Intercolonial Railway of O...An
lVJ:A-.NITOB..A.- ! -------.. ~,.. ~----- , The reliable Route, and the on.e having the least transfers, finest e<luipm~nts, best accommo- dation, courteous employees, etc., 18 the ' Chicago 'and North-Western Ry's, "Chicago, St. Paul if; Minneapolis Line." -------... -.. -....----- The "Chicago St. Paul & Minneapolis Line" is composed of the Chicagp & North-Western and Chicago, St. Paul & Minneapolis Railways, and passengers to secure the advantages of the line, shuuld be sure their tickets read as above, and Not by any other Line having a Similar Name. This is the great Government Express and Mail Route to MANITOBA, DAKOTA AND THE NORTH-WEST. ! Forming the connecting link between CHICAGO and the NEW COUNTRY of FERTILE i . SOIL ABUNDANT IJROPS, HEAL'l'HY CLIMATE, &c., &c., which is being · " ;apidly settled by an industrious, intelligent and energetic class of people. - I This is the only Through line from Chicago that makes a connection at St. Paul with the St. Paul, Minneapolis and Manitoba and Northern Pacific Railways, for Winni peg, Bismarck, Brainerd, Breckenridge, Fisher's Landing, in the Union Depot. This is now the established All Rail Route to Manitoba, And Passengers for that country and St. Boniface and Winnipeg, should ask for and be , sure their Tickets read Grand Trunk, Great Western, or Canada Southern Ry's, , to Detroit j Michigan Central Railway, ~Detroit to Chicago; Chicago, , St. Paul & Minneapolis Line, Chicago to St. Paul. (Or Chicago, and North Western and Chicago, St. Paul & Minneapulis Railways.) St. Paul, Minneapolis & Manitoba. and Canada Pacific Railway, St. Paul to Winnipeg. The St. Paul, Minneapolis & Manitoba Railway, and its Northern Extension-Canada Pacific are the only Railways running down the Valley of the Red River of the North.
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