der Riesenbaum Redwood Region Newsletter Club of America Del Norte, Humboldt, Lake, Marin, Mendocino, Napa and Sonoma

October 2009 Issue X, Volume III; electronic newsletter

Bill Walters, editor Kurt Fischer, assistant editor

See us on the web at:

Redwood Region Ledson Concours winners, L-R, Brian Barber, Greg Maissen, Barry Schmidt, Paul Nadel, Duncan Thomson, Bill Young. Front, Don Durant & James Jordan, seated, John Jackson. That's James Heisey visible in the back and poor Jeanine Nadel is completely hidden by Don. See complete story inside. Kaye Jackson pic.

R E D W O 0 D R E G I O N President's Message Kurt Fischer

It is officially Fall now...but in typical Northern California weather, last weekend proved that Mother Nature will fool us big time with temps well over 100 degrees on both Saturday and Sunday!

Saturday, we had a small Porsche corral at the CSRG Vintage races at Infineon with a nice turn out of the renegade Porsche R-Gruppe guys with their hot rod ... several real RS's as well as some sweet clones. Their cars are fun to see and hear!

Sunday was our 10th Annual Zone 7 Concours d' Elegance at Ledson Winery in Kenwood again under our Indian summer heat. Luckily, the shade of the old oak trees at Ledson gave us some relief! See Bill's article in this issue! Another stunning set of Porsches there and the Redwood Region members did well and got a number of trophies!

Upcoming we have our final Redwood Region Autocross at the Santa Rosa Airport on October 17, 2009. We are making this Autocross a Porsche only event to include any of our members that drive other cars! We need a minimum of at least 30 drivers to work the course so please show up as our next Autocross will not be until March of next year!

October 24, 2009 finds us at the new winery of Redwood Region member, Dann Boeschen with his family. Dann has a great collection of Porsches and his cars will be in residence for our visit. More details will follow in an upcoming blast email.

We are also finalizing our annual trip to Mendocino set for October 31 - November 1 to meet up with the Sacramento Valley Region. Again, more details in the upcoming emails!

Now on the news of the Porsche world, since the takeover by VW last month seems that Porsche is jumping into advertising in a big way in the NY Times! See this story! york-times

The new President and CEO of Porsche, Michael Macht wants to sell 150,000 cars in the upcoming years and to achieve those lofty numbers, can we say a "green" Porsche? Recent spy photos at Nurburgring have turned up a 911 with a strange bulge and electric bolt graphic. The Porsche engineers are busy. In my way of thinking...why can't you design a car with a very small engine that keeps the batteries charged up to give us the range that we need, especially for California driving!

Now, will the Electric Porsche suffice with the speed, handling and sportiness that we are accustomed to having? Read it here!

Finally, and this is a must watch video, our intrepid Membership Director, Monsieur Bret Boutet and his merry band of outlaws/drivers (including ex Redwood Region member, Ken E Short) are preparing a for the 24 Hours of LeMons set for November 21-22, 2009 at Thunderhill Raceway!

Not only are they ace mechanics... they are talented video creators... this video is hysterical and captures the essence of the craziness of the LeMons. Yours truly has volunteered as part of the Pit crew so I will do a complete article on their 924 and the subsequent misadventures at the race!

Of the 218 entrants, only 100 made it to the final cut and this article says it all... the video put them over the top for entrance into the wackiness of the 24 Hours of LeMons! porsche%20driving-team-rooster-juice

Who said Porsche Club members were all Concours Q-tips boys, wine tourists and let us be faster autocrossers! Rooster Juice Racing team rocks!

As always, keep the shiny side up on our wonderful Redwood Region roads!

Want me... need I am [email protected]

Editor's Corner Bill Walters

It's been really something. During our months of the decelerated and slugging economic state all around, the skies have been cloudless for what seems like months. Except for that thunderstorm period of a couple of days, skies have given us a gift of beauty I can't recall for several years. Our events may seem a little lackluster, but like the days we've been having, special members have come out and participated simply by showing up to say "Hi" and share with us.

Take Roy Thylin. He came to Ledson, around noon in 100-degree heat just to take in the splendor. Bruni, his wife, had worked very hard in 103 temps the day before so she had a rest day. The Robisons, Larry and Joanne, also made an appearance to show support and interest in the Club. Claude Boulware did same. Tim Hensel and Julia Martin as well. Those were the ones I saw, there could have been many others that escaped my notepad. Mac Cranford gets my special kudos for his untiring work ultimately compiling all of the judges voting for the day. He didn't even enter his car for concours, which he could have easily won in class, he just came out and did an amazing job.

My point here is that we have many, many special members who despite engagements, work, ailments or family issues make the effort to come out and become part of the soup that makes our Club. Case in point. I had an older couple call out my name from behind, introduced themselves as longstanding RR members only to leave and come back and went out of their way to tell me how much they appreciated the newsletter and the work I put into making it the best I can. They sought me out. It's really simple. I enjoy it. As they also did, once again, enjoying our Club.

Those are just a few of the people with compliments I hear frequently which serve to inspire and make me feel like all the hard work takes hold with our members. There are other dear stories I heard which I could conjure but will to save for the New Year.

Let's hope our skies and Redwood Region members continue to open to see this joy of the energy of sharing among our active members. It really is a spectacle.

Be proud, for We, are the best of the best. Now let's get out there!

