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1 Myingyan Degree College Research Journal Vol .8, 2017 Study and Analysis on Composition Sakkarajs of Three Eigyins of Taungngu Period Tin Oo* Abstract This paper deals with the study and analysis on the composition sakkarajs (Myanmar Era) of such eigyins (classical poems addressed to a royal child extolling the glory of ancestors) as MintayarmedawEigyin, Minyekyawzwar Son Eigyin and Thakhingyi Eigyin appeared in Taungngu Period. This paper reveals the differences in the traditional specifications with regard to the composition sakkarajs of these eigyins comparing and conferring with the chronicles. Introduction The eigyingabyar (classical poem addressed to a royal child extolling the glory of ancestors; the verse begins and ends with the word ‘‘ei’’) is a kind of long ‘‘teigabyar’’(song verse or poem) soothing the royal child. It is a poem composed for the royal sons, daughters and lineages in infancy and beyond infancy. It is also a poem composing with ‘‘ei’’ k ranta or karyan (vowel sound of the letter; rhyma) at the end. The subject matters are the patriotism stimulating performances of the royal great- grandfather, royal father and royal relatives worthy of the highest praise composing eigyin. Therefore, it may be said that eigyin poem is a kind of ‘‘zartiman’’(national spirit; pride of one’s race and nation; pride of one’s lineage) literature capable of stimulating the zartithwei- zartiman (national spirit; hereditary pride and courage; patriotism). It may be designed as a kind of literature with historical value as it is like the contemporary record of that period. Throughout the history of Myanmar literature, 67 eigyins are found. There came out 10 eigyins even in Taungngu Era. In this paper, only the composition sakkarajs of such eigyins as MintayarmedawEigyin, Minyekyawzwar Son Eigyin and Thakhingyi Eigyin which appeared in Taungngu Period will be presented through study and analysis. * Dr. Lecturer, Department of Myanmar Language, Myingyan Degree Colleg 2 Myingyan Degree College Research Journal Vol .8, 2017 Study and Analysis on Composition Sakkaraj of Mintayarmedaw Eigyin In Taungngu Period, there are two princesses who receive the name ‘‘mintayar- medaw’’(King’s royal mother). The eigyin- phw khan (worthy of being composed in eigyin). Mintayarmedaw is the one who was born from Pyi BayinThadodamayarzar(younger brother of Bayinnaung Mintayargyi) and Narapatimedaw (daughter of Pyi Bayin Htwei). The composer or poet who composes eigyin is Yadu Sarso Pyi Nawadei. The statements or expressions of the literary researchers with regard to the eigyin composition sakkaraj are still differing. The book ‘‘History of Myanmar Literature’’ of Sayargyi U Pe Maung Tin mentions: It may be presumed that eigyin would be composed Approximately912- 13 as Mintayarmedaw was born in 912 ME.1 It reveals a guess that Mintayarmedaw Eigyin was composed round about 912- 13ME. Moreover, the book ‘Anthology of Old Eigyins and Eigyin Poem Classical Tigar’’ mentions the marks or points that: The sakkaaraj of birth of Mintayarmedaw is 912 and the year of composing eigyin is 915.2 Poet or Composer Pyi Nawadei presented that Mintayarmedaw was born in 912 ME and the eigyin was composed in 915 ME. The perfect of Takhain Minthami Eigyin Published by Hantharwadi Press mentions 915 ME that ‘‘mintayarmedawsakkaraj(915)’’.3 In the same way, the preface of Yakhain Mintahmi Eigyin edited by Sayar U Kyaw Yin also mentions that it is ‘‘915ME’’4(Myanmar Era; Sakkaraj). According to the evidence cited in the eigyin of Sarso Nawadei, it is impossible that the sakkaraj of composing Mintayarmesaw Eigyin is 912 ME as well as 913 ME. That is 1 PeMaung Tin, U, 1987, p- 119 2 Htun Yi(SheihaungThuteithi), 2012, p- 66. 3 Adu Min Nyo, 1965, p-10. 4 AduMinnyo, no date, preface 3 Myingyan Degree College Research Journal Vol .8, 2017 because even the birth sakkaraj of Mintayarmedaw is 915 ME. With regard to this one can know according to the style of composition cited in Mintayarmedaw Eigyin that: Phwardawmu- hnint(year of birth), Sakkaraj- mu(Myanmar Era) Sinsithnamzqar(actually ritht or correct) Koyartase(910), sunwe- ngarkhu(more than 5).1 Moreover, the sakkarajs stated by Hantharwadi Press and Sayar U Kyaw Yin cannot be possible as well. That is because Sarso Pyi Nawadei composing Mintayarmedaw Eigyin is not the kyeikyun(slave) or servant of Pyi Bayin Thadodamayarzar, the royal father of Mintayarmedaw at that time. He is Ahudan Sarso (serviceman poet or compwser) of Inwa King Narapatisithu (SalinSithuKyawHtin) enemy of Pyi Bayin Thadodamayarzar. After the conquest of Inwa by Bayintnaung Mintayargyi and Younger Brother Pyi Bayin Thadodamayarzar in 916 ME, Poet Pyi Nawadei was Sitthi Sarso(soldier poet) of Pyi Bayin Thadodamayarzar. Therefore, it is considered that the sakkaraj of composing Mintayarmedaw Eigyin by Pyi Nawadei cannot be 915 ME. Besides, when studying the stanzas sited in Mintayarmesaw Eigyin, it is found that the events after 916 ME are