AND TELEVISION JANUARY. 25¢ Reading Clockwise Sam Cowling Patsy Lee Johnny Desmond -t--tands in Just-Seconds! _with this fragrant new Lotion that Dries Fast, without Stickiness! Prove It for Yourself with This lO-second Test! There", a Ca.hmere Bouquet Cosmetic for Almost E,"cry Hrc \'("/In! hand_ that ~oft as any flower petal? Beauty Needl JURI as fmgrunt, too? Then it's ~ew Ca~hmere Bouquet Hand Lotion (Kith lanolin) for you ! Do this and you 'I! understand why! , f" L:~e Ca~llInNe Bouquet on one hand, .­ any DIll-style lotion on the other. -~ \Vait, then compare. Your "Cashmere Bouquet" hand? This fast­ liPSTICK drying lotion that soften.! like '\ Lrealllh clinging_in 8 f .... hionable .hade.! a ("r('am ha~ aln:lllly done its wonderful fACE POWDER ,,'ork. ]\0\ a tracl' of slirkincss or tackiness. Smooth, "d'"ely texturel Ynuf hand fech smooth, is excitingly 6 "Flower.F.""h" shade.l fragrnnt, excitingly soft 10 the touch! All· PURPOSE CRUM For raJiant,'"clale"imc" YOUf olher hund? No cOl1lpari~on. of course! In lo,"clines._a bedtime beau ty "mu.t"! just 10 ~(,fonols )"ou\c spen for yourself, that TALCUM POWDEr{ {"",,"sst/Ue l1amb rail for Cnshrnere Bouquet! A shower of .pring flowers! 1: l: THEN you have a date, you be a flop, and you can lose your shift of momentary effectiveness. V V do things with your com­ man just like that! It instantly freshens and sweet­ plerion.You want it to be radiant. You may not know when you ens the breath. And helps keep You fuss for hours with your have halitosis (unpleasant it that way. too ••• not for sec­ hair to make it frame your face breath)-, It may be absent for onds ... not for minutes ••• but just so. days and then crop up at the very for hours usually. time you want to be at your best. • Vou wear your most flattering While ,orne CMefJ of halitosis are of gown, your daintiest shoes. You're Never Take a Chance IY8temic origin, m08t casea, say some pretty sure of your charm. and Why risk offending this way when 8uthoritiOlJ, are due to the bacterial fermentation or tiny food particles yet ••• and yet .•. Listerine Antiseptic is the extra­ clinging to mouth surfaces. Listerine If you've overlooked one inti­ careful precaution that 80 many Antiseptic quickly halts Iluch fermen­ popular women rely on? tation, t hen overcomes the odors fer­ mate little matter- your charms mentation ca U8()l,!. count for naught, your date may Listerine Antiseptic is no make- LAM IJ ERT PHA I:U'IACALCO.,St. Louis,Mo. • • LlSTERINE ANTISEPTIC THE EXTRA-CAREFUL PRECAUTION AGAINST BAD BREATH! 1 NOW! PROOF THAT BRUSHING .RA.DIO AND _u ...., .... TEETH RIGHT AnER EATING WITH JANUA.RY, 19S(J COLGATE MIRROR DENTAL CREAM VOL. 33. NO.2 NORTH CENTRAL PEOPLE ON THE AIR Radio's Own Life Story . .................. .......... by Uewetlyn Miller 22 HELPS STOP "My Buddy" ..•.................. .....••. .... .. ....................... Now I Can Sing ASain!..... ............... .. ...... by Did~ Haymes 26" Your Tiekel to lhe Goldber ;.~. ........... .. ...................... 28 Take 1950. ............... .................... .... by Eddie Cantor 30 TOOTH DECAY! The "Other Woman" .................................................. 32 Mother Knowl Bell.... ..... .. ......... by Warren Hull 36 Father Knows Best ............................ .... .. by Roberl Youn« 37 Give Me Kid. Anytime! .. ...........•........ by Smilin' Ed McConnell 52 Christmas All Year 'Round ..........••................. by Kay McNeill Come and Visit Jean Henhoh .........•............. by Pauline Swanson Madeline Lee .. .. .. ... .. .................... "71 Owen Jordan ...... .... .. ......... ........................ "71 INSIDE RADIO The Most ConduJiv. Proof In All Wbat'. New From Coalt to Coast ............. .. .......... by Dale Banks 4 Dentifrice Research on Tooth Decay! FacinS the Mwie ........ .............................. by Marlin Block 14 CO lleelOr', Corner ................................... by Na t "King" Cole 21 Now, the toothpaste you use to clean inside Radio........................................................... 68 your breath while you clean your teeth, offers a prOl'ed way to help stop tooth FOR BUHR LIVING decay before it starts! 2 years' oontinu· ous research at leading universities­ Her Hands Have An A u'lienre ..•.....•.............. .... by Dorry Ellis 12 hundreds of case histories- makes this What b Faith? ........................................ by Terry Burton 16 tbe most eomlU8i~ proof in aU dentifrice Traveler of th e Momh .................. ............. by Tommy Barllett 18 research on tooth decay! Colgate's oon· Between lhe Bookends.... ..... •. ........... by Ted Malone 40 tains all the necessary ingredienta, When a Girl a-hrries.. .. ....... .................. by Joan Davis 42 including an exclusive patenhd ingredi­ Good alld Rich I. ...... ........... .. .............. by Na ncy Craig 60 ent, for effective daily dental care. No risk of irritation! And no change in flavor, Coam or cleansing action! I"'g"NII How Does Dunninger Do It? ....................... .. by Martin Co hen 44 What lIten Know AboU I Worn .. "....... ... ... by Maggi McNellis 46 My Husband, Ed ..................................... by Sylvia Sullivan 48 Coast to Cout in Televi~ion ...........