Ed. Calendar of Events - Redwood Region Kurt Fischer

This is an abbreviated calendar...for all the details on each event use our full calendar on the Redwood Region website! > <


October 1-4 - Escape 2009 - Birthplace of Aviation- Dayton, OH

October 4 - "Woads, Wings, Wheels and Wailroads" Tour

October 17 - Last Redwood Region Autocross - Santa Rosa Airport

October 24 - Tour to Boeschen Vineyards Walters/Boeschen

October 31- November 1 - Redwood Region Tour to Mendocino. Halloween!

Walters Eureka Overnight - September 11-13, 2009 Bill Walters What? No overnight trip?

Yea that's right, very few members signed up, less that 14 and some were only going on Friday or Saturday. It didn't make sense so we discussed and Kurt called to cancel with enough time to get your hotel money back.

Let's step it up next year, waddaya say?!!

Overnight Tour to Mendocino - October 31 -November 1 David Bunch

Please join us as we head north to the Mendocino coast to join up with Sacramento Region's Tour.

We will start at 9AM with breakfast at Kals Kaffe Mocha on Airport Blvd. just outside the Sonoma County Airport.

Wine /Lunch stop will be at Annapolis Winery where we will do some wine tasting.They do have a picnic area for those who would like to pack a picnic lunch.

Saturday afternoon is for exploring the shops of Mendocino & Ft. Bragg. Also SVR holds their Kite Flying contest and "Social" out on the Mendocino Headlands.

Dinner Saturday night will be a Restaurant at Noyo Harbor in Ft. Bragg.

More details to follow..

HOTEL INFO- You will need to make your own hotel reservations.

Again this year most of the group will be staying at the "North Cliff Hotel", in Ft. Bragg.

Call 1-866-962-2550 & ask for Jill and mention "PORSCHE CLUB".

We have a discounted rate of $159 for a room with either a Queen or King bed. If you would like a room with a King with a Jacuzzi Tub that is $175. If you stay Friday or Sunday night, special discount rate of $135 or $159 for the Jacuzzi Tub room.

Another hotel option across the street is the "HarborLite Lodge". Call 1-800-643-2700.

As we did last year, the dinner is within walking distance from the hotels. I have also made arrangements for the passenger van to dinner & return.

Sunday morning breakfast is on you own except those wishing to go "Back in Time" and head to the Ft. Bragg Grange Hall for their breakfast.

Please RSVP to [email protected] Please include names & which hotel you are staying at..

First Timer at Monterey Historics Bob Pringle

Bob Pringle and 911S Cab. at Monterey.

have always tried to attend the Monterey Historics and made a particular effort to attend this year's soiree as they I were honoring Porsche. At the time of my registration, I noted that PCA was sponsoring a "driver's education day" on Monday, August 17. Having recently attended the Porsche Performance Driving School in Birmingham, Alabama, I thought that this was an opportunity not to be missed, a day driving the historic Laguna Seca Racetrack. So, I pursued my registration. This turned out to be no easy task, in that they asked for everything except my mother's maiden name, my social security number and a blood test.

Prior to that weekend, I had installed new headers and an exhaust on my 2007 911S Cabriolet and was eager to test the engine with these enhancements on the track. (This was in furtherance of my goal to ensure that there is no money left at the time of my death for my children by way of inheritance. As they say, the best estate planning results in the last check you wrote, preferably to the U.S. Government, bouncing.) Also, I had my car put up on the rack and checked for leaks, any obvious mechanical issues and clearing the remnants of any animals I may have struck in West Marin on one of our breakfast runs.

I arrived early on the Monday morning, still reveling in the absolutely wonderful weekend and dreaming of the 917s I had seen, hoping one did not show up on that track day and be behind me approaching a turn along with the other cars in the novice class. After a driver's meeting promptly at 8:00 a.m. and some well-needed java, I, and the other members of the novice class reported to a relatively brief "chalk talk" with one of the organizers. This was very informative and reinforced the necessary "track etiquette" for the day. I was also introduced to my "coach" who would ride with me during the sessions. He was a young PhD who worked for Genentech and had grown up in the Carmel Valley, just a stone's throw from Laguna Seca. He has raced his 911 for many years; living now in Fairfield, he takes his nine-year-son to regular cart racing sessions at Infineon.

When the time for my first session came, I was full of fear and trepidation, thinking about the famed Corkscrew and my ability to negotiate it. After all, I certainly did not want to incur the fate of the driver of the $6 million Ferrari who lost it on the Corkscrew on the weekend, crashing into the wall at the bottom of the hill and immortalized on You Tube to boot. I was fortunate enough to have done the Porsche Parade on the track on Sunday, familiarizing me with the track. In addition, someone in my office who races regularly at Laguna gave me a video of this car lapping Laguna Seca which I had studied in the week preceding the event.

As it turns out, my coach did a first rate job. I survived the initial 20-25 minute session. Clearly, I drove with an added dose of conservatism, as I was now driving my car, not someone else's car as was the case at the Porsche Performance Driving School. Even in the first session, I learned a great deal, if nothing more than I had a lot more to learn.

A fter a spectacular lunch of grilled salmon and salad, we returned to the track in the afternoon. There, along with the other novice class, we got three 25 minute sessions. In the first of the sessions, my coach suggested that I keep the car in third for most of the track, trying to concentrate on the overall "flow" of the course. This was akin to visualizing the whole race course in skiing, rather than only on the two initial steep turns coming out of the gate. Well, this produced results. I was no longer thinking of the Corkscrew in segments, but that part of the track became a series of "esses" that were negotiated before the almost 45 degree turn onto the main straight. Thinking of it in this fashion, and the mantra, "smooth is fast," markedly improved my negotiation of this part of the track. By the close of the day, having done almost two hours on the track, I was now aggressively hitting the apexes and accelerating out of them. More fun than I deserve at my age.