inserted and composed. In stanza(49- 50) of Mintayarmedaw Eigyin, it is inserted and composed with regard to the marching. Attacking and conquest of Yodayar(a former Thai kingdom; Siam; Thailand) for the first time by Bayintnaung Mintayargyi, elder brother of Mintayarmedaw’s father and in stanza (52- 53) on the revolt at the Royal City when he is at Zinme (Chiangmai, city in Now Thailand, on a headstream of the Chao Phraya) and so suppression by Bayintnaung Mintayargyi after return from Zinme. Besides, with regard to the presenting of myathabeittaw ( emerald alms bowl or monk’s bowl) by the King of Thiho (Ceylon; Sri Lanka; Linkardipa) to Bayintnaung Mintayargyi, it is composed in the eigyin as follows; Kyawhtindipa, Thihogaton (from Ceylon),Hmyunhta byardeit(preordainment of events made by Buddha), thonlumeit- I, thabeitswedaw(monk’s bowl and the 1 Nawadei (Pyi), ma- 1274, p- 74. 4 Myingyan Degree College Research Journal Vol .8, 2017 eyetooth of the Buddha), puzawzayar(for worship), thakonlarywei(coming for presenting).1 U Kalar Great Chronicle2, Glass Palace Chronicle3 and Twinthin New Chronicle4 unanimously say that the sakkaraj of marching, attacking and conquest of Yodayar by Bayintnaung Mintayargyi is 925 ME, that the sakkaraj of marching and attacking of Zinme by Bayintnaung Mintayargyi because of its revolt is 926 ME, that the sakkaraj of suppressing the revolt at Hantharwadi Royal City after return from Zinme is 927 ME, and that the sakkaraj of presenting myathabeittaw by Thiho King to Bayintnaung Mintayargyi is 930 ME(1568 AD). Considering the aforementioned facts, it is assigned that Poet Pyi Nawadei would compose Mintayarmedaw Eigyin round about 930 ME (Myanmar Era; Myanmar Sakkaraj). If it says so, the eigyin was composed at the age of 15, beyond infancy, of eigyinaphwekhan ( worthy of being composed). Because of that, this eigyin may be called as nardawthwineigyin (persuading poem). Study and Analysis on Composition Sakkaraj of Minyekyawzwar Son Eigyin Minyekyawzwar Son Eigyin is an eigyin(classical poem addressed to a royal child extolling the glory of ancestors) composed by Poet or Sarso Hlawgar Thonhtaunghmu (leader of 3000 hlawgar royal boats). It is an eigyin composed aiming for Ngarzudaryakar(royal grandchild of Hantharwadi Sinphyumyarshin Bayintnaung Mintayargyi) and Minyekyawzwar Son (royal son of daughter of Mintayar Shwei- hti). The name ‘‘Minyekyawzwar Son” is only the name designated named by the literati of late period. The original name is Minyekyawzwar. In Myanmar Chronicle, there are a large number of Minyekyawzwar Title Recipient Royal Persons such as King’s younger brothers and King’s sons or princes. Therefore, so as to make eigyinaphwekhan Minyekyawzwar different from other Minyakyawzwar Title Recipient ‘‘Minnyiminthars’’(King’s younger brothers and 1 ibid, (74) 2 Kalar, U, 2006 ka, 272, 278, 282,305. 3 Glass Palace Chronicle, ma- 1303, 374, 380, 386, 415. 4 HtunNyo, U (TwinthintaikwunMaharSithu), 1998, 123, 127, 130, 144. 5 Myingyan Degree College Research Journal Vol .8, 2017 king’s sons or princes), he was called Minyekyawzwar ‘‘Son’’, specializing that he had been ‘‘going down stream’’(son) from Inwa Royal City to Hantharwadi Golden Palace. With regard to this, ‘‘Yazawingyok called Cetiya Kath ’’ reveals: ‘‘…has to go down stream to Hantharwadi in 955 ME … isknown as MInyekyawzwar Son’’.1 Just as this eigyin makes interesting with regard to the name of Eigyin, it makes noticeable as regards the sakkaraj of composing eigyin as well. Regarding the composition of Minyekyawzwar Son Eigyin in 931 ME, the book ‘‘Sarsodawmyar Ahtokpatti’’(Biography of Poets or Composers) reveals: ‘‘ThaungtaikSetkyarwalar’’ (10,000 universes) Chi (begin) Minyekyawzwar Son Eigyin was written in 931 ME.2 In the same way, YakhainminthamiEigyin Preface 3 , Minye Deibba Eigyin Preface 4 , and Myanmar Poem Monograph 5 , also reveal that it is an eigyin composed in 931 ME. In fact, it is impossible that Minyekyawzwar Son Eigyin is an eigyin composed in 931 ME. It is because patriotism activating subject matters occurring after 931 ME are inserted and composed in this eigyin. With regard to the story of marching to and launching an attack on Yodayar (Siam with its capital Ayutthaya (1350- 1767); a former Thai kingdom; Thailand) by HantharwadiSinphyushinBayintnaungMinaytargyi, it is inserted and composed in eigyin stanza (84) as follows: Sh ngo myinywe , setshin shikywa, htothaw katon, Nara htuthtar, Yodayarhnaik( atYoddayar or Siam), Yetmyarlashei (for a long time), tat- tar- ti- ywe , Oksi m nphyin, sit- thabin- phyint, my pyin ky k n, 1 diccara s , Ariy va sa, 2003, p- 62. 2 Ba Thaung (Bohmu), 2002, p- 88. 3 Aduminnyo, 1965, p- 10. 4 Than Kho, Shin, 1967, p- 6. 5 Si Si Win, Daw and Others, 1983, p- 36. 6 Myingyan Degree College Research Journal Vol .8, 2017 a ngp n thuy , karsw le thi (shield- warriors and archers), yans lelyet, cheithi- my n-sin (foot- soldiers, horses and elephants), atintint , setthwin ywephauk, myol n kyaukhmya (the whole city in fear)1.