Fractional Distillation for the Laboratory and Industry
ll distillations attempt to separate a lower boiling material (A) from a higher boiling material (B). Packed columns are “packed” A with a material that creates a large surface area within the distillation column. Vapors rise through the column, are condensed by the condenser and fall back down the column. This material is called the condensate. The descending condensate “wets” the packing. Ascending vapors rise through the wet packing and are forced into intimate contact with the condensate. This intimate contact causes the vapor to become enriched in the lower boiling material. This process is often called rectification. A A A AA AA A AA A A AA A A A AA A AA A B/R Instrument Corporation B/R Instrument was founded in 1966 by Roger Roark, Sr. and B A A A A A A B B Harry Brown, Jr. Originally a manufacturer of general glass- A A A AA A A B A A AA AA ware, the company began to specialize in the manufacture B B A A A A A AA AA A A A of spinning band distillation systems in 1968 under a DuPont B A B B B B patent. Since then the company has grown steadily in the A A A A distillation and laboratory equipment markets and now A B A B A B A A A AA distributes products to customers throughout the world. A B A A AA A A A B B A AA A Located in Easton, Maryland on the beautiful Eastern B A A A A A A A B A AA B A Shore of the Chesapeake Bay, the B/R facility encompasses A AA © 2004, B/R Instrument Corporation B A B AA A 14,700 square feet (1,370 square meters) and houses manu- B B A B B A B B A A B A A B A A B A A facturing, sales, engineering, service and administrative A A A A A B B A divisions.
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