The day came to an end at about 4:30 p.m. The cost for the event was $380, and every cent well spent. As always at PCA events, you meet a great group of people. You come away in wonderment as to what your Porsche can do under those conditions. For those of you who have not taken advantage of a PCA sponsored driver education day, do it. They accommodate drivers of various skill levels in a safe environment where you and your Porsche can be properly exercised. Of course, as Kurt always reminds us, "Remember to keep the shiny side up."

Thank you Bob for a very insightful story, and funny as well. May this inspire other members to contribute their own stories as well. Ed. CSRG Vintage Races - September 26-27, 2009 Kurt Fischer

It was a very hot day at Infineon on Saturday, September 26th... 100F plus!

Great racing and our small Porsche corral with lots of R-Gruppe members showing up!

Here are some great pics done by Justin Rains, RR member!

904 GTS and 911R - both very rare!

904 crossing the finish line!

Part of our Porsche corral - Carrera RS's both real and clones, 356's and others!

Ledson Concours d'Elegance Bill Walters

Ledson is always Cool. Damn hot, but Cool none-the-less.

The Ledson scene, Howard Thomas pic.

I recall driving up very early and seeing those rolling Petaluma hills with the fog melting over their slopes. In the distance is what I can only describe as smoky hills, the color of cigarette smoke/grey/blue smoke. Pink skies, a little mauve and then the giant glowing sphere of the big atomic ball rising over my shoulder and me fumbling for my sunglasses. Now the landscape has changed from a sleepy misty damp, to a splashed, painted, ember glowing battlefield of color.

One reason I love this Club is that it keeps insisting I get up freaking early. It's a royal pain, but the rewards are significant as our living years begin to trickle off and you find yourself not wanting to miss any more of God's work. To see Venus and yes, I know, Jupiter is not giving up, is beyond measure when I run into folks who have no clue planets are visible to the naked eye. Truly remarkable on each side. I digress, as most slow key-typers do.

Ledson was Cool.

Don Durant's pride; 356SC. Duncan & Dee Thomson's '61 356. John Jackson pics.

Twenty-eight nervous entrants from 6 Regions (half were Redwood) parked along the grand circular drive of the Ledson Castle. Not as many as the year before but no one expected a miracle in our windless-sail economy. But never the less, we had easily a dozen newbies thrusting out for a glimmer of a trophy or perhaps a bottle of wine for their efforts and pride of polish.

Brian Barber, John Jackson, Scott Peterson, Greg Maissen, Charlie & Antoinette Alegria, all first timers and they killed! The Alegrias walked away with Peoples Choice and an all expenses paid night at Ledson plus a private tasting. Both Greg and Charlie (actually all of them) were so surprised by announcements that they had won; we had to go wake them up! What? Me? Yes, you! Way to go to all 13 Redwood members!

There were also major contributions of work by Mac Cranford, David Bunch, Kurt Fischer, Greg Maissen, Mark Gersh and CASA, for outstanding diligence behind the scenes; pretty much everyone does work at Ledson; from volunteer judging, parking assignments, registration, new membership, sales, no one sits on their butt. And huge kudos to our own Deven Wailes for sponsoring the event with trophies and wine. There would be no Ledson Concours without him. Thanks also to Ledson's Travis Scott, events coordinator and Chris Fell, the tasting room manager. Great job guys.

Unlike the majesty of Sonoma's hills and the was a Cool day.

Hope to see all of you soon and don't forget to pack your smiles.

A happy Charlie & Antoinette Alegria having received People's Choice. Jackson pic.

Photo of the Month Bill Walters

Porsche archives.

It only seemed appropriate to commemorate Professor Dr. Ing. h.c. Ferdinand Anton Ernst (FERRY) Porsche here on his 100th birthday. (Sept. 19th) He passed in March of 1998.

Autocross No. 7, Sonoma Co. Airport, Shootout Results only! September 19, 2009 Best Place Name Make-Model Year Class Time

