History of the War in South Africa, 1899-1902
INDEX TO VOLUME IV Aangaan, 476. Address to burghers, by L. Itotha, Aapies river, 445. 527- Aaronslaagte, 254, 257. Adelaide, 174, 277, 467. Aasvogels Krans, 246. Adjutant-General, The, 301. Abandonment of Wolmaranstad, 415. Administration of: Cape Colony, 176- Aberdeen, and district, 72, 74, 173, 8, 224. 230-1 ; the Orange River 175-6, 226, 228-9, 367. 456. Colony and the Transvaal, on 463, 465 : attack on the town, conclusion of peace, 535, 548. 466. 560-3. Aberdeen Road Station, 74, 173, 237, Aide-Memoire, from the Netherland 278 ; attack on, 228. Government (peace proposals), 529- Aberfeld, 482. 31- Abrahams Kraal (Modder river), 95, Akel, 164. 264. Albert, 60. Abrahamskraal (cast of Kofiyfontein), Albert Junction, 179. 432. Albertina station, 439. Action of: Bakenlaagte, 304-15; Alberts, Commandant H., 210, 376. r3o3chbult, 494-6 ; Boschmanskop, Alberts, Commandant Sarel, 409. 518-19 ; Forts Itala and Prospect. Alderson, Brigadier-General E. A. H., 219-21 ; Graspan, 105 ; Gruis- C.B., A.D.C., 31-3, III, 113, 115. fontein, 408 ; Moedwil, 295-7 > 117, 119-32, 137. Nooitgedacht, 13-22 ; Onvcrdacht. Alcttasdraai. 160-1. 57 ; Onverwacht, 379-80 ; Quagga- Alexander. Lieut. -Colonel H., D.S.O.. fontein, ; 287-8 Richmond, 236 ; 337-8. 243, 344. 283-6, 390, 359, Rooiwal, 499-503 ; Sannah's Post, 370. 318-19; Scheepers Nek, 217-18; Alexanders Kraal, 329. Springhaan Nek. 51 ; Tabaksberg, Alicedale, 466. the, 76 ; Tafel Kop (Orange Aliwal North, 46, 60, 62-4, 78, 97, River Colony). 389-90 ; Tiger 163-5, >68, 176, 179, 234. 236, 253. Kloof Spruit, 386-7 ; Treurfontein, 261, 266-7, 286-7, 3>7.
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