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Членки ЛУКЖК з Владикою Стефаном. Справа біля Владики стоїть голова КУ ЛУКЖК добродійка Маруся Барщик.

же традиційно в день Нового булося в церкві Пресвятої Євхари­ Євхаристії отець Володимир Криво­ УРоку за Юліанським календа­ стії в Торонто (515 Broadview Ave.). главий, директор Інституту ім. Ми­ рем, який ще називають Старим Но­ Це дуже гарний храм з чудовими трополита Андрея Шептицького вим Роком, священики Торонтон­ розписами пензля мистця Мирона отець Петро Ґаладза, голова Крайо­ ської Єпархії, члени прицерковних Левицького, який розмістився у вої Управи Ліґи Українських Като­ організацій — Ліґи Українських Ка­ східній частині міста, на височині, лицьких Жінок Канади добродійка толицьких Жінок Канади і Братства з надзвичайною панорамою усього Маруся Барщик, голова Єпархіяль­ Українців Католиків та вірні Єпархії бізнес-центру великого Торонто. ної Управи ЛУКЖК Віра Костецька збираються, щоб привітати свого Членки Відділу ЛУКЖК цього та інші представники прицерков­ духовного провідника, Преосвя­ храму подбали, щоб приготувати них організацій. Відтак присутні за­ щенного Владику Стефана Хміляра, смачну перекуску, каву та солодке. співали дорогому Владиці Стефа­ Єпарха Торонто і Східної Канади. Під час програми подяку за підтрим­ нові “Многая Літа”, бажаючи йому Цього року Божественна Літур­ ку і духовний провід Владиці Стефа­ ще багато років служіння на славу гія, а відтак святкове прийняття від­ нові склали парох церкви Пресвятої Бога і нашої Української Церкви. Contents ◊ Зміст 12 Season of Creation Akathist Prayer Service & Celebration Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of Saskatoon Hosts Inaugural Multi-Faith Event Giving Thanks and Praise for the Gift of God’s Creation By Kyla B. Predy 12

Feature Stories ◊ Спеціальні Статті

5 Called to be Saints By Lyrissa Sheptak 8 The Holy Spirit Ukrainian Catholic Seminary Comes to Edmonton Lidia M. Wasylyn 16 Праведник, не визнаний світом. Кілька цікавих фактів про Митрополита Андрея Іларіон Паньків 8 Departments ◊ Відділи 4 Scholarship News 15 5 Наша віра ◊ Our Faith • У Лурді розпочався Рік святої Бернадети • Таємниця вервиці: коли вона стає захистом від усього злого АДаптація: ТеТянИ Трачук • New icons installed in Holy Eucharist Cathedral By Susan Lazaruk • Спогади Глави УГКЦ про Блаженнішого Любомира

20 Точки зору/новини ◊ Opinions/News • The Head of the UGCC: the unity between the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church and the Orthodox Church of is quite real

21 From Sea to Sea ◊ Від моря до моря 42 Вічная пам’ять ◊ Eternal Peace 36 Хто і як будував собор Святого Юра у Львові 48 Art, Culture and Community ◊ Мистецтво, культура і громада 38 Profiles ◊ Особистості • Montreal’s Restoration of 1983 Historic • Milestone Celebrations: Katherine Devos Archives on Famine By Anna Barabash celebrated 100th birthday • Голод МИкола ЛаТИШко • Luba Kowalchyk, HLM Recognized • New Movie “Unplanned” Tells Story of • UCWLC Members Edmonton Eparchy/Alberta Abortion Clinic Worker Turned Pro‑Life Branch Receive Exemplary Volunteer Awards: Advocate Evelyn Cook, Anne Pawelek, Virginia Sharek • Edmonton UCWLC Member Receives Hetman 51 На Тернопільщині з’явився іконостас Award: Recognizing Evelyn Eveneshen з 1,5 мільйона бісеринок

Nasha Doroha ◊ Winter 2018 3 Scholarship News Наша Marichka Ivaniv Recipient of Дорога the 2018 Mary Dyma Religious XLIX – 4(68)/2018 Studies Scholarship Nasha “It is a great honour for me to Doroha receive Mary Dyma Scholarship Квартальний журнал for the 2018 year. I am sincerely Ліґи Українських Католицьких Жінок Канади Quarterly publication of the grateful for your gift. May the Ukrainian Catholic Women’s League of Canada Lord grant you by joy, peace, La Journal de la Ligue des Femmes health and helps you in all your Catholiques Ukrainiennes du Canada National Executive mailing address: plans and activities!” Marion Barszczyk, President 390 Willard Ave, Toronto, ON M6S 3R5 — Marichka Ivaniv Phone: 416-767-4973 [email protected]

We welcome your letters and written contributions. Вітаємо співучасть. Просимо пересилати Ліґа Українських Католицьких дописи, листи до редакції. Please send to: Жінок Канади — Крайова Управа редактор • editor лариса гринда • larysa hrynda 416-999-1878 Ukrainian Catholic Women’s League [email protected] асистент редактора • assistant to the editor of Canada — National Executive лариса шептак • lyrissa sheptak [email protected] технічна обробка • technical production The Mary Dyma Ігор Кодак • Ihor Kodak 306-934-7125 Religious Studies Scholarship [email protected] маркетинг/адміністрація • marketing/administration The National UCWLC is offering one scholarship Ґеня Геркнер • June Herkner of $1,000 to a lay woman of Ukrainian Catholic 305-1320 Islington Ave, Toronto, ON M9A 5C6 Phone: 416-622-1836 descent who is planning to enroll in Religious Studies [email protected]

at the graduate level. Criteria and applications фінансовий адміністратор • financial/treasurer are available online at www.ucwlc.ca. Єлизавета Загайко • Elizabeth Zahayko 387 Betts Ave, Yorkton, SK S3N 1N3 Applications should be submitted electronically to Phone: 306-783-6232 [email protected] The Mary Dyma Religious Studies Висловлені погляди не конечно відповідають Scholarship Committee Редакції. Матеріали не повертаються. Olha Karaim, Chair at Opinions of authors are not necessarily those of the Editorial Board. Material will not be returned. [email protected] People in photographs are identified left to right. Copyright © UCWLC. All rights reserved. return undeliverable canadian addresses to nasha doroha 387 betts ave yorkton sk s3n 1n3 Notice ISBN 1-894022-75-0

26th UCWLC Congress Printed by PrintWest Communications 1111 8th Avenue, Regina, SK S4R 1E1 will be held in Toronto Phone: 306-525-2304 Fax: 306-757-2439 from October 3 to October 6, 2019 Верхня обкладинка / Front cover Фрагмент розпису церкви Пресвятої Повідомлення Євхаристії в Торонто пензля мистця Мирона Левицького. (Фото – Лариса Гринда) / 26-ий Конґрес ЛУКЖК Fragment of painting in Holy Eucharist Ukrainian Catholic Church in Toronto by artist відбудеться в Торонто Myron Levytsky (Photo – Larysa Hrynda) 3-6 жовтня 2019 року Задня обкладинка / Back cover Фото – Лариса Гринда / Photo – Larysa Hrynda


4 Наша Дорога ◊ Зима 2018 Our Faith ◊ Наша віра Called to Be Now the Spirit expressly says that in later times some will depart from the faith by giving heed to deceitful spirits and doctrines of demons By LyrissaSaints Sheptak (Submitted September 2018) — 1 Timothy 4:1

remember sharing with my Catholic Mother’s Although there are many fac- tors that can contribute to this prayer group one particular morning that I silence, I’m disconcerted with this sudden quietness, lack of felt the world’s moral and ethical standards discussion, and appearance of I indifference. I’m talking about appeared to be plummeting at a rapid rate. It’s the scandals that have recent- ly been brought to light in the difficult raising children during these times. Roman Catholic Church con- cerning sexual abuse of children It’s even more difficult when the secular world and other impressionable indi- viduals, as well as the overall tries to entice people with style and flair deplorable spiritual condition of these, and some other, accused while injecting its subtle message of atheism. clergy. Why does this matter to Often children and teens do not and smooth word at a time. That members of the Eastern Rite? want to hear mom and dad rain- is how the Prince of Darkness Because we are united with ing on their trendy, hipster pa- works. A wolf dressed in sheep’s Roman Catholics through the rade. As for my children? They’re clothing, he creates temptations Sacraments and we share the growing bored from hearing and appeals to emotions, convin- Pope as the Vicar of Christ. As mom talk about spiritual war- cing people that it’s a new world Catholics, what is happening fare all the time. I was told by where we can do whatever we directly affects us. Although the one of my kids that I’m taking want. Satan is trying to make us religious involved in these scan- the fun out of things—that the his slaves by convincing us that dals make up a small percentage world was meant to be enjoyed. we don’t need God because we of the Catholic clergy, many of And it is! God gave us many won- can be our own god. Wasn’t it St. us suspect and understand that derful gifts—places to discover, Basil the Great who said, “Hell there are indeed problems that cultures to explore, and people can’t be made attractive, so the run deeper and broader than to connect with. But make no devil makes attractive the road have been revealed. mistake, our earthly experience that leads there”? As I have been watching this runs much deeper than holi- With my comments about the unfold, I’ve been doing much days, shopping, and good times present state of the world, I’m reading. Although I can never (which I love). But the truth of going to expand my thoughts by know all the facts, I make a con- the matter is that spiritual war- addressing something happen- scious decision to read with a fare permeates everything, and ing within the Catholic Church critical eye, which leads me to we’re in it whether we recognize at this time. I feel I have to say believe that some of the revealed it or not. So it worries me that something about it because truths are undeniable. Careful the world is trying to snatch my the voices that be in our Rite to not be tricked into disunity, I children’s consciences one trend (as I write this) appear silent. know enough, which leaves me

Nasha Doroha ◊ Winter 2018 5 Our Faith ◊ Наша віра

simultaneously broken-hearted be, filled with followers who are the succumbing of the clergy and infuriated. My family and I on fire for the Lord. But let me to worldliness. Thigpen writes, are extremely upset with what ask this: After this cleansing, “Yet the time at last came when has come to light, and that how do we want the Church re- God raised up spiritual warriors these particular members of the built? What role shall we play? I to combat the Enemy’s assault clergy—representatives of God believe that if each of us endeav- on the Church from within.”1 on earth—would prey on vic- ours to live saintly lives, we can Christ delivered, He showed His tims, betray, and try to damage play a pivotal role in this renew- power. A few heavy spiritual the good name of the Catholic al, even if it begins in the sim- hitters emerged who embraced Church, which we love deeply. plest of ways. their role and made a difference The world is watching, judg- in the entire future of the Cath- ing the Catholic Church and The Call to Holiness olic Church. So, we should never Christianity. Trust has been It’s easy for us to allow these fear, because in the end evil broken, and I’m discovering scandals to cause real despair never wins. that because of this hurt and in our lives. But sometimes it My friend received her in- betrayal people are considering takes just one wise comment to formation about the greatest leaving the Church. If you have give us hope. Mine came from a saints from a book she read by these feelings, I understand the mother in my prayer group who Father Michael Gaitley, 33 days issues that are driving you to said this in passing as she ran to Morning Glory. He states that consider this. But be wary. This after her toddler, “Don’t worry “our time is truly marked by is the work of evil, and, yes, the about things, Lyrissa. Don’t you unprecedented evil. But don’t Church on earth is not exempt know that the greatest saints worry, in times of unprecedent- from its attacks. Right now, will come from our own times?” ed evil, God wants to give un- Satan is loving this. And the No, I didn’t know that. I never precedented grace.” He points more people he can pull away heard this comment before. But out that St. Paul wrote, where from God, the happier he is. He I liked it. I immediately became sin abounds grace abounds all wants people to make assump- inspired and drawn to that one the more (Rom 5:20). And one of tions, and he wants good people phrase. It meant that in the the ways God gives His super- to crash and burn. Please, don’t midst of these hedonistic and abundant grace in our time is by leave Jesus because of Judas. spiritually corrupt times, there raising up some of the greatest The Catholic Church is not are holy warriors out there who saints ever.” the Pope’s church, nor the bish- will one day go down in Catholic You may say that these are ops and priests. That’s merely history as some of the greatest particularly evil times, so who its human element. The Church of all time. So, perhaps we are could possibly emerge holier or is the Bride of Christ aspiring being blessed in this darkness. more virtuous than the beloved to be the Divine element. Let This isn’t the first time things saints we already have? Gaitley God show us the truth. Let Him like this have happened in the claims that God will “form saints cleanse and purify the Church. Church. It’s had its share of tur- from the little souls”. God will do And let secular law deal with bulence. Right now I’m reading this by the pattern of the Im- things as they properly should. an exemplary book written by maculate Conception of Mary As we keep our eyes and hearts Paul Thigpen called Saints Who and “the grace whereby she was focused upon Christ, let us trust Battled Satan. I urge each of you conceived without the stain of in His plan and pray for healing to read this book. Not only is it original sin.” Gaitley explains for all the victims. fascinating, but, more import- that “Mary received [grace] at I understand that there are antly, it educates us on what the moment of her conception, people who could be wrongfully is truly going on in our spirit- the very moment she came accused. But I’m pretty sure not ual world. During the era of the all are innocent. However, I am Crusades, not only was there in- pleased that this moment has tensified military unrest, but it 1 Paul Thigpen, Saints Who finally arrived so the Church can was a time of great corruption Battled Satan, Tan Books, 2015, become what it was intended to within the church—specifically pg. 63.

6 Наша Дорога ◊ Зима 2018 into being. So she did absolute- differences in lives that we do, conversion. Our own beloved ly nothing to deserve it.”2 This if we didn’t have gracious volun- St. Olga, impetuous and cold- means God’s grace is His gift to teers. In scripture, St. James says blooded, massacred virtually an us! Basically, great saints aren’t that faith without works is dead. entire tribe to avenge her hus- going to arise due to their great- Jesus said we are to serve. But band’s murder. St. Volodymyr, St. ness, rather they’ll arise because what I’m trying to say is that the Olga’s grandson, was just plain of their humility and efforts to first and most important element old terrible. Prior to his conver- live His precepts as a response of our lives as Catholics should sion he was involved in murder, to the evil times. be that we love Jesus with all our polygamy, and performed a hu- However, as excited as I was hearts and souls. Acts and words man sacrifice to consecrate a reading this, I became disheart- are empty without love and hu- pagan temple he erected. Other ened. I realized that there are mility. Acts and words are empty than the heresy factor, it makes people, right now, who are liv- if we don’t mirror our love for St. Augustine’s antics look like ing the Gospel more effectively Christ to His people. child’s play. But all this hap- than me. People who have their Why should we endeavour pened before they had Christ’s act together, changing the world to be holy? Because Jesus com- full teaching. with one prayer, smile, or act of manded it. Sainthood is actually Each one became trans- kindness at a time. There are our duty, not something reserved formed by God’s saving grace. those in the world, at this very for the spiritual elite. Perfection Like the click of a switch, when moment, who are dying for their is not required either. Whatever God said it was time, each saint’s Christian faith, and others who place we are in our lives, holi- life was transformed in an im- are dedicating their lives to right- ness is possible. Whatever stage mediate and long lasting way. ing the wrongs, not only in our we are in our Catholic journeys, Conversion isn’t necessarily all society, but within our Church as each of us is encouraged to work at once. It’s a process. But the well. So, as Matthew Kelly asks in towards holiness. The saints change is real. That is the power his book Rediscover Jesus: When never endeavoured to be saints. of the Holy Spirit. was the last time someone con- They were just ordinary people Consider this, if we endeav- fused [me] for Jesus? who tried to do what was right our to lead Godly lives, then we I’m not advising to act “holi- in the eyes of the Lord, and grow are proof to the secular world— er than thou.” I’m talking about closer to Jesus. those who are searching, and living our life according to God’s Let me comfort you with this: even those who are not—that laws and the Gospels, allowing Many saints had sinful pasts. St. God is actually among us. People Jesus’s love to shine through us. Augustine of Hippo, Doctor of are going to want that “quality” Our faith is not about how Uk­ the Church, stated, “There is no we have. Then we can evangel- rainian we are, nor how many saint without a past, no sinner ize. Sound daunting? Theresa acts of servitude we do. Yes, our without a future.” And this com- Ceniccola, from the International culture is tied tightly to our faith. ing from the “hedonistic partyer” Christian Mompreneur Network, Don’t get me wrong, I love my himself… at least, in his young- urges us to start small. Start by culture beyond measure. In fact, er days. Furthermore, he was a making a difference in the lives our culture is one of the things mild practiser of Manicheism, a of those closest to us—our fam- that makes experiencing our heresy during his time. But, sup- ilies. “We can all live like saints faith special. And, yes, acts of plemented with the prayers of by spending our lives glorifying servitude are extremely import- St. Monica (his mother), he final- Him in little ways.” My grand- ant. We wouldn’t have the won- ly had his conversion moment. mothers were a perfect example derful programs, or make the What about St. Paul? He per- of this. Whether they made a de- secuted Christians. St. Mary licious meal, spent time with me of Egypt who, in her early life, in the garden, or taught me to 2 All quotes of Fr. Gaitley was known as a seductress of bake, whatever they did, it was are taken from “The Dawn Christian men in particular. St. done with the heart of service of Gloriously New Saints”, Camillus de Lellis, was a card and love. Their love permeated 33 Days to Morning Glory. shark and con man prior to his everything—from the kindness