1 Mike McCrory Honda Civic 1995 48.776 TTOD 2 Tristan Bayless 1968 49.046 3 Guy Southern Chev. Corvette 1999 GTA-R 49.166 4 Jim Winston Datsun 240Z 1971 49.573 5 David Bunch Porsche 911S 1976 AX3 49.817 6 Craig Lamothe Datsun 1972 50.140 7 An Nguyen BMW M3 1995 STU 50.316 8 Andrew Quigley Honda Civic 1995 50.667 9 Blain Hendrix Mazda RX7 1993 51.082 10 Schooner Stephenson BMW M3 1995 STU 51.128 11 Chris Hamilton 1970 914GT 51.672 12 Don Cameron 1983 AX9 51.800 13 Henry Watts 1997 51.823 14 Craig Hammond Mazda RX7 1983 51.936 15 Sharon Neidel Porsche 911S 1976 AX3L 52.055 TTOD-L 16 Grady Carter Porsche Boxster S 2002 AX12 52.612 17 Joe Thomas Porsche Cayman 2006 52.625 42 Craig Kralka Honda CRXsi 1991 GTC-S 52.802 18 Mike De Jung Porsche 911 1985 52.807 19 Ken Pedersen Porsche Cayman 53.318 20 Steve De Jung Porsche 911 1985 53.661 21 Glen Marks Porsche Cayman S 2008 53.761 22 Eric Haas Volkswagen 2004 53.972 23 Steven Bero BMW M3 1998 54.030 24 Keith Miller Mazda RX7 1984 GTC-R 54.055 25 Eduardo Ferrel Honda Del Sol 1993 54.078 26 Bill Thomas Porsche Cayman 2006 54.377 27 Alex Ivakhnenko Mazda Miata 1997 54.487 28 Ramiro Macias Subaru Sti 2005 54.649 29 Kenneth Stats Honda Accord 1989 54.837 30 Tom Greathouse Porsche 914 1970 AX13 54.842 31 John Castellano Subaru Legacy 1997 54.965 32 Rob Miller BMW 318is 1991 55.178 33 David Larson Nissan Sentra 1991 55.451 34 Bob Schoenherr Porsche Boxster 1999 AX14 55.509 35 Alex Maier Honda S2000 2003 ASL 55.550 36 Ash Lewin Hyundia Accent 2003 55.623 37 Josh Davies Ford Mustang 1998 55.664 38 Art Battles Subaru Sti 2007 GTB-S 55.848 39 Tony Long Porsche 914 1973 56.321 40 Dan Monarrez Mitsubishie EVO 8 2005 56.391 41 Drew Powers Subaru WRX 2002 56.455 43 Jim Newport Porsche 914 1973 AX13 56.540 44 Isiah Craig Volvo 1983 56.586 45 Dana Wailes Porsche 911 1971 56.760 46 Kyle Alexander Nissan Sentra 2003 56.829 47 Julian Dumay Honda Accord 1986 56.839 48 Nick Myllenbeck Porsche Boxster 1999 56.961 49 Tom Buggier Nissan 1989 56.981 50 Ollie Stepple Datsun 510 1971 57.096 51 Jan Bolt Chevy Corvette 2007 GTA-S 57.225 52 Thomas Dunohue Ford Mustang 1988 57.355 53 Sergy Pretetsky Mazda MX-5 57.427 54 Blaine Pope Chevy Camaro 1995 GTA-S 57.527 55 John Rydquist Austin Mini 1964 57.785 56 Toby Eidelman Volvo 940T 1992 58.068 57 Frank PhetphommasoukBMW 318is 1990 58.114 58 Arianna Vespe Mini Cooper 2005 58.361 59 Alexander Vito Mazda Miata 59.056 60 Vern Rogers 1991 59.706 61 Stefan Jenkins Volvo 1982 59.718 62 Kim Powers 1964 L 59.914 63 Vincent Serio Honda Accord 1984 59.926 64 Hector Ferrel Mazda Miata 1992 60.283 65 Jeff Long Porsche 914 1973 60.958 66 Mikey Haderer Subaru WRX 2002 61.020 67 Paul Nader Porsche 964 C2 1989 61.030 68 Ronald Breeze Porsche Boxster 1999 61.089 69 Michael Maas Honda Civic 2004 61.387 70 Lori Rothmuller Porsche 993 1997 L 62.091 71 Jimmy Moylan BMW 325i 1994 62.197 72 Silas Boden Chevy El Camino 1987 62.211 73 Willaim Bayley Porsche 914 1972 62.730 74 Dana Kunz Porsche 911 1971 L 63.079 75 Dan Fickbohn Honda Civic 2003 64.060 76 Ashley Martin Honda Del Sol 1993 65.564 77 Daniel Will Mazda Miata 1995 65.761 78 Eric Siedentopf Ford Mustang 2006 GTA-S DNF 79 Julian DeAmicic BMW 1984 DNF