•.• •• ........................... 50 YOUR lOCAl STATION WHO : Sen'ice Unli mited........... ................... ...... ..... 6 KCMO: Ka nsas City Kelnj).......... ......... 8 WGN: Four Persislent Perfectionists.......... ..................... 10 KSTP: Gbrnorou8 Gourmet. ................... , .......... ............. 20 No Other Dentifrice Offers Proof of These Results' RADIO MIRROR READER BONUS Modem research shows tooth decay is caused by mouth acids which are at My Brother', Keeper--A This Is No ra Drake Novelette .. by Cha rles Dobbs 38 their worst after meals or snacks. Brush. Daytime Diary..................... .. ... ... .. .. 62 ing teeth with Colgate's as directed, helpe remove acids before they harm ON THE COVER: Don McNeill and His Radio Family enamel. And Colgate's penetrating foam Color portrait by Harold Trudeau reaches crevices between teeth where Costume. for The "Oth er Woman,'" page 32, execuled by Min Marie food particles often lodge. No dentifrice of Palldora Frocks can stop aU tooth decay, or help cavities already started. But brushing teeth right after eating is the safe, proHd way EJilo,l,J Dir~<IO' EJilo. A., DI•• el •• FRt:O. R. J;AlUI IS DORIS McFERRAN .1A(JK ZASORIX to help stop tooth decay with Colgate Allo<•• ,.IUIIO, Assoel.'. A.,I Dlrrclor Dental Cream! olIOSEPlIlNI': I'KARSON FRANCES MAL\" EJllorltJ Aui"•• ,s: .1OAS POLLOCK. 'J'F;RU GO'J'0bMA R YA!'!NE CROFTON Toluisiu : FRANCES KISIl /1o.... S ..~lc. .~,,,,,,,: ESTHER 1'0LE\' (:hi •• ,o Olli.e: E lilo~, llELEN CA1"I1RL\ UOLS'J'AD CLEAH YOUR HolLYI"'ood Olic.: EJiror. ASS DAGflt!TT MUG,i., EJilor, F RASCES MOBRI!'! BREATH WHILE YOU Ani"",'. nETTY l~JlLLS St'" p),ol.'T.'.... , IIl'>lt£ 1'1!'!K. STERLING SM ITH Aui".. " HETTY .10 nICE CLeAN YOUR TEETH _ AND HElP STOP lOOTH DECAY! • • 2 Coming Next Month SlIre enough. it's Dinah Shore. For more about her. !lee February. hree- minute question and answer bee: Q. What's a Tdog's life like when his mistress is Marie Wilson? Is.. ...."'.~ .."""') Afterbie game U.C.L. A.'s p0p.­ A . It's not a dog's life at all! Ular majorettes, lany and Joey And you'll know why when Pope of Los Angeles, Calif., are you read the story about ready to leave fo r Victory Dance. Marie and her four-legged friend, Mr. Hobbs, in Feb­ ruary's RADIO M I RROR. (Marie is next month's cover girl, too.) Q. How does it feel to return to your hometown, a full­ fledged celebrity-to be honored and feted by all the Now! Toni with SPIN curlers 'people you've grown up with? A. Mighty fine, ac­ cording to the girl who has two hometowns, both in twice as easy - twice as fast! Tennessee. Her name, of course, is Dinah Shore and The new patented Toni SPIN Curlers save So gentle and so fast! No other home she tells about her home­ you half the time of winding up curls. pennanent waves hair faster yet leaves comings in the February No TUbber bands! All plastic, all·in..ane 1 it so soft and sparkling, 90 easy to set RADIO MIRROR. Q. Where can Nothing to tangle up in your hair! Quick and style. 1any, on the left, has the Toni. you find the fascinating start! Tiny teeth gently grip hair tips so story of that fascinating me­ ,even the shortest ends become easy dium-radio? A. In next to month's issue, in t his wind! Easy-spin action-rolls each curl month's issue and in other up in one quick motion. Winds more hair issues to come you'll fi nd on each curler. Fewer curlers afe needed. Radio's Own Life Story, a Snap shut! Non-slip clasp fastens curls continuin g history which closer to head to assure a better, longer­ RADIO MIRROR believes is the lasting wave. most outstanding featUre Most natural_looking wave you've that has ever appeared on its pages. Q. Where do you have ever had ! For Toni Creme Waving [.0.. the chance to al?ply the wis­ tion is different. An exclusive gentle dom acquired In your own formula with matchless results- more life to the problems of than67million lovely, long·lasting waves. others? A. In RADIO MIRROR'S Still the center or attraction at the new feature, wh ich p resents dance. And l any knows her hair has a Lot a problem facing the char­ to do with it. She S3yl1, "Even after a stren­ acters in one of the daytime uous day my Toni waves are still in place radio dramas. You are in ­ and Look just as soft and natural." vited to help solve the prob­ lem and ther e are cash awards for the best solution. Toni Next month's problem w ill Refill center on a situation in '100 which the Brents of Road of Life are involved. Q. Where can you find Nancy Craig's Sp edel recipes; Ted Malone's poetry Combination page; Joan Davis's wise At the game all eyes are on Jany's spin· Offer counsel; a full length Bonus ning baton-and her shining, natural· Novel; and all the latest looking curls.
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