Nasha Doroha ◊ Winter 2018 7 Our Faith ◊ Наша віра

in their eyes, to the work they is using her as the vessel for Catholic (even in these scandal- did in their church. Now it is my lasting change. ous times). And, yes, the Church turn to do the same. May we, like St. Therese of will be rebuilt stronger… through The recent scandals in the Lisieux—Saint of little things— humility. Humility makes up Catholic Church have created understand that big changes a large part of our spiritual ar- fear, anger, and mistrust. Even are made through little, and mor. If each of us endeavours to though some undeniable truths simple, gestures. Love one an- be holy, we can, with the grace have emerged, we need to under- other, stand up for what is right, of God and a special devotion to stand that the Church is being watch what we say to others Mary, rebuild the Church so it attacked. I want to remind every- and the tone in which we say can continue to be deeply loved one that goodness remains. So, it. Evangelize—even if it is in and trusted again continuing rally around the clergy who the simplest form. Be kind and on its great commission. Let us are reeling with the news, just patient. Let Jesus, who lives in keep God forever on our minds, as you and I. Support and pray your heart, radiate out to others. and ask Him to work in each of for them and our Church. Pray Become peacemakers—in your our hearts; then we can see how for positive and lasting change. homes, and in the world. Pray our transformation affects our If you haven’t been happy with unceasingly. But in the midst families, communities, and even news of the scandals, then now of your needs and prayers, pray the world. The greatest saints is your chance to do something unceasingly for others. Never will emerge from our time. Per- about it. Start making the dif- be afraid to show that you are a haps you will be one of them. ference within yourself and your family. Ask the Holy Spirit But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, to make a permanent conver- God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of Him sion in your heart, and build a who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. devotion to Mother Mary. Jesus — 1 Peter 2:9-10

The Holy Spirit Ukrainian Catholic Seminary Comes to Edmonton

he former Basilian House The Holy Spirit Seminary Shepherd. The candidates for of Studies in Edmonton is the Major Seminary (Velyka priesthood at Holy Spirit Semin- Twas transformed into Seminaria) for Ukrainian Cath- ary are prepared for this vocation the newly relocated Holy Spirit olics in Canada. Its primary pur- to be ministers of God’s Word, Ukrainian Catholic Seminary at pose is the preparation of candi- ministers of the Sacraments, and a joyous opening and blessing on dates for ordained priesthood in servant-leaders of God’s people.” October 13, 2018. Presiding over the Ukrainian Catholic Church. Prior to the establishment of this unique event was Metropol- Since 1980, the seminary was lo- this seminary, Ukrainian Cath- itan , OSBM cated in Ottawa and well over 100 olic candidates attended vari- Archbishop of Winnipeg, along candidates have received all or ous Roman Catholic seminaries with the Eparch of Edmonton, part of their priestly formation throughout Canada. Bishop . A small there, while more than 60 have For nearly 40 years, the Holy legion of Ukrainian Catholic been ordained to the priesthood Spirit Seminary had a home in clergy and many seminarians and are now serving in parishes Ottawa in association with Saint from all over Canada were joined across Canada. As described on Paul’s University and seminar- by a large number of faithful the Seminary website, “A priest ians had the good fortune to be from the Edmonton Eparchy and is a man called and empowered able to study at the Metropolitan neighbouring eparchies. to image Christ as Head and Andrey Sheptytsky Institute of

8 Наша Дорога ◊ Зима 2018 Eastern Christian Studies, also lo- Divine Liturgy sung by all who came to participate in this cated in Ottawa. However, change present. In his brief homily happy event. He used the oppor- was inevitable. After careful con- during the Liturgy at the open- tunity to acknowledge the indis- sideration and for a variety of ing ceremony, Metropolitan pensable assistance of various weighty and complex reasons, Lawrence highlighted the im- seminary staff and all those who the Ukrainian Catholic Bishops portance of having this semin- worked to ensure a smooth and of Canada, who constitute the ary for the future of our Church timely transition of the Semin- Seminary Board of Directors, de- in Canada. The formation of ary from Ottawa to Edmonton. cided to enter into a lease agree- clergy to serve our community is At the conclusion of the Liturgy, ment with the Basilian Fathers a key goal for our Bishops. Hav- Metropolitan Lawrence, Bishop (Order of St. Basil the Great) for ing a physical home that is both David Motiuk and Rev. Andrew their House of Studies in Edmon- comfortable and conducive to T. Onuferko proceeded with the ton. This comfortable, beautifully learning is important. Metropol- Blessing of the premises. designed building provides space itan Lawrence spoke fondly of To conclude this morning suitable for the Seminary that in- his days as a parish priest in the event, all present were invited to cludes a splendid chapel, library rural areas east of Edmonton and enjoy fellowship and to partake and study rooms, a kitchen and was very pleased to be present at in a celebratory luncheon pre- dining facilities and rooms for the blessing of the Seminary. pared by Seminary staff. the seminarians and staff. Father Michael Wynn, Rec- The rich, well-trained voices tor of the Holy Spirit Seminary, Lidia M. Wasylyn of the clergy and seminarians heartily welcomed his clergy Parish Council, St. Josaphat guided an especially beautiful brothers and all the faithful Ukrainian Catholic Cathedral

Nasha Doroha ◊ Winter 2018 9 Our Faith ◊ Наша віра

У Лурді розпочався Рік святої Бернадети 6 січня 2019 року в Лурді роз- прем’єра документального почався Рік святої Бернаде- фільму «Сучасники Бернаде- ти. Святкування пов’язано зі ти» про людей, які приїжджа- 175-річчям з дня народження ють до санктуарію. та 140-річчям її смерті. Саме Протягом Року святої Бер- чотирнадцятирічній Бернаде- надети її мощі нестимуть у ті Субіру об’явилася в 1858 році процесіях до ґроту об’явлень Божа Матір. Протягом усього після закінчення міжнарод- року відбуватимуться спеці- них Мес по середах і суботах — альні заходи, організовані санк- за винятком періодів, коли туарієм Божої Матері та мером релікварій подорожуватиме Лурду. Ректор санктуарію о. Європою. У 2019 році він відві- до Першого Причастя. Андре Кеб підкреслив, що, не- дає Нормандію у Франції, Іта- 11 лютого Бернадета зі се- зважаючи на біг часу, Берна- лію та Іспанію. З 8 по 11 лютого строю та подругою пішла зби- дета і надалі зворушує людей, санктуарій організовував ве- рати гілки для пічки. У ґроті оскільки вона не супергерой, ликий симпозіум на тему вбо- Массаб’єль вона побачила пре- а схожа на тих, хто прибуває гості; в ньому взяли участь по- красну дівчину, яка витала над сюди. Від часу об’явлень у Лур- над 700 учасників. Близько 20 кущем, тримаючи у правиці ро- ді Церква визнала 70 чудесних тисяч паломників прибули в зарій. Бернадета слідом за нею зцілень, однак сама Бернадета Лурд 11 лютого на урочистості зробила знак хреста і почала не зцілилася — вона померла в річницю першого об’явлення відмовляти розарій. Біла Пані від туберкульозу у віці всього Божої Матері 165 років тому. включалася в молитву лише на 35 років у Невері, де, за її сло- Про Лурд — містечко, що «Слава Отцю…» наприкінці кож- вами, вона хотіла би сховатися розташоване біля підніжжя Пі- ного десятка. А потім зникла. від надмірної цікавості людей. ренеїв — стало відомо завдяки Вже ввечері все містечко зна- Щороку на паломницький Божій Матері. Марія об’явилася ло про дивне явище. Мати, не період обирають конкретну там у 1858 році Бернарді Марії вірячи Бернадеті, сказала, що тему. Цього року — «Благосло- Субіру, яку рідні називали Бер- це, мабуть, був диявол. «Диявол вення убогих». Матіас Террьє, надетою. Сім’я дівчини була не молиться розарій», — рішуче директор інформаційної служ- дуже бідною. Шестеро чоловік відповіла дівчина. На наступні би санктуарію, пояснює, що (батьки і четверо дітей) жили зустрічі з Білою Панею прихо- «Бернадета була убога матері- в колишній тюремній камері. дили вже сотні, а потім тисячі ально і убога (хворим) тілом; Батько не працював. Бувало, мешканців Лурду. Вони підка- хто ж краще за неї може вести що молодший брат Бернадети, зували їй, про що ще вона має людей з усім їхнім інтелекту- Жан-Марі, від голоду з’їдав віск питати. Бернадета вступила в альним, фізичним чи суспіль- із церковних свічок. Бернадета діалог. 18 лютого Біла Пані ска- ним убожеством, в яке вони була гарною дівчиною, але піс- зала знаменні слова: «Не обі- потрапляють?» На його дум- ля хвороби не росла, мала зріст цяю тобі щастя на цьому світі, ку, доказ того, що Бернадета лише 140 см. Вона хворіла на тільки в майбутньому». Через «незвичайно доступна», — це астму. Не вміла читати і писати, три дні вона закликала: «Мо- інтерес до неї не тільки вірую- розмовляла тільки місцевим літься за грішників», а ще через чих людей, а й світу культури діалектом. Навчання давалося три дні: «Покайтеся! Покайтеся! і розваг. Починаючи з 1 липня їй важко. В 14 років вона ходи- Покайтеся!» Вона також попро- 2019 року, в Лурді показува- ла до школи разом із семиліт- сила, щоби священики побуду- тимуть мюзикл «Бернадета з ками, щоби краще знати Кате- вали каплицю біля ґрота і щоб Лурду», а в травні відбудеться хизис, інакше її не допустили б туди приходили процесії. →

10 Наша Дорога ◊ Зима 2018 Однак місцевий настоятель вимагав чуда, а також хотів ді- Таємниця вервиці: знатися ім’я Білої Пані. Вона відповіла 25 березня: «Я — Не- коли вона стає захистом порочне Зачаття». Біла Пані від усього злого показала Бернадеті місце, з якого забило джерело. Неза- баром сталося перше чудо: мешканка Лурду опустила паралізовану руку в джерело і зцілилася. Вісімнадцять зу- стрічей Бернадети з Білою Па- нею закінчилися 16 липня. Вже за 12 днів місцевий єпископ скликав комісію, яка мала дослідити справу імо- вірних об’явлень Божої Мате- рі. 18 січня 1862 року від імені Церкви він оголосив їх справ- жніми. Через три роки Берна- дета вступила до новіціату сестер, які опікувалися хво- к часто можемо почути час: вервиця нічого іншого не рими (Soeurs de la Charité et заохочення до того, щоби робить, як допомагає нам у зу- de l’Instruction Chrétienne de Ямолитися на вервиці, бо стрічі з живим Богом та Божи- Nevers). 1866 року вона наза- вона має велику силу і захи- ми правдами про прихід Сина вжди покинула Лурд і пере- щає нас від зла. Як розуміти, у Божого, Його життя, смерть і їхала до дому згромадження в чому полягає цей захист вер- воскресіння. Вервиця є тим Невері. «Моя місія в Лурді за- виці або, точніше, як його не простим способом завжди пе- кінчилася», — сказала Берна- варто розуміти. ребувати у роздумуванні над дета. За рік вона склала черне- Насамперед, вервиця як істинами християнської віри, чі обітниці і стала помічницею сам предмет не має якихось способом, який переймаємо медсестри в монастирському особливих властивостей і сама від Богородиці: вдивлятись у лазареті. Дівчина зі смирен- по собі нас не охороняє. Якщо Сина Божого. ням зносила приниження від хтось, до прикладу, у своєму Саме тому молитва на вер- інших сестер, у яких не вкла- авто повісить вервицю і вва- виці допомагає нам у захисті далося в голові, що Божа Матір жає, що може їздити як зама- від злого в тому сенсі, що че- могла об’явитися простій дів­ неться, то помиляється. Вер- рез щораз глибше пізнання і чині. Здоров’я Бернадети по- виця не є магічним оберегом. роздумування над правдами стійно погіршувалося. Останні Не варто також думати, що віри стаємо сильнішими у бо- півроку вона провела в ліжку, сама словесна формула молит- ротьбі супроти гріха, стаємо яке називала «білою капли- ви відганяє злого духа в тому більш наповнені благодаттю цею». Померла 16 квітня 1879 сенсі, що створює якусь обо- спілкування з Богом. року у віці майже 35 років. лонку над нами від усілякого Ось у цьому таємниця вер- Після беатифікації не- лиха, горя тощо. виці: щоби відкрити себе для знищене тіло Бернадети Вервиця охороняє нас від Бога і пізнати Його. А не у фор- Субіру помістили в релік- злого, але в якому значенні? мальному проказуванні мо- варій у каплиці монастиря Це одна з молитовних литви, і не у самій вервиці як Сен-Жільдер у Невері, а через практик, яка допомагає нам предметі. вісім років її канонізували. зростати у духовності, глибше переживати єдність з Богом. Адаптація: Тетяни Трачук Джерело: CREDO Це просто і складно водно­ З Інтернету

Nasha Doroha ◊ Winter 2018 11 Our Faith ◊ Наша віра

Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of Saskatoon Season of Creation Akathist Prayer Service & Celebration By Kyla B. Predy | Photo credit: Linden S. Predy

Saskatoon, SK — The Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of existence, for love of family and friends, and every Saskatoon hosted an inaugural Season of Creation moment of life. The prayer continues with praising Akathist Prayer Service on the evening of Wednes- God for the flowers and fruits of the Earth, for light day, September 19, 2018. The event took place at and for water, and for all creatures. These ideas are Steve Patola Park/Treaty 6 Territory, where guest paralleled with our gratitude for salvation—that panellists from multi-faith affiliations were greet- God uses our lives for His glory, that He reveals ed with traditional Cree and Ukrainian customs. Himself to us, and for our hope of eternal life.

Bishop Bryan Bayda, CSsR, with youth greeters, and Elder Irene Sharp in the background

While Season of Creation was a multi-faith event, everyone held one idea in common: Grati- tude for the gift of God’s Creation. The Earth is dy- namic and full of potential. In a whole galaxy of stars, planets, and other astronomical wonders, Earth alone has the ability to sustain our lives. The wonder of creation promotes awe and amazement in those who study it. Indeed, it’s the beauty of cre- ation that inspires us to reflect on our Creator. With this gratitude in the people’s hearts, the event continued with the Akathist Prayer of The beauty of the Akathist service carried in Thanksgiving in Praise for God’s Creation. Proto- the voices chanting this prayer. Even those from presbyter Gregory Petrov composed the Akathist other faith traditions, who were unfamiliar with Prayer shortly before his death in a Soviet prison the Akathist form, picked up the tones quickly, camp in 1940. as candles flickered in the light of the crisp au- This Akathist prayer praises God for many tumn evening, well-fitting the theme of Season of aspects of creation. In it we thank God for our Creation.

12 Наша Дорога ◊ Зима 2018 After the Akathist service, people gathered in- Saskatchewan. Baker worked in the forestry indus- doors at St. George’s Seniors Centre for the program try in the first half of the 20th century, and his legacy presentation. Dr. Lesya Sabada introduced guest of planting trees and uniting communities inspires speaker Robert White. White spoke about Richard people even today. He and the people he inspired St. Barbe Baker, an alumnus of the University of planted millions of trees throughout the world. A panel presentation followed, consisting of fif- teen panellists representing various branches of Christian and inter-faith communities, with each representative speaking for approximately three minutes. The Christian communities represented were Ukrainian Catholic, Syro-Malabar, Evangel- ical Orthodox, Roman Catholic, Knox United, Men- nonite Church of Canada, Presbyterian, Lutheran, Anglican and Doukhobors. Panellists from other faiths represented Unitarians, Hindus, Sunni Mus- lims, Bahais and Tibetan Buddhists. Most panellists began with a prayer from their tradition related to creation. The prayer was fol- lowed by an explanation if done in a language other than English—Russian, Hindi, Arabic, and Tibetan were among the languages represented. All panel- lists also gave a short explanation of how creation was important in their tradition, and what their Robert White community was doing to care for creation. →

Back Row: Dr. Micheal Pollet, Rev. Brian Maitland, Rev. Karen Fraser Gitletz, Lori Petruskevich, Fr. Antony Plogen, Mae Popoff, Louise Bitz, Stephanie Siemens, Dr. Chris Hrynkow, Dr. Lesya Sabada.Front row: Bishop Bryan Bayda, CSsR, Dr. Nawal Sharma, Iman Ilyas Sidyot, Fr. Jakob Palm, Sandra Harper, Gerri Madill, Elder Irene Sharp.

Nasha Doroha ◊ Winter 2018 13 Our Faith ◊ Наша віра

Closing remarks were given by Dr. Lesya Sabada, Coordinator for the Eparchial Human and Environmental Development Program. Sabada dis- cussed her understanding of the sciences showing that the state of the environment is in crisis and encouraged an urgent response. She lamented that science is not deterring human activities that de- stroy life on the planet. She continued by stating that over the millennia, many different religious traditions have developed, and they carry the same message: the message of love. Sabada believes it is these wisdom traditions that are capable of motiv- ating and inspiring change. At the end of her re- marks, Sabada encouraged us to make a commit- ment and give back to all God’s children a world of beauty and wonder. More about Dr. Lesya Sabada’s thoughts may be found in her StarPhoenix interview: https:// Dr. Chris Hrynkow thestarphoenix.com/news/local-news/religion- At the end of the panel discussion, Dr. Lesya helps-us-understand-the-world-season-of- Sabada invited Dr. Chris Hrynkow, a university creation-celebrated-in-saskatoon. professor from St. Thomas More College at the University of Saskatchewan to speak about a relat- ed initiative. Hrynkow introduced a local affiliate group for the interfaith organization “Faith and the Common Good”, called Communities Inspired for Environmental Action. He explained that, “We want to find ways to motivate and foster common action to care for our common home in ways that make sense in Central Saskatchewan but also draw on the insights circulating the national network of which we are part: Faith and the Common Good.”

Bishop Bryan Bayda, CSsR His Excellency Bishop Bryan Bayda, CSsR, closed the evening program, thanking Dr. Lesya Sabada for organizing this event, and spoke about the opportunity for future and further engage- ment with the other faith communities that were present. Fellowship and refreshments, including sharing of the blessed bread, followed the conclud- Dr. Lesya Sabada ing remarks.