September 20, 2009

1 Justin Moore Subaru STi GUEST 42.091 TTOD 2 Guy Southern Chevrolet Corvette GTA-R 42.407 3 Jim Winston Datsun 240Z GTB-R 42.682 4 Mike McCrory Honda Civic GTC-R 42.819 5 Craig LaMothe Datsun 240Z GTB-R 43.307 6 Andrew Quigley Honda Civic GTC-R 43.535 7 Tristan Bayless Porsche 912 GTC-R 44.255 8 Lance Bollens Mazda Miata GTB-R 44.527 9 Darrin Holm Honda Civic GTC-R 44.541 10 Blain Hendrix Mazda RX7 GTA-R 44.785 11 Sharon Neidel Porsche PCA 45.005 TTOD-L 12 Craig Boyle Mazda Miata GUEST 45.056 13 Mike de Jung Porsche 911 PCA 45.065 14 Grady Carter Porsche 986S PCA 45.104 15 Craig Kralka Honda CRX GTC-S 45.114 16 Jason Derderian Porsche Boxster PCA 45.173 17 Sage Sokol Honda S2000 GTC-R 45.192 18 Mark Allen Dodge Neon GUEST 45.293 19 Don Cameron Porsche 911 PCA 45.308 20 Eric Haas VW GTI GTB-S 45.320 21 David Bunch Porsche 911 PCA 45.412 22 Chris Hamilton Porsche 914 PCA 45.441 23 Noah Berry Subaru STi GUEST 45.916 24 David Larson Nissan Sentra SE-R GTC-S 46.194 25 Steve de Jung Porsche 911 PCA 46.277 26 Josh Davies Mustang Cobra GTA-R 46.322 27 Craig Hammond Mazda RX-7 GTC-R 46.406 28 Howard Thomas Porsche Boxster PCA 46.490 29 Eduardo Ferrel Honda Del Sol GTC-S 46.523 30 Daniel Monarrez Mitsubishi Lancer Evo GTB-S 46.613 31 Art Battles Subaru STi GTB-S 46.661 32 Steve Bellen Chrysler Crossfire GTA-S 46.697 33 Todd Gunnerson Acura Integra GUEST 46.764 34 Eric Siedentopf Chevy Camaro Z28 GTA-S 46.827 35 Rob Miller BMW 318is GTC-S 46.853 36 Alex Ivakhnenko Mazda Miata GTB-S 47.002 37 Keith Bullock Fiat 128 GUEST 47.134 38 Ragona Travis BMW 318is GTC-S 47.152 39 John Castellano Subaru Legacy Wagon GTC-S 47.276 40 Keith Miller Mazda RX-7 GTC-R 47.384 41 Ramiro Macias Subaru STi GUEST 47.491 42 Ron Cox Electric Car GTE-R 47.569 43 Terry Larson Nissan Sentra SE-R GTC-S 47.596 44 Sean Simons Honda S2000 GTC-S 47.645 45 Jan Bolt Corvette Z06 GTA-S 48.000 46 Alex Maier Honda S2000 GUEST 48.009 47 Bob Schoenherr Porsche Boxster PCA 48.144 48 LaVerne Thomas Porsche Boxster PCA 48.307 49 Greg Maissen Porsche 928s PCA 48.435 50 Ashley Lewin Mini Cooper GTC-R 48.479 51 Adrian Mancilla Chevy Nova GTA-S 48.947 52 Bruce Remail Mazda Miata GTC-S 48.949 53 Ross Burmahl Acura Integra GTC-R 49.400 54 Micheal Swallow Electric Car GUEST 49.477 55 Silas Boden Chevy El Camino GTA-S 49.591 56 Dan Clary Mustabg SVO GTB-R 49.669 57 Kuya Bernardo Cronus ZG1 GTC-S 49.677 58 Mac Cranford PCA 49.762 59 Jayson Fernandes Nissan 300ZX GUEST 50.092 60 Arianna Vespe Mini Cooper GTC-R 50.132 61 Ron Dileo MGB GT GTC-S 50.464 62 John Schliemann Mazda Miata GTC-S 50.532 63 John Banchero BMW 530 GTB-R 50.705 64 Jiro Tulley Mazda Miata GTB-S 50.739 65 Jason Cameron Porsche 911 PCA 50.740 66 John Rydquist Austin Mini GTC-S 50.822 67 Vern Rogers Porsche 964 PCA 50.854 68 Manuel Avina Honda S2000 GTC-S 50.902 69 Bob Blick Mazda Miata GTC-S 51.439 70 Kurt Fischer Porsche 911SC PCA 51.481 71 Jimmy Morlan BMW GUEST 51.951 72 Brian Hall Electric Car GTE-R 51.970 73 Ed Fulkerson Toyota Scion GUEST 52.109 74 Jeff Walkup Acura RSX Type S GUEST 52.211 75 Hector Ferrel Mazda Miata GTC-S 52.552 76 Ace Aranda Acura Integra GUEST 53.096 77 William Bayley Porsche 911 PCA 53.658 78 Linda Illsley Honda S2000 GUEST 53.767

GGR Driver's Ed Susan Angebranndt, GGR

GGR's driver's ed program has changed quite a bit in the past 2 years, changes you might not have heard about. With an upcoming event at our local world-class track, Infineon in Sonoma (affectionately known as Sears Point Raceway), we'd like to do a bit of myth busting, and encourage you to come out and get to know your Porsche better.

GGR events require modifications to my car and special equipment. Nope, not so. Our events run under PCA Driver's Ed rules, which were developed to encourage people to drive their unmodified street cars on the track. No annual tech required, just check over your car yourself before arriving at the event and there's a safety tech at the track when you sign in. And you won't need any special equipment -- no special clothing (just long pants, long sleeve shirt and helmet), no fire extinguisher or special seat belts or seats. Many of our participants drive to the track in the car they'll be using all weekend.

GGR events require a big commitment -- an entire weekend as well as an entire day orientation Nope, not so. We know not everyone can commit to a 2 day event, so we've changed the format so you can drive only on Saturday. This consists of 4 20-30 minute sessions, with an instructor if you're just starting out. Our 2 day event consists of 4 sessions on Saturday and on Sunday 3-4 sessions plus a timed run. "Timed runs" are the a chance for you to drive, alone, on the track, against the clock (1 warm up lap and 2 timed laps). This is a wonderful chance for you and your Porsche to test what you've learned over the weekend. But you don't have to participate in the time trial, although we encourage you to take advantage of this special opportunity to drive alone on the track. We hold the orientation on the Friday night before the event, at the track at 6:30pm. You'll learn more about the track you'll be driving, see an in-car video, as well as what to expect at the driver's ed events and have a chance to ask questions.

Track driving isn't safe, I can't afford to hurt my Porsche or me. Nope, they are safe and our events have an excellent safety record. You'll be driving with one of our instructors all day your first event. Our instructors all own and drive Porsches, so they understand your car too. Their experience and guidance will make you a better driver after only one session.

GGR events are competitive and serious. Nope, while participants take safety seriously, we all attend because spending a day or 2 with our favorite marque and other Porsche owners is so much fun. Lots of families attend, with both parents and grown children driving. Walk around the paddock and you'll hear people chatting together about their cars, the track, and all things Porsche.

