IdenUftod lution, sponsored by tbe U.
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