14 Наша Дорога ◊ Зима 2018 New icons installed in Holy Eucharist Cathedral

Parishioners and guests invit- The Church and Wally’s their hand at the ancient art of ed to B.C.’s Eparchy’s Cathedral daughter, Ashli Komaryk, organ- writing an icon of Christ on a were treated to a likely once-in- ized a three-hour event on June paper they later took home. a-lifetime experience of an up- 16, 2018, about halfway through The iconographers, along close look at the installation of the iconographers’ three-week with interpreter Fr. Mykhailo icons in the dome of the church. job, for the public to meet the Ozorovych, and two iconograph- The Holy Eucharist Cathedral iconographers and see their work. ers from the B.C. Sacred Art Guild, in the Eparchy of New Westmin- They were Sergio Koloda, Oleksii Steve Knight and Frank Turner, ster invited three professional Cherednichenko and Dmytro talked about iconography and iconographers from Ukraine to Vasylkiv from the Saint Cyprian took questions from the visitors. write Jesus the Panocrator on Association of Iconographers. Photos of the amazing churches the dome, along with the Gospel Anyone brave enough—and that the three had installed icon- writers on the four corners. there were many—was invited ography on in Ukraine played on The project was made pos- to climb the scaffolding up to the a loop on a video screen. For ex- sible by a gift left by the Cath- church’s dome to see and take amples of their work, visit www. edral’s beloved cook, Wally pictures of the larger-than-life sacral-art.com. Komaryk, who bequeathed a do- image of Christ. Children were nation to the church before he invited to use the same paints Susan Lazaruk died in 2015. the iconographers used to try New Westminster Eparchy

Nasha Doroha ◊ Winter 2018 15 Our Faith ◊ Наша віра Праведник, не визнаний світом

Іларіон Паньків Кілька цікавих фактів про Митрополита Андрея

а по­чаток листопа- вправ маленький граф одра- дітей, врятувавши близько да при­пада­ють дні зу ж вико­ристовував за при- 200 життів. пам’яті великого значенням ще з дитинства. У 1942 році Владика Ан- українського правед- Він як справжній проповідник дрей видав пастирські послан­ Нника — Митрополита­ Андрея уже з дитинства привчав своїх ня «Не убий!» та «Про мило­ Шептицько­го. рідних до молит­ви. Як писала сердя», закликаючи у жодно­му Дата чиєїсь смерті для пере­ Софія Шептиць­ка у своїх лис- разі не чинити «політичних січних мирян з плином часу тах: «Вервиця — це було його убивств». Те послання Глава зда­ється чимось уже неваж- перше апостолування в роди- УГКЦ велів зачитувати свяще­ ливим, а то й трагічним. Про- ні; чи він намовляв сво­їх бра- никам у кожній парафіяльній те Церк­ва день відходу свят- тів, чи навчав, чи, може, вони церкві. Того ж року Митропо­ ця вважає днем його пам’яті, самі йшли за його при­кладом, лит Андрей Шептицький пе­ бо саме в ту мить людина пе- не знаю, але без будь-якого редав Папі Пію листи, де опи­ реходить до ві­чного життя. впливу з мого боку за де­який сано усю трагедію винищення До речі, у монас­тирях навіть час я побачила, що кожний з них євреїв та місцевих. існує правило: коли помирає має завжди вервицю в ки­шені, Історики справедливо вва­ хтось із братів — піст скасову- що молиться на ній і що заси- жають: жоден інший тогочас- ється, бо для схимників немає пляє з нею, обмотаною довкола ний католицький ієрарх не на- більшої ласки, аніж по­трапити ручки». дав такої кількості свідчень до Царства Божого. і не відзна­чився такою турбо- Безстрашний Митрополит тою про долю єврейського на- У дитинстві знав власну місію Кончина Архиєрея Шеп­ роду, перебува­ючи в умовах Історія Владики Андрея по­ тицького, яка трапилась саме 1 фашистської оку­пації. чалась з того, що у графсько­му листопада, тобто на День усіх Достеменно не відомо, подружжі Івана (Яна) Кан­тія святих Католицької Церкви, скіль­кох вірних Андрей Шеп- Реміґіана Шептицького і Софії по­годьтеся, була символічною тицький надихнув до пере- (Зофії) Фредро народив­ся тре- не тільки для вірних УГКЦ. ховування пе­реслідуваних. тій син. Батьки сміливо від- Окрім духовної і просвітниць- Але близько 240 греко- дали власну дитину під опіку­ кої ді­яльності, Митрополит католицьких священиків ри- Богородиці. Тож майбутньо­го за жит­тя зробив багато діл зикували своїм життям, пере­ Митрополита назвали одра­зу милосер­дя. Однак країнам За- ховуючи євреїв. трьома іменами: Роман Марія ходу граф Шептицький став Митрополит також звер- Александр. відомим найперше­ як захис- тався з протестом проти вини- Улюбленою іграшкою Рома- ник євреїв у часи Другої світо- щення єврейського населення на Шептицького була вервиця. вої війни. Адже організовував­ до самого рейхсканцлера Гімм- «Ін­струмент» для духовних таємні вивезення єврейських лера, захищав, як не дивно,

16 Наша Дорога ◊ Зима 2018 радян­ських полонених (хоч за сприяння євреям у підроб- на будівництво сиротинця­ «совітів» відверто не любили ці документів. З якою ме­тою, кошти, передані Папою Бе- на Галичи­ні за їхні діяння). на думку єврейського інсти­ недиктом XV як єпископські, Він бив у на­бат: писав листи туту пам’яті, Єпископ мав чи створити Український вищій німець­кій окупаційній ризи­кувати власним життям? Като­лицький Інститут (сьо- владі про те, що гестапо наду- До того ж, вивчав іврит і при- годні УКУ). живає репресіями, про жорсто- ятелював із львівським раби- Для заснування українсько­ кість до військовополонених. ном (ще й ряту­вав його сина — го національного музею Ан- Курта Левіна)? дрею Шептицькому не шкода Рятівник сотень євреїв Подібна ситуація склалася було своїх скарбів — давніх Звання «Праведника світу» і з беатифікацією Митрополи­ ікон із при­ватної колекції. із­раїльський національний та Андрея (актом зарахування А ще 5 кімнат у митрополичих мемо­ріал Голокосту та Героїз- Вселенською Церквою до лику палатах, де меш­кав (сьогодні му «Яд ва-Шем» Шептицькому блаженних). Звісно, у Вати- у «святая святих» без дозво- так і не присвоїв. Буцімто через кані українського святця лу не пускають ніко­го). Якщо під­тримку дивізії СС «Гали- не звинува­чують в антисемі- відверто, то для укра­їнського чина» (а точніше, через наяв- тизмі чи симпа­тіях до нациз- музею Шептицькому не шко- ність у назві дивізії абревіату- му. Проте сам про­цес Владики да було навіть придбати ці­ ри з двох літер СС), ідеологічну Андрея затягнувся: триває від лий будинок у центрі Львова близькість… до Гітлера та су- 1995 року до сьогодні. на вулиці Драгоманова. Саме купність різних ви­смоктаних Відомо, що беатифікація так граф і вчинив. А після його з пальця конспіративних­ вер- Ми­трополита перебуває вже смерті музею у спадок дістало- сій, мовляв, Митрополит міг на фінальній стадії: комісія ся близько трьох тисяч книг, бо зробити для порятунку єв­реїв очікує на свідчення і підтвер- був неабияким книголюбом. значно більше, ніж зробив. дження дива, яке відбулось Андрей Шептицький за Очевидно, кількість врятова- за покровительства­ Андрея власні кошти заснував і Бого- них для отримання визнан­ Шептицького. словське наукове товариство, ня не мала жодного значен- і Львівську греко-католицьку ня, бо, як зазна­чено у Талмуді Щедрість богословську­ академію, відкри- (великому кодек­сі релігійно- Граф Шептицький ніколи вав дитячі­ садки і школи, від- юридичних правил життя єв- не скупився. Як представ- новив роботу Українського Чер- реїв), «хто рятує одне життя — ник укра­їнської духовної воного Хреста у воєнний час. рятує весь світ». та політич­ної еліти в одній За словами єврейського іс­ особі ніколи не шкодував ре- Владиці звели пам’ятник торика, професора ізраїльсько­ сурсів на діла мило­сердя. Вла- ще за життя го Університету Бен-Гуріона дика Андрей розда­вав своє Львів добре пам’ятає усі пери­ Шимона Редліха, національ- майно без вагань для різних петії з побудовою пам’ятника на установа Ізраїлю, що ви- потреб. Подейкують, що Ан- Ан­дрею Шептицькому на пло- вчає Го­локост, просто боїться дрей Шептцький за життя щі Свя­того Юра. Світлини громад­ської думки. «Коли в Із- до­помагав кожному, хто його безконечних транспарантів раїлі гово­риш щось хороше про те просив. і протестів ще досі є в мережі. про українців, люди відразу Митрополит використову­ І ніхто не знає, чи сподобав- нападають». Шко­да, що, оці- вав власні кошти для духовно­ ся б пам’ятник нашо­му Ми- нюючи заслуги Митрополита, го розвитку українського трополиту. Проте сучасний ключову роль досі відіграють­ на­роду. Він подарував пласту- монумент біля собору не був штампи і упередження. нам свій маєток у Підлютому пер­шим. Бо перший пам’ятник Дивно вважати Шептиць- для літ­ніх таборів, фінансував Вла­диці Шептицькому у Льво- кого і прихильником Гітлера. створення Народної лічниці ві від­крили у 1935 році — Адже його показово виводи- у Львові (де безкоштовно лі- у день 30-річчя Національно- ли під мури собору­ Св. Юра, кували бідних). Архиєрей вва- го музею. маючи намір роз­стріляти жав за потрібне пожертвувати Скульптуру Шептицького

Nasha Doroha ◊ Winter 2018 17 Our Faith ◊ Наша віра

встановили на подвір’ї му- вдалу світ­лину, фотографу по- Якби вас побачив, то не пішов зею на вулиці Мохнацько- трібно було зненацька зловити би до монастиря! — з усміш- го (сьогодні­ Драгоманова). момент. Вла­дика обожнював кою відпо­вів Митрополит. На урочистість зібрався весь їсти варену кар­топлю з під- галицький бо­монд. Автором смаженою цибулею та кухлем Не суттєво, чи визнаний пам’ятника Шептицькому «квасного молока», воло­дів Андрей Шептицький святим став відомий у той час Сергій відмінним почуттям гумору. чи не визна­ний. Бути беатифі- Литвиненко. Але постамент­ кованим людь­ми не так важ- знищила совітська влада піс- — Пішли до монастиря. ливо, як Богом. Тим паче, Вла- ля Другої світової війни. Але ж такий красень. Наві- дика за життя був байдужим що зроби­ли це? – запитала до будь-яких регалій. Йому Мав почуття гумору у Шептицького якась панянка не важлива ця суєта і після Митрополит Андрей Шеп­ на світсько­му заході. смерті. тиць­­кий зовсім не любив — Шановна пані, чого ж фотографуватись.­ Аби зробити ви не трапилися мені раніше? Газета «Високий Замок»

«Кардинал Гузар був кобзарем-мудрецем нового тисячоліття для всіх українців» спогади Глави УГКЦ про Блаженнішого Любомира

26 лютого 2019 року в УГКЦ вшановували 86-річчя з дня народження світлої пам’яті Блаженнішого Любомира Гузара. Додамо, Блаженніший Любомир був Предстоятелем Української Греко-Католицької Церкви з 2001 по 2011 роки. У книзі-інтерв’ю «Діялог лікує рани» Блаженніший Святослав розповідає редактору польського Католицького інформаційного агентства Кшиштофу Томашику історію свого життя, розмірковує про можливості, які виникають завдяки діялогу, а також ділиться спогадами про свого попередника. Нижче подаємо спогади Глави УГКЦ про Блаженнішого Любомира в цитатах: n З кардиналом Гузаром я познайомився ще в 90-х роках XX століття, коли був семінаристом; він тоді був духівником нашої n Мені випало щастя бути його особистим семінарії. Пізніше зустрічався з ним у Римі: секретарем. У 2003–2005 роках він почав я навчався в університеті, а він уже був формувати Патріяршу курію для керування єпископом. Довіряв мені. Деколи я допомагав цілою Церквою. Почав створювати йому писати листи, передусім іспанською міжєпархіяльні структури, щоб у Глави мовою. Церкви був відповідний апарат, який давав би змогу здійснювати служіння задля добра всієї n Після від’їзду отця Канавана (керівника спільноти. Патріяршої курії) йому потрібен був хтось,

18 Наша Дорога ◊ Зима 2018 хто став би адміністратором курії та його ми, сини й дочки цієї Церкви, у якийсь спосіб секретарем. Я був тоді віце-ректором семінарії, скривдили. Щоб на нас не тяжіло страшне професором університету, керівником минуле і не отруювало наше життя, охоче катедри богослов’я, віце-деканом філософсько- пробачаємо тим, хто в якийсь спосіб скривдив богословського факультету, а тут ще кардинал нас. Ми переконані, що в дусі взаємного Гузар запрошує мене до себе й каже, що прощення можемо спокійно приступити потребує моєї допомоги в курії та секретаріяті. до спільної з Тобою відправи Євхаристії, з Певна річ, я не міг відмовити. усвідомленням, що таким чином зі щирою і міцною надією вступаємо в нове й краще n На щастя, у мене була змога покинути тисячоліття». Це був важливий і зворушливий посаду віце-ректора в семінарії. Ось так, як момент. Тому що формула прощення білка, стрибав з місця на місце, був усюди й заклала підвалини культури примирення з робив усе, щоб нічого не завалилося. Це був українського боку. У присутності Святішого також час Помаранчевої революції. Тоді в мене Отця та мільйона вірних кардинал Гузар з’явилася можливість уважніше придивитися розпочав польсько-український діялог з до кардинала та краще пізнати його як прохання пробачити гріхи нашого народу та людину й духовну особу. прощення кривд, заподіяних українцям. n Пам’ятаю, наприклад, момент, коли він n Кардинал Гузар керувався правилом: «Не утратив зір і почав змінюватися — його дедалі приймаємо грошей ані від держави, ані від більше наповнював Святий Дух. Не знаю, чи політиків». Можна сказати, що символом в Польщі — так само, як в Україні,— люди з такої позиції є наш катедральний собор особливою повагою ставляться до незрячих. Воскресення Христового в Києві. Пам’ятаю, Це характерно для культури Східної Європи, що і мене, і кардинала Любомира Гузара часто особливо в Україні люди сприймають їх як запитували: «Як це так, що в Україні вже пророків, що бачать очима душі, як тих, хто і минуло стільки виборів до Верховної Ради, а вдень, і вночі споглядає Лик Господа Бога. ви й досі не можете закінчити будівництва свого храму?» Ні для кого не є таємницею, що n Своєю чергою кардинал Гузар був кобзарем- до кожної Церкви перед виборами приходять мудрецем нового тисячоліття не тільки політики та «безкорисливо» надають їй для греко-католиків, а й для всіх українців. добродійну допомогу, але потім очікують, що Був, так би мовити, творцем сучасного вона підтримає їх під час виборчої кампанії. українського епосу, тим, хто започаткував Богу дякувати, наша Церква не пішла на це. новий етап нашої історії, якого не побоюся назвати «цивілізацією Любомира». n Кардинал Гузар передусім зміцнив синодальність УГКЦ, адже вона становить n Його ім’я походить від двох слів — «любов» найхарактернішу рису нашої Церкви. і «мир». Цивілізація й національний епос, які кардинал залишив нам, містять три n Кардинал Гузар ініціював діяльність найважливіші слова: любов, незалежність Постійного Синоду та почав створювати і мир. міжєпархіяльні структури на рівні Церкви в цілому світі. Інструментом будування n У червні 2001 року, коли в Україну приїхав внутрішньої єдності нашої Церкви є також Іван-Павло II… мій попередник кардинал Гузар Патріярша курія. Усі ці інструменти з’явилися під час Божественної Літургії, яка відбулася 27 впродовж останніх сорока років. Їхнє червня та в рамках котрої були проголошені функціонування водночас є і формуванням блаженними мученики нашої Церкви, сказав: свідомості Ecclesiae sui iuris, базованої на «У Твоїй присутності, Святіший Отче, і від власному праві, і складовою частиною імені Української Греко-Католицької Церкви процесу творення патріярхальних структур. хочу за всіх них попросити прощення в Бога, Творця й Отця нас усіх, а також у тих, кого Департамент інформації УГКЦ

Nasha Doroha ◊ Winter 2018 19 Точки зору/новини ◊ Opinions/News

The Head of the UGCC: the unity between the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church and the Orthodox Church of Ukraine is quite real

His Beatitude Sviatoslav, Father and Head of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, does not believe that the unity between the UGCC and the Orthodox Church of Ukraine in the long run is utopian. Such a position was expressed by the UGCC Primate in a traditional Christmas interview for Channel 5, Ukraine.