So please join us the weekend of October 10-11 at Infineon? Our driver's ed event October 10 and 11 at Infineon is a unique opportunity. It's a weekend, so you don't have to take time off from work. The track is close so you won't have to go far. Early October is a "dry weather" time, so the conditions should be perfect -- not too hot or cold, nor wet.

It's also the perfect opportunity to learn car control and to go fast in a safe environment. On the street you barely scratch the surface of what your car can do. But at a driver's ed event, you get up close and personal with capabilities of your Porsche, some you probably didn't know existed. It's the perfect chance to spend a bit of special time with your Porsche. Hope to see you at the track!

To register, go here:

Got a question? Want to know more? Look on our user forum:

Membership Report Bret Boutet The October 2009 membership report covers activity for September 2009.

New members: 5 Xfer in: 0 Xfer out: 2 Renewal: 24 Non-renewal: 13 Dual members: 12 Official members: 501

New Members FIRST LAST NAME CITY Affiliate/FM CAR NAME Nate Garhart Novato, CA 85 911 Jodi Justice Santa Rosa, CA h-Ty Justice 88 911 Christopher Wagner Novato, CA 09 Cayman Betty Zootis Santa Rosa, CA a-Wayne O'Connor 06 Carrera

Anniversaries (5 years and over) YEARS NAME LOCATION ANN DATE 40 Allen Barbieri Santa Rosa, CA 10/1/1969 38 Jon Lail Angwin, CA 10/1/1971 35 Steve Hunter Healdsburg, CA 10/1/1974 34 Lawrence Harrison Mill Valley, CA 10/1/1975 32 Tom Everhart San Rafael, CA 10/1/1977 28 Stan Michelman Novato, CA 10/1/1981 26 L Stephens Mill Valley, CA 10/1/1983 25 John Rice Vallejo, CA 10/1/1984 24 Steve Davis Santa Rosa, CA 10/1/1985 22 Dave Neukom San Rafael, CA 10/1/1987 11 Geoff Halaburt Greenbrae, CA 10/1/1998 11 Brent Morgan Napa, CA 10/1/1998 10 Michael Cole Sebastopol, CA 10/1/1999 10 John Tuteur Napa, CA 10/1/1999 9 Victor Brito Fairfax, CA 10/1/2000 9 Dean Lyon Windsor, CA 10/1/2000 9 Robert Pringle Tiburon, CA 10/1/2000 7 Thomas Dixon Sonoma, CA 10/1/2002 7 Stephen Glenn Santa Rosa, CA 10/1/2002 7 Elizabeth Schutz Napa, CA 10/1/2002 6 Gordon Reynolds Greenbrae, CA 10/1/2003 5 Greg Maissen Novato, CA 10/1/2004 5 Joseph Valls Novato, CA 10/1/2004

Bret Boutet Membership Chair Redwood Region, PCA [email protected]

Your Car Can Go Home Again Bill & Louee Newton

L ouee Newton saw her first 356s at the vintage races in the 1960s and thought they were beautiful. She acquired a black 1965 coupe for her 45th birthday. Louee drove the car to her teaching job in Oakland and Hayward for 10 years. Driving I 580 to work, her passengers would exclaim how other motorists paid them so much attention. Louee explained that it was the car, not them !

The Newtons moved to Tucson where the 356 did not get much use. Time passed and the Newtons decided to return to California. A 968 had been added which seemed more functional. The 356 was sold in Tucson in 2002.

Returning to California, Louee missed her car more than anyone could have predicted. Driving a new Volvo was no substitute for her old Porsche. The 968 had limited interest and Bill's 912 was strictly an autocross car.

One day unexpectedly in 2009, a friend who owns a Porsche shop in Tucson stopped by on the way to the Monterey Historics. He mentioned in passing that Louee's previous 356 was for sale. The owner wanted to keep it but also wanted a 993 with air conditioning. Well, it seems that a car can go home again, Within 3 weeks the sale was completed and Louee's 356 rolled off the transporter in Santa Rosa !

