The Old Time Radio Club Established 1975 Number 301 June 2002 BOBBY BENSON The Illustrated rFress Membership information Club Officers and Librarians New member processing, $5 plus club member President ship of $17.50 per year from January 1 to Jerry Collins (716) 683-6199 December 31. Members receive a tape library list 56 Christen Ct. ing, reference library listing and a monthly newslet Lancaster, NY 14086 ter. Memberships are as follows: If you join
[email protected] January-March, $17.50; April-June, $14; July September, $10; October-December, $7. All Vice President & Canadian Branch renewals should be sent in as soon as possible to Richard Simpson avoid missing issues. Please be sure to notify us if 960 16 Road R.R. 3 you have a change of address. The Old Time Fenwick, Ontario Radio Club meets the first Monday of every month Canada LOS 1CO at 7:39 PM during the months of September to June at 393 George Urban Blvd., Cheektowaga, NY Treasurer, Back Issues, Videos & Records 14225. The club meets informally during the Dominic Parisi (716) 884-2004 months of July and August at the same address. 38 Ardmore PI. Anyone interested in the Golden Age of Radio is Buffalo, NY 14213 welcome. The Old Time Radio Club is affiliated with The Old Time Radio Network. Membership Renewals, Change of Address, Cassette Library - #2445 and !m. Club Mailing Address Peter Bellanca (716) 773-2485 Old Time Radio Club 1620 Ferry Road 56 Christen Ct. Grand Island, NY 14072 Lancaster, NY 14086
[email protected] Membership Inquires and OTR Back issues of The Illustrated Press are Network Related Items .