n the contrary,” According to him, it is about said His Beatitude the development of theologic- “O Sviatoslav, “this is a al tradition, the development beautiful, joyful prospect. For of our pastoral ministry. the whole Christian world, in “One thing is unification, particular the Catholic and and the other is unity. In Orthodox communities, is many cases, we can already looking for ways to unite. At unite,” said the Archbishop. the universal level, there is a His Beatitude Sviatoslav dialogue to restore this unity. expressed the hope that the First of all, it is about Eucha- On January 5, 2019, Ecumenical Patriarch Orthodox Church of Ukraine, ristic Communion.” Bartholomew of Constantinople signed a which will now receive inter- According to him, it is not decree granting autocephaly (independence) national recognition, will en- to the Orthodox Church of Ukraine about restoring some structures ter the universal movement of or re-subjecting one Church to several levels of cooperation, seeking the unity of the Church another. agreed with His Beatitude of Christ which is happening to- “The highest sign of eccle- Epifaniy. day at the universal level. sial unity is the Sacrament of “First of all, we want to ex- “From the Orthodox side, the the Eucharist. Therefore, when plore together the common Ecumenical Patriarch leads this we talk about finding ways to heritage of Kyivan Christian- process, and from the Catholic restore unity among Christians, ity,” said the Primate. “For it has side—the Roman Apostolic Cap- we have in mind the restoration happened historically that the ital. By the way, after all the in- of unity in the faith, and there- Greek-Catholic Church often fell tentions of giving the Orthodox fore in its expression in litur- under the influence of the West, Church of Ukraine autocephaly, gical life. Therefore, when some- in particular the Latin Church. Moscow has left this ecumenical one breaks this unity, he breaks The Orthodox Church fell under dialogue… I think the Ukrain- the Eucharistic Communion. the influence of Moscow, that is, ian Church should be actively This is what happened between under the influence of this glori- involved in this movement and Moscow and Constantinople, ous or, rather, notorious Nikon then in Ukraine we will see after the decision of our moth- reform, which is expressed in its real fruit. For, perhaps, we, er church about granting auto- certain ritual moments…” Ukrainians, most need a univer- cephaly to the Orthodox Church Therefore, on both sides, sal unity of the Churches,” said of Ukraine,” added the Head of emphasized the Head of the the Head of the UGCC. the Church. UGCC, we have to look for what His Beatitude Sviatoslav is “Kyivan” in our present life. It Department of Information of noted that there are already is to be explored and restored. the UGCC

20 Наша Дорога ◊ Зима 2018 Від моря до моря ◊ From sea to sea

The branch’s first meeting was Ostopowich, Fr. Paul Shiska, Fr. New Westminster Eparchy on January 14, 1968, when Rev. B. Bruce Power, Fr. Anthony Stam- M. Hanushevsky was the priest. mitti and Fr. Paul Szewczuk. The present membership is 27 They helped to host in May 50th Anniversary of the and the ladies meet monthly, hold 1986 His Eminence Myroslav Ivan UCWLC Surrey branch a yearly Tag Day, bake breads for Cardinal Lubachivsky on his visit The UCWLC branch of the Exalta- a yearly bake sale, regularly from Lviv and also His Excellency tion of the Holy Cross Ukrainian make pyrohy and cabbage rolls for Rev. Bishop Jerome Chimy on his Catholic Church in Surrey, B.C., fundraising sales, serve coffee and Feast Day. celebrated its 50th Anniversary at doughnuts after Sunday Divine Lit- Katherine Kosick, a UCWLC the church’s Praznyk on Septem- urgy, have a cake walk at the annu- pioneer, now deceased, donated ber 16, 2018. al parish picnic, visit the sick and two embroidered banners and two The ladies invited parishioners aged, send clothing to the needy in sets of altar cloths and stickars to and guests to a potluck luncheon Brazil, assist the Surrey Transition beautify Holy Cross, and the Sac- after the Divine Liturgy celebrated House, and donate money, food and ristan Sisters also have helped in by New Westminster Bishop Ken clothing to the Surrey food bank. beautifying the church. Nowakowski, and the church’s cozy The UCWLC ladies have par- Other significant achievements basement was packed from wall to ticipated in the ordinations of include the donation by Mary wall with well-wishers. several priests, including Fr. Joe Shemley of two banners for the

Ladies of the UCWLC with their Spiritual Advisor, Fr. Andrii Chornenkyi.

Nasha Doroha ◊ Winter 2018 21 Millennial celebrations and the осередку ЛУКЖК у м. Суррей У часі Божественної Літургії funding of the renovation of the відбулося 16 вересня 2018 року отець-парох Андрій Чорнень- church kitchen this year. And the спільно з парафіяльним святом. кий виголосив серію зворушли- members have adopted as their Достойним гостем свята став вих прохань в наміренні Жіночої Centennial project the goal to es- преосвященний Владика Кен Ліґи та її членкинь. tablish a parish library for books (Новаковський), Єпископ Нью- По завершенні Богослужін- and information on the Ukrainian Вестмінстерської Єпархії. З хлі- ня Владика Кен (Новаковський), faith and culture. бом та сіллю його зустрічали го- о. Андрій та п. Іванка вручили лова парафіяльної ради п. Павло пам’ятні медалі та грамоти за By Sylvia Ostrowercha Дудик та голова місцевого від- довгі роки сумлінної праці. За- ділу ЛУКЖК п. Іванка Маїк. До галом було відзначено 20 актив- П’ятдесят років тому, в далекому привітань також долучилися них членок осередку. Серед них 1968 році, щирі, працьовиті та ві- діти парафії, які віршами та піс- двоє посмертно. Відповідні гра- рні жінки парафії Воздвиження нями вітали Владику. моти та медалі отримали дочки Чесного Хреста, що у м. Суррей, Відтак членкині осередку тих членкинь, які переставилися Британська Колумбія, заснува- пройшли процесійною ходою до у вічність у 2018 році. ли Відділ ЛУКЖК. Від того часу, вівтаря Богородиці, на котрому Традиційно святкування за- завдяки зусиллям і відданості поклали чудовий букет троянд. вершилося величавим та смачним членкинь та належному прово- У відповідності до чину Архиє- обідом, на якому виголошувались ду душпастирів парафії, осере­ рейського Богослужіння Влади- численні промови та привітання док успішно розвивався. ка Кен облачався в архиєрейські та побажання Многих Літ. Урочисте завершення свят- ризи перед царськими воротами кування 50-ліття заснування при активній допомозі дітей. Іванка Маїк

Членки ЛУКЖК зі своїм духовним дорадником о. Андрієм Чорненьким.

22 Наша Дорога ◊ Зима 2018 Edmonton Eparchy

St. Vladimir, Edmonton Celebrates Teachers Sunday, September 23, 2018 – Fol- lowing Divine Liturgy at St. Vladi- mir Ukrainian Catholic Church, parishioners and guests gathered at St. Vladimir Hall—specially decorated for the occasion with centrepieces of school supplies— for the annual fall luncheon with its theme, “Celebrating Our Teach- Retired teachers, longtime UCWLC members, with guest speaker/teacher ers.” Sharing the role of MC, young Mariana (Slocuh) Lange at St. Vladimir Fall Luncheon “Celebrating Teachers”: cousins Oksana and Tony Korcaba Mary Ann Phillips, Olga Hlus, Sylvia Maslyk, Rosemarie Nahnybida, expressed thankfulness to their Mariana Lange, Barb Olynyk, Joyce Chrunik-Rudiak, and Evelyn Cook. teachers over the years for their schooling. Currently, Oksana is studying to become a nurse, and lives… someone who went Tony is pursuing a career in teach- above and beyond for us as ing. This past summer, Tony was in an individual.” Uk­raine teaching students English. Teachers sometimes find He sympathized with the Ukrain- themselves in difficult pos- ian teachers who lacked teaching itions, in making the con- resources and equipment. Oksana nection between the child and Tony, speaking in both Ukrain- and the world, the home ian and English, welcomed every- and beyond, having to fill one and called upon Rev. Fr. Ivan in the gaps in our children’s Nykyforuk, parish priest, for open- education on topics ran- ing remarks. Fr. Ivan expressed ging from religion to chem- his gratitude to the ladies who istry, physical education to had worked very hard to make spelling. Teachers also face this event possible. He thanked difficulties, such as deal- everyone for attending, and led in ing with different political the opening prayer, which was fol- ideologies. We are blessed Fr. Ivan Nykyforyk, parish priest, with lowed by the singing of “Многая to have dedicated teachers guest speaker Mariana Lange Літa” for “teachers” from all walks who strive to provide an ex- of life! cellent quality of education. She students with basic necessities. UCWLC Branch President encouraged parents and grandpar- So, St. Vladimir UCWLC have part- Ivanka Korcaba related that, in ents to help teachers in whatever nered with St. Francis of Assisi choosing a theme for this year’s fall possible and to say a short pray- School in Northeast Edmonton to luncheon, it was decided to focus er of thanksgiving to God for our help this needy school with some on the people who have dedicated amazing teachers. much-needed school supplies for their lives to teaching. She began Ivanka also informed that, in those children who do not have by saying that “we all remember order to reach out in our Social enough. Jesus Himself told us in at least one teacher in our lives— Justice mandate, it was also de- Matthew:18, “Whoever welcomes someone who touched our lives in cided to help some of those teach- one such child in my name wel- a special way, someone who may ers who sometimes have to reach comes Me.” Rather than spending have changed the course of our into their own pockets to help their money on flowers or decorations,

Nasha Doroha ◊ Winter 2018 23 the centrepieces made with school known many of the parents from teaching from the other side, as supplies will be donated to the the former Yugoslavian Ukrain- that of a parent. school for use with its children. ian community, which made it Mariana related how, when she She thanked those who donated easier, but, at the same time, chal- first came to Canada, there were school supplies for this cause. lenging because of the pressure many people who supported and Following the delicious lunch- to impress and, yet, have a pro- helped her family. But going to eon, MC Oksana Korcaba intro- fessional relationship with them. school and trying to make friends duced the guest speaker, Mariana Currently, Mariana teaches grade was challenging as was keeping (Slocuh) Lange. Mariana came to two at St. Maria Goretti, a Catholic up with academics because she Canada (Edmonton, Alberta) with school in Edmonton. She is mar- was learning the English language. her parents and two sisters in the ried to Kevin Lange who has been She spoke fondly of a teacher and early 1990s from war-torn Bosnia. part of her teaching journey from an education assistant who went Mariana began teaching 15 years the beginning. They have a daugh- above and beyond their duties to ago. Her first teaching assignment ter, Gabriella (Gabby), who start- make her feel welcome and part of was at St. Matthew’s School (Uk­ ed grade one this year. Mariana the school community. rainian Bilingual) teaching grade now has an opportunity to experi- “They took us on field trips,” one. She was fortunate to have ence the school community and Mariana said, “spent time with us, wiped our tears, made us laugh and helped us make sense of our new Nasha Doroha Publishing surroundings. Through all those experiences they helped us learn January 31, 2018 – January 16, 2019 the language and become confi- Nasha Doroha Reserve Fund dent and flourish in our strengths St. Basil’s UCWLC, Edmonton, AB...... $50 by overcoming any challenges we UCWLC Archeparchy of Winnipeg ...... $1,000 were facing. They made us feel UCWLC Eparchy of New Westminster...... $325 important.” UCWLC Eparchy of Edmonton...... $100 Mariana continued, “It is a rare UCWLC Eparchy of Toronto...... $40 opportunity to give a tribute to my Sts Peter & Paul UCWLC, Saskatoon, SK...... $75 fellow colleagues—teachers. Usu- St. George’s UCWLC, Saskatoon, SK ...... $150 ally we are busy lesson planning, St. Mary’s UCWLC, Yorkton, SK...... $150 organizing, working with parents Sacred Heart UCWLC, Wynyard, SK...... $75 and collaborating on projects, St. Athanasius UCWLC, Regina, SK...... $75 that we forget to give each other All Saints UCWLC, North Battleford, SK ...... $100 a pat on the shoulder or to recog- nize and celebrate each others’ Donation to Nasha Doroha Publishing accomplishments.” Sts Peter & Paul UCWLC, Canora, SK ...... $75 She then shared some of her Submissions to Nasha Doroha for Obituaries teaching experiences. In teaching, Sts Peter & Paul UCWLC, Canora, SK ...... $455 every day and every school year St. Demetrius UCWLC, Etobicoke, ON...... $75 is different and full of sad, happy St. Basil’s UCWLC, Edmonton, AB...... $165 and joyous moments. She related BVM UCWLC, Winnipeg, MB ...... $150 how her first teaching assignment St. Josaphat’s UCWLC, Edmonton, AB...... $100 was a grade one class—a small one UCWLC Eparchy of Edmonton...... $100 with lots of boys in it. She had the St. Athanasius UCWLC, Regina, SK...... $150 opportunity to teach those same Sts Peter & Paul UCWLC, Saskatoon, SK...... $225 students in grade two and then UCWLC Branch, Mundare, AB...... $50 grade three. She was able to get to Thank you to all donors! know these students very well— strong and positive relationships Elizabeth Zahayko. ND Financial Administrator were developed. Six years later, she was invited to these students’ (now

24 Наша Дорога ◊ Зима 2018 areas. One thing that we must not and techniques that can be imple- forget is that teachers also teach mented to deal with situations such students social skills, such as get- as these, but behaviours like these ting along with others, independ- make our jobs more challenging.” ence, routine, and sharing. Teach- Mariana also stressed the need ing is a rewarding profession. The for parents and grandparents to love, care and attention that stu- not only support students but also dents need usually ends in growth to be kind to teachers by teaching as the trusting relationship begins children to respect teachers. She to develop and more positive ex- encouraged parents and grand- periences are created. Although parents to take an interest in their teachers throughout their careers children’s learning and in their have many rewarding experien- activities. ces, sometimes they may face try- “These simple actions will nur- ing times. Mariana recounted that ture them and set them up with Gabriella (Gabby) Lange, Mariana Lange, recently on the news there was a strong building blocks upon which Roman Korcaba, Ivanka Korcaba. Roman report about incidents of student any teacher can pick up and con- Korcaba, former student of Mariana’s, presented a token of appreciation to her violence towards Edmonton teach- tinue to build,” she said. on behalf of St. Vladimir UCWLC. ers. Unfortunately, this is a reality Mariana concluded by say- in some classrooms. ing, “Every school has a mission in grade six) commencement, and “I have experienced being statement. My daughter’s school 12 years after she was invited to kicked, punched and scratched,” mission statement reads: ‘it is the a grade 12 graduation of that first she said. “It is very stressful and purpose of our Catholic learning group of students that she had difficult to deal with behaviour community to develop the poten- taught. such as this because, besides the tial of all children in areas of aca- “I was so proud of every single fact that it emotionally can affect a demics, spirituality and human- one of them!” Mariana said. person, a teacher still has a respon- ity.’ These statements are usually Teachers teach children aca- sibility to the other students to followed with a vision, such as to demics—how to read and write, so- keep them safe and learning at the equip students with knowledge, cial studies, math, and other subject same time. Yes, there is training develop and adopt a positive atti- tude towards self and others, and to develop confidence and pride in student abilities. Teachers work together to create these statements and then they work hard daily in implementing them in your child’s classroom every day. In my opin- ion, teachers are superheroes!” Oksana Korcaba thanked Mari- ana for her very inspiring presen- tation. On behalf of St. Vladimir UCWLC, Roman Korcaba, a former student of Mariana’s, presented her with a token of appreciation. The very successful afternoon pro- gram concluded with raffle draws and closing prayer.

Submitted by Rosemarie Nahnybida Nasha Doroha Representative Edmonton Eparchy

Nasha Doroha ◊ Winter 2018 25 16th UCWLC Biannual After the usual business pro- needed to deal with these environ- ceedings, Eparchial Social Justice mental issues. As well, there is the Edmonton Eparchy Committee members Christina need to deal with corporations for Conference Csernyanski and Donna Koziak profit and the clash of present-day The 16th UCWLC Biannual Edmon- spoke about Pope Francis’ encyc- economics and politics. We must ton Eparchy Conference took place lical “Laudato Si (Praised Be)” on examine our lifestyles, have a new on Saturday, October 20, 2018, the environment and human ecol- beginning, an awakening of new with over 65 members in attend- ogy. Both speakers focused on the reverence and justice, and new ance. The conference began at St. encyclical’s theme of the need to convictions in our daily activities. Josaphat Cathedral with a Moleben care for the future of our planet, There is that call to make a huge to the Blessed Virgin Mary with co- “Our Common Home,” and empha- shift to protect our Mother Earth celebrants Rev. Fr. Janko Herbut, sized the need to have a profound and hear its cry.

UCWLC delegates/Edmonton Eparchy at 16th Biannual Conference, Edmonton with Rev. Janko Herbut (Eparchial UCWLC Spiritual Advisor), Rev. Peter Babej and guests SSMI Sr. Anne Pidskalny and Sr. Veronica Bartkiw.

UCWLC Eparchial Spiritual Advis- relationship and a re-engaging After the oral presentation, a or, and Rev. Fr. Peter Babej, parish with Mother Earth. There must be video “Laudato Si: On Care for our priest, St. Josaphat Cathedral, fol- a realization of integral ecology— Common Home” was shown, fol- lowed by registration and program the interconnectedness of human- lowed by some first step discussion at Verhovyna Hall. ity with air, water, flora, fauna, and questions for branches, such as: Organizational Committee soil. We must take into considera- What is your parish doing to care Chair Teresa Makowecki wel- tion the devastating impact of the for God’s creation? What kind of re- comed everyone, extended thanks degradation of the environment, cycling program does your parish to Fathers Janko Herbut and Peter such as deforestation, development have? Does your parish avoid using Babej, and to hosting St. Josaphat of fossil fuels (coal, oil, gas), pollu- bottled water? Does your parish UCWLC Branch. She commented tion of various kinds, and come to use reusable items or disposable on the variety of talents among the realization of global climate ones? Are disposable items com- those present; joined together, “our change and its effects on oceans, postable? In what ways can your talent is to stand firm in our faith.” rainforests, and violent storms. parish be more energy efficient? Fr. Janko led in the opening prayer Mind-boggling changes involving Does your parish shop ethically “Богородице Діво”. immense human creativity are and locally as much as possible?