In Memory Submitted by David Bunch

John C. Kerby-Miller Of Kent Woodlands and Carmel, a passionate and accomplished vintage car racer, skier and pilot, died September 20, 2009. Mr. Kerby-Miller had battled prostate cancer for many years with courage and grace. He was 79. Mr. Kerby-Miller was born in San Diego. One of his early jobs was with the U.S. Geological Survey, working on a crew mapping, as he recalled, the "boondocks of the west." While at the University of California at Berkeley, he worked summers on U.S. Forest Service fire crews. In 1955, his father and mother bought their Carmel home which was designed by architects Wallace Neff and Robert Stanton and was built in 1937. It is on the State Historic Register. He and classmate Yvonne "Bonnie" Everson married in their senior year at Carmel's Church of the Wayfarer. He graduated in 1954 Phi Beta Kappa with highest honors in Economics, as a Distinguished Military Graduate and a member of Alpha Kappa Lambda Fraternity. He was about to join Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Company's management when the Army called him to active duty and trained him as a fixed-wing and helicopter pilot. After active duty, he began a 29-year career with Pacific Telephone, working many years as a District Manager. He also served as a California National Guard pilot for eight years and earned an Airline Transport Rating for single and multi- engine aircraft and a Commercial Rating for single and multi-engine seaplanes and helicopters. After retiring from Pacific Bell, he flew KGO Radio's traffic helicopter and piloted charter flights. He recalled that he flew his own plane "every place from the Arctic Ocean to southern Mexico." He also served as a volunteer deputy in the Marin County Sheriff's Air Patrol for more than 25 years. Mr. Kerby-Miller began skiing when he was 6 and was one of the stalwart Marin Ski Club members who built their lodge near Sugar Bowl. He and his wife averaged skiing 60 days a year, worked as volunteers at the 2002 Olympics and skied 86 ski areas. In the 2007-08 season, he skied 90 days at Sugar Bowl while he was getting weekly chemotherapy. As a team with his wife as crew, the Kerby-Millers started racing in 1963. They raced a Porsche 356A "bathtub" Speedster they bought new in 1958 and later raced a 1964 FIA Mercury Comet. They raced at Laguna Seca, in the Monterey Historics and at many other sports car tracks. Mr. Kerby-Miller also was an expert rifle and pistol marksman. He was an active member of Richmond Rod & Gun Club, Carmel Gun Club, Swiss Rifle Club and the National Rifle Association. He was also an active member of the Sports Car Club of America, Classic Sports Car Racing Group, Historic Motor Sports Association, Marin County Airport Land Use Commission, Sheriff's Air Patrol, Army National Guard, Marin Ski Club, Sugar Bowl Ski Club, University of California at Berkeley Class of 1954, American Legion Post #512, Sons of the American Revolution, Carmel Residents Association, Carmel Historical Society, Yes for Carmel, Church of the Wayfarer in Carmel and Westminster Presbyterian Church in Tiburon. He is survived by his wife and companion, Yvonne "Bonnie" Kerby-Miller, and their daughters, Barbara Thornton, a member of the San Anselmo Town Council, and Susan Gallegos of Greenbrae, grandsons Brian and Jeffrey Gallegos of Elk Grove, CA, and Jack and Pete Kerby-Miller and his son's widow Jandy Kerby-Miller of Maple City, MI. He was preceded in death by his son John. Services will be held Tuesday, September 29th at 2:00 PM at Westminster Presbyterian Church, Tiburon. Graveside services were held on Monday, October 5th, at 11:00 AM at City of Monterey Cemetery. Donations may be made to Church of the Wayfarer, Carmel, Westminster Presbyterian Church, Tiburon, or Hospice By The Bay. Monte's Chapel of the Hills San Anselmo, CA 415-453-8440

John was a member of the Redwood Region since 1975..he will be missed! Board Meeting Minutes Jerry Gladstone

Board Meeting Minutes

September 29th, 2009, Maguire's Pub, Petaluma

President Kurt Fischer called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm.

Attendees: President Kurt Fischer, Secretary Jerry Gladstone, Goodie Store Director, Autocross Director and Past President David Bunch, Membership Director Bret Boutet, Social Chair Mary Neidel, Webmistress Barbara McCrory, Autocross Instructor Mac Crandall and members Rob Neidel, Greg Maissen and Vern Rogers.

Minutes: The minutes of previous meeting were approved as submitted.

President's Report: Despite the record breaking heat, all had a good time at the Ledson Concours. There were 28 entries and one car for display only. The 5W's Tour is on for this coming Sunday. David Bunch will reserve a block of rooms for the Mendocino Trip scheduled for the end of the month. Dining options for the trip were discussed and decided. The Bylaws were reviewed in preparation for the upcoming election of 2010 officers. Watch for the ballots before the end of October.

Vice President's Report: No report.

Treasurer's Report: Net income for September was $2,139.55; net income year-to-date is $3,028.87. Total assets (cash, prepayments and equipment) stand at $21,821.18. One of the entrants at the last autocross paid with a check that bounced. David Bunch will follow up to correct.

Secretary's Report: Nothing to report der Riesenbaum Editor's Report: No report.

Advertising Director's Report: No report.

Goodie Store: August and September sales were $391 with $251 of that at the Ledson Concours. An order for new stock will be placed before the Holiday Party.

Autocross Director's Report: The last autocross had 79 drivers on Saturday and 80 drivers on Sunday. Saturday saw 8 runs each and Sunday 7. The October autocross will be for PCA members only. Discussed the pros and cons of PCA only autocrosses with an awareness of costs and revenues. Parts of the airport autocross course will need to be repaved next year.

Membership Report: Ordered a Past President's badge for Kurt.

Webmaster's Report: Website is up and running. There were 2700 visitors this month.

Concours Chairman's Report: No report.

Social Chairman's Report: The October 24th tour to the Boeschen Family Vineyards on the Silverado Trail will have second winery added to the Tour. Kurt Fischer will plan and lead the tour. The Holiday Party is booked for December 5th at the Flamingo. Greg and Nancy Chambers will be exploring alternatives.

CASA: We received a thank you letter from CASA for the donation.

New Business: Redwood Region's Bylaws are due for a review and possible update in January 2010. There are some new PCA policies regarding region Bylaws - we will wait for that guidance before we undertake the revision.

Next Meeting: Tuesday, October 27th at 7:00 pm at Chevy's in Novato.

President Kurt Fischer adjourned the meeting at 8:24 pm.


Send or e-mail your Porsche related ad to the Editor, Bill Walters; [email protected] before the 20th of the month to be included in the next issue. Ads will run for one month as space permits. Please notify me if you wish to re-run your ad in the next issue. If you e-mail me and I don't respond, call me please at 415-412-2219, 24-7.