26 Наша Дорога ◊ Зима 2018 What can be done to encourage Mysteries of Hope, Mysteries of and support legislative change and Joy, Mysteries of Light, Mysteries corporative behaviour that ensures of Sorrow, and Mysteries of Glory. care for our common home at the The book also contains 29 colour international, national, provincial, reproductions of icons. and local levels? Following Father Babej’s presen- Edmonton Eparchy Religious tation, tokens of appreciation were Education Director Bernadette presented to Fr. Janko Herbut and Mandrusiak stressed the signifi- Fr. Peter Babej. Eparchial UCWLC cance of Pope Francis’ encyc- President Mary Ann Phillips made lical by saying: “God created the some important announcements environment. He’s Boss. We are regarding 2019 happenings such really affected by environmental as the UCWLC National Executive degradation. We must care for our coming to Edmonton and the 75th “Common Home.” She mentioned Rev. Fr. Peter Babej spoke about the book, anniversary of UCWLC , and Carol Laudato Si resources that can be The Rosary – the Prayer Rule of the Mother Batty, St. Josaphat UCWLC Branch accessed online. of God in the Ukrainian Catholic Church. President, extended thanks to After a delicious luncheon, publication proposes a few adapta- ladies who attended, to Eparchial a group photo and a visit to the tions to event-mysteries, and, for Spiritual Committee, to kitchen UCWLC Museum, the afternoon’s private use, a new, additional cat- staff, to St. Josaphat UCWLC and highlight was Father Peter Babej’s egory of five decades referred to UCBC for their cooperative efforts, presentation on “The Rosary.” as the “Mysteries of Hope.” With and to all those who had contribut- Father Peter spoke about the book, the help of this new category, the ed to making the book, The Rosary, The Rosary – the Prayer Rule of the faithful are invited to contemplate available to have and to cherish. Mother of God in the Ukrainian Cath- more deeply on the life of Mary The successful Biannual Con- olic Church. The book was prepared and her role in salvation history, ference concluded with prayer, for publication by the Edmonton as expressed and celebrated his- “Отче Наш” and the singing of the Eparchial Liturgical Commission torically to the liturgical tradition UCWLC Hymn, “О Спомагай нас”. (October 13, 2017) and was printed of the East. The following categor- with the approval and blessing of ies offer a total of 25 event-myster- Submitted by Rosemarie Nahnybida the Most Reverend Bishop David ies for contemplation, recited with Nasha Doroha Representative Motiuk, Eparch of Edmonton, a total of 250 Angelic Salutations: Edmonton Eparchy February 22, 2018. One thousand copies were printed. Ladies in at- tendance at the Biannual Confer- Ліґа Українських Католицьких ence were gifted with copies of the Жінок Канади — Крайова Управа book (compliments of St. Josaphat Ukrainian Catholic Women’s League UCWLC and UCBC). Fr. Babej began his presenta- of Canada — National Executive tion by outlining the contents of the book beginning with the hist- The Vera Buczynsky ory of the rosary. For centuries, the Ukrainian Studies Scholarship Byzantine Church has observed The National UCWLC is offering one scholarship of $1,000 various events of the life of the to a person of Ukrainian Catholic descent who is planning Virgin Mary with the celebration to enroll in Ukrainian Studies at the post-secondary level. of Marian feast days. The celebra- Criteria and applications are available online at www.ucwlc.ca. Applications should be submitted electronically to tion of all Marian feasts originated in the East and, in time, spread to The Vera Buczynsky Ukrainian Studies Scholarship Committee the West. To bring all these events Olha Karaim, Chair at [email protected] into the practice of the Marian Rosary for Eastern Christians, this

Nasha Doroha ◊ Winter 2018 27 Ostrich Pysanky Exhibit On April 29, 2018, the UCWLC Mu- seum Committee, Edmonton Ep- archy, presented an Ostrich Egg Pysanky Exhibit, which included 93 ostrich from 21 collectors, writers, and our museum’s collec- tion. Most were written with trad- itional Ukrainian pysanky motifs, but other unique pysanky and eggs were included. One was an egg painted in a Petrykivka style; a couple—one from Brazil—were decorated with appliqué beads; two hand-carved eggs from Pretoria, South Africa; an egg with a mini- ature altar inside of it; an egg from Jerusalem that depicts the Holy A variety of ostrich egg pysanky and plain ostrich eggs Family fleeing to Egypt; and, one generations of the Sembaliuk family Evelyn Cook brought greetings on from the Museum in writing pysanky. Included in the ex- behalf of the committee. She ex- , Ukraine,­ portraying an hibit was a mosaic created by artist plained how the idea for such an icon done in seven shades of bees- Theodora Harasymiw using chips exhibit originated from a discus- wax. In addition to exhibitors who of broken ostrich egg pysanky. sion between Nadia Cyncar, HLM, brought single eggs for display were Attendees were welcomed to the and Marlene Diachyshyn at last Sylvia Kuzyk, who shared close to event by mistress of ceremonies, year’s convention. 30 ostrich pysanky, her work based Joyce Chrunik-Rudiak, Eparchial Joyce then provided some in- on traditional pysanka designs and Past President and current mem- formation about the ostrich, the technique; Audrey Uzwyshyn who ber of the Museum Committee. She ostrich egg, and the significance exhibited 35 eggs, some with Tryp- thanked all the contributors for of ostrich eggs in many churches, illian designs taken from Trypillian sharing their pysanky and collec- mosques and monasteries, mainly pottery; and a display from three tions. Museum Committee Chair in the Mediterranean and Middle

Left: Nadia Cyncar, HLM, curator of UCWLC Museum; Evelyn Eveneshen, former Eparchial Past President, presenting ostrich egg pysanka to the Museum; Evelyn Cook, Museum Committee Chair. Right: Evelyn Eveneshen, former Past President, donor of the ostrich egg pysanka to the UCWLC Museum; Sylvia Kuzyk, writer of the pysanka.

28 Наша Дорога ◊ Зима 2018 Petrykivka style (left) and mosaic using broken ostrich egg pysanky Eastern areas. Following is a very centimetres and weighs up to two ceaseless care with which the par- brief synopsis of what was pre- kilograms. With a capacity of one ent birds guard their eggs. sented: a native of Africa, the os- litre or more, it equals the size of Museum Curator Nadia Cyncar, trich is the tallest and heaviest two-dozen hen’s eggs. The thick- HLM spoke on the significance of all birds, which does not fly, ness of its shell is about 2 milli- of the pysanka for Ukrainians in but can run at speeds of up to 40 metres and its colour varies from Canada, how its form and function miles per hour. Its strong legs can tan to ivory. In the ancient world have changed markedly over time also be used for self-defence. Os- and at present day, eggs symbol- in Canada and how it “represents triches are farmed for their feath- ize various things, but in most not only the historical past of the ers, meat, and leather. The os- cases it’s some form of protection ancient tradition, but has become trich egg measures about 15 by 13 indicative of the remarkable and a universally recognized popular

Left to right: beaded pysanka; hand‑carved egg from Pretoria, South Africa; bees wax technique in 7 shades – purchased at Pysanka Museum in Kolomyia, Ukraine.

Nasha Doroha ◊ Winter 2018 29 symbol of Ukrainians themselves. Holy Trinity UCWLC Vegreville In attendance at this spe- The beauty and intricate designs cial event were 140 guests—51 of the pysanka have been recog- Celebrates 70th Branch UCWLC branch members—as well nized as a contribution to world Anniversary as guests from visiting branches culture and art.” She informed us August 25, 2018, Holy Trinity from Calgary, Edmonton, Mundare, that writing on ostrich eggs began UCWLC, Vegreville, AB celebrated New Kiew, and Camrose, includ- in Canada in the 1970s using trad- its 70th anniversary. The memor- ing Eparchial UCWLC President itional pysanka designs and the able occasion commenced with a Mary Ann Phillips, Eparch- wax resist method. In Ukraine, this beautiful Divine Liturgy at Holy ial Vice‑President and National was started in the year 2000. Some Trinity Ukrainian Catholic Church UCWLC President-Elect 2019 (Ed- decorators favour the larger and co-celebrated with Bishop David monton Eparchy) Barb Olynyk. stronger shell of an ostrich egg. Motiuk, Fr. John Sembrat, and Fr. Also present were Elk Island Nadia spoke about the various eggs Don Bodnar. Catholic Assistant Superintendent in the exhibit as described above. Following Divine Liturgy, Bishop Paul Corrigan, and School Trustee Marlene Diachyshyn, President David Motiuk blessed a granite Le-ann Ewaskiw. Mother of Pochaiv of the Descent of the Holy Spirit bench, a donation by the UCWLC Icons were presented to schools— UCWLC Branch in Waskatenau, to the church, in commemoration St. Mary’s, St. Martin’s, and Al Hor- and former owner of an ostrich of their branch’s 70th anniversary. ton Bilingual Program—gifts of the farm, then spoke about her ex- periences raising ostriches. She brought with her some decorated and undecorated ostrich eggs. The Museum Committee was delighted to receive an ostrich egg pysanka donation from Evelyn Eveneshen, former Eparchial Past President and winner of the pysanka written by Sylvia Kuzyk, who donat- ed it for a raffle held at Bishop David Motiuk’s Annual Gala held in De- cember. This is a wonderful addition to the artifacts at our museum. Fol- lowing the short program, attendees continued to view the pysanky and enjoyed refreshments provided. For a donation of $20 or more, attendees could participate in a draw for an os- trich egg pysanka. The winner was a young man from Saskatchewan who collects pysanky and didn’t yet have an ostrich egg pysanka. Every- one marvelled at all the pysanky and how unique each one was. Joyce concluded the program with thanks to the contributors, at- tendees, and the Museum Commit- tee putting on the event. She encour- aged everyone and their families and friends to visit the Museum.

Submitted by Joyce Chrunik-Rudiak

30 Наша Дорога ◊ Зима 2018 UCWLC Holy Trinity Branch. A delicious dinner was served by Holy Trinity Catering. Special thanks to Patricia and Gordon Pawluk of Autumn Rose and Edmonton Granite Memorials for their generous donation to- wards the bench. Thank you to all the “blessed hands” who made this historic event possible.

At right, blessing from Bishop David of 70th UCWLC anniversary granite bench donated to the Church from the branch: Fr. Don Bodnar, Eparchial UCWLC President Mary Ann Phillips, Holy Trinity UCWLC Vegreville Branch President Teresa Makowecki, Bishop David Motiuk, and Fr. John Sembrant.

President Teresa Makowecki with Mary Homeniuk, oldest member (104) and Past President from 1955, 1956, 1967 and 1968—the year Teresa was born.

Submitted by Teresa Makowecki Branch President, Holy Trinity UCWLC, Vegreville

Deadline for submissions: fall 2019 issue •• Наша Дорога •• 31.7.2019 Річенець дописів на осінній номер у 2019 р.

Nasha Doroha ◊ Winter 2018 31 UCWLC St. Basil Branch universe, the first, living for only what this world has to offer, a mor- One‑Day Retreat ally neutral world, and the second, St. Basil Branch of the Ukrainian the heavenly world. We have to Catholic Women’s League hosted choose. “No one can serve two a pre-Lenten retreat on Saturday, masters” from Matt 6:24 (one can- February 2, 2019, the feast day not serve both God and mammon of the Presentation of Our Lord [money]). into the Temple (The Encounter), Fr. Winn asked each partici- whereby Jesus presents Him- pant to recall instances when we self to those who are searching encountered God. He added that for Him. This year’s theme was we have to encounter Jesus be- © Michelle Zolner “I Thirst, Love Without Counting fore we can recognize Jesus in the Cost.” Retreat Master Father another person and before we Father Michael Winn, a priest of the Michael Winn was introduced by can evangelize to others. “Who- Archeparchy of Winnipeg, recently Liz Olynyk, Spiritual Committee ever is thirsty should come to me moved from Ottawa to serve as the Chair. and drink” (Jn 7:37). “Whoever Rector of Holy Spirit Catholic Sem­ Fr. Winn began his talk with believes in me, streams of liv- inary in Edmonton. After receiving Jesus’ last words “I thirst” using ing water will pour out from his a licentiate in Eastern Christian the example of baptism as the “liv- heart” (Jn 7:38). Studies in 2006, he taught under­ ing water” of faith guided by the Participants actively practised graduate liturgical and sacramen­ Holy Spirit, which is the same liv- the theme throughout the day by tal theology for the Sheptytsky ing water Christ offered the Sam- meditating on short scriptural Institute (MASI) at Saint Paul Uni­ aritan woman to quench her thirst. passages (Lectio Divina), praying versity in Ottawa. Fr. Winn was the “… whoever drinks this water that the Sixth Hour, Psalm 21 (22), and general editor, designer, and produ­ I give him, will never be thirsty ending the retreat with a Moleben cer of the new UGCC Catechism, again” (Jn 4:13). to the Mother of God. Fr. Winn Christ Our Pascha. He has given The power of the Sacraments, provided participants an enrich- many parish missions and retreats daily prayer, and use of icons were ing spiritual experience that was over the last 25 years. woven into this theme. Fr. Winn memorable and thought provok- asked, “Do we listen and speak to ing. We thank Fr. Winn for sharing Submitted by Liz Olynyk and God throughout the day or to our- his knowledge and spiritual guid- Christina Macyk, Spiritual Committee selves?” This question referenced ance with all of us. God bless you, Photos by Michelle Zolner, the world we live in, the two-storey Fr. Winn! Executive Member

© Michelle Zolner

32 Наша Дорога ◊ Зима 2018 Saskatoon Eparchy

St. Mary’s UCWLC donated $1,500 to Yorkton Regional Health Centre

St. Mary’s UCWLC, Yorkton, SK do- nated $1,500 for new laboratory equipment at the Yorkton Regional Health Centre. Laboratory equip- ment is vitally important to a regional hospital and the money At right: Elizabeth Zahayko, Treasurer; Elsie Stechyshyn, President; Ross Fisher, Executive will help purchase equipment to Director of the Health Foundation; Father Raymond Lukie, CSsR, Assistant Pastor at St. upgrade a number of the services Mary’s Ukrainian Catholic Church, Yorkton the laboratory provides. Submitted by Elizabeth Zahayko, St. Mary’s UCWLC

Winnipeg Archeparchy

UCWLC Dauphin Branch 65th Anniversary and North West Regional Convention

The UCWLC of the Ukrainian Cath- olic Parish of the Resurrection in Dauphin, MB celebrated its 65th Anniversary and hosted the North West Regional Convention on Sat- urday, October 20, 2018. Fifty-six delegates registered for “O Spomahay Nas” led by cantor Zirka Ukrainian Dance Ensemble. the convention. This included dele- Marvin Procyshyn and the church The Past President, MC Mary gates from Winnipeg Archeparchy, choir led by Terri Genik. Procyshyn, welcomed everyone Brandon, Ethelbert, Grandview, The Liturgy homily was given and introduced the head table Oakburn, Portage la Prairie, Ross- by Fr. Hrynkiw who spoke on the guests. Fr. Bodnarski led the open- burn, and Dauphin. theme of the convention, Life in ing prayer and Ukrainian Catholic Divine Liturgy was celebrated by the Spirit. Brotherhood President Ed Smaluk Dauphin Parish Pastor Very Rev. Fr. Panachyda was held immedi- gave the toast to the UCWLC. Oleg Bodnarski and Guest Speaker ately after the Liturgy in remem- This was followed by the cut- Fr. Gregory Hrynkiw, ASTH of the brance of the deceased members ting of the anniversary cake by Hermitage of the Three Holy Hier- since the last convention in 2016. President Shirley Novalkowski and archs, Saskatoon, SK. Group photos were taken and founding member of the Dauphin A procession of the two Arch- the delegates then proceeded to Branch Mary Kokolski. eparchial representatives, the the Monsignor Oucharyk Audi- Linda Rigey, Archeparchy Exec- seven Branch presidents, or rep- torium, where they were served a utive Vice-President, Helen Rolla, resentatives, with their flags pro- beautiful luncheon prepared by the Dauphin Parish Council Chair, and ceeded to the front of the church First Vice-President of the Dauphin Bill Zaporzan, 4th Degree Knights behind the Icon of Our Lady of Branch, Deborah Robertson, and of Columbus brought greetings and Pochaiv singing the League hymn served by some members of the congratulations to the Dauphin

Nasha Doroha ◊ Winter 2018 33 UCWLC on this special day. The Executive for two years. MC gave a brief history of the * It is with great sadness we re- Торонтонська Епархія League since its inception. port that one week after the conven- President Shirley Novalkow- tion, Florence passed away. May she ski made a special presentation to rest in peace. Окружні Наради ЛУКЖК Mary Kokolski in recognition for President Shirley thanked all Торонтонської Єпархії 2018 her 65 years of membership in the the members who attended and Окружні наради ЛУКЖК Торон- Dauphin Branch. especially the Dauphin members тонської Єпархії відбулися 29 The Ukrainian Catholic Brother- and their families for their effort in вересня 2018 р. у залі церкви Св. hood of Dauphin led by Marvin making the Anniversary and Con- Димитрія. Procyshyn provided entertainment vention a success. За християнським звичаєм, with a few favourite Ukrainian folk In his closing remarks, Father наради почалися Св. Літургією. songs. Everyone joined them to Bodnarski stressed the importance На проповіді о. парох Іван Тата- sing “De zhoda v Rodyni.” and necessity of prayer and regu- рин поблагословив наші зусил- During the convention, Dauphin lar attendance at Divine Liturgy. ля та зичив нам надалі успіхів Branch Membership Chair Doris He congratulated the Dauphin у нашій благородній праці. Слід Chaychuk and President Shirley Branch on their 65th Anniversary згадати, що Богослуження було Novalkowski presented pins to and their invaluable service to the відправлене за здоров’я нашої those members who had reached Dauphin Parish and encouraged голови Крайової Управи Марусі 30, 20 and 15 years of service. Two all the UCWLC members to keep Барщик. new members received their mem- trying to attract new members by Завдяки наполегливій пра- bership pins. their good example. He then led ці голови Єпархіяльної Управи A special presentation was made the closing prayer of Hail Mary fol- Віри Костецької на наради при- by President Shirley Novalkowski lowed by the singing of the hymn, було 62 делеґати із 15-ти відділів to Florence Gingera who served as Most Holy Virgin. Єпархії. Окрім представників То- Secretary to the Dauphin Branch for ронто, приїхали члени з Миссис- 20 years and on the Archeparchial Submitted by Mary Procyshyn саґа, Оттави, Кіченер, Торнгил,

34 Наша Дорога ◊ Зима 2018 Ст. Кетеринс, Ошави (з двох від- заохочування жінок до організа- видрукувано одну з цілей нашої ділів), Бурлингтон і Скарборо. ції. Наталя пояснила, що треба організації. Завдання кожної гру- Усі відділи були представлені, за дбати про імідж ЛУКЖК. Звер- пи було придумати щось інакшо- винятком Монреалю. Приємно нула увагу, які вчинки і поведін- го, щоб залучити нових членів, було привітати наших трьох до- ку члени повинні затримати, які але заняття мусіло підлягати тій рогих ПДЧ, а саме — Дарію Гошу- вчинки і поведінку треба знеохо- цілі, яка знаходилася на столі. ляк, Дзвінку Габу і Марту Хомин, чувати та які вчинки і поведін- Кожний круглий стіл почав жва- яку привезла з лічниці її доня. ку треба засвоїти. Часто під час ву дискусію, а їхнє рішення було Члени Відділу Св. Димитрія сесії виринало слово толерант- представлене по черзі решті сто- гостинно прийняли всіх членів ність. Чимало з нас застановило- лів, щоб обмінятися думками. сніданком, заки почалися нара- ся над ним. Були різні пропозиції — деякі ди. Тема нарад: Членство — Ви- Під час смачного обіду голо- конкретні, а деякі загальні. Всі значаємо Нашу Майбутність/ ви відділів голосували над при- учасники виповнили запитник, Membership — Defining Our йняттям нового статуту ЛУКЖК підготовлений Н. Вітюк. Future. Наша духовна дорадни- Торонтонської Єпархії, який був На закінчення Нарад деле- ця преп. Сестра Тереса Матвій створений згідно з вимогами ґати голосували над зміненим приготувала особливу молитву, Уряду Канади. Статут прийнято статутом, який був схвалений щоб дати нам натхнення до цієї одноголосно. одноголосно, а наша духовна до- важливої справи. Після обіду відбулася органі- радниця, преп. сестра Тереса по- З великим задоволенням ми заційна сесія, де голови відділів дарувала всім присутнім заклад- слухали і брали жваву участь у мали скласти звіт з однієї успіш- ку до книжки. Всі мали нагоду сесії нашої найновішої членкині ної події протягом минулого оглянути виставку фотографій Відділу Св. Димитрія Наталі Ві- року. та інших експонатів, підготов- тюк. Ця молода жінка провела її Відтак делеґати повернулися лену різними відділами. Ця ви- професійно і цікаво, з допомогою до теми Нарад. Всі присутні були ставка — це показ і доказ актив- техніки і екрану, на якому були поділені на групи за круглими ностей наших відділів ЛУКЖК. написані двома мовами підходи столами, на кожному з яких було Ми горді з їхньої праці і дуже ці- нимо їхнє надбання! Наради були дуже успішні, бо ніхто не відгукнувся негативно на запитник — окрім кількох на- рікань, що було забагато їжі. Голова ЛУКЖК Торонтонської Єпархії Віра Костецька склала подяку і вручила дарунок дов- голітній членкині управи, рефе- рентці нашого Єпархіяльного музею Наді Стасині за її невтом- ну працю і любов до нашого музею. На жаль, цього літа ми мусіли попрощатися з нашим музеєм, який був переданий і став частиною Музею Україна в Саскатуні. Голова також дала признання комітету, який під- готував Наради, та висловила вдячність Відділу Св. Димитрія за гарну гостину. Слава Ісусу Христу!

Д. Соханівська, референт преси

Nasha Doroha ◊ Winter 2018 35 Хто і як будував собор Святого Юра у Львові

Хроніка Василіан свідчить, що місце, де закладено монастир Святого Юра, є однією з вершин міста. На схід від нього розміщений Високий замок, на південь — старий монастир Св. Лазаря, на північ — гора страчення (тепер Клепарівська).

Ця ж хроніка, а вслід за нею і львівський історик, радник і бургомістр XVII століття Барто- ломей Зіморович стверджують, що колись тут був буковий ліс, з якого ще князь Лев у 1280 році на вершині гори збудував неве- лику церкву і монастир. У 1339 році церква згоріла, і у 1363 році закладено фундаменти під нову. Будували її за зразком вірмен- ської церкви, і, очевидно, робив це той же архітектор Дорк. Будо- ва тривала до 1434 року. На Святоюрській горі містив- ся василіанський монастир і резиденція греко-католицького Ярмарок на Святоюрській горі, середина XIX ст. митрополита. Їхні стосунки не- рідко були позначені конфрон- Решту робіт, а також тодішній тацією, а то і відкритою бороть- конфлікт з василіанами перей­ бою за вплив та церковні добра. няв у спадок новий митрополит Василіани були консерватори на Лев Шептицький. східний манер, а єпископ більше Будівництво ще Атаназій орієнтувався на прогресивнішу Шептицький у 1744 році доручив західну церкву. Бернарду Меретину, який брався Тому, коли василіани у 1738 розробити плани, згідно з якими році закінчили будову нового мо- збудувати собор і дзвіницю. Мі- настиря, єпископ Атаназій Шеп- сячна платня майстра станови- тицький задумав звести і новий ла 40 червінців. Роботи розпо- собор, що відповідав би теперіш- чались негайно. Через два роки ньому його статусу та найсучас- митрополит Атаназій помирає, нішому європейському архітек- однак зміна керівництва церкви турному стилю. Всі витрати на не позначилась на умовах праці роботи митрополит брав на себе. Меретина. Новий митрополит З цією метою він поклав 120 тис. поновив угоду з архітектором на Єпископ Атаназій Шептицький злотих на депозит Чарторий- тих же засадах. ським, проценти з якого і мали У 1754 році Меретин укладає Вже у завершальній стадії на йти на будову собору, а також се- нову угоду, згідно з якою зобов’я­ Меретина з критикою наступає мінарії для греко-католицького зується завершити будову, вклав- П’єр Річард де Тіргальє (Рierre духовенства. шись в суму 160 тисяч золотих. Ricaud de Tirgaelle), що називав Єпископ Атаназій встиг лише Сам Лев Шептицький докладно себе Ріко (Ryko). Він був капі- розібрати стару церкву, створи- слідкує за роботами і нерідко таном всіх військових будов, а ти план та закласти наріжний вносить поправки у плани, які ар- також став популярним серед камінь майбутньої у 1743 році. хітектор враховує та реалізовує. шляхти архітектором замків і

36 Наша Дорога ◊ Зима 2018 Митрополит Лев Шептицький Собор святого Юра у Львові, 1936 рік

палаців. Так виглядає, що в його Основним аргументом, який Меретина вже наступного року. Та руках фактично зосереджува- спонукав Лева Шептицького ро- все ж на той час будівництво му- лась світська будівельна моно- зірвати угоду з Меретином, було рів костелу вже було завершене. полія, так як в руках Мерети- те, що стиль будови собору є за- Далі роботи вів Себастьян на — костельна. Ця монопольна старілим і в Європі вже віджи- Фесінгер, основні скульптури конкуренція, очевидно, і стала лим. І справді, бароко вже актив- зовнішнього декору, а саме Свя- причиною конфлікту між ними. А но поступалось місцем новим того Юрія, папу Атаназія та Лео- ще те, що Меретин був представ- французьким віянням. Мабуть, на — майстер Пінзель. ником німецько-італійського ар- саме розірвання контракту з ми- хітектурного стилю, в той час як трополитом у 1758 році стало од- Джерело: Фотографії старого Ріко — французького. нією з основних причин смерті Львова

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Nasha Doroha ◊ Winter 2018 37 Profiles◊ Особистості

Milestone Celebrations Luba Kowalchyk, HLM Katherine Devos Celebrated Recognized 100th Birthday

Katherine Devos (née Krull) celebrated her 100th birthday on June 17, 2018, at Surrey Memorial Hospi- tal, where she was being treated for a severe shoulder January 9, 2019 – Lviv, injury. Ukraine – Luba Kowalchyk, Kay was born in Fenwood, SK, on June 17, 1918, one HLM and past National of 15 children. UCWLC President (2007– She met and married her husband and raised two 2010) was recognized for daughters. her work with orphaned After her husband passed away in 1969, Mrs. Devos children in Ukraine (Bridge moved to Surrey to be with her daughters. of Hope and Home of Hope) During her life, she worked in a meat market, co-op by the Director of Lviv So- grocery store, at Dare Foods making cookies in North cial Services Department, Delta/Surrey and for many years was an Avon rep. Rostyslav Tymkiv. Con- Mrs. Devos lives in White Rock, B.C., and is a mem- gratulations! Thank you for ber of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross in Surrey. She all your good works! Многая has been a UCWLC member since 1977. She has five Літа! grandchildren and nine great-grandchildren. At her birthday celebration at the hospital, she Submitted by received her 40th year UCWLC pin from Branch Rosemarie Nahnybida President Sylvia Ostrowercha. Nasha Doroha Representative, Written by Ivanka Maik Edmonton Eparchy

38 Наша Дорога ◊ Зима 2018 UCWLC Members Edmonton Eparchy/Alberta Branch Receive Exemplary Volunteer Awards October 20, 2018 — At the annual Hetman Awards Recognition Banquet at St. Stephen Promartyr Church, Cal- gary, AB, besides honouring volunteer leaders in three age categories (youth, adult, senior), the Ukrainian Can- adian Congress – Alberta Provincial Council has presented, since October 2015, Exemplary Volunteer Awards. These awards exclude leadership. They are community members who recognize community needs and perform the activities to realize the goals of their organizations’ projects. This year’s Exemplary Volunteer UCWLC recipients are Evelyn Cook and Virginia Sharek (nominees of UCWLC Edmonton Eparchy) and Anne Pawelek (nominee of Assumption BVM, Calgary Parish Council).

♦ Evelyn Cook has been a dedi- role in the church community. In addition to church, cated UCWLC volunteer at St. parish, and branch involvement, she has been a faithful Basil Branch and Edmonton Ep- volunteer for Calgary’s Meals on Wheels for 28 years. archy Executive—mainly with the Museum Committee—as ♦ Virginia Sharek has a pas- well as St. Basil Parish. Evelyn sion for working with people, was instrumental in all three sharing ideas, and is goal-ori- organizations in leadership and ented. A dedicated UCWLC volunteering of her time and member for over 25 years, she talents. A member of St. Basil has served on all three levels Branch for almost 40 years, she of the organization—Branch, has served as president, secretary, and on committees, Eparchial, and National. At her such as spiritual, cultural, archival, and bazaar, proud- UCWLC Dormition of the Most ly promoting the Ukrainian religion and culture. Holy Mother of God Branch, she Most recently Evelyn’s involvement in the UCWLC has served in several positions, Eparchial Executive is her work on the Museum Com- including being a dedicated and compassionate Branch mittee. She has taken on many projects, culminating President (2008-2018) who, through her positive and en- in her being Chair of the UCWLC Museum Committee. thusiastic attitude, motivated members to take on vol- Some of her achievements include: organizing work- unteer positions in their organizations and parishes. shops for schoolchildren making pysanky and various As Eparchial Vice-President (2007-2009), Virginia arts and crafts, Heritage Days projects, and joint pro- shared her knowledge and experience at Eparchial jects with various local museums. meetings. She joined the Eparchial Organizational Evelyn continues to work passionately and profes- Committee in 2011 and presently continues to serve in sionally with her committee members to preserve and the capacity as Chair where the focus is on planning promote the UCWLC Eparchial Museum. motivational and cultural events, conferences, and con- ventions. She has been and continues to be passion- ♦ Anne Pawelek has been an ate about ecumenism and social justice issues and has active and faithful member of brought information to meetings and encouraged sup- the Assumption of the BVM port and participation regarding these matters. Virginia Ukrainian Catholic Parish, introduced the UCWLC organization to the “No Room Calgary, AB for over 50 years. at the Inn” projects dedicated to providing affordable She has been the UCWLC As- housing for those in great need in the Edmonton area. sumption of the BVM Branch Virginia is a generous volunteer, who shares her President and Interim President personal time and helps whenever needed in numer- for 24 years. In this role she has ous organizations in our community. been the face of the UCWLC to Congratulations, ladies! Многая Літа! the parish community. Under her leadership, the UCWLC in her branch has been a Submitted by Rosemarie Nahnybida large supporter of parish projects and has played a vital Nasha Doroha Representative, Edmonton Eparchy

Nasha Doroha ◊ Winter 2018 39 Profiles◊ Особистості

October 20, 2018 Edmonton UCWLC Member St. Stephen Protomartyr Receives Hetman Award Ukrainian Catholic Church UCC-APC Banquet Recognizing Evelyn Eveneshen Calgary, AB

The Hetman Award established Bishop David Motiuk to attend in 1998 by the Ukrainian Can- as a delegate to the Patriarch- adian Congress – Alberta Prov- al Sobor (2011) of the Ukrain- incial Council recognizes out- ian Catholic Church in Brazil, standing volunteers who have as Eparchial President greeting chosen to give their time, ef- Sviatoslav fort, and expertise in order to Shevchuk on his first visit to Ed- keep our Ukrainian community monton and presenting a gift on strong, vibrant, and active. The behalf of UCWLC Edmonton Ep- 2018 UCWLC recipient of this archy (2012), helping organize prestigious award, nominee of the flag procession to St. Basil’s UCWLC Edmonton Eparchy, in Church for the Patriarchal Div- the category of outstanding sen- ine Liturgy and banquet in rec- ior leader is Evelyn Eveneshen. ognition of the 100th Anniver- Evelyn was born in Camrose, sary of Bishop Nykyta Budka, AB to Ukrainian parents Wil- OSBM, the first Ukrainian Cath- liam and Pearl Sych. Over the olic Bishop in Canada, officially years, Evelyn has worn “many opening the UCWLC Museum/ hats,” that of: wife (married to Vice-President (2005-2007), Or­ Edmonton Eparchy 60th Anni- Orest Eveneshen since 1960); ga­nizational Committee (2009- versary (2012), assisting in the mother of four children; baba 2011), President (2011-2013), Past distribution of the Nasha Doroha to nine grandchildren; parish- President (2013-2017), currently magazine issue “An Anthology” ioner of St. Basil the Great, Ed- serves on the Archives & Fund- (featuring stories of Ukrain- monton since 1956; UCWLC raising Committee (2017-2019) ian settlers coming to Canada) member since 1967; employee at as well as being on the Nomin- (2012), serving on the “Home of Imperial Oil Limited (10 years) ating Committee of the 2019 Na- Hope” fundraising committee and Telus (18 years); and, long- tional UCWLC Executive. She to build a home for orphaned time volunteer. Evelyn cher- has demonstrated strong, effect- and underprivileged girls aged ishes her family, is dedicated to ive and efficient organizational 15 years and older in Ukraine, her Ukrainian Catholic Church, skills resulting in many success- which included two successful and the ful projects and events. fundraisers, “Vechirka” (Septem- Ukrainian/Canadian commun- Some of her most notable ac- ber 2014) and “Easter Market” ity at large. She is very thankful complishments at the UCWLC (March 2016), as well as being on to her husband and her family eparchial level have been: chair- the Book Launch Committee for for their love and support, thus ing the Mammogram Project UCWLC: Builders of Home, Faith enabling her—despite her busy Committee, which held a tea and Community, a book written personal schedule—to take part and silent auction (June 2006) by Lena Sloboda, HLM (2017). in extensive volunteering in raising over $32,000 for the As Eparchial UCWLC various capacities. machine for the hospital in President (2011-2013), Evelyn Evelyn, an outstanding and Lviv, Ukraine, having a “once valued new ideas, worked on valued member of the UCWLC in a lifetime humbling and projects in a coordinated team, Eparchial Executive and act- spiritually motivating experi- recruited new members to ac- ively involved since 2005 as ence” when she was invited by cept positions on the UCWLC