Porsche 911 Carrera Factory Service Manuals, Vols. 1-5. $225 Bently Service Manual 911 84-89. $65 101 Projects for your Porsche 911. $10 Haynes 911. $10 Ken Sarver, 707-793-9713

'83 Targa 911SC, 2nd owner,bought in 2003, all service records. 141K miles, rebuilt gearbox, tensioners installed (20K), new tires, reconditioned wheels front end torsion bar, re-skinned top and carpets. $15,000. Contact Roy Cox at [email protected] or 925-260-3901.

Four OEM 996TT wheels with crests. Ft. 8x18, rear 11x18. Two have curb rash. Price $700.00. Contact Don Jurgensen 707-995-0621 or [email protected]

'00 Boxster, Artic Silver/Black: 5-speed, full leather; traction control; orig. owner; complete dealer service record; VIN WPOCA298XYU620289; always garaged; 85,000 miles; pictures available; $13,900 OBO John Tuteur [email protected]

'76 912E. OK, OK , so it's not an old 356 sitting in some farmers barn. It's a Silver 1976 Porsche 912e with a black interior stored in a hanger at a Sonoma, Ca airport. Been in storage for the last several years. Excellent Shape. 160,000 Miles, Rebuilt Engine, $16,000. For Sale by original owner. 707.996.7295 or [email protected]

Porsche PANORAMA Magazines I have held onto most of the Panorama magazines since the '70s, and would like to "dispose" of them to any interested buyer(s). Complete year sets are $10, and individual magazines prior to 2000 are $5 each; 2000 and later are $2 each. Please contact Jon Shanser at 415-383-8811 or email me at [email protected]


996 Porsche wheels. 2-8x18x50 (F) 2-11x18x45(R) ------$ 800.00 for the set Charlie Jones 650-281-5694--cell-or e-mail at [email protected] '88 Porsche 911 Cabriolet -$18,800 (Santa Rosa) 119 KM/triple black/runs very strong/all original/maintained by top Porsche specialist/records for past 11 years/very clean/looks great!! Oil- filter- lube every 2 KM. Has foglights-alarm-part leather power seats. New... cabrio. top/Bridgestone SO-2's/front & rear pads-rotors-sensors/c/v boots/soundpad/alternator/starter/two reverence sensors. Plus...Alpine cassette radio-CD changer/built-in battery tender & battery/ head & foglights protected/all gauges silkscreened white by VDO! Klaus at 707-539-4576 or [email protected]

PORSCHE Moving Sale. Help keep all three of these beauties in the Redwood Region. 1990 C4 Cabriolet; Guards Red with deluxe tan leather interior, very nice condition, 48K miles, $27K. 1997 Twin Turbo; Silver with special order red interior, excellent condition, 18K miles, $75K, 2006 Cayenne S Titanium Package, like new, 28K miles, $40K. All three for $125K. Call Gene at 415.259.9448 or email; [email protected]

'81 911SC, 150,000 MI Bamboo Beige, Brown Leather, 2ND owner. Always garaged, very clean. Updated chain tensioners. Maintained at Ignacio Motor Sports. Price is $14,000.00, Contact Paul Alber at [email protected] or 415-456-1402, San Rafael. '76 911S Coupe- AKA "Way Fast". Ready for track days or autocrosses. A 930 Carbon Fiber body (except roof) w/ RSR wing, weighs only 2175 lbs. lexan windows, 300hp 3.2 liter twin plug, Electromotive ignition, Weber's, race cams, 915 trans. w/Quaife limited slip, Brembo front brakes, 930 rear brakes, Elephant Racing bushings, 22mm & 27mm torsion bars & adjustable spring plates. Sparco Evo 2 seats, newer Pyrotect 5-point harnesses, Safety cage, Halon fire system, Cool-shirt system. 2 sets of BBS LeMans rims, set of Hoosier A6 tires, set of Hoosier R6 tires. $23,000.

20' Hallmark enclosed trailer also for sale. David Bunch (415) 717- 4117 or [email protected]

'87 -S4 5-SPD $9,850.00 REDUCED! Here is an excellent example of a clean well maintained automobile. Off warranty service records. White with black and tan interior, rear A/C, folding rear wing, drilled front rotors, stainless Borla exhaust. Recent full service: all belts including timing belt, water pump, thermostat, motor mounts, CV boots, new rear tires. 10K on new clutch kit. I am the third owner, too many toys; this is the first to go. Call Tom at (415) 898-2890 Novato. End Classifieds.

Our Board, Directors and Chairs

President: Kurt Fischer, 415-819-2210, [email protected]

Vice President: Bill Walters, 415-412-2219, [email protected]

Treasurer: Lynn Walters, 415-516-8159, [email protected]

Secretary: Jerry Gladstone, 707-525-8632, [email protected]

Membership Director: Bret Boutet 707-836-9104 [email protected]

Webmaster: Barbara McCrory, 916-747-1447 [email protected]

Social Chair: Mary Neidel, 707-763-2210, [email protected]

Autocross Director: David Bunch, 707-766-8839 [email protected]

Goodie Store: David Bunch, 707-766-8839, [email protected]

Advertising Director: Bob Hall, 415-492-0382, [email protected]

Concours Chair: James Heisey, 707-478-7962, [email protected]

Newsletter Editor: Bill Walters, 415-412-2219, [email protected]

Safety Director: Bill Newton, 707-526-5117, [email protected]

Technical Advisor: Deven Wailes, 415-258-9619

Northern Reps: Jim Giampaolo, 707-442-6617, [email protected] Scott Downie, 707 725-6110, [email protected]

Zone 7 Rep: Sharon Neidel [email protected]

Past President: David Bunch, 707-766-8839, [email protected]