40 Наша Дорога ◊ Зима 2018 Eparchial Executive, motivated committees such as cultural, and worked at the UCC-APC members to volunteer and par- spiritual, social development, booth at U-Fest/Borden Park, ticipate in events such as Uk­ and membership. Throughout May 2017. She has also been rainian Day at the Ukrainian the years, she assisted in ac- involved in other commun- Heritage Village, Holodomor, tivities, such as annual teas, ity volunteering, such as can- Uk­rainian Pavilion at Heritage paska baking and pysanka writ- vassing for Heart and Stroke Days, and Ukrainian Day at the ing workshops, making seniors’ Foundation, AGT United Way Legislature. Also, with the as- lunches, helping with Sadochok Foundation, assisting with sen- sistance of another Eparchial concerts as well as Children of iors’ hospital events, planned member, she conducted presen- Mary “Mothers’ Day concerts,” and organized educational bus tations on the “Role and Respon- arranged the first Ukrainian tours for seniors, as well as vol- sibilities of the Organization” cross-stitch embroidery class unteering at casinos and bingos (with a cultural component) (1968), and served on the church for various organizations. for UCWLC branch members altar/linen committee as well as A kind, compassionate, hard- to promote active participation on the cookbook committee. working member of the Ukrain- in projects and development of In addition, Evelyn was ian Catholic community, as well new ideas. Evelyn, as Eparchial also involved with St. Basil the as community-at-large, Evelyn President, was also instrumen- Great Ukrainian Catholic Par- is a person of vision—a re- tal in cementing the passage of ish, serving as secretary of the sourceful planner—with a clear the important Motion “recogniz- Parish Council (1978-1980) and interest in activities that sup- ing the fair payment for Labour” (1992-1995) as well as being sec- port working with others, shar- in the production of the coffee retary of the Board of Manage- ing ideas and strategies with industry. UCWLC Edmonton ment, St. Basil Cultural Centre common goals for the better- Eparchy was the first to intro- (1992-1994). She has spent many ment of the organization and duce the use of “Free Trade cof- hours volunteering, catering at community. Evelyn fulfills com- fee” at all UCWLC meetings and St. Basil’s Cultural Centre for mitments, solves challenging conventions to recognize and weddings, banquets, parties, situations in a calm, humble support fair payment and treat- and parish-sponsored events, manner, and is respected by ment for coffee workers. The pyrohy making, parish bazaars, her peers. Cheerful and posi- result was a total endorsement silent auction sales, and help- tive, with the capacity to mo- to use these products at meet- ing in parish office with ticket tivate others, she is a valued ings and conventions and to mailing and stuffing envelopes. member of the UCWLC. She is encourage parishes and other Besides parish, UCWLC truly worthy and most deserv- organizations to do the same. branch and eparchial involve- ing to be recognized for her ex- During her tenure as Eparchial ment, Evelyn has also demon- ceptional service not only for President, and as a member of strated her cultural commit- her past accomplishments and the Ukrainian Catholic Coun- ment: volunteered at Holyrood contributions, but also for con- cil (Centralia) (2011-2013), she Ukrainian Bilingual School, and tinuing in the present to gener- attended meetings and helped St. Basil’s Sadochok, organized ously share her personal time with planning eparchial events. classes for St. Basil’s UCWLC by volunteering as needed by Over the 50 years as a UCWLC Ukrainian embroidery and cos- numerous Ukrainian and other member, she has attended bi- tume (1968-1972), volunteered Edmonton communities. annual conferences, conven- at Edmonton Heritage Days at Thank you, Evelyn! May tions, as well as being delegate the Ukrainian food and cultural God bless you for all your good at several National UCWLC pavilion, assisted UCC-APC sell- works! Многая Літа! Congresses. ing 50/50 tickets at Ukrainian As an active longtime Heritage Village on Ukrainian Submitted by UCWLC branch member of St. Day, as well as with set-up and Rosemarie Nahnybida Basil the Great, Evelyn served hosting of banquet honouring Nasha Doroha Representative, on the Executive as Branch Canadian Military Servicemen Edmonton Eparchy President (2004-2006) and on who served in Ukraine in 2017, With thanks to Helen Sirman

Nasha Doroha ◊ Winter 2018 41 Вічная пам’ять ◊ Eternal Peace

Прийдіть, браття, попрощаймося з померлою, і подякуємо Богові, вона бо відійшла від рідні своєї і до гробу спішить. Вже не журиться про суєту світу і про многострасне тіло. Come, Brothers and Sisters, let us bid a last farewell to her who has passed away, and also let us thank God. She is leaving her relatives and is hastening to the grave. No longer is she concerned about the vanity of the world and her human passions. Where are her relatives and friends? Behold we are parting now. Let us pray to the Lord for her repose.

 Steffa Dorosh were needed. She was a talented ka Church and lived in Tadmore Sep. 6, 1924–Sep. 22, 2018 cook, seeming to have a natural for six years. They moved to ability for knowing what season- Canora where she resided until ing made her creations so tasty. April 2014, when she relocated As a result her varenyky and to Norquay Health Centre. Nel- cabbage rolls were the envy of lie and Metro had two children, many. When good health seemed Herman and Linda. to evade her, Steffa continued to Several UCWL members trav- be interested in what the Branch elled to Norquay Health Centre was doing and lent her support to celebrate her 95th birthday as much as she could. with her in 2017. Steffa will be missed and re- Nellie’s faith was very im- membered for her service, friend- portant to her; she attended With sadness the members of St. ship and her sense of humour. mass whenever she was able to, Athanasius UCWLC Branch in Vichnaya Pamyat, Steffa! May supporting the church in any Regina, SK announce the passing your memory be eternal. way she could, helping when- of their member, Steffa Dorosh. ever needed. Vichnaya Pamyat! Steffa grew up on a farm J. Paluck, Branch Secretary in the Hubbard district in Sas- Submitted by Audrey Hrycak, katchewan. She was part of a Canora Branch UCWLC family of 11 children. As a young  Nellie Dutchak woman she taught in several Jan. 24, 1922–Dec. 7, 2018 rural schools. In 1956, she and  Sophia Feschuk her husband, John, moved to Re- Nov. 5, 1929–Nov. 19, 2018 gina, where they raised a family of two, a son, Rick, and a daugh- ter, Arlene. In addition to being a homemaker, Steffa was a long- time employee of the Federal Government until she took re- tirement in 1979. Steffa and John Nellie Dutchak, a member of were long-time members of St. Canora Branch UCWL for 64 Athanasius Ukrainian Catholic years, passed away on December Church. Steffa was a member of 7, 2018 at the age of 96. St. Athanasius Ladies Auxiliary She was born January 24, 1922 and when the club affiliated to John and Chrystyna (Fedor- Sophia was born in Buchanan, with the UCWLC, she became a chuk) Guspordaryk in Canora.­ SK to Karol and Ksenia (Rud- League member. She grew up in the Canora Dis- nitski) Yanishiw. She married Steffa had a good work eth- trict and completed grade seven Sam Feschuk in 1947. She was ic and so, by nature, she never at Meadowdale School. very involved with Saints Peter hesitated in volunteering wher- On November 4, 1940 she mar- and Paul Parish in Saskatoon, ever and whenever extra hands ried Metro Dutchak at Antoniv­ SK—was secretary of the church,

42 Наша Дорога ◊ Зима 2018 member of the UCWLC, and sec- teacher training. Her first and celebration on October 20. She retary for the organizing com- only school posting was at Duck was able to attend from the Care mittee for the construction of River, MB, where she spent two Home and so enjoyed seeing all St. Volodymyr Villa. Sophia and years educating Grades 1-9. Find- her church and League friends Sam moved to Wakaw, SK after ing that this career was not for and even take part in the Divine retirement and enjoyed their her, she moved to Dauphin, MB Liturgy that day. time at the cottage at Candle in 1954, where retail was a little Left to cherish her memory Lake. On their return to Saska- more appealing. She worked at are her children, daughter Gerri toon they moved into St. Volody- the Mary Jayne Shoppe for some (Jean) Rosset of Clear Lake, son myr Villa, coming full circle from time. It was during this time that Brent (Sharon) Gingera of Dau- being on the organizing commit- her school friend, Paul Gingera, phin, daughter Wendy (Dave) tee to residing in the Villa. came back into her life. Russell of Winnipeg, son Bob Sophia passed away at St. They were married in 1955 (Diane) Gingera of Dauphin, Paul’s Hospital in Saskatoon. and blessed with five children. daughter Michelle (Gerald) The Divine Liturgy was cele- Florence kept busy looking Roncin of McCreary, grandchil- brated from the Chapel of St. after the family, baking, sew- dren, great-grandchildren, God- Volodymyr Villa. ing, gardening, and preserv- children, and extended family. Vichnaya Pamiat! ing. In 1965, to supplement the Florence will be missed for her family income, she decided to dedication to her family and her Submitted by Helen Adamko go to work in the dental field church and for her unselfish giv- Nasha Doroha Representative for Dr. Orville Heschuk. This ing of her time to help others. Saskatoon Eparchy became her much-loved career until her retirement in 2000. Submitted by Mary Procyshyn Florence enjoyed the many camp-  Florence Gingera ing and road trips, and winter March 24, 1935–Oct. 27, 2018 holidays with the family. Time  Elsie Hycha spent with her children, grand- Nov. 10, 1927–June 13, 2018 children and great-grandchil- dren brought her much joy and pride in their accomplishments. Since retirement, she kept very active with the Dauphin Ukrain- ian Catholic Church of the Resur- rection of which she was a mem- ber and a part of the alto section in the church choir. In 1994 Flor- ence joined the Ukrainian Cath- Florence Gingera (née Nako­ olic Women’s League of Dau- nechny) was born on March 24, phin, serving on the executive Elsie Hycha passed away on 1935 in Ethelbert, MB to parents for some 18 years as a secretary. June 13, 2018 in Regina, SK, at William Nakonechny and Pau- From 2007 to 2011 she served as the age of 90 years. line Kolendriski. Florence, the Secretary on the Archeparchial She was born November 10, oldest child and only daughter, Executive in Winnipeg. 1927, in Preeceville, SK, the eld- grew up on the family farm with Florence was predeceased by est daughter of ten children of her three brothers Edward, Dave her husband Paul in 1997, parents John and Mary (Antoniw) Gulka. and Barry. She received her edu- William and Pauline, one broth- She began working at the early cation at Rosa School, Pine River er, one nephew, and two great age of 13, working on the farm and Ethelbert. Upon graduating nephews. Florence passed away and for neighbours. In 1945, she high school, Florence decided to on October 27, 2018, within the began a career of egg candling at pursue the teaching profession week of our League Regional Con- the Preeceville Creamery. Elsie and enrolled in Winnipeg for vention and 65th Anniversary married Walter in 1946. In 1952,

Nasha Doroha ◊ Winter 2018 43 Вічная пам’ять ◊ Eternal Peace

they moved from Preeceville to a  Rosalie Kitz Rosalie lived her life in ser- farm near Tadmore, where they July 1, 1931–Nov. 10, 2018 vice to others. She passed away raised their four children. peacefully at St. Joseph’s Home, Church was a high priority in Saskatoon, SK. the Hycha home. Every Sunday, Vichnaya Pamiat! they attended mass at Tadmore, Preeceville or Sturgis. Elsie sang Submitted by Helen Adamko in church choirs and loved carol- Nasha Doroha Representative ling during Uk­rainian Christmas. Saskatoon Eparchy She was a member of Tadmore UCWLC and held both secre- tary and president positions.  Lillian Kobrynsky She was the head cook for many June 17, 1925–Aug. 20, 2018 church functions in Tadmore and Born to Marion and Jeanette Canora. Elsie became a member Shyminsky at Petlura, MB, Rosa- of Canora UCWLC, where she lie attended Pozir School and made perogy dough for many per- went to high school in Dauphin, ogy bees as well as helping with MB. In 1948 she moved to Fort church linens. In total she was a William and worked at McKel- UCWLC member for 27 years. lar General Hospital. She mar- When Walter and Elsie retired ried Joseph Kitz in 1950. In 1957, to Canora in 1988, they continued they moved to Petlura, then to to be active in Saints Peter and Sudbury, ON where she worked Paul Uk­rainian Catholic Church. at the Sudbury General Hospi- After Walter passed away in 1991, tal until moving to Yorkton, SK. Lillian (Ludwina) Kobrynsky Elsie filled her days tending gar- In 1967, Rosalie and Joe moved died in Saskatoon, SK, on August den, being involved with the Hos- to Saskatoon, SK, where she 20, 2018, at the age of 93. Lillian pital Lodge Auxiliary, Keen Age worked at St. Paul’s Hospital. was born to Magdalena (née Centre, Canora Tourism Booth, She finished her nursing career Chesnik) and Maksym Oucharek delivering Meals on Wheels, at Sherbrooke Nursing Home. on June 17, 1925, on the family and judging for Communities Rosalie and Joe were parish- farm near Dnieper, SK. She at- in Bloom. The most rewarding ioners at Saints Peter and Paul tended Kitzman School, Yorkton opportunity that Elsie had was Ukrainian Catholic Church. Collegiate, Teacher’s College in teaching the children of the par- She was a 50-year member of Moose Jaw, and the University ish to make Babkas and Paskas. the UCWLC, serving as Branch of Saskatchewan in Saskatoon, She will be dearly missed President, on the Eparchial achieving her goal of becoming by all who knew and loved her. Executive, and as Eparchial a fully accredited teacher. Lil- Vichnaya Pamyat! President. Rosalie sat on the lian taught in the public school Board of Trustees of the Musée system for a total of 20 years Submitted by Audrey Hrycak, Ukraina Museum, served as between 1947 and the mid 1970s. Canora Branch president of St. Joseph’s Home In 1957, she married Steven Ko- Auxiliary, Saints Peter and Paul brynsky and they settled in Seniors, the Confraternity of the Canora District where both Our Mother of Perpetual Help, taught school and were active in chaired the Sanctuary Com- their church and community.  mittee for 16 years, and was a Lillian and her husband, Let us remember those who founding member of the Boyan Steve, raised two daughters, have departed in our prayers. Uk­rainian Dance Group. Bernadette and Marusia. Lillian Send announcements and She loved to travel. The high- was instrumental in many tributes to Nasha Doroha. light of her life was a trip to the staged plays and programs in Holy Land and Rome. Canora for countless feasts and

44 Наша Дорога ◊ Зима 2018 holidays. Many students will In 1952 she married Bill  Anna Zophia Korpan remember her enthusiasm as Kohuch, and for the next 17 March 19, 1925–July 11, 2018 she taught them lines for plays, years they ran a successful farm- verses and songs. She had a ing operation in the Lundville beautiful voice and I still hear and Jasmin districts. In 1975 it in my head singing beautiful Nettie and Bill and their chil- Uk­rainian hymns. dren, Rosemarie and Clifford, Although a very modest per- moved to Regina, where they son, she gained notoriety for became members of St. Athana- her museum projects (including sius Ukrainian Catholic Church. “The Folk Dress of Ukraine”), Nettie became a member of the community involvement and Ladies Auxiliary and, later, the received the Nation Builders UCWLC Branch, a membership award for her endeavours as she maintained until the time of Anna was born in Wakaw, SK to well as Volunteer Recognition her passing. Alexander and Ksenia Syroishka Award. Living in Regina allowed (née Chyz). She was a noted per- Lillian positively impacted Nettie to work in retail sales at son in the community by the many people she worked with. Robinson’s Store, the Woolco age of three years when she fell, She will be greatly missed. Department Store and Footlock- head first, down a 40-foot well in Vichnaya Pamyat! er. She also took an active role in her parents’ backyard, only be- building the parish community. ing saved from drowning by the Submitted by Audrey Hrycak, She was well known as a talent- quick work of her 16-year-old Canora Branch ed and creative seamstress. She brother, Eugene, and her father. designed her own patterns and Anna completed her school- sewed a variety of items which ing in Wakaw and Saskatoon,  Nettie Anne Kohuch included bridesmaid dresses, SK. She married Morris Kor­ May 31, 1933–Nov. 1, 2018 bridal gowns and even complete pan in 1951 and shortly there- wardrobes. Later on she sewed after they moved to Surrey, a variety of items for her chil- BC, and later to Edmonton, Ot- dren, grandchildren, family and tawa, New Westminster, BC (28 friends. No request for sewing years), returning to Saskatoon proved too daunting for her. in the mid 1990s. Her sewing talents were Anna was a dedicated mem- equally matched by her culinary ber of Saints Peter and Paul skills through which she pro- Ukrainian Catholic Church. duced a large variety of tasty She was a UCWLC member for food. She was a great addition to over 60 years. Anna and Mor- all our Branch activities, espe- ris were founding members of The members of St. Athanasius cially if food was involved. Saints Peter and Paul Ukrainian Branch, Regina, SK are deeply Nettie loved people. She had Catholic Church. They donated saddened to announce the pass- a great sense of humour with countless hours to helping with ing of their long-time sister the result that our Branch work church events at the Ukrain- member, Nettie Kohuch. bees were always fun and full of ian Catholic Eparchy in New Nettie and her parents, Alex laughter with her presence. Westminster and later assisting and Mary Halipchuk, lived on We will miss her fun-loving with fund raising for the Musée a farm in the Ituna, SK district. spirit and the support she devot- Ukraina Museum in Saskatoon. After she completed her school- ed to our Branch. An Honour Guard of UCWLC ing, Nettie moved to Saskatoon, May she be granted eternal members and Saints Peter and where she furthered her educa- peace. Paul Senior’s Club showed their tion and, in time, received her respect and love for Anna dur- Seamstress Diploma. J. Paluck, Branch Secretary ing the Divine Liturgy held at

Nasha Doroha ◊ Winter 2018 45 Вічная пам’ять ◊ Eternal Peace

Saints Peter and Paul Ukrainian  Adeline Sweryda Blessed Virgin Mary (St. Catholic Church, Saskatoon, SK. Aug. 16, 1936–Nov. 5, 2018 Mary’s) Ukrainian Catholic Vichnaya Pamiat! Church in Vancouver and was one of the founding members Submitted by Helen Adamko in 1949 of the church’s UCWLC Nasha Doroha Representative Branch. She served for 69 years Saskatoon Eparchy and held many executive pos- itions and was active in Branch activities.  Jeanette Louise Tiny also sang in St. Mary’s Oucharek choir for many years and she July 30, 1939–May 6, 2018 remembered the trip the choir made to Rome to sing for the Adeline Sweryda, a 50-year mem- Pope as one of the highlights of ber of the UCWLC, went to sleep her life. on November 5, 2018, aged 82. She and Victor enjoyed trav- Adeline was a member of the elling and visited Australia, Ha- Exaltation of the Holy Cross waii, the Caribbean, England Ukrainian Catholic Church in and Italy. Surrey, B.C. They were married for 62 Vichnaya Pamyat! years, until Victor passed away in 2003. Tiny was also pre- deceased by her sister, Helen, Jeanette Oucharek (née Lewko)  Olga (Tiny) Zarski in 1966. was a member of the UCWLC June 12, 1920–Nov. 19, 2018 She is survived by her daugh- for 41 years and served for many ters Lynn and Joan (Colin), years as President of the UCWLC grandchildren Scott, Erin, Kim, Branch at the Exaltation of the Lorraine, Jenny and Cameron, Holy Cross Ukrainian Catholic and great-grandchildren Sam, Church in Surrey, B.C. Lucia, Tegan and Lexie, and by She was born on July 30, 1939, her sister Rosella (Milt) and her in Kirkland Lake, ON to Daniel family. and Sophia Lewko, and fell asleep A Requiem Divine Liturgy on May 6, 2018. She was 78. with UCWLC Honour Guard Jeanette was married for 53 was held on December 7, 2018, years to Emil Oucharek, who at St. Mary’s Ukrainian Catholic predeceased her. Olga Mary Zarski, née Letawsky, Church. She worked as a nurse and went to sleep on November 19, Vichnaya Pamyat! later as a caregiver. 2018, aged 98 in Vancouver. “She was a fierce defend- “Tiny,” as she was known to er of the people she loved and everyone, was born in Gilbert woke every day facing life with Plains, Man., on June 12, 1920, a depth of courage and tenacity and grew up in Edmonton.  rarely seen in many people,” her She met and married Victor family said. Zarski in 1941 and the newly- Згадаймо тих, що відійшли у Jeanette is survived by chil- weds moved to Vancouver, in- Вічність, у наших молитвах. dren Lynn (Bob), Susan (Adam), tending to live there for a few Надсилайте до редакції Michelle (Brian), her five grand- years but staying there perma- посмертні згадки про ваших children, and her brothers Don nently and raising a family. рідних, друзів, знайомих. (Barb) and John (Anne) of Ontario. Tiny was a longtime mem- Vichnaya Pamyat! ber of the Protection of the

46 Наша Дорога ◊ Зима 2018 In Memoriam watching them mature into won- She was affectionately known  Evelyn (Manchuk) derful people. Weekends frequent- as “St. Mary of the Kitchen” and she ly included family visits filled with was a force to be reckoned with. Tymchuk laughter and friendly card games. Mary was in charge of the produc- d. March 31, 2017 Living in Mundare for over 50 tion of varenyky, borshch and hol- years, Evelyn developed many dear ubtsi, treating her volunteers with friendships. Widowed in 2002, Eve- a firm, but loving touch. Quality lyn moved to Edmonton to St. Nicho- control was fierce! Her lunches for las Selo in 2006 to be closer to her her workers were always a treat newly born grandson, Mattieu Ko- and a time of much laughter. Par- shuba. Mattieu captured her heart ish functions were well attended, in the first moment she saw him, and large part, due to the delicious food both treasured their special bond. that came out of Mary’s kitchen. Evelyn was a generous, com- In their spare time, Mary and passionate, strong, independent Michael loved to host dinner par- Evelyn, the youngest of 12 children, and fun-loving person, whose faith ties and play cards. was born on the family farm locat- deeply enriched her life. May she Mary was a member of the ed close to the Fort Saskatchewan rest in peace. Вічная Пам’ять! UCWLC at Christ the Good Shep- River near Bruderheim, AB, to Mary herd since 2002 and was a mem- and Dan Manchuk. Upon comple- Submitted by Saints Peter and ber before that at St. Demetrius tion of her schooling in 1952, Eve- Paul UCWLC Branch, Mundare, AB the Great Martyr Parish. At that lyn began working for CIBC in Red- parish, she was also a member of water, AB. Later that same year, she the 50 Plus Club. was transferred to the Mundare  Mary Ripco She is missed by all who knew CIBC Branch. Eventually, she be- May 9, 1933-Nov. 29, 2017 and loved her. came the manager, a position she Christ the Good Shepherd at Vichnaya Pamyat! held until her retirement. St. Michael’s Ukrainian Catholic In 1964 Evelyn married John Church, Toronto, ON Tymchuk, and three years later  Helen Uchacz they were blessed with a daugh- July 14, 1929–June 25, 2017 ter, Louise. Living in Mundare, AB for over 50 years, Evelyn was a very devoted parishioner of Saints Peter and Paul Ukrainian Catholic Church. In 1981 she took on the position of treasurer for Saints Peter and Paul UCWLC Branch, a position she held until 2006. Be- sides being UCWLC Branch Treas- urer, she took on managing activ- Mary Ripco (née Dykun) was born ities and events, such as weddings, on May 9, 1933 in Aaron, SK, one shower parties, funeral lunches, of six children to Paul and Barbara Helen Uchacz of the Exaltation of bake sales, and pyrogy dinners, at Dykun. Mary and her late husband, the Holy Cross Ukrainian Cath- Saints Peter and Paul Parish Hall. Raymond Ripco, had two sons, Mark olic Church in Surrey, B.C., died on She enlisted volunteers when re- and Paul, and she was blessed with June 25, 2017, aged 87. quired and made certain that every- six grandchildren and four great- Helen had served the UCWLC thing ran smoothly and efficiently. grandchildren. Mary will be sorely for 49 years. Evelyn’s siblings and extended missed by her devoted companion She was born in Diamond City, family were a very big part of her of many years, Michael Lalach, AB, on July 14, 1929, and died in life. Her nieces and nephews were with whom Mary shared a love of Surrey, B.C. very special to her and she enjoyed travel and devotion to her parish. Vichnaya Pamyat!

Nasha Doroha ◊ Winter 2018 47 Arts, Culture and Community ◊ Мистецтво, культура і громада

Montreal’s Restoration of 1983 Historic Archives on Famine By Anna Barabash

Montreal — Safeguarding ar- prolonging the work. The restor- chives and oral history is a ation process was time consum- critical phase of historical data ing, requiring a great deal of pa- preservation for a community tience. I began in May 2018 and and future generations. With completed the project at the end the 2018 worldwide marking of December, assisted by Andriy of the 85th anniversary of the Kostiv and Zorianna Hrycenko.” Famine-Genocide in Soviet Uk­ The two-day international raine, a major project of re- symposium included 20 eminent storing and thus safeguarding participants whose presentations the unique, historical archival were filmed at UQàM. The exten- material of the filming of the sive mainstream media cover- UCWLC Montreal Branch President first international Symposium Bohdanna Klecor-Hawryluk with age, as well as a book and photo on the 1933 Famine in Ukraine, Yurij Luhovy, director of the Holodomor exhibit held at McGill University held on March 25-26, 1983 at archive restoration project in Montreal. Library, organized by Zorianna Photo credit: MMLInc Université du Québec à Mon- Hrycenko, brought wide public tréal (UQàM), was undertaken accessible, and survivors were attention to the 1933 Famine. by Yurij and Zorianna Luhovy afraid to talk. In commenting on the Sympo- and their team. The Symposium speakers sium, Prof. Roman Serbyn stated, The 1983 Symposium on the were filmed on U-MATIC ¾” “The uniqueness of the confer- Ukraine Famine, organized by videotape. This format, now dis- ence lay in the fact that it exam- Prof. Roman Serbyn and Dr. continued, put the community at ined not only Stalin’s starvation Bohdan Krawchenko, was co- risk of losing these historic ar- of the Ukrainian farmers but also sponsored by the Interuniver- chives, since they were in a very the destruction of the Ukrainian sity Centre of European Studies fragile state, in danger of disin- national elites, the Ukrainian (ICES), comprised of four Mont- tegrating and disappearing. church, language, culture—all real universities, including the Yurij Luhovy, the project’s the qualities that made Ukrain- University of Montreal, McGill director explained, “The restora- ians a nation and a culture.” University, Concordia University tion work entailed transferring Prominent presenters and and UQàM, together with the the 14 one-hour U-MATIC tapes their topics delivered in English, Canadian Institute of Ukrainian to DVD. Because the tapes be- French or Ukrainian included: Studies, University of Alberta. came extremely brittle with Dr. James Mace, Harvard Uni- The 1983 Symposium was the passing of time, each tape versity, “The Man-Made Fam- filmed by a crew from University required constant attention to ine of 1933 in Soviet Ukraine”; of Concordia comprised of Peter avoid breaking. The accumula- Dr. Nina Strokata-Karavanska, Blysczak and his team, directed tion of magnetic oxide particles “Malnutrition: A Social Policy for by Yurij Luhovy. required cleaning the video Over Sixty Years”; Prof. Vsevo- The restoration project will heads every few minutes. Once lod Isajiw, University of Toron- provide a unique record of the successfully transferred to to, “The Consequences of the early work conducted in the di- DVD, each shot which had faded Famine on the Structure of the aspora on the 1932-1933 Famine- with time, had to be colour cor- Ukrainian Society”; Prof. Bohdan Genocide, during a time when rected, thereby enhancing the Bociurkiw, Carleton University, the Soviet Union was still deny- original as much as possible, to “Destruction of the Uk­rainian ing the famine, when archives keep the quality of the original Church”; Prof. Yuri Shevelov, Col- in the Soviet Union were not taping. Editing was required, umbia University, “La Montée et

48 Наша Дорога ◊ Зима 2018 la chute de la politique d’ukrai- Symposium on the 1932-33 nisation”; Prof. Frank Chalk Famine in Ukraine was made and Prof. Jonassohn, Con- possible with partial sup- cordia University, “Conceptual- port from: Ukrainian Catholic izing Genocide and Ethnocide”; Women’s League of Canada of Marco Carynnyk, Toronto, the Assumption of the Blessed “Oral History”; Dr. Bohdan Virgin Mary Parish in Mont- Krawchenko, University of Al- real; Holodomor Research and berta, “Le Parti Communiste Education Consortium of the d’Ukraine et la famine”; Prof. Canadian Institute of Ukrain- Roman Serbyn, Université du ian Studies, University of Al- Québec à Montréal, “La famine berta; Shevchenko Founda- de 1921: un modèle pour 1933?”; tion Ukrainian War Veterans’ Микола Латишко and others. The papers provide Fund; and others. valuable information about the Having completed restor- ГОЛОД early contributions of the dias- ing the proceedings of the Я пам’ятаю, люди мерли — pora to Holodomor studies. 1983 Symposium, work con- Дорослі люди і малі, In the introduction to the tinues on conserving the На чорноземах України — 1983 Symposium, Prof. Rus- public panel presentations На рідній на своїй землі. sell Breen, Vice-Rector Aca- held at the Assumption of “Я хочу їсти, — казав мамі, demics of Montreal Concordia the Blessed Virgin Mary Par- Я і до школи не дійду…” University stated, “The theme, ish Hall in Montreal the day “Я знаю, мій коханий Колю, indeed a challenging one, the following the symposium, as Я помогти тобі прийду”. 1933 little-known though, well as work on restoring ear- І плакав я із нею разом man-made event, stands as a ly interviews conducted with В нас на порожньому дворі, further example of man’s in- famine survivors in Montreal Запам’ятавсь той лютий голод humanity throughout history. and additional survivors in На все тяжке життя мені. … Your task, to attempt an Toronto. The eyewitness testi- Мій брат вже спух, understanding of this import- monies were filmed by Yurij сестра ще біга, ant event in the highest spirit Luhovy with the assistance of І колоски ідем збирать of scholarly inquiry and with Volodymyr Hayduk. На поле, що дала усім нам sensitivity and intellectual Oral history helps to re- Ота совєтська “благодать”. rigour it requires, I am confi- construct the past, enriches А люди бідні пухли, мерли, dent you will perform the task historical knowledge, and Їх не встигали хоронить, well.” Prof. Michel Grenon, Dir- brings to life the voices and Молили Бога повсякденно, ector of ICES stated in 1983, experiences of the genocide Щоб “тридцять третій” пережить. “… scholars must eventually survivors, thus preserving Я пам’ятаю сльози мами come to terms with the ob- historical memory for future Й сумного батька у вікні. scurity which still shrouds generations. Bohdanna Kle- О! Ті картини незабутні this event. In other words, how cor-Hawryluk, President of Запам’яталися мені. can a historical fact of such UCWLC in Montreal, stated, О, незабутні роки муки! magnitude be obfuscated?” “We are very pleased to be a І тридцять два, Yurij Luhovy stated, “Had part of this important archive і тридцять три, it not been for the far-sighted restoration project.” Не дай же, Боже, decision to film this sympo- The entire restoration pro- більш нікому sium in the 1980s, there would ject will be put online with Того, що ми пережили! not be a lasting record of the links to other sites on the Fam- proceedings over three dec- ine-Genocide to be made avail- (Друкується зі скороченням). ades later.” able for all. For further infor- Микола Латишко – свідок The restoration project mation call 514-481-5871 or see Голодомору 1932-1933 рр. Автор of the first international website: www.yluhovy.com. двох книжок. Мешкає в Торонто.

Nasha Doroha ◊ Winter 2018 49 Arts, Culture and Community ◊ Мистецтво, культура і громада

New Movie Tells Story of Abortion Clinic Worker Turned Pro‑Life Advocate

Bryan, Texas, January 31, 2019 / believed to be incapable of feeling this a news story. This is some- (Catholic News Agency) — A movie anything—squirming and twist- thing that they did.” chronicling the conversion of a ing to avoid the tube into which it “This is not what I planned for former Planned Parenthood clinic would be vacuumed. my life. But God set this up for me— director who became a pro-life ad- “For the briefest moment,” she and it would be the wrong thing, to vocate was released in theatres na- wrote in her memoir, “the baby turn away from something that He tionwide on March 29. looked as if it were being wrung like has planned for my life.” A trailer for the film Unplanned, a dishcloth, twirled and squeezed. Johnson went on to found the which tells the story of Abby John- And then it crumpled and began organization “And Then There son, was released on January 31. disappearing into the cannula be- Were None,” which seeks to assist Based off Johnson’s book of the fore my eyes.” abortion workers with leaving the same name, Unplanned recounts “The last thing I saw was the industry and finding a new career. her experiences in the abortion tiny, perfectly formed backbone Although not shown in the film, industry. After being first ap- sucked into the tube, and then it Johnson and her husband subse- proached at an on-campus activ- was gone.” quently converted to Catholicism ities fair, Johnson began volun- Shocked by what she had seen, and are currently expecting their teering at Planned Parenthood as a Johnson still continued her work eighth child. clinic escort. After graduation, she running the clinic and promoting its And Then There Were None took a job with the company and work, at first. Just a few weeks later, has helped nearly 500 former eventually became the director of however, she was in the nearby of- clinic workers leave the abortion the Bryan, Texas clinic. In 2008, fice of the Coalition For Life, telling industry. she was named as the clinic’s em- its director Shawn Carney—with Unplanned stars Ashley Bratch- ployee of the year. whom she knew from his years of er as Johnson. During filming, During her time working at the opposition to Planned Parenthood— Bratcher discovered that her own nation’s largest abortion provider, that she could no longer continue mother had planned on having an Johnson herself had two abortions. helping women have abortions. abortion when she was pregnant Due to a personnel shortage, In a 2011 interview with CNA, with her, but walked out of the ap- she was called in to assist in an Johnson said she joined the pro- pointment instead. ultrasound-guided abortion for the life movement to help women Unplanned was written and first time in September 2009. She understand the truth about abor- directed by Chuck Konzelman and was initially disconcerted to note tion, not to become a public fig- Cary Solomon, the writers of God’s how much the unborn child, after ure. She said that it was Planned Not Dead and God’s Not Dead 2. 13 weeks, looked like the image she Parenthood, not the Coalition For The movie was partially funded had seen of her own living daugh- Life, that turned her departure into by Michael Lindell, a born-again ter while pregnant. a public battle. Christian and the founder of the The next few minutes changed “Planned Parenthood released company MyPillow. Johnson’s life irrevocably, as she this to the media” in late 2009, she The film is distributed by Pure watched the baby—whom she had said. “Planned Parenthood made Flix.

50 Наша Дорога ◊ Зима 2018 На Тернопільщині з’явився іконостас з 1,5 мільйона бісеринок

У селі Тютьків Теребовлянського району з’явився унікальний вишиваний іконостас. Очевидці запевняють, що аналогів немає ні в області, ні в усьому світі. На створення цього “восьмого чуда України” пішло більше півтора року. Кожну з 18‑ти ікон створювала окрема родина, яка входить до складу парафії. Майстрині пришили 1,436,433 бісеринок вагою 17,724 кг. Загальна площа вишитих ікон — 7,12 кв. м.

Створити іконостас з бісеру надумав разом з парафіянами настоятель храму отець Степан Суканець. Він і знайшов майстрів, які втілили незвичну ідею.

Олег Стечкевич, який разом із дружиною розробляв схеми під бісер, розповідає, що свого часу іконостас вишивав отець Дмитро Блажейовський. Але — з допомогою ниток.

«Ми хотіли зробити щось ексклюзивне, але водночас і близьке до людей. Мальовані іконостаси створює часто один художник. А це роботи звичайних, простих людей, наших вишивальниць. Вони місцеві, деякі живуть за кордоном. Ми спільно радилися, підбирали кольори», — розповідає отець Степан.

Джерела: doba.te.ua, zik.ua Скульптор: Олег Лесюк. Фрагмент монументальної композиції “Пам’ять Нації”, бронза, 2017 р. Площа біля Церкви Св. Йосифа, Оквілл, Онтаріо, Канада. Спонсоровано Фредом і Іреною Шлапак.

Sculptor: Oleh Lesiuk. Detail of the monumental composition “A Nation’s Memory”, bronze, 2017. St. Joseph’s Ukrainian Catholic Church piazza, Oakville, Ontario, Canada. Sponsored by Fred and Irene